HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-20, Page 1APPEARANCES
vuunt for a good deal.
• Week -Jour Wainer/4 std
to ,7' give you a good
int 7 Y,
inurmluc b o 4-r site me
lxt Signal print
your next au.Pl7 0 f
l.urintwee stationery and
it will do you credit.
Y BAtt -Na IL!'
Capital, Reet and 'Undivided
Ihofils IC:1,4ip1,7tNi
Total Assets over $;1,t41111;Q1Xe.
SpeNes THE BAI:ANt. F.
)u ' ei • nd all u e
[hall t pe a you Ilk
and save tLe balance -if these.
is any.
Ut C,\NADA Nave what you know you
t.T.ai : -11 Ib lhtiu eboold--then tp.nfl the rest.
'14(• ditfrrence•, in• a few years.• will he the difference 1letween
1, ,t.f.s-y .u1ot TiulrplradrneR:
'rings Account now. In this M It'Twill make the
6,,,a'rich Branch,
W. L.-HORTON, Manager.
VI it i. .11' {,I.. . L1'T10N.
.t Pro.44111.101. HA)* & BLa:r la*
,e t,yy • W t. ttrrtur n• or Mr Blair.
;::'lore,. ti is taken Mr, Blair',
•• 1pture M 4-a!
nee• • . -au.r 41400 under the nese of
rte' " Killoran.
gyve: t!+• )(^i-^ ern are r'e.
.1:. '-• . ,a. .. i' to the Old
sue-•.1'•.%•+•",od At „'early a date an eible.
Peed . • udt r'., natht. first tiny of October.
A le l..: l..;tel-)•Fie Aa'ot.IILAlll:
W.:Inn the last few woekiThe
ei large
Signal s trot
uta 4-R
.I n
al hu
.iter .,i a, count* for sabre' intimate
n, al retitle The roma iodividu
.Illy ate not Lugar. lent rao the
Ayt::r'1•i:ete they amount to hun-
dred- •'t dollars. and WE NEED
DiI MONEY. We ask all
:h '-e indrl.trd to settle without
• 'Bus 1
1.:1rr ', Cab and
7111: RED BARN
et nth Stier'. 1:1,dettcb.
All r•ar Rigs are New. 'Boars
meet .att Trains and steamer.
Patiiruler attention Riven to
ells from pt Orate residences.
• I
.. t4-
' Phi
As an extra Induce -
insult to new subscribers
The Signal will be sent
from now to 1st January,
1912, for ihel price of u
yetes s u a C l• t p t i o n,
.$1.00. NOW is the time
to rend in your mime
and your dollar.
GOUERICH, ON IA It ). CANADA ►.;t'UBEtt `a►, 1`+If► -
Q Q - (ANDERSON INQUEST.tie the tountynlln a for its
GUDERICH MARKETS THE BISHOP'S VISIT other matter tented u{wn the clrrx. g(iant.aud to the county of t h b for iia
ITbe ulpit, e. said, was dot the cerUre i ( 1 h ttpital
1 church, but the. miter
Tai. a Out flcr. Mb. _ .
Fall wheat, per bush eo w' to 11 a Ht
;prinhi 'whoa,.
stye, her bush Der bush., 41):.i5.71.:‘ ' u w HIS LORDSHIP OF LONDON AT S
Nevi/lwrat, a 1.11•nh 0 t+ PETER'S CHURCH.
Nevi/ yrs bu•ha, a (t•"tit a ;*i
01•! Oat., per lou -h.. . u to o u
Pea+. per hu -h 0 w' W o
Harley, per bu-h 0 40 to 0 .i.•
IntJScreenings, per ton p6 an to a41) 1,
flour. pertmt -2 to
I Flour. latent, per cwt .. 9 •x1 to :yen
I ...hone, per 'tun ., t1 a( a el it
Hay. ser dun . s t4-, to It ret
•Wood, per cord. 0 111 to a err
1 flutter, per Ib u :.o CO w
('heetse. per lb 0 I. t0' 0 Is
F:Kir., fresh, per doe n _3 to 1. s
New Pearse.. per bu.hcl.., u :01 to
4 ('ettle, ordin'y to good, per cwt, 4. o (o 11 j',
e"ottlr, export. per cwt ' 4 5tt to a
H . 7 n • to 7 tet
"lir11111 Leokbn to a :+e
14l1ow, per Ib
Hide, per cwt 4 x111 to' ' 141
:hewn :kin- 1 to to 1 e'
Chickenn h' to !t
furaey. - 1'14 to e=
. A.•--.J....,n../L.-i.-A..- .
' l., \IIt-.•t 4ND SHINL;LES l Ail kinds of rough lumber in
soca a• the New Lumber Yard.
nett t'. Kensington Furniture
Fe. h,' a-. •opp,•tle Ii.T.R. track.
Urd.•i.'Mrd at short notice.
New tijunewick`Ce,pi*r
Shin' les- Laarkln" brand -the
i_Ltoit. on the market.
LR AFT Hee1M4:-, CULT1+. ylll.t H 1 +)seri
Mae+. Ueo. Holland and W illiatn D. t'urtnell
will well by public auction et Mi. Holland -
tarm. Holme -1 Idle; 00
commencing at 1 o clo.•k -harp .
One pair of dark hay geldings. a well
matcaed tewtu. ming three year old':' 1 pee.
of roan.. •filly end gelding. a well matched
team. riving three year. old . 1 he ivy gelding.
r right grad one. rising throe year.. old : 1
pair of heavy yearling anis.: 1 heavy drift•
mare with furl at fuot•end t'i fool to Iter
Ticket . 24 good Durham -grade cow. uo calf
two due •.0 lye. •-cohort. to and in good
condition tied.. mat nteed _Retire • re
v te
do .leer*. .e
t time tet cele .
yearling o rd .•t t Y
bred and in good -bane . IS >r.ultng helrcl•+
well bred and 1.. •g0o4 .have .1 two-year-old
Tkmw-' Twelve mond:- credit on furnbh-
inc approved joint note. beetling ihtrre.t at
nee per cent.
U Ki F. H9LbiND.. Proprietor-
wM. D. t ONNELt. 1
THVMA •;U%DRY. Auctioneer
1 _ AVAN T Ep.
1 Tearns and. Teatlnters wanted
.4t once : 4uc an hour will tt.
Paid. Teamsters to use one and-
a half yard holes 00 their t
_wagons. Corns -ready to work._ L
' AI'ply -
. 1N 11)i'1N STEWART Co..
1-11`.. at the Big'Mill,
r:, to n cit
Bishop Fallon Greeted uy Large Con-
i 's-
i ns at Sunday's
ew ce
Rregat o
A Vigorous Personality, Mentally
and Physically -An. Occasion of
Special Interest,
1'4),• annnun=sole nt math last week
that flieh..p Fulton would he at St.
Peter's -church un Sunday had the
rtitea ofdrawfiet large crowd,rto that
t-tlitie'e acid used audiences greeted Hie
taeitishite at lath services. This woo
the Ilishtgisfleet %i -'t to thio palish
since his epliointment a few m'lnths
i of the Catholic o. ur r
was. Jesus Christ sal there in him
real presence. There saris iO•'" F
people in the London diuceie, the
pprr h
Bishop' aftlrwrd, w]lu ought ,to r
good Ueathulics but were not IA:4me
they did not attend wase. and this
class ce' people was not of mu :h use to
day other eirKrgp.za' dun.
•'What the world wants today is
strong-livingl'hrictiano," he deserted
with Brest etuphasie. "It has alto-
gether too niemy of the other kind:-
the iair+weethet Christian, the spine-..
. ago 10 the Charge tef this diocese, and
SITUATIONS VACANT. . ,an additional ioteest was lent to his
al.p4arance and utterances here by
the fact that he has been the centre of
a di,tuveion resp •cling bilingual
eechools which hap been engaging the
attention of the press of Ontario and
Quebec to a very large extent for a
week. put.
Bishop Fallon is a man of splendid
physique, etandinie two inches oder
oil feet in height,- and io roporti n-
ately built. The range and p,weT tef
his voice, COIlI)Nneet with ltis_co
mond of vigorous English. places h
I'lltl. \\'.\V1 EU' Volt I. EN ER AL
)( t.uu-ewu.a. Apply to Atte. '..LF'. Kt, g•
...., . 4-..•r'... It
Le (loud were. and t •ady , •",iI10vw.nt
ismer! Tad MOONEY Met 1'1 t et t .1.50Y
u., L'1 te `itiet.urd.
III waned. %pply to MK.. WM. 11:AL-
Ln('F:. We lingaun-street. 21.11
1 1'105 molter. t'uwpetrnt m.n who can
attend to final. regulating And i uIpc ting.
ady job. estate age. ex pei•ierten and war.
expected. THE CARI'ENI'FIt a 1,MP.a\Y,
Brattleboro. Vt• .
.01. bench men. 'opt .be et-t-cl1.+ ; three
vien for ...oh aro door dcpartmeat ; three gen-
tNar ntufinre-.tnn--lor---t■"' a--
tpy13, LoQHE ItK\ \.
I nKwoet. _
i E.\HN TEI E(;nAP}Il - "MIOHI`.
L per: less work shorter hour-. repr•.•ent
the latest rvg'7lonoltr- for - ailwey operator.,
Ktd clerk'. 't a tram you for stent', wore
and operating ucd.,r very best reedit ions. No
doubt. About immediate empii'yment when
ready. All railway• want neo. Particulars
free. mitre 1'rntral Telegraph School, 'l'onge
:nd Gerrard. Tur1lnto,
street. lately •weupled by J. 1. Kallomel
anal Andrew forte.. Apply to J. P. BROWN.
property. huudnd and fifty rear, of
Choice Wed• level. re h clay Ism. -Rowed at lot
•La and we -t Ralf of lot t4. concession ). Huron
*township. countyy,, of Bruce.Good building-.
tir-t C144.01 orchard. free from ail noxio,is uod reeds s:half mile nd gout* wfrom
ce. two and
Thursday. . . OV. 3rd.
Ar land
es fro ndgrrA from t rd's frmu dhow
of Rlplty, Apply to Mite. E. A. H'')4, t IN.
The e% rill of the sr•a'.on for Verdun.
1. ,era •'f aefin.*1. run. l' E TO 11 VC WITH ALL
Prices _ c and
draw C'hrietiap , t•he jelly deli Chi sellar.
Referring to the degrading sin
of drenke4nesa l.4- said be was
stet. that. the youthful eyes ..f the
children Keftere tiny had been teatne a-
tItz"d by a -drunken to ies,7--"'•'Th.r only-
fkind 04 Least that get. drunk it ,.
InaD,•' he sued. It was drunkenness
that tilled the insane' aeylu)us. and
,tent many +4 loan to hi. death on.t,he
scaffold. to 'vivid picture" he further
s portrayed the reeuttr of drunkenness
no the lives of those affected hy the
alcoholic appetite and' asked the chit•
deer to repeat a vow that they would
abstain, from the useof all iuta,xicet-
ing litutole until they reached Ihe.age
of tweatyrone.
In conclusion the Bishop a ddtessed
a few words to the eougvegat wit. Hy
expressed hest wishes for their future
joy and happiness and he was p1rasel
to know that under the guiding hand
of their good pastor the church had
bred repaired Piller the recent fine and
*44 now more hsautifulathen ever.
modern t,•uceniencr-. central located.
LLoll r)A.LE.-LOTS 'I..1. 'a4. ANIS :5
. on Cedar +'net. Ooderlch: containing
ehree-hfths of an acre. There are on these lot-
,. or.e-.tuy frame house, newly painted, a
-spall stable .any as Rood unload. A suitable
• roper's for a retired fernier. terms and (•01*
Artium will be fuani-hid oneappi.cetion to the
ender-ignrel. M. 1.. 1A'I EK') . Barrister.
Hamilton street lioderich
1. side• laayttcl.l read. het ween Ilritannta
street.; good portion of this
rend and Kennon t
land -tillable for market garden.'.wll /tuft.•
rte. \lay sell in two pert. of two and one-half
acts•. each. lot prix and tern,.
Windsor, write
JORDAN. 17 v1 tnd-or Ave.,
1 Home andt o1 known as the AI.g e+ea+trc8*. Capt.
Gregor Grugor rro ms.
l.ou-r 1•• rooms. hut carter he•itingTr.. and modem
Morro wL'hone lot on Tr].
rel ai street.
se, and
lotll Napa jointly sree o r"rmime,egood reo-:dunce
onlotSanter street,
dktrict, n'.Itxgert f3eltfuM with 3 acre+ or
orchard winter &prier.
'rhes. properties can he had at reasonable
prier, Apply to J. 1. KILLORAN Barrister.
.4-c. rndert. n _
11 sro4tY brick honest. with .even room,
ItruCe street. Particular can be had by
canine at SIGNAL OM, e. 03tf
r q -35c • :,[tent rea..a.rbl. J H
__- ear• Petrick',
.I ne k •.street.
Nxtnorrice Totowa()
e TIIOklt t c4rlTer. • tweer,CM
tea.YtkP4K(ATE4E) BY ePlt('IAL ACT
TO K IC(' F.I V F: DEP1.*4111t
To accommodate the Farmers
We have opened Branches in the
villages of
Wo solicit the Patronage of the
PAL.x haOTEN D1e('OrNTRn
Ilighedl emelt rate of interest
4AViN(l9 BAN; K In r DEPART-
en d* MEAT
posits of *1.(illand npwards.
A change in. the humilities
now conducted by It. M.
Elliott bringe forward a
combination which is
r. the to,
1 1 to keep F
notch in shoe selling.
Hein k Elliott in the thin
name under whieh Mr.
Walter Her becomes
identified with the bus-
iness.. Mr. Bern needs no
introduction, an it is only
within the Lust few weeks
be has given up his former
business in this_ town. Hie
knowledge of Shoes has
been acquired through
several years of es pe•
rience in the trade. Mr.
Hero always liked the
shoe husinemi and will now
invest cuneiderahle capital.
which, witb his influence
and Mr. Elliott's business
rxpeyears,enwillofl undoubtedly
give thin firm a leading
position in their line. The
store accommodation will
be increased at 4 -he earliest
convenience. 10.:
block of shoes and trav-
elling goods will 11e greatly,,
enlarged. end customers
will always tint there a
variety and quality which
cannot be duplicated.
l4- now pa.* doe. and unit.- paid b7 the tet
which will mean NOVPIllber addit o• will be pal 00.1. MORROWcollection.laced for
at MVItIIA .
Inde Nlatitnt w«t toilet.. etc.
Interest. II of the town .Duron the time f r the Allow 4)14^*. Fa.t .Id. +quare: Underirh. W.
g•f t.. per t•.at. dIt•WH A pe,xe• _paid PRUt1DFOOT, K: C: R.'(', HAY:4. J. t..
1 been ex[ette;id to'I'Pk'HU-1 Y. 11H)VFN• KILLOR.1N,
6 _
,n+faro: sr ur.r)•, a4- very' .nri rate. of
make.n v. nw•i v,.lnetion+. Apply
'. M••Im)N %t:•1 .,N"<v 4'o 1?Atf
trwtre ie prepwr to pay wn intertt.l div Iden _- - -----
grant, to t)tr binds 1, the o
--.. Fly reason of the town council's mak-
POSTPONEMENT TO iug Lbtegt,aut. evely retell -aye -rite the
town contributes ,-*northing towards
25th INST.
n flat
NEXT TUESDAY, tb h 4-p i
Severest of our town -e itizens and
-- others have made generome g.Ira and
` c - donatione to the hoeptted and the
No Evidence Taken Friday Evening
Mrs. Jardine and Frank Jardine
Have Returned to Town -Large ..
Number of New Witnesses.
It ..was ea disappointed crowd th,t
thronged tide court house hath Friday
night, whets Crown Attorney Seager•
arose. and askked for uln,tbrl• adjourn-
ment .t the enquiry into the death ad
fizzle .Andercgtr Ft--had-lee+e+ty-}raps
that the evidence of the 41e'W wit-
nessew sulgr)4'nued tip ap.p.'air• would
threw soul' new light neo U'.• ease and
lead to iue:porta:A develuptn•'nt$.
The mints of twenty witnesses
were called, foutimeu of shout had
not given evidence•. act` any prel•iaaus
ae,•11N1. 1'1/11 C. failed til a*l.'w1'4' to
tbriry 4)4584-14, . but two of thrum ap-
{warsb litter. It had been iaw•'rtaiu'd
rawly in the day' that Mrs. Jardine and
her youngest son, Frank, had not re-
turners to town to give evidence se
they heat Leen bound to do, so Crown
Attorney.' Seager applied fur a war-
rant iu nrde'r w read}.• their appt•ar-
ance at the next seemlier].
It hail been fully expected. Mr.'
Seager stated, t hat the enquiry would
ts• cnncludel ten I•'riday 't•euiug last.
lout they did riot wish to proceed with
txbe taking of evidence. until the wit -
n eters suhpue.oewtl to appear were all
noverlet. even If they welt- not exam-
At the evening service the Bishop
gave a sty eloquent address. His
attl•jeect t(as the doctrine of they
Eircbariet, wed be explained the Cath-
olic belief on this subject.
The Bishop was accompanied by hie
and Ntheag
- Tierney. iwr Father t
e crr y
• Mclormick, of Kingpinidge. was pees-
1 rut and assisted Father McRae at
Riowr REVERHN1) M. F. I'tt l!•N,
Bishop of London.
in the ranks of the hest pul.lic streak-
0111 At the tuorning service on Sunday ofhis air representa-
tions Bishop preached at confirmation On either ,side L
tions of tit. Peter end St John the
Evangelist. all of which is work of
most exquisite design. The. lower
wall., of the s+nctuary sire 4)tnelted
and arched. arid the maul* are bar-
n sin
e •1'4) m
end effective. tees
monious' n
altar 40 a l,rautiful piece of, work in
mu talking to there little children," he whit? and gold and is of such a a hat e t -
said, "hut 1 mein you. I ant talking ter 111 is :sound' 10 appeal to the -fie -
to therm but at you -every eerie of votional sentiments of the woo•'hip-
you pero. •Thin work was done'hy Rnueu' 1 ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL.
He impressed upon them the uecrs- DLitt,. of St Clerneem. Ontario. The
city of daily player if they would be side altars of the Virgin and St. ,doe- 1 --r
good Catholics Many neoplr he die eph have been recolorrtl sand decor- iii Satistactory Progress St own by the
St. Peter's chnr:6t in which Bishop
Fallon preached oh Sunday. is one of
the prettiest churches to he found in
Western Ontario. It is built tet grey
stone front the valley of the River
'Maitlesod, and the exterior arebite>
tore teed the intrrit.r deeigotug com-
bine t0 make A beautiful 1dtfice. The
situation of the church, overlooking
the Maitland River, makes it atilt
more attractive.
On March 12th last,. seven months
;ago, flee at St. Peter's ronsutut'd the
altar and the revoke and heat badly
damaged the main interior 04 the
church.. aerinsediate step* w•rt•e tat
to repair the damaged 'build* and a
few Werke ago it was re -open , With"
it much wore beautiful intern) • than
Thr sanctuary has been 'honked in
the back part to en octagon :ani the
ceiling given a dome effect which lo
beautifully embellished l,y a scene pic-
'Peter t4)..
luring Christ giving S.
.asteeal charge of feeding:the sheep.
board desires to express its very sin-
whohave ve iu
c•r ban
e4- t
way rrjidgCt'd su1_i1 valuable assistance
towards carrying dirthe work.
A former t:ouucil of the town
diverted that the inta•raat on what le
known as the Blake hrquesl should lee
paid into the lioepitel funds towards
its maintenance and support. For
some reason unknown to the board
thee interest was by the 1• event coun-
cil directed to be used for tether pur-
esery. It is earnestly hyped -that -1u ---
the future the council dray see fit to
direct that this interest be paid Into
the hospital funds. ,
The board must again, am it bag
done in former Reports• testify to the
txrrllent and pr se'wntthy work done
otr-hehalfof the> hospital lethe noble
band of workers. the Datiglrteri' of the. •
);Empire. This organization seems to
evince as much if not more interest
in' the work as the years •roll on.
Witgout.their very able aseistance the
burped would find it almost a. hopeless
task to catty on t4)' wart with any
degree of Puce -Het .During the twelve
months this report covers they have
given no less a sum than $110.43 to-
wards paying for fuel and in addition
rte this have enpplied funds and goods
to the value of :6183.14, making a total
of It:'(la.'>tl The greater part of this,
tether than the $110.43 used for paying
the )del account. was used in helping
to furnish the nonce' cottage. The
To alloy"
t• • U. hriir hack board desil$re to extend to this 'Mar-
t naming witnesses and fur the voting institution and to rich- individ-
e t _o other matt*" ht U, J member of it -it* thanks for this
1 til ea __---...
sty m
i fol H further sidl erre grnrrous asutetance.
av, October Seth.. As they Ita.l
lithe last report it wsa pointed out
ttleMeelvem cramped fen• time at thee + in the- near tufa* something .
shots d be done towards the erection
of a new building for' hospital pur-
pores, as the present one was totally
inadequate, and the necessity for such
a building. is farther emphasized now
by the inrreaslyd numher of patients
seeking admission to the hospital.,
it is hoped that the citizens gener-
ally wi11 give this matter due and
proper consideration and by their ad-
vice anti - means motet the hoard in
having erected in oft*' midst a suitable
hospital building, one worthy of the
town we ere so justlyt proud of. In .
hie last eeplrt, the inverter. Dr. R.
W. Bruce .Smith, used these words in
r•efer•enrr to this matter : "The neces-
sity- of providing a new building with
larger accommodation should ever be
kept in view."
The nurses have now a aeparat t
house in which to live. This was very •
lunch needed and is certainly richly '
denerved by the stet?. ' They now
have fairly comfortable quarters and
get rest and comfort which heretofore
was denied them. The change is fully .
appreciated hy the staff.
.The • lady muperintende* t. Miss
riftiths. by tier -faithful and continued
inUiest to the hospital and very cap -
ante management of it,ire-lo he con-
gi atufwted on Iter sort:: and to show
how rftirirnt and -capable this is it is
only nece p.aeerrey to repeat the words of
the Ooviirnment inspector in hie last ,
report, dated the 11th of July, 1910:
"'The patients are provided with
excellent food which is properly pre-
pareii end nicely s.rved." And be
turtherrnys: "M.' visit of inspection
inner„eei me favorably in -regard to
the manner in which .thin hospital is
eondnoted and the excellent' work it is
s are neatly
doing. The record
cuterctly kept and indicate .that the
hospital ie appreciated hy the public.
and that 'it ie needed in the common-
ity." There can he no quention hut
General H4npiGd ane held at the coma
that the hospital is looked upon more
honer on Monday evening last. The! t f avoral,ly every succeeding year, as
prr.ideet. of the hoard of trustees. evidenced by the increased number of
Judge Holt, was iti the chair. patients. Phis most Ire due in a very
After some opening re•marka the triakk('d degree to the work of rhe lady
president euhrgitted the annual report. superintendent and her capable and
allowing that. grettifvin4 progreen had self-eacriticing .teff. The hoard on
been made by the hus;.ital during the ire own behalf and on behalf of the
year. He explained !het the_tor•plue public wishes to convey to Miss (:rifl-
of over $4MNI shown by the flnene. &1 this end her stat! their thanks for tie
statement would be more than re- work they are doing and to- impress
mitred for immediate expenditures for upon tbeni the fart how deeply they
fire escapee. alerili1Mr' for the np014- appreciate the manner in which their
ting moan and other necessary equip:- Nevem' (ate. at times so onerous and
"'TTrelent: exacting, have been performed
; report of. `the huard_of trnnteei, On the 19th 'of July lest two of the .
with the financial statement appended, note,
rftxrsee, miss Levy, of the town,
:. its follows : ship of Colborne. and Miss Swan, of the
Report of the Board of Trustees. village of `1lenaall, having completed
To the Member+-ot.the Ho.pilwl Trte.t, the three years In training in the. hospital
nee. of tne.ynwe of Ootlerich .and of the and slaving paused most creditable ex -
Yount y of Heron : aminatiotis, graduated as t r aim e d •
The' board of trustees of the A leer, .nurses, and at w well -atter ded meeting
andra Marine and General Hospital of the public in the Oddfelloive' Hall
presents its fourth annual report, coy- they then received their eliplonaaa and
ruing the period croft) the :e t4) of Sep. )nodal*. The hoard desires to thank
teuahrr, 1441)). to a bet of October, them for their very faithful work dun'--
ing 'theme three years and expresses
the hope that in the future they may
be successful and abundant) 'bleemed
in their God-given work. The hoard
need hardly stdte with what regret
they part with these two estimable
The financial statement appended
Mows a very etlhetantial balance on
hand, but- thin, or' most of it, will
shortly be expended i n necessary
work, such as fencing', the erection of
two fire recaps.. and the installing of
sterilizere in the operating room. The
board consider• .01 this work to be in
every way necessary sand hopes to
have it under way in s very short
r "
rim .•
the evening sessions ne asked fin-thef-
t hat the h for opening the inquest
be set for 1U „o'clock in he morning.
By etuitiS this Mr. Sevtget• • said he
hoped to Home the rase at another
'When the inquest resunlea next
Tuesday at 10 o'clock it is expected
that srceral se-One:owe will he re-ex-
amined and that several names will t e
added U1 the present Ikugthy list of
new _wltnasees. George Tate Black-
stocK. K. C. of Toronto, the well-
known criminal lawyer, will be on
hand to amidst in the ekatnivation of
the witnesses. Mr. Blackstock wax
here last Friday. but returned W Tee -
emote on the afterntlim train after it.
had t.eep_de•id, d not W1 g11 n11 4.111)
eo.the. inquest that .night.
Mrs. Jardine and Frank arrived
hark in town on Monday. They had
been at Hagersville on a visit t.., Mrs -
.laudinr's father: Joseph Jardine,
They rendered arrest *1nnel'rssu•y by
\olunlar•ily reuniting to town when
they learned that wau•rante. had been
issued. It is said that N1 /N. Jardine
will be -a:hies-tett to it thorough cros14-
exanitnation lay Mr. Illai•kst.%•k nee
Tetteeday in,nt 40trntpt til deur up the
discr.pancte's beta ern Marr story of
Edward Jardine's movements tai 1he
night of Lizzie Anderson's disappear-
ance atrt1 the original: arteries told by
other *11r•I lle.M- of the Jardine. tamil •.
Detectives (arra• and Boyd a4-. 111
town and are 14141' working ott the
setrnoll to a class of eleven boys and
twenty ons young rnidde•n% and ' in -
firmed them ets;melnhers ct the Cath-
olic church. splendid advice for their
spiiitusl welfare we -given thein in a,
„' with
manner that could be applied Ired t
good results by anyone present •'1
h 't4) the sane '
elated, said their prayers at night rte- sited to, harmonize
41 Annual Report.
cause they were afraid to go to bed in tuary. The idling of the au(ittorittfn
Th felt secure in the. baa been divided, into ten p'nets. five, Th'
annum' meeting of the trust
the dark 4-y r
'nothing and did not think of pi/ever __ p _ - ' board of .the Alexandra !Merin.. and
when the *tent ww shining.. "tiet • - --
away from pagan customs." erya hie (T - -
app ed. It was no longer sty i -h for I •y
families all to kneel down together. P'•
bot the rememMwoce of this custom ,
was oneof the most hleesed of hie life. ^,t
I•'aithfnl attrlldan11' at mode 140+ mil -
.1\. bwrrf .. ser .olkh••r+. 'nuterles potties,
to tAke
1.i:ltof thtall hetolddp.ay'their Dices t'ontan
bnlore that date. \y ld. 1'AMPBELI.:\*me+sot.
► te) THE HUtt4I)HOLi)tKS t;F 1IIE
I HuIRE1Huit: K: Y l'CL, .Ti).
1)n receipt of the bonds and proof of 0 r -
hip wherever .Ante roof be requited.of
ed the doll ar o1 the
O EY TO 1.0•1N (> FIRST:
pr nle{almoneys' of 4'a lands. ++
Loudon, Ontario.
j41XEl'UTOIt•S,NO'1'II'F: TO l'Ithlil-
LAO4OF BAYEl0:1,t►: 15 THE (Ol rTY
Nodes I. hereby given. pnrnant (.0 the Re-
vised Slat.uteeof tintwrio. (chap. lat.Se :34,
won amendments thereto. that creditors and
others havingclaim. against the estate of the
deliveyA win r their aims on areortley before he Is, .end De -
Bo IMr. old itior. rot Jto ohrn iVlh ddon. exetteltHey* or of
the will of the 'aid destew'ed, Meir name., alb
dreese' and deeerlptlon•. and a full aatement
and particular of their claims and act natant
of their securhy. If any. Mod by them duly
And fort her take notice that after the mid
date the maid executor "111 proceed to dt.trttr
lite the ao0t.t of the Relit °elate *mond the
parties entitled thereto, Mein, reg*id only l.n
v notlese *4
the clwlmr of which they .hell have
above required. and the meld executor will not
tie Beide for the d amide
M 1 0*01wpart
claim thereof
to Any pal'soa or
rlwlm. notke shall not have been reeetved at
the lime of dl*tribatfon.
4►m4e4 at leoderfeh. sh(e 3rd day of October,
A 0. IMO.
Sotteitews tor John Whldeloo. Hayfield P. 0.
Executer of raid Ertato
4' THE
tt fon • heifers and our te•tll. strayed into
WWII Ihtr week and are new in charge of the
town anthoilUs+. Owner may have name on
proving prorierty,lind paying expen+ee. Apply
4-n tilt ARD 1'rMTI.F.T114VAITF:, chief ➢ of
J. R. HENTEit, L.1..n.M.4Englandt, F'.T.C.
31. ITomntol. Org•anl.t Knox Church.
Voice ('ulUtre, Organ an
Harmony. Counterpoint,
A. E. COOK. Plano, Harmony. Counter
point- etc.
MIR3 ANDREWS. Kindergarten and
MiSt; HEiNICKE, Violin.
A. E. SHORE, Mandolin. (index and Danc
For Inf„rmaton Si to term*. ate., apply at,
the ('rmeervatnry.
.. ...___ •-••---..4--,r
..,.r 'i.,::i•...
Thov)grth t • range : water front, high shelf.
A. MA, KiNNON, Trafalgar pttee,. 1t
on each side. in the ,.entre of each
'panel is a life-size oil 'painting of one
erf the apostles. This work was pro -
mar by N. P 1. Very/woe
mseb, of Detroit. The Suctions of the
Cross have all been recolored and in
n parts entirely repainted. The
_ :sot e
OR -SE FOR SAi.E. - A GOOD walls are tinted a tight salmon color
or general pnrpa.e terse. right y.ar old.' with a border of the moat pleasing
Or p.rticvlar' ingnirewt THF. 144ONAI. OF hue. Thr arches of the reit:mg have all
Ftc}:. I )leen painted a very 11410 green, . t riped
•cues i-
About •10f1 y.'arlings and two-year.
tide; mostly steers. Iheal quality and
in fair condition for feeder.. Cattle
on Attrill estate. Apply to
tvi desires to express its leas sed peaellt.
with gold, whie h g' a very irraut
ful effect.'' -Aver t e arch of 1 he pian
tuary is the rrintto, "Sanctus, Man -et
8anrtur," on a harmer held .wt ei•
tihd by the figure of an angel.
work was in charge of (1. F.
of Godet ich. To Rev. FAO'
the pariah priest, is due
his careful
of the improvement* in the chore
rogation to to r tong rateleted nn
home of h s people. S1. Peter's cnn-
waving much a heantiful edifice whore.
into wo roti The improvements
The total
treated (lurin
101, and the
days dsrin
tip. ATet'
the inetlt
the pati
lumber of • patients
the yeas arhnunted to
teal number Of hospital
he year wan '2,734, teeing
days' stay of patiehte in
ton ofr110 The previous year
nts treated numbered 744 and
Lilt average 'days' stay of
t 4 welt nitwit. 'L'1 and i h. total
ter of hospital dose watt 1,102: ao
t a very marked increase is' shown
r the year 115)1-1911), ,
During the ye*rr'there were eighteen
•ILirLhm in the. harp'itnl,p►nd six death
The in1re►eeel number of patients
still farther prover; the windpm of
eatahliehing andel the fleece/et), of hav-
ing a hospital ire one midst.
In the bast report the hoard ex-
pressed the hnpelthat the different
thurebeo would on some one Sunday
in the y«arc have a rtpeele d collertiou in
aid of the hospital fends and that *nch
Appended to this report i* a state-
ment of the receipts and expendituree
during the year ending the 30th Sep-
tember, 1911),
lit fritted.
collection .hcwlld tw made on the some C. A. NAIRN,.
'Pattie HvbT,
Munday in eaeh of the ehurchee from Tresrlurnt, President,
year to year. So far, the hoard re- • 1i. E. Hotsowts, Msep';atary.
and redecorating neeeseitated an ea gtts to nay, no action has been taken Dated 16th October, 1910.
penditure of nearly $6,0110. , Low this ibis a "..
uo to
Goderich. Abe board