HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-29, Page 9.rriir: S.I(;NAL : uNT \I.IO 'ttvtlwnAir, Seevgai$Ki1 20, 10II) • +*44444++444+** 4.4 *v4+ **i**' .t The News of the District. ,46• 4)+ 4-1,4$5 4446`4645464544-4615',.' 4k+ ‘44***444,4464-' 4 r x le44 1'rs:.U.vY. Sept.27th. \Ire. \\'haling, of Stratford. is herr on a visit to her daughter, \1r•s. James l'hi,holut. ` Mr. an d Mrr•. J. U. F:trril,7i. and family were in Aslifield Sunday -visit- ing \1r. Far•rish's old home. KINTAIL. BLYTM. • LtEBUHN. Tr .;.uav, Sept. 27th. Trs:.:u.av, Sept. 27th. „•,1 uu•etulig of 'the W0tuen'8. Bx.rru FAnt.—'Che Myth fair will tr will It' held :.t the home of be held next'1'uesday and 1Vedrhasdas-, . M,.61ag„t on 1VttInr.day. Oc- wlia•n, it iv expected there will he a th Everybody weleowe• large ctuwit het e if the weather is title. Thechauees :are the .horse rae- LUCKNOw• ing will be the Beat ever held here and 0.1..N at v y, Sept, alilh• the (.nderich bated 'o ill dispent.l• maisie • all uftl•rnotlt. It i. expected the con- WESTFIELD. ,a; Ida and I,elitia Joy'nt Into a cyst iu ludustry hell in the ry 'Diet• \t o' i*tv, Sept. �ttb. ter. '1I04u'as to attend :11wa will be gout. so ,ell that is needed is filt,ra'4. — Mrs. Marvin McDowell the good Iseaither. and Miss Lilian Clark were called statrrrut-on is hutue from the Ttio..E 111,, H v r•n, ,-The millinery home on Sunday gwingtu•tbr eerie a taw •a St. I, atltarines, where he opening. took.plare Saturday, but Mn illneNe of their sister. Miss Jean ('lark. w,,pih7s}i»K ttwrtarvtlt for a acrntrni nfitctining a St: Helens. 'with Trerir 7T ttfs. . atta.t of ncehwatihut: Hr hu. there woe not NO tuany out a. usua . Win. M c Ut;wel1 is in •Lettere h .d ntu;lr hem -titled in health. Both estabhst outs were. fitted lip .attending the fall assizes A large isle ul api•1e barrels from Win. very nicely for the .v ciasiun The crowd :attended .1. H. �Ie('lintun': sale _-- ,' t.. ...,i. •hop amounted to 13.• hats ate 4014 very large, :lnd-mune of .•n' Monday. Everything sold• well. YOU TAKE NO RISK. •petal L•„4 y'rat. This y••:y the them are very pretty auk-of•dien s, but Horse. and c a t t 1 r brought, good ritl,uut amount to none than get dorm in a building end they must figures ... ...lames McClint„n, who i, -- - rtrl., This goes 'Io allow the lie a regular nuisance to the pe2suo4 :attending l:.Nleri,•h. CullegiaLell1420.6- Our Reputat.or- and Money are Back of nt the trait (attar.. in .this di.- wearing -thein and to every perhuu tut., is home 'foto the sale of hi, This Offer, its ..aeon. I behind. father s stock an i innplernette. __ �1'e {ay f;•r all the nirJicirr used ' ASHFIELD. eAt 1>r, la itt(yy'EL1..—A number of duringthe •tial, if bur 1euredy fails to the nun ladies 1 LOTHIAN. )' sgentlemen evening met ,_ emnpletely , cite'. a yuo nt constipa• tf,wlr.tt'. !rept. Jlth. in te't s hell lar( net to .t. evening• , I'rssuvy. (hilltop. l lieu, sVe take ,tt the ::4k. Vou are 1•'a,1' 'Jul” f;rvoTur:us.—Thi' and to is 11d a banquet to-1.Jacks..n, 1•n v• N,,,,(..„I.,tnes here'. r left not obligated to'ua in :up way meat- i ,bath of al•rhn Stothrr- on who has IN•en an , ntployrr of''I'h. last week fns .Alberta. where .he has rtes, if lou accept out offer. Could ., setae. ,leu Loth t,,, `as Ili, toe- strutterd for On tent ;ear and a halt. xwwptwl :w pusitiutl ase ten\'rlliog,anythitig )w ceps fair for your I+ A ru,'kr of paralysis, ab,tked A very ldrasant evenipg wa: spent in agent fur an implrupent firm• slim there lily r{ Maury• why you shat.:;.. 4 1..ke 1 ' • 1►rceaaseal w:1a l game., rt.., u tier r)rpres_ing th, In S:u:1 McLean returns to Chicago on besitxte to put our aai,u> tat,.. pr ,•tt i• n ., Siwduy turenoun and a id regret at Ut. Jou ksuu'N 1+•aviug town, at her after :1flrnding u few morthh cal test c • . :t lumping: Ile wit, loon H l y 1•'t'ntt..lw K lobar hr mi tur,•1 with �„ her I,ut,n. 1th'res "Pent Mrwrrk wIith ' The most scientific •IIiw,rusens,• •.r. Ago in 1Vaw:.nt. 4114: but hod huh Ir.s fu hIs •nca hnuai• •:•t m(. e.).'”. {ie hratwrut i- Rrxall lkA, rlit...irhirh I w •.i of hn. ,life ,.n tlir pitta Jaw,' for which place •he left Friday Mitt. Fit. l.ilnum•. .... Mr.. T. F. ate eaten Ilk....Mottles. I hev ale ver) 'tooling. A uun.t.e, were ..t the eta- Heudetsc•n i+ spending a trw masks ,r'u. uucrd, ply ant at d K.•ntle. in tevl on tho Pali e'ocesrion ,+f g with friends;utI relatives in Ih•trtfft. T Id Il«+w.dn* why was Mies tion to wish him farewell. .ntNorman , action, and -particularly agreeable in ., it Mnllrn, stab the rinrrrr. lf,uuford, lit [.fs►nwel, bar txl:rn the Mr...I:rwrs liihnnrr is visiting eaery w:.c. They 11„ not eau,.,• i triol un '1 he Bt:und:ud. her. daughter, Mr.. 1)'11., •, at ('hes• diarrhoea. nails,- t. Hatulru•rr, griping 'itc II ket•ulite tato lninnit y fh, Pr►rr 1 Icy . .. Mr. Mutt Mi.. Alex. M• 1.••an lir rrh fn. en%enirmce wh»levet• firs 11„n i 1Vnalf redaaa.rm5rt uetufThe [ Uiiri.i 1* ,.ri:'.—Iter. J, L. !lull!. 4114 nt x few day. fu Kinloss last week. all t►rdetIii.•. are ti\rticulatiy-.gaud tor 1 tf'the I resbyterian church. and Rev. -- -- i,. Iningantroi rette1"I'', war H. A. Lundy, t,t Walton. exchanged HOLYROUD. ••hiltta•en, aged ut,ldeltcate iwr,uns. r attended. Service, were ion• otitic, Inst $*hhuih. In the evening r .1Ve urns you to try .(exult (Irdrt- 1.1 Bev. T- I':. Saw. et pastor pp - MoIUAt•, :writ. Stith, tit, at our 1 ill. Two rises. I'tc and I 1trv. 11 r. Lundy gave a► splendid tins-NMw: iiv • IIE Wta:a{.—\tie.. Etitena :SW Itrwrurh •n, snit can et-ftexall �i leis . Methodist thumb., of .address in connection with the j Ackri t her torn (aid up with bhg,ah- Remedies in thio cumuumity only at nine in the tight. ,{ 4'. ,...d wits a faithful atnl W,.F. M. ti last • Sunday -morn- ienf mrnihrr. The pxlliwar.•ia nag was l'hildrei s (My in .41”. \IrtI.od- twui Mind for about 'o a clary—'i'hr Recall 'Stine. H. 1', 4.,41l..r, Stephen :mrd Iit•,rrle iss church and a: hsualthechurch wait two weeks, but is on the mendat 1 H. ILall rp, s.•utb side of ""bite. .,•t ' anthers 1.1 deceaseds and vera pretty Intl' Flowers. • Ilea-. .dr. Irr.•t, ahs arc glad to she . \ ullin Malcolm McMillan aidAckert is busy putting the corn into PO}i7 ALBERT: Mullin, • Fent gate ,1 good aa1d1Y•Ns suitable to his •flu this week 'Mrs.• Thos.• yio�U:a1 . Sept. hath: l .untherw the Mundac school scholars.Prat T{obinson and' Mrs. tiroNaylor, of • • t- Sunday will .Ie. Childrefi's I►avAin the PAtt 0.4.1t APO , --\1r, and .'•l3.. Tann. -- Episcopal church and it will also Ire F'onlyee. visitt.l the latter's sister, of Strffa. cisit.ed at the l,. rue of Jrs. the Hrst-d,• for the preaching of their yl t *. \\ m. vis had oil snot,.Toes. • Illver last week 11i.. M. Ju'. ,- slew rector. Itev. Mr. Fair. fate of I..'wvfe had a rawfng on Tues, the guest ,of her emisin, Miss Elliot Ida. last. Everything went nit flee, f;ieldel. at nt•4rnt dies \label •.�► fit+ olds !Tl liouie.... The .l o .I. ieriaus *re 1 —illirt•a--wsr.-rte �a , .., . - .:. f. o,.r ,a 1.1-E.9 VT. sept. JDth. working great prefiarationr fur thapir'Iwolenand children. All arepot t;hay- yfs,U to fete dr in I,otduu...,..Airs. semi-eentennial celrbiatiun to be held' : 11 •h i ,on. of Buffalo, iy visa- on October 11th. Rev. Mr. (,eggie, of -mea fine tirre:uid the "young tieofrl.' W. grown. et., is bottle after visiting Toronto. will occupy the pulpit 'and , Ltt in the wry, small 'hours of the •riu•,tL,•r. Mr.. Oo,bprn, ••t this '..illi relatives .rt Haskell for u few will rolls, lecture on the followingeaen- mut q Mrs. McKenzie is visit- wrrka blr.. end. Mt 3'. R. Durnin. ing at J. H. Arkert's ..Mrs. Items- of "k' auuun, were transient .titter. visit - ph Mi..1 1 is s(tenJin the BIS th in and as 6r has a rest trrputat' Dung /onion. .1. taking up continuation as a. ptr.rchet and lecturer there will i Pierre is 'visiting her danghtrr. R11r++. in thiol Iurrt'1ehr .. ; .Cbildrep'4 Day • likely Le a.largc atte4*dancr, 4 Harrison, near Kincardine. Quite' service wavelblebrated-mSt. Andrew - a number took in the Lucknow fair, church litheSuudny. The pa -tor. Hey. • i'. 1'..1..tt .pent a few days at I'KN$ON.%I. .\ala. (.ENEH al.. --Mi.'s a,Uh.nngh the day. was none too fine.• ' C. M. Rutherford, uddi.•hscd th,• rh;l n last week taking in• t6O mad.. fanny \la•on..who has treen asIslata it — -- then, ' • - post tuianes' here tar It •minim, of LOCNALSH. I:'u.v'an. of the 'Sterling Bank. years. has resigned her position and MoNU.sv, Sept. "lith. hi- morning to lake a position a ill lea\'e for Paris, where she G.tNET1(Hon'ITv..—John Fletcher the Hour Batik. hae recused x more remunptative way removed to the Kincardine bospi . Hooper. er. of Clinton. Agent for position. V. hale she bas held the tat last ovedny h Beier to ►,e under )ufwli.+l .lrcident. Insurance (',•.. position here she has lwen-cloypope• medical care tit that institution. Mr. the village on busiue,s, lar. end the t.,w•n+prople err !+,•n yy Fletcher • i' an invalid, resulting ttoru she is baying, but will expect her liar k air* \la•. !feeler Walter- and goon to lake a mote permanent pool- a rtmke of paralysis received a few Mule•! Hule Hell, hf V* u..gba y. tion.. Miss \L•aggie Ross is taking her v eats ago. and since that time there da, Charlie }tell. avec Sunda). Inca been little or no iwpt•ovement in position in the Isstolitee Qnite.r his cundiliou of health. He bar been ltutulwr t -r. L. herr attrnaled the tuner residing with his sister, Mrs. A. Mc - al of Mrs. L. Nithtry, of East 1\'awl- Kenzie, 0LLochalsh, since last winter. no -b. last ThtUsd•rt afternoon at I}rl grave. ltev. Mr. Henley and wife. of T,+ Rearm,: is (aont•:ttla ti,—Mr. said Durham, alaso welt. in attendance ,and \In. 1)an N. MCKenzie, 12th conces- 'ion, intend shortly- to leave fw`(i.,dr- rich, in oder to reside permanently in the Circul:•r Town. 1, M,. and Mrs. McKenzie have resided for the roger part of their lives in this district. it will doubtless be a gnat change to thew to take up town tire. but hotll feel that they have done their •share. of hatrd work incidental to fanning. and that it is now time for a ebange. May proslwrity go with thein to their new horue' ALCOHOL is almost the worst thing for consumptives. Many o the "just -as -good" preparations contain as much as 20:. of alcohol; Scott 'se 'mulsion not a drop. Insist on having Scott's Emulsion r,la :441.14 BY ALL Uatlt391 ra AUBURN. (I -H t'ULI'MBIA R.E1)CF:o.tK AT14 .IA # Tet•, 1 i.UVH I. 11 F4fl(.—Alllong who took in the Io*lerich In - Exhibition today were Mr. \h . E. Phillips.. Ed. Hrlwig, tan -on, Will Mel►onald. Alf. insyn. 11-11"-- K11„x, Mi.. Mary afterwards they visited a rauturier of r4*'„r:,. 311s. Ag4ie Ladd. John their old friends here for a short time. it+• . Mi.. I.ivingutnte has been meet- -rt:17*.0 1'1.1NTo. t'oNyINTInN. i int( will gaud success at the fairs this .1 -.t vt Epaaol1h Leagues. from I fail with her painting's end other work. tiiing.• *hove to Clint on last %Ved-1 F. Nletcnit' was • jiutgI(e� is •fruit 1•,y 'miming to attend the district at the Lucknow fair last'Thursday. ,,.th League and Sunday school I but the ditties :N judge of knit this rxnti..a., '1'hny attended the tanrn= year are very light 1:ro.`Powell 1111 'Imo() au.1 evening .essiuns 1 alas the defendant in a fruit case at \ , two tit 111 s term r t Monday and n that hr a r one o .. 'c on .I n p 1 to traa to ( 1 odrrl is „lie ,nd profit. the aaldres.es in- witnesses who were up with him were int mil the hospitality of theRohn. •Sloan and J. 1', 1. A. .tui, pw•:pie unbounded. The patty I Hatihiek, of I,ucknow, is engaged as adell \Iaase, Pearl- and Mev Imo. ckrk at the C'omnterciel hotel here. It. Mesa \1a14•I,Ell att,.Mrs.Naylor, ' hiss A. White. of 1Vo.Hlst0(k, .ea Ferguson, .lecksou Robinson, who has )wen visiting'her sister. Mrs. les and tau lor. Miss Frratt • was C. Spofford. t et urned to her hone led third vice-president of the dist Monday of this week - Division Court war held in Inde+tit HNII 111 n 11314001:4—Il.'.ut:.tv1•:i.r.. ---- %V.' quote. the following troll► Thr IliTlley Ex- press of September '1'Snd: '•Iteorge Brook.. jr.. was united in m:u•riage today 1 ,Vrdnrtduy.'21.t, to 31 iss Ruth Haikwell, daughter• of \Ir. and Mrs. {I Jae. I(L.l-1,wcll, of the Iroundat p'. The a r - reretnony to..k place at. the home of \\ EDAt:41)AV. Sept. :Nth, day of this week..ludge Hutt Iwing fn the bride at tt1 s, to in the presence ir;ty - Xrvi r:'. - -Rev.. R. A. Miller charge. There were I hn r cases. but of about lift c guests. The , errtdonv -called away lest,Thursday to at• it did not take long to finish then'. VI -14 pelf nmetl by Rex. 1:. W. d the fi:m nil of Ste eietet:-in-law at M Nw J Daimon visited her si. Karry nsall' . Mt. Mins is the new istaot in the office of ,the Sterling rk :are, as successor to Mr. Bun- ^• who took a pt. sition with the ,axe Bank.., North:in Murch spent t week with hj,, uncle. Fred Match. Tinton Mr., \Ir and \lie, benefit of the advrrtiaemenl, as this oaulda Pfeffer visited friends at week he sold five birds. t, distant viattrk and Buffalo recently , points that would never hove heard '•.Mod Mrs. Lough, of 1-ancotivet, BI of him except by seeing the birds at ore visiting at Mr. Emotes. Mr. Toronto. •hath AAF f,u•ii.rtlt principal of the mon pi.l,iie and ma d 1 schoolsA POSITIVE' (URI? 't. �h. H;,,ll r attended a Sund:'c , FOR INDIGESTION. .�rol%la�o a2a4.:44./ Groot GB.i�Pa $42.I5 F}tom GODERICH 1't Vancouver Westminste r Victoria Seattle Tacoir,a. Wash. Portland, Ore. SEPT. I5th to OCT. 15th Ccmfortable, C. 1 e a n. Pleasant Tourist Cars. The Canadun Pac!fic only direct louse .---_e thbut change - For tickets apply to JOS:. h1I)1). ,1tgetlt, tiodt;reth. A CFIANCE TO SEETHE NORTH - COUNTRY AT SMALL COST t ilk. ,,L' ltlyrlhr f .tor.• anti ter,"entr rot twat an otiportuttita • ereita lt,r great p,=,Ihil,,ir- •.i ll., • Ninth t'ountry. a.3n :• cot :d• exoU,'5irina " 44')44 a• ri.'. October .3 and 4 its, the foll,w;ng low rates fi'oui (iIUEIW♦..'lI - To CO'CH1tAN E ENGLEHART.... ... HAILEYBURY .•IEW LISKEARD • - • .•Ijlt.00 Ptulwt•til,4*ate 1- a t'.' a d "their- points-- T , True°.- Lamitsg amid . of 'rt•aade will show the -visitors the tarots, etc. • Retcrri limit Ocher 15th, 1910. Hunting Time is 44. wing near. Ask Agent . about the Hunters' ellcur- • pion. • Secure tickets ; ttd.full panni. n :.. is froze F. F. LAWRENCE, I'p-town (i. T. R. A;;rtrt. Ooderieh. Ut k ' b,,urs I1.31' a.tn. to U p.m. Or address .1.' D: '(IellossLD. U. 1 . A., l�. T. It...Toronto. I:H:ri ItN • I ARE. $14•SS 411.70. • Sto:g5' • ,4�Ir,AG� i .t r . of Ripley.' ' Mr. and ' Mrs. -- in Citadel ich over Sunday We :, • e Hruoks left on the 2 o'clock train on, a glad to report that Mrs. C. si•,tt.+i.I. wedding toot tet Detroit and other who has been NO seriously ill. i• 1,44 Amer i,•in cities.he Express wishes in a fair way to recovery . . John the happy etnllple a jr-ani pruspet- l'ownev, who had poultry at the large oat. voyage through 111..” fairs this year. is now getting the M,NKtt--FIN!..tYsnN. Mr. and Mrs. Dittman Finlayson _ returned last rhursday, frim Detroit. *here they had..been attending the marriage of th.•ir daughter \lary .1. to Dr. \Lucien L. diner. who is on the atAN `of the Copper (l,lfen•hp.pital at Higbee, .!ri• aline.' The mar t•isge to.)k place -at the res.dena a of the brides sister,. Mrs. Reit. 1►etroit, on Wednestley. the I Ith inst. Mr end Mrs. Mini r are at Present on .a wedding torr to New }'ort: and other cities and will snake their future home in Bisbee, where \Ire. Miller had for snipe time prev i• **sly acted as sat wtia,iendewt of the elrote-unentioned hospital., The many friends of the bride in this section wish the happy ronplc "1x04* voyage' for the remaining port of their liyee on this mundane sphere. llnittY.NllTI04.—Mimi Rebecca Fin- lay son has left in order to take charge of a Surgicel case in the 1Vinghani hospital \Iiti \I and McKenzie. of Detroit. is visiting lit her father'.., 1►. N. McKenzie'a1, 12th concession Dan K. McKenzie, .Innior, has re- renthz `Wined the I unknow Pipers' Hand, Dan: when he dots the kilt*', will thoihlleoe with his atalwart form present the aspect of :, pica High - binder Duncan Matheson• who i4 attending the Goderich Collegiate in- stitute. spent the end of the week at his-,Jannle in this aertion . .. Mas. Fitzgerald and Non. of Kincardine. and Miss (;haniley, of %Vawanneh, are visitors at the home of 31r. and Mr.. .Ise. Itohh I'..atal Jimmie who is Rains( »wound with an unusually bright and joytnis air the lest few weeks, is now composing a little ditty entitled "11'e Are Living in the I.11,d of the Free” Mrs. (Rev.) K. Mc- Donald, of Kincardine. i*' !Tending as few days at the home of Mrs. K. Rows, 2nd enneearinn. Hilton Rev. K. McDonald. Kineardine. preerhed in the AsAfleI4 Presbyterian church 'sat snnday evening to a large eongt•ega- tion. heel convention at Zurich on Sat ui n - .,'111e stork left a thriving ,Ly tiny at the home of Mr. and 31re. •,,, Dawson last= week ('hwrles 1f you have inn/Oration, your d foo ferments in the stomach and bowels. tilled of 1lemilton, 11:44 secured an It dors more: it decays, and the nntri- Ter,,s ter the ruble.AA bathtubs Mis, tions twitter which shOolil go (0 make t-rwt- l nfkt in this locatit) At pr•ee- 1 new Mood decays *}t1i 'M. And thl' nt .. Filling silos 1e the order of , bads to an impoverished condition of :e day in this neighMn1.00d. John i the blood. (.onervoueness, hilliou+(teas. ming has secured ail entire outfit for, constipation, sick headache. bed t^t Inn pose and is attending to that I hrtath which diegult*' your friends, u,inesa in this locality.... The an and other disagreeable and unpleasant unl sl ''e,iog of (he Auburn branch of 1 conditions. • 6e Bible Society will he held in the And all this trouble ie caused by the Methodist church here on the :tett of food that doesn't digest, but ferments klnl.er, Rev. Mr, Haasatd. the , and ofttimes rots in the stomach. 'Rent, is to deliver en address ;roti And fermentation to cawed by the Ilustrate the tame by 'une:ans of a' stomach not being strong enough and magic lantern 11iIsabella Mc- energetic enough to t'Ftoroughly mix itenzie. of !fest \Vxw•;t bosh, who 44 the food with the digestive juices.•uHrring from paialysia. is not re- •111i-c-na it respunsitle for tens of 'riveting as speedily as her friends thousando of cures. In fact, it is such a'•'i14 trial". irl foci she is getting s „ostrve yore m irrdfRtstit+►* wttd weaker• if ilaything. .. It it rumored i stomach trouhlfee that it is guaranteealld that the Ill'.th 1.lsphone system, , by E. R. Wigle to cure or money hick. which airsick our village last week, The price of a large Mrs of Mi-na was refu.ed admission to the 1'. P. R. tablets is :r0 cents, and they arc sure station... . The flahing season is Stillto pr ptly relieve the worst race of in force. here and some very fine black indigestion or gm-tritil. 11 them. I:,ra base been caught at the bridge 4 o4) Two of the inhabitants of - — —� Iblistice were passing along the hake Shore road. one remarked, 'This rail- wav reminds toe of Isaac, when his father Abraham was going to offer him a aaerihrP : ' Here is the wood, the knife, the fire. but where is the Iamb'''' Heie are the ties, ,hi' rails, the roadbed, hut from whence cwt.!' p. ,n: h.ti.. Croup. Ca+gilts and Colds er the e)ertlicit y "Never mind, the . other Tpe,yt,n remarked, "the rewident i r':. C.o4 .e4 ruarsnt.ed kv of the cute.•!„ colo ran) is a expert F R. W time:, north side of ti.liaare, inTailwaj matters' - ()oderieh. 7 _ — Ovearas MiCN-amt) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Family Remedies Thi trademark stands for all that is best and purest in fancily remedies. There, are no secrets about Nya}'s Remedies --no impos- sible " cure-alls." The trade- mark stand for • open and square dealt Nyal Remediel\mean no mys terious nostrum, but pure ingredients compounded with scientific accuracy. There's a Nyal Remedy for every ordinary ailment—very similar to what your own physician would prescribe. We know the formulas of an Nyal's Remedies -- know ex- actly what'. In them — you may know and your doctor can know too That's why we cheerfully recommend them. s Aibythtss /M (.oe sllt� t4• Maw Shooting COM MENCEs October 15th ,.Mast partridge shooting , the line mirth of Parry nml, open season f Oct, 15th to Nov. 15th Moose are plentiful 'tit•. tween Bellwood Jnnction and Ilowganda Junction. !)pen s,'►!of from Oct. 15th Deer bunting commences Nov. 1st. For details a, to favored locations and al useful information, write Pasren- Low -Urp.utment. Canadian Northern Building, T o r- out,. Onto lo. FITWELL HOTS '4(',1111t0ii Gll1J@l. 77777ii^I 3- Enough. better, than the average to• command immediate attention. More Style, more Quality and more Comfort` than you evc; knew, before at moderate° cost. FOR SALE BY McLEAN BROS, Sole Agents A Continuous Exhibition Our exhibit Of 'Fine Furniture at the Gotlerich ►str+a1 -_ :, hihltio ' whictl \v;.'• admired by -. • so -many, \vas hut an index„of,the-Wide rttngr. of select Furniture which we;havestock. The exhibit at_our store is open too all on every lawful day of the week. Call and see it any time. 1 No need to go .past this store if' \ oat .11 . lot/king for elegant •Filrnitlire. Georges Johnston Furniture and Undertaking The Square, l.1 a 1 1 1, It. /eld aaad gwaraMsaat by F. 1 Bl1TLAND. S E 141CK, H. . DUNLOP, F. R. WIG GOUERiCH TIANTI OYAL TRIPLE SCREW TURBINE STEAMERS ANOTHER ATLANTIC RECORD The "1 nyal Fdwna,t' ha. hiatrn all competitive record.' by a honey minutes. completing the voyage from Bristol to Quebec in days, 20 hours P =i`li 0 Fall and Winter d The •'notal Edward' -and •'Royal George- are the newt toxiniouNly emiip``led anti favtest. steamers on the Cantonal* mote,.) Europe. �nilingN frons Montreal and llriehec to 41* iNtol Fortnightly. Apply 'Local Bt •amahip Agent, ur• H. C. Bomber, General Agent, '1'11 Motu. Elliott Business College TORONTO. ONT. (liven its .indents a training that LE. t carrion with it the stamp lir "Bnperior a fly.” Write to -day for huger itaingt.e. With Fall cotnee the queiltion of Oar Winter comforts. One of the principal things about the house is the cook stove, heating . stove or furnace. ."°4 THE COOK STOVE We handle the world -wide -known II nppy '!'bought Range,which ie in 0 .!lace by itself. It will do more cN, ,king and Mastlessfuel in a given time than any other range: on the inarket. \V.' ialso'have ether makes of ranges at very low prices and full, guaranteed. 4 The market. _HEATING STOVES' __ Radiant, Home is the -most economical beater•. on the (Calla see it, O HOT AIR, HOT WATER aid STEAM 1Ve handle all the most up-to-date F'urn;,ces and Boilers on the market: I.et us figure your job. - Plumbing. Electric !firing and 'Transmitting prhniptly ,!tented t o end ,all work tully gnar,anteeiI Portland Cement always .on hand. Dors your chimney give you tronhle? if so, see our new improved Bell Ventilator and Chimney Cowl. 1t does away with a,high stack on your chimney. Now is the time to see to your roof before the rola weather. \V,. handl: the Canadian .)ohne-Manville Hoofing. made front pure LakeTrinattatl asphalt. no cotnpo.itiona which deteriorate under the actions of the weather. Phones . ' CHAS. C . LEE Store 'Phone 22 Dose 'Phone t r 2 11