HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-20, Page 71 • rris Piano. p lrcbas•- I,nes. .R Hor c son IDERICH car CHERS MEET. CONVENTION OF THE HURON ASSOCIATION. On of BeaulitymK the COun- ftgeola Attention Resolution F+e•' el Resta, .ng Publle•Sehool .shoo Pala. ,31 .anon Exam. ..shoo U•scuSSed. r•thinl i1u -bore' eA oloc a• Nana vid 1i'ing of ) Collegiate Inti - h are Thur:llay sold Fri- o 13th .1 Mt let h. tereADAY mp ss1...4. nt. J. H• Lowery, wile wog lalieesI the opening Deere of the 1'1.4 ;..,Slur of mediae. held im Exeter hist malaria ...pt ed, sleet, to the 140...ersch 'astirate, 4P II p' paper on Histone" it. which the fact that hi -tory was as elm...diat ion subject, sting ,I;. importance. legw in l.ra, n y •hutikl relate eye Ante -1.4 111 the forill see leg eteat i`u order 411 1he,,wa0 iti • ?Wired 1.1 ,eoceptbltei of great and Ind men should deb' I0e••f•• e., I' s•h- p tlV pm.,.t cls •, px p .01,11,041 1441 1tr1 4114411 eve1114• .li..•.nl he taught 1e• ht.tely. ftiograp)1) art rs .Mould 4•: taught w4 lit - 11101.11 u -111141.11 Part 1 "11 pJllpll%. ,y111It11r taught As 111aor)•. gpattetelar shoull it w.e. continued -by Ter . L..wery and lit'. end• tee. a tauwa Ad11. - is tee Wipe, 1.. h..ye the 'Wiper pub - the I..•al papers. wn►drt, "Ale 1.111 I arnlr ry?' itittashared by W. .11. in *Inch lir`i a item ( the •t.e treeh1r• g 1 ie Ire, 01,11 by fAilhful wort. au • '4.4 km,w lvtgr hart p„ p,upgl• tp .1.. and Ir It. ell l.u-of life. 1i a..,eo ...is . uul 1 b)• Sunman. •1lsape •tor T,aa. 1 tr. ad lar. Arlie"a.. Adjourn- dist :1.1dls•sa, choosing for his subject. ••Training for I'itizrnaltip•" HP iued t1411 the teacher st►oldd aim to train the children entrust.d to his rare, physically, utrntall •, "aurally, wee ally, esthetically and spiritually. He wnlltd la)' special Nte.is 4411 the Moral and religious side. In order to fit him for the lellt citizenship the child should 1e taught to be industt•iuus, to use his money aright, tu do ithi work will, to 111• polite.. to 1* patriotic, to read the newspapers inteligently, and learn to do sore public speaking. Inspectol- Tom, who .e+•upi.d the chair during the delivery 011. phi• ad- dress, errpha'izel the renter Made and !olid a well-deserved colnpliuleut to Mr. Lowery's addres.. Rev. Ur. Medd, of (iudrrieh, deliv• Fred an able address on " Fyuipnwnt fur ?Service." The equips►rut of the teacher should 1.' of the very lest, 'ince his wore. of draining the youth k so important, anti time s nt._in ac- quiring epuipturpt is'-nu1 lied. From the earliest tunes, leaders such aw Charle►nagnr and Alfred recognized for value of education and founded schools. No education, however, i' sauld that is not safeguarded with morality and religion, and no teaelrer whose morals are unsound should have the rare of the innocent mime. of children. The teacher's wiuiph►Pnt should include a knowledge of hirn- wlf. HP should 11:rvP a .tr•0114, nohlP pPrs,nslhly with tine sPns1luhtiPs Tip s1 Id he a, thinker and ., eld vtaut st udent The address. which was especially rich in apt• and telling i•Iasse•al al twra-l'.11 S►?kH!nal!1, rewire, ,«r•14l+ie't the chair. ..t Ilse un mN,,, se•ueinn sod •4..4 AN* 1.4 4,1. d4$ 411.111' 444.111 111P 11'ater- 1' bl•1 i! it. , . end.. • g ''11144 Pritsx•I' iia' 1 no -es awl asking this :A•••N•i- 4 la.'- y1(41i:11 I,^N1I1,t1u11• w:1• n•f•oe.l 4.. tier n••,.Inuon • hisinn+. W44" one of the ora ever de livered brio, r the Association. u►1lsieal tart of the program wa. delightfully given by Mr. limiter, cerlanist of Knox church, and Miesee 11 damn and Weigh' with pian. in- strumental., Mr. Shuie with a man- dolin s111, and a Male .luart.•rte rnm• silting of ~Wk. 'rhotnslo, 1'lalk, Wilkins and Small, with Professor Mitchell as aceompanist. A very pheasant and inst•uctivr eve • g was spent by all. FRIDAY FORES,10?. THE SIGNAL : CODERICH. ONTA RIO ELECTRIC RAILWAY TRACES. Topa Council Stile,,Discussing Where They Are -Wile Located. All the town councillors with the exception of Councillor Marlin met in committee of the whole on Friday evening and usurped the discussion of the draft agreement submitted by the electric railway. Only two clauses ha/1 betel left open from the meeting .on the Wednesday evening previous ; nevertheless it was nearly 10 o'clock before the meeting broke e 11 . . The discussion might properly 1e termed s hot " one., u+ the pulses of the aldermen were beating away'abovr normal during the whole meeting. «'hen some we:. bold to disagree Ion certain points it wan the means of amusing the ire of the others: The eighth clau+e in the agreement was dealt with first. In it the rail- way company reserved the right to grant running tights to any other I company desiring to operate. Seyetal changes were su9gietcxt, hitt none met with general approval, so it was fin- ally struck out. Which side of the .road .hould the tracks he placed on Harbor hill? The suggestino was suede hy eerie that tho,. rails should he pieced on the eolith '.tide of the roadway where the side- walk now is. This was contended to he the moat feasible,' as it would lead directly from tire' centre o f Wee street and do away with the neces- sity of grossing the roadway -at -the foot of the hill. providing that the company decided to lay ,.J t s tracks down to the C. 1'. R. rotation. 11 would ale. do away with a very dan- gerous crossing for teamsters at this point: The councillors upholding this contention. • evidently had in mind what might happen if a motorman lost conttal of a car on the way down the hill. The majority of the alder- men, however, upheld the proposal to have the rails laid on the north side of the roadway; where it would not interfere with the present roadway. The railway would have -to build a re- taining wall on the side of The hill and •hove t his wall it hasiren suggested the town might extend its sidewalk ..n the north side of West street to the tool of Herber hit. This idea was favored hy a majority- in spite of the protests made by 1'puncillors Parsons, 1'auat- ter and Hawkins that by hiving • crossing at the ,toot of the hill the conneil was forming 14 regular drath- Aa the. t'nneluanol 01 tb.' die- cuasioo...•n thiilpoint the Meeting journed. At the reg'latt meeting of the coun- cil tomo, row evening the ,agr".OIent will again curve hefor. ter^council. Ontario Murder Mysteries. The Mole publishes the letter from C. M. Bezzu this town, now of 11 Foy. ,d Heuwll, int I,slucel .4 -Entrance Aril l t i1 • ID. plan: iu leaching tine Rc t.. -h.-- ., few rule first. • then du 1.11 giit'tinn'•. and a port he place. it retie*. 114411wr tlartl..ud el the rale being H clsl•:1..,• to ser the k iw.u.•r ..e.a . eve the te- ,.(th,• 1 for re. ire . tier . .11x• specially Illfttrlllt I.. IIs 1"''I N.• of tewti111[. th.• cut telt,.' ,rilhh►.•1 le &Alla 1.• u4ale' noire diMeuft 1.. (.vele 114.,14:11. 111.0 longer in • .11...1. g Kay'• 4remota. 1.1 of the sole anginal -4114 .•41n. Mel 11K. 1iru1ion %.1• coot• 41 by bower., err. Tigerl. t/1. Ili. C�'4•1 fir. SlranK and ten• d,1fi•re14,•r of npi►l 404 1.r 11e4...• . he *vice. .,,hoe the last cuMauc• paper all while ..then considered it tea, The p.rr+441Pn1 occupied 111e chat I)eyl.tiu11a1 emelt-viers were runlhlr'1c bt Ir.pow for Totu. Thr audio -ire' report, .huwiug re ceiple aim a41lting to $165.7:. anti P Iwnd11,ir.•s au►ouutine t.. $71.111, lea lug a butane* 4 f $711.&1.1, wan receiy 444441 adc4plel. The' election of officers was Chi p re...Yded with. wit h, t he (teens Mg t cull : Presulrui,-('. K. Uluett, R. A t'recliton ; vier -president - Mies Shartuan, li.Nlerich : wr retttreere urrl•-N'. /I. Jnhnsl.ut, Kiplei : e cillo•• -J. JI. F irW, Ph. 14., G.MIPrie J. 1i. Lowery, Holuuw\IIIc : I. Howard. Hbl.• ; %fns Jessie 114 Ion, 11'iurlu led a : - Miss Laurel 1' g. The repeal of the special ronlluilt on the beautifying of West Hon was pre.cnted and after considers use •w:►• deridwl t" lave t rel•eig nun .4 the ,•PIN aro until ul t'. sl • x- 4•. el •n 'e- •. as- : tS. rang thought 41wre %Swath' m•+haa..al work and plain Nein-es. arithmetic on the tops.• the candidate' if he did awrertly, Ws.on, of Hal, disetee.'tl the of "Hoer to Improve the of West 11ut•nu." ' and 'on'iderahle melee t.. the einint).- On account Pirating of erindlend hP edvo- the planting of lieettd trees le roadside, eats'. maples, white .1ms, oaks, black walnuts, ahell- hirtoriw, et.. 11.- thouugght n,und. should M• 'rant iflel. evoiun was cont Mond by In- Tnru, who ady,N-at.d the .4 evergreens and the .'redi- al dineossion followed by 1)r. 0. W . !Shut P. H. Horton 11. Johnston. viols matter ww:.- - r'fet•ted to R -'41atnittee. rcmcisting O f Maw eat, liciietirJntul Shore. to hider nu -ening. It 'tont to ok up tile ,subject ilio and 11"a to Teach it." the fact that the teaching of h" hien made s1 difficult >T•�nt spelling -book. Spelling .asarlt .Irl road review- attractive.o( his work one.' a 110 would have peat. work. 114r,\e and other- sent.'ors•' deet•° toe given. lie R -„old •leilet'4 a reading heck. He •s.h Nerd. by combining ',and ase only punted ,natter. Moan` a lag'tfs nutnter of rule' word•. were spelled in ° cat For instat►re, P), A)•. lual,, ,,always used at the totes or syllabiPr, while the 'Nods ai, oi, sit and on are 41 Ile middle of Wards. Short f•'Nnw•r,I by ,a1P c•elneonant Rnsl asralnant s h1 n.Llin ed where ften a, rent i•. on the teat ,,any other tile. of a a1111- hlually valuable character `lo Th;. ',abject was handled lor-l} Manner 1141 was lief Piled brio W ntt0ntion. I►ti,•na'ltln t4'I by Ih' Ytrang and 1V• osteon hundmd sad right t.aeh,r' DI'1Pnt• Ihr largest rlutltber ever e rimeet. •. , rlll'ea111Ay F.yR`tCfn- Iha ml "t►nittK entertei711nenf n rn111•r %Vere present end sol wp► '(otoylhP h1/u•I vPN. dessert Rave tire, pP'eer•idelflVe tii rte ,.r To the hall of the Globe: The he leading rd4tOFlUl in your issue of %..a- t• f on "(Ontario's many murder year and That the uaniee of W. Johnston end rite. Arhes4.44 111• Ise' tit ter rr, • tr... The report of the re'snblt 4th e mitt.•.• wa. read by the chsirlugn, ,.p... -tor Tuns. aid the following hers of the resolutions passed by p lithe school department w e adopted: Now. I., 11.. 111.. IV., ..n the' ill srh.xd currirul ; Nos. L. 1(1. Iltt. Irk Ill. IPI, IVtat. Ill. en the pi lir 'e h.N.l department : Nos. L. IU., IV., V.. the first elk1 id VI., V11., Vill.. IX.. on - entrant a ext tion. As these .4141' are of a technical nature in ...nee raw•.. Pry long it is eon pull wise not to pld.lish thrtu in tail. Miser- Howa,,l 1414(1 Kinsman Exeter. 11'441 very interesting pa Oil ' "Ari." Miss ilowatsl tees• Metaled the subjort as a very 11 ear)• nor in the11114th wh •.Nll, and t explained. in a'ar•ight. Vivarium ie tier. paper -cut tjug. the making 111,x0.. etc., and pencil df:awin illustrating .t.,rie'. sporty or in d Ing people, sninlal' and va ' jets. It was decided to publish paper. Mies Kinsman .poke in a vinc41tg w -a)• of tiny -modelling, nee of pinl.tieinr and water co She gave many 1Iw'ful hints as l4 Mile in carrying out the work cif tiring. She a.lvieed wide variw the selection of .objects for draw sl as not to make der staidly some. 1'. K. Hluett spoke very' %tering favor of e•mtinning Ihr gradltation examination inn as a P real examination. Ile felt the pilaff Of this exarllillat inn woe a trine thing for the politic sell ,many entrant e pupils dropped eh4N/I Ips soon a', they paewsl th trance because there was no Pest tion to work for after the 011tt On motion it. was decided to ► the I)Ppertment 1., restore the school graduation exalninatin issue diplomas to successful dates. Votes of thank' seem ientter the committee who arranged Thursday night 's 'fleeting, who contributed 114) ._her ewer -taint -Ilene at In : Tickling in that Throat "Just a little tickling the throat!" Is that what troubles you? But it hangs l Can't get rid of it! -Home rem- edies don't take hold. You need somethingstronger-a regular medicine, a doctor's medicine. yer's Cherry Pectoral contains healing, quieting, and soothing proper- ties of the highest order. Ask your doctor about this. No alcohol in this cough medicine.. verDose • °'a foastlpMlos ptwlllvely prevents geed health Theo why allow ltt dose o inuir An a duct wive War barest p reventive of disease. Ayes PIPs an Wer pals. W wing muerte of • x1 4111- 111- Ih.• eu)•steries" quotes from Thr tinelpb Herald with evident approval as fol- lows : "It Is not s0 h the punish- ment of the murdrrere, important as that phase of the 'natter is, as the vindication of the law itself which is at stone." '' To the writers mind 1x.1 b the pun- ishment of the murderer and the vindi- cation of the law are dwarfed into in- Ib- significance when compared with thea grl:u•t that these fiends are still at large. moving shout 10 society. cast• ter in about. perhaps, among their un- tiesuspecting 11ss,ociates for fresh victims r'•a_ of their fiendish work. Whose chil- and dren can beetle with the murderers of .pd• Glory Whalen, Ethel Kint•ade, the dr- victim •.1 Barton township and Lizzie Anderson still moving in their midst? A few years ago the Dominion Gov. eminent expended one hundred thous- and dollars to apprehend and convict • murderer in the Klondike, but they did the work and did it well, and established for all time the fact that even in that remote region murders could not be committed with inlpun- it Ontario is rich. hot it need not cont any such awn es the shove to appre- hend offer a reward of, la$10,,lX Province asum sufficient to tempt private enterprise._ for the solittion of each unsolved mur- der myst.•i•y, and the criminals would noon he brought to justice. But .this would' show the ineompetence of the official staff. the shielding of which seems to be of more importance than the prevention ot crime. The writer is oppoeed•tl capital epun- ishment and le not g )' d ..bout the mere "vindication of the law" es such, hut is concerned for the safety of society. Yours -74;u ly r O. Mnrtimee Besao. Berlin, tat., Oct. 4. COWAN \PERFECTICAI / COCOA j;MAPLE LEAF LABEL Cowau's Perfection Cocoa is perfection itself. Its _paatcbkss purity, smoothnes. and natural chocolate Savor, has placed COWAN'S in a class: by itself. 'Your grocer will supply -It 151 I1IE COWAN CO.. MUTED, • • • TORONTOs Severe attacks ot rheumatism _are otter responsible for cases of organic heart trouble. At - ally - rate it is foolish to ' " grin and bear it." ►, REMEDY iporry pure your case. Ithashas proved ipp_ at in all forms of Rheumatism - muscular, inflammatory and gouty. A big bottle costs only 51.00. r.1 leve 4.m ecee- heI 1an- nf g III raw'- uM the NM' th.' 1011. 1 (IP• roe ty in ing. wPAt'I- 1 441 er,11 N 11 r ovin- drnp i'tts- Ot/l, Ile diol �f e Pn- 114i na- •anr0. re public anHubby--"T• old saying is 'true: n and 'it is nnl • oils who get. married.' " „awe. 'It That'' how Providence taken ed t ' r of them," Hubby -"How ?" 1Vifp0 By giving them wives to look or after thein." thus.' y- t o 11," time, end to the Coll.gi.lr I ytIlute hoard and teachers for t heir kindnrss in granting the use of their %chord, The singing of the Nati0n441 A In ought a succe'sfltl ronventior close, A country lass travelled into the city the o•her day acid entered a boot shop. "i'm want in' a pair n' shin fur Randy. all.' said. "And who is Sandy ?" said the polite 'hop girl. tit hem "1►h, hr' floe: i'll tell 'im ye wis axin' efter 'im I" 1 to a Forhieldnn. ••if yon refute, me, Ulla.' (iladyp, 1 shall get a rope and commit suicide ?" "No, Colonel, you must not do that. Paps said distinctly he would not have you hanging about here." Plucking Asparagus. They were very young and very happy, and very foolish and very newly wed. And they kept a kitchen garden. "Angeline., darling." said the ynnth- tnl husband, 'lay I wa' pugging through the ague ready n for cooking. I saw Perhaps r you'd like to go end gather the Net fruit of the season yourself t' She would love to. hut she wasn't expert. in hortlrulture. and didn't want. to "lot on.' 1f she went alone she might, commit pnmP egneglons blunder. "I tell von what., Edwin,' exclaimed the girl wife ent.hunlastleally. "we'll go Out together. Vnu shall pluck it. and t will hold the ladder 1" Styli \�11 \fir i e k Anything yu-. buy with the name p; ave you C :: tIrC satisfaction. Sold and guaranteed by F. J BUTLAND• S. E. HICK, H. C. DUNLOP, E. R. WIGLE, GODERICH For the B Sake When he starts out on his first job - give him the self-esteem that begets self-oonfidence and wins success. Buy him a well -Inane, tailor-made Semi -ready Suit of Clothes boys of 16, who measure 33 or 34 inches around the chest can always get a good suit of Semi -really Tailoring for $15. They are shape -stayed, style -keeping elothes-and remain right to t h e grown -out -of period. McLEAN 11ROS., . GODERICH I'HosiiDAT. Ooro.k)in. 171` 7 Si1OE -= SHAPE THAT STAYS If shoes differ at any particular point it is in keeping their shape. Shape - retaining quality depends up- on good 'lasting, or the way the leather is stretched down around the last, and time give''rt for the.. shape to. - become - permanent. Invlctus Shoes are `never rushed at any stage, anti prove, themselves by re- taininj; -shape until - worn out, `VM. S,i ■ARI SAN UM ne r Fast Sllegt and' Swale EVID :RI('H Keep Pounding Aw 1 �i a Every blow struck by s good, snappy, ~Arming aid vartiMl7Nnt in tads paper RINENGTHENS YOUR BUSINESS To Tow flat at tt. Always roRpN.r • buy .. to/ a CANADA OPTS AND CLOSED WrrH OMt te0 V EMEM. it's all right Here's a GIr4 ROPI Collapnuble neo -cart that's right from top to tire because it's built right here in Canada. Can be used as bed or seat has a reclining back adjustable to four positions. Hood, body and dash of Leatherette tubular steel handles, nickel -plated --a Go-cart made to endure. A mighty handy cart for you and comfy for baby. Gendron Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Toronto - Ontario x.r • M weeps• Sola Isy most first-class dealers. Writ. t. .e if your J..l.r d...a't teary thea Plumbing HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING ROOFING METAL. WORK Etc -Etc. • Estimate. cheerfully taralehed. W. R. Pincher peciaijfJrS Farm and Dairy '1 he well-known agricultural weekly, FARM AND $1.75 DAIRY. and The Signal will be sent /or one year for To new Auhscl•ibers FARM AND DAIRY will to sent for the lullance of this year free. and in addition the eubscriber will have the choice of a Partners' Record Hook of two fine Iitbographel pictures of King George and Queen Mary, IS x 21 inched•. Rend orders to THE SIGNAL. tloderich. The Weekly Sun �1 The Farmer's Ausineae Paper. We will, lend The Signal and The- Weekly Sun for a year to any a4elress in Canada en $1.85 New subscriber!' will receive these papers for the halsnce of this year free. Send orders to THE SIGNAL, Ooderieb, Ont. Wstch for THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing Announcements and select your trading matter fm• the coming year. We supply all 1 he leading papers and several magazines at reduced prices to our subscribers. THP. SIGNAL. The Catholic Reister We have made arrangements with CATHOLIC REGISTER and CANADIAN EXTENSION. ,.f Toronto, one of the leading. eldest edited, and most influential Catholic papery of 1'nnsda, by which were!, .Iti.r THE SIGNAL ■n4 CATHOLIC REGISTER and CANADIAN EXTENSION for one year for the bargain $1.70 CATHOLIC REGISTER and CANADIAN EXTENSION, of Tor- onto, is the property ot the Catholic Church Extension Society of ' Canada. It is a brilliant I y -edited, well -printed SPvent y -commit paper. of ten pages or more each week, and under it' new management has become the leading exponent, of Catholic- thought in Canada. Catholic-ACatholic-A should avail themselves of aria extraordinarily favoruhle chance to secure the foremost journal of their denomination. All subyerihors get. CATHOLIC REGISTER AND CANADIAN EXTENSION from now to 1st January, 1912. The Signal and The Signal and The Weekly (Hobe Ine Montreal Family th0 Warier of Herald and Weekly Star w,ll h0 40141 4..1• 1114 .. 41 1„ new 011. .,uh•:cl iter" for will be sent for the balance of this year to new subs.rilrre for only 25c Addree•t THE SiGNAL. eioderich, Ont • -- l ...._..z. _._Ly...__-. -. 25c Addle,* THE SiGNAL, l ioderich, Ont. The Signal and The Weekly Mail and Empire will he gent for the balance of this year to nett• snh•rrih•r. 25c for only fir- Addreint THE SIGNAL, Oo4.ri.h, Ont. it