HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-6, Page 5Jcttj,, Ir ta•sl VO11caa stock- s rush tun and at :i'.• of our Zoite a ich all re are I. Try E. T. value. 1).&A. y Iona one ,.t 7 long .1 great d ,11 coos 11- ire Style Bente Alton ,tett sr1 1st, e'Odertt. Or all )IC tot y 1C -yes ely SO 1St icar sy /a/bM • TUE SIGNAL: GODEttICH. ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS. oar Concert, thtobeaelst• it1 lee ogive A'io concert it, the church uo talfeting of i•'rieta. October' 21st. *41&Il for the tfoak tubal lr Icing engaged W xttsiuu. R Cost to the Town. /hit "iter noon ir F. by the I . ae H.leaves e Begin...A%it ° in the Saskatchewan rirtvllt £L 1so.11 .i K Ito lutist. there. tly med in we, Lill t ellen-vet. be goestbe will tote tear for himself. and (be beet vibe of the tuw•tista'ollle of llodericb 11 the lure of the % Veba as, rpt bulli hint he will tied a light sly turu+og awaits. here. 1 Fire Averted• rear a storm / ur. Mr. n- 't*'ule, Hooter lirrdwere Coee store, sough'e program *ill ter a.- fuiluwe Mead nRei,,tie fire the woroiug Part I. -Fun end fancy witty the eta ye Whet. the ono. Something to laugb at. Part t . ,koltly • war wade the wires -Wily People Ougbtu't to 11e Taxed 'int into tlaeurrnd one wire falling or Heats ludustreeve Sumrthiog to feeding tube of the think` Durr. • Pett ill.-Oririurl rr- .+ of -the blame TuberculOs.s Exhibit Next Week. The Ontario exhibit. ut tuberculosis will be in Ooderich ou Wedneedtey, Thursday and Friday of ueztereek (probably in the town hale. The ex- hibit will be open afternoons and evenings, and ii the evenings there will be short tulle on tbe prevention and cure ut tub•'rruloeiw Views will be given by a stereopticon. This is an opportunity for instruction vU an im- portaut questiva, and it is bo{tt•d that the public will atteud it, Lige weat- hers. There will 1w no adwissiuu fee. Bengough on Tax Reform. J. W. Betytough, the famous light- ning sketch artist. c:.rteiouist at,d en- tertainer, will give ate entertainment at the Oddfellowl 11 1 ooh Thursday kraus evening. Octol.er Neth. udder the eu- aw clw.ing of two electric wires. /picas of the Oodel•tuh committee of short circuit, et t be the Tax R t• K Hr the a sten. gr•uhnr ,se buried vital. and quick rketcbo»-.rials of •thttsg'be lulus and it, a bhurt time then. phrvfully urtnonat. Tbe car. 'ool'w ignited the gasoline. would breieA igen to the t'.optedst.. hep R m+11tJ a set ...Us fire was averted. fl<r bed lean .n Trouble. • ,tell Haberman, Jewett Brown. a Bay ,fperrrd t.. t.,r' 1lrgist rate G. 1'. Petty ,-t week on the, act ro►r,ltof -h"••ting with intent W, J" there ed t •i ,Tr der v'had filed itnroops recuse al ,the L,I:Ihlauah windows and donne at (men mkt had threatened in-. e j•tui'il k •tale' ii h fortrial *i ld wwill ep- ap faros Mond/) next. The accused it wee. of es a 1:.10 lires a tl fellow et',ww3ht aged ged •loo -I.o1• r Jleaet the t et the elite itjuts. fteris-Seacel. e iutrt wedding wise solemnized at thebeta.et the bride'. I.arrute. Fit. , ,J tin -1 i • 1141 Sti*ixl. East ♦, fret. u. Tut -lay ,.v,•sing of thie week. Igen M. hotline line May weasel le- nmetbr',i,i, ,•t I'hihp K. steel.. of r.in* ni;„n• Dula tisr f4inil' rela- ',to weir M .Neill In wither.. tit* nerv- e. sr. wlitch was Ieifo1'WMl by • Rey 1. l• Wilke en After the wedding eerie- ee• ('•tte-ken of Mr.- eed..M i• rwdl•"e tj, the gamma -Itf!1 :treble - elate: er. it Lair they Will re-idr, Ina , int. rte extended to tbe• pt , out,l -. • 2 r. '•rOf. Irre.ting to re idstit.of i.. 16 ..1' i htJT lnnk•j+iaf•r wi Wit, 11: rued*y. September ea. viten 1eUtan liratrice 1Vi11►uo at•. the 1,, ids et John J- Pinfold. )11=. K. tenfold, of Mtmeiej•w. v ,• . - eehnrttray.--Het. T ,:.,, a had by .lieu. H. Ieyine. a neer• IN4.'•.t. -tit• -Muth b lr/n idle , il ,•ting th • ePtetront' Mc. 1' te1.1 took the train lot. •sc , -'..y, . w'hrre the• glv.unl a;,omitton witb lire 1'. 11 '1 `. •• 1,A at florae to their needs • • new I(true, W. aveuUe 1•. iftrt \ ' CHURCH NOTES. OBITUATY. There will be special choral music at Greer. Klan( church next Sunday everting.' On luntlryy lest the death of Robert At the close of tbr' evening service geese, son ie the late Robot Greer, nest hunday it, North street Metho- e.f'ssltford, f i herd at London at the dist church a shun organ recital will age of thirty -flee yeses. Tbe remains be given byHerbert llik hell, Mus. were brougt here for interment. t lie Iv C. M. (Logla•d). lite deputyy rg*n funeral taking place to Colhorne bit of. the (}tlild Hrll. Plywobth. Mrs• cemetery on Tuestlsy. Iter'. 1'. I.. May will act ea soloist. 11'ilkiuson conducted the burial -Set- ► Archdeacon Richardson has called it yiC., general weetiuif of the rrehde*cohe}- - Gam, to be held at hxetet on Tueeday and - Wedneaday, October lltb and 12th. The people of Colborne township .1ny desiring to attend may commune were bbocked this week to hear of the vete with Rev. T. W. Collins, of Ex. death of Mrs. Thoe. MnOratten. of eter, who will pro,ideaccommoeation. Durban, Man.. fouuerly Miss Annie Quite a utaueer spent last Monday Wilson Green. who left her home in evening ay the parsonage of North becuColborne only a few months ago to street Methodist church on the octet" the Ve' a bride and Make *home inr Ston of the quarterly tea given bythe the West. Her death occurred rather l K suddenly on Thursday last at Durban. Woweu's Mbisionaryhoviety. An ex The remains were brought to l;ode- cnUetlt musical program was rendered lick and the funeral took place this and the evening so sprat was at mugs sftetnoon t,. Celtwree cemetery. Rev. eoioyaWe one. J. R. Mann, of Auburn. was the offlci- Hsrtest•howt' th:.k+giying terStsting clergyman and the palllearrts will be conducted nest Sunday in St. . were four brothers of the deceased- lrenrgr'r cbut h by Rev. 1l, Charlton. John. Alex., James -and William. F. R. A. S„• Hector of Port Burwell. The parents. Mr. anti Mrs. Andrew •Torre will be :. special offering and rGreen. ,if Loyal, and the brother and good music for the occasion. 'Rev• sister* mourn a devoted daughter and Mt. Turnbull will. 'nipple plg for Mr. sister alai' have general. eympatltV in Cbarltou at Pott Burwell.their wad bertsvement, The 'muter meeting of the Eureka - Currey. After suffer ing for uearly az ite7ins from cancer. Oeotge Currey. a well- known resident of Nile. pawed awe% ,u Saturday. 34th ult.. aged.eeventy- tw... years. Dereesed was a native ot Armagh. lrelsnd. When about ftihe- tren years of :tge he caner al Caned.. and took up a farm in Ashfield. Atter clearing this terra he secured twe ferule in West Waw:tnosh which he also cleat el. Later he bought a fatal one the loth" concession of Colborne. Where he resided for twenty•Hve years, and tben ra tired from testier life. Deny- ing to Nile. He wee a 111an highly re- spected by -his fellows, a man of glans - learnt., ek•tches and caricatures tit. Bible claw. of Victoria street Metho- Iocal people will be wild at auction ai, diet church will be t"ilid in the church the chnee of the woman.. Adulie.ion i parlor en Moneta}' evening. October lie: re --rived seats ,C.c. Tickets on .itlth, *t ..•'clock sharp. All the sate -al Hick'. drug store or The Sig- ! meintnerkoate rsqurrtrd to be L.resent, nal oMcr. 'Twill be a treat for u!d and f a/ there is important business to di. - young. cuss. 4. l.ilors are Always welcome. t I iertr...f of the discussion on the reg.A New Patent Table. , A. E. ' l:tthrei,n, of town, bit:. (1,,.. , alar topic at the meeting of the Y. 1'. ,;surd and s..cutrd patent. fur 'ee in,. tet ('. E. of Knox church on Tues,lay Proved exteu+ion table which otughti"'teneg. ter«well address- was blit - to be a ht Hee .riles• whet, it ie pewee , ere I by G. 1''. Blair on :At* •eve et his de - on the w ager. its p.h.cii'•a! Leclerc/ 1'ilture for the Nest. The uteetime ere the '1,1.1! amuunl of apace it torts ,gra" in t barge of Miss. 1c/i,rthur and pies in it- c.nu{ta.:t farts in e.yu`a•u'ieun ',ttei the service, bad been opened the well the a of freer si.t to •••'v bite: • it 1••:.del reter'rr¢ brirtl i ti, the able and w I :sail•the a,la„e; ` which Mi.Meir d .P1d+ worn rztrtid• .'hr ttut aaalstac (e w tic with which a way lie rttrnJtd to eat} had given the Society whrurar be 1 Hoed widow. eleven daughters nitt[tco song ion- .izr' •.t t•,t.k do. desire.t. It i+j wp- c illyd upon. h.• assured him the, bis smuteel, Ball been +. r teciateil rate left to mourn his : bots, The rim it td •r.l f rcttuu are •, lea:. I p unreel en the 'th ult. teas under u.auufwcwtwl for _very IitCle W'dr and oil twitter of t$r oeirly wtehrel• f than tit, 'online' Y- Vitae. Mr. Math.- him the. Ir sip'. unci happiness whist. i the •t t.piers ot the Otange order. WO has srturee eatelas for hetet Ceti he deserved it. his -hew -field ..f Irl*.:. the decea-rd -• being an honorary - edit And the t'mt.dett*tee end bas .11.'.dt,-Illeit that'7spoL. tor a taw win- turmbei of L. O L. N.. 1Fie. The rr.J% Isere 11isee„e, erne --gith ' utae. giving the utet:.l.et= ,•t she s,...1, tuttrrel" •ervice - we- cuielected by Rev. W. Conway. •The twieev.J fam- ily -L.- fhr sywparhy of the couanun- its . The Men's Depart- ment wool be open for one hour every i night from 7to5 Pablo Schoui Board. ' The trait 1 I ' ttrg of he with,- 1•••••..1 udic loot I c. -11 we. held on .Monday. .asutt b.-.itlr- liar want (.4 - 1 11 7ii::L' to .rural. other large aseanl-%%,r1•lento:ledaelr.id, ihey wee. a ,. Reid R 1•o . ►: ixdrn,'i' I' : ,:ing 41illa 4't, .441141: %%tun. heel. 11. .1. Helper, Sas): le u I.P►.:1!'' Aiehitret itariley pre. -road pc. Ftwr. rerUdeates in favor of ft iunl• too i•at, d • the Goderich Paging 7.1,11••••••1'.,, f„1. ,t.,,$). They vote radsu•d to 1,,. pend. _Thr matter nt pltwint; and I.•velling the Lack trmmdt c l tilt' new -rheol ittOl•erty OW lett in the tiered/ of the eha•rma•t :,f the hub d ag eroutmittee and A rchi= tett &eclat . to. F. Blair tendered his teignatit'tl a• tial/tee. which' was se- e'eted. • - e • Slaved to S'tatTord. N• Gisler an too uleuutrctutet5in beg uu the lual Let. •11 ...on w .tit like to olio inK it 4 iefy many good. winkle ut nllviie s- ihlr at.r. meth. 1.. the to.•t iter'. 1 living their lives. u have it wade in Pt allege W i-. giver ielen- wee mete 'alt adieG rtlarket. Preeer.t to pt. tfer A few remark-, ,atter l Hunter. -- ( l ate. of the i l •• ti an 1 r -which{ lilt I Ir lunch , ea t• . )brit Hunter, hinctr- d '( het altwugruti+ur- cauuut: be , 1 the es to c. un.. (Irl Thllr.-dot'. September _n the .(belt• •crew a k1 Oil i,..• .a I 1 rh"-1 Mrs Its u• dr he WAY aurin n}• bole. to t•A11l1Iae'1 •ter It. - • "'n e' - . Ice. i, roe '-. •' , would Iekr to .1w the t••1• , ",• till,,...4. C. u t .I..t the t•t•r1..uttp prt,grat 1• ontertul.ate mistake. She arcidebt- ly w11Iig either . it '•!1 ?lathe.••, i - • Rev. br. Graham's Visit l .ally :ook a dose of liquid *tsenir. mi-- hntefee, .. will surer. of ..t Geo. We Last ,tend a w:ts educ •Banal ley in taking the bottle for one conteining ewe. Iutilit..re store. Hateittee -!rest.. tee Methrdist 'churches e1` .town. 1n .risers. Medical aid was summoned Lettuce On the Returrect•On. ' • tee morning Rev. J.•W. Orsban,, D. and the p..i-. n was thrown ntf. hut of 1t-, (tstaeral-e.aetary.•-1 the educe- the shuck• to tae hearts WAR H) gieatt X as l tea i ti [T ' Pys2rm roof- tire"' M• tit.»ti. t-+lpotti Mrs un et La A:N• . Leet ae-eel atwrtiaetn to hear chetah. oeci pie•1 the pulpit of .Vie- mai•Ien name was Insbell:i Johnstone. A: 11. stelae -eel rt for Peup'eb t'ulpit : Luria etre,. t Methodist church and in She t, as torn in lioderich rowoihip A»-oelstinn, Brooklyn. N. Y., ,►rlivrr the eveniu b...poke e.ke in Ketch street sixty -tire years afro. a daughter of the . bis lecturi• nn ••The' Itr.urrectien of K 1• e set Tlir -Menet i.- ens ..4);,.1,_.M'e!h•,di-t share i The trv•rend late 1Vilia::. sbi.p- one. She went to quip gentlemen I. a sou of township_ about f-rly baht i- sell hrtr•f treated Raul the;James Graham. a forw!r paetea .1f refits ago with her brothels and was charrb•pul/tit. The sprakei bad Bihli- N ith street Methodist clamed). •'iia married a few y«al`s late' to Robert cal authority .,.fer reeve .taten,rtit •i. rine ...; the beer pulpit uratni - in. Hunter. H e : husband and sen. made hoot Me theories sail n:aunrr id e*nwtla and ie rerogni::wl as very William. 1•f Kincardine*. - u t'v ive. The, r ate ..1so t wo hrothet • and three Tn1•ttettee. Oer•ttitsl tl, lead C .111111111 w CAMERON'S = -=DEPARTMENTAL S 1 ORE, Oar Valeta bre se right t b• t we defyiU comPS- Itttie • - Fall Clothing OW for the Fall .winds and Fall rains. Yes, it s October now and you will Nsooner or later be tiorced to buy heavier clothing, It's not always profitable to leave this important matter off too -long, as medicine and doctors' bills are in- variably much higher than the warm clothing that is necessary to keep health in the right place, and as you will be forced to buy sooner or' later we would advise. you to buy now when stocks 'are at their best, and besides you will be able to save some money too, .as many lines that we placed orders for months ago have ad- vanced in price and on some lines we are instr4cted that no repeat orders wily be accepted at the same prices, s that it is important to you to fill your wants : now. P We are preparing foA one of the biggest fights for business that a store put up. ever I 'Are are after statue of you Mail Order! fiends, and we know 'beforehand that s e are going to gets ou. . Running all.departments under the one rtiof;-a i'ay from outrageous taxation, ' ' Sllnl, ofit S too- up high rents, high expense, with no expens4ve catalogues to ea • uplprofits, , of how we can meet all competition. Keep in touch wits?- us from now on. a part Come to this store -and get acquainted with our goods and prices. Shapes .a t rimmed Hats Forty'-t1C.')• ready-tO-wear Shapes and trimmed Fiats, mostly t, telt shapes trimmed with wings, rib- bons and feathers, very' becoming. Worth regular S. oci, 164.50 $Ston• Jtistito keep business hot, while .then- last, special rra...nrng were -.1 Wore a .ut prier to ah!e leetalet in the work which Lr toy'' e( tee rildirnor. He d,-riert•J . re •resents. In the C0luye- .11 hi. tr. ; ii -ter• : Witham John'tet,e. Blanib- ••genetating • et the Pettit wouli emote th*t the tin..- wee- vetting when the . mLrk- he "felled w the nen sy•trtn 1 aril. \. 1), ; _lndtew.Jnbo••toae. Huron • ...lowed hy the Nlethodiet church to township: Mrs. David !Itroud..%sh- lteld : Mrs. John McIntosh. Huron township, and Mts. Isaac" M.'Adam'. Outlook. Sa-la 1 aan named -Stephen Horton. tweet -right yenta ret age. lett S.wu unlet Ie•.•uliar i- i-cunatanree last leoreay. 11•• bed 1•een wetkieg•, at • the fiig JFII int tug the su,omer end itt•slleged teat hetrieed to get away 'Meet. j . ing hit• boat -d Iri11. On t t rhin;,t tlorel:acewhere he had hr.n bonding ate .Inthing is•longinit'to tee ixvn•dim- i•I,n.e•kert .•r 1141+ miss- t8 -w' e.'y r0 nnt fol .•oa ttuttM O R v hie Al rest- Ile wan incited et Strat- ford and (*on.hthle•laundry Iwent eht bite lees to I.: lericb on the evening of tbedsy on w -hi, h he made his haltt - rued exit trent town. His ease will roml• a ,in the tale* court this even- ing: -mr p. iaonr. is suspectee of he - in` Ole of fhr MCA Who ware heard talking it. an. allee way the night betcrc he Morello left' town. Our of them sat heard to remark: "They are slat t,s hot -toot : wee will have to get out of h1•re.'• Naturally there was 1.me suspicion that these uliar re- taxtko might hit a sennet ing to do with the Anderson cake'• Mankind wit w% degenerating K 1 Three al= agothe r that within lel y turns when wa inaugurated { -then •'arise de ene wen *gins :,r,ist uidenty foot' .the Winletry. r rn.ratill Yrs taut - nnitnel lmpin;' • years tutee' would not in place ••( Ir• a child horn with a art of teeth. the' •.td-ivas of Rearming lnsus too the When Ole day of ietdgntent came the - et1.o•vts. it bas I.e•en fn,u:J• to hr speaker thought Ihat the dead teatiet uruch more satisfactory that, the lean not all Ie. , ai'he tot;eth-r. • The • Beep, /ysh•m :sod the atud••ntt- *re now able ref.-t'rr„ ••I he teat shall le• first anti; t•• keep -thetue.lt - a:ut ot et. ht. the first -tee" g(bit in his , pbes Ig Thal a has (.4- n a large increase in the that, p• eviditig tee- dose of a 1- l 01111 1 rr of li'tib*boner.+ iii the , but ch. ent came :,t• neer, titer ,..t lisle' At the end of the ,laaehenteen, just redoes would hr the fleet to he ',At there Were 1,u:rl. a- compared teetotaling Itea,. hold t1.f tut the .rid of the pr1•v our IIr. Gtahanes sermon rest, r' .d. K l with 41 at have •t h_.1 a Chalet to . tv it t ' -else irennium u g iv fait , he topeve•1 the)' w. mid (. 1 ori suoday evening wee on the °nice given *n, her opera Untidy ,I,„ true , of the Chri.tta•1 ruinate•t and Was a p. • rwittiug the ,1 wish pe'•1rIP ttlthnM ' turcetul and iintrrretiug delitet t•.rruh•d t r alto. Ebel,ow they were mil pmmiw• in great n sign that the -toe hand. •rhe.peekerai that !hoe. who .fit at •• jis a father, F'(e•v lien. E. Koss. If. 1►., get the' First blessing.. . mini -heir - his child so that it might 1 tiuie city: profit by the experience. `.• he he •'-►s will be n elsewhere in today s Peeved that. any puni-hed.'nt we might I Patriot, Knox 1 rrsbyterisn chinch in receive in the hereafter would to for t.nlerich. Ont., has extended .e cull to 'fie *ddt-rss. i Kra t ieot ge E. Rosa, B. 1►., the popu- R. Rites** t„ ,ung a r: • land. The t set , .t 1 The Cafeto Rev. Geo. K. Ross. • )sing to. the land •e; n, cane waas near at ms to bun A ake. he thetbellowingt tc ounlrnt espect- ther contended ging the call extended be the am/errKa- lieved would) torn t f Knox cht.r•cb. (..dertch. to f that M corrective purposes, t whiellteuChed on many ether ph'tk • of • Ilihl• teeching•t,. tested about an, hour and a -halt, - - LOt;llt TOPICS IN BRIEF. J it 1011 Rut%' how touch you ere lodged by your clothe., you would ba esceedingly careful to be well drele-ed. Prairiewhoars aattn in ordered clothing from F J. Prldhlmn. towhich using e-tablt•hrr.ent have the advantage the est stand iinpre.-ton titres. '1'h4 I. hones leanins time %(talo• Ilnn't. be (onteet with bust Rrttitts the di t out mbtui or .omebright ne Inbt {lacinga new a.•t -trees. two on the wen-. %t Omer Smith, J'-' -ha. a .election to meet alt requirement& County Clerk Lane received w ` ved word yesterday evening William 1awden• Reeve of Exeter• had died suddenly during the day. Particulars have not yet come to hand. Condnctnr John Sullivan. who has been off the G. T. la. Buffalo train since the strike. WAR reinstated on Monday. Conductor Sullivan in a fine type• of men and the public will gain by his presence on the road again. Y. M. C. A Notes. - On Monday evening the ladies' Aux- iliary net iii the Association rooms, a large number being present. It wets decided to hold a axial entertainment on llondayevening, Octnber lith. Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely kindly offered the taw of Iter hone fur the occaaion. A Leman (barge will be made, tbe proceeds t" be nsediby Rite ladies for the Y. M. C. A. " The new board of directors met the •sale evening and elected as officer, the folln*ing :-President, A. M Itol -rtson: vice•president, R. Re Sallowt:: secretary, 11. C. Dunlop: treasurer, .1. F. Thomson: assistant sect'et:try, H. ilenson Long ; assistant tl't5 tire,, J. C. Carrie. After the business was finished. all united in a social gathering, the guest of the even- ing being tr. F. Blair. who leaves this week for Regina. Mr. Blair has been chairman of the county committee since the inception nt Y. M. C. A. work in Huron and has also been a dire(to1 of the local Association. Re- present. w,.a given to the gratitude ad appreciation Which all felt for Mr• Mair's helpful advice and aasistence, and to the sense of loam and regret at his departure, coupled with good witbm for his pro.perity in his west- ern home. Mr. Blair replied in a few words .e1 thanks, at the same time expressing bis confidence in tbe bene- fits of the Y. M. C. A. and of the con- tinued success of the local org•nisa- tin,l, lir wird able pante'. of %inii church, Charlottetown. This, hurelt is one of he beer equipped and finest Presl'y- ' emechurchee in 4'snails and it is a Met home -for Mr. Roes and e'tri- t he ' successful m nnl. lr uuuc tib Is !llsritt►gte Provinces that he as . been selectee by this • engr/•gatiott as the successor t 1 the hate 1)r. Andelsonl The call. as stated..''is absolutely un- animous and hearty." it is astonieh- ing ind many will think gratifying. to note -the fregnearry with which the I'pper Prot•incel took to the Maritime Provinces for men t ' fill • the highest pmitimis in church •,nd state. It has leen said that the, bruins of Caned*, like the wise men of old, come front the East, and while this is no deult something to he proud of. yet it takes from us those with whom we are loath to part. . Mr. Kora has won an envishte reputation during his stet in l'harlottetown as pastor of Zion church. Hies known and respected of all and if he should see lit to accept -all to Ooder•ich his departure Clark. -1 bright sue hronlising veung life was•cut shett in the deet'► of Jean Clark, second ynunees! daughter •f Mr. acrd Mrs. ('eter ('lark, of St. Helens/ at the age of 'eighteen years. The sate event oc••urred un Wednesday of last week and w,.i the t.•sult 111 an attark ot appendicitis. the fatal illness being only of a fen estate duration. Miss Clerk attended the Goderich Collegiate Inetitete (Laing the year .midsummer r ntlin K lett .lune and t ofor err examination u in b crewt 1 was sacshe woe entl'incr to normal ache0l. a clever and diligent student and •visas greatly helovedby het classmate-. an indeed rhe was by everyone who knew her gentle and winenwe nature. The ..nrtowing parents and. loathers and sisters have the deep • ympathy of their friends it, their great lose. The funeral to. k piece on Friday_ la -t. Rev. S. H. Meyer conducting the services. The intermettt war made in pintail cemetery, where a large num- Ler of friends from N•atvannsll and Ashfield were gath.-re.!. The {all- heaeerswere W. 1. Miller, John Cam- eron, Rin. Murray, Will Ruthetford, Wm: Met:roetie and W. S. Mcuroetie, J. S. Davey. the new. Jeweller. has had twelve years' experience in welch repairing. All work entrusted to him sarriee his personal git•ratltee. D. F. Hamlink s evaporator nus l the opened for the season's trade, employ- from our midst will be a great Ines to ing about fifteen hands. No apples es in hese congregation the wholhecse severely are available for drying p r or has ity." bier Mit the prop this ai received ,, . Another car is expected theveral carloads e week. Cie Citizens art reminded that tomor- row (Friday-) is the date of the anemia fleld day for the Collegihte lnetitute students. The games take place et the agricultural grounds. The morn- ing program eommenres at A o'clork and the afternoon proceedings at 1.:11t• With fair weather the day will-alo doubt he an enjoyable one. The staff of the Jackecn Manufac- turing Co. hers been haying an n .len'- forced holiday on aecoont of n operate power being available to op the machines. The recent fire at the organ fartory is the ranee of .the in- cnnvenience, Mit it is expected that the necessary power will be provided Ina few days,. ANNOUNCEMENTS. All the stock of J. s, Davey, jewel- ler, to new and especially selected for Onderich• Bertolli olive oil is mere and sweet es cream. Tie it. Sell h} E. R. Wigle, successor to Jas. Wilson. Coughs rant remain long if you take Brown's Myatt %Vig)rf ild herrdruggist. Bark. Sold by its (inc of the simplest yet m•.st valu- able or rrmeod lis lime eaterelesel ow- ing an i(tt y it pharmacists to whom 11 is by many go on it theory thaust lime t any lime and any water. crudely put together, is all that is nete.sary• We use a thor- oughly refined and washed lime and make solution with detainee water. When in need of lime waterer t. from E. R. Wig ggist• to ewe Whom. The cert is no mime tt•t1.'ill n, .•.11,. t 1 ,. ..11.1 it i•het ter f r a,deinesrtw r- ...- A Bargain Offer. The Signal and The Weekly Globe will he sent to new subscribers for the balance of the year for Dolt 25c. AA• dream Tnv etre: 1 t . Ci „1'• 1,• (int REPAIRING WATCHES W here *twelve. t h e carrfel attention it. d,•eerves. No matt«r how delicate nr ex• pensive it 'movement you may hive. you can gave it to he repairers or (leaned with . frill e.ttar*nee that. the work will be done in • the mors skillful° manner possible, We .lull 11 1r7 an excellent atuckk of (iROCERY DEPARTMENT Fancy .Biscuits • Thrzt-hundred pounds t a:n• 1 ya Biscuits, including Apple Bios- som, Rose Blossom, ,Marshmal- low, low, Cocoanut. Tops and Chocol- ate . hocol- ate.Fingers, always said .at tt:.: Our price per pound 1•11ent1 hie pair ladies' a n d s .1 s . - •misses' high-grade Shoes. Mostly travellers' samples. Sizes run from bio .q: Regular values would run from 82.56 to $•;. so White - - they last, per pair Shoe Polish $1.95 Assorted-Biscui - - Five -hundred p o u• n d s -assorted Biscuits, usually sold at 1,2%c. Our. price per pound . -t Redpath's Sugar . . 'Another b g shipment Of --"•R-1 = - Two hundred bcotes Apollo Shoe - ' -.path's Sugar• jilst in. While_ it lasts - Polish, regular roc° Special clearing price, a boxes for. ,I; (lit sealed sacks tmly ), 'our I` cash price. per hundred .... $ $55 .25 Flannelette. }; Note .-Redpath makes only -orit yards' Flanp>t (,ette, , , grade of Granulated Sugar. That Five. hundred- is put up in sealed sacks and, stamp- regular - t .c per yard y'• Our ed "Redpath.- S a will stand back; - ecial •price yard .._ 9 " this s P cement and obi may,take Pof t ?. it -as an untruth if any merchant tells ton diff rently.- Tobacco - Dress Goods Three hundred vards of the new Dress Goods in ;the newest weaves and colors, sold- i n tl re s • r lengths _only. Peryaril special 48C - Two caddies ,Of MrcdOnald 'ho-: • -n . 1/hi Je' haven, smokuljti .Intl che}1ig this lot lasts Os pounds o21y) 3 plugs for - LOC (Limit three plugs to a customer. • - Ladies' Fall Suits Twenty-five new Fall Suits for ladies, all man -tailored in the new- est cloths and trimmings. ,These have just been Ordered and we ex- pect to have them in our showrooms Saturday. All the correct touches of style are on themyou can depend on this,as we did not buy ahead - we waited to get the last touches Dame Fashion had in store. The prices act inter-, esting too, oniy 410, -'$12, $15,.S18 NEW WATCHES 11 r WOO 1.1 he awed te show them tc, you. J. S. Davey Jeweller, (loderich. itnre on Mouth Hide Of Square sae" ,,,easeeeeseaseteaseeaseaeserseeee Men's Suits Butter and Eggs -Every day a large. ,apply of choice dairy Butter and 'new -laid Eggs passes through this.dep. rtment. Our custom- ers has4e the advantage of choosing the best before it is passed On. to the city. markets. If you ever get butter arid eggs from this department: that -are net ' • to ou:r•likinr; after getting home, we would it if you 'consider 1` would Y Fifteen Men's Suits in a •good ser- -.. let us exchange them for you. We are viceabte tweed, sold usually at $i 2, always at 1_olir service and a iIiiilg to sues 3 10 4 t $g 5Q please you. Can we do more'' hOur special' CAMERON'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE 1111111111101111111111111111/111M1110 11111111111111111111111 Q t Mlle 1111111 Special Offer to New Subscribers \Vl' will .cncd you The Signal from now to, -1 n. •( ( fitteen months -for only llV I St, 1 I OO DS R FA Ll. Ser the fine :suiting% nlld overco+ttings At H, DUNLOP'S 11 F+T STARKT o, tact :tyle.. per feet fit. flrst- elane t*ite.ring. Every man in above the average-- to hear him tell it. New Season's Millinery MISS CAMERON has secured,a choice selection of the very latest style. in Millinery and will be Pleased to chow them to the ladies of (iodench and vicinity at her show rooms, Hamilton street. The most approved effects in shapes and trim - Mingo for the season are assured to Mis. Cameron'. customers. The ladies ate invited to call at their con- venience. MiSS CAMERON, - Hamilton Street. Goderieh