HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-29, Page 10•h
10 lilt `kl'TBNIt1•.ltI!III)
Good, reliable W•t ehe to
Swiw made, level e.t:apement'
euaincl diad, 1•tew wind and a
Idean srt. These are \\'at.ebe,,
not clucks, bring tondo by the
*laud Stiisa wntelimakety. We
guarantee these \Vatehes for one
gar, the seine as our high grade
I Electric Table Lamps
oil a great neducti..1:
SEE .it'll WIN DMA'.
Walter H. Harrison.
jeer'/1.r and Opficiar
1 ),i the Square. (:od" erieh
ora ��Ittlfl� el
There's no question about the
"that •eee do the best ;•rintirie
In *4101 town.
1 1! 1 1 1!! 1 1 1 !'1
`)( NOW. -M house e very day saaspt Thurs-
day.. New relreayfureatrrcLLnrteeth Measure
form', better than gap. (loofa and bridge wont.
etc. Alumuwm peat« ul0u• bregk«blc.1
N. li -Von Cain AIWA), hate your work much
bettor done in the dental ulttce -more tier
beUc•r faeilitie. fin doing the ware,. more Wlu-
tart -late fur the WUrot.
in Dungannon for The sieeri is et the Port.
oei.. Hook and statwtery Store. where
order nal '1.' reeeivad fur sub.ertptiuu, o•
vert.Ntlg and job moi. and 11,00114. wild
l W
given tun awuuut. 1..14 bur Lae orate
you arc 111 town be,sur'e t0 call
mot eve Ihet:re..t b,.rgwia. iu wallprpere at the
1'o.d.oale r aw0'. .u. It Y AN. Dungannon..
VKIj g h11AY, Sept,
I►VNt.A:amiN Fain NYXT \V 1.iLK.-
Nothing hitt good weather ie now
needed to wake the Dungannon fair
next week it great aucct•eo. • The'dlliter'
'are'1'hurelry and Friday, October tkh
and 7111. The speeding. events, for
which thea) in p{rizes it utfett'ed, will pro
one of the lending attraction. on Fri.
day The 1 .1 , ,., pipers' band will
LOCAL TOPICS IN (BRIEF., end which is .0:11 )owned by the Win-
---- niteg Elect•i1 street Railway• Clete
The welt- 1..e -sed rove nlau 1,4' ropearAll'A. pony. This fir111 bar already true year
fn to., frt or. amid aypawru ... court for w goon •
,,wilt a Orel towing barge ter the Arc -
deal. ',et iu inns with the. rf.•J. of them by
t v kbicb it
o h pan
Lie lee. u
(gdcr:eg yo..: new awl from r'. J. Y.i•1hru1. {
The `nllur• ee Or gaud 111' taro- ,-, ina.tiu.ahlr. to Uit laport ice flolu the rompany e
a fee .ilva.iuerdenth,• trtbluru. E.wt etrt'et. tow voltage hooey. a1. St. Norbert. It
w..how 14,0 Law r+lauely .n1Ae r •.play e.,..un,,: Ib now at -work on a large steel Vilest,
picture- way be obtrid. P11•L.:re.hawing
duoeIA) order. for the illi Aima Company, which will
1'ur Signal and The Family Herald tar of suitable size W breast the waves
rod Weekly Star will be trill. to new a Luke Wwuipeg. 'Ma boat ie
•otteeribel•w for the tytlance of the year ' 1.'r ing constructed n1. for foot of
tar else. Add,et;r THK rloe 1.t . t i(Mlr• Water street. awl will be launched in
about there weeks` tee. All ' day
long the .tgt•r,tto heat of compressed
yi • bl.wturrs is heard in her hold.
wibicb adds to the general air of actit-
it ' in the dietro't.
Thr new eralt will be a steel hopper
suction dredge and will Ire tired to
haul rand from Lake Winnipeg for
r:' h. Ont.
The Deughtrre of the Empire wish
to acknowledge 'the ,eeeipt of *25
from the ptuprietors of the Lyric
'Theatre. The kindnoer of there
Klt.tntleul0lt,inkiving a benefit 'for the
hospital is i4ut:h rpnr.• •fated. •.seri a
hearty vote of tnw.,ke )w exteutledthe new pressed brick plant of the Eli
from the t bapter. 4'Saod Ctowpan)' Whlob is under, con -
THE Nt1�LINcRY OPENINGS etructiou on 1.110• river 1 ank opposite
tbwu.N.R. bboll, it Fort Hong..., 1l.
measures 170 feet ovetfaall, with forty-
, .4 I.- K .1 s 1,1.1' . fib Me Ni x: - ,.1t1t. • foot beattc and twelve feet deep. It
1 he display here rhows an advance will be equipped wale twin reiewie
be u1) the grounds t11e Hawn Se). for the. ee,t..a,n and the shown„out+ and• engines of- tot) horoelower. It
ti earl
miles of. eel. Li'l and *1 are have tern altered slightly to •allow' will Cort approximately $$0,(ttl1 and
Hpaee 1*1s' a rgrt-mo'l'l IN (1110 corner
oveletarting the. (Court Hoare Park..
The rtyltri 'show* ori various. w) touch'
s.1 that itLLw_tuld be almost impossible
W dojug/titre-lb attempting to deserihe
the ,•err number«. Some of the
etrpng*st features lean toward the
oiTel•ed for .t wile footrace, open to,
members of the Agriculturarsuciety
or .cons of abus'e's. Another special
event WILL by.a dog ia.:e. the dog W be
hitched to a (1111, and di leen by a buy
under foatrteea )-ear$ of age. Cow-
petitte.e are to lie reel, leobeof Ae.hfleld,
Colborne or \Vawatnosb and are W I.e mrtshl•timtl-shal.•d )late, who'll' .err ul.e.went ul l ..toss •townebip, who
windier* or _• one of unrulbees 1..t the shown in white. Ott:1hes, iteaetl•,"and, liver about tier Illy keit from W ioghaiu.
Nuclet): Th . to enter or no -race. other ..tyh+$.- a number having-vefi`'4Air. Muir_ wee_ dtivibg tutu tiiieu
I'rikee tit, $L' 4 *I. For prize lints high reit ••rowna. Toque,' ai41 .. ate when tis toter took fright at an aut..-
or line nerticnlat ,►ddrewa the teem -
well reprearuted. Ls ego f a n.• y mobile *owe lade distance ahead.
tare.' R. Mc.i'Iwa, . Nile. Fur the feather, Ate again in evidenee throwing him out tit the buggy.
grand edurert Friar night the din W
direct- and wilt etfe';tr art largely used in ti hen plCkrtl, up tie was tound to be
ora haV.• secured \\ it J: White. •C011.1.( n)o'ant.. 'minnow.
and +ugrettea. err) tri tuu.ly a turrd and died shortly
Khan, of 'I'otoltlto I Mina Fiances Ostrich fr.tttlere and the are shown I after being I-tu.oved tu,the hospital.'
to• Gerald very strongly. I•'ur early fall jl Au inquest hes been opened. .. i uy
Wright. .oluirt u1 't
Dunbar, .'d Nile.- the
Mips .\nnie Gnu dant e
Wheatley. and %lie. oda
.•onpani.t, of I bin •anion.
will have the inlet modern machinery
for sand drtdginh.
Fatal Accident ai1. Wingham.
A fatal £Ccideut occurred at ,Wisg-
hatu last Saturday twiutting in the
death 01, Juane Moir, a well-known
si,I rauu ;
Hoist. 01
Tricsu4Y. Sept, 2e
firm...-. Miss Lllen and J •
-Thabo ..u. v o.ited Brussel« I) ielide-_
week. /'orwelt t titer and inn ftllid
are the order 1d• tIn day in this
.icinity A number i.r this
vicinity atteieN''1 t:,iderich mid Luck -
now fair* hast week Robert Mc-
Allister t aphid \1.'.a dntteck 1l ieiuie lea
week While d. -+•ending the star
ete1W 01114 day last week Mr.'. John
Thompeite bn.t the. Misfortune to
and ion.%% Although no boner were
a eeveie'ehaking
ul, and morl)r bad bruiser wh*eh.zili
Lake «.i le time 1,•- hest A. J.
' Johnston is bury h, uliug !umbel to
Luckno•% ,at preterit Owing tit
the wet. 1.'PDiet•11010 wjte nota very
hire' turnt'Ylt• of Wcilller.i at the ride
range of, Siilltiiidlay. but sum&' go. -41
!twining. *As Wtr 1)1. tht,tbe prrarnt.
, ... (jolt•• a n outset f • this vicin-
`! ity attended M ,. Mc(tlinton'e. auction
= 1 ,.dl. at \V..tltrld\this Week.
MuNDAYr Sept. :0;h...
1)0 1.0 KNlOW1
Ernest -
Thompson Seton
Read h1s hooks n the
public liln.oy an animal
life noir you will wish to
hear hint in his Mute
1)Atcd ketone oil "WildAnimals I Have Kin'w"•'
in • '
Monday, November 14
n,ulr. 1.b,• :en,p0' .:..t 11.1.
There %%Mite It rlleCial
rate for school'ehildre•u,
who wilt all Ise anxious
to see .and hear this
friend of Iio t- and'other
w dd enimels. -
A 'plan of the church
will he made and seat.
1 eeerve41 for ticket
holders. -
Itl•:M1..MBER TNN:• DATE:.
Nk;ws Nio1-.- Mrs\\iclvor is Kone
to .visit at her old Merit at Ripley,
n end eonrr
the guee of
att. Jewell.
Mae.Iel, of
toe it1 our
E. H.
t week
hankhankMrs. nk IAI
Kenneth. of (hWHIM.were
the for•mer's sister, Mrs.
Mr. 141)41 ih•s. Wm.
Saltfoi•d. were visiting file
tillage ..Our po.tm.t+tet
\Varltors,Itta, on the road )x
.Initting in telephone .. pot
1 George Nowell and daughter
i have returned-fma, Tot'•nt'%and
Ill on, (there they seta 1. visiting brie
Mee. Newell and Misr An
visiled at Carlow Ia.t week .. W.
(Gledhill is -busy this week finishing bis
new house _Qui:, ,• A number tram
pert• took in ;he tair at 6oderich last
week - Don't forget -that the Tem
1« -
•rance Lodge meets Neely 'Tuesday. tow
Mrs. Miller, of Ch1•dow. visited '
%ir'. (Inti -.Fisher recently.,..Victor trim
Newell, who hoe t" -i' t foollOd with
E. 1'. l'friromer, ha. -go.*. to t:odetich
to 'ermine Illi etudiee at the Collegiate•.
Institute . Mr. and Mr.,. }tub
Irick, of Kinpen, were ib' gueate o1
Mrs. E. T. I'friuilner on Sunday ... ,.
Arthur McM,th anti Norman Newell,
of Goole+ ell. spent %unday at Ben -
millet . i _ _ _ _ __
Hunters' Excursions.
Via Grand Trunk. Railway system.
Mingle fare for round trill. October
Duh to „November 12th to points in
Temagau.i, p1111114 Petawawa to Purl.
Arthur and to a number of points
reached via the Northern Navigation
Company; also too certain points in
Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia
and Maine. Dates for for d,•.•r-hunt-
ing t.er,it.ory will b, announced I.,4*',.
Return !;alit December 1:)1.h, except
10 points reached by steamer, Novem-
berrah,th. hull partieulat•a from
Grand Trunk agent's. 'or d.td4ss J: t)
Mei )(maid, D. I'_ A.. Toronto. 24
The Signal and The Family Herald
and Weekly Star will be sent to new
sub•, rile•1 4for the balance of the year
for 2:.e. ' ;Wilmot -Tutt SD,NAI., (lodc-
'ir•.h, (int. -
an) -
swural urinnd a p ,t -modern held.
Poatponed.a Week.
the trimer,' felt. WV as' medal tory
't'-- • \tti:)toe. -
Avery selectold compreben.iive g
display wait on exhibition at \lies
1'amei •I) I' patio!.. n Hamilton el -.•et.' b 1
;w.p•ilar model '.eae the l'ieorgettr paign bad Lip be lett over tor ;mother
t tan tot ort. of black [Minna velve}.•1 arta.
-It It a lat•ge:traped-crown of. velvet •
tr' elf wft•h c•.e.1 and tas..4 4n- f FALL FAIRS -1910.
tber way a very ylish mhtlel 'nf -- -,
K Y n i.eavet`:ot b with +t high draped \Vingbatl • ,rpt. a1, :ai
crown of -li t-`11,Ik +111J ,wiped quill at Harrw1.011 -. ........,..Sept.Gt). s.)
Owing- to \1r: Caweroo'e abeetce
a part01 that t,. -.•r further interesting
retatwg it. the (nal coder caw•
the tuei s. Anti r which attractant t•ordwicu • •Oct. I
cones 'able aped -Gott utt war at -beege ALwood .. Oct. . I
Week 1, titre hat W'th 'white Wain HIwLn . Utt. 1..,
Oct.:). 4;
er'wet. - 'ti -with- old - net. two ler»water
ponate, an a e!•t.ter a mall r••>w. 'Brussels
Another. pi ing shape wn a so vlish Luugaunon -
panne velvetand white sat.
trimmed with ebanto,ler l,ir
very effective ri*ud -1 woe 'i( 1)ni,p
Mite with +[.Lige dktt ed crown. hill
at the IIotck. It alsob,tal a h., nde/1u of
Uct. t•, i
. 'let. t., 7
Rifle Tournament.
itWatiul,r t •'um ORO ei-
I.oebaJib •- . ;'t xu 301-. 7
. tr. a/CLennan' to to ,I
Nipper and gold an(l ,Alt. 1ptay et the Atex; tong 17 12 1
haek. There 1- a loot•*• 'er varieyy of Jopth. Scot% 19. IV 3,
.hnilee than ever in +mall, and dral.wl
` l.. ! .•s.l ,.Lal •+role- say )Js.:1.1
..tfeete. 'Ube new materia1.p in 1'ai«pry van-�
and shot *ilk• a!'e we'd With *black Duh" - ' 1., 7
441.111 111. yiguti. - -- -
1.t'Ill, d►CCros'tje it
?tae DoxietiI. l:. l'il't'
Mire fionooh's parlors n v. t'uet.u•d
duvet were 1 t tetully dH IK ml,ss'n \ d
the occaei•'n with palm-. ferns and 'ruin BawIoto - • `, 11
cut flowers. The• styles on display L. !icaluualit
will he the leader this stvtuon. In L. r.betteuu) ►
d nand 0nlut the model. 'Down are
hPreiming and sortable to any sty le of PERSONAL
hair dressing. Some. of thovr. seen
Wets Clntral;l•ri.tie of the new e.)/t•iet Mr-, , Will-ywoode i, vi+ititig /Send+ :n
idea of reviving the 'runic cnstyma of M.,...ttotut r
ancient t:teeter. Tb.' - soft veiled ears. Jae McPhee bar returned f a three
effect., are rentatsable for their• ex,. we1*a• ''''" t"rel14uter ,.uu e'en . at u..
,Ini•ite blending of color and ,good 01114
h J1sr+'sur.. •'ley returned.lart wee�rom w
taste. ` Of the man) design• Wo1't y of 1.p.,. ►u ae. ur*t).:.. 1.t. n. 1 1411*), gl I:pF w.
mention, there is an attractive model Z..a.. 1400 W Incaua al In iublprg.
• of hack panne velvet, It is a droop .u.. au•t .1.h•. Harry 1.n. r)un, of ,.t
4114 Shape: the under brit)) is faced be"""."••`v 'orale,' aft.i v.allwg 111.0 L
with black satin and the front .crown 'y11p"'s1-11*(• .4)1)0 ------ V1. a) .1*.O
tu,.r., my, tie nichau, `• era e . iJLOtt, 1.11t.
rimming -t.' 1 t finely pleated black ht.", �- 1.,ur). nae 1. .50NI"'" amu.u...-
over which winds a 'germ-w,0ath ret, roup 11'1.. a.-.uwo )u utauaw.'a,,•, •1e
the stn tllr-t ' old ..,. ping and eel W140 nt6w,.
Thursday and Friday,
Oct. 6th and 7th, 1910
'TIIF• 1.4 9', HITT flirt THE LEANT, OF THE s
Grand Concert Friday Evening
%%11,1, I. WHITE, ,.1 Toronto, Comedian.
MIMS FRANCES WRIGHT, of Toronto, Soloist.
GERALD DUNBAR, the Boy Soprano.
MINS ANNIE l'(tt'PI.AND, of Wheatley, Kiocutiohi•t.
MISS 1D 1, WIiYARD• of, Dungannon, Piano Aceonpanisl•
Lt (;KNOW PIPERS' BAND will play on the ground .on Friday
and et the concert Friday evening. MCILWAIN,
Nits, Mecretary.
Ihmgannote President.
to -Moes. Large tans feather, Mt-, r'tinr, u.d her daughter, Jeer. left o
g y r.a:-.,•) 11.10 ,..p wn.nan.ou.q Art.t.t.
1111na 1.h.• haek. Mini and crown ,,„-. ,. Il p:..nn .a'/'OaI**4' l'•1(1C:'. :'• Ial'1 .' 10.
ing. Mother is an eu(.lieite 41,.11, „11. t• •hyo. intim•-100a 1t•,% 11,1
design in Copenhagen -ilk. hatters •.,nu n. ..,.:..a..• of .Atuwute out.. n
flu 1 'sluar toy tritnruetl with black ' •p1*.11,41., w'°" aa)^ 14. law mai hta)4«:,41
ra llry 1111 •!1111. ,Fn/ inn^ 1.a. gold. ,'taus u. o. u..= a ire JewehW) '"""e".
Wjtbout going farther into detail it 1•,s' ,..., , -'••••'••••'•,w,.
rn+y be �sti41 that all the n�• trim - mi.„ anepn14.n nod e.'.+ Helen liaeparrd.
» :' 1 h f id 'mass .up 1.w uwu (ileo.•
w ,ew.ua wt.••.., 1 )
ming. in Dresden. tapestry and --many wool !1.t•.• ..C1e" .1ta.ale.un 41 „rel'. J44l'.l,
new efTeet. were Been to adV,lnt age eve •t• re. a01.4-1 ry .w u4116" .uu
;Sod tough admired by the many ladies
who viewed the extensive display.
II/IIMteee Moho
Many took advantage ..f the privi-
lege afforded to Insllet%the handsome
display at Hodgens Bron:. The -
shepes here are pertiei,Iarly varied
and nomerou. chi+rea$.•n. Nearly all
the brims droop and many are of the
nig r tr.p ns' OW ravel• w ltl. 0.111 VU 111,,:
•,a.11.11et 'r mi..
MAC.. (.euwge At:bow1, r1t.aned l.0 10w11 Of.
7401601113, a1te1-i•euo.ng 1.114.,.ewer
nun •...•leu 4,.44'444. euoUw.0 aro (rel«u,..
rrwncc. nwnnunwuu. 1•44), Auwtna. 4ertuw.,)
*tat no.0%0U.. wl:u ,. pori. ,r06. Oil n.1d a 11.0 ,
ue'eanal.• Llnp.
Miss ear0aret McMnrchy.' who had been
vueLitlit oar twienta, Mr. 140" alt,. J), meet to
011)• 1... 1111* pM.. Leta Wu11L.1., lett On .4)04141..)
. •..
',mfr./ft, tot New tuft., hula *hien in/)L
are now coming in -not
freely -and orders should be
placed early. The better vat.
artier of 1'juws are 'very
scarce and Duchess Apples
will be'ot? the market in
about another week.
The prices are not high for
any of the above fruits' when
the starchy of the clop it
Jao. W. Vaulter
.al••t,► Iluu.•• inno..
Pt- 11.• ,1.:I Kieg,ton `beret
I• China
One and our -half gross Ain
iley English China ''ups and
Saucers', about fifteen v e r y
pretty patterns to select from,
including the Rose Bud. Shaer
ro,•k, 'fbirllr, Willow, Pansy,
Bow Knot, etc. All at one prn•e,
etichlhN 250
\ large direct coni+ignufent of
the genuine Elite Limoges (tied
Stamp) China. Complete Dinner
Sets, surd in sets or in separate
pieces. Prices less than metal.
('ups and Saucere commencing
aalow as, each . 5Oo
The Colonial Book Store
PHON E x(00. O od.•rich.
A Bargain Offer. '
The Signed and The• \Veekly ,Globe
will 1.a• sent to new eubicrihers for the
tntlence of the year for only lie: Ad -
deems Tit n: tiul.N.er., Goalerit:h. Ont.
Quality Store
Now is the tune to heyTotes-
toes while they are .,t the. pert
and not frost-bitten,
are now plentiful and at 'h„
Ioweet price. Place your III le,.
While the Emit is tit its best.
• plums
are plentiful at present, but Mill
not last long. .Let u4 illi your
order 11.l 1)11et if you went any.
Crystallized ginger
To put with pears, per potted :es.
l'ee this and hay,) our ;
putt Its 4011 igh 1. Later t ,nip,. I -e
ubber Rings
The best grade of 111 l k n_.
per dozen-. -. .
While visiting the t ,.1,l., 1,
Exhibition, Make th.-
Highest prick% p rid
Pro.l uce.
oats and Suits That Are New,
extreme mushroom-. type and not _n_M11* w.,. tow rot anglrnd un to toner ala, ,u
,,...041 4ine wk.tMr a/ .NudoH w1M her .lore'.
few coining up souhewhat V shaped in .1.u.. 1.. s. uuwara.
front. The turban promises to he ex-
ceediggly- popular for autumn wear.
These range from the soft tap -like
model which envelop the head. .tnd
with a soft -pleated frill or lace around
the face. to the ma.ly draped and Ori-
ental turbans- and the Louis X V.
models with the bag -like crown.
which is arrayed in folds. which pro-
trude upward, outward and back-
ward. P'erhapf one of the most ad-
mired was ..f the Clew "base' 44h.ide
f satin ttith a rich. black velvet fns'-+iA
UFA- --TIVLNt-run Wednesday, seetem-
ingg ; the rim rolled high at the left our ria or '1Ny. Dr, pix. of Cbalnner.
nide gi.dually drooping to the hack enuron. uttelph, M1,1 Lulu (:goer, second
and right side : the crown a medium- datlabLtr
sized dome, two immense black wil- rous' 1.r. end Mn. (ieO.ge stiven.
nrty or t.odertch• to Alexan4er .l e.lie
�wuueer. U. D �.. of bOrton. \tor,
low phones mounted high on the
right side, while the girdle of black Mei.EXNAN-11 %MS AY:''At;lowland. Mid
lothia41. seottand. on September l)th. b
Rev. Monro 1.ilmen. of London.
uncle of the bridegroom. El,ir. \lonto Ram
eldest daughter of William )t:,nl,ay. of
JOHNSTON.-In Ooderlcb. on September 2411'
W Mr. anti Mr-. Donley Junoston. a dough
RING. -At Regina, Rask... on Tuesday. `leo
te(aber 1)1111, to Mr. atm Mr. Leonart, m.
King 'formerly Mike Ectna lcue.tl. a sots.
HUNTED.. At Alexandra ho,pital. Coderi-h,
on Sunday. epternner .!",th, w .ttr. and
Mr.. Joni, It. )footer. tieI..uu etlect. a .un
cords whit h'•ne ircled it formeda pretty
flgiah in )oelpm and, knots. Very
smart was a tan carsock turban, 11
hig1-folded er•.wn ..f panne velvet
with a wide crush of Paisley ' Hurrah in Howland. to John ('uunn.gbam Ncl.enn,ln,
all ;he shades of tan and ' brown I nrofe..ear of ph »ic'•. Univerity of Toronto.
around it. It was finished with Iong c'an.da, andei0c"t won of the la'e Dat id
broad L44*ps of the silk at the right
side, and an elegant ornament of the
wooden be,tde in green and brawn
shades formed a handsome flnieh to
McLennan. of Stratford. ',Mario.
STl)THF:It$. In A.hdeld. On Monday, Sep
tewber 19th. John Stat her., +wed :i year.
fIAMILT(IN. Irl Saltford, on Saturday, Sep
tember 34th. Jobe Hamilton, aged 411 year.
Th'HI0('I(NF.-.In rloderlch towh+hip. on
tlonday. eptember lith, Williatn Tien
bourne aged 7e year-.
,M11041).V In Haderich town.hip, on MOn•
duty. wept...her 'lith. Margaret. Hodgen.
retie' of the )ate David McBrien, aged 7a
CLARE, At St. Relent• en Wednesday. top
temhrr ;t.th. Janet I'ameron ('lark, he
loved, )tanRhter of Mr. and Mr. Peter
(;lark. aged I. year- and 7 month.. The
funeral will take pl.kge In Kintra',rmetery
nn 4ride), lea% Itng St. Helen, rt 1 O'clock
p. m.
Breath of Local Industry on the Bank of
the Red River.
In a writr•1.1p of tgie development of
business aloft4.yhe waterfront wf the
Red River, The Winnipeg Free Preen
in its lame of Reptert:1)er loth refers in
the following term. to the branch of
the Doty Engine Work. Company
which is being estahlinhrd in tha
cit :
One of the mast m.gge.tive Signa of
what is to conte in the future• is the
fact that the Doty Engine Works
company ham ristahlished a branch on
the hank of the Red River. The firth
le occupying the old Winnipeg street
railway power house et the foot of
Water street., which has been lying
idle and dilapidated for several years,
(ya•ya,llp.t . 'Mtober 1st. leering motion
rale et the ngntent• of a well furnlnhed nine
roomed r.-t4e+.ee on Nelson stet. the prop
arty of Mr. Hoyer. Twist UR U1 St (Mi. auction
W ION i.n %T. October IS--- Clearing m artlon
male of 4,00.04014 fornitnre and furnishing'', at
1 e'clook sharp : the property of 14:1i. M.•1 van
Tnow.ta Ot NDRY. auetiooeer.
Thi- ill': -t ration will );ire you an idea
the appearall(10 of •'lit 141111.14' ger-
tnut-*. It ;. ont••(If the many 41K144141 ones
you ran •ee in our bright ('I:pak depart-
•' That Big Dress Goods Sale
When we tackled the selling of over 3,00o yardsDress Goods at 3jc .an,l
45c, we knew, we had a big proposition ahead of us, an hat it would take tinit'
to do it. Already they have sold faster than we expected,, t.nd at the rate they
are going all will be sold•ahead-of the time we had set to sell the last yard. Have
you seen them? • 11 not, come this week. No such dress goods values have ever
been given in Goderich, and if yon have a yard to buy this Fall, you surely can-
not•atrto-rd to let the opportnnity pass. Again we give you a description of them:
THERE is a stock of tailored Suits and C.'.'ts
i on our racks ftp -day that is unque•tion.;hlty
"Our Rest-. Never have We -had Such a ..com-
plete and comprehensive assortment to submit
to our cos mors: - From the factories ei f ,.pule,
of the leading Canadian and German maker, of
women's coats and suits we have gatherl'd -the
best styles.of each. Am..ng them are the 11. . iI
"Princess" garment. -
"Princess" Coats and -Suits are, in :t ,
by themselves. There are hone made, 1.h..
just a§ good: Every style is selected- in Newt,
York or Paris and is.. a reproduction of. t!' '
'Pest"- of these tw., fashion centres. •
"Princess" garments are made by earl i :,,.
They are designed, cut and put, together -h`•
'nen -who have-made'the production Of coats i,iid
;lits for women- a study for years.
member of:the firm 'manufacturing, them i!.•
thoroughly acquainted with .the • tv,tnts o't the
Canadian trade, and as a result they have ler.'
duced this season garments that are far in :It1-
vance of anything heretofore -shown in CI i•
"Princess.' garments are made from -good
materials. "Nothing but the best," was the
watchword of the manufacturers *hen selecting;
materials for these Fall and -Winter garment,.
inside and out you will hid they have:livedur
to the motto. There is not • an inch of , poor
material 1l., a "Princess" coat or suit.
Every garment is a model. To be fair to.
yy itself, if you have a coat or -suit to -buy chi,
Fall, you -ought to see the "Princess" range
before buying.
At . 33c a- Yard
11.1ndr•t4s�of Yards of 11re..•(i.'els and Snit-
inga. � ttaq} 54 ing es wide, nn(Tmdpft nT then*
latter width.- :in imtueofe aa.or•tm.'nt mf ma- •
ferial. very suitable for suite. hosier (Ireesrs,
children's wear -in fact almost any purpo.r you
ran 1140 Dress (foods for. Regular values np t.d.
1$1.15 per yard. Your choice of this lot 354t
et per yard .....
At 45c a Yard
Hundreds of yard. in thins Int, too. Plain
.44e444 •--
drell.ei and chi 1 ren'. wear. Dark and light
coblringsi. Lots of them made to fall at 11•50
per yard. The real values would run from this
prier clown tat 1.11.00. W. have token the vitae
collection and pot them on wale at the 45c
0., low price of per yard
SC 114