The Signal, 1910-10-13, Page 7: e
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le reg'
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Gonl. on a Long Tri.
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C. Hart
I1.--The .mull ll' diet..
Fannin C. Hart will ob•ar Trow ,her,'
this afti•t'noou 1111 111411 of t he I11ngext
f,•rsh sat Pr coyagea on II' 1111, nom
Alenitowlx', Wis., to Miami. lylorida,
where she has -hero purchased by a
fruit corn an '. Ma Hart v ill journey
through the Welland Curial and down
the. St. l.awreure Itiver. Her pr.Hrnt •
crew of t went ru
y ru will take her as
fur as Montrea, whirr* a new one will
take hold. The tliatanre is over coon
je,Hrwwn, Ii. A., of Ethel, lar
sea)ill tila*K"w, 141.111 1111141, whet(• hr
will olke• a sortie' r11
uu1s in one of the
colleges in th»t City.
.Iehn Host,,. hart .old his lillrer1'e
taw on r. 1Veletter,it llfrom tC of i►earhLii k-
Oti' ' The price paid for the propert y
pAi' Para a P
. v for many y nic-
er. Autos.
tido arta physician 1 earsrago. has re -
who went
l+, ge to a
jigged to Ontario and announces his
Intention •d Cestui rg att4m Atlas
time Craif lm
'latter ailing
l -Luella
lunge" MrndMilt. Peter MIann.
rp( Harurlwfnhe,aasPl away., ant hheerr
homenirtuhr tor. stip wa
twenty-third year.
The' marriage of Mien Myrtle A.
yenge114th t W Freerick Brooks,
Wedlra. was colo oi2Pd at lie**+1atl
Methodist i i'.i Iage on R'Pajuead&y.
timber 5th. Key.•
•(• E. MIIlyard ist-
formed the •.rHoony.
The mart iage is announced o4f Mie
Margaret May. Hell, young
dt1 APlfgh-
ter of t15..4t'•I Mrs. K
ebraii11, t.. MIa1" Robinson Talley.The erent took place at I.loy-dmins-
trr. 5as1•• on 1Vednrvciay: September
The death of Mre. Margaret Purcell
usll place at her home
vhd.4Iwaain her -
e-n't- .ih.and ,'e 1.11 in f
i..iitseteu 1111,M hs. 1Woson`, two
,uighlei,,rli a pister'survivr.
f'urc'11's - husband prede•eeaanl her
eleven teats.
Claude K. Rluett, of Creditors. is
receiving the eongratulatione of his
friend• en his obtaining his degree at
(llireil'• t'uivcrsity. Mr. Bluett has
tern teaching 111 1 right on for se'114r.
cureand has pursued his etudiee dur-
ing his spate • ue.
A. H. smith, well known tie a dr•y
FOista meichent at Ethel. Bru
Hingham and Clinton, died a rat -
ford un Septrmler a1Nb. edeumonia
iii/, the 11111.0 • •f Iteat h ..Ith. 1 emlins
were taken to Brimeora and interred in
the renietei y t e. -
tin the sof bliss Eva Twitrhell's
fe ,re .tor the West a number of
end• •let at her home at'Cltfine.
1aib ,.pint .r ier'Y enJuy
able Ilrfete the gathering hr'rke up Miss
Twitchell wa4 pre -seated with a. hand
some lorry spoon .awl( tokPO ofigood-
Mr. and jilts d 1 James ids tltalos,f h. /t 14 Tii h
much 1t'
,00•e -cion ..1 Frust \\'awmnuFh, rele-
I.r1181 the lift ie1 h anniversary of 1 heir
uatrriagr ^tl sera ember th. Al r.
Waist. as paesented with a gold -
beaded erne by the fatuity and Mr..
Nal•11 11c• .% I'd a gold watch and
At the auction .ale of I1. H: McLean.
.( Tuckrranlith., record prloes were
realized for the stock, which -was
of superh•r ynalits mid in prime con,
Minn. (Tows wild at from -flat to $7:t
•ash : spring r:ltvee, 1E'*.51) to .41
'aril. %bile horse. and other stock
id wl r.l%ally- remunerative mires.
Theproceeds of the male am. muted to
A Seaforth Wedding.
11'.•.Iding bell* rang lurl'I'ily at the
resilience 111 MI'. 81111 \Ire. (1eiolgr 1;.
ll,'ndereou, M..,l il14. "11 1111 illrrn.i„n
111 1 he matr•iaye of t heir , youngest
daughter. .Nit.Iiladys Roes, to [)r. H.
J. Hgdginrl of Liman. 3'h. ceremony
was'perforrued nu Thur'duy', (blither0th, b.y Rev. F. H. Larkin in the prrs-
enee of about 'twenty live invited
guest... The bride esus given away by
her father and wax attended. by her
sister, Mees Edna Henderson. The
gr1/0111 was aemi4ted try hie cowin, Mi.
Ftollens, of Luean. 1.. 'i'. Del eery
played the wedding march. I,uncheun
was aervrd`after the -nuptial knot had
been tical and the happy couple left
the Mime day fur their butane home in
Miss Chisholm's Wedding.
Little Johnny -Dud, .lohnny:-Dud, there's a girl at
11141 Henn(/' whom we call "Postscript.
Dad -"Post script !" \Vhat do you
call her "Postscript" fort
Little Johnny ---'Cos her name i.
Adeline Moore.
P One on the Doctor.
Am old sexton was . lettering a
lorubetuue in a graveyard in York -
The marriage of Miss 1Vilh.ltn;na shire• wheli he was stopped by the
Alba Jane, only daughter of Dr. T. doctor. I
Chisholm, M. P. for East Huron, and "Why, John, yulr hay. sp err that
furelly of 1Vinghatn, to Williarn wrong.
011e* Collison, of Lintlesy, 4on of . "Have 1, doctor ? Well, well, pass
Mrs Thos. Collison, of Mitchell• took it over. doctor. 1 have Covered many •
plait- 4)11 Wednesday afternoon, Nap- mistakes or yours and said nothing.
temtwr 28114..a( the residence of the
brides parents, 77S Shaw ,trees, Tor-
onto. '1 he ceremony was conducted
by Rev. Jamie' 1Vilxun, pistol- of the
Ilovt•r.ourt Pi eshytei•ian Await. The
home was daintily deeoi;.ted 'with
palms and rat flowers. The bride
wore it gown of Chiffon Duche tm over
tatfetaa in 4eu11-prin1t•44, with rose
point hand eullmpdery and pearls,
and •sting,', blossom': and I.1y 11f the
valley idiom hair. and carried a elnlwer
bouquet of bridal 1'114ea. Mrs. 4;
holm, mother ut the bride, 8'144 . lied
In a gown of Mark '.ilk- a. Dolton
lace. The gronru a gip' o the bride
was a diamond and art broorh. Mr.
and '.Nee. ('„Ili left for a honey-
moon trip a nuroier of American
cities, t aide's travelling gown be•
ing ' , vy blur wide wsles and blouse
Patens, net 'strut f' 4rrirk-tna-.i mss
lace with hat of geld cloth and bird ..f
Daradike phone. The young couple
will resin.- in Lindsay and will 11,44 t•
the rest w 14he4 01 a Iarye Circle of
tiiends iu Huron vomit and P11u•-
whet e.
Tome Editor of Tne `ign41.
- !Int, - -I 1,rr-fr.+w-uw ethUisi.iI ,attwir
in your paper 111.41 you till not aggi8e
w14111. p Iliry of the ()uteri.) 11 ydro-
Electri, l'oululi4sion, at any rate an 11
affe•Is this c11nnty, 'and I fit one
Think you aur right. some %erl.s ,•iRC
a trillr.entntive of the Commission
%l41ted this I s':, lits and, - made att-
est iiiinte
e,tii,ste of the sob's• -fn the Hivrt
Neill out and utrued the price at
which the p164.1-. should he sold hy
any-r•rmpn that might develop it.
I 11111,1. IP price named was about
a22f •f Thio Was too low and the ••on•
sequence ha, (leen that no local com-
pany could tinancr the project, esp.ei-
aIIv schen a r pet too. was mooing
the slice for there. `.
Nutt'. after the 1`omin.ssion ham
squelched all local rnnlpetitlon, there-
by creating a monopoly, it takes our
money'and builds -transmission liner
for Niagara p .weir and almost. doubles
the price ut which it maid a local coin-
ampiny- should deliver power. 1 t hink
the Power 1'olntuiesfon 14 taws% to 8
glwd deal of . ritirism for the arbi-
trary and unfaii manner io which it
ha4 m ted : but what i4 the use 1 'it
hie the liovernment hchind it anti can
do prior ically w hater er it likes.
Now. to sive oorn'Ive, from ,lis -
eater by the loss of our indust tree and
eon4s.luently our population, we most
develop our waterpowers. The Mait-
land -River has probably- ten_tu fifteen
thousand horsepower between Wing
ham and tioderich. with -a fall mf
about 500 feet, which would be enough
p.lwoir to run all the indlwtriea in the
//minty of Huron -and es -ruany- more.
It the Hydro-Electri" Commission will
not help 114, 'let ua help 11ur+Pl'Pity
1Vhy canvnt the eonnty of Huron
raise the u.oney ( and the count V .4'an
raise it just. an cheaply as anybody.
and develop all the waterpower in the
Bounty for the gr oil of the county f
Then any municipality ill the eolith y
could get whatever p over it. rnigtit re=
quire. and 1 am one who Iwliecee that
the carrying out 4.4 his proposition
would do more for the ....linty of
Huron tit 111 anything eleeoI fan think
- Ht'taltAv.
We wrlc,lfe- Iupinian'.4" letter ae
an evidence of the intereo that is be-
ing 1At8neen the question of power for
Iluron county. A4 the waiter Rays. if
the Ffydro-ElPetri' 4',utiulissi:.n wi11
not act fairly with Its, we must look
out for ourselves, and the proppeal to
make a county wrhem' of the develop-
ment of waterpower% seems to he the
most feasible plan for protecting mu
'lit erects. We should like- to_ hear
from others on the subject. -Ea. Sta-
Trimmed- to His Liking.
John lis Crimmins tells the fo
ing story :
"A beggar with an 1 listakabiy
English face and 111,11 ail a regular
'stand' nn the St r • at Soot ha'opt on
street, 1.,nd. , war patiently waiting
with h14 , cup for the charity of the
pt.. • 1v. Ile had only otic leg, one
a 1 and one eye.
"A welt-dt•e44w1,-umulietak ably lrieb-
man, n( 1 - art'1144 the street,
purveyed hire carefully for HVP tdfn
11(8., approaviie1 and- with 'Take this,
buy -good mai,',.'.lropPPd a gold piece.
into hie rum. _
-Thank you, sir, s*id the beggar,
bowing about twenty -rive times in
twenty-five seconds. 'I've leen on
this corner well uigti thirty years,
sir, Ind this is, the tlrst time anyone,
evos,iha, dropped a hit of gold into
181'. cup, sir and. ,la'.Kgin,t your
pardon, sir, but, ett-ike rile lucky, 1
think. sir. you're Irate '
•"b'aith, you're telling the ti urn,
air.' t110 4141)111 111 said. •1
rhe1nld, for,yodre the 8rot-!'-nglish-
man I ever saw who wa4 I ed ex-
actly to lily inking." lira (i101w.
Does not Color the 1 -lair
Flak tilling out,? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dressing?
Seders. GI1« r$u. QaWn. bdlala efhl=4.
in r Csesk•at- tris.. A►s.11.t. WMsr. Peers s.
We believe doctors endorse` this formula, or we would not put It ep.
Does not Color the 1-1 air
Order it
TrrlteosT, t) at...a %13 1910 7
If shoes -differ at
any particular point - ,
it is in keeping their
Shape - retaining
quality depends !up-
on good lasting, or
the way the leather
Is stretched down
around the I:tvt; anti
time giVfn for tht'
701ape to - become
Invictifs Shoes
are never rushed at
any stage, and prove,
. themselves by re-
taining shape until
worn out.
1'.•i i -.'i lint 41i '. 1 ,uel S4411.1
MOTTO roe vino:
" Ertfi Ntih Coosllapttn Cunt hr"
Etc Etc.
fir• 'til b 'e
Estimates cheerfully lurnisbed.
Muskoka Free Basil
for CoISins
W. R. Pinder
A pica+ant event took place at the
home,nf the bride 4 mother, 141re. John
McCallum. Howick township. on Wed-
nesday, veptemler :..4th. -when Mies
Lyda McCallum was unite.' in mar-
riage to .I1110P4 1). Forsyth. of Min-
ion', Manitoba. The vetemnoy was
performed by Rev. Mr. M. Kelvie,'or
Trowbridge, in the preaenre of about
flits Mimed/Ate relatives and friends.
The happy young rumple have left for
their bona in the West. seventy gmeets gathered at
the home of lir. and Mrs. l'h'ta. ('ann.
I'shot•ne township. o n \\'edneadny
rooming• nth Met.. to witness the mar-
riage of Miss Verde Cann to Ed. Fer-
guson, of Exeter. Rev. E. O. Poweik.
was the officiating- el.rggyman. \1r.
Mid Mrs. F,•rguaon boarded the even -
dig thin at Exeter for a honeymoon
to to Loudon and other points. They
will commence married lite at Fuller-
ton, whelp the groom -has leaned a
A very putty wedding was solemn-
ized at the boos of the bride's parents,
Nr. and 'Mr.. Jas. McNair, 14th con-
cession of Grey township. when Mien
Maggie McNair became the bride of
Alex. Petrie, a popular and well-
known resident of the same township.
Tb. 'Premunyy was performed by the
groom 4 brother, Rev. D. Petrie, of
11'ingharn, assisted by Rev. D. R. Mr
Rae, of 1'ranhr„ok. Mina Janina Per
of 1\'ingham, nieri of the groom,
prayed the wedding mareh. while little
biles Sadie McNair, niece of the bride,
made a charming flower -girl. Only
the near relatives of the contrasting
parties were present on the occasion.
Seaforth Wants a Band.
A meeting sac held in Seaforth one
evening recently to discuss the adviaa-
hility of forming a hand. Everyone
present thonght the move was a good
one, as murb promising material was
said to 14 available. "In years gone
by." says The Huron Expositor, "We
had one of the Fest of bands In flea-
fo t 1, and it brought much fans to
the town."
Farm and Dairy
The well-known agricultiral weekly, FARM AND C.1,ig
DAIRY. and The Signal will to sent. for oneyear for
To new mnirlellterm FARM AND DAIRY will he sent for the
I.alanrs of this year free, and in addition the subscriber will have
the choice of a Farmers' Record Soak- of two fine lithographed
pietirea of King lleorge and Queen Mary, 18 a 21 inches.
Send orders to THE SIGNAL. tloderirh.
Tnckeramitb Farm Sold.
James Swan ilaO sold his farm on
the Londlit) road, Tuekersmith, to
John Johnston. of Blake. The price
tilestis in the neighborhood of
The faun ('outgun UNI acres
end the buildings are all of the beet.
W. Berry ham heen the tenant for a
ninnheti of years. He held nn auction
aalo of hi* stork and implements last
week and the total amount realized
was 82tr;e. A gr114. row was mold
HAL. _-._-_--,-
An Oversight
Two lawyer* engaged in a rasp be-
fc re a probate judge recently got into
a wrangle. At length one of the di
potents,exclaimed to his opponent.
Sir, you ale. i think, Ole biggest as.
that I ever had the mimfortnne to wet
eyes upon." '•Order, order!" 'mid
the judge, gravely, " Von seem t., for
get that 1 am in the room ! Per
When Orange and Green Meet.
R. It. (limey, M. 1'. 1'., has .0 story'
which he tells these day"inPnection
with the Vaughan controversy. Thefor 147
4. priest, preaching about the judgment
da said we would all bare to be there
Munn --Hill Nuptials at Hensall.
to mdgpi- rich and prx,r, high mud
A pretty wadding vias aoiefffnisrd at tow, 4 rotsatant and Catholic, would
lien/mil on \Vedneeday, October 6th. have to he there to be judged.
when Mime Rthet Mar aret H. met him next, day and told him hewn!'
• daughter of (lent•ge Hill, wan united in ..pry interested in his /sermon.
w►dk,rk to.1cfin Robert M , ams- "Will we els have to he there?" he
Iernns yexing Unts,rne farmer. The ingilyd, eagerly.
.rremomy was performed b [rev. E. "Vee, Mike, we will all have to be
F'. Mri.. Smith, in the presence of a there' to he jludged."
nnirhet rt telatives and friends. The "Will the Ancient Order of Hib,erti-
bIl Ode was attended by Mho Jessie ions to there ? " .
Nunn, sister of the room, while Mr. "Certainly."
Mt'Atli5M1 Performed .the d1tliM of " Will the Orangemen le there?"
groomsman. The ha des le lett, '•Aute. We all have to be there IP -
on a bridal trip to Toronto and Hof.
ie Judged•" t61ok•
filo and Int their return *ill cow- "Then. begot'rMab, Father,
Sus (sena taan ed his oa the a Ing that there'll d nrlgthif ttle Judg-
fstnn on Me tondos mad, near El' 4n' dons the flit des-TTor"nto
Kat. • Weekly.
1 HE Court of Fashion" i the title of the Semi readv
Style Book. It pictures the new hall modes in :lien's
Dress as we are to -day showing theut. It is an interesting
• _x� t .#„.i' book, well worth white. rattA •v . �E?I v ,1
A copy is yours un request.. :
We' wish you to41hel_ free.
to call and ,ee the Senii-ready_
Suiting, and ( )1 ,rcoating,. IN beth ,t' v'ui' corner to buy or
Only to see we will 11(' pleased to Lase \ oil know.
Demi-rradJ Gatlin -tug
The Weekly Sun
The Earner'.. Hneineam Paper.
We will pend The Signal and
Th. Weekly Nun for a year to
any address in Canada pot
New sot -mei l n will receive
these paper's for the halanee of
this year free.
Send orders to
Ooderich, Ont.
Watch for THE SIGNAL'S
Clubbing '
and select your reading matter
for the coming year. WO supply
all t ho leading papers and several
magazine*, at reduced priers to
our siiimcrthers.
The Catholic Register
We have made arrangements with CATHOLIC REGISTER
and CANADIAN EXTENSION, of Toronto, ono of the leading/
ablest edited, and tuo4 influential Catholic papers of ('anadw, by
which we can offer THE SIGNAL and CATHOLIC REGISTER and
CANADIAN EXTENSION for one year for the bargain $1,70
aim of -
onto, is the property of the Catbd1ic Choirs Extension Society of
Canada. It is a brilliantly -edited, well -printed seventy -column paler,
of ten pages or more each week. and under its new management. as
become the leading exponent. of Catholic thought in Canada.
Catholics should avail themaelvem of this extraordinarily favorable
Chance to aerure the foremoat journal Of their denomination.
EXTENSION from naw to let January0912.
The Signal and 11
The Weekly Globe
will be sentfor the balange of
thin year to new muttecuihe for l
25c r . ' �
`11 `'I
This dainty &Olds ear is jut ss per-
fect as the genius of the carriage in-
dustry can make it. It is practically trouble -
proof and built to endure --built right here
in•Canada. The upholstering is Leatherette
throughout and the body is adjustable to a bed
or sitting position and finished in WI'DAIMII Tan.
There are lots of reasons why you should buy a
Canadian -built Gendron-ask your dealer.
Gendron Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Toronto - Ontario 2436
The Signal and
The Montreal Family
Herald and Weekly Star
• (loxll'rich, Ont., llealerieb. Ont.
vaT s' iA . rt t k
The Signal and
The Weekly Mail and Empire
will be sent for the balance of this year to lie* subscribers 25c
for only '•• J
Address THE SiGNAL. Godericb, Ont.
'a ,.',, . r.a.