HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-20, Page 44 TRwiiiaAT, OcTOagtt 20, INlo • � T DiStrict News GUDERICH TOWNSH P. • TUgerata Oct. • 18th. ZIUN ('titan+ a ANNIYgItisAlty. -An- niversary ervicer were preached in Zion Methodist church on Sunday tart. The afternoon *services were in charge of Rev. R. A. Miller, of Auburn, and Rev. Mr. Deacon spoke at the earning sera ice. Wednesday evening a very buceeseful entertainment wee given. Dinner was API VPd in for shoot house and en interesting program, omelet- ing of readings and vocal end inatru- , menet' • music. wee given in the church: . A tidy sum waw realized from the proceeds of the evraing. CARLON... 1't:1 hem% se Oct. pith. Cbarlie Vareoe par returned to Tor- onto after a' pleaeaot visit at the old hour.. Mrs. T. C. Trrthewey has returned to Cobalt after a pleaaut visit with her patentor at Penzance F'urm. HYMKNgAI.---A wedding t•jok place this (Tuesday) evening at the residence of Mr: and lilts. lieu. Bran. The bride, wt-- Mise Ida M Marker, Mr-. Bran's sister, tad the groom nod 1'. T. Love. ; of Gode Ich. Rev. Dr. Medd, of Gode- rich. officiated. Tiov i v are all enjoying the tw:autiful weather that we tre now having and a e' utak ing the best use i4 it hy gent 1. be potatoes and other vegeta,b1y htoueed. There are no apple* thisiyea to Peck : enure large orchards hat not a single apple visible. THE IMpkItIA1. Querreeere.- T concert given by thtmperisl Mal Quartette of Logsdon' iu aid ot the.\ funds of the church was decided suc- cess. Every beat was to en up and a number 101 chairs in the . isle., also were filled. The hill of fere was good and ,everybody seewwl welt- dented. and it the quartette should cot tbiu way again they will be burr of full ):OUlt. HtNuas OEs•. - A blare e.}nit' 'I WAS seen sen this' locality a fe days ago. the Mist Unit your `Cor- te respondent hue en for wan, yeses, and today a number of rue were atter hew with guile and like to give the pe.or lit Mug a hot: reception. Pernaps they do.not know that a baser squireet ie game and .toy r: (e killing one now is fta oreed Teti 'Rive t, TELEPHONECowTA NIEA. -The telephone companies are getting a huttle,uu tenw, but tee Rural se lead- ing and 1e ow fat ahead that the Muni- cipal will not be a1ile to catch up. 1t berms a pity tat sear a second line going up on e•tt *many of the roads ot Col- borne when one is all tbat is needed. Both money and energy are being wasted. Why' not amalgamate and have mite good service? DUNLOP. TUssDAY, Oct. IStb. Mies Sarah eicl.eo d. of town, is visit- ing friends here this week. Mrs. Mrl'luskea of Dublin. was .the guest of Ml•r. Tobin fast. week. Miss Loretta Young; of Loyal, ie re- eI{aged as teacher at ao iucreasr of en het present salary. Wolfs PLENTY, HIEN tit .ARM E. -The ne dry w eat her of the last ten days lying for situ men and threshers at bo1m, and at torment rate of __epet•d. nn if :he weather man continues Dien ly, fall work should get well aha larfu lathe. is very scarce and bard , get, owing to high wages offered 1 Goderich thi- Gell. The O. W. tl. E. lie abort orf men else, but Al making Kt at pro 'geese trotwith.tand- ing all d back-,. end we hope to see the way an serowplishel fact in the near tuture. - W. F. M. ha MEiriNar. The usual yetirly tbapkotft i ing w•e Sire of the W. 1 al, et. i.f l�eehurn was held at church last Wednesday v Cir h era h aaa \ d r r Y g. The attendance wry mar vo large ab might have been expected, but as the tna•lorit y of factures have to Bork late three hues days they do not care to go out .•s ening.. Mrs. Fletcher. of 'ermine, Reed, gaeve a very interesting address on uriaaionery work, taking for text the words of our Lord; "Sep- arate unto me Barnalase.and 14AUI'for iE w.:1E wTe i arida rt have ci fl d them " 1 At t r 1:I n. Mrs. F''etcher, who THE SIGNAL': GODERI('H ONTARIO. DUNGANNON. /1 A. NKWTQN, DENTIST, LU('K- rolf. IN w. -At bomeevery dayexcept burr day.. New rentedyfor eatractiva te.),ti mno- form), better than aa, l.'rown and -bridge work, etc. Alum,uum plates omit -brookable.> N. U. -lou can Always hale our work- much boner done in the dental o�ee-morn time better rachitis, tor doing the work, more cow toes.tes for the nation! NOTIQE.-THE LOCAL AGENCY in Dungannon for Thr eta -n.014 at the Port- oMoe (look and Sratiousry Store, worts order, will Lo rene'ved for eub...ription+, aA vertic+ina and job work, and reosipte will be niton for amounts card fur the same OOLHORNE. ),MONDAY, Oct. lith. Hg•riltit. Tt:.t•atf:ti:rIN;.. - The old - Dine tea-mertingtat Bethel church nn Wednesday evening of last week wee a teat .access. 'A lenge number par- took of the excellent supper provided and :afterwards eta ,yid a good pro- gram: iecludiug n•IJtrwee by 'ley. (Hoerr' . 11allnuur, !meld and and horn way. vocal selections by Mears. Powrie and heel/nay Reicher. of Gode- rich. and members of the church choir. and recitation. -by Mies Hat tie Keleher. of lroderich, and i%illiani Clark. Raiv. W. Baugh acted ae chairman. Tree proceeds amounted to $,i0. ST, HELENS. .„ Turee•Dee, Oct. lea,.• AI ttee•ealtreueneuttu.-- -'t pretty wedding wee quietly solemnized at Thor pdnleFenn. the residence of Mr. and MM2 -as 1. B. Rutherford. St.Helens. arnaaThursday, October 13th. when their -daughter, Margaret d ,- was united in ciage to W. 1,aae -filler, valeta son n .Mir R. K. Miller, St. Helene. Rev. S. Mo r , ji. A., officiated. The bride, o wee he- conliggly gowned in ere:* liberty tin,'with yoke eferish lace and wird p eels,. and carried a ,homer bouquet of `cream ►'obes and lilies of .the valley. was unattended. Mr. and Mra. .Mil- ler left on the morning train for 1'or•orito areal ehuwer•s "f confetti. the bride travelling in.'a tailored suit of navy blue. with th beaaetcloth hat too mach, and evearerffr a handwrite set of furs, the ' t of the groemi, A butt fr' • .e jnin in extending good - and congratulations. KiPPEN. Tt'astre e. Oct. ISth. es, wbo was away for air friend i router :.nit : •Ileville, has returned. looking tar tbo h his trip had *greed with him. Freeborn Jobnrt 11 was home from Toronto for a day ast week befor leaving for \Veehington, D. C., where be i, appointed as magnetic observer in the Carnegie Institute. Tne Bible Society held its annual sleeting one night recently. when Rev. Mr. l'euzent delivered an able address on the Bible end the w. k of the Society. The old officer* wire re- elected, Tb• Chiselburst appointment of the Kippen circuit held anniversary set%ieer feet Sunday, when Rev. Meier*. Millcard, of Hermall, and Gietchler, of Zurich, preached morn- ing and evening, respectively. to large and appreciative ennglegations. The fowl 'upper on Tuesday even- ing of this week was well attended and greatly enjoyed. Ou Sunday an.l Monday evening similar services were held in the Hills Green I'res- byteriun church and were similarly muccessful. KINGSBRIDGE. TeasDAY, Oct. 14th. DEATII nF MAURu g DAC•t'ut.-A gloom was cast over this nion Friday when news was received the deatb of Maurice Kelton. Mr. Dalton was drowned and her Body- was found hear Cleveland. At the time of writ- ing further particulars *tenor knt:wn. To the sorrowing relatives the con'-' milmity extends its rympatby. • Narrge, - Misws Minnie O'Connor, Dem. and Annie Joye left for Detroit last week... .. Miss Maggie.M. O't'on- nor is .attending Businear College at %%Ingham Air. and Mrs. J. Bowler were the guests of Miss Kit Whitty on Sunday.... .Misses Josie Dalton, Margaret Garvey and Elesuor Mose, of the G. C. L, spent Sunday at tthejt• bowers- "No);ellie Hussey it visiting bur sister, Mrs. O'Keefe Mr. and Mrs. aloes have eGerned from Michigan, where they were attending the funeral of Mr. Walsh, Mrs. aloes brother The separator had hardly moved away from P. M. Sullivan's b•srn when the fluor broke, letting down into the stables about I,2110 bushels et .,grain. Oh Friday morning his gorse riifi away. *smashing an azle and shaft. .Our local storekeeper finds that the people support borne industry :and to cope with the increasing trade he has engaged the seceicea-oto F. Steven- son in his business. l'isE Brr note's VI.t!T.-On Friday last all nature seemed to be ready M help by its sunny at ecta in the pro- ceedings of the day- a day long looked forward to by children prepar- ing for confirmation, bythe pastor, Rev. Father Macl'ormacand by the whole congregation of tit. Joseph's church. as it was the first visit of His Lordship Bishop Fallon, of London, to thin congregation. The children n-- wemblyd at the school and marched from there to the church to receive holy communion at the mauls cele- brated by His Lordship at e6 o'clock, as - slated by Fathers lyuirendcau and Tierney. During the) service and on the way to the chereh•J.he children sang leveral suitable hymns. :After noses the procession, composed of forty-four children, wended its way back to the school. High mess wAa celebrated at 10 o'clock by Father Tierney. In the sanctum y_ were, bee sides the Bishop, Father McRae, of Goderich, Father Tameinirau, of St. Augustine, and Father Mact:ormack. After mass His Lotdehip examined the children to ascertain their under- standing of the sacraments end of their religion and expressed hie pleaa- ure,ln their ability to answer. Con- firtaatinn was then a tltinitter•ed and the Bishop addressed a few appro- priate reenerks to'. the ronffregation and children. 1 he only disappoint- ment felt was that His Lordship was not long enough with w. he, A yet v pleasing peritoneal, •, held! r bet' hejn1 yrs' breath ma attentit\t n for over half an hour. The thnnkoffering collection' amounted to dyer $14. AMBERLEY. Mostaiy, Oct. 17th. The Ontario Weet Shore Railway has rnmmenced chn.truction opera- tions in Huron township. A gang of men with teams is at work grading, and aiThIre are od great engineering difficultim between here and Kincar- dine the work shuuld not take long. Fntrry YRAIW WKuugu.-Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blue, who were married fifty years ago, celebrated the event on September :tvth. Members of the family presented then* with a gold watch, gold brooch and dinner eel, and neighbors came in and prei.ented Mrs. Blue With a eo.ubinet ion buffet and Mr. Blue with :e Morris chair. The latter presentation wee made by Jae. A. Henry on behalf of many neigh- bors, by whom. Mr. and Mrs- (flue are very highly esteemed. Mr. Blue re- plied for himself and wife in rely grateful and affectionate terms. NUPTIAL. EVENT.- Wednesday morning, O r t o be r lath, ttosedale Farm, Huron township, the bodie of Mr. and Mee. P. Courtney. was the scene of a a er% quiet event, when their daughter. Agnte 1).. was united in -the bond.% n f wedlora t o William H. Mitchell. of Kincardine. The rere- mony was performed byitev. John McFarlane, Kincardine, ormerly pe. - tor ul the Pine River Presbyterian chinch. The happy couple were un- attended and those present were only � i*nmediate relative►. A dainty wed- ding breakfast was nerved, after which 7 the young cnupte took the noon train- and rainand left on a shot honeymoon trip.; The bride is one of the moat highly 1 regarded yoonpj'}wii^s . jn this while the groom ;eons. of K inran(tne's bustling young biaioess men and also a member of the towu council. 1NESTFIkLD. I TUESDAY, Oct. lath, W. A. Hurri.ott, of Lucknow, is vile I iting his daughter. Mrs. W. H. C'alu p- hell, Raymond Redmond, of Stratford Normal School, was house over Suu- day. The re -opening of the Donnybrook church has been postponed until the- 2Itth of Novernber, owing/to the seat- ing conIpeny being unable to h:.% r the seats ready before that time. YThe \VewtHrtd anniversary cervices were quite r.ucees.ful. Rev. Dr. Medd preached two :able set -moue .to a full house tjuoday afternoon and evening. AUBURN. W ause:suAY. Oct. 1ttth. Is Ina\tx)N At ( [WENT. - Joseph (iuvier, of the 1.•th concession of Hul- Irtt. aas down at London this week. He was visiting hi. eon Samuel, who was one et the victim'. of the accident at Perrin'e • factory a week ago. Though he waw badly hurt, the doc- tor. are the hospital are beginning to have hopes of his recovery. Interfere a [striae -A fairly good- itized to udienee assembled in the Luth- ea,ul church Friday night to hear the lecture given by a returned mission i rf frotu itil-li.. The'wissienary had jut.•reled abusing views illu_U•ating the woik iu •indi... but the machine refused 21 work. Ifowevrie the tune was vets interesting and tl 1,••t ,L sa-p ,uupr.( spral.•r sip. .v.,1 what it flatv power for good the natives wube if t accepted the true Christianity. since they are a v rev religious pe.ple. also iurprrssed hew much a hiudrat the eaett sv,tel e• is to the mission in his work. rti.Et%: Nuri s. -Mie:, Sartre visited bee brother near Bri ts.ebs for a t day.. Lest -week Rev. 11Ir. Ha attended • a meeting euf the sena of the Lutheran church t Ehuir* 1 Thursday .......A load o mutts pegs drove aver to Carlow Fra ay nigh r 1 H l e u th Impel -ad 1 1 u• tr enter- tainment. . t tato pct 2 .0 t n taenmrnt. They roJ••yeri' tbeonc and the drive . A. A. anct Naylor elated the Latter'* paorl Cranbaook over Saturday and Sund A. V, Snackleten and Geo. fersor, teacirere of S. S. Nus. 7 end East iVaw:tno'h, respectively, ea' on friends in the- villag.a on Saturn on their nay home foam the meet of the (\'est Huron Teacher:' Associa- tion at Goderich Dave and Joie. ('hronnty, o� Hest \VAivan pirated at Ww. Ruddy •s lira. \Vrd 1earttera .•f none 'will occupy the pulpit of Inc Methodist church here. on &missy evening next. Rev. R. A. iiill,tr preaching nils'.innary sermons on the Dungannon - cil -lit The school will be closed on Thursday and Friday to allow the ttaeher to attend the con- vention i a•.t Huron teachers at Clinton E. Phillips way' in Brus- sels on Saturday 'llrs. Geo. 1-ung- blut was ill for a few days 1A-1 week. W. '1'. Riddell had the nil -foie tune to ger a nail Inn into hie foot. Consequently he is limping somewhat these days Most of the t ttatoes have been [jug .the 'set new days stud they are a vet v good sample... Rev. Mr. Hall, a returned miesionery from India. is expected to preach in the Presbyter inn •,•hurch here flee feet Sab- bath of thistuonth....Herbet•t Gorier, of the Base line. lust a valuable horse brat week. He head I,e,•n feeding it chopped oats. He gave it a feed of whole oats and the airline' choked it- self. resulting in its death. ....The Rural telephone is now across the river and sown intends h.ta•ing Conner. tion with dotter ich The ries-aton- e; limey at present amt quite a quantity of grain of all Linde is coming pretty, freely. - HEART_ DISEASE is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known dactor has said, " 1 never yet madea post-mortem ex- amination inac nae of death from heart De....se with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely imitated u Dodd's Kidney Pills n ►r made to mourn. Ire- ton re- THE "SeanSRUNu.' -1n walking 1lir alma; the I.itdely shore of l ake Huron. wt r at the west -side of-Arshleld t•• veship, they during the month of September, the observer will occrasignelly •he a small He Hock of, bird., which-wih at once ex - Ice rite his lively interest, if he is any• ars. thing at all of an amateur ornithole- gist. It is a Hock of sanderlings run- ning with great agility On the sandy (teach following )t receding wave, or few just as quickly hastening •back re o r avoid the next in •owing breaker. Three hinle have arrived from the est north, where they spent the summer people either on [owe barren Arctic shore. or t to on the bleak coasts of Itudaun Bey. or rr' even cin some of the larger lakes of Mea Manitobi tad Saskatchewan. They belong to the class of shore hieds to prorates at which belongs. the welt-kuewn hoist• 75Y. killdeer. and also the mein- different ref. species of snipe. Tne• sanderling•e e:- 1 l• cyte a special Interrst, not only because led they announce the change ot the set. lay eon awing about the seediest arrivals IDK of shore -birds tg .n the mirth, las they 'Cts- come at the end of August), but also Mre• because they are typical sea -birds, and. osh. are found on\teea coeete all over the ore- world. • Some -pf those found • `telae '}1 enemata a4ueiui[)als-eviutas--a . far_ -OCHALSH. MONDAY, Oct. 17th. M ,v go FRaoM LOTHt-aa:-Mrs. K. McKenzie, formerly of Lothian, km Moved down to Hemlock City. and is residing in a house ou John l'uwen's" property, nest• ' the Hemlock City school, of which her daughter. 'litre Ada McKenzie, has charge. Mre. Mc- Kenzie had the misfortune to injure her wrist s urewhat severely from a fall ,,ince moving down, but it we are pleased to say, able to go around. J,rrrINus.-R. Mullen is hauling bone firewood from Arrustrong's slash. Bob says it's going to be a vet )• cold winter.,. A uew cement bridge n`As Warhere lustweek, o verlhe runaway on the roadside close by the i.ochallon school. The work sus done by J. %%ailron, of Lueknilw, who bad received the contract, and the struc- ture is, to judge by appearances, tt creditable one. The farmers in the section are well pleased at the action of the Ashfield townehip rouneil, re- presented by Chas. Stewart in this district. in letting thecontrae•, as the bridge war badly needed. Neil (,awp- bell, of the houndary, was the inept[•. tor.. Our enterprising Lochalsh Mer- chants are at present digging holes in -the ground with the heels of their boot., in order to get a goad hold to meet the strenuous pull from the other end of the rope, represented M• the new storekeeperat Amberley. We hope it wilt be a tie ...Mee. Mnetnrri and daukhter, Mi.. Annie Mustard. of Blucefleld, and Mise Annie McDonald, of fioderich, ate spending a few days :at Mrs. W. Matheson', Mrs. Shoup, of Detroit, arrived at, few days ago to vieit friends in this section, and to at- tend the communion services held last week in the Free. Presbyterian church. ...Edgar Robb attended the teachers' convention held in Goderich last week. Murdoch McKay end son, Jas. Me - Ka •, left last week for Alberta. Mr. alcka7 we understand, has purchased a considerable tract of land ( two ser. Leone, or I:tllO acres) in the northern pert of that country, and he and his son have gone telt for the fall and winter. in older to fulfil the home - steed regulations incumbent upon thein. May prosperity go with them. OLD RestngNTi Removen. -Mr. end Mrs. Dan N. Mckenzie, of the 1'214 eine-mime moved to lioderich 1s1t1( week to take up their residence tw that town. Neil McKenzie, son of the former,' i. now running the farm. For the outside work be has, at pres- ent, the assistance of Archie McKay, of near Paramt►eht while be himself Is Nook and battle -washer for the whole establishment. Sine* takingg op the double duties, it is reported that Neil can he heard humming to himself, late at night. that "man was eolith as ['hili and I'.ot egonia. Many of the land -birds- spend almaat the whole year mind in some quiet and peaceful inland country district with nothing special to disturb thew except during their neiguatory,7atur- neys, north and south. But the life of the sandetling is Riluoat continually au exciting and agitated one. Nature has destined the birds of this species to secure their food on sandy beaches, out, so to speak. (rout the very jaws of angry breakers. To many of thew "the sound of many 'water* is ((never in their ears, rometimee during a strong northwest gale. when the whole width of the beach up to the extre.ue high-water mark would be covered with angry surf. down on Lake Hut•ute's **here, these active birds beer been obsereed, in epite of diffi- culties, •;attempting - to secure their food Iniariue insects, we inc told) by running with great celerity, as mem- ti..ned before, after it receding wave. and hack again to avoitt bring over- whelmed by an incoming 'WAN)* sou. As they are not - wets -footed. they ere, +ori.•» -hat. indifferent 'swimmers, but.) they manage to struggle ashore when; they are caught in the water. Those seen here will in a few week) 1* found "where the lessor -long roller of the mighty Pacific thunders on the beach." They have s snipe -like appearance.' earaseaseeiseWeasearaPeeseaWeresWO WATCH WISDOM From your staedp•oimt it cousi.ts of spending a "reaaoneble sum" on a Watch that will [lever prove a tits ippintment. You want something that will tick nut the time for a good many • tate -Care to g•Vetcb that- will that, you are what we call W:tteh' wise. We can help you to 'ale it. and can ahaolstely, guar - ait much a trenlr. W.• will gladly give our time to anion el* all q•lr.tinne and show you All th tt you wish to see. Yourself and/elands are (rehire° io aim" an E.,5:5 -r of Silk "Si'rt fieeaflework and to meet our expert teaJher of sills embroidery in its various branches. An excellent oppor- tunity for beginners -and for others to gain a •knowledge of the newest style of work. • Exhibit and losons J. S. Davey Practic:.1 Watchmaker and .leweller. Mouth side of Square. (aide/kb. nv�nn Fall Meet for Seaforth. The Seatortll Tutf Club intends holding a fell,titce meet on Thanksgiv- ing Day. The program consists of a 2.50 pace and 1:10 trot, x'2:24 paicr and 2:19 trot, and is 2:16 n t •e and 2:12 trot. for which li'tersl prizes are being and are distimgui-bed from toe well- offered. known vatted sandpiper Iteeter1 snipe) by being silky -white below, An Ashfield Highlander, ' without emote, whereas the teeter The at t ist of The Toronto Tekgisui snipe is thickly spotted below. ()their aflame, hirnself with tusking „ketch,. distinguishing merino are the black Auggeetad by puatgrephe in the eel. h't 111 and Meek legs and feet. Both 4 gn. u oe [the weekly a The other species are about the save length ml prem. ;eight inches, and both when Hying day the following espondenc ent from the l.nchel**h correspondence of The exhibit a characteristic white stripe. Signal caught be, eye: lengthwier, to the .{riddle of the "Dan R. McKenzie, junior, has re - wing. - ' Gently .joined the Lucknow Pipers Band* he k Iran,' when he done t ill• A Wood -Chopper's Appetite. When a man has been doing hard work of any kind be wants something substa totaL f leek ii Pork and Beans f111 the bill . They are low -pt iced. hut delieions and sustaining. Wm. Clark, Montreal. A little girl of about seven entered the shop the other day in older to procure eon* cloth to make her dolly.: a dress When handed the.packageI etre asked the cast. ••Just one kiee," the merchant answered. "All tight." was the reply. '•Grandma Fnid she i would pay you when she came in to- morrow.' r A Great Scheme. Blake Hoggatt, the most tobacco - chewing negro in a Southern country. says ha has found a new way to ex- terminate graashoppere. 111Ake sift to catch a couple of the hoppers and pinch them on the lege until the rattee clew become more. Then turn in hoose. Tbey will hop so q{ v that all the other grasshoppere will die laughing. The hard dart. Blake says, is to catch the two original grass- hopper; when the others are all dead, and kill them. October loth to 22nd. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5, at %VILMER SMITHS STORE. tie:ding ',Silks and Linens used exclusive/yin these classes. }gelding's Wash )Prt Silks for ,74rtistic Reedlework. Wilmer Stns{th, godericl7 he Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st. _A Big Fall Sale OF LADIES' MAN = TAILORED SUITS will doubtless with his stalwart form present the aspeet of a typical high lander." The aosompaoying sketch was the result. Dan will now have to make up his mind whether he has ground for action for libel against The Telegram's artist. suffragette --WP lelieve that a woman ,huuld get a loan's wagee." Married Men - -Well, judging from my own experience, she does.'• New Season's Millinery MISS CAMERON has secured a choice selection of the very latest at.yles in Millinery and will he pteaaed to show theth to the 'tidies of (lolerteh and vicinity at her dhow room., Hamilton street. The most approved effects in shapes and trine ruing' for the. season are aw.urel to Miss Cameron', customer.. The ladle., are invited to call at their con- venience, MISS CAMERON, - Hamilton Street, Goderich LADIES' AND GIRLS' WINTER COATS. FINE FUR -LINED COATS. FUR STOLES. FUR RUFFS. FUR MUFFS, CHILDREN'S FUR SETS. Etc. Comparison is the only true test of value We emphasize our invitation to examine the goods Special cash purchases secured the extra values now on sale. NOTE THESE PRICES : Ladies Man - tailored Suite, best seaeno s et Slee, special price.... ........ gill .lee Ladies Men -tailored Coate, to suit all purses• at from -___- $5.lwenl. Mis.ee' Man tailored Coate. to Solt alt purses• at from $1.95 up Ladies' Man -tailored choice at any price. Skirt.. from i )dies, New Season's Waists, specially pre Black Sateen Waists Colored Waists...- tikirts, wide range of. Cloth. Voile and Silk $1.110 up Dainty Net and Incr cel. One and $1.25 -...50c, 75c, Me and $1.2.1 Specie' values in Underskirts, including Black Sateen iUnderskirts at 75c and 9fic Heatherbloom Underskirt' at $1,25, •1.150 and 411.05 • English Feather Silk Itnderskirta in black and all colors, at. $1.96, $2.75 and $3.50 Extra ('meet Values at . .$1.110, 75c and 50c Extra Hose Values. All wool Cashmere Hose at 25c. Also mans' other special lines. Women's Winter Underwear Bargain Values at 25e. 3IA and 50c per garment hlann, lett. Gowrs Slk, 75c, 9$c, $1.25 Fine Furs See OAT hig display. our stock is larger and include% better velum than ever. Our Bargain Basement will save you money on your China and Glassware purchases. Hairdo i able•. at 5c, Inc and 15e, for choice. JOHN STEAD Hamilton Street Goderich- U.1 Net►* Ilullicudi 11•s� The ;•ot tki aeasna fribiICiti na• `pun's liras • •gull ) drat)) Wpapli alit On rite .itch ptk on The tr it k*tI1 f. McFl �� t shah tt ttrlr. nti,lesaa p,telnr[ n, rl on It Patr net ate hra tan ter alma pwih. p.0 Jt NYbsr The 34 rt- kaehrl 151 Thr rh' • s' 1h� the: t .^.tlri t•th'. tt:a e'hl'.4i d Mce A. t ---ver .;0115 set n tt .I h it )true l !.4t -Ire the sw :•i 116 = 10 ;J[rt .•wpl, Ca. 11. r pate the br ata i.nt tali vt 0514 4,!t- Dot r'. W. el. the At ha ort tl eh w N M \Cr c 51 r 1 8 f\ - 9 . --- -- J. H. 00L#1.ORNE ._,________ A WEEK'S�BV INESS NEWS After our two Big Bargain Days' selling we have a lot of left -overs in Dress Goods, Tweed Suitings, Hosiery and Prints which we will offer at sale prices and some articles at less than sale prices. Tweed Suttings. ' D. a A. Corsets. Seven rods, all -wool, :1t In 52 i No Corset lily a IJ. S A. for inches wide, 4 to 1u yarda ini ee ; money asked. Ask for :5►1- piece, good colors. Regular price I a very long corset -the newest 31 : any one of them now at bele, i Costs. A few ('oats, $1'2 to $Iii. left over after our We, black, blur, green, brown :aid grey, that will still be offered at 1010. This a real snap. is a great chance to get an up-tn- - Hosiery, date Coat Dress Goods. A purchase of seconds Cron' a will which show rucb..,ligbt de- Fifteen single firer.. lengths, facts that they' are realty as good no two alike, 7 to S verde in xe flute and tete ttricee art Il)c du each, ell -w keel. plain sold striper, 15c lower. Mostly ell -wood and You can buy- any one of then' ribbeti. They are u great bur- for j u F t one-quarter orf t h e gain. for a small price. .1 few tweed l' is 66.80 to $lu. - 1 ou ^an get Vy one of thele for $5. - ` - sample Coats. l% Si: only Sntuple Coate. $12 t•. tnat•ked prier. - - a Flannelettes. . $1350 regular prices. Neat to co Prints. From :l4 to 37 inches wide, kik, 124'. tie 13c. Neve of, .all at $7 to $6, If not sold this week they will be returned, Die. and i Abhor two hundred yarda of altered sueti a elite in Flannel- 'lannel Gloves. ADA and light el' int., fast color.. et ars. 124c a yard. lour choice of this Just a few hundred yards of A..ek to see our :Sc. 35c, irk and , lot llc. •, mill ends now lefTbey a[r :ark fall and winter Gloves. Ex- ls.ut 31111 yerrle' inc print., , just as good as webgood, and tra y.lue here in Glove). Corm- -- atuiatly-ligbL coIost ti n .fast, wuchcbeaper. and no more when here for Perlin s Kids. Nothing ut Sc. this lot is guns. like thein for the money asked. , J. H. COLBORNE__ _ --- - -__ 11 eolith as ['hili and I'.ot egonia. Many of the land -birds- spend almaat the whole year mind in some quiet and peaceful inland country district with nothing special to disturb thew except during their neiguatory,7atur- neys, north and south. But the life of the sandetling is Riluoat continually au exciting and agitated one. Nature has destined the birds of this species to secure their food on sandy beaches, out, so to speak. (rout the very jaws of angry breakers. To many of thew "the sound of many 'water* is ((never in their ears, rometimee during a strong northwest gale. when the whole width of the beach up to the extre.ue high-water mark would be covered with angry surf. down on Lake Hut•ute's **here, these active birds beer been obsereed, in epite of diffi- culties, •;attempting - to secure their food Iniariue insects, we inc told) by running with great celerity, as mem- ti..ned before, after it receding wave. and hack again to avoitt bring over- whelmed by an incoming 'WAN)* sou. As they are not - wets -footed. they ere, +ori.•» -hat. indifferent 'swimmers, but.) they manage to struggle ashore when; they are caught in the water. Those seen here will in a few week) 1* found "where the lessor -long roller of the mighty Pacific thunders on the beach." They have s snipe -like appearance.' earaseaseeiseWeasearaPeeseaWeresWO WATCH WISDOM From your staedp•oimt it cousi.ts of spending a "reaaoneble sum" on a Watch that will [lever prove a tits ippintment. You want something that will tick nut the time for a good many • tate -Care to g•Vetcb that- will that, you are what we call W:tteh' wise. We can help you to 'ale it. and can ahaolstely, guar - ait much a trenlr. W.• will gladly give our time to anion el* all q•lr.tinne and show you All th tt you wish to see. Yourself and/elands are (rehire° io aim" an E.,5:5 -r of Silk "Si'rt fieeaflework and to meet our expert teaJher of sills embroidery in its various branches. An excellent oppor- tunity for beginners -and for others to gain a •knowledge of the newest style of work. • Exhibit and losons J. S. Davey Practic:.1 Watchmaker and .leweller. Mouth side of Square. (aide/kb. nv�nn Fall Meet for Seaforth. The Seatortll Tutf Club intends holding a fell,titce meet on Thanksgiv- ing Day. The program consists of a 2.50 pace and 1:10 trot, x'2:24 paicr and 2:19 trot, and is 2:16 n t •e and 2:12 trot. for which li'tersl prizes are being and are distimgui-bed from toe well- offered. known vatted sandpiper Iteeter1 snipe) by being silky -white below, An Ashfield Highlander, ' without emote, whereas the teeter The at t ist of The Toronto Tekgisui snipe is thickly spotted below. ()their aflame, hirnself with tusking „ketch,. distinguishing merino are the black Auggeetad by puatgrephe in the eel. h't 111 and Meek legs and feet. Both 4 gn. u oe [the weekly a The other species are about the save length ml prem. ;eight inches, and both when Hying day the following espondenc ent from the l.nchel**h correspondence of The exhibit a characteristic white stripe. Signal caught be, eye: lengthwier, to the .{riddle of the "Dan R. McKenzie, junior, has re - wing. - ' Gently .joined the Lucknow Pipers Band* he k Iran,' when he done t ill• A Wood -Chopper's Appetite. When a man has been doing hard work of any kind be wants something substa totaL f leek ii Pork and Beans f111 the bill . They are low -pt iced. hut delieions and sustaining. Wm. Clark, Montreal. A little girl of about seven entered the shop the other day in older to procure eon* cloth to make her dolly.: a dress When handed the.packageI etre asked the cast. ••Just one kiee," the merchant answered. "All tight." was the reply. '•Grandma Fnid she i would pay you when she came in to- morrow.' r A Great Scheme. Blake Hoggatt, the most tobacco - chewing negro in a Southern country. says ha has found a new way to ex- terminate graashoppere. 111Ake sift to catch a couple of the hoppers and pinch them on the lege until the rattee clew become more. Then turn in hoose. Tbey will hop so q{ v that all the other grasshoppere will die laughing. The hard dart. Blake says, is to catch the two original grass- hopper; when the others are all dead, and kill them. October loth to 22nd. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5, at %VILMER SMITHS STORE. tie:ding ',Silks and Linens used exclusive/yin these classes. }gelding's Wash )Prt Silks for ,74rtistic Reedlework. Wilmer Stns{th, godericl7 he Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st. _A Big Fall Sale OF LADIES' MAN = TAILORED SUITS will doubtless with his stalwart form present the aspeet of a typical high lander." The aosompaoying sketch was the result. Dan will now have to make up his mind whether he has ground for action for libel against The Telegram's artist. suffragette --WP lelieve that a woman ,huuld get a loan's wagee." Married Men - -Well, judging from my own experience, she does.'• New Season's Millinery MISS CAMERON has secured a choice selection of the very latest at.yles in Millinery and will he pteaaed to show theth to the 'tidies of (lolerteh and vicinity at her dhow room., Hamilton street. The most approved effects in shapes and trine ruing' for the. season are aw.urel to Miss Cameron', customer.. The ladle., are invited to call at their con- venience, MISS CAMERON, - Hamilton Street, Goderich LADIES' AND GIRLS' WINTER COATS. FINE FUR -LINED COATS. FUR STOLES. FUR RUFFS. FUR MUFFS, CHILDREN'S FUR SETS. Etc. Comparison is the only true test of value We emphasize our invitation to examine the goods Special cash purchases secured the extra values now on sale. NOTE THESE PRICES : Ladies Man - tailored Suite, best seaeno s et Slee, special price.... ........ gill .lee Ladies Men -tailored Coate, to suit all purses• at from -___- $5.lwenl. Mis.ee' Man tailored Coate. to Solt alt purses• at from $1.95 up Ladies' Man -tailored choice at any price. Skirt.. from i )dies, New Season's Waists, specially pre Black Sateen Waists Colored Waists...- tikirts, wide range of. Cloth. Voile and Silk $1.110 up Dainty Net and Incr cel. One and $1.25 -...50c, 75c, Me and $1.2.1 Specie' values in Underskirts, including Black Sateen iUnderskirts at 75c and 9fic Heatherbloom Underskirt' at $1,25, •1.150 and 411.05 • English Feather Silk Itnderskirta in black and all colors, at. $1.96, $2.75 and $3.50 Extra ('meet Values at . .$1.110, 75c and 50c Extra Hose Values. All wool Cashmere Hose at 25c. Also mans' other special lines. Women's Winter Underwear Bargain Values at 25e. 3IA and 50c per garment hlann, lett. Gowrs Slk, 75c, 9$c, $1.25 Fine Furs See OAT hig display. our stock is larger and include% better velum than ever. Our Bargain Basement will save you money on your China and Glassware purchases. Hairdo i able•. at 5c, Inc and 15e, for choice. JOHN STEAD Hamilton Street Goderich- U.1 Net►* Ilullicudi 11•s� The ;•ot tki aeasna fribiICiti na• `pun's liras • •gull ) drat)) Wpapli alit On rite .itch ptk on The tr it k*tI1 f. McFl �� t shah tt ttrlr. nti,lesaa p,telnr[ n, rl on It Patr net ate hra tan ter alma pwih. p.0 Jt NYbsr The 34 rt- kaehrl 151 Thr rh' • s' 1h� the: t .^.tlri t•th'. tt:a e'hl'.4i d Mce A. t ---ver .;0115 set n tt .I h it )true l !.4t -Ire the sw :•i 116 = 10 ;J[rt .•wpl, Ca. 11. r pate the br ata i.nt tali vt 0514 4,!t- Dot r'. W. el. the At ha ort tl eh w N M \Cr c 51 r 1 8 f\