HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-20, Page 22. Trout/suss:. tiertme9 211, 19111 ,igW 84( oUD1tRl1:11. ONT ARI... PUBLISHED EVERY THU1tSDISY BY HE 't(1xAI. PItINTI/4II CO. Limited boe al Telephone C: No M. 1 Terms ofaubecr.•uon : 51.4)1 per annum in &amoal. biz monttur. Stas : three month.. 23c. To United States .ub.ctitwrs, $1.5n a year .tncUy iu advance. au scribers who foil to receive Tnx SSION Al Mxtdarly by mail will confer a Gavot by :.c 'tainting us of the fact at a(4 tarty a date +w When :. change of adds.... W desired. both the and the new addre., should be gives. - Advertising Rates : Legs. Aad other .hailer ad eerti.onten'n, !pet .c for each ..ub eqent line 1tni`i..nertion.by. nn dMow. .r,jinl nnttiipnareil scale, twel. n linen to an iamb, - Itudue.. card, of .iz 1111134 anti under, $ ,,e year, Ada 'et 1i-anlant+nt Palet. Found. Kt t_tyei.:tit Vacant. ay ..'.rives Wanted-, 110a., fur nation Bale or to item. Fntm+ for Salo or to Itent, not t r n e hl' r i u dale e•c. a .xed g Att11 tyy{{ o• I ontll. ,rlc line,, „1.c 11.11 inairt i.)rb �; �1 for an, a each a tient month.. Larger adverti..s- went...1u p rtlon. .wuouneen eta in ordinary reading typo ten cent.. per hoe. No notice les. thin Any.tpeetal no ICA, theobjcc• of which in the pecuniary ben of any lndividaal or a.wtai• atlou. to h-) coma rd an adVein...smut cd he cheroot neon t•gly. Kates Mr display nd Eon. rim 08.1.1.. will he given on application. addrs.n'►n eommuulcatLou. to THf..yUiN! I. PRUXI tNli CU,. Lludted He� riticb. Oat adret:;•e- 0ODERICH. THL'It3DAY. • N'T. s,, 191 1. THE ROSS EXCUSE. Thr et r WAS st arte.l by Senator Rams. and lies been repeated; pmi ruI,l like. i^t( at number tit newspapers, that het •rt Canada eutet- upon teciproeity' nettotiatiuns with the faired States the !letter e'• qutryshoultLraxluce its duties to the Canadian level. The prnponilien-reelaiad-oar ieresistibly . cett..iw,thiny9 in ".dice iu Wonder- land" : it seems to have a erosible, gonad,• but the sense ie all in the sound. Why should the United. States re- duce its tariff to 'a level with the Canadian tare? We believe it would • be vastly better for tbe great major- ity of the people of the United States if their tat it were reduced: but that is a matter for thsutselves to decide They arran e their tariff t o suit then -elves: we in Canada arrange oar tariff to snit ourselves. We do not give the United Stat se any special favors in our twill: the United States does not discriminate .gantlet. Canada in its teriff.- Cainadians therefore bug e,uo ground of complaint against their tn.i titIonrltin-t_his mat ter. Supposing. however. that t It t• opinion. The Canadian editor i'. el - United States 1:o'.eminent should lowed 'to "gang his ain gait" and to scale down it, twill' rates to a level' g.r.oge pul.lie opinion as best he;may. with those of /' motto, would Senator Solnetinles lir luny strike it right sometimes he way_le a long way too. and sometime.., perhaps, be needs rotor hing almost 11:4 much as the moo- ed .n other body' whose proceedings 1,)-ty- 6c in •puritinn. 1Vloat,we wish to drive home as the suunuing op of This little le moils, is no, : I'hl- ).4 ti - deumeralir . com- mon/Uy. We g.m'eel wee g.i VPnl 0111• Olt 11 1ffaii., 'rhe emitted and sell our othet rept4"'nt:rlivc inslitrttinus site just whtt wu atarw'Ive. make Them. One man is j11s1 as, lenponsitde 1.'r the right conduct of affairs a, the 11.x1 one. .rid it any Ulan p, 1.11 ioda- te' put odate•rrt.t o1 too htiy-ur is Nlt:r.l tet Px el('i•e Ili• influence l:1. has no Ifp;h' 'o 1'IIF: si(•N111; GOJ)ERIt'II (►N'J'AR1(► THE DUTY TO'SPEAK OUT. Said a cirizen to the writer 'a few days ago,' "I aur going to aecide whom 1 .hail support at the next. rnunieipal electioins largely upon .the manner in which the individual cotluciltors handle thio uuttter• of the streets." lie 1 made u the demand was retelling t upon the council by the Ontario West Shute Railway Cu. for running rights on certain streets, and Wil. indignant tht,t the •'ouncii shotild think of allowing tracks to be laid ex^epi on a few streets whet. they would le necessary to give the railway proper connections. • The remark may well he 'n, •'tt' the stat ti ng -no i tit tar a tee Coln leen t - upon the tuatltu•r in which the great n111ity of people atter. to their civic dutie-. '1'o what extent is the t•o11►ujl guided, to what extent can it be guided, fly in; lair up inion when to't 888080 'pltan One. mars in :a bundled takes the trouble to let his opinion tie kuowrat the ,tmetime? % hen *councillor is defeat..d at the polls, how• is be. to know where he has faited.rte-go)ne astray.:if the electors do not in 1.1r11e tray make . known their Ieiihaitl. for leaving him at.1 home ? To tnak.• 'IP "nor s puind 't ' vote against a vs. -gain man because of his a(Niun on some partivular ques- tion. without giving him the oppor- tunity to know that you disapprove (if Ili- action. is a good deal like - -'.wI- ing at is man in the dark. The ')tfending councillor may he left at Mime, hitt !Its - l0-ea41or, 8801. knowing the cause of his letlrenreut; may lit- cornetan offeudkr the next year i1, cx- acEiv the raum way The only effective furans tS keep a public representiative iu the right path lap) warn him when there arenas 14 be • danger sof his going wrung. (iodises etsshould follow the report of the council proceedings and when •iI a question of eattaiderable 111g01 tanee comes 'No they should see l•) it that the member9 of Ie council are to Thew - with public opinion. either by speak• fog to them-p•rronaliy or by writing to the press. In Great Britain ankh, use is made of the privilege of wait ing, letters to the press on all - sorts of stlirjects, and the column* containing those letters constitute one of the mart valuable; as Wella. most to teresting,'wartinoe of the newcph`)et•. o 'And the cont.' ihutor- he faded, I, ser l nut afraid or aehamed to sign their newel,. In this country the news- paper editor very rarely reeeivea such lettere from his traders, and when hr does the writer, in :5 majority of rase•• withholds his name from pu4►liettion and thus dretroys to a" s.'ry great ex- tent the effect of his expression of „EDITOR tadd NOTES. ' - 1 Goad evening ! Havi you seen any of those astray balloons ? " .14o1 op , E'allua's statement ha* started' a discussion tit tt w ill , trot die out in a burly. • g.. f.,1. t•- lIn'1 green 11.1.1' mud green wood-. A1111elan 1.114,11 w.• say 01(4)111 the L•'n 1.111 pwilielStuao ? He's the trig • - gest 1 writ'un !h.• earth. If you I want :., knnw;'4111s-thi, g ill of :dwelt • London. ask 14'�•Iliceirimt. and hell tell .nil tell y•lu 1.o 111141.1y: We never c.vt+eel h• wotiilei• al Mi.. i(4Ilti•rtnau's ; go'(4E t'uiper land kiudtio.• :*11.1cyclo- ;•:n'(Iie Lll.Iw'I.'lge. Itisu'tuften a fellow has to chancaj 1111.' of the attraction, 111 1•nudou' • ,. the Exhibition. ti a 'nl. Jt w- it w x s Ifr 0I "t 1.l' 111 C- , W e.. 11 1, N About 1.,t V 1 11 1 � t1. 1 111 t ' B .'1'111.1.. wrt•e the Uwlttlt thi1t1.l,s tw• s.vte inlet --.0 vele mut. going to do it. r 1.,•11 r4tilai1i01)1, :did 1h.'ir w',,,. ------- I.u...thiug to le. seen n.,wh.•retd,.' hs- 1 1'1 in ,lapmn. This was the ,lmpai..• -c-(I:4:.'f dwarfing tree- T'reo. 1 hat attain .1 height of fifty feet in out count , as ore seed! shoaling only a fora a T'rco• a hawked year, old 1114,) not 10 ftot liigh.. -teasel us ms.,' ti.1.11111 i.I.111i. traiu.,l 1.4 r.•ln'wur 1.i•.i..m.1 L.•.._4 all tool y %%..ml,yfilL ihio w',.- I'8, l,.1•11 111,111 1'7-,•e the 1110111i- _ftv'tt i '. It' Japan, silk -,'-Thou., mac" rhi.ei y. ,11ip., and !rye: ythink else in i s;11ntllfty 4Ue i Ito:tiity- 1.. ......total our ...total Et r e.,; 1% b''t.•rn pro. 11.!1, pit the 001.1-1 nt all our .Igittsoming w.• felt the burden of 1,04,•rty he filo ' richest cortntry oil the wR-kl : ever,y• I ,at -tear ''111e lispergg:tr, blind- .leaf and d nail), Au(tatrilnk,nne--. 3.1.1 license a i in 1► town of Littman people. 1 et 'evert herr 1.11. iluplyiyetuete- 7 !'I•on., :11,• 1 Im•iug l0''ilII.•. 081,1 -,i1 nkennes- �. ` diminishing. The (ltll '14.•'. 11:1Ve a stronger hold than when wee we:,• last : in ,E1.piilalnb- Koss-r,L,_, t,,, a. .• 1 re-oaf/el hal g.'•(41 c.ingt.,;at;uns ,tad at the leading London . hnt.'hr4'ne•tu- 1a•ra 1111: ".1 14• in the',-.'1rt9 ten :nin- •utee la•forr stent. or their place, a ill be given to t-i,itot'- Forty minute.. attend of time we writ. .un 'lig' a ....tilde tad . hundred waiting to ;;'•t into H. J. 1':eupbell...chinch. - The Canadian is 0 pet...ua grata" vecywbel•e'.'tl get we 11 tic, *Mkt* 14• :owe from tf'J)At the r!o.e of the fi. a War the Canadian wits the hero ,,f t .• Eng.:le. Since the last ..•meal .11 .11 �' 1'at1 'W.• ,.re etiil awaiting an aunuun e went 01 lion. Attain Beck's policy for , the• ,decel•'i (her t . puw'er in Huron county, -The. • J. 1.. ! •• a I ye .."l 41.41 tut :tlr Ottawa it •• i,i ;1..• c, esti::.-g.c% of Ilrumin••ull ...id Atth,ba•k:l, lj.l.la',', The (t,••, ern.. nt 11'.did.iie i, epf.g..04! t,y,. 1 . i. •i:,.li.t, ;old the 1.1111.1 issue is the 1',•t. "lit:, ua'•,il , •.' i, c, 1-, D Monk. the t' Ai..•it;01%0 l,:uir1 for.; 44 /11 tits.-, :and' Hrtti i li •ulanyaaie ••am- paiguiog for cite Natiini:ili,t candid ..,f in twin •Ilio11 lel rano" rapstl.,tittlte to; .. r t e. C Can.ul4 for oars! l 1 de fen T h Con - Pin Val is a Itp r., Ig.( 1lnt,, t tit i., of course, praying foe the g(11_'-`1.41 4.1 1 h.• 1?..vern- ment c validate. - _ 1 The Seri -gull,. 1',- b.rd; .,i:o r -Tarty pioiun- -v'rep 'I . • . - ho- n4 of 4),1. deet'. 1.: , ,.,• 1 . oir•,.t the razing dale t, 114-tiie ater of heat ordeal!. I Hold the an t symbol dear tit tor.ng heart. ono erg.eaera Arvid the wast of lift..and bray. Te.up;atlon's dar'c+.nd forceful wave. That .weeps .cro.a us uaaw•are- And ..w open g Runts tit frowant errs. • , 1:11.1 shrewdly aex u•. But again. thr.wed upon 1103 tranquil t.; to - In s,uwy tube torr 1,- t .,, 114•. 1,•:14 , •u ,t Iep't - , u N,a•xe:n. FROM OUR CON TENMPORAR:ES' An Unguarded Confession. Toronto Star. The tru 11 will out. The, following probably with a view to leaking coin- %\ lieti 'so 1111111Y C111111114111, tall- IV iet8 jeetwt th,'Iuselge-into t lo• I•41 1••-t, 11 m Britisher prefers 10 ti'al ,,nf 'vurprilltical•1,a►iings before ..•'ulrnittil.tg•hun lf, In 1in)the Eng- lishman" Was proud to h,•at• • bat Iii- t'nn:.diau t•ivitur 11x(1 to -:h; 011.0114 11i- I►uwiuion: tiptay••tli,. I':nrlishul:l1, Wants Us 11'.)ss-4(411)100 the 1'an/olion 1(4,nt 1 ire oundittun+ of life over leo e•, pes..ihiy. with a view- to emigrating. MORE PiNhnam CURES Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Li GLanford Statiuu. ant,-" 1 have taken Lydia E. l'tukhaw's Vegetable Cont - pound for years and never found any medicine to compare with it. I. had ulcers and tall-' ing of the uterus, and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully until I brawn taking y o u 1. medicine. It has also helped other it AI Women to whom 1 'lava recommended it." -Mee. HaNBY CLARK, Glanford Station, Ontario. Gardiner, Me:=R'*itis a great suf- ferer (rout a female disease. The doe- for said .1 would have to go to the hospital for an operation, but Lydia E. I'ittkhatn's Vegetable Compound com- pletely cured ole in! three months."- Wire. S. A. WtLLlalis; R. F. alio. 14. i Box :19, Gardiner, 9iajne: . .- Because your cage le'a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without, giving Lydia E,. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as In- t1:tmmation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumor:., irregularities. periodic pains, backache, that bearing -down feeling, indigestion,:dizziness, and ner- vous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it. and the result is worth mil- lions to many suffering women. If you want epeeist advice write for it tort rs.l'ink hang. Lynrl,llaas. It is free and always helpful. gub..age occurs fn, an article in The_ tarrts.,ns, Mail :lad E:.0►tire -..f Thinn : r-t•annot say witch ;liked the v.ry= r�t to t piece tit work Mrs. (Slid! but :1 little•.cold 104141 ary T .gg> . •ovas,t Ah ! ~ nn ettuft ever produced. although its •charm when we sighte•d the great St. Limy- may be infeliur to that of '14ranfotd.' enr•e and the ',sand .1f ,Suri-hiuo That It is .. chtonicir ,.f the English poor at the worst time i11 thrid hiat,ury, twfot'e the e.-rel'li.bment of fist• trade bad worked 0 11 .nsfurmatioa in intimated,. less and etw.thess. In tug. tnanttis we England.'. Y. i" had not seen 4.. strafe 4. sky n1. so ..,1.111 The Voice of Agriculture.. tiny. 1/1,• a the hngli.h pwgwls eon,- Farmer n Advocate.tnemt.rl to the extreme heat of :..i -.fn 1ugist, Here in Canada the last of Ta' itf re•dut tion and reciptr(ity are utt,, ttt no,,er-howel 11 stead y wt . Ha il two -11 t tsa1e'•to 111tit .ui l unshui, t ( t - have sonar Jests Pith4r without taro,. the galdru of the W111 111. land ..f the other. Wo favor a rnraatlt•o••!f fruits,11181 fiuw-e•a! both. 1'or the relief of cnnsun.rts and the 1'e tient of inletdrp•ndent in• dust 110 , :ori 4'-p.^!;Illy .of agriculture, many of not p I...sent schedules should I.Cgi'at116.ly !educed to .'11 appnxinl- ately unifotn percentage. nitwit loss -ea- t hato ow•rrthan the p1 Ps-nt average tare. If. in addition, ,.n 'quitlle recinr.tei)y ta•eaty ran los negotiated. it will be of tiviptestii,nlhte advantage. esflechilly 161.10 age ieidtut iste. - IMPRESSiONS OF n • THE, HOMELAND. R -v, C. it. Durrant's Vivid Picture of Rosa and his , ,.cheer he any more ready t.. engage In ret•ipr,.cits negoti- aions than they ore notS? Certainly they would not : the tinny t e.taily ('a- .'naduan. eoilld Ka111 11(•401.41 tc the United States market Iter less anxious they would be to Make any rnnre,- aions. and the' 1.., morsel! y t het e `would • he lot sp•ei:ll recipr,K•al arrangement If 't he 1'nit rd States were 1.11111411"'.'. t,, tiro elle• a free trade t .,ant l y ".1.1..01 Boss acid his Mellow rn•oter•tioni,•. 1.f %aria Iia w.'.nttl he (Wire a•iRing fo take any n.iran- t:age 1'' Vlenl 1!114 w uul. follow• irniu Audi ;• 11 ..0410 and would dill ole - wand tnand trio 'ot•tfneatre of the 1'ana- Jinn I,. ItT ..n l'nite.l Slides gotah.. cnmphrflt Whet) thin , 1418.0 . The 11 , , nlc art e\clt.r, and a rets 1'• ,r •m.-;i•w-trrMt+rttt off -the pro; -4- Po -••d re; • '..• b •4!- inifr•1!nit11) . RLS TORE r HE MODEL SCHOOLS FM I lt! t. 11 ns .. .1•1 1.0 10 1110 ,treat et• adv :tlt.:1. tf•1 ',.1.lt.H ills 1(•(i4.1 411 arrnt3 t'I- -•I t in the 1' nit ld States dirt not .? II4' .• I.. I;.•n'•I,II t,ii ttJ. It - 1'.n- ads i..:t.tt( a..!'r,r 1•, the I -filled States mat 1.e!.. dent toonkei will b!• 1114'1.0yalI01I. t' In d9 31 1hr 1111.,.41114`1. 111. other 1'011111 1'14'4 aro wl1114 nut. In- stead. the:efurr. of a-sking the 1"nitc, States •toI'edi•i:4j _ teuitt•.,•o that the tor.weticty of any -errantry might he ad- mitted nu cnulparntit'rly easy tet ms. we should, While seeming admission on streetsl terror• for our own preslui•ts. encourage the United Slates t'' up i► high tariff agai , other countries. That is • ptoteetinnist argument. at n 1. ate. Here 1. allothei' 'fest for thoses who echo `senator Ross' et'.. if !whole coming to u. With it roque,t for a tee ciproctil 18rangrmrnt the Tofte. States ,houtd first. reduce it. 1 wilt to is level with nuns. surely it follow, that l,efotr we ask .1 eat_ Britain to reciprocate with us we shnu,l redu(•e our told( to a level with that of Great Britain, The argument is just 41.0 good in one ease •ss in the other. Is Senator Ross anAL are h'knew=paper echoes prepared to advorbte the r1. deletion of the Caritolitn tat Off to the British basis before they indulge in any further talk of interin,periel prererepce? The Rose cry is :absurd. ' Sheldon, the Montreal exponent of the Ret -rich -quick idea. has decamped, Mach to ,be regret of many dupes Is this Province, but there will be an- other Sot of subject for the next art 1St In the same line of hominess. 'Whey My a new fool ie born every minute. !'hr uhuliliun of !l1,• i. defended on till: gi.,tn•I Ihrat the li.rgolnowt,' 1. the!ebv • 1.ti-iilg the, of the tearliiiiK pruh•••iou.' II m,, he 111.111 that ti iTepait till ill of E:dtua.titm ha. a dilly Kt1•a1.t Ilion 1 hat . tf "r:ti.irlg the stator' in V./tubing 111',.f..tnioo,''':u,. lit y et pito idfu41't 11.• ,• lariu 41413111 mope tirs. It it w iirtitici h the Ire of oto ucatiattal f:;cili 'Sower tllot--o+4,'t• the. array of to whet, created 1e: action of the Department tetany schools in-Ihe I'ro4tnce are in. the hands of bop; and girls• who have no profPesionel tt tieing Whn►ever, and in 00111e cxsei scht,ol, have been closed becaube of the difficulty of securing react pis, fs/the new policy tending to the im- prov emend of tearhing efficiency ? The model setae .1s ptovided a sort of pro. bationitry term (luting which young 11041 and women could determine wllelhel -till .were tmety to rte rat tt- ceii'ful as teachers or not, 1f they found 'themselves out 'of place 8141 teachers they could easily drop out. Now, with tine tangthtmrtt pet-indaf training at the very beginning' of the professional course, a young man or woman makes up his or h r mind to spend at least a eonsidetahle number n( years in the profession before en- tering upon the outlay 1.1 time and money involved in the normal school course. Thu, the profession will hold a number who ought to 1►e somewheip else, and will he robbed of a number who would make excellent teachers, hit who cannot aRord to take the course now prescribed. The model schools Should be rt* stored. morning wet• put off our .i 'creodts al.td 'wraps, ladies donned Inn-lin.c.ud silk blouses and sat ;airlift the deck. tun • the (lid Country. - 1Q•%•. 1', It. /arrant 111 4.1eiho'11.n8'. On? , tunnetly ..f lietlnliller, favor. Tile Signal with :' bright and int etest- i ng I ter gm his recent trip to the Illl t',1 res'. Ile sl 10": -. 111'_4.11 Sh, v.t 1..-11'P have jtt-t lo- t tit peal from the Ohl t ,ntntry And 'WU ova h fry 1., fulfilto.r,( te. iln-t fol n f('414 imp's• -.inns, life have Ko,ilr had i 1110 to pot t Rings-hip.hap, . but C' 1' i .. (bight" -44'7..1 out very prnniin- .1: 1 •; • t.hu, n ale it vel..sea with the tit .... I ntle n1 1 :tit t ty :the Cans - .1, fort•:. i %salt. IIIc smallness 1.. .I ..n the of het site. 1411• ! .1 .1-. .I•.•., nrillilttlt-e rail - 1... In ail- 1''"In :1 (Itt tlnc•t►nlay. ler 1:1A 1.a 1:.,itl, 11111 Mob. •n . d1, bled mt.. ;n many ,1.141 ..•1 .111,.• pit-oii .-..11.. .,w. rn1tre,. e Mo nem- 0.tint a oai f tint... rtrt.•r :• Ifitln 1.411.. 'Three ¶ Ill 1 :e. to Iter flr pit trtiey travelling • 1•', I'arm. dit •nl cnnipanies road.,. an I only _ s'c it:InUtl-4 In make 1011- .11143' 4. 117-1. ai-iTv'T promptly '411 And what hafet y ! Por ye111'e L the St i4 1.iilwaysent'rimd their mil - how of pa -.'segs t.• Nil 110111 th.' lose of sin41' lit.•. N.. Wunder a penny /two. cent -)will insole you for efmonth at ft3,11re111gaitlrt hiss of life 011 ati,English rails% ay. Baggage is a bit of tl'oubl,4 the h .'.•,i't the American system of frog .Necking. Hut for hixp.m.•e they will check your t rank :and ,deliver it :at j,:1,r hotel room. So one can heron% sats- t hey Ara much iehind. E:[c.:1 Iiimis :.rn'ryu at very. Inst 1,41", wit h- out may osrrcrowd,ig, and -they're ill ven s. on tittle, ' Ve next notice the substantiality of et el ything- stone .Valls round the little gatdens, stone wall- for dividing fence., sl i.ne blocks or asphalts pave- ment on every .mtrPet, ltentl1iful otna mental iron pillars for telephone wit,•- ,.nd palter lines : churches Amt castle., everywhere moire then a fhnnsan. ye:1114 old and good for n thousand mn'.'p. • What" 1.1:111 we say about London and Edinthu'gh? 11".' rate Holyr.NNt l'441.1e and the apartments of Diary (toren of Sects : t lie 'Edinburgh 8'aat le with the ercreurjewels- -.tf I•teostlwnd «n,1 the birth clouding' of .lames 1'l.: rho hews'' of St. Idles Cathedral. l,. London we walked the Strand and 19,,a,lilly, lodged nem. Vo.kinghanl Palace, true Iig.me 4,f be. nig, 1 r.unllt'(1 to u n d Trafalgar Square and the (official residences . f Asquith and !shot -if -George : 411.4114') 11 he birthplace of Queen %'i(•tnria: saw the block on which !Vary Queen of Seats was beheaded ; nal iii t he poets' cr.r- nee in Westminster Abbey : nmuunte,l the famittle "whispering gallery- et SI, Paula flat hedrot I, A11)1 beheld n thousand and one eight. of the greet - eat city of the world. One finds that London, with her twelve millions of people to caro for, has left many open spacer. for recreation. One n.ed taut SKIN SUFFERER SAYS • "IF 1 HAD ONLY KNOWN.' "If 4 had only known how .soil kis. eczPld:dcah be curd, what long years of awful suffering it world b..a re saved roe," writes F. A. I'll,- of•e;ts$ trash ingron S•„ San Frxncieco, : • • Thio. +O'er forty, years of stiffer:n;; nod after using fen. than one tootle of the Oil of lfinter,1i,rpn-Thvun'' U 1.. D. Preset 1ptioo. Try at tenet a t • i.d b,,t tl... \frit.• for itto.i.iy to the 1). 1), 1► d.t!born• tortes. 1 rept: t:. S., 49 Coltrane St . Tortoni.. To ;tut 1.,•t rain kitIo1, 1.•dg,• 1. D. Is. 1'1•.•11111"n a1wat'a,gi%'e: instant 1.1 el. -alas ,!.)t,' tear( -I(:-Wo of ten '041 11 1l, - For safe I .- 0'! al ./' CT.NTRAI STRATFORD. ONT. 11 % : ; nip..-.• atten school 11 1+ winter yam later un N'itrnii,.•i month's with 11 are enierin three t CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE i- a;ink in 41 InnadaIs greatest chain of high-grade colleges founded daring the past t wenrr--'x years.. This chain is the hugest tethers kg tr•ung pwopIP in 1'anw.•6 and it is freely .014,4311• 41 that its graduates get the i.est pIai• (Inn!. 'The,. la a leaenn: wlite for•'.. A diplotn't from - t114' (minuetlit. Edueatoi 'Association tit 1'trwd1 is -' tato/post Yudmsy study: partly a'. home and ftedeb at the ('ollege. Enter any day. Fall Term Opens August 29th CLINT B'USINE COLLEGE �POTTON. 4 ,11 s�t08 eti. el• 1d r• 4.w - Siten.l e The New• .term: st,plet,ts chavrrk. ' %V. have ltmect- :.- - ln0ercial - . __ Shorthand_._ Telegraphy ("onuses., e• is , h•. Our1 , oil.. ,I , Nye expwrionr•e.l 41141 0111 _ .voter... The demand 1.1• : 1.. heli. rxeeedt the• , 11 ply, \\ I it,- 1 0111 fl e•,• .:itai ,g.,, Il. .1. 11 l.g• n•_ g", Catalogue Of (he C.•,tra! 9u,rre1111 Col1.u- of Toronto conta.as somespec,aI • rant e t Rua � a o vary great interest to students teho desire to attend A tint -class reliable school, You are to wrote for .1. Ad dress W. II. Shaw. President, 393 Yonge Street, Toro, to. • L...t.-emme CANADA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER The Family Herald and Weekly Star MONTREAL &combination of three papers, ' eaCh-the best of its kind. . A Weekly Newspaper --the best world. A Family Magazine Llea profitable. An Agricultural Magazine -recommended hg the leading g'riculturists of Canada. All three jthe Trice of one-on-lr One Ilona t whor esome and FreeTripto the�ld Cavalry Some readers of The Family herald and Weekly Star are going; to have a FRET: TRI i' to the Old Country in June next. Writ. fo .sample copy, giving felt particulars. No home in Canada should he without •I'lirr Family' Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal. W. ACHESON cP SON New Fall Goods Our stock of the following gouelk i., full complete for autumn and winter. BLANKETS i•:IIYiilh and Canadian ou►'I:e•. pure woo', per u $7 .50 ss.00 w . DRESS GOODS • t, Fell r tug.t of r.II t:t,hio❑ colors, also black and ;tic . -. in tweed cloths pod .il - Nr'ta u, l'eaiuls, Ladies'.,,. Coats Everything in demand in me ha ds n u u , serviceable cloth and tweed Coat-. All colors. li0uI4 AL('E:. IN HOSIERY FUR F.11.L Direct from English makers. MI. cashmere Hose, double knees, elastic turd of beautiful y a r n. rc.•ry size, from a ��� to 9!. At. per tooi1 LINOLEUMS nt intel'eetitlq p ieee, (ler English inlpurtat' u f Linolruma And F1 o 0, r Oil Cloths is on altar with the: largest w'botekale importers ' in Canada. For thea fa11 we crit prices ('lose, nod eve's- manu- facturer in England and ('aoa(ta has advanced prices•fur spring. f.inoleums. 2, :f, 4 yards wide, at, per yard, speci.ij $ 0o, 40o, BOo and ... CA1211ET5 AND - RUGS -. -- - _.. _ --- 7'Ipr-err (':at -pr s, ':i inches wide, in'it large range .1f beautiful its. epe"islly awed. Regular ow,t$,)c and 75e. At. pet ynod -- ,,,, .....'.......,.....1... BOO and \N UNDERWEAR\� Penman's. Turnbull and ofpld'a I'nderwear for even. W onisti and children in p size -34 to 50 inches. W' ACH �SO. NSp Goo }WHAT CLOTHES HES MEAN TO YOU The first impression created by good cloth:.; is -that the wearer , i i a successt r elan. GARMENTS TAILORED BY - MART IN BR win instant approval, admitaticn arid r-espec: Amateur` Pito Supplies We ( arty rt',', cthilig in 'Photo Supplies -1 1111)1. -ram Packs, Prate-. I1Cgelopers. Tuning autl Fixing 1'u 0141. ete. Also 11like line .•f - bAMERA S THE FAMOUS- UTCHER CAMERAS -the best in • nal hi. (lace tried, always used. Try one and be c meed, • F. J. Rutland, Druggist The Square, doderich- L DISPENSING The greatest rare is taken in dispensing at this store. The puteht dings err used, and pal may hi ing your preacription here with the greatest confidence that it 4111 receive proper attention, TOILET ARTIOLE8. We make a specialty of these, and can supply yob with the latest and hest goods. N. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square, - - Goderich.