HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-6, Page 111 APPEARANCES count for a wend deal. 'sirs your business eta limier, give you a good introditi•I ion t 11 t h people who receive it Tie. Signal print 10111 110[1 aUpPlY 0 atotiwiery and it will do you credit. STYTI1IIUI TSAR -No. 3318 ,hs 41. FINANCIAL ionat A BARGAIN .14 lili extia went to new subscribe! - The Sigtial will Le sent from now to Ist January, 1012, for the p• ire u- , yeer'i•bse pt t• 11). NO‘V„. t he eenil in yolir 11101 your dot I,(r. GODERICH, ONTARIO. ' CANADA: OCTOBER 6, 1910 THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., Ltd.. • MONEY TO LOAN GODERICI4 MARKETS. freer . I1G FinuERSON CASE. A BIG CASE • Kat hat•inf• .N1 el • lit' het what, t h.• fortuer wit:nem. said watt cow- rect. . - - - . A lIONEY TO LOAN. -ON FIRST- , ' ,t! , .a... term aileurity. at very lots rate. ..I ' I Capital. Rest and Undivided i •eat. 1 wax.. ,I•v own valuatiotia. Apply , 'Profile $5,04,7110 ,0 i 1,3 M, int\ 0;H , arlow P.O. ti12.tf 1 . _ 1 Total Atosiinat over $44,000,4100 ., - FOR SALE. USE OUR • BANE MONEY' OR1.VERS me you send --a to any wint itt to any lerge rit y Ile next OF CANADA small stun trtisiteu lett; Cantu:a. or In the United States. They cost as follows -o $5 aod under. . • $10 to Si KS to $10 . . . . de 11:11 *SI With this low cost .they combinfreoevenida saety. For larger s use our 11rafte. Goderich Branch, W. NQTICt. 1 0 ADVERTISERS opy of change of running •avertiset ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure infest -Man in issue of same week. 1- C. ,L. 1e or 1111 I 1 1 1 I i 2 t..1 Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables I THE RED BARN .1 South Street, Goderich All our Rigs, are New. 'Hume meet all Trains sad steamers Particular attention given to Ieel's from private res:dences. 1 Phone No. 50. 7....„...„....,-,--„,--,--,.,, N'VANTEI) I Four not: for the wheel room. 1 one boy for .hipping room : ail ., men for gear room ; (me peinter : one teamster. Steady wtoter's , • GODERICH WI-IEEI. Rios il Llarrtsn. 4. LUMBER AND SH1Nci its All kinds of rough lumber in stock M the New Lumber Yard, next to Kensington Forniture Factory, omseite track. Orders filled at short notice. Nve Brunswick Cedar abiogles-"Larkin" brand -the hem on the market. JAS. DEAN & CO. 'Norm No. at,. 1/4. Nene-Ne""a"-Nr-51/- 1 . 111 • • . I:, • ee with attiolati. L. HORTON, Manager. ROOMS TO LET. 1 LR HALE.- LARUE titH'ilIENTER il!.' tiainp,ii.n fail eoriditio I b r1,1.141.-IlvIr',... rucU141V niZbh7;',1ittf'7(7 OltSiE FOR SALE. - A (1-00D 1 general partici.. borer. eveht yeann old. t in particular-. mem,* et 1:Hlu SIGNAL li. Tit uneDie. Oct. tith• 1 Fall wheat, per boob •. 110 80 10 0 10' 4prin5wheat. per burn. LC n fii Hy. per buvh 0 010 10 '00 m fil111. wheat., per born 04:, to 0 441 , 15.* 1 / 41,, cr 4 e.hel 3.10 3, ' ()at, per .•. () eil to u I Pane. per hii.s Biph 7.) to 0 arley, per h 72 0 1' to ' 4", Uti to BLAZE. a Dr. li allow wag called anil .presenteel ;Mon. When otate•C vil by Croven i tem regottli. NORTH END OF ORGAN FACTORY DESTROYED. IIER STILL his repot•t on the post Vt.sTERY OF THE MUR UNSOLVED. Attooritey Seeger he said that the l - Ouse. 044,t '4 of lobed below the skoll I . i.oat.... . rola 1 the , aprearaile, Good W of Fire Brigade Prevents ruction of Whole Plant -Loss above t be rye W011141 iinlicitte that, the • ments on the Fatal Night Hadly tore t 1,, re 11160,000 - Manager Saunders Promiees to 'Rebuild and Erect. a New Addition. Young Jardine's Story ot His Mover girl hast"weit subjeet, "violen..e rfiourN.iniir petliqert of the in opinion.- it WAS 'mule by tile kllilekit•s A hittld. It wee not stifttrient AllSe &Atli tutitse tiller lisehiti, fleas. l'he fluid blond at the hack of the head wotild indicate that tie. blow was a severe 'Vine. The cut in the throat 'we s the cause of death; 'The mg looked like, the work of a knite and the stab ilikiVe t he htelfe %%mind would indicate that it was ft large jack-knife. • hi hi, opiniost the cut W 41S Made .OVV41) of the knife. 111w blood ivoteld Hot W hell it Was A VAL The eltit hes were evidently nil the huoly when the deed was thew. AM the upper garments were soaked 'With blood "and t be body wee free •fr all blom 541 The skirt worn by the git•I appeared if it had been used to wipe the body. Dr. Macklin iind Dr. ti , of Clin- ton, were called and cotteut.rsi itt the report • tted by Dr. Gallow. Brindley said he saw Edward Jardine. about an hour before the alone . tftat t• •. band went into the peed' what he wive accused of telling it min - stable. that he aaw EdWard Jardine at 10 o'clock, he ewore t hat it was be- tween s and 0 tieback when he saw him. He deelat.ed that atty. time he (lid see Jardine he aits alone, exeept when he Wei at the shooting gallet.y. While he was there he started wrest- ling with a person whoitit he took to be Ninth McGuire. They Wrestled fair about it minute. Mit lie didn't think NivOuire tried . hard gh to pot Jardine down. He wits sure neithei- was underthe influence of liq A juror asked the witness how mini money JArsline paid him tor use of the shooting gallery. He said that he paid him, 15 rents in the aftentont and 10 cents in the evening. This it direct contradiction of Jardine's 1 ool 11 •tatelliellt. as he el • t ha Smith 3 Brindley- gave hint the shots fret. it charge.. Mrs. D. Buchanan stated that he Flour. trued, per ewt 3,41 to 3 eV I I • Shona, per ton ......... . 23 00 to 21 00 Punctured by Wtteesses Who Saw Wood. pee cord . 3 Oh to 6 Oli Him w,th Girl Between 9 and 10 per Lon 00 to 9 AO Netter, per lb ti le to 0 21 Cheetai pier 0 15 to U o'clock. . ge ireett, per dos .. . . n Is to 11 .01 1 -----PUBLIL: -146-ric-E. .--- 1 rw 1.50Lat0105. per toothel ' 0 tii to u SO 1 03 tO 1 Marine anti 1:eneral 1110etntal" (01 the 60"un'y 1 Hides iter owt 6 00 to • I year will be held un Monday. lk-tober 17th, in ALth.,.... 1 10 to ........... 12 10 .r.rite,. . . . ..„. ..... . ... 12 to gO0d. P0r " t° °() Interest in the Anderson Minter mite is still at 51 high pitch. end (level • - Cattle, export, per cwt ' S •So to 11 25 NNUAL HOSPITAL Rees. • . ... ..... • • • 8 du 14' ' ked fol'. 5 opmentn hsve been eageris looked 1 tom eta Baird ot Tru -tees of the Aleeandra Two. iirteep", pipe cwt per lb The general nitet Mg fur the elee- the court hou.e. at I" itt lock p. au.' The report of liet year'. wore will be •obtuittaid. The public are conlially invited 00 1. pi event. JrutiE HOLT. Pre.. le .3 H. HODO ENS. SecV. 31°W "j" A nieltit tide of rumors heve been 0 ea .„ 7 to antAt, hut the great ploportion cif I -0 them had little or no foundation in • , '''• i Toe inquest Wall resemed last night. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct. fith. The r'itting Man held tipeitairs . in the Public stotice,-P. 'T. ls,i,i, - • ..... .• • "T• p...i town hall end the t•otnu was packed - i ainios't toreuffiscat ion. Evidently t he Aortat the hat -Klhott tette-Inas relieve. 121. el:hrstoiwnn irt endeavoring to weave it • of evidence connecting young Reader -1 ..osteios Dso. ewes ..... ... . 54., VAIWNEit Lirdine with the *rad fat.' of october eaturdey Specilals Walter H. Harri. 10 14n" • • • • • ' • A • • • ... • • • Repairing M atebee-J. sl. Davey .,.. 1 itrifer Lod. John LinkAter . ... .. . t Hunters Return Ticket- F. F. tan reoce9 Reader D. D. o. Laboratories, .. . . . . . 9 °Verrone.- W.4. Prtdham_ „ •, 2 Home for Kale- Inquire et trivial Oillee.... 1 Hoedown) Fall Cosita-D. Millar Co . , • . :1 New Hand Sat.-Creo. Porter .... .... .1.1 IND...peer LanternHoerii Hard ((we Ca. s Vinol- H. C. Dunlop . „ ... ' . ... .. . 7 Vacuum (leaner -D. .1. lb -lop .. 10 Weekly Store Newe-raineroo's Dept. etere. 5 Anneel Meeting- Trugee Hoard Alexandra tOM FORTABLE 1100MS IN PRI• I e silt home . ile•Ired Apply at THE SU; NAL OFFICF:. 1421 SITUATIONS VACANT. IVAnrch„!!*..,:k;TIE.-(4 loner.. Centrally lomted. D. Ir. HANItesi. ‘1VANTEDi - A 004:1):13ENEKA_!, W. J. 74171114".1-,rilth s'''ewfw "I' 14 .111K WAN l'ED.-.ST ONCE AT THE IT Alexandra Marone and ileneritl Hermits). two pupil nuns.. Apply Mies f.RIFFITHe. Lady Superintendent. , . EARN LEG R.% I'll -MORE 1.1 pay. ler. r loona.-wmasene the litte,t reatilationa for railway operator.. and e train you tor agent- work and opereting cder trey bed aiondll ion.. No doutho ebout immediate emphiyment when ready .\ II railamv• want mill. Particuler. free. Write t ral Telorraph .lebool. louse and °errant. Toromo. Patf- • fWANTED. Teams and Teamsters wanted at of, e • 4:s. an hour will la ' paid. Teamsters to use one end- ia-hifif yard boxes on their wegons. Come ready to work. Apply ' CANADIAN STEWART CO., 1 LTI..,...at the Bill. Mill, 1 Goderich. I STERLING BANK THE OF CANADA Ha en Orrice TnninteTti TI1OR1 /AD CeeTT*I. • 1111.00M00 FOR SALE OR TO RENT LIN SALE 01: FARNI property. -On" hundred and Aft y sere.. of ehofee lend. le. el. rich ,lio• loam. -i fumed *0 101 25 and weed bal of lot 21. oen.a..ion 3. Huron toweship, nouuty of Bruce ,Gotal 1400.14(041-. tInd -elate orchard. geed temps end good well- . fine from all noels°o reed.. ter? mile trout echo& SDI !Mt", Mast from iimatoe. two and ahalf masa from churchstIve milseleom village of RI otter A ppl y NiRd. HUelltel, Yards() 12.-4t U OUSE IVOR -M R8 . OHN it Acheron otter. her regtlanee. (tomer brim road end Firoek -tnet. for For Ocular. apply at the bowie. UOUSE - TO REN r. WITH ALL LA modern veto enienee, central, located. Kent reasonable. J. B. HAWK Ns. .01 ar. Patriot's etreet. IOW IsUPLIC NOTI4 'E. . - Al. account. owing me from roy own books Or the aecoiantr of J. J. AfeDot...1d: inaolient. which 1 pm.. -hawed. if rettled by Ovtober latb. 1910 will be payable without intrreet. After that. date six per milt. inttreet Will be added. 1 will hate to hand oil eau:mots iti• for collec- tion if they are nut arraeged fur by that ditto I'. T. DEAN. -'19 10. .011.1 , tv fiePORATED BY SPECIAL ACT (.11i4te.MINION PAR1AAMBNT TO FITA'El YE DEPOKIlli - To accommodate the Farmers WP have opened Branches In the •illagee of DUNGANNON, AIIBIJRN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. LWe solicit the Patronage a the PAMELA. Ft SLR NOTES DIOCOUNTRD Highest current rate of interest paid in our SAVINGS 11ANK DEPART- MENT on depositaof $1.00 and upwards. GODERICH BRANCH. A. O. (UMW*. Manager. NOIICE TO CREDITORS • ItIOR SALK.-LOTH I% 24 AND 2'4 K' en ceder -treet. Ooderich. containing three -fifth. of sin aerr. There are on thew lot.. ottr-titca y frame hem*. newly peinted. • •ntall stable and • good orobard. •nitable property for a retired farmer. Terme mid con ditions will be furnished on application to the undersigned. 34. 6. CAMI.FION. Barrister. Hamilton street. (todervni. VON. SA LE. -1:1 E ALM ES. WEST .1.• side Hayfield road. between BelUinoia road and Bennett ..treet ; good portion 01 1144 land suitable tot ruarket garden. -mall fruit,. etc. May well in two part. of two and one • half acre. eget). For price and term* write H. A. JORDAN. 17:1 Windaor Ave.. winditor. Ont. rWN PIU/PERTV FOR SALE. - House and lot• a. the I 'apt. Mac- Gregor property On Angie...ea dreet, Goderiel ; houae room.. hot aster heating and mod rn convenieneee with one lot on Trafalgar street. Will be sold jointly or Aeottrately. Howie aod lot on Napier erret, e room.. rood reeidence • district, 1'01(am-eat Sanford with .1' acre.. of oreherd • winter anon... '1 new, propertio• Noi be had id reasonable priors. Apply to J. L. K I LLORAN Harriger. •te (4orleri h • VVE.:44TERN.ttiNnDS F0srr 111 roMALtE.-• house with 'phone in. Price tenOurn.cluding crop. land a rich loam. 7.3) acres tit 318 per acre, broken and fenced. This 10 a •miti, 04 land rent up every year. 1.10 scree with good building.. Acre. broken ; pries 830 per acre. rood loonlity end phone in houee. Arty of therm can be bought In near term.. J. H. TEWSI.EY Yorktnn Sark j_1OUSE FOR SALE. - A TWO - It STORY brick house. with ,..even room. on Brum greet. 1Particulsre can he had by .by canine' at SIGNAL Office. FxE, loft yurri,,E Teate. . • . IN THE MATTER OF THE EST kTE 0.F• 10D - WIN NIORTLEY. LeiTE OF THE YD. LAtIK of' HA Y VI ELD. IN THE COUNTY tit' MAWS. ti leNTLEMAN, DEC.FASID. Notice ie hereby given. poreuant to the Re- vhed steteter of Ontszio, chap.- 1.9. Se aaa aniriglioriit. thereto. that Creditor. and 0( her. bolt elainerntraurt the eetate of . the seen Edwin Henley are required ter-med er deliver their ciaan. 05) 01 before the 1st et Do. ember. • - 000.- Mama Proudfoot, Hay. St volicitor• for. John Whtddon, executor of the will of the *hist deco...id, their name., ad drea.e•oud dew:notion., and a full suitenient and partieular, of their claim. and the nature of their asearity. if any, held by them duly .yeriaed. And further take notice that after the raid dato the .eld eze•iitor will proceed to dietrila Int the awsete of the mid &date among the part ie tent Med therete, having repraid only to the clefs's« of which -they obeli have notice aft ebove required and the meld executor will not le liable tor the aaid a....et• or any ptrt thereof eny pervon Or per.oris of whoa. claim or claim. notice vhitll not have been received tit the time of 1104 HMI( tOn. Dated at liader1.11. tin. 3rd day of PROI'DFO0T.,HAY-t LAW. 14. A. I). PM,. eolibitor- for John Whiddon. PM field 14 0.. Expeutor of ...Id E.tote. ite.34 KTOTICII; 10 CREDITORS. i .. -- te Trig 1:4TATI: OP MARV ANN M,It AY. Lave 044" Tilr-Tun'N us storignien, IN THE COUNTY OF' HURON, MAW HIED WOMAN. Ditritieleir.O..- Notice i. hereby given per...ant to R. rl. 0.. ap. Le. that al. crietliter,and other. having iel. lap againot the inditte of Mary Ann McKay. who d led on or shout the -IAA day of AtignAt. 1010. Ore reunited on or before the igth day of oetober. 19iii tarred by prig or deliver to M. iv Cameronibf the tern of . loderich, solicitor for Sereh, l cKwy. executrix of the reld de- ceered. their 111411105. end addreeme full par Wilhite of their ntaia.... a statement of,. their accolint.. and the nitt,tre of the aeon ley, if any.. held by them. And further take notice that or. the wild bi-( mentioned date the said execntrii. will pre. coed to dioribute 114.' meet. Of the deceisee,l among the parte,. entitled thereto. havinr re Nerd only to tbe ,iaillaa of,yrhich he •hall then have notice. and the! .,he' ill not be liable for Ole •aid a....etst or Any part thereof to any per eeln or moon. of w hire rittm• not ice .hell not have been reicived et the tbe of euch deer' btltinn. M. ri. utiMelloat. Dated the 23rd dey of Septeree A. n. 1910. SIA 111 :WRAY. eoli.itor. Executrix. Sweet Potatoes -B. R. L, . 10 Furairtied 11011.41 Wanted .D. H•telink 1 Mall Order Competition Mell t'arneren. SS'Itat Good Clothe. Mean Martin Bros Readers. IL R. WW1/ , . . . : 5 Ladies Pinta Hodson' Hem_ 10 Young Mae; Y M. c. A 10 k:xecutora Notice to mentor. Proudfoot Auction Sete Soho Newcombe store News .3. H. Colborne Servant Wantad-Mrv. W. J Muir katimit (Meat Needlework Witmer Uomervetery ot MUNk • Lizzie Anderson. Although he swore at the inquest last week tha.. he went home at s o'clock. and had lest men Lizzie Anderson N quitt•ter of an,hour before thet. eeveral witnesses were 00 hand last 'night who steted moot positively t hat they . Jar1ine and Slim Anderson together as late ets 9:314 o'clock or a few mile ateff to lit o'cl.wk. This evidence. eonibined ,with the very conflict- ing testimony given hy different members of the Jardine family last week. makes young Jardine's story of his movements that night very un- trustworthy. to say the least. Detective Greer Wit 0111, of town for few days during the week and on his return was arenespanied inspector Boyd, of the Proviociel police. Both detectives were at the inquest lavt night, and Crown Attorney Seeger conducted the investigation. Edward Jardine was called first. He sovore that he worts the' same clothes as on the night of septemher 20th. He also -was aske.1 to put on the hist that h.• haAl on the same night. ' Tom Jardine, called, said he was &espied the same its 011 the night of the tt.agetly. Both were then dis- till...twit Mrs. Teideman WA, the next Wit- ness. She did not know Edward Jar - dine. but knew his brother Frank. She at. the etbiltition Tareday eight and while in the tioultry house she is -membered seeing I. Frank Jardine and Unlit' Anderson and *not her young men, of whose identity she was not cet•titin, thireigh she thought the five witness vatted (Edward Jar- dine. looked like him. She set the t' • to be abont 8.30 otelock when she saw them. Alfred Teidernan. h11,1barld 11f the previtius wit uesis, corn dent:ate-a the evidence given hy his wife. He took more notive of Frank Jardine. as he knew him better than the other mem- bers of that family. Ile KIM A girl atid ft young fellow -.tending near her in the itoultry heuse, hut did not pay enough attention to them to he able to identify them. Witness remem- bered that the'girl wins. a white straw hat. He and his wife and children left Mane at S del..ek to ge to the fair on the evening (if that day and he judged it Wtitild alemit three-quar- teas( of an hour later when they saw ISP party od three in the poultry house. Re ggie Love. aged thirteen. told eif being at the exhibition 1/11 Tuesday afternoon and evening. He Was well acquainted with all the Jardines except Thomas. He saw Eddie in the even- ing at the chicken shed. There was a young lady with 'Inman.' he was mire it was Lizzie Anderson. Fraintie•Jiir- wwarbreetheet...talit:iidfftzhet;itrtiet.r dine1kl4i:11441:S4:tit some ponitry but did not notice them talkitig; He set the tine. lw S o'clock when he ',FM' them. Mr. and Mra. Teitle were there at the same time. Ray Steels was the next witness. He knew Edward Jardine but not his brother Frank. He knew Lillie An- derson treeatiee he ha 1 -teen her iiften at 05.' Colborne• hotel wheiiiie called 00 her sister. He Was on OM exhibi- tion growl& that (lay aftfl it was OA) that night, when be siCsv them. He set the time slitting that he waived t hem standing just a I itt le mouth of the grandstand A feW titin- iites before the band went into the pavilion He did not see them any 0u,.,' later but when the penple liegan tot move away he fortw .latt•tline on the track with a 'hi *1.'.' and buggy with two women in it. • Mrs. Anna McDonind said she got so t e gr.( is about teal on the second tit t of the fair. She leff for • at lc:15, just it few minutes lifter het 0 n little girl Katharine and Mar - Fanned bj• at strong northwest gale, a fire which broke out, iu the fioderich organ (IL's, facton•y last stiturday evening threatened to destroy the whole plant befote the local brigade succeeded in ,getting it under control. Just about 9 o'clock the night -watch - Man noticed smoke beating from the finiehing room at the northweet cor- ner of the minding. The alarm Mee, . immediately sounded amid in record time the fire'brigade wise on the scene. 'rhe men had difficulty t`iir a consider- able time intocating ttte exact seat of . the fire. and although the north part of the factory was (tensely tilled with smoke nobtely *twined 'to know just where the nudes vvere to be fought. For the first helf-huur many of the spectators thought that the tire Mae not dangeroue and many returned ilou n town or to their homes: they did not realize that within the wallet the flames were gradually spreading, and. fed by the quantitiesof varnishee and packing matetial end other in- flammable muff. were taking a hold 013 the entire north portion of the fac- tory. The strong wind Dom the north'wesit, greatly int•reased the tint- cultietenf the th.e•fighters, and within an hourthe whole mirth .td, includ- . ing the finishing-, trimming and ship - log departineute. the offices. store- , rooms, -etc., waii doomed. About 10a " o'clock the roof over this pattion of , 1 the factory fell in and for* while it looked as if the whole factory might go and along with it the factory ot the American Road Machine Co. acrose 51 the road and half a-dosen -booms in ., the , At this critical ..... ent it eras seen f that the fire -wall sepal:aim; this ina- chine rooms from the north part of the faetory, joist at the erchwey on Cambria road, was holding tbe flames in check. Tbe firemen concentrated their attention upon this point and after halfAMhoure demonist. work they had the satisfaction or seeing that their efforts were effective. All around the neighborhood at this time -between 10 and .11 -o'clock-were hands or peipple guarding booms from fire. and ip Nome easel) removing the . furniture. and over -on the other side of Few eet the American Road Machine Co. had a number of men busily watching the flying spark'. and putting out incipient. blazes. Tbe elec- tric light wee turned on in the south part of the organ factory and the work- men removed t4seir tools A call for help was:mot do,rn the 0. T. R. line and Stratford and Clinton responded. However. by II o'clock the tire fri- t. Fade had the hialte pretty welt if. and, and by midnight the danger of it n any further disaster was quite re- f` moved. The north end of the factory o• had been completely gutted 'and a part of the Waite had fallen, but the south end, where the machine rooms were situated. the drying kilne and the lumber pileff were seved. It WAY with a sigh of relief that many A citizen turned away from the scene and went horne to his bed, sorry for the destroction that had taken place hut glad that so valuable an industry ae that of the Ooderich Organ Co. had heels saved to the town. The Clinton brigade arrived about 1101, heving '• commandeered freight train tlidt was on the way, and the Stratford brigtule con1C up on the ni midnight train. The Clinton men laid tteir hose and the Stratford men .e - relieved the lin. al fighters for a while. Their loyal response to the call for •ss assi4tUnce is much appreciated by the people of Godench. hut it is hoped n,. that there will never he any occasion to reeiprocate. --- 'rhe (mune (if the fire is trupposed to lie epoilt.Lnenue combuntion among 150' t h. thliehing material, an the night.wat t,. man had made his regular inspection a short time before the alarm was given and had noticed no ii;gn tire. The 1065 is estimated by Manager Saunders at $430,090. It is fully cov- ed ered hy insutance. An insurance eel- juster is already heat representing the vitiate. paniee interested. The office vault wag found to he intact end the books 41.11. all right egcept tot' little ecorching, but the Company**. correspondence Meg are all destroyed, LOST AND FOUND, .1 OMT. - ABOUT TWO MONTHS eau. a red ht.for eitb horns, weighlrer about Mi) meads. Information lending to her fee-wery will be grateteutt remixed by JOHN LIN K LATER. Itunloo. late AUrTION SALES. ILEARING AUCTION SALE BousilioLn et•ttelTelth: AND ettittelleKleris, PIANO, Etc. NMI Mel ver .111 .ell by public section on WEDNESDAY. O(T')FiEtt 12TH. commetwing ar ' share: AU the furnieldnire end furuiture at. Air residence. •• he Rookery.' connoi.ing piano. perlor suit, walnut. edebtiard. walnut dining table and walnet china cabinet. walnut hook- a/a, eaveral walnut bedroom reit., child's iron toed, high. chair, chair.. table.. pictures curtain.., oarpet., tis.11 MCI, fancy table. rtovea chine and Fla...wane -I I verwa re. lama. 0114hes. garden tool... waehiiig machine. and nurocrou. other mai, lee. Everything will tw dreamed of. re, Mr. Me liver 1. leaving Ooderieh.. Terme. ea.h. NEIL= Mel ER. THOMAS it Ni DRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer :ma WOOD AND SLAlis FOR MALE We have for sale a quantity of good mixed slahs: also a quan- tity of good hardwood Mahe. Prices reasonable. BUY YOUR WOOD from us and save the middleman'n prodlt. Stabil are cut about 18 or 110 inches. Address WM. H I LL & SON, TIENMILLER. QEALF:D TENDERS ADDRESSED 1.) to the vindereigned antl endorsed -Tender for addition. and alteration,. to the Pnblic Building. Oederieh. Ontarte,"m111 be reoeired at thi. Mike entil p. m . on Monday. October 21. File. for the work nientioned. Plane. .pecidattione and form of contract can be men and fonn. of tender obtained at this Departmen . on application to oriretaker, Public Buildin 1;edench. Ont. ape at the emcee ft J. Ilw b. Itoti.. Piatrict Engineer, London, Ord. Per•on• tenden will not be con•it printed forme impel actual signature-. .tating their oecupat on. end place. of reedence. In the 0.1.e of dent.. the mated .iirnat lire. the nature ot the °coma 0400 en place of residence of each member of the nem 11.11511, be given. ach tender 1711101. be accompanied by an me ceptad cheque on a chartered bank. payable ta the order of the Honorable the Miniger itf l'oblie Work., .nal 10 ten per cent. 110 p. c. of the amount of the tender. which will- be for feited 11the person tendering decline to enter into (retract when called upon to do vo. or fall to complete the work co/drafted for, ft the tender he oot accepted the cheque will be nenrned. The Department doer pot bind itielf to ac• beet the 10we.t Of any tender. By order. ' • DESROCHLRS. Secretary, Department of Public Work.. (Marra. september 191e. New=paperi will not he peid for thi= adver terment if they ineert it without aUtbOrity from the Department. 111.2t are nOtiAed that te•ider. red unto«. made on the and signed with t (11LPARING At'CTION SALE or -FARM STOCK AND IMPLIIIMENTS IN.. CLUDINO PURF',-BKED SBORTHOHN cAriLy; AND LINCOI.N SHEEP. , Mr. Joho Newcombe will ne11 by publie auc- tion *1 144, farm. one 'ran mile from 'Hader id) on the Huron road. on FRIDAY. WT01411 ItTii. commencing' at ) o'clock sharp • tom pair of roan general purpose harms. thi- ng Ave yew* old -a Ant itae, pair pair of general purpose home.. good worker.. : I colt, riaing three yr.', old. by "Royal Billie . 1 Reo- pen! ourpow home. the peers old ; 1 bey mar*. reven years old : 1 pure-bred ehorthorn cow. laret Clip ' iimpertedl, eel ved January aith, 191)11. In cid, to iniported "Fleet Hoy." now owned by Wm. Grainger Son, Loode.boro 1 pure-bred shorthorn heifer, "Olaret (7op Sth.- calved ()eeter 12th. um, itired by. "410kten Cams' limported,, in calf tO ('alet. Robson'. im ported hull ithis i• an exceptionally good heifer in way): -1 purehred shorthorn heifer. "lAdjp Aberdeen 2nd. eelved April ISth. MOW fared by "Golden Crow' timported) t piing -bred shorthorn bull calf. March lith. 1910, rired by "Sootehman-- 72416-0. Careill bell, dam "Claret Cep' limportedi ithlt twill make a trood thick. 'Tolson. train 1 fIrttelawo cow. Durham grade due • to calve at time of -Ale: 8 end -clam cow.. all due to calve .ipntor 9 yearling heifer., out of our beg milker..., 7 yearling and twa year .teer. : 9 pere-bred Llhooln ewes, dret-elser : pure-bred Linooln ewe Ltrobe : 12 Leicester ewe. t_ enre pigs, weighing arnnnd : 1 fine clow brood .'ow, due in November : 10 acre• of corn .4(1 5. roki in ..tonilt. Mee the cumal fern, rniente - almost new and in Aril chow shape. A wino, it y of Inmtier end -.VAN, Dm her and niiiiierouv ot 1,er .154,1e5.. adveril-ea 11111-1 he ...Wit. Mr. Newcombe hes imid. the farm. • All KUM. of 810 end under. melt over that amount. (*0070 month. credit wil1. be given on furni-hl"( approved joint notes. A die ount of the per rent. attested for ch on oredit• amennta ioHN Nte.wcomilE .THOMAS nusonY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. DON'T BE A HANb-S1E.DOWN MAN 1910 THE GODERICH CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC .1, B. Fit'NTER. lieel..4 M. ili.nrclurull F.T.C. .1 M. 1Torontot. Organiet Knox ( hurch. Votoe CnIture. (Mean and Plano, Harmony. Counterpoint. etc. A. K. COOK. Plano, Harmon). Countet. point. etc. 1 A ANDREWS, Kindergarten and Pismo. MIS)" HKINICKIL Vitale A. K. SHORE. Mandolin, (loiter and Dane MISS Mg. leatisrv)nfernssaterytion. AI to teeter. ete..ileole sit thocm THE HOUSE OF QUALITY NEW,. FALL SUITLN • . • ORDERED CLOTHING ONLY NEW FALL PRIDHAM OVER- / TA11 oft *WE'RE Ot TaiTTNItc 10 MANKIND COATINGS ' NEXT CEN I RAI. 'PHONE OFFICE Goderich, Ont. The Square, hump Waif On Eidou street. Within short dietitner sif t he pliti•e where flu laxly was found. On the evening (i the tragedy she went to bed able, 9;30. She fell rteireip and Wily awaken ed by a wonian's cry which we. full/mod Ity men talking. There vva. anot her low cry anti she helm! it • laugh. The .0111141 aeented C front t he sold heaest cornet (if the ex hihit• gro 114. To her the cry wit like a wail id distress. She was sure that she heard ittoi..• than one voiee She thought the time would be abou 1 o'clock W.SInetiday morning. I was a bright moonlight night but sh did not look out. Mrs. Roes was the next witnes. Her home•ie obly t wo hoti..4, f,,.,,. h Srelle of the tragedy. She also beats a ery Mit it appeared *51/ elve.e 1,4 th house that when she first awakenet she thought it Wits lout of her I tvt, ehildren asleep in another part 1.f th house. It was like a child's %nice sh heard. and it was a pitiful moutnin ery wed it 1110110 than a cry. Bo fore she fell asleep again the chic Ntrttek 2, so she judged t half t in she heard he cry would be Men 1:1)Ohil Salisbury was the las. 11.555A. He said that he had Nen' %1111' 114 Mend the live stock pens 011 t greened day slf the fair and it woitild itheet five mina* s after 1 o'cloek Otto' moinings when he pissed t holm." where the ,151511% 3304. was aft. ii-iirds-found. on his way home. 1 heard or site- 11)101 'lg. Crowft Attorney Meager then ask w an arbour . of t he inquest lin this morning at 10 o'el.s-1.. The fluent Wits gronted. Hugh SleGuartt Was the (Pith' with( examined thi./' Morning. He deni being with trAlward •Jordine 1f11 hit er11111/11 111. t•Velling nf Toes4la . had spoken to him lout wxs not in c piny. saw him in the ev ing at. Moitzers refreshment I14141 where he kerved him with it I .h which Jakfline gave 1• ten ern He denied having told any-, pere1 w t hat he was r , estling with that evenirk Another • ailj simetit was ask for and the inquest will I', again ttoirorrow evening at 7 11 141 wk. A f • garet, ironed hail joined her at the vilion. They tolil her they Rae ,E4lwArtl Jr.linr and 1.17.2ie Anderson standing (doge, to the picket, fence. kint before they went into. the pavilion. NM. st411ed-1mb, sinee-thrtregedy-i-lse--- girls had pianteli out to her the spot Where they saw tin. two. Mrs. (Capt.) Mcleod -on stated that she knew the Jardine family, tie their lot adjoins Capt. McLeod's store. She told of the tuovemente of herself and her husband ott the\otie4ond night (if the exhibition and Del pee - -tively that the perfsirmance was over at ten -minutes before 111 o`rtti.ek, 1151 she askeil her htishand t time. They went home limriediately after. Capt. Mcleod when called corrolew. sten 'his wife's evidence. He said that, he looked at his watch jiiet before they left for honie. It was ten nine Wes to 10 o'clock. Mtirgaret Leonard told of seeing Ed- ward Jardine and Lizzie Anderson at the exhibition that evening. She saw them standing near the peanut stand and they were talking together. 11. It t- k - he 111 he .r - le itt,' 1 A Hunters' Excursions. Via Grand Trunk Railway system. ingle fare for -round trip, Oetober nth to Noveother 120h to pointo in emagami, point* Petawawa to Port rthur and to a nomber of points reached •ia the Northern Navigation ontpany, also to certain points in (leiter. New Brunswick. Nova Scotia nd Maine. Datex for the deer -huffi- ng territory will be announced later. Hewett litinit_1.) exec. 0 points reached by steatite!, . ovens - her lOth. Full partietilerm from Wand Trunk mews, 01 address J. 1). McDonald, I). P. A., Toronto. 2t S100 Reward, 111100. Ti. reader. of it.. paper will be pleased to learn that there ei nt least our, dreaded demote that *donee ha. been &hie to mire in 11,11 germ( end that 1. catarrh. nail's C•torrt. Cure 1.. the °Sly poritlie cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh Toeing a con stitutional tiliseme. requires a cionstitutional treatment. Cat.trrh ( ure is taken is ternally, settee dIrently iipoli the blood and inuempi mutfa,e. of the nyetein. thereby de• .troyieg the foundstloo of the drea.e. and giving the patient grenetb by building up the noe.t Hutton end arietleg nature in doing it. work. The proprietor+ have wi much faith in Ito curative powers Hutt they offer one hun deed dollao for an cam thet it (*014 10 cure. Send ?Or F.l 't' of. tH14NKY & (1).. Toledo, Cl. Sold by all drug/bide, 75e. Take Balls Family Mk for caralpatios. Will Rebuild at Once. Alex. Saunders, manager of the tioderich Organ Co., weti MA 11f town. being on the way home from. the meeting of the Canadian Manufac- turers' Association at Vancieiver, B C. He received word of the fire on the train wane time before he reeched _during Saturday_ night, He arrived in town et noon oil Monday and at once tuade arrangeinente for rebuilding. Men are already at. work clearing wey the old walls. mid nov only will the burned portion be re - ,toted but at. addition OMNI feet, two storien and basement. will be built to the west. The finishing. rooms will he situated in the new build- ing,which will be of special fire- proof construction, so that any fire in future originating in a similar manner Lo that of Saturday night may be coils fined to that part of the plant. In the meantime the building on Kingston street formerly occupied try the Ideal Furniture Co. has been -there be very littlem esation of ..cured k. as a finishing room, so that tCosunued ou page% .6