HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-6, Page 44 Tf 4ftneT, SEPTEM.ER g, 10111 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO District News • BENMILLER. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Wens) sii t y, Oct. Mb. New,. Norgs,-Mr. )fill is re -plank- ing the Maitland bridge Mrs. Capt. Ml I)airmid with a few friends visited at the bone of tll•r sister, Mrs. Newell Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Wil- son visited Mrs. Heddle fora few days. Farmers see busy hauling grain t u t he mill these wet days. The farmer Makes hay while the sun shines, bid they prepare their chop while it rains. , WESTFIELD. TrmairaYi Oct. 4th. New,. Norse. -We are very sorry to hear of the alums of little Gracie Hunter, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Redwood The anni- versary services .of .the tVesttield church will be held on Sunday.. Oc• ether l6tb. Rev. 1)r. Medd, of Vic- toria street. Goderich, will preach in the afternoon at '2:W and in the even- ing at 7:31. A freewill offering will be taken. There will be no ent.7rr- tainment on the Monday eveningt. ae has usually been the custom... • .The people of 1lonnvbrook .appointment intend opening their almost new rhun•ch on Sunday. Oetober 3.)th. and asst. Further puticulars • next week . Will (:••tie• is weer- ing a broad smile. A s to and heir arrived in his home Let Friday.... .. A number from this eettiunkshowed their sympathy tar Mies Lilian Clark, the present teacher, :and Mrs. M: Mc• Dowell, the former • teacher. in at- teading )the fuperal nf their sister, Mss Jena, of St. Helens, on Friday Lxvl HOLYRO9D. ' Trtoso.Y, Oct. Two Act "foists. -V1-fide assisting F.rneest Ackert to t ut'corn last 1Ved- nesdlrt• .1 tines Bradford Mei h1. l.*lk hurt. He was (hiving ir team and a hoard. on the wagn.l was moved and ran into the gr 1. The ..lhrr end struck Hruiford on the ',tele -awl the injne v 'will lay him up fall: sense tittle. ,JD. St:INeri. thenl.Iook the team and -had drawii-oely about three loads to the .been when he had • hisught,liund Pnnght in •t he carriers, of the rutting hex email was so badly tlaanglld- he had to kava- t fingers Laken .01tani inky lamee to' hew the MosD.ty, Oct. aid. RIFLE AasoCIATION MEKTINo.- -The Goderich Township Rifle Association will bold'a shoot over the range on. Salkeld's farm on Tuesday, October !Nth. The competition will oe for the Dominion of Cantda salver. All members wishing to compete must be present. Renato dINI, 500 and 000 yards. Shooting commences at 1 p.m. LOTHIAN. -, Tule-11)1V. Oct. 4t . Lo..ti,-. -Mrs. D. McDonald. of ).ale Guidon, Mich....and her eon, Angus M.:Donald,'of )'ort Elgin. apeut twu.averks with James McDonald.... John McLean, of Guelph: is attending a week at his aunt's. Mrs. Alex. Mc- Lean's Mea. Gilmore has re- turned fr a few week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cbaa - O'Hara, near Chesley ' 13 H. McDonald spent Sunday at R. H. Ma.Kenzie's. Semen. Kerma -The 1ollowine is the report of S. ti, No. 7 for the month of September. , "Nettie. occur in order Of merit : V. -John McKeith. Sr. IV. -Kenneth--Henderson. Jr. IV. - Kelso V, -Kelso al. Nov. Sr. 111. Clarence' Henderson, Olive' McKeit h. Jr. III. - Jennie Johnston. Gralia11t McNay, Eva Homan, May Stele. Earl b4wenn. Thoma. 1 poke. Sr. 11. -Rob Hehu. Jr. II: ).aura Stein. Mr. Pt. II.- 1Velli, . tun Henderson, Alex. McNay. Jr. Pt. 11.--Iisit)tive Stein, Henry Gilmot••, John Gilmore, Thtnuas Helm. Sr. 1't. 1.--Jla,il Hogan. [ uis Barge. Jr. Pt. 1. --David Cooke. J. E. JeeN41•0re Teacher. ' ST: HELENS. • MoN»Av, Oct. are. se Altos RErunT. - V. Margaret Miller, Clare nee :McTlionald. Sr. IV. - Maud McQuillin, Jr. IV. Winnie Woods, Prances Anderson, -Clara Woods, Rod McQuilliu, Hazel Audea- seas ):+nest):Gout._ Sr. 111.- Stewart McGuire. Cecil Hyde, Ewart Mcl heei- sent; Roy sthilh, Gordou Mreherr:,n. McKenzie %Veil!, 1Vilfred MtQuillin,, Beattie Smith..E411 1'1 atistnn, Andrea Gaunt. - Lr. -III. - Mary. Maditaillin. Gladys Hyde, Ethel .An. earn. China l►1cQuilliti, Jobu Gau 6Iadys %Vebh, Della .l'r:lusteh' /It. -- Het ben Mc - t te)))ns V�ir s-'otids, I.•nne %Vood , ,nen,at get Mc 1 n -on -+idles, Ai x. Put vis, Carlyle third one. •gg•uh jnjutcd ting on nicely. ate, Willie Fulster; •Eddie -Mc- . Nure:s.-Pot tale.ligg ugi.rtht;.irder (j'iillin, Mxd.leska ))aunt. Sr. Pt. 11. • of the div: The. ttlt+erN 1115 turning-,loswioh Muster, Willie McQuillan, oft not bad in most pb.cre Mr. Evan MsQuillin. .Ir. Pt. ii.-E,nnra ,and Mrs. tf tAckert sgwut Sunday:ticQ.ttllin. lludrliiie (:utast. Torrance4 •.At+drr-on."Jeal►"AIoQ03.14irt,--Liseie-X'+ar- with the letter's si.t►r,' 1rs: (' Z'iin- ti-. Stanley1'odd.'Sr. Pt. i. -Beatrice gran)-. 'Mr. am, Mrs. B. Vendee- ‘lrQilillin, .Iraq Gaunt. Jr. Pt. kr- burg .pent Sunday with bends at Earl. (:aunt. Annie Pucci., Mxi•Pl Kinlosigh-.._..\1 n. H:_ i'iecehasce- 'Woods, Lorne Webb, Verna Mcs turned borne after -Mending a week 4'41". 1rrslie•- Pi" -P."••• (reitter: ealing her dnugjlter. Mrs. Harrison.-'l'helnia Smith, Viola Baker. Num - near Kincardine, her ..n roll 5.5: average attendance 17. LETITI A E. flutists. Teacher. . - CARLOW. COLBORNE. 1F•erroa .Ort. Ith: Gorse 1st Crrt.t.t•:or:.-John C. Mil. lion, w0 attended the (ir,derich Col- legiate Institute' for two years and secured his•seconul-class certificate at the Iiildelitti rlll•1' exam,) lat.t llm5. also ---passedd his complete matriculation on September 2lat-sale left this week fur • Termini. where he -will attend Victoria 0ollese as :e candidate torr the min- . istry. John Naas +. bright' futiu•e be- - fore tint :alttd his many "friends will loutm.1hoping t,hst•he Attain. to the sueee'e which he deserves. M tjru.ANI' Cs o. NoTKr,-O. 11. and Mrs.- Forster .;petit Sundayin the county town Mr. and Mrs. -Feank-1lixhnp, of Glebe-irkwerethe Mier of N. .er on Sunday Miss Anl+Vula !tarsi is visiting with friends in limit -rich.. 1 . Kurschin- ski and M. Olderh..t • et ..ted their • silos this week We me pleased to •i.re that Henry 1" g is able to 14'1 hint. Jr. 111.--Tteatta levy, ',Manaround again Mier his illne•sv McI'bre, Ross 'McPhee, Violet Huwil- Miss Agnes Flick is im-the sick list Inn. Hari> %Vatson, Will Young. Sr. II. Marie Stiatsoir 1Vatt Hamiltuon, Edna Jones, Verna Hamilton. Lara Rutledge,. Elsie Le. y. Jr. II. \Vile DUNGANNON. I A. NEWTON, DENTIST. LUCK - NOW. -At IUCK- NOW.-At home every day exoeat Thuni days. New reinter tor estrarUiuiteeth tdomno form). better than eaa Crown and bridge work. etc. Aluminum plata. mon breakable.) N. Rt -You can always hal ejyour work much better done In the dental ofp.e-more time better foreigier for doing the work. more eoa- tort•hle for the est.ent. NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY in Uungaueoo for The :signal ie at the Post- omoe Hook and Stationery !Rove, where order.. will km received tor subscription.,ad vertising and job work, sod receipts wil be aiveo for amounts geld for the ...air TtesuAv, Oci. tth. Ed. Johnston and tattier, of Clinton, visited Johu Jobnetor oyer Sunday. Harvey T'releaaven, of Wingham Business College, agent Sunday at his home herr. Thomas Smiley and family are wov ingg to Goderich this week. Harty Ryan is moving into .I:.r vil- lage this week, lie will reside ie: N1 is - EH n Dernin's house. v. W. E. Hassard, of Toronto, - pFrelac ed in the Methodiet ehurch here tiunday morning, The crweot work of It. Hasty's house is finished ready for the roof. The Goderich, Rural Telephone Co. have the holes- dug from Nile up to the village. Thos. •lohnatundelivered some pots' Monday of this week. J. Itr McNah chipped ten crates' of live fowl %Vednecality of this weeks The directors of the Weat 1Vaw±r nosh Fire rnsueence'Co..met in Et- liytt'a hall Tuesday. All the elands were adjusted satisfactorily. Clnitnu swounting to illi) have all peen paid. RELIGiON AND ECONOMICS. • __ A. B. Farmer. of Toronto, at Baptist • Church on Sunday. ••Raeder unto Caaesat the thioga that are Caveat's, and unto God the tbiugs that are God's." wasthe text teem whieh'Mr. A. B. Farmer, B. A.. of Toronto. sectetei c of the Tax Reform ague of Ontario, *eke at the liap- t t church Suuday morning. eviewiu •• in outline the history of Ra e. Mi. Farmer showed that at the tis• of Christ's ministry the Roman Elul cur had centred iu hiuitelf all the o 1,•c+•and authority of what heel ue . •0 an elaborately organized t'e ublic. t :trait' was the st ate. The at we• of our Lord to the ques- tion sot . e Pharisees asstames right, of larupe•t,'. There -are people who drily the t ate • • of property rights in -anything. - esus as.uwes property right.. ' WI) ' doe, He not - explant in det ail what • o,e ijTitit are ? 'Be cauaet we all re 'graze property rights instinctively. d'o law of prop_rty is, as Moses wi-ot on our lip' and in Mir hearts. Yet there seems •t be touch orntu- Tian -rebuts- peepestt), aghtal today.- "a- TFKstray. (ht. kb. . A'I'at:AT IN. NTirtte.-Arratigemruts are )ring madefor a sacred concert to heheld in Smith's Hill church oh Fri- day. I nth loot., by the. Imperial male quartette of Lilodun. These singers, who have a splendid reputation, ap- pear ill Clinton on the lath and e are fortunate in having this opportunity ofsecuring them lera conceit hew. The proew•ds are to go to the toted furrepainting and repapering the intetios• of the church. Settees Heseetr.-j!'otlowillg• is .- a rep irt'of the standing i the pupils. of s. S Nin :d, Colborne, fur the month of September, based On conduct, at- tendence and weekly examinations : V.---Elm.1r Ruta'tson, f.ilian Watson. IV. -David McMillan, Ella Robertson. Elwin 11 Itutledge., Sr. 1. - AdaShields. Mary Medd, Evelyn Young - with an attack of htonchtlls J. • McClure was on 1 he read Last week erecting Gasp' nnr )ode's, ' - - riser Howatt, Frank Shields, I:irk ill •-ASHFIELD. Young. Ralph Mcl ties, Hilda 'Hardy. Tuw•y,hn• 12.11'Nl I1.. -- I'nuncil 11144 i (Iurdora Taylor. Frank Srrijugeuur, September 17t1.: all ineiii a•rs present'Celia Harrill ,n. .1 verage attendance, 31. M. It .I a- h..N. Teacher. Councillorexcept Councillor Kit•ktey, absent :it.. hospital. Minutes of Last meeting lip - pi oved, nn mut ion of .Councillors Hun- ter and I Calton. The cl eaallter's stat,= uten1, showing :. lobo -ice ur slit w,. was tiled. " A note Int' $13' was tltatti. to sheet current expenses. The clerk was instructed to write R. .1. Stewart, solicitor for John Gentles' e•atate, for his reasons for expecting the cnunril to provide a right of -.cst for W. H. AUB JRN. • . fR1TPII I.I'MRIA-Rli DCFDAR Shingle, tor uttt. b:i'rAT): ,IAMI:ti 1Ve:nNl,lrtt', OM. 5th. Curie 11 _. No•rt:v. - The Epwot tb• League will meet on Thursday 'night this week instead of Tuesday, the change having been made on accnnnt 4 N. it, lot Nu.J3, L: R. II,L• w No 9.0o4 the Bible Society meeting on Men- lo levy tater' fat county. tows shiltand i Try night A rntnslolia1•t from • school pue•pli.#., tv, regnlnrly passed. I Indra is to sneak in the Lutheran Applications fol collector were read flout 1-.1Id Andrew, John N. Mc- tdthth..'IHarveel-1 Purr seri 1''tw air Ken,ie„ C. E. Mrl/onegh and W. P. held in the CbFlirch of England last louuclms Sunda) by the new rector from >mMandorson. Moog)' by Blyth, Rev. T. Hunter and Dalton that owing to,the H. Farm _l a is a good 'absence of Councillor Kicklev the ape -preacher. poiututent of s. culleetor be laid torr 11AerEKtNos.-The acho.,1 is closed to a sprfeal meeting to M, held Sep- today on account of Blyth fair feather lith. Carried. 1'.•titinns to Mr. and Mrs. C. Bell visited friends have weed inepectnt•- appointed were near Winghatn from Pride). till Mon- ies eived signed by of er fifty rate- they. taking Mille fair on Friday payers. Moved by Councillors Dal- Joe Carter and Charlie Asquith are ton and Stewart that on account of away k. inspect the packing of apples the complicated rendition of the law in 1sew York State. 11'e hope they regarding noxious weeds the Reeve will net forget to bring a .few barrels and clerk interview Solicitor l'roud- home with them, when they come. foot for advice and report the same at Mrs. Joe Carter is visiting et 'ase oecial meeting September'21th. Car- hef home for a few weeks Quite tied, Several accounts for gravel, a number will take in Blyth fair to - tile, timber and work totalling $314.7t day if the weather clears up. were orddeed totwpaid and on motion Sista Socttrrv- MKRTIN/a.-The an• • of Counoillort Stothers and Hunter nual meeting of the Auburn branch of >s,_ council adjourned to meet at Wm.he Upper Crated* Bible Society was Riches tit r . �e 11T .mRemlier 21th..held in the Methodist church on Mon- st the special meeting (council- day night. Mr. Robinson, the presi- tor Kicklev was still absent, hut by dent, presided at the meeting, which telegram signified his wish to have was fairly- well attended. After the Isaac Andrew appointed collector, so reading of the Scriptures by Rey. K. the motion of Messrs. Stothers and A. Miller, and prayer by Rev. Mi. Hunter to appoint Mr. Andrew ranee- Hansard, the agent, the anneal report tor was made unanimous. ,The invert- wee read by Mr. Neilson and adopted Ligation of the weed question resuited and all the old officers of the Society in discovering thabby sec. 40 of bylaw were re-elected. The report showed No. 7 of 1904 all pathmaeters are weed that *Irian $•'r' had been raised for the inspectors in their respective divisions, Society • here. The work of t he also that the appointing of special he epectors at this time of year would be of no benefit. 1 t was moved by Messrs. Stewart and Dation. and car- ried, that the clerk send each path- master a letter of instruction.' respect- ing his duties, both as regards weeds and repairing1g and keeping open roads in winter. Council then adjourned to October 22nd at 10 a, m. Taos. O. At.t.tex, Clerk. have yet to meet th man said. the speaker, ".oho mall bel" ieved' that tirty per cent. or any, •ober per cent. of the value of en art •le tigbtfully trecatnrtbw 4'..tperty t14 .•-trtatee ,r cause the article was caret dactvs, an imaginal y line." 1Ve recognize God's right .f (mum.ship to all the universe by right of creation. We recognize Go 'ir right to the individual and all the tut 'vidual may posses.. But (sod \teco nine. some things as the pt_•opet'ly o the state. Whet ate they? Lett, us ale sott,e t•xaruples :-. 1'he city of 'Toronto receives ft.. the 'I'oruuto Street Railway over $30o. Iter a year. representing a capitalized vahae.i,f $001 ,.1,00u more. 11 it were not for this rag:cenrent the street t.ail- way franchise. wield be worth that inuch more to - the company. This ti fianchise value is not due to the work of any individual, or of the cumpauy. but to the growth of the city. 1t surely belongs by tight to the city, not to any indtt:aduul: Liu the value of all -privileges granted by the state belong, to the atate. •'Gouts down to my office at the em- itter()I King and Yonge streets, Tor- onto. and I will give you another ex- ample,- said the speaker.. "Tho build- ing (in that corner is out of date, and will soon be pulled down. But the lot on which it lands was sold within the year tor ffi 50,+itt, i value due W nothing the owner ever did, but solely to the growth and Activities of the city:"' t`'itla several other illustrations the spr,aket showed that laud values were puhGr '.Glues, At present. 'however, these taluea Were left iu private pos- session. age the state was forced to take th:tt Which belonged to the indi• victual and to. God. If a man painted his house in Goderich,-or built a ves•- andah, the :Weenier tined him for it. No wonderso many houses were un- painted. -If it business man on the Square spent $1,30impr.,ving his Orals tas store, be sessyd $1,01N1 and an extra $2:10 business assessment besides. And so enterprise leas obstructed, and the young teen went to the cities. or went to the West where the state. did not steal from the individual et, much of the results of his eftnrtw. "The promise of Gal is that if you keep His law you shall multiply in the Lend. The population of this county instead of multiplying is diminishing. is God's promise vain ? Or is it not that, you have broken His law, you have failed to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto Ood the thinks that are God's 7" Economic questions, public ques• tions, we're teligous questions, the ,speaker asserted in conclusion, and 'only when people had learned to ren- der to the state what belongs to the state would the individual be able to render to God the things that are God's, only thea would Christianity cease to be a byword among unbe- lievers. In the evening Mr. Farmer took for his subject, "Thy Kingdom coml., Thy will he done on earth as it is in hea- ven." The law of God's kingdom. he said. whether in the individual heart., in heaven bey ond, or in the kingdom yet to be established on this earth. was the law of love. A deep. broad Christ - like love for all mankind wm11d mean strength and richness in the individ- ual life. peace and harmony in the Wilily life, and would also mean the solution of all (hoes vexed social (pies - Society was well set forth and Mute tions of our times. 1t would make ss tested in an etcellent addregiven people seek to understand each other. ae by Rev. Mr. Haard, wittiness being and from understanding would spring shown of colpoorteurs at their work in a deeper Nympathy and a more chant - different parte of the world. An idea able and torgiving spirit. It would of the missionary work done by the also enable people to Nee that much of Society in Canada alone is shown by the evil, degeneracy, the vire and the a study of the Government figures of Cristae of our times is doe to condition. immigration to Canada by national)- resulting from unjust laws. It would tient, These figures were distributed stimulate Christians to right throe on leaflets by Mr, Hauerd, laws and establish justice in the lcaralgia is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kideeye lodges along the nerve which branches limn the eye over the her -head, and acro.' the cheek to the side of the Duca The cause is the same it. in all Rheumati.m- disordered )Gdneys. The cure is like- wise the .acne-- Dodd's Sidney Pills laud. "There Is nosurer Wait in whi4h any man ran coupe into close fellowship with tied than by consecrating his self to loving service to his fellowmen.l and to the estal,li.hnaett of (it.l:.j kingdom of justice and iigltte.oust,'asl in the earth." • The Signal and The ))lobe will be sent for a year to any :lathers in (' Gnat1 f $I a or 1 :dl. 1 Our Store News for This Week II Just read what rte are doing in Coats, Sweater Coats, Bargain Dress Black Sateen Skirts, Wool Hose, Gloves,. Mill Ends of Flannelettes. Coats Our )'oats are floe value this season, and iu the .Ory latest et) les. Long and mutt -fitting. ))lack, blue. greet, brown. grey. Tailor - made and cut to fit. Iteever and kersey cloth. Sample Coats Quite a lot of manufacturers `ample (Mata+, all in the new styles in black. Regular prices from $1'1.00 to $13.50. We can .ell Chem frown >17.0o to $8.so. They ate none the wore* for being samples --a fag bargain. Tweed Coats Just twe lent Tweed Coats, regular price =17.50. sale price $8 00. live only in this lot, $10.00. for $5.00. 1' •ur gills' Coals, 05.110. tor $2 92 Two long grey l'I-ter Coati. 01'2.51. for $1.50. These Tweed (Slat t • •• re great bargains. e ti M I1, ORDER COMPETITION -- '1'w.r w.-'1. n- • ab Inatot:uted 11tt• f.t.e that ;I's T. I•:..tau I'.,.,pot:t tiT •• nu.e'e ;lsaut $LiiN) tit' c,Ft.l e•,t,1t th:oogh the 1 1,1'i01 !Sol s' oo aloin•. This eve ,, raters wit rat. rof u,otle}- mu 1 , o. e one• thing. mid 1lt,a::^ 1l• it thr'1' h stet: (',•. uutit get this '.r.1) Si i.r•L- iu pidits be•fe a they Call`. show -any margin of p1..tit lot thatt.,edtes. Yes,•th••:e i, no dotalet I hat -they are making big poets/. in oriel . wise:•nate fists (rig • - .axi><-tt,e i,. igilt Inst •, •t 111r y.•ttthlnl it ahv,s'., ^3f.. t , • •F• t '. • ., lu7llte t ..h•••.•• t.i:ail ora'.,•t hOLt s. 1).• pori re,ueual.t'& of '. :a i,•.t w alga^itit•itt1"MGl1 clerk was cai e.1.:. with .:orae twenty -fit-• .•f E.191m + . n{ill ol,l••t• lettere in his itt-ids- pocket . Yr,, he was .'..tight ail right. 1)tllr--'"rl-i.W in*]TT ;TtTiit-rilni' kind of let leis 11.Net ... ti.dt rind Sluip.,nt. not et•.•ee an.l the .send •rs tweet• lt,•at• of again:' 11•hy d1•1 I'..t..r,', an:''iin,p-•nos 1 •1,••rs boys• s ech :ut `'heat• 1 tiutt to that gsl-sal clerk'' Wel;. ' L - i- 11 sty, you ...in goes.,. Eaton,:uni simile ons do: a c,,-11 I,•t-inoss..nd naturally w•1t4Q you ,.r+ul them an or,ler for goods Sol ••n-•i,r.' etlouglt uaoney 1•1..vet- the pin ch....•, Now, if air. foetal 1lerk i, ine1itierl to b,• dishonest .at ,all' to hose letters would lie ise liable te'put Fitt his ps•k,•t lir. ? 1/id you coot• send an order to }?..110/114 ut $intp,:,n, that y;iu .1111 t 4e•t :a rrpiy :uul crier get ytrttrga+wia-.ar Soft{• ttµntvy lick :' If you didn't, •ithers did. This i, a positive (ia. -Naw•, it wasn't the fa .111 of our postal ,),tent, I1 -or do wr,beli.-ve it est-. the fault of this trail ordei hoes,. 1. it n.•v.•rthele,^ y,r:r money wee I.t.t to you fnt,•yer. 11'here eu old it have gone to. That's thegnr•lition that you haven't been able t, s ,lve vet. Will you still take :mother elttulre like the last one?' We think u•ot. :1 fee year,. ago.. in fart until only ii•eently, every mereha t h.• c...tntry feared , the l.ig mail enter house., and t 1 :. ii d ever\ rrasuu to do tow Ili the tiute of 'timothy Eaton, when he rettd•til the pt•tewut big store..be w:is nut' riding around in elan frit.. autinuobili+., he did not hate the fluent yacht that sail. t he an -et lake.,'hr had no printte tars on t he railroad in at 1 i•h to (ray •1 in the Most extravagant style, he didn't furnish elalsuat aut•innobiles to each and every oar of his nn('iu.gers : lie did not It 't•e a quarter of a million of dollars to. give away to a hospita lard he wasn't throwing Lewey fort Imes totliis thing and that. 1) , no; he would have thought it was, .t starriflre • t' profit, to he a rav:want in this wary. 'Who 1.-gtay:iug f.ir_ thi" difereurv, of lit 'ng ? it 1, you. How? Just this wmv:-The profits that these patties are snaking today enables them ro it. No carte does th outside merehant nerd to fest. theft. The great head' and fit,tnd • of that one c panv, is gone. with tl +,salt that p16:es lose 'umpwl^A notch -higher. Articles that merchants wird to sell at Eaton. had iii 30e. arta 81! on with a giooid many lines. but that - all changed today. The net iele that h:atoms are ',Abut( toiay at: ' you ean hey right, here for the same phoney, and we will def) 11 contpari.on. We nor tuakiilg these statements openly becalmwe know what we may is the troth, and we are art afraid of t big corporation r 'ng Back al_ne _ • Why Moil the pest de ser this fn themselves ? 11•e answer : they coal. Are It If they only would, great many people send away their (nail orders Without first, ask tg the valtles at It and even ,euiP butane -et people who ilial their money in this town have been guilty' of tbs. snore thing. t f Chis her, w•,, are pleat -ed to say they are few, and we are • d of the nuuttte•rof good Loyal citizen. that first give the utero • ants at home a chance before sending out of town. if you are s to cow cant get the nrticle yen require, Tenet, emir ot•der with the ., merchant and tell him to get it for you. Tell hits the price on want to pay and you can rely (otitis getting you the article, nit giving you good '.aloe, too, You may way Ratans 1)14(1 Simpsons buy' cheaper t n our home dealers. This may be so, but not in all eases. have interviewed theheads of two of our home manufacturers. e is the Jackson Manufacturing Co., and the other the Kenning Furniture (10., and the heads of these companies state positive that they get the same prices from these houses as they charge the home' merchants. These same gentlemen state they know iievpral instances of their goods being sold to Eaton. and Simpsons and being purchased from there by Goderich people who paid more for the same article than wait a --ked for them in town by a retail store ; besides, they bad to pay the freight extra on getting them These are only a few of the arguments sir:. could use in sup- port of our claim that we can sell goods just as cheap here as you can buy from the mail order helmes. As already stated, we are not only stating facto but we are going to prove them by selecting all of the specials they adver- tise in these catalogues and placing them beside our own goods on our own counters, so that you will be able to judge for your- self the truth or falsity of our claim. Again anxiously yours. NEIL C. CAMERON, CAnsiion's DEPARTMENT STONE. 4 li Bargain Dress Goods Just examine our bargain table. You will find great values on this te1.1e. Itegular pricxw R,ie to $1.25. . i t to 5i1 inches wide. sale twice.37'C to 55C. Sweater Coats Fin children, boy., girl., women and men, in white. car- dinal, ata y, blown and black. All made for this se.ton'e wear. and correct make. Prices 7Sc W $5 co• Black Sateen Skirts • A big l..t from a Maker givee us the lest value we ever tittered in ready-made Skirts. lengths Sin, 441 and t'. inches.. Mill Endi Flannelette M 11 Ends, 31 to 35 inches wide. in ends from '2; ti. 10 pant-. ' Pesti, t goods and fully sJ) per taste. lower than piece prime., . - - \\- J. H. COLBORNE . Goods, Wool Boise We have twine of their beat lines from ree mills We csst surprise youthin a'S,c wool stoct. ing. You haven't seen sus value anywhere. No seams and fast black. Better ones at 3's• and blc. We carry uowe of our own mill's best lines. Quite it yuwber ask for the Ooderich all wool rib Hose, and there are none better for the money. 'Ft y a pair. Corsets --D. ec A. Corsets -E. T. If you want the twat vales - in Corsets, buy either the O..l A or E. T. Ask for the very Ion_ D. & A. at $1.255. ')'bis is one „I the latest models. Very letie below the waist line and :a great ' 'favorite. Gloves , ICashniere, fleeced and wool 11 Gloves, 35l•, 35e and 50e, all size. Our Showing ofladlies' and • WIN SER CO„ATS IS 11?/w Lomplktc. Beloti you buy • ,r ou'shonld know.. of The Vaive The Beauty - ' The style sad the Ser,ieesble Ostllsests, here. Come and . look. Splendid . varietytif :choice at any price, and to suit all purses. JOHN STEAD 1 -ad.-, Vdear, furl and ( halt. Hamilton Stre,: J DISPENSING t The greatest carr is taken in dispensing at this store. Tie' lmrest drugs art- used. and yen may bring your prescription herr with the greatest confidence- that it will receive proper atleul.)oe. TOILET ARTICLES• We niak.• a specialty nt tl?eee, and ,, supply you with the latest and hest goods, H. G. DUNLOP, The Druggist, 1..roth t - South Side Square, Reliable Footwear When buying your Boots, Shoes or Rubbers this fall, buy them at an exclusive shoe store, where you 'will find an assortment of good reliable Footwear to choose from, that cannot be equalled west of Toronto. GET YOUR RUBBERS NOW, have them properly fitted over dry shoes and you'll have better satisfac- tion. We have protected ourselves and our customers by buying largely before the great advance in price, so can offer new season's goods at last year's prices. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar L Gear Cosce itt cbuil ,legl.ea il for rrroiul Wwar lair) ue.,a,Un. A Lost (C tt fila Nitel I. lot R• i1PNt ygie•bJ pts;d tptrtrn, bt,il, "�p�i. nit t h ,Lal burulUM A Srr;wi F. Th` nue• ,ee1Ittn{t, oV d lh aidedr ^ ,btntlJ :,ftl ,bell cues' gent tnh'11 .e the Ks. lghunh lhi bio 6 vouW hay rya NnJ &rtlsld M: af0,11,r at lied -all sham(( of till tLr 1 .It than 1+ptN n .n i,.t).4•, e.•t r .ru ui r .Kind -tt ►rt tl K,l_5,•: .t tui,.• .-hcu, L a1. 1Ci1I Jr• ':•Ca rrenlnj n.', aec•itnt tieden•- Mom n. I Le.. •.nt•d 1 1 Mon Maine rt1, 1 it pl o :a, 111.1 was WI t.'11111,•1117. .hrt •art Its t +pled. Fats -A cru Mar.!;. the tial with ll wNtrh tinerdi the 1. n1t, w hi..0 him I. tfthr tied r nal. Ing6r talk)) belt wi. . r fit Jut .me marl wish Y.: Ur. r Iatg deem on) I Dr. her chu be th of% M Sail fret sec (14 bu sec sof we chi do wr dig Pr A R h e ve n •t