HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-20, Page 6SI Tilt;RABAT. Oer'o' in 90, 1AIO THE STGNAL GODERIC ONTAR 0 "BACK TO SII[ FARM" IK.- The City Man as a Farmer. By C. V. GRAGO &Y. IO0s Yr cat. 1910. stat ei1 1fan Preas Attire THE "back to the land" move- ment Is not coufrt(d werely to keeping the people oM tMe fermi who are rl^eady there, although this 13 tire most important pate of the (+melte''►. The bays and girls tarn and reared In the country have d bettt% appreciation of its prob- - lease and Its poasibtlititer than a city bed rano Ot wuucen could ever here. Yet there ore many couple), boys born • with a taste for machinery that notb mg but » factory can ever satisfy. !bete Are many born will+ the ability to handle mesa, that'might utak them the head of a great mer•antile estab• Ushmenl. Tbc city meds men of ibis kind, And the country can well afford to awns heat,. for It h for the good of the nation flint they sUnutd I.o . At Die sate Ilene there are Hinny Lily Morn lays nod Orli to whom the tlir of the crowded atrcets seems atl- •. slug They love thy country. and they belong lb re. There are others who through on .fault of their own have Dever beenable to get higher than the find round -of 1110 ladder _The fierce competition for places tang left them well nigh stnintlee1. With there It Is a '- 'que..lion..of alaying to the city at a pit• tante Het scarcely snfliee•s to math - Min life to dereney or of going to the country anit nettle.* coniforeibto etc• frig. ,„- - 'Thr fable of the dalsy who tried to Change phtees w•flh the boor Is 'often • 114E �iIARfCiTR `^��� short course of n year or two years It OOP of theses schools will go a long Liverpool' Wheat Futures Cloak 11111010 way toward grounding •he city farme1 er,. Chicago Lower -Live Stock lu the princlples of scientific %miceo _Latest Quotations, tare- Eves. such a course Is Impose, ble for the greater sbnre of the cit) ' M,nodaV Evening. (lest. '•t• men who sees' the opportunities of firm t.nerpo"1 wn•wt futures c►twekl t -day h, .-. I tli;lu•r liar, Sutut'daY. rent, un- Ilfe anti would like to become fartners ' tee The neat best thing i.i n course ot 1 • '•• ,t At r`hirago elose.i to - orae `kit unlaY.T'tleeeni bee i r,nd I,w• ..,1,1,-%(1 lower. Winnie••• Ontiont. ,,.••.l.eg ek-sober wheat tut urN ir,ww tLan Sat tr,iay 't'''Of y•tMyr r quite thoroughly. 'Ten- there are n '„'i,..., lle.wn,l.r031X. great 'somber of experiment station' and government bulletins which mny • 'e ccal-- •,,r i.. ober 31i,t,•. Tliere•mher I4', Mar be had for the asking. There are house study. A numiter of agrfculturnl colleges offer correspondence course". In agriculture, by means of which the science of agriculture eau be learned many good books on agriculture in Its various brunches. Lnst, but by no means least, there is the agricultural ', tweets. ttuch of the adrnneement that' has been suede in Agriculture 14 due to the agricultural papers. They stand for all that Is hest and most pregres- alve 1n ramal life, And they contain n fund of Information on tnethode of ' ' fern' practice that are invaluable tom - beginner. eginne•r. t There yet remains the art of'term• Ing -that .tn,• the art of handling the • plow, of caring; for the horses, of feed. ' ing the cows. of regulating the ma• chfhery end the thousand and one oth. er things tint Hie farmer mast know how to 4o. The only way the art of farming can bo. learned Is by prac- tice: The best way for the city man Toronto, Grain Market. trLer.t nese►IP.1 gli S7 to tit t%to al, eWwe, push .... Ilia kwhy; it. Wishes! 0 y .•• y.. -1 cermet- - ..: /k .. 1 •-.0 :6 0 a r1 •ybel 1 nA mate Ott 0 , ,at. bus tel Toronto Dairy Market. t..t0' . se1.*rau'r, dairy. lb0 :si 00 ID ,111I'e- I( i .nes-. rr.atneryAIe I(s, Ib. roils.: 0 1. 0 20 a, :is r, creamery, soltda ..'1 0 24 - :, go, 1:Pw-laid 000 24:4", µ .... :ec,, sold mortise . 0 L" 012th •t '.-se, 44 ' 2 04,. 1110 lubes. 0il(bI. d.tseh 2 10 1Il ,carry, extracted CATTLE MARKETS. with ttmlted capital to learn Is to hires oat -to some good farmer by the mooth. 1^arm help 1s acnrce. and farmers are iutway% glad to' get faithful men at i fair wages.. They prefer +;killed men. but these are often impossible to ob- talo; It Is riot 0.t all difficult for a so- ber. Indugtrloits city man who really 1 wants to learn farming to get a job •Trading Slow- en British Markets - New York and Buffalo Steady. 1,1\ F,Rt'( K11,, Ont. '17.-.10411 Rogers & e', , oblo 14.41ay chat the demand wan swan in the Birkenhead- market and as ,r•,M tc•.de wax *IOW, but 0 4i.g to -up- on* %I FIrtrUrdily'r, quotations pile- - reng short. Prices1 were 0-.11 nuar1n. fit, because all Pen Angie Underwear is unshrinkable. Exceptional value because it does wear amazingly. Real comfort, because so knit that the shape stays in it. These reasons should make you request the brand and look for the trademark. Have you tried Penmans No. 95? For the children as well as grown ups. Will You? enl�ngle UNDERWEAR & HOSIERY - �` ;1I loll give yOtlf order for .a fall suit or ove-i'ct�at• .without seeing the, 20th l e:rtury Brand models the styles 'that set .he pater for them all.? �t You itre .welcome t,/ • - ilti•heet -them Al :4111* !hale_. whether you buy or. not lf,your',failor knows that vt!41 have' -seen .the new- _oth Centary Brand gar- mentsh. will do his best to equal. "them and that will be to vane advantage. Prices rang from e.. lirrnaMStaleFtirPerlI sokt /rpm !Tyr _le 134.to 1154 , 0.1141 rwneh- i „ ,Its 1 . 17,)j. per Ib. Toronto Live Steck. T4 est INTO, t).t ]L-Reeeeipte of ittint' "f ''Sala . Kollo 's h the i• • fin: c- t f' v -t..,____ -e, health- !iv. •-1,,..k -at the L'mon Stork lards gg a3 with a good fnrmer. In suclt'a place ot• 117 car1t? de. eons he can learn bow to meet n11 the ewer• AT. ,, ink+"• 710 sheep end hanky, MI corn, flaked, and co;..k d to a ede:icious crispness. • _. ti 7 1)(1"P''*Export '0. 1 ,even entler for a married nein to get I I. N•ryldward te.ttgflt for Swift & CO. LaTEthis sort of )oh than it Ig for n single I A my for 1.0041071 market. lei ers. At •• 1 . Is generally• correct; that married men '' A r m••, in prices of 1.00 to 8,t bull, , I r man. fanners have n theory. which I :' rr t.nie: me.ett ts.. at 16.10. Hues-u:e price. 1a 1, -fere-f••-1)..13100 771, steer. for LIveI_. are more to be depended upon. Many eoei, lar ibis aa'erat:e, at V, so. of n range of thein are willing to tarnish a hre !souse 1 ' 0.r' 1" 84;4' D r.curishrncnt that nature takes gut4;h.r•- 'Kelloggs :',a , • :- and garden to n man for the sake of ' teen, ec k.,;$61'. I"sde-et t• t' k out of e car..1., and put s lavishly into the grain, getting one with n family. I t o •,. r rlodlune. L t t" t,.x. After tpcnfing n year or two wort: I,mm,. pf:o 1„ Sr., now/. $ to 1,: ear. • ar•<, 1: 1" t:.•''. -inn•, r.71n (0 $4. ln::_tnt_snlue �tnl< else the would be FeeNsa.-__. farmer will have a fairly.god idea of 'h -.,l Made of heavy ehortkMl feeders the nrt of fardling• 1f he tens been ' Ndd at I4.r4* to 3(..20, ..ouch's• 04' to lay . pulling In Ills spare moments sttudyl-ar 1.•I,.. ,u•):. at 1. to 1../0: stocker sled t. 'S4 71 • d4*tlllery- hull., 11;.11(• he will have a fair understanding ot m: 11,.. ,n, �_ i4'"f• wnR rr•"t the science of (anning. 1lle own coal Milken and $prin9era• j. mon sense and the trnlning be bas re ' A mndrrat. ,up,N) Read rrsd,I% at S 00 eloped In town w111 'IL him to handle 1* eo'4. , Veal Calves. .44 the businees end. He 1» pow In a po 'Iy of vw41 ', fr., item, rel work where el can plan on going Ic ,•1 t., ,,,01„y . r.n ." 1a. leaf. H• rr cels in making aigesticn easy. Order Kellogg's now k f blmgdf He w•111 base saved ' •.� .u'. v• jh : r. Id :.t to to Zx nese ; «t "The - Sweetheart of the Corn" aherat pr , Kellogg's is clean. No food 'could be cleaner. It ex- sition woe or j - Sheep and Lambs, something from his wages while on til • There *ns an ,trt►ve ,,::rket for .hese.' farm, and he probably had' a little .d_ 6u„hA at tarring P4-17"` ;ihr; r, ew. - money saved up before. Then comer •',t front N.7:! to t: per cwt.. Ian.A., at. theli of whether to buy or tc o` -'. w' 113. goes on, Mops, $10.00 to $25.00 WE ARE 14OL1; AGKNTs p! e;, lb dg ,; h yrl tits ',sae :••••r in WALTER C. PRIDHAM r 1 he House if Re:.1 V alu.s. SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW ,1 SUBSCRIBERS \1•c will sent; Stolt The Signal from now to' • Jan. 1 -1, 1!it _ title n month, $1,00eml‘ - •NwVb. Right in the Game rent A Rood many beginners in farm , 'Mr Barri ; rMort" pry towr.:.1'I'll ing make the mistake of tying all their ' ,,., ..84o -i., •ed and watet-.it at • u. -ho iIr• + I caphnl ap in Innd'nnd having noth-i ,'t. „1.11 rev le drover" ter hag*. t.u.b. l er-. .."iMry points. t Mg left for stock end equipment. in Montratl Live Stock. order to make the farm pay the farmer JInNT1Mo tt, el 1ve Stock. must tet must here plenty Of working capital MV. res : beet,, Pard* West Find Mark,' It la usnnlly better to rent for a hew III. re. -Pipes of live stork for the we• i. til enough h money lana been ending 1,1 t 14 wore 3011. rattle, :Wei Firs' sapid to tea A A r payment suDP,) un the market thi• neer uR, ••"n• land. Then a form can be,lx,ugbt ai-+ted of 1610 rattle. 11110 •hoer slid blebs• wltbot!t robbing the egnipment fund. -.- TIM 1i0gs :ted :.A calves Seder,' failed to establish any- advance HA1'la(1 TIMI 08 • 811A1.L PAKI1. duoted to diauuarngo such pooldc',Ironi tasting their fortuucs In with the eoetnlry. The cases where the city elan raid his family hove been success - (1111y transplanted to the country nre ba, numerous to warrant the ns+Iimp- don that 1t cannot be done. At the same lime 1t »t t)e admIttml tint there are difficulties In the wny. The easiest emn7lUorsIs made by the cog's - try boy who has grown tired of city Ufe. its 1" ulltt(1 lo 1110 ways of the form, ansi It will t,e n abort tnak for Ihlm 10 learn the new methods and take up tilt furrow nt the point where he left 11 a few years ago' For the. man who has lived all bps life In the' city the proposition- Is altogether different and much more dryfor a dlflirult. Ile has all the ways et the cro Is pret'ents the rain which mew' tiro to tenni. tie Is unused t0 p ti b the years Un COO g and Amir, 3200 holt++ and 210 emlves. 'Che Male. f I t 011 the I I The ittuestlon of where to locate 1s an Important one and one which the con- flicting mass of evidence makes bard to decide.-- The irrigntcd districts of the went offer some of the best oppor- tunities to be found' nnywbere. The r•ye good r.' to SStc_ fairly good, Paw to country 1s new, and settlers are -web441. fair, 4r la par, sadp'ommou. 3iyr tc -comer. 'hand Is high. but 1t does not '0',• per pound. take mach of 1t to yield n,good !!ring• Th. undertone to the market for lambs The dry farming district.% of the west have been loudly boomed. This dry farming bind can 'be bonght very cheaply. it. costs little t0 get n start. At the sante tinge the man -who goes on a dry farm must remember that N4 halt of his land will yield a crop each year, sometimes not more n a third of 1L• The principle of .iir•mlag is to cultivate the -land ear or two without sowing n it prnrvF. Ilulder" ofa few atrictov rhnih• Ontario steers; asked as high. as fiti,e, per pound for them in tete early, part of We day, for whirl. they were bid te., and this Haute• wee accepted for them later, Mit te rhulk ref the trading war don" 147 the :olk.Wtng prlceS :alic - Me e.t.erte i' 4' te: f t lit and country custom% an tally fro evaporating/ y cow a ry w .- second or Ird year enough moisture Wend f II t Is unused to country was favourer, anti prices." a* eotpparld with the... of R week ago. show an ad - van r "1 'AV 70' pound. timet- of Upper Canada Iambs were made at 1r to 64ee, and 1luerar stork at '''ir to ?kr per Ib. The market for sheep WW1 "toady. under a talr demand, and thio* were made at . :n*. to 4. per In. Callow am becoming. very wirer, and pricer h,04*t. Sale" of hulk -fed 'stork were made at 65he; to k per Ih. .1 Weaker feeling devokipod In the telae Pet tot !Mgr this morning, and prier* de- cline.] il. 7" `Jr per la, Ibi., 1. 'ompared wan those realised last \VMneaday Saler of selet.led lots were mad)' at 18.:4! to 10.81 pe: IOU Ins., weighed off Fars. fast --Yull*1 Cattle M•trket. IT'1'F'AT.(t. M. t 4. -r tti Ora (4 n he I'.Af-T T I. e-ltw methods. If n 10113 Iistoos too creel- will have bean stored up to raise a ,-,riff. 04e1i I,.'*I s4tiw and to ars hew• nloualy to lies land shark who tells crop. No one hould think of going .•r rias uty 'rnlrrxn ur lair. plrmli ate esti. Aim ILni 131, the farm he proposes to on a dry farm w out having enough (fell conditions are nil so perfect tint money laid by to pay expenses for a gentle tickling of the soft will bring two or three yenrs without any 10• forth 'lnrnnllful results disappoint- ment is almost sure 't0 follow. The 'real estate men are In the business for nurtey. and ft they can •make a sale pry minimizing the need of train- ing for (:wining they are going to do It. Fen iniiig Is composed of three parts - the art, the science anal 'the business. Of the three the latter 19 tate only one Om( the nretnge city lune knows anythfuli nbouL The sante business principles that apply to any line of business hold good ou the faun. Com- mon sense nod a fair amount of best nem ability comprise the chief Olsen- ilnla to success In handling the bunt - Tens end of farming. . There remain the art and the sci- ence lent n young men undoubtedly the best place to tenni the science of t:trmins Is In a 'choral or (eine„ e The Agrienittlrnl • college (Mere the inept complete Course of Inatrul'tlou along thih Ilse. A congl(Mrnble shire Of' the tnrolltfent at the avert( ulturnl college le sonde up 61 city boys who Pro there to learn the IeIrnee of form• Me 1 h-ive known Many of Iltew41 r,rllege nl:hle rlty (armers -a cyMt.htn• lion 11M1 wout,l have ehowc0(1 the prn'Isell sone of thet,piGt general inn Poe in eel:llrflity.) bate known finely The n1rlrulturnl npportunitlec of the of •hen. 10 gO ,ta farming r r to follow sonlh have been little InlTerti"ed, yet e Ih.,' Orf work closely "'Tinted to there Is no section of the con•,try her•• the n s 4nrtnnttles of the small come. Dry farming means many losses and much dfscourncemcnt, but the, success of ninny dry fnrmer! prover( that It offers opportunities to the man who has the courage to stick. The fertile lands Of the middle west 1 have been little advertised of late, and I, many people are of the opinion that. thin part of the country is already fully settled. Tbls its tar from being the cnse. The Mlsslsslppl valley could support four or five times its present fnrutdng popmtntlon with (nee., Land is high, but It Is worth the price. The middle west offers the ndrantage of progressive neighbors, good churches, schools And colleges and modern con- veniences of, every sort. 'There are thousand! of chances for the city ma In this a.f(•ilnn, In the emit probably the tnnitlea nre found ip- ,ek farming. Only n small tract ,of mid le required, and the rPturrtl►''e 111rce. The ntsW,dufied farms of New Rap Isn) ran be purehnseyt very cheaply. 'hey can never he mnde as pretInctive an the Im,da farther woo, tett under proper treatment the fertility ern M restored and n eery comfortable profit secured from lh'm. oppor• tfarn.* g, and 1 have yet to see ,he w It first -fiblert. former nre greater. p1',*sl11441 farm. ''A entities e.Uteatlon means A ennsld• I Ing and utnr-1: raising aro a compnra• prwhlo coal. In hOth time and mnn.•y. fit 11170.)' new thin' In -thls section. The The city man who want. to tarn furrn• , men who ere growing less cotton Ansi er eentom has • very !arse supply of , more torn And hmga nrel debry rows the Utter. To aneb teen the meorriary ere getting *heed. Lahti IA cheer.• Centre U egtk'niture, or "short Jere than in many para of the coon. piano•;'• slake a special appeal. A try and can be made very pmd0ctR8 r t(,T.d,..hlpping 16.16 to 16:41.. hutches. 11.!0, tr a. 74. heifers, 141• to 1,.00; 4,0W111 $3.7:. *0 1.; bulls. 13.40 In to: stocker" a� r, feede. k to, 1,.g.. st.r•k heifers, 0.60 Jo $4 fresh 0,1 ws and ..sprtrretero. stexdv to coed, 12 it 1. lower 6n ',common: 1111 ter. 7 ,-ok..- Rer•MM•. lien head: active ate Rie,.d• • 111 7-, 10 $10.010 11..V1. --Receipts, 15.E head. setts,* a11A 1,0,14.)', trilled worker" nup oel p, 10. If to O.4 . Touche. t.6• to 17.+x• .tap, $ f•• to '• dairies, $A t0 11.40. Sheet and Irtn11*-Rexlpts. 11,04*) head: 1.01..1y *Khan - anti ahem. a,tive: heavy 'stet's, Flo*, latnhs, lOt- lower; lambs, 12.10 111, r n rrw 17 k1 vverllr*s, fa L, tv 1:10 we'et of" $4.:e to 14 74; riven. $4 to 14.0; rhe1111N/.11 s+,. f' Ir 14.40. York Live tllbck„---- Receipt. to 14.7.0;ul hls, ('(1 irnru 13!o' to 1,. 'u ('al%CP- I;h ei western,. 110 0.toST: SI I:1:. (1st. 17. st Pers. 11.•. $110. heals, atrAly;\, V01014.11 to 1)7. Zh to 16.72. 'tugs, 13.12. a d I.as�e•e Iplg,le,Itrltl sheep I,irtlW. "t.ad floor, 027'.1 to 14.11: Ann. C: to 12:",0; Iambs, 1 to 17.04. runs, $4.70 t.. 16;n. - . Ilogs- Itreipts, 100; ler higher, 10.1 to 119.",0 pet ..wt ' Chicago Live Nock. I1UJ(`A(7O, (*4. 17 --Cattle Tte,elpta, tarket weak; heevea. H'-, lug M; Texas "tiers. i:t 6t in 16.2' VertietW $ 1S In 10.76; alM•kers and feeders. to 1•sa'. .•ows and heifers. 1'=.2 to 11.8 calve., 17.14' 110. II"t;s-Rr:'s1pt.. 31.48*): market Sr to toe' igh'r 1111711 .•arty: light, $*711 to 54 71, mta- .•II, 1111.4. to $9 w. om7*".!. atm to 0.01; etvrghs, ri le le $* Y` rood to iia1S. x•. t" 00p4 1"'*% to 0; bulk of .x14*, 1a.40 L. '•Sheep and e• t.ambn-Reelpts, 77• m ; 4r- kPl weak: natty., 52 A ,o 114%. we"1►r0, • 12 7:, to 14.271, yearling..N-1 l0 I.*. lahehes, eatfve, 14.2.. t.' r. * m .ste*, H 76 to $0.16. 12 Tumors Removed Without An Operation Silver lake, Ont . Sept. 2e. ISasr Mrs. Currah.-1 am enjoying better health thane hove for tight Year.. end I think I am entirely cured. 1 have none of the old symptoms, 1 am very crateful for m7 present health. and think. orange. Ulp 15 the. gro-test. treatment for won,ett the world knows. 'itt y. 1 use In my case caused 12 -tomcat or growths of semis sort to bee -s- pelled. Some were us large," a hen'" egg. and others smaller. d.ran t0 the size of n walnut. Tourev tar my rase in your adr'. for 14 IR the solid truth; uta , lien cannot desr•rit* ktl , the good 11•, has done for m,•. Mra. 1.oulse '1?.. Mete'. ry This letter gives' nn talriiIon 'tit thidg. OosIt M.• hear s that x1.1 • . follow the use of Orange Llly. I t art apJIhd re.,tmetit and _k- to rlirri•t profiling vrtth the .n, - lc. organs. It produces nestilts the start In all cast. 'f wont, 71',0 t isor,4, r.'.stn. Ruling Painful ps rail womb, irregularities. leucorrhfra, e 1 -w171 send a sample hos containing 10 days' treatment nte,'Irt.tc stamps and' address/'MRS,t'FRANCES 12 CURRAM, Windee her t 1.411.1 er, Ont. 4 E!set ion In Doubt, • Mrllrrurne, (let 1[t. -The result. o) the New South Wales elections is .ietiht.fal t'p t4, She preai•nt the 1.a- Is,rItes have a majority of two and the) may gain a slat On ssonnd bal- lot,' The rrlaigltatisa of the PremMr u net•iain Two Minute -Talks About ANDOJA RANGE for Coal or Wood BRAINY stove experts designed the Pandora Range. 'They introduced a new system of flue construction so that the draft for cooking would also be the draft for baking. With the Pandora you can have the kettles boiling over every pot hole at the same time the oven is bik- ing pies and roasting beef. • Just think of the time that this perfect system of flue construction will save for you when you're hurry- ing to get a big dinner ready. Just think how much fuel the Pandora will save for you by doing the baking and cooking at the same time. And remember, no other range has this perfect system of flue -construction. Send for the Pandora booklet. it tells of other conveniences designed by our brainy stove experts. MEClary's Stands for Guaranteed Quality London, Toronto, Montreal, winnrpet 70 V4ncouv4T, SI John. NB . Mimi/ten. Caltary For Sale by The Nowell Hardwire Co Limited -That's' where we Aro when you are talktiitf' Merit t.,r.twr ia*. We are not..* ver tie ing pricigi cee nee always at io k- Irerttliln for gsio d. tot Lill y. Try us for Teas Spices Canned Goods Butter and Eggs, Cc:fees Sugars "Y rots Etc , etc., etc. We know we r:-tn pi.•:to-' can. urdy & Co. 'flits 1I�OCiiktti - Ijn Lbe $.trate \' !Phan.. '01 \lassey:Ilarris .agency A'full liar ,d t ,u ui t7.,. lfir,de•re. Mowers, 1:..• -, 11 .. L udert, Manure •t Cream krp.tI'- tor.. I and Moutlt Fur••"t Doggie tt• a have Mari the Standard )Wire r -.t• n: Company's l: (t.t,1 and the 11r.,I,tl,tr,I WindJl-t' tiar•ncy for thy. \Lison & Risch Piano. t',„ II and see me !*fore pnrcb:w• ing anything in tln lines. Good Dirt ers and Work Horst.: for acie. :.1 y Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODERiCH J?eliable- -' Footwear , When buying your Boo s, Shoes or Rubbers this fall,. buy th - at an exclusive shoe store, where ou will find an assortment of good liable Footwear to choose from, that c nnot - be equalled west of Toronto. - OET YOUR RUBBERS NOW, have them properly fitted over dry shoes and you'll have better satisfac- tion. We have protected ourselves and our customers by buying largely before the great advance in price, so can offer new season's goods at last year's prices. em tl ewe - I tl ,n 10 1.4 ad Ih -11 hall ,aro, /11411 411 u14 .101 r t IV whit Md 4w• tie a. Al r. Ps, by Downing & MacVicar