The Signal, 1910-10-13, Page 61
t rn1
(i7luty, 1%1 UR 13,-1910
VIIH.-The Country Girl's•
tao.Yrlght, 1a o. es Attwtasa Ras/ Asps
43 UR moat appreciated blaming'
are seldom the ones that ars
closest at batted Just es the
country bred 1' sometimes
,4!ete en idea tbaf hs hu rnlus too.
broad to be conth. ,( 'w c bound -
ries of his fall 1 '' the g113
w ho has. grown 4 In COuntq
sumetIJlles gets -0 R Ip . a glimpse
of (be UtikOOWD ' Id w In the city's
walls. The Imam. 4tive An Qtten feels her talents will be odors apps l
coped .11, the city than to the little
true IXr0NTIr (►ISL'INDS A Liana SMARR
Or Ulta CAREER Ill eta OWN 15011L
borne town. She Imagines • herself
burning with a genius for meting, per-
haps. and Tongs for the glare of -the
foollighls and the plaudits of the
crowd, or perhaps it le art In *nerd
fits many disguises that 4. calling her
to the artificial life of paved streets
and brick walls.
(kcasionelly ft is the tights. the
tsotIc end the pleasures of a swiftly
Sowing city fife that attract tbe girl
from the country, but not often. The
girl who Is a true daughter of the coun-
try M seldom deceived by the ire of
a light whose shadow covers tears and
sorrow or the plessor' that is but a
mask for pain. . We are told that the
"glamour" of the et0 life la the force
that ars'wa the contitry girls to town.
Nothing of the sort. There L little
glarnour shout the city for the be,tltby
e1M. The first thought of the country
girl when ahe •Anda herself in the city
is "hew dirty" or "bow awfully crowd-
ed." But notwithstanding the dirt and
the crowds she often remains. She
stays bemuse she li ambitious to base
• "career." There li a true hearted
feruer boy heck home probably who
would be glad to take ber into part-
nershipBut to the past the girl has
seldom been taught to look forward
with pride to becoming a fanners wife
or to regard a life -on the farm es be -
Ing n career worthy of her ambition.
This is the natural outcome of tete
eondltlows for the quarter of a eels.
toil when farmer* were selling their
produce below cost The lot of the
farmers wife was one of almost un-
relenting toll. ai was that of the
farmet himself. 'Iden was little to
tighten the memetoay of the 'easel'.e
grind of housework. Derr horizon
:was limited by the kitchen walls, and
ber highest ambition was to keep the
boys out of tbe "best room." It 1.
little wonder that she boped tor some•
thing better for ber daughters. She
saw unfolding In them her own girl-
hood, and .he dreaded to sea them
upend, their fives 2i the hopeless tut
of keeping body and roul1ogetber as
the bad thins.
Iler Met of city lite was vague.•
Most of the rats women she saw
were well dratted, unwrinkled and
seemtugly happy. They were living
tbe kind of life ahe would choose
for her daughter. The toil of the
whist of the poorer laborers sbe did
not see. One of the main reasons
that all through this peeled the coon•
try looked op to the city and the city
tooted down ea the comats7 was lbat
eaoutry people saw oily the best aide
of the city and thrclty people saw
ohly She worst side of the country.
The change that has come about In
country life In the past decade and a
halt is so greet as to be almost no -
believable. May el the couatr'y
people themselves refuse to believe it
Titer read tba reports of high pricers
skeptically, gad sot haus (1a produce
le sold sad the money la their beads
wil they really believe tbeir good
toetse. liven Haan they w81 shako
their beads sad w that rhos will
meetly go stows hotbr. (bey have em-
elt.. crop ready ter , tsattt.t. thio
bate se Meg bass eamtesat web a
man retort fee Mir defer sag NI
allowance at all for interest on 1 pe
looney or for the fertJllty which they
aro telling away from their land that
they can hardly believe that the time
has come when the farmer' le getting
eoongb for his produce to enable him
to put farming on a business basis.
Probably this change has affected no
ORO on.the farm more than the woe *es.
Tbo country girl bas a different Idea
of a career now. She Ilyes la a mod.
ern farm borne. or if oho doesn't she
knows that such homes exist and are
well within the range of possibility tor
her. 'She bas bad ber longing to see
the world satisfied Eby visits to city
friends and relatives, She bas seen
that all the conveniences of city homes
are duplicated In the country. Ohs
has admired the spacious lawns and
beautiful grounds of some of the beat
of the city houses, but she has bees
observant enough to note that such
houses belong only to the few. She
has gone to the theater With ber
friends and enjoyed it, but no more
thou she enjoys the homemade the-
atricals In her home town or the plays
and lectures sbe-bas attended In the
larger country toai'na by trolley. Sb.,
has been surprised to And that her
friend -s In the clty do bei know their,
next door neighbor. The excuse (bat
"they are not In our set" bas puzzled
her democratic little soul. It is dif-
ferent In the country, wbere every one
sympathizes with every one else's sor-
rows and laughs with all In their Joys.
The girl comes back from a do to
the city better satisfied than ever with
tier couutry borne. Her father tiny
not Ile worth more than $5,000 or $10,-
000 or $15,000 measured in money, bat
his house and grounds are equal la all
essential respects to many of the mil-
Ilonalres' residences abs saw to the
city. ller girl friends In the city were
coaxing their father to bay them an
automobile so that they could "go
somewhere." The couptry girl and her
mother bare a horse .and buggy that
*rasa red to their use. The horse Is so
gentle that be 'will not even bat his
eyelid t an automobile and the buggy
so shin that they are proud (o be seen
enywbeip' to 1t- They can hitch op
and go Where and when they, please.
The laundry In the basement has tat -
en away t e terrors of wash day. This
convent' in the kitchen have great-
ly lessen the work of feeding tbs
hungry (nen\ folks.
The ferm.\reading table la strews
with the fat t magazines, and the gilt
one of the middle west -
ba' a piano at least so organ. A
piano dealer in
ern states rec
oily told me that he
fold fifteen pia os to the farmers in
one township la t year. if the farm-
er's daughter wa is a plate) be is go-
ing to get It for h r. He may have to
raise a few more h next year to pay
for it, bot that 1a easily done.
,. Taking everything together, any coma
perlaons that the country girl may be
able to draw are favorable to the farm.
Elbe bas been raised in the open air.
The pigs and the calves and the cbkk-
ens are ber playmates. The colts will
come when she whistles, for wbo ever
beard of a country girl who couldn't
whistle? She can name all the trees
In the wood lot, and she knows the
mite of every bird that latngs 1n their
branches. Every day la fall of gum
shine. and she sings for the very joy
of thing wbere air is Ree and room la
ntit bought and sold.
She still longs for a career, but it is
a career of a different sort. She wants
to live the rest of her life on the farm,
end eke looks forward to the day when
she will go into partnership with tome
ambitions, resourceful young farmer.
To he a successful wife, to help make
Ibe most out of the old farm rind to do
her part to make ber community the
most progressive In the country -this
Is the careet'rlhet appeals to the mod-
odern country girl. Schools have been
provided to teach her the things she
needs to know about her coming bust -
neon. i1 she Is fir one of the most up
to date communities, she begins to
learn testing and cooking In the rural
school. it sot gives there, it. comet
In the high ecbool or the preparatory
school or the small college. Ml of
tat 000emy alit OV'l00011111 At 0
Amos Institut/ow are prodding ooetia
a dome tk *clews. They ds not dim
rate the fact that love Ia the bads of
e successful marriage, but they rapes '
hitt a good digestlos is the baits st a
bvtsg di posltioa.
Is aw.kealag the com"aslty is the
ratlmatioa of Rs owe duties mad 8s
oesslbluties the laenesee et the farm -
sea s wit. is ',to grater Mae that et
:he earner bbms.lf. It is the wafts '
on whs. the social Mb et deo'7
ex cite'. mast largely lamed.
no problem or noel lie Sr Uri a
(.chi ono slow that emblems heal
mews/ tbo t«ad.t problem.
L• iverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close lower -Live Stock-
• Latest Quotations.
.l 0d0! 1-:. rut/+g, 1 et.- 10.
I4vvrl.uul Wheal (Oates ••sued to-daY
'40 lir 15,..1 low ,•r ,tiau Tet urdaf, reef
4,d luwr- C
1.•, en. Ire? w teat at I'll cago ••howl %O
AI vert hail Saturday. 14•'ett.lrr .torn 1io
I,•ww.aod I Ir. .-n, ler ,•a1- 4,0 tower.
Winnipee Orson,.
IN tui.. r M'1„v,t :.t W1n1.'l'rg clo.rd (0.
.13Y 10 Iowei, ll, toter u4t> 'y lower.
Wheat '-(1,•totrer 4:4... Ire, ember 961164.
.1 ,r 11 ,.a,. .
(bat. t Ivb•lih' 1:'4.,-. Ihv ••miter Sibiu, allay
a,- loot
Toronto Grain Market. •
N' Lu•hel ......... _.. *v to XX
Wheat. goose.. bush 0 lir ...•
Uuckwheat, bushel 000 ....
)t) e. bushel 0 11 ...
55 ,r try. 1. teb.0 ..
Peas. bushel 0 72
Oa I., bushel 0 t7 ' oil
Toronto Dairy Market.
Ilulter. •r•purnlnr, dairy, lb022 .011
Hotter, store lots 0 20 021
Rutter, rrearnl'ry, lb rolls018 0 X
Rutter. creamery. solids 091' ....
Fees. new - laid 021
( hese. ib. 012 0 1211
floury. extracted 0 10 0 U
tinier. combs, dozen 2 1E 275
New York Dairy Market.
Nh7W YISSSK are 10.-Rutter--4lead►:
receipts :.':v:•-rerruery. ..p,.' tale, :(Dote;
third to fleet, lertoSc.
,.in1•• dale',cuwutoh to flneet, 3tr 'to Slac'
process. . o..nd to Opecial. ri• to 27e. lint-
tafime rrealtnrry. fit.(, +e.; to ;... ; factory
Jane Make. ter to 2M do., current mak*.
(•h.rse 40rady', receipts, tit; stat
w h,N,• caulk. 8t*,-Ist, I04- to 11... 40.
tau'! 11W' du.. .hot. '14#„-
g,.'.d to prem'-. 14'' e", Nor dU , oinn,os
l• fair, It, to IA,. , skim.. full to sl*clal,
2 to-
Eggs- Finn :.rr.rrlp w, 111PE *tate, Pena -
and n.wrt'y. t.enner), white, fie
to 40r. '3. gathered white, Me to tic;
du. henuen; hrv.w n. L- tr M•• do_ gath-
ered brown. le to lir. fresh gathered.
. %tea fret, 21- to :N4,,-. do • first. Zia' to
7NAte, do., seconds, l4r to 16,•, fresh gath-
ered. dirties. h. ' earldlr,t gateto 21414';
do., No. ! IL- Se.:u refrigerator, *pie
roil. market. fates T,1"r• to 26, do.. first,
24,' to :S.-,. do.. seconsu., 7.• to 111(.'.
Old Country Cabins Firm -Hogs Lewin
or at American Points.
`71:W 1'141 0, 10.-L.,ndon and r,Iv-
rrioot rase'. quote Anlerlra.. attle steady'
11 94'5. t'. *4t-. 5.0, 111., rlress..d
rrfriger.tur beef higher. at 1414.. to watt
deer 1b
Toronto Live Stock.
T(lkilNT(1: "(let. 10 --1 l-1.'ipte of
live st(v•k at the ('nhtu Nt.:,-P Yards
ve's' 1tff, carloads. ds. roneistitlg of 2130
rattle, G9 hogs. 715 shpt 1, and lambs
and 16 calve,.
ly 1.. Woodward 1n•'ighi 79 export Merle
fir Lando', ,n ,s ket..l4.57 Its•. each at N ]•,
n vet mgr. and :, range ',f to lir I,,14 a', and
one cal, a load 15 1/. m :la, 311, t tmer,,. 17p
Ih.• each, at N.1:., or a range of 11..4% to
Get.. H. •'amptw41 bought for Morro. •
Co. 19e • Weer, for 'Avert.••i, &vent:nut
1.514 lbs ea. h, a e 1, -r, to 46 3y'.
Loads of good *aim. her. .o4d at 2L.i0 to
liM. medium, Lf I., to E. W. ,xwmmna, 44110
to S.. cowl.. 41 t tri...' ,tuners, (1H to
Feeders -
gond to choler fer4ere. Sat to 1574 Iha
each, anal at 24.3• tr. 14.10 feeders• 'a0 tik
}N Ilia. ••art R. to 12,,1. star kers, 44.4p se
N 4 .
Milkers and Springers.
.l lo.l.•r,.t. "55555'1', of milkers sold a
fns,' frit to /:n each
Veal .rkl4es at.ldat from i1.60 to 2a phi
cwt. and nnr .•xtrt, ,lu•111te calf was add
by ('oughlin & co at le 7 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs
The market fur sheep war strong. Nod
1:5nliw silt at Linen lee to Nle• per cwt.
higher !Therp. ••Was sn•d at from 44.75
to 44.g': ram. 4" 'n r "e lambs, 4i 111
•15.1 per t wt.
healers quoted seh•.•ta, fedrand watered,
at to fe per rwA :It the market, and 24.18
to drover. for hoes, fon h rare at reuniter
Points, which would mean about 171 pre
cwt. 10 the fires••••.
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTRr,AI. (1'•t. 1n.49p,Mal.)-At the
Monlr'-al Mock Yards, West End MarkrS
the receipt• n( live stork for the wean
coding tat. . wee. 211111. rattle. 4170 aheep
and lambs, MO hoer. and 275 este... The
offering'. on the market *Iola morning for
local consumptim- enn,l.ted of 140. cattle.
2140 sheet, and, Iamtur, 7n0 hogs and ZN
Prices prow*, firmer than they weer, oa
Wedneslav last. W.nre of the larger -but,
elvers hate continence -4i buying for future
requirements. and .••'rami lo.acbt of north.
went ranch steer. and heifers. were bouleht
at 14.05 per MA I5• wh;rh will he killed
down and put away fn Bold stnratre.
Choice steers sold at forfir to 80,.; innd
A l 11• In 5.1j- fairly gond at 416h to 406e.
falr a. 4- to 4',y' and muton at fine to
Mr per th *ln fie wood hull, hrnugbt as
high as 14.0f' e'er lel lbw., and the lower
grade. for canning RUMO e» mkt at Pita
to 8*4,- per Ih
A steadier feeling prevailed to the mar-
anket for hogs There were .mlh 7111 head
ow the market. for which the dwnaed wee
all, and sales of arlrrMd lots weir nude
at 14.10 to 48.71 per 100 Ma., walgtwd off
care. Cable aisles on Hattie/ay from as
the *'soling foreign markets Ihri C'enadian
baron were weak, and noted a declare to
prices of 4y' to 7* per met.
sheep sold at 1%r to 4y'. and tarrltts at
PIK to Nr per Ib (`edea' wore *cart., ane
prices mural at from IA to 411 mina as
5.0 .IR and quality.
East Buffalo Cattle Mo-k.t.
F:ART RttPYA1lr (1st la.-Attie--Rl-
rrlpts, ran head. grind 'ler M trs higher
common steady print. .teere I'T.f- to
47 4a, shipptna. R Its to 0.76 hut,.
hero N 7t
to 04ICs. heifers. 14.20 to 41 ,•ow., M78 M
41, rA, elute, 42 7% to 0.011,w'
1, stokers and
teeth -re. 44 s to tr. 7R. Meek brafen., N to
44.444,(reah rows arse n spring..leads. t1
Hoer. -Receipts. 22.*0 hood tarty settee
and se to VW Mower. hoary. attest Jott-
ers and pig•. N rough.. N 41' to r.t2*,
wags, M to r dande., ala to 10
Rh.sp and lwrnhe-Itervipl,, 77.501 flea&
, dive and steady. Iambs a.00 to 57,M;
YMrlk.g. 0.3, 'to 08,15 wether., 54.14 to
N 'A, a few. 4,. ewe.. N to N.S. sMe40,
Mixed. 1: to 44 M.
New York Live Stock.
NEM YORK, (let 1.-N.e•ew--Re-
relpta, ASA. market Mowcholer. heavy
steers firm. other, Mer,• 14111. and row.
•tail► to ler Meer .,rete. AS to Sia;
Molls, p Z to 14.51; arteries hey? .ow:
native sides, sr to 11r , team, wet, to
to 8e
Calve.-Reretpta• I. ..ab Meads;
ara.wrs sow: we.tern *OW to lower,
real., Mlle to pt rob. N to 10 graemTa,
N to 441:. weeder,• N to 111.1s. drape'/
sive' Mow- eity aPsator'd eosin. Me to
Ifli.•, roeatry arer.M. OW to S. a.edf
H aed fad alive, L to 111k
tokens Eel L(5 •..nolloM, SAM, Mir-
Ftot flew. •hese. M to Mop: 'Pallia, *1W
Iambs, 57 to M: soma M se Moak
Kama --we sews. tltllh moron tower. r For Sale b
1t Suits Them All
Old and young
delight in the rich-
ness and delicious-
ness of COWAN'S
t suits every
This Enormous Plant is the Result
of 50 Years' Experience. in Making
and Hundreds of Varieties of FANCY
Established itt 18E3 by T. Mc.
Cormick in a very small shop,
about-12ft. x 18ft.
- Now, look at the picture of the
largest and most modern biscuit
awl candy factory in Canada,
owned and managed by his three
A wonderful business growth
- an enviable reputation -won
solely on the High Quality of
McCormick's Products. •
McCoemick's Biscuits are made
from Beat Blended Flour, First Quality
June Creamery flutter, Fresh Sweet.
Whole Milk, Pure Sugar, etc.
All materials are analysed by an ex-
pert cbenliat and ther►tore McCor-
mick's are in a position to guarantee
the Punta and Quality of their biscuits.
- . So perfect is the u anufariuring
system that McCormick's Biscuits
are baked, 'packed, labeled,• seal-
ed and ready for shipment in about
one hour from the time the dough
leaves the' mixing soon. 'IThic,
coupled with an etiormou7 daily
output, insures daily delivery of
fresh, crisp biscuits to all parts of
Canada. • '
To produce biscuits like McCormick's
has taken a life time of careful study by
expert takers and large expenditures ,
in experimenting,
Ilon't forget to ask for McCormick's
Jersey Cream Solas sod prove their
Ask your grocer for 3 lb. tin -or a
lOc. package. •
See that " Little Lord Fauotleroy"
-our trarlernark-is on the package.
JERSEY CRES"ODA ��vva i�AM�iiQf►I1fTc
Two Minute Talks About
for Goal or Wood
YOU can quickly get the
Pandora oven ready for the
baking. It is made of Nickel
Steel which is much more sensi-
tive than a cast or. gray iron
oven. It heats up more rapidly
and thereby saves you many
precious minutes.
After you've used the Nickel
Steel Oven for a week you'll
congratulate yourself that you
invested in a Pandora Range.
Get one this week.. Make up
your mind you'll enjoy its
many conveniences at once.
Our agents in your locality will
frill your order promptly.
Stands %r Guaranteed Quality
Law s, MOWN& wastrel, Whew►q
Ammo Vasesie ev, a► .doss N.1.. I 4 es. Wows
Nowell Hardware
Old Things Pass Away
Distinction-difference-ia what is striven for in altttl Cent„rt•
Brand Clothing. Not that distinction (bat cleans oddity, Ina tb,;t
which denotes individuslity,
'J')th Century Brand Clothing hat an ap`iesranee,a',tete, a
smartness recognizable at a glance, even though the detail -,:which
go to ':•cure the distinctive effect are not perceived..
It takes a tailor to discover the deteih, tint any Iraq e-ar se*. he
sum total -clan appreciate the superiority of style and elect,le
in line and cut, curve end tit.
Thele d'*tinctive features are not obtained at any .,vcitice of
good judgment. of good taste. They represent the trained mind id -
the designer, his cultivated al Bort' sena.'. r..uldwl with the ithi;ity
give h14i tie st-thcttght expr mlr in. a g.l•me+frt. __..._-
Try a 3Kh ('entury-wait or Ove ' yid will be pi,
Walter C. Pridharfi
The House of Real' Valines.
Right in the
That's where we ere
when you are talking
ala.ut . iir(u'eries. We
are not advertising
special hal gains, for our
prices are always at rock -
bottom for goods of
quality. Try us for
Teas Coffees
Spices Sugars
Canned Goods Fruits
Better and Eggs, Etc., etc., etc.
We„know we Can please you.
Sturdy & Co.
Un the Square. 'Phone (1
k«.:*7: 5
It You Haven't a Friend
Buy a Kodak
Don't go on your vacation
without s Kodak. The
No.3F.P.K. $17.50
is very suitable. We carry all
other styles.
A11 instructinns free.
Send ns your elms to develop
and print.
Stroll tar *pare OODF.ItKH
A full line of Farm \la i, fur:.
Hinders. Mower-. tial•'..' H•..
Loaders. Maned Siv:.•.s,fr ',
Cream `eparatora, etc.. 1;ray
and Mount F,,lr
We have also the
Standard Wire F r n: r
Company's G (1 u d s
,and the Brantford
Wind Till.. '.
Agency for the
Mason. & Risch i'iano.
('all and see lie before ptrch'es-
ing anything in my line
Good Delvers and R•..4 h'orrcr
for sole.
Robert Wilson
:t centenarian has Iti*t wile an
after.dinner speech at the .ige .4 lo;
But it's never too late to mend. -
Many a nom has found the mai
riches of life by lookiog into the lace.
of the poor.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully 'needed to
tt all lours, night or day.
a Ill