HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-6, Page 10.10 TH1'Rt.11sY, (i(TORFR 8, 1910 jYew 0Ceather )(and Satchels 1. p!.•ndid 1 t t h a t ranmot b e slulrlicr.ted _for the mows, Fifty bhl.' real !rather. good clash and double leather- handle„ fi t t e d • with small purer inside >: rrgu arly weld for filf. $peel*i . 95C -1-.„ Others r:HnRinginn price Immofru In 0 $8.00 co Q The Colonial kook Store GEORGE I'r r hT ft: Prop. PHONE 100. Goole! r - October Saturday !Specials N r are offering d ,, ' few Specials for S d. t u i day". buyers. r�s. .a,ch Ststurday, thin. th %se ari offer ing,p larger ratiety,'in eluding-Hiroac s T1 eT Pins, Rings, Hat Pins.. Flatwntft,,at a .very low price. M'See our East Window for Special Prices. 0.. the Sitiletfe. Jeweller and Optician oderich. 1 wswammw ammo THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO We are very 1, Particular We always insist on We7sieure the best the market produces and re- tail at prices that are only made possible hy our quick selling, methods. is 'sure jo please; and a slim purse, 'fills a, large opera 'louse !Rock 'Phone oil Kingston Street Young jWan 1.001( Plans for Cliis Winter : Monthly Social Evenings Athletic Classes Games, Debates Bible Study Teacher- Trami ng Class. Etc , etc Board of 2irectort : A. M. Robertson, President. R. R. Sallows, Vice .President. H. C. Dunlop, Secretary. J. F. Thomson, Treasurer W. C. Pridhani J. H. Tigert Df. ErtinuerSOri Ale you reading THOMPSON- Known •' "Lives of the Hunted." "Autobiography of a Grizzly" ? Remember his lecture on MON- DAY, NOV. tath, illestrated with lantern views • ARE In the vernacular of the day a WE ARE Mit. OUR PRINTSHOP You also will be ,f you COTO ft and let -us silow you the classy class of week we •rii tieing in the printing of esiery- thing printable.. Quality Store Sweet Potatoes Sweet Potatties "Virginias" now in stock six pouts* for 1,1e CRANOERRIES We have just received it barrel Eerly Blacks.- They ere very choice. Two pounds for .25c GREEN TOMAiVES We are offering Green Tome - toe% this week at. per "peck 15c COFFEE Try a pound of our apecial blend of Coffee. ...i/You wall he delighted with it. er pound 441e A siiipment of fresh Sausages Frankforts expected for Higheet pt ice paid for all kinds choler. Butter and ferm produce. t. LONG 'PHONE .13 Yourself atarrielai Are inbiled to view An Exhibit of Silk j9 -rt fieedlework and to Meet our expert teacher of silk embroidery its various .hranches. An excellent oppor, tunity tor begintlers and for others Co gain a knowledge of the newest ' style of work. F.xhibitand lessons free of charge. October 10th to -22nd. Hour 10 to 12 and 2 to 5, at WILMER SMITH'S STORE. • Elelding's Silks and Linens used exclusively in these classes. A BIG BLAZE. 0 contained from pee.- f.f Notes. It is almost worth while hiving a lire like that, to see the energy with which Manager Saunders handlee the eituation and gets things sgoitig again. This is the third errious tire the Company hits had. The last previous lgne was almost- exactly eight peers e tire factory wits deatroyed. ' o- on October Stb. Ittirj- wilco the Too much cannot be said regarding the good work of the tire -tightens The fire wa. one of the most stubborn the brigade was ever .called upon to eombat and the way they handled it was most praisewoithy. . All the workmen's tools and con- eiderable matezial were removed from the machine section of the build- ing. The preceution taken war nut neces.,ary. hoWever. as that part of the ;Ant eye sped injury 'Fortunately the wind was in such a quartet that the lumber piles. contain- ing a vast quantity of s aluahle ma- terial, were saved. If fire had. got in itinoturst them t here would have been it rfortnendous conflagration. . A fire is unwelcome at any time, but this titue it came at an" eepecially in- opportune season. Th. factory was filled with stock and the men were busy setting out orders and had peen working overtime. Among the stuff hurtled was a carload of goods ready to go Out on Monday for Montreal. The volunteer fire-fighters were numeroue. Cinders were carried for blocks from the scene of ,the tlre and in _the immediate vicinity two resi dente of Ealt street deemed it advis- able to vaeute the premise,. The resi- dences facing the factory on t'attubria road and others on Eisst street just' east of the factory received coneider- &hie attention front herrn hose and bucket .brigades. The flre engine,. was on the scene ready for use. hnt. it was not required. Had an accident happened to the worka at the pumping ,station and had there been no sUbstitute the out- come is not the moet pleasant to tbiuk about. Fit•e-filighting equipment of the useful cities is & good investment fin. Goclarich- and the servtce which the town's engine was in & position to reinter -Saturday night may serve to dein. awiy riff doitht as -to (Vhethet the. town counil acted advisedly Or not in having the engine remired. Yester: toeia Park and given h thorough test. A pressure ..f one hundred and forty pounds -eighty front the waterworks and sixty on the sengine--- wnst used it was found t be in a; fleal-ClaSs Con- dition. . Ontario Rallway and Municipal Board Holds • Si "rig at Brussels. Board held a sit ings at Brussels- on Tuesday last to h applicstion by the Brussel... More Urey Telephone Company. rhe a plication was for an order of the boa al to compel the Wroxeter.Hural Te phone Company to grant connection and entor info ti working agreement ith the Bruisels Com pan y At the hearing, the Brussels Coin - patty placed before tht- coninikeioners evidence that the two mpanies were doing business in adjac t territories. and that all that was as oil wise rural connection. The Brit Is Company declared they were not a tempting to get in cennectinn with th Bell Com- pany through the Wroxst* Company. but merely desired conn tion for pany showed to the com ',sinners that they were riot tinw lin.g to have connection with th Bras- sels Company Ina that their agree- ment with the Bell Compan pre• chided them front entering into a working. agreetnent with the t es Brussels Company. They feerod Bell agreement -that is, longalistan eceiptir- front long-distance businew. eti the 1Vrozeter Company were act- ing as agents for the Bell Company at The commissioners expreesed them- selves veey emphatically to the effect that any agreement the Wroxeter Compeny htul with the Bell Telephone Company had nothiug to do with the matter. They would not conaider the Bell agreement and intimated that, if the Wroxeter Company broke- their agreement with the Bell Company ,ind if the Hell Company should attempt Li. penalize them by with - Fall tlousecleaning TRY THE Vacuum Cleaner Belding's Welsh firt Silts quickly, thoroughly and with far lees trouble then any othei method. As the Cleaner will be alnsoet constant Ilse for the next few week.. will yoni kindly send in possible, so that we inav arrange- to at tend to all Orders may be left at .1. .1. Edward s Restaur- ant, The Square. •sesi 1 THE COUNTY CONVENTION. tbe public schools. PLEASE PAY UP. Wit hin the hist two weeks The Signal ha.. sent out • large oum- ber of accounts fur subset iptione. it, arrears. The WIWI individu- ally are not forge, hot in the' aggregate they aunount bun- dretis of dollars. ate! WE Nk.:ED .CHE MONEY.• We ark. all those indebted to aside without fusing messages, the Wrozeter Com - pony could eoon get relief by an appli- cation to the Dominion Railway Coin - mission. which Would no doubt quick- ly order the Bell Couipan • to accept ma• de hy •a rural company with the Bell Commit). as improper. The Borwci herefore intimated that by _the provisione of the Hilo amend- ments relating to rural telephone COM - parties the Brussels Company were en- titled to connection with the Wroxe, co• me . to an „agreement themselves I witrout an order, and. intimated that I if they did not come to at. agreetuent au order wOuld he made by the cone • tVe understand that: the officere of " the two t companies. immediately got together anti ere coining to an ageee- merit in the mattet. • Prize -winners in a Number of Classes Not Reported Last Week. Following is the Instance of the prize list of the Locknow fall fair not published last week : Fine Arts and Flowers. , D M_ Thompson. Miss L Livingstone. e INTI NOS. Ail -Marine view. I/ McKenzie : flg- in• ane ; best single painting, Miss L Livingstone', It McKenzie. Water eolors-Marine view. D Mc - landscape, It McKenzie. Miss L Liv- ingstone ; painting on glees or pot- tery, Mies L Livingstone ; crayon Kenzie. Largeat assortment of bOttal, pleats. Mrs A- .McCarroll, John Adams ; ointment id house plants; in pots. A Sutherland. Mine Burgess ; cut collection wild flowers, W Wilsoto: Collection, clarion 4,r oddities, P J IltUffed, birds, John Adams ; collection fine show). G Murdoch : pair coarse shoes, J Murdoeh ; pair tine shoran. .1 G Murdoch ; collection . cement work, .1.1 Henderson. --School Competitions. Wilson, Marjorie Miller ; penman- ship, under 14, Marjorie Miller. Jai Alton': drawing, any subject. W A Wilson ; display of sweet peas. I) NI Thompson.: display of meson tiutus, Special Events -Open. One hundred yard dal)), open taa farmers daughters. over sixteen, Mar- garet NIcMillar.. Ethel Woods, Fanny Anderson ; one hundred yard race substituted for obstasle race, Ernie Thos Woods ; girls over welve, Margaret NIcNlillitn. Hazel fulerson, Mary Ensign : girls' race, 1' race, over twelvc, E McLeod, Wot boye' rale, twelve, Alex DavItlebn, Angus twits, Clyde Reid, Evan uarter rnile race. Thos PER NAL MENTION . _ Ou Tuesday evening the meeting Workers of Huron. The thirteenth annual county con- vention of the Wouseu'e Christian Temperance Union Irab held in the Evangelical ()hovel). Zurich, Septem- ber '..17th mid 28th. Delegates were In Blyth, Brat/eels and Exeter. In the absence yf the comity president, Miss Murray. the Provinciel president, Mrs'. McKee..piesided at the convention, / Tuesday a! ternoon'a se...dim was! opened with devotionel exercises led 1 by the eounty evangelistic superinten- dent, Mrs. Davidson, of Goderich.1 Miss Ethel Williatue, in a few well- ehoeen wools), extended a welcome to the deltagetes, speaker* and eiritoes. ably responded. The reports from the , received ; they .were eneourag- Bad Axe. Mieh., gave a short bin Very ores of county heal optkin and thet opened with devotional exerciiree led by Moil. rollick. of Exetet. Mee. C. Heyrock met Misses Ella Ramnie and Elizabeth Itentiie wing a trio with tine A splendid address was given by Mrs. McKee, of Barrie. making a strong plea to save the youth of our land frotu the evihs of intemperance. contributed a recitation which Mai much enjoyed. Rev. E. H. Sewers. of Brucetlekl. delivered an eloquent mi- dmost. A pleasing octette was then rendered, alter wirch the nueetiug was liVednesday mornieg the reports of the departments were continusel, lowod by the election . officers, which revolted as follow p • eating and instructive talk on was resumed, and the convelition via brought to close with the •ingitie NVe Gather at the River •f• OO Seetaluber eth. Mr. and An. I UT lt,Eft. At London. ori mond,,y ,rd Robert (freer. aged WS yent- day, October 1st, %Valiant Hi"... 't*. este ),2 year,. and mooth.. tabor Ath. Yid weed L. Laren. .404 ,u -y,„?.. NIre. Rollick. Exeter r vice-president. Mrs.. Heyrock, Zurich; recording-twc- responding-secretary. Min. Murray, Exeter: treasurer, Mrs. (Rev.) Sharpe. 1;1' WndnfietilLY AUCTION SALES "1. of haii.ohold furnif tire mil. ft eni.iti of ter000n Mrs. McKee bred .horthorn cattle anti !'; "ding cimducted Moist helpful ronseciat ion service. She also gave a very inter- 1 molt nide trout ioderivti, -17.t:.:1. anilleagigagmimaiimw Ladies' Suits at $15.00 Smart Models that are Exceptional \ Our Aailored suits at $13.00 are particularly- attiaki.e. They are made to provide a stylish, serviceable suit at. a ----popular price. Serge, diagonals and Venetians are•fhe. materials they are made from and the linings are good qiial- ity throughout. .Cut in several styles, all good and desirable. Vit beyond ques,tion. Coat and skirt will retain their -shape Niobe until worn out. Blacks or. colors. Priced. at $ nn Other Suits $18 00, $20.00 and $25.00 Young Ladies____Suitt We are :showing some,very natty suits for ..misses:,,,a-nti young ladies.. They are made from the stylish,a14-poPulai serges and diagonals in shades of navy, browo-in. d garnet. and durable g a r -m e n t s $ I 00 5. and $16.50 Have You Seen oar tastiest' tailoi. il Coat at *10.11U is the hest $107 coat 1 itt the inost popular and fee km - rable styles. shown tine. sea ni. They are made (min. gt 1 Tiality twavrrs alai steno 1 velvet from. I.:1- ceptional viihiee at $10.00 Big Shipment of Rugs Direct from England There is now displayed in our carpet depart- ment a large shipment of Rugs direct from one of England's best makers. This.shipment is made up of seamless tapestry, velvet and Axminster Rugs. There are nearly two dozen distitiCt pat- terns to select from and every size is represented. Quite.the choicest selection we have ever had our floots. All A values. Tapestry Rugs. $6.50 to $20.00 Velvet Rugs, $15.00 to $3000 Axminster Rugs, $25.00 to $45.00 A. J. Reid Swam p from Toronto thli. week for a visit of a few da sieter. sirs. • ,uer, at Brantford and Mrs. Richard Kelso. and I wo divighteN, Lee Potter. ot• Fond.- di Line. Wiseorr.M. sin -nowt ‘on,aa to spend. aw week., vacii tion tit Ilk home in 'othorne t ing at the home of Air. and . Potter. South street Mrs. Weigand an MN. Potter are culleffin. '"Tht Old Reliable." London Xdvertii.er. (hit arionns %mein) 111115e r) prollti of their l'rovitire this ;Veer. It preshieed 11:396,01stresi worth of field erons in 1114 111. but it., iturvemt. ,ifio111 is Agriculture to be "impreeedented in neivlyelevilopeit elay twit of Northern Ontario hots only begim it,- tale of any ot her Prochwes in the vette, atul cnriety of production. hut its yield lief' acre of the staple (Topa is higher. This official petiolate of' entiditiens the end of Angled is intereeting : Yield Tote! Hat Pins 10c 75 new Hat Pine. plain bltjek.. fir fancy metal elle As. totality steel. Moist of them Part a shit direct from only VerY "t 10C Some very h Lamle Pitts in metal 7111d jet . 215e, 50c 1•1: Goo 35c Corset Cover Embroidery 23c :quality Corset Cover' E broidery. Extra fine titualin. tient and tasty designs. Helot- ' lar 25c to ale. A late•shiptuent Linen Table • .4:i 'nesse Table I 'loth. are 2 x 21 yawl's, ate atexi'qualitv full bleached damask, IniVe all Y1411111. They Were bought away Ipellov the regular vett le, for the *Mlle quality is retailed all orar 161.75. 1 wilily -font. if them ti) st:11 at each Wilmer Smith, godericil D.J. Hyslop All Canada - Fall wheat . 2:011 17.744,010 (1st. 54.71 548,247.000 Haile) 21.17 attatte. non Pell wheel 27.35 Illakt2.0(11.0 S pring wheat . 22.151 J2.7411,11111 (Jat 311.98 1211.11113,110111 Barley 110.11 21,3t101.01K1 • The 35c, -and 45c Dress Goods • Heavy Englidh Flannelette 12 1-2c .1 ;deeming patterns Pinks. blues. grey ...de. .4 clioth that will give eireptiteial ell,. wean. at per yard Wide Canadian do Flannelette 10c terms, mostly fanev strip• -e pinks, blues and k greys. This cloth we (attar Dal for snootier -era 144.4 bathos 4 _ couldn't be aohl at this Cc. Belts and Collars 5c Collars And fancy.Neek Wear. Just a (leering up at 'the end three, foist. and "Ave times this price. Cheiee of them all 5c. I Belts 25c On Tnentv rise enly lad fancy Fielte, eight or ten ills and faney I' 25i Pick Your Winter ' Hose from this Big Lot of .5a m pies of cashmere Hoae volt tweil Der larinter, then (virile .dul itt them Inefore our big let ot eamplee wild . Aro _4 -either plain oral. i _at_11.10 below regular whole -stale e.. The lot will soon be sithi...ole ! not delity tie) long. Hose, seamless feet. hill -testi- , korai. made from .fine ; will prove satiqinetiry hell.. wearing time roriu.,,. 'dozen just in to sell af the eery rloge price lot p.1 M The biggest sale of Dress Goods we havVever had has been. running for two weeks in our basement. On Fair day we started -to sell over 3,000 yards of Dress Goods at less than half price. The sale has been an un- qualified success, but there are still hundreds of yards to sell. If you have any Dress Goods to huy this Fall, you really ought to see this bargain lot. Remember the prices. 35c and 45c the yard The ‘Itlues, 75c to $1.50 the yard. Millinery 'improvers and apprentices. wanted, I ..pply at °ace to Miss Reynold,