HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-6, Page 8h• t rut:aanAT, Oona&a 13, Ildei Tuf: SIGNAI, 1;01)1':111('Ii ONTAitIO THE McIVER INQUEST JURY RETURNS VERDICT OF AC- CIDENTAL DROWNING. Men Had Been Drinking and Took Bruce's Boat Without Permission -Crown Attorney and Coroner Agree with the Verdict. The inquest into the death of Colin Mclver, who met death while out in a sailbout at noon on -Tuesday, Sep- _(ember'J')1b, was opened in the town council chamber last friday evening. Dr. Holmes acted as coroner and Crown Attorney Seeger. aLo was present. \Vm. Watsoa gave evidence- us to the finding of the body • John Bruce was' raided next. He said tbat it was his bout the" three men took out on September 2(Ith and that it was taken witeout p,•rwhsion. Two days after the drowning had occurred he found a small flame in the boat two-thirds filled with liquor. Dr. Harold Taylor told of meeting the boat at 12:31) noon on the day of the accident. within nue heindeed yarda of the end of the south pier. He. noticed that it ijad. nearly run into the south pier. There were three in the twat and they waved at him as he (cased. No •euttting was going on and they appeared quit'. orderly. J. M. BeuttlFr stated that he saw three young sten who %vete perfect strangers to him take the 'sat out and he thought from their actions that they vete taking it without per- mission. He addressed then, and - asked them if they were going tier a sail, but they did not reply. This was at noon. After he had ratan his dinner he wentout in his motor boat and noticed the boat meet liwett of the breakwater orf the like side. There was no sign of anybody in the boat, but he returned to the harbor and didn't interfere. At 3 p. in. while on his way to the exhibition he was told that a drowning accident had oc- curred -that ores of the sten who -had taken out the boat had lost his life. So far as he was ahle to learn no epeeist effort was made to recover the body until three or four hours had elapsed. Iia felt acre drat- nand of the *.nen was under the influence, of liquor whet be first law them. Dr, W. V. Turnbull gave a report of the post-mortem exmnination. In bit opinion death was due to tIi wning. '1'be fare showed post-mortem ,fain• ing, but there. were no cut+ on the frtee or damp - Edwatd McLean, one of the dead man'srompanIons at the time of the ident, said that the three had been la the (keen House barroom before goiirg out in the boat and he had had. four drinke of beer. In hit opinion it was th inrebing of the veaw'l that` knocked elver off, From where the witness w setting he rouhl dee only the lower p rt of Melver'k hotly "on account of t Witness maw le the lee rail and position of . the sail. fall Intekwai.ds off e Immediately told Sallow. and they p t the boat at.ontld and welted about fa Miltitttui- Th picked up Mel cern cu and .runt but (sited to sett anything o (elver him• self. They returned to rt and se- cured the grappling hook.. nd want out and grappled until 3 o'rl They came in again and went out ttlnn. time later and grappled lentil i war dark. Reuben Sallowa, the third elan the boat on the day in que•ati,m. sal that it was he that suggested going tilt a tail in Bruee'a heat. He ad- mitted being ronaiderahly eindoe..the influence of liquor but said he wad able to walk. lie died not see Shiver go tiverboard : hie could not see him at all turn where he was tilting. The first he knew of it was when McLean apprised him of the fact. Ile maid they waited out there fur nlwmt fifteen minutes. and then rarne in and gave the alarm. ' Coroner Holmen then addr..+..d the jury, reviewing the rate. Aecurding tie the epithet.... given by the wltneeees and in view of the fairly straight poor). told by the dead man's ennepan- ions, in the opinion of the frown attorney and himself it had been an accident. After a short delilieratiiin the jus returned a verdict of neei- dental drowning. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due to Bowel Disorders. A doctor's first question when ...m- oulted by a patient k. -Are steer bw.welt rrgitiar ?'' He known that ftS;„ of illness ie- attendod with inactive bowels and torpiet Iver, and that thin ronditi+en nttret be removed gently and thoroughly before health can bre restored. -Rt.rall Otderliea are n positivte. :'Pleasant and tate remedy for e)netipr- tion and bowel l disorders in general. .. - -- We are tee certain of their great cura- tive value that we promise to retarrn the purchaser's monee in every 'ase when they fail to prodnre entire sat ie - feet ion. Retail Orderlies are- eaten like candy, they set o uietly, and have a soothing, etengthening, healing in - filmier on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe. cense nausea, flatulence, excnaaive looseness, diarrhoea or other annoying rtTeet.. They are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Twn sizes, 2.k. and lee. Sold only at our more - The Rezali Htore. H. C. Dunlop, / south side of Square. GODERICH TO BE TERMINUS. I Network of Radials ip Western Ontario Planned by People's Railway. (luilph, Rept. 30. --To have a com- plete Network of radial railwny.1 throughout Ontario it the 'toilet ion of the i'wnple's Rahway, which bat been furthered by Guelph peening the two bylaw. on Sunday IMO. At the aelieme now stand-. the stain line of the railway runt from Stratford to (lueli•h through Berlin and New Ham• burg. Then the branches will stn from Guelph to Arthur and Guelph to Putlint:h lake, along the line 10 Baden, Ayr and New Ihmele • to Woodstock. At the next session nt the Legiwla- tura a charter wilt be asked to allow the company to build to (i.wl.rich. thr.nigh London, and on to Toronto, The main line if the railway will then run fr.nn (hale •i,•h 10 Landon, 1 , Stratford, to Berlin Mud (lnelph, yteek- ing a round run tot• five hours' trove - Non, At the lays w•:ksion of the A.b ia• butane this charter was asked for, bit they were udVi.el to commence active eonstrurtiun, and then return nt_ the next session for neither powers. The time lines will be eked as feed - ere. and the *theme will then be pushed further ahead. 1t is the in tent ion of the rompauiV to i,•cw•r a port on the lakes. north, smith. east and west. 'these• would he an exten- sion of the Arthur brunch to either Owen Sound or l'ollingwo d, the amain line to Toronto. on the nnr side, and to (i derich on the other. end hl the future a branch to either I Port Dover or to Port Staniey. 11 • will this -he -sleets tit•e6-4++retph.will "lar right. in the centre of the electrical roads of the western pdttion of the Pr eviler*.. HAIR HEALTH. If You Have Scalp or - Hite ' Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. 'tVe emild notyflotd to en strongly endue•' Retail "WC' Hair Tonic • and cunt' • to aril it at we tin. it it did not do all We tlaitu it will. Should our enthlfa*sol earry us away. and Retell 'qtr. Hair Tonic not• give .•ntire satisfartioei to the were. they would lose faith in Ilk and .1111' staleutenta, and in t onsequenee our i.twiness pres- tige would suttee We 'tester*. you that if your hair is beginning to annatarally fall out or if you hnvr any scalp trouble. Resell -in" flair Tnnir will promptly rradi-. rate dandruff. ',tiroulatie hair growth and prevent preumture baldness. Our faith in Rexoll':•10" Hair Tunic is se strong that weetek you to try it "amour positive gnifflesle•e that your ui tney will 1w cheerfully refunded- if it does not do as we claim. • Two size+, 'stir. and el. Sohl Only at our stor•e•- The iter -til Store. 11. C. Dunlop. south aide of Square: Arrested Because He Looked Like Smith; Pete lea, Sept. Jo. -Answering al- most perfectly to the description of the missing Frank Smith,- frow (lode - rich, whose disappearance WAS men tioued in cnnneetinn with the Ander- son murder cute, Peter Paul McEvoy, a new eeriest in town. wars arrested, and appeared before. Magistrate Mae Kenzie peel erday Inc"• (I..ratig.ttiun. In height. huiht. eluthee. orcupatinn, end general appearance. the suspected man ezartly- tallied with the news. - paper die eription. but rnuteulnicatiiel with the autheritiws rt lindrtich vested the fart that the man wanted there had been berated rt ele:tforth. Mr. Mrl:V..y w.i. nlvo- alibi+ tib glue ---a' clear history of hit whereabouts for every hour since the date of the Gude• rieb tragedy, and hall not been near the 1 owns He therefore was allowed his freedom-, and returned to hi+ ork as a painter. having sp.-tit n nnmb••r of coos[ uneomfnrtable hones in the toils of the law because. he was. nnfnr- Innate. enough In r••tu•o11.1•' another man. DANGEROUS DANDRUFF 111 Make Cani da $ Hatdkesded Na- tion if Not Checked. M..1'aetenr, the greet French phyti- cien of Park, ones s rid : -"1 believe we shall one day rid the world of all diseuees .-salted by garret." - I),tndi•utt is calked by germ+. at fuel a -relate' i•v all physician 4. Dandruff i. the root of all hair evils. If it were not for the little destructive erm' working with a permistr'ort nett et hetter retitle, there would n miler P iainn Sage will kill the dandrult germ end remove 11an11•u1T in two wei'ks n enmity hack. E. It. \'' Ie grtun•It•.'t it. 1t will stop itehin warp, tilling heir and ke the hue grow thick and ahun- da nt. it pallife nn. been. into the hair and prevent.,. it fr. t ternirtg gray. It it th • hair .1 wing per exeel- Ience, diner perf lett and frt.. from greuw aiekinesw. t i+ the t v - 'trite with w en -of t u,it -Ind culture who Lnnw I hie mi'ist gall • of fasein- Ming hair. A large hot tle cent iinly :at cent,. at leading druggist,. everywhere. Nati in tintlerirh by - E. 1t. WIglw. The girl with the toilette' hair it en every package. Minister in Trouble. The Ma .iter in Chamber]. at l).tgo•xlr Hall hat. -.granted the appliedtion of Rev. U. 1(. -Turk. for a change of venue from A oven- hound to Toronto of the action against him of nnr Hen Allen to teeover $3,7(31 which plaintitT allege'. lie wee indterrd to invest in aharet of the Toronto Roller Hearing Co. to the re1S.retett tat ion of defend- ent. Mr. Turk sat at that time the p tstot• of 111. le.ertt \l etli 1iet church of Owen Sound. 'Phe remind id the application was the Ito.t:111) that had arisen in Owen sound against. Mr. Tlik over his c. nnt.Tion with lire de - fume romp' ny. Among documents presented wan a letter addresiw d to Rev. .1. T. C. Mum•., .tour of Owen Sond. First 4fethodii.l church, in Which dome of the alleged victim. M Mr. Turk express their di.uppruval if any move, to have hint Ir -toter the ministry. Another duem,ntent was r1 letter dated from Owen Sound, ,Tniie Rth, 1131(1, ,eddrevied to Rev. .1. 1'. 1'. Morrie. This letter war the outcome of information Ihatnt meeting of the MAI inning comtuittee of the lawmen l'onfercnee it wag prop.eted to at. point \fr. Turk to the (!entenni.tl chllrrh, ,If West. Toircmtn. . and the antlt4.rs of the letter pmrrt•d 10 give rearms for ailviking the ('nnfereuce mg 411.1 entertaining the proposal, the chief tieing Mr. Turk's einnection with Ilse 1lendrrson Beller !leering Cotnpany stock. ONE OF SCORES Who Have Proved That Dodd's Kidney Pills Care All Kidney Ditea.ee. Lie It Ngnnr. Alta.. (let. iii.• (epecisll -The simple, Str.aight.for- ward statement of Mr. Magnets John- son, a well-known farmer of (hie pima., is one of the Ihoutands of mere proofs that no rate of kidney digester is ton terone for hold's Kidney Pills to mire. Mr. Johnson writer : "In the year 111117 1 took a pain in my hack. due re. a strain and hand work. 1 kept getting worse. in the full of tet133 I was unable In do an work and begun to suffer M Went. deal. A 'neighbor gave the one of your almanacs. Alter reading it. 1 rarne to the ...inclusion that my itidneyk were at the root of all my ache,' and pains. 1 sent for six bozea of Doild's Kidney Pills anti after using five boxes 1 fel' .tile and able to do my own wink." STORAGE BATTERY CARS: flow Power is to Be Provided for O. W. S. Railway. People haver been wondering why the building 'ellthe Ontario West Shorn rtretrie seaway has progressed •o tar with no sign• of trolley pules and wires. The, storage battery car is the explanation --which J. W. --.Hanes' president of the road, gives to those concerned. This kind Lf electric car is the latest triuinpb of 'Phomas A. Edison. -.It has now passed the ex- j.erfinentaJ stage. it is stated, and the electric ' road here will operate the first to be used in ('anads. It will travel from New York ao lioderieh, Mr. More, state., o8 its own wheels. Fol. two years Thomas A. Edition. with R. H. Bear)), eleetri.•al engineer, schemed and woo ked behind high board feelers ell \Yeti Orange, New Jersey. •hefot e the "'tomer tatter! rar became a prtetical factor. and gave promise of driving ,a few thous- and halrit-working trolley, cars out of their jobs. - The Mut Age ear is capable of running KO rnilrt without reehnrging, at a cost of one eent per utile, -it is claimed. and a ill climb any. ordinary grade. It •styes twenty-five .per rent. of the rest of overhead .'onatturlion, for there are no overhead wires. tea pole. -no 1,ansulission cables. and nu truek twonding. There is also it -mater- ial mater- ial saving in the power plant, fur on it trolley line the plant must be powerful enough to move the maximum amount of tt'ani.•. Thr greatest yawing, however. it appears. is in the cost of op.rat• . ibe }sdiswul patent stowage hat cry ear weighs from our -half to utie-third as touch as the ordinary trolley car '.1 similar cups'ity, yet the Edison ear is -stronger, because of special cnnstrurtiou, Ordinarily a battery it charged for seven hotel'+, lett the first time it is charged for fifteen hours. This over- charge is-r..rete.l once every two wreka tar•the that two min -the_ and every two months thereafter. 'I'llr leas n1 pee baps twenty --five per cent. in power from the time the eurrrnt I'.ivee the generator in the power - /voice until a ked in the tor of the ordinary trolley is. of resume, evieidatl. ------: THE- FAt.L ASSIZES. Eight Cases Heard- Before the Honot't able Sir William Mulock. Tire fall mese/ate for the-- county aff Huron opened on Monday morning, September frith. in the t bonne. By arrangement the Honorable sir 1�'illlam Meiloek presided, inst.:e1 o1 the Honorable :Mai eat lee. Sot hulked, who was einnonhrel pert iottsly a+ t he trial jndge. The court atljnurnrd i•n. 1\'ednesilay evening after a lhlrr daiys' se's Eight•casri were heard and were disryrtel nT`Ti thio Tnllewtng mariner : \Vesal. vs. \Voids: - Thie was 811 action hrattght by lames \Vo•efs, if Detroit, against t tt a executor need some devisees of the will of Petri, k Woods. e.r.,'of 1►nblin, tee have uhr will met aside on the ground among others that deceased hut not capaeity to ,nuke the will. The estate ani tinted to $'r(,l.11) ntitttlsnt half of it wnrle- quenthel to i society in New York State.- .1 tdgment nal rnll.Pn, .111 Yacoe *Of the defendants and de'!:n•in,( the will yalid. Ciao. of iw.th pot lee to be paid out of the estate, M. 1:. (:hm- rrnn, K. 1' , for plaintily. .1. 1•. Hilli,- an for defendant.w: Bit! vs. Logan. - An melon for lieitnik prnneeution entered ley the plaintiff, a resident of Colborne town ship, for L',. MMI dernages. Owing to the Pet'it:101 11i11es' lit' a witness fol• the plaintiff, the trial war postponed Instil the next jury sittings. (:hats et al. vs. Hi'own. - An er- ten. entered to re -rover It211.3' which the plaintitT+ had .invested in the Horseshoe. Quarry Ian. at. the alleged instigation el the defendant. Thia action wee poalpottel until the nen- jltry sittings of the High Court. M. N. ('atnerou fnr'plaintitit, i'rmtdfa ml. Nays iV Blair for defendant. The Merchttne. blank ve. Hleann- net te et al.---Anartiou entered against Oliver Lliwsonnet1e and hie wife to, re- cover $2,f111e. the taller of a pronliertory unit• to the order of N. .tl. Pantie. Untltin e•ltdol•sed the r.ote•ti line R. Z. Tardif, who endorsed it t. the phtin- t►ff, the Merchants Haul of Canada.The riots was pre.ent.'.1, ./r payment. t i1 a is dishottor,d. /(10 4pplicatinn 11f the 11 tint Ilis coil -Teel Him Loedehip directed that the lectern he trar,tferred for trial to'tltq. tj'etittge of the high Ceuta at 11Vort4stoi k on ()Motor,. 24th. Cha-.. (barrow for jrlsin1111 Proud - loot 11ayak Their frrr-rfefereleitte. Timmer vs. Powell, - Thit was All art i..11 PIOe•int� by the plaintiff, .R'►n. Thauie'e , o f \`T 11 nn, fur the lerice of a quantity if ar let; mild- by the -plain- tiff to %\ant. P ell, of Blyth. .1, Best (Seaforthl f or plaintiff. W. Prnudfoot, K. ( anti 13. Vanstone t\Vinghaml for def dant. After em- tiderahte evidc►,ee h been taken His I,or'dtlnipdirected tha' the trial of (hit art inn to ascertain t e value of the apples delivered by the pleintill to the detendant he refet•r.st to Judge Doyle, the local tnustet•. Rnttornhrimer• v4. (tarpon. - An artInn for "dander. foe Wee"' tW, faral- ersi of (;rey township. This was tried by jl'ry, who returned a vrtdfrt for the plaint iti ' far $2.', dam/igen. ,fod r t.nt was entered-frrr plaintiff with full*atm of net inn lin 111.- high ('i art trate. •y\'. Prntedf rut, K. ('., ter plaintiff. It.'H Mnrphr. K. C. tl.tttnwrlt, for def alit. - \laM'ammond vi. (inyenlnek. "An action for iiw'ritie performance of an n.k gt•uu'nt, entered by Mrs. Marcell). mond, of Setae'th, against Wee (inv- enlnck, Of the name term. .Illdgment was tetvu'Ved. ,.' I'tnudfont, K, ( ,` and H. N. Hays (8eatorthl for plain- tiff. Lynth R Staunton (Ifnmiltonl and J. L, Killoran for defendant. Reed v.. Melntyreet al. an adieu on a promia.nly note. Hill,.►rtIt are resident* of Nesfort.h. ,lue�a gment seat entered for plaintiff for $2,871 17 land darts. R. S. Hay. IMraforthe for plsintitY. 3 1.. Killoran fie defendant*. Etch the Iltlllll` BELDING'S SPOOL SILKS into \'l)111' Illl'IHl1I''r It stands for all that is best in spool silks. By their exceptional strength, lustre, elas- ticity and smoothness, BELDING'S SILKS have obtained a unique posi- tion in the favor of Canadian dress- makers. But, above all, they appreciate BELDING'S SILKS because .we keep our range of colors right up-to-date adding a new shade immediately it is origin- ated, and thus being able to offer a most comprehensive color assort- ment. B.Idiu,g ..pouts M hen empl• Lring pretnrulne. N rite for the lint or awl. star dealer. BELDING, PAUL & CO. Limited 74 BAY s'rH 1': I i TOW d'r4) THE Banner Lantern Tills is the time of year you need a -gaeaii_i..:tutern, a- ca�.ue_ 1he new ityi.i Bannerndi1s thefes-best` Lantern .mute in this market, • If you examine von will find it made of extra heav-\ tin 11 ill oil r'u• made of tin or bras,. according to your order." The lift is vt're ease to operate. ' You can lift it nada and high so the wick' .an he cleaned.' The glass you will find for vert It- t.. We !,eli these good Lanterns at 75.- and Si.00 each, according to - make of oil part. 4,1 .httvitt` :• a PANDORA RANGE 1it1 get even more than %011 t• \pt�1, for - t he salesman didn't bet in til let \-on know the -•satisfactiorr 4 ti have in the tine of one. CON! 1:. TO LS ;\ X I) 1 E:T 1'HE .BEST. The Howell Hardware Co., 1.I.1111:fe ti PURITY FLOUR THE LONDON DIRECTOR*. Enables. Iii twirl-. 1bLeut;h.alt 1114 \Vorld 1 1„urenuniente diener with 1•:ngli>11 ou►ouf.0 renisawl •\ deities in each clans .d geode leesidrk being a rtimplet• ;•ew. WWI CAI guide to London /old its .ileirhs, the 1)iteetor•v contain. Ii-tso1 export. merchant. with the e eels they ship. 01111 II1• • tube„eland f..reige mi. i.'•t-tt1 supply i.ttattltshii' 1111., name eft wider 1 be ports t., a bit* thay peri, emit it iieat1tI el. • approxi - mete mailings : Plovinryai- m otiees of l.ra.liug \lmnfactnr• ere, Mert-barits, etc., in the prin- 1'ipd .,eve/vial 1 ewe:* and in - duettist' vaulter of the. 1 niie.l K i ngdoire. A ceps of the rurrriet 'edited, -will be forwarded. -freight paid. ore t.ct'ipt of Instal order 1,1 20s. • heeler* reeking at ateir. silver; kr. their trade card., Lu E1, .o1' : larger adrer11.e•roeni• 1t.iu.4:3. The London Directory Co Lesch I. nnr, riiJt 196 POUNDS Western 98 POUNDS 49 POUNDS 24 POUNDS 14 POUNDS 7 POUNDS L, A Perfect Bsbr Cerner A Baby Carrier that's con:fy because'buiit right- lu•t about as tuna lc -proof it I.,ti he u.acic. Every pact of 111•• OCAii.)ZOK i ',I1;1t light litre in • our Torou;o L:.'1 1v 111 '• r 1/1 (iV I -n r - y.;.•, , •t,.- r. • I , 1. 11 yuu.,li.tt,r toI'1�• i:.,. 1, r•. .i 1:,. . tiyfit t.e r ..dib. ,din -ted I 4 salt It c chit 1. .,t thihy d ;:.r hu•.xt Ywtr 'fextrr r.:11 :1. inlauad.iGtudroiL.trthi,; Cendron Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Toronto - Ontario ;1 • nor cornus Pal n a -• 1 Sold Ly most first -clad. dealers. V!rite to us if your dealer do•su't carry them. • -A-N CRY yOU can now_ procure our delirious .,oda Biscuits in a size and (.....l;n much thinner and more dainty than the ordinary soda biscuits. Just ask:7.-6w grotcr for McCortnick's 1-''-A-N-C-Y Jersey tor - Soda Biscuits -neatest, crispest, t rst,cst. The "Little Lord Fauntleroy" c 1 the package guarantees McCormick -Q •-'';:r. Aoki only in 10c and 5c Blue Label Par.' ries. PACTOiT AT IMO FANCY JERSEY �ISCUIT CREAM SODA LONDON, WAa1ifOIIaEa AT MONTaaA1,. OTTAWA, HAMILTON, KINGSTON, WINN1p1t0 AND CA10;At111 A RIE In the vernacular of the day a "fan" .a an en- thusiast. WE ARE ENTUU• SIASTIC ABOUT OUR PRINTSB0t You also sal bs If you come .n and let us show you the classy class of work wa are doing in the printing of wary - thing printable. GEO. JOHNSTON EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking eareree""' We., aide litonare. 1)Mrrtch PHONIC : Ston a' Reatdenre 171 Night Haile: At re.idrnre. 5111'!11:/tri 9t rr,• t . J. BROPBEY & SON GIODERICH Tbit:�l.l tial\t• Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden rarefnlly attended to At all hours, night or day 41 gt'}t taeu•b anti' Older ti. Akre t'• Alava thelia taut r tlL•u If Ben. l d . I11 r I.a