The Signal, 1910-10-13, Page 9ed a
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News f h flistrict
The o t e. �•
0,44, x 1, 4,44 *45tt4''•5 44445i4+'6444• 401045 46 4 44=6 446454 445+ 443
Mum DAY,. bet. 10th.
wjy Kcdlttal y►stud Niro. U. Brown.
• , of Harristen. are visiting Mrs.
ticAlhstY1 . Mine Lizzie Rather.
rod,ei W' lighr0U, bperlt a few day's
a, h
her .poi was 1N,'ieitorMrs.
at Urn.
,,;,,w, was a went to
11 ,tu!w • • • • fitazolaat week anti bed a
good.orogtime .....Mr. and Mei. Hugh
et iostf r' .ent the week -end with
\de...... Horace and Mrs. Kullm, wit...hint been blending a fort -
sight wall Mrs. and Mies Mullin, have
tetuteed to Milwaukee.
Tt' I""DAY. Oct. 11th.
3. Garnet Armstrong was away on
ahu.tne.- trap to-Qdelee tart week.
II ickinghan3 has purchased
wsterl'•••.er chopping •A• B
will st Aii.l et let and id now iu cbarge.
H, It-:!�`lli-on, formerly of Loek.
goo i appo'Med by the Pro -
h." cera
tnttrirf+* :1�41)1"L LQ llO the vaomit V
,s d:e l(rg:.1 .tr-I.rnerale Department
:Toast., Mr. Morrison hat ieen a
-wade • t the Queen City Oar 11,e
,.y„d-1! u,•.: tlts.
1`y tr OMEN Mous/D.—The
ltsrc ` t
son announce' the War-
,ugr. Maclootlnld. a former
tot.. tu_?lies Ida (t:bristie of
thattier the•Wedding [took )dace
in :sone ter :Ord. Mr. and Mr'.
'Moll -to ',will make their home in
winaipirc -
p,,rt., I,,.:r RUT ForNI►.—A story of
the realm ladle recovery 11 a loot as_
nos e.,•n,•• from &farm north of Luck.
now. 'flaree earl ago a lady visitor
j•at••1tl patch -chain in one of the
d,?Je. -One moonlight night tcceotly
"ben the -hired [man was croaring the
,seer Held he saw eowething glittering
the go end and stooping picked up
what provost to be the long -lost cbaip.
11e Neid h+41 been, plowed sod har-
rowed srcera! titers. crops had been
man and I caped, but the rhaiu except
ha A slight tarsi«It, which was ea-ily
tr.uoved. woo •lulte.untnjur=ttlek-
'sow stowed,
MoNDav:Oct. it/th. Tt Ksrn.ry, O. -t. Iltb. I A 5o -cent bottle of
Mimeo EI.kt tToK.—The grain e1e: ( rictu oN.u. am) Mho eeu.%L. — Jiu.y
vator at Mega', station will (C open DaidD, of loronto.. vl Iird at his
or the purchase .d all kind; of grain here on Sunday We are glad to
state shat C. Spofford, who ,has been
sit ill. is able to get up for a short'
'tilos now... .. V. White spent Sun•
day with friends in $t. Mary....[..
Mr. mud Alrs..1. Henderson. of How.
ick, s rat a few dor •d here this week.
. more. •li ;at.on Sons
on Thursday, Friday and Seturday of
each week, commencing Thgr'day of
thin week, lath inst. The elevator
th. sea sea .on will lo. in charge of Alden
Al in, who it well known to the
Nowt of the lwrluhip.:.ndJliatricL 1
Herron A; Cuwwingd nhipl.ed tour
LIQUID CURES ECZEMA •+'err of cattle to Toronto Maturday..
WHERE SALVES FAIL. ' M,:J►nd Mrr. K. Ltb•II are attending
th.• Jewish New Year ceretnouies in
Toronto the past two weeks Th.
. In regard 4, skin di wi .. mwli,al -town ha. now *titillated the .trip of
authorities ,Are now agree., ou thiol: sidewalk on the. went ..ids of Mill
Don't ilupriron the disease grams illstreet and there is too doubt it it pyo
'out slit by the use of greasy delver. I down well. a. f,:ougcillor Cat ter aider -
and thus encourage them to ntultiptt j intended the work, but for all that it
Atrue eurenf-all et•zemntoasdisraw* sowed, ;, /sow,-1oolish expense
can be brought but only by usingI N ,ire .;r rt to blade that Mr. Dexter,
the healing agents in the form tota Co the north of the village: is not iiii•
liquid. I proving from his recent illness and
WASH THE GERMS OCT. j there toeing very ~little hope of is re
..A -simple oras A compound ofOil i covery. .. A great m.11L\from here
of \Viutergr.•en., 'num.!. and other I attended the Krussel., fair !astir
ingr.rtielrtt . +:m
-cemtd it -the$ B •
r-- -T i fibs :tad Chi
0. Pre.•cription. Tho' penetrates tb _left last reek for Ilespeler, where
the diteare germs and ilenlroy• then*. hu..twn.l hen a good position
then soothes' and bests the .kin al and Mrs. A. Ballantyne and family,
M..NDAY, Oct. Std.
A St!, E.a AI.K. —White thresh-
iogon the !Otto of John ('oonuU. on
the lath rn•r•-inn. the other dsy.
Vim 11 • i Mullett. had • narrow
tempo ft• ni meeting with. a .eri•rus
..oc,Jeu'. Hr wee iu charge of the
tonne ar.•t in stepping on top of it
to du "nue •ailing Lr got caught on a
astrew In thin position he was in
great Jeno..i of suetaiuin;t a broken
Ise and I: of not hi- trousers turn this
audit hate leen his experience. As
the result n..0 he wee off %Ul l for :.
kw !Lys.-
Zlos l'itr 111 n A'\tthlte.aKY.—%lou
II•tb•du: bomb. lnaierlch township.
si:1 bol•! :, !in venous art view on Sun-
day. Inth. Thor* will pre lour -
is tl,.• xtitrrn.noo at VII and in the
s..-nmg xr ; _ .dock. Rev. H. A. Mil-
Aut••;tr. will bethe. esker. On
lfldta•..iay evening, October 1111h.
atuwl .upper will tee nerved in the
.ibt.nlho•n.. iron, It to 8 e'eloek, f)1-
lmred -1. an' entertainment h.
' church. Ati -e eelteot prggram will
le ender 9 „ e iv' he eliv-
lite Ill d
A !•s�•t
awl by tl ,agii•i t)s,•;urs.
los h►. ..O.or. Mt•R.4YINu.
(islbr ' of th* Lake 'hone r.oad.
i.rb term -hip. was in town yes-
twday a t •,m delivering a load
app:•. • 1 de,tleres His orchard
)melded ..1 • tie vbuu'Ired barrel- of
dose.. ft , , 1 which he finds *reedy
nib• 011 tt i••.• Joliet,* per barrel. Mr.
/,tlti'railh 1, - a gotel hearing orchard.
be b< neo:l ,t .., this year'• clop. iD
beer., wool., to the fact that. he
races fel b.. [seem end spray's them at
Cat: toric • .e:.. •n. Ahy of our-farnt-
n- wh , a in,tlintat to dpuht the
tee' ing' would find A five•
rrmt4 e. ..n the subject with Mr.
t 141141.41•itertive.—Clidton• Newr-
trotb'u else bas ever dune. of
lS 1'nrogtu. are spending their hoG�le :s
A. teal tlottlr will 'start the cure, here T. Ke1Ft has moved b
and give you 'natant relief. Write hlar•krmlth shop to the oar a fe
for it today to the D. D. I). LaboPnior-; door- south of the one be has heen rat-•
ie... Dept. G. M., 49 Colborne street, t cril,ying and bar cloven up the other
Tur ulo. For rale by *11 druggist*. one for the present ... .. Rev. T. H.
Parr had to tenon to hid old charge at
lh.rrie Monday- of this week ......S.
We -.4 -lake, of t iodl•rich, waa visiting
amongst his mane friend's herr last
Toe 'I'h..!Misgiving number of r'aria. ek \ McMillan, who watt in
diet Pictorial has two full•pege plc- the %Vest, returned last week w'th a
tures front Mello*. phutngrkph•. { car of 1V..stetn cattle. which he Is go-
Nearl every illustrated publication of lying to tee.,... \ho,. %V. McTaggart. of
Mensal,. visited her two .one het -elite
past week on account of a ship- •• N„
ment arrivir.g'bere too late the, G. T. '-weepin
H :Trent bete has been-elliog tome eye. '•1
rheap grapes. there in t
,1".-N"."" ' Co; N. 1t:--{,ouneit tiler
ar r• 171:1,a131.1t 1.1.; rift -"poem-
' z t• it. A el mmunics-
t' n a'' u•! tt out flee yth Tele -
ph :lei ..-1.n y for p*-rtuik,ion to
Wend t• • 'tem into (.od,rich
h,• ••ie4 k mea instnieteti
(4mite the I'ontpant. fur further in•
frk'nlaiho ..c!.i tor the names of the
pnrtlen tele •i 1. thele Ayatem wlnitd-ben-
t. '114. Itr.•ve and the ei-Ork . re-
ported the vino', they. hoot received
ttlnmtlu•,••wtrshi .stili
the innl.le of thele.*ylottim gwhodo
sett I�.i11 taint Awed by the town
't'P we tax
es. mak✓ r
,fix iurucil de -
to L•a►�«eatie►Eer-ft►�ti�
Ibete••:.,ese The collector's pond *as
Pnteet- ,+uracil far approval,
1°uArf ndi ,�l•nlvi to onset the ftti't
• i
nN t•
I tn►wr at 1:30 p. m.
1 .l. 'Ila. ('let•k,
'I'UKoots, Oct. lith.
note tFlar one picks rap nnwaday. h:..
*owe of Mr. Mellows' work in it.
Ngws Nlyricp+.—.Ian.e. and Alias
Heetrice Art uottot.g. ,f Hruseelo. Vis-
ited at \\'m Thntup•un's last week.
Scott's Emulsion
given in half -teaspoon
doses four times a day
mixed in its bottle, will
last a year-old baby near-
ly a month, and four bot-.
ties over three months,
and will make the ,[baby
strong and well/and jwill
TtIVtutD.ty. O' r sKR 31, Mlu g
Oct. 10th to Nov. Ilth
To point. id Teutr an+ point.
iu Petawawa, to l Port Arthur,
and to a number of points
reached by Nil -Ahern Naviga
tion Company ;Julie; to certain
points in Quebec. Sew Bruns-
wick. Nota Scotia aiui M4iue.
Yc.: r.ti f .rad iriengJ an InbUt4 to v.e w an E. 4,6,t of
Silk ,24'rt )v'eed/ework
and to incl: t Out expert teacher of
silk embroidery in its various
branches.'An excellent uppor,
tunity tor beginst s and for others
to gain a knowle(tcre of the newest
style of work. Exhibit and lessons
free of charge.
October 10th to 22nd.
Hours - 10 to 12 and 2 to 5, at
f UeldinR s Silks and Linens used exclusively in these classes.
lay the Toun ton
healthy, •robLst boy
TOIL YALE aY at,L DR.n .c:IST*
Steil flat., ame at paper and this .ad. far
beautiful fjfawoe, Dant andtikelek-
Waif bank costal.. a,.u,.d Luck
wd(sese Sreelt. Weis' - TowMe. ODs.
The Retort Courteous.
said the suffragette orator,
the audience with. her eagle
Mr. Dodds etttiug -down
third row a loan who
. .John Volatile bas returned) hum. THE PuKsnv-TtRI.a"v J.'tttl-Kf�,—Tb1; I\,b..s eonde nded to come _here to -
after having spent the mummer out 1',eebtteriens ought to he very well rg
bight and ten to our auments.
Wiret Frank 1'lat•k returned to pleased with the ought_
of their Se Iters heard bat 1 have h to .ay.
hie home -lo Toronto -414i.. week aft nnniversata- crlebtatiilabdd-. .I think should like to hexa
having opera his hulid&y. with friends on Suudny and Monday, ,Uthougb •ft' tit him. and g t -e pus a view of our
in phi. vicinity .A party of sports- 'there were ate,' regrets -in- connection e,a se. Mr. t)gil, , tell us what you
men from (oiierich;spent a day rabbit-' nab it. such (tri thy( the -only rurviye obi k of the duffs • ttes.'
hunting iu Wal.h'r swamp hart week. in former minister of the congiege- h, 1 c•e-cou n't,' m•m-ma
Miss May Redmond. of the (ode- tion. • v, Dr_ meLs.en, of lioderich. st*ri*tru.•red I►odde, ."I -rur
ricb Collegiate Ins:itute. spent Sun- was ung Ir to attend on account of couldn't. Thu -there u
day at her home herr Quite a failing h !th. Outside of this the ,sc.- pup -present,'
number from this vicinity loot in the emblem w..ii one of aIncb the congrega-
Mir and coner [ at Dungannon last dora should he proud. oud. On- Sundae.
Fridac Digging potatoes and both morning and evening. there were
taking out mangele ie the order of the large ceogregtltione. and in the even -
day this week We are pleated to 'lug the church was packet, there be,
state that Miss Mary Cammins is ing no nerviee in the Meth et.
doing nicely :after- having gone church. Hev. M. Geggie, ,t ionto,
through en operation in the London ,•onducted the services audPery pea -
h•3spital for appendiciti., ' son was well with the 'ser-
mons. The cisme, tinder the direction
of Prof. Cook, of 4.ode,icb, rendered
wrote b4(utiful adoptions. The miller-
Contion Sunday amounted to CAMt.
All Offer that involves No Risk for
Those Who Accept it.
lt•e6rP positive our t.mcdy will
ermeletely. relict. constipation, no
matter how,rhtonic it may be, that
*Polo Lc, t.:rnish it free of all cost if
it fails.
Conatioat ion is roused 11y weakness
M the nett,•- and iutiscles
tsfesttrt!t A' ire eending colon. To
shoot a eine you must therefore tone
"nand strengthen those organs and
beton them t, h.althier activity.
t1'e W.+nt y og to try Retail Order -
es -ow nor- o41- *tee• They are
deal U1 ke t andy, and are particularlyr children. 'th.. ar1 directly
on the nerves and muscles of the
bowels. They hey. A neutral action
dothe other, organs of glands. They
not p,irge or rause soy ineotiveni-
ence whAtev,l•, They will positively
Me}fx+me chronic or habitual conAtipit-
'f sod the myriads 01 moon lite or
debt ,ell; ailments. Tt'Y
"netIOh•1et lies , at' our risk. Two
and Me. Mold only 41 nur
't(rt'e—The Retail ![tore. H."1/. Dun -
'T, south Aide of square.
SION TIN sermon which Is lived is the
�4wlent of ail sermons.
TIii BItititsr EL.K%[,TORN IN T
W(IRLD --It i.. rai
esist ,tnnish'
,Mday evening there was an old -
lo time tea• meeting in the N►sewrnt of
mead shout the way the eel crop of the church. Atter pattakitig of the
Western ('anmie is 6 ed Pilch tall . good thing r prepared by the ladies,
through the .bars of the Twin 1 the audience• went upstairs\to hear
Cities un 1 Superior—Fort Wil- l the goal things prrparedl for them
linen at 'ole Arthur. IAst year `there, Anti tory certainly were of the
CO ■at bushel-. nut of a crop of I'li,-Inst. The church was lighted for a
t,t0Mt bushel.. went through the big. I few migrates with the nld•timecendlee,
tertuinel ,elevators in eighty day. ' hat it was deridi•dty a very dint illuuii-
The Peal sigt+ihcan.P of this in mad- ' nation." itev.' J. L..Small, as chair -
clear by 1. M. Rolston in -the claims of 1 man, read messages of regret- from
• *ri
w t•rn)atkialrlr article in (.►ch,brl Busy • Dr. M1•Lrnn and wife. of G a1 Ich
Man's. entitled "Pouring ti re i I Olt-. Ja •ohs, of t'alifornia: I)r. Sloion
them gh the Big Emmet.- Hr halal. 1 of Toronto ; Hes.. _ W. Mct:e*n *rad
ont.that during the post year righty- : Is ifs, of (itlthrie church, and -Rev. W.
mine n9'llion bn.liels were handled by H.... of Halifax. who all were sorry
the Twin City elevates, that it te- they cou111 not he heir, but hoped t••l
gutted righty -nine thon41hd cars to the success of the undertakiup(. RPV.
hold trip quantity nod that' this it T. H. Esti, the Episcopal minister.
volvedvolvedthe despatching from \�`iilni- 4140 woo. unable to attend.Prof.
peg of thirteen thousand trains of *.v- C-, .k (pwnell by ringing a solo, after
enty no- euh• ' The manner of hand- 4414,, -l1.114 -n. E. A. rear brought eon.
ling the -great FldescIIlwti'in interest-' goetutatiun• from the Methodism ing fiashion anti w de' riptinn of the' Rev. i). t'+r •well.. as' mode roti of
memmuUoth elevators—the largest it: Huron I'reshy tery.•c
Ir •ighr,4otrgrrttu-
the world—i. given. - ., 1 la tory grretiegs fr t resbytery,
I palter whieh the a et of the even-
DON'T BE BALD. • ing. Rev. Mrs ggie. gate his lam-
_ 'Loos Indere: Thr Ro-r thy'Shawtrck
end a Thistle.- asst ted . ►•y Mr.
Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splendid' +zeldine. his soloist frolo Toronto.
Growth elHair. — 3fr.,H:izeluioe sang the song "(400(1
Wj%sve a ted—stay ILt" ' i' 0Y '--air• (it•g)tie Lhm11N• •* of
hi. ne* the- 'l`;ngti.b lreopiP, .howing the
Ingrooving re and every F'trai hlfotwar,. reliable and right -
in nowt ',three nu1;�•t' ecery hundred R
ewer. le Imre timed'toecordindd to three, 11'4111g qualities of the tare. and he 1
tions for areasonal.I- length, -of time. rI:t'llied that is•ewly-they' eland first in 1
That _wry • stent like a'ertong -tate- the market., of the toot Id and not like
went—it ie. and we me*n it to be. and the Canadians, who have already lust
no one should doul.t it until be has the confidence of the )Int her Country
put our cloture lean ,'loat tent- 4, by the way they put rap their apple's,
We are *o cel'taip Itexall "19:1_ Hair 1 cflrei.P, sir. 11.' also -I poke. -art th.
Tonic will dire dandruff. prevent high .tendon: of honor maintained by
baldness. stimulate the scalp and hair the -members of the British House of
depots, stop felling hair end grew new Comitems. in comparison with. politi•
' dr
ne then
heir, that personally ever unr mod_- cal life here. Mr. Hazel
Live gum antntre to ce;and every penny snag the solo "The Death c of compared-
;after which biro lGent..entp►Atrd- thh/1
tray siert Is (omit , let rd here—witty
the way it, i* earth .in in England.
the cnnlparimop being in favor of the
Alter the bolo Old Country. Alt •'
d to the
Aft. Gegen* referee
Irish and expiee'ehl 1 he opinion (hitt
unless. they display a more united
spirit they have a poor chs ce of at-
taining to success in th epirations.
The Irish have the courage and brains
to make a great nation, but being
divided they have not the power to
snake tier of their talents. The solo
"Killarney.' was followed by a dieser-
Oct. 20th to- Nov. 12th
To Muskoka i.eles, I'enetung,
Lake of Bay-. Midland. Maga -
netawan River. Laketleld Mad-
awaska to Pat'ry Soubd, Argyle
w Coboconk. Lindsay to I al-
iburton, Sharbot Lake to Cal-
abogie via K. A I'. Railway ,
points from Sevetn to North
Bay inclusive: and certain
(pointe reached by , Northern
Navigation l'ompany.
Inuit on +N - Iieketi
December 13th. except to points
reached by st.•anter lines. Nov-
ember 15th. 119111.
'Full particulars and ticketlolfrom
Up -town G., T. R. Agent. Goderich.
[Mice hours 14.3) a.m. to 0 posh.
address .1. D. Mcflommo . D. P.
A.. 0. T. R., Toronto
u yjaf E N Clft8
(ibod partridge !hooting
on the line ooetb tqt Parry
Sound, open demsoit irtrni
Oct. ISth to No 15th
Single Far
for Hunters
Oct. I0 to Nov. L2
10 t►11 stations Chalk River to Port
Arthur inclusive. and to best bunt-
ing points in Quebec —and New
. Oct• 20 to Nov. 12
toad prints Sudbury to the fico.
Mateleck 1.1 Shot toot 1ake. ('old -
water to Sudbury. and Li' the.
Return Limit December 16th;' 1910
Lille: al -pup-oyer p: ivil.gce.
Ask fol' ft*row...[ and ng
.h •,"tie+" •'Mport•r.r Life Mdp and
S •a4one.I0h I • .4 ie and Fi-h."
Kf11h, t. rat. Goderich.
doom- are plentiful be-
tween Sell wood Junctio
and (iowganda Junction.
Open beacon fro m
Oct. 15th
Deer hunting commences
Nov. 1st.
For'details as to favored
orations ,and. all - useful
i formation, 'write Pas en -
g Departurent. Canadian
Northern Building, T o r-
ont.rt Ontario.
Gelding's Wash 74rt Silks
for firtistic ./Yeedlework.
Wilmer Sall th, goderic
When buying your I3oots, Shoes or
Rubbers this fall, buy them at an
exclusive Shoe store, where yon will .
find tel assortment -..of `{food reliable ----
'Footwear to choose from, that cannot
be equalled west of, Toronto.
have them properly Fitted over dry
shoes and you'll have better satisfac-
tion. We - have protected'' ourselttes
and our customers by buying largely
before the great advance in price, so
can offer new season's goods at last
year's prices. ' -
owning Sc.MacVicar
Your business 1s one of your
best friends. Why not give
It a suitable present - some
new and attrectivc station-
ery. for instane, such as we
are prepared Ko tint for you
et right price&!
and. Winter
With Fail comes he question of our Winter comforts. Ogle
of the pt incipal thing\ bout the home. ie the cook etove, heating
stove or furnace.
trrrfrn-it '
it doer not give entii'esetisfau'tion to
the user. -
'. rPa
a I
•• 1: " :air Tonic, 1
ti H
ant to use as clear sprinwater. It is
delightfully pet fumed. and dans rot
grease nr11111 the hair. • Two size',
Mc. and $I. With ,our. guarantee
back of it. yon certainly take no risk.
Sold only et our store. 11. C. Dunlop,
south ehle of Square. •
HIGHLY PLEASED. Lotion on the sparkling wit and
abounding gond humor of the Irish.
Reduction in Hours of Work Is 'Very Scotland' r ame next. The introduc-
ar. tory sole was "The Standard on the
From The tendon Adverti-,•r. Br:iey 01 Mar." The leetettew Await.
• A very enthusiastic meeting of the anon the scenes of his boyhood and
employees of the McCormick Manu the eesoctations in connection with
p thew scenes. He spoke of the canny
[acturing Company seas held' last.:nature of the Scot and also referred to-'
evening at 5.4l. Mr: Thomas Duff be- the days of the Covenanters. Tbe.
ing to the chair. neltt solo was "Annie Laurie," after
which the lecturer's subject waw' the
The meeting was called in order to
express to the firm in 4mile way tut pile and character of the Scottish
appt•eci*tlon of the employees of the 'people; Their humor, he said, Wit"
the 'purest and finest, even though
sometimes it was severe. Mr. (ieggie
brought his lecture to a fitting elbow
by the declaration that Canada In the
Wrest gem in the British Empire. and
that a man is n man whatever country
he may come from. Another solo,
"Tse Better ,,and," followed. Mr.
Hazeldine in an excellent 4nlniet. The
receipts for the two days were : Mun-
dsy collection, *1.111(6 t.Pnn,Petintt.
lest b• . • . . •r •i, ', • • , 't'
An Encouraging Message
We beadle the veto W•witle-'•tow n Il.oppy 'Drought R:tuge,T
which in in .► close by itself. 1t w 1 de more a -.king and use Inst
fuel in a given time than any tithe range ti' the market; ,Wo
also -have other makes of ranges a\verflow prices ami yn11)
r hate a h.' - I -r. , . .,Renrrnt
yI 1 in Irate r_p I,, ,. ...'t u 1 i 1 4t.•d the
.r,rrurP IPP (a fount rrnrh4. , 1 Iii.ii., y, 1 Ltinleieu,•y
and menlat Agony aln.oel to ti,,, P•44'. , et or •, -,li. en.' „.1 'bate
hr. n re,.(., -o4 triton (hi. ,') to n v.of vtgoropa. 1W0114,.ami to the: haw". exhilarating fro., .t•�• r:.'n1 wide•h Orr -
plinlen pM •teal well i.. 1....4 I, .4K•• 1...4 6.1-1, brought
about wholly by
-In addition
I have had th • poorer.. ..rid torosone of Ind u,•
_Ina rrlultitldeS yj utter Suffering .44(11.44 to si, ORANGE
• LILY trial and ii I1, r,,,.' 1J!t'"i lids of . ul h 1=h..I lr II,-
kDOWledgments of this blessings it bruug1 L ty thein. The
tul:uw►ng.-L a .amyls. .
Trim, \. A., April 1., 1'7710.
[)oar aim. (`torah.--YOur very kind lett.-r 14, ..•• ••Ivrd yen-
ter.lay. in reply to your quanttoa I am
thankfut to say that 1 am very well. As 1 Have ...•,••r given"
you a aatement of my (.3.4 ceu'nray'be •Inter,alr,l in It.
For several years 1 tate suffered untold agt•ny. This' suffering wan •unthntmts.
but I would have violent alta. -k4 every few" w•kA. C.I41 *0'
attack lasting -.'rnl
days The drat $ltnday In November, I ,alt the (' n tn.:reaahg and bo read" not g••
to player.. The rest of the family d1.1 go, and son after the (or.m 40%11 palm
wined me and t had to remain on' the 1100.• unl11-• elr return..t•aa In great
pain all night and was very sick fife a whole *eek.
Then Mrs. I.. came to ser ne and told me of your-wonde 1 medicine. I got
MY huehand to send for 1t right &Way. as 1 was 100 . .k o writ. myself. IMy
doctor could do nothing for ma) 1 haus used 1 buses ORANGE LILY, hs,n
had three months of good rpt, a•d am now .4.11.,ne alter in my life. i linty
not had the old pains eines. I eaten ask my hula If *tr•►s rntsolf that Is going
b•v. 1,. 11 tiring' tears of oy
recent reduction of hours In work an
othercbanges that have been inaug-
urated of late for their comfort and
After a thorough diecuesion, in
which it was pointed nut that one firm
In the city had already followed the
example of the firm, the hope woe es -
prostrated that other manufacturers
would all fell in line.
A rnmml'.tee wen appointed to draw
rap to suitable resolution and hate it
engrossed And framed and presented
to the firm.
around and doing m3 owe work. 4 reit scar, el
to my eyes. 1 could shout 1t to all the world. I cattnut nova" cantati. In It. pre ee.
Your f.tend, 101RS. 1 ..H. P.
Receiving. ail 1 do ddrsens et such reports ,'a.-h•day, 1 trot Impelled to make
aaeawn, to m • Au/grins Miters the reertes of ORANGE LILY`' It .users from
other 'mooned' remedies in inat lClx to a eteeety west
treatment, and la applied direotty to the affected organs. Ds • urative clement•
are abeurbe.l Into the rnngested tissues, expelling the stagnant, foreign matter
whish has been irritating the membrane and oppreeelntt the nervPa, and n grnw-
Ing ',sat.* p1yreteal and. mental redid N noticeable airport from the start. It
in a positive. w-Ienllttl r me he ym.4 *Yee 41 you
ed s no mote than the Fres 'Trial
treatment youwill
i w•.nt sv.r!'reedrr of this. Who
Suffer. M am "way from painful
monthly [•.rind*, 'restful& re I va, lett -
enrrh,r•:.T 4.MtmmetiOn or Mngestion
of the won't). polos. 11) the bou•k. etc. f
to pond rale their addresses. and 1
well forward, at ane*. without ehnrge.
10 di.i' trhitreent, If your raSP la
not far advanced It may entirely ..ire
yon.' and th any *rent It *111 do volt
much good. I am so earnest In mak-
Ing this statement, and lio pneltive
that It In true, that 1 true? every
*offerer who reads thin node. will
"ore envanta*e of. my offer and ie(
- . •...4)' •o.•) a aneine's
rr r •• "-'rt s. MARAS, Windsor, oat it
'rhe( r.
I rat Home is tire most ecunou►
rket. all and see it.
1 heater on the
1101' A I k. HOTWATER AT ' R and
We handle all the Must. op -to -dot! 11'artyucee: dnd'B • ['ere on
the market. �\ Lel, us' figure your job. '
t'Inmhiug,_ lectric Wiring and 'Oran -miffing proud
atteoited 40 and I work fully guareuteed,
Portland Cement always on hand.
Three you' chimney give you trouble? if so, bee our new
improved Bell Ventilator and Chimney Cowl. it does away
with a high stack 00 your calimney..
Now li a time to see to youo roof before the cold weather.
We handle th auadinn Johnr-Mmoville ,tooting, mottle from
pure Lake'rrinad halt, no cowpositioue which deteriorate
under the actions of the -weather.
'Phone 22 CHAS. C. LEE u
Mouse Phone It/
tr—= ===
' Phone., .