HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-29, Page 8r.
s 'rttaitt:st\•, MZPtleMinn }►p, IYIU
Receipts One Hundred Dollars better
than Best PreviousRecord Some
Suggestions Aiming at Still Greater
Success for the Exhibition,
Treasurer Bingham furnishes Thr
Signal with the Toll .wing statement
of the gate and grand/timid receipts at
the tioderich industrird Exhibition
last week
time, tirassbartal.
Mannar ex -erase
Tuesday aftenu.,u ti t1.U1, :1Fr
.weslnt' .112.4. :+11,,t,
Writhe -day a1_
st, part • ti txs 1 ,
:Total ' il. 1
The Lest peeriotls record of gate and
Rrandstund reeei,tts wax that of the
year )8411, when the receipts were
41,2P1,73, This was the sear when
Broncho John and his Wild West
Show made such 11 tremendous at gar
tion. Robert gelatin wits the piesis
dent of the exhibition then, .and it
was not without Willie pardonable
pride that he saw 'his score remain ,tt
the top for sir Many years. "Bob's"
record is broken at .Last. but it look
twenty years to du it.
The receipta for Die dust night 1/t
the fair. although they were consid•
• et•ahly largea.-tnis year than usual,
sawn,' to to much 'smaller titan they
should be. Thiel should be he night
on which a special effort should he
trade to bring out the townspeople by
en attreetive program. if h formal,
opening of the exhibition could he,
arranged for the kit night. with
some.person of prominence to open
the fair with a brief address, the ex-
pense will be very little greater and
with the hand music and the grand-
stand performance the program ought
tae attract a. gook proportion of the
townspeople. •
At any rate. a greater effort should
be made to attract n eruwd the first
night I. advertiwing-thw-progralifTOF'
the evening. Nobody (outside of the
exhibition ofttt•ers) knew fol' sure
what was to take place the first night
of the fair last week, and uv people
stere sure of a f 1T-progranl on Tues. -
day must Of them waited tar the sec-
ond day. We suggest Sla the dire c -
tors shutild publish and diet l•ibute
progratnd fir emelt day, so that beu-
pie would know what to expert. If
they hail'known hist week whet a
gore! program was to he put on the
first evening, the at1,•ndan.•e might
have been much larger.
This leads to the suggestion that
the publicity end of the fair should re-
ceive a much greater shale of atten-
tion than it lute of bite years. Why
not arrange for special• trains nut cif
town. at least oil the evening of the
"hig day. • tt arconineelnle visiti)rs
from the inland towns? 'rhe way to
make the fair bigger, better and
stronger is to extend the territory
trout which it draws its support, and
the only way to do this is through a
vigorous publicity campaign.
The Signal renews the suggestion
made last y.'r, that a <perial effort
should be made to secure exhibits
from all' the local noiusfeet (rees.
thelerich can put up a prett y . credit -
aide range of home-mamlfari tired art-
icles. and a ••\l.ule-itethtter11•it' ixht-
hitios would ie a .p411(141 way 1/l' lid•
yertising the town as stn industrial
In an article on the. fruit exhibit
in this issue. the writer makes the
.NRKi•stinu 1 1111 1 .leant pt•17.r•+ be
offered for appb s parked (1/r• export.
'fila` is wr11tlty the mesion' cnrlsider;t-
tfnn of Ihe.lireeturt. The apple exbi-
bit has always herrn One of i he lout=
ing features of the 1;,s1e1'1e11
Another hint - and this w ill be 11.e
last for tide time -is that it new tend
tel 1 shouldbe i i
Ire a run 1 and ,
v Med.
The 1i,slerich indiiitiiIal 'Exhibition
has rt future before it if the Ipportnrf
ities fur growth and sodvan•rntent are
seized am they appear. A gist! start
has been made, and .the people ..f the
town and iownehips, we believe, will
stand by the directors in nicking Mi-
lker wham -es
• First -prize Sweet Peas. '
A. Curzon-. of lllserieh township,
took first prize. for sweet peas in the
Amateur .lass. Mr. ('urian infcrrnw
'flee Signal that these flowers were
from seed of n special strain of sweet
peas that took fleet prize at 11 flower
show in London, England. Mr. Cur-
zon takes a gees* interest in the fair.
especially in the hnrtleoltnutl ,tad
gelds", classless. r
The -Half -Holiday Proclamation:
'I'll.• rnerrhants fa good many of
them, at any rate) did not Ink*. kindly
to,the pt•.a•lamntion .)1' a heilf•holiday
, on the merond day of the show. This
is always the (lay of the largestatteu-
dance'h ., when 1 Nene n1c lir town
trotn n cmw is the count neighboring
r) a1/d netgh using
town.; and villages, and the merclttnts
say, not without reason, that it world
not do to .'hut up the stones and give
these visitors nn opportunity of doing
some lehop ing while they are in
town. Beside, the rnerehants believe
they do petty well by the fair in
contributing desist prizes, ntaking'i
exhibits, sir., without (wing oltl'grd toy
give up one of the Leel husioess slays
of the year for the email advantage it
would ie to the fair to hats,. the stare's
closed. A gond many o1 the 1111 1-
ehauts refused to recognize 'the pros,
lantation and kept theirwtrsrlst-ma•".
Missed Three Fairs Since Oleg.
11 a prize were littered for the low: -
record of attendance at the fair it
would surely not go peat' our oil
friend \ir..luhn Bochum', of 1'....on,
who has been et1endin the G.slerirh
fair miner. 11411. In r.ixip•six years he
has mimed only three Marl, t)1/,. year
he we. in'held(' Country. and some.
Ihirg out of the, ordinary 'mist have
kept him away the °the: Iwo yr,(re.
Mr. Buchanan was a young roan when
he Bret attended the fair. He had
shortly before arrived from Newland
and it was just at the time of the fair
in 1844 that he catne to Gndetich an.t
commenced his long actuaintence
with this town sad neighborhood.
Though be is now nearly eighty-eight
yearn of age. he still practices same of
the good farthing wily* he learned in
old Scotia. and particularly he ile-
lieVem that Canadian farmers have
something to learn of the OA Country
In methods of gru(vintl 1ernip+. Mr.
fillehuu•tn has soulethate to hart; 111111
up ill Ilia belief, tor the 11r.t•prizr
turnips et the fair last .seek ere'
raised by him ••u the Palati t : his sun•
in-law, .lex. Voting. Alt% Huchait iii
likes to t onfiuIr rrcuram, and if tiny -
kitty a
body has n last ler reefed .it u t embitter
at the titsterith 1-4 he would like to.
bear of it through the'rohull11s of The
Some Notes on the Display at the (;ode'
rich Fair Last Week.
Going to Ali.. ahuost total failure
of the apjitn Crop this sta.nn the rx•
titbit of ;tildes at the IMtlet'ie1, Indus -
r ' arm was fat-- two,h.-lt.w u.-
l- •
other years in the uumfw, spell -
(f wl
ureas on the tables. and Mevrral of Ili.*
.*..tions un the pt•ihr Iia west:: nut
represented at all. However, if lite
apples we)r larking in t►eteutwr 1)11•
ynality of the fret teas yvitr wlhnl to
that of utLri c.,ir•. Irak' -in size and
in general a1Natiutinee. This wits
lathe; a surprise tu m an 1 y tore
+•' '
,vhn,came fully prepared )o. • r a aett
Indifferent sh•twing, Indeed. the
genet n1 belief appeared t, la• then uta
ing 10 the tuihue of the slop thei.'
woidd not Is.- ebougi fruit thisyear
t'' nock•• a.b •(vii exhibit. Th.,. who
..1 SW111isel tilt" •trgeeeubly .line 1,
pointed. -
1•'olly niete-tenths t,l' 'Ihr fruit wit,
raised its the township. .of (i/altritI,.
which goes t.. .how the Ndnp:nTality
of the soil of, that township for Trutt
raising and the high •iatr of rultiaa
tion ;ming the , 1t•luu•dista their.
%VINi now' will bil% te.t h. -Iia rdihuud to
soy that no good thing can come nut
of (ioderleh Mon -thin :'
Altogether three -were bill plates of
apples, including, three collection of
ten y'atie*ies.1 six .'oll,rtiot*N of six
varieties (cooking) thr'e'e eoileciions
of six varieties (entered as dessert).
making in all twelt•e'cnittrtitns. This
nuwrwr of collections has eiddom hero,
surpassed and they gave -the judges
all they wished for to decide which
wind get - the uutrh-cnvettad prize
tickets. Mans of the specimen--; were
y et} &te and of Ruts many -the I tnrh-
,'sn, Alexander, Blenheim and, Ilutariu
Ili pears there were two rllllet•t.ion•+
of six and ten of three vat ieties, Iw•
yi.It'N the single plates. As went" they
were rather hl icing in color, owing tri
the• fact that. they wet., not in stili' on.
Solite enormous Dirt let to were
shown, else, s • very tine- ('lupp's,'
Sheldon, Bose, ('1 iirgruu and Beut're
Die). -
Plums filled only seventeen plates
but were good +jreitnen+t-esp-efally-
some fuse Niagara and Ilold.n I):'op.
Grapes were awpresented by the
small, ni)ntber of eighteen plates, with
only one caller(- of four sari"ties.
This is rather different from the ree-
std of other years when the grape' ex•
habil was line of tilt. leading I. -atilt..
of the fruit show: We missed the t•x-
hihit of our t'et.,-.lt grate eilltnrist.
W. \1'arnnrk, who, owing to the ac.•i-
dent t hat befell hint a Yeast weeks ago.
wail unable lot snake a coljeet wig \V.
were pleased, -however, to tee that Mr.
\\'arnork ws. able to attend the
show, wti`ea.• be has been for yetisi a
prominent figure. Sonia very fitly
Niagtr:a and snnte-gootl sp'•rimens of
the hedger kinds were included in the
display of gist.',
Peaches asses" lioiitrd to only three
pJa1r's • of the leazgerahl variety.
'1'1•y were very tempt-ing specinm•n.
A new Veriety.sf fruit known as the
militated hnrkleberly was ahnwn
lite the first time, and was 111111.1 ad-
wiiri'1. possibly (it•rmife ii ens static-
thiughew. It lei fruitthat. i+ va111-
,tb1i: only lar preserving. purpoites,
'1'h.• nuno•nse pus.ibilifieN of the
county of Huron Np n fruit -raising
1,111 r., perhaps unsurpassed by any
of her county in Qntario-Jot' the beano v
,end the keeping finalities of its apples,
suggest the Wet ti. -.t ti,.',', should be
some :unlit het to the prize (tat of 'our
, exhibit i Is t e• m s)ae n giv-
zht tion t e t a f 1
ing encouragement 1 o growers to
shoo` their (Slit in orbarr,ls f.,ir
export• With the lati�y�earrta�tr'itb
weedy ander •nllivatine .mn1.1 r ,'x•
1en'i' "refunds now twinjr7abted,
it i+ hal n fi11rstioi of •hurt time
when the pr,snction will be materi-
ally iurreas,d and pretsprrt've hnyers
will r • hire toaernre business, 1\'e
simply offer the hint t o the dit+'clot•s
a11t1 suggest dist s,tbslnntial ptizes'he
riven for fruit parked for export on
the next prize 11.1. Th..systette is not.
:1 . new one and we l relieve is carried
of very successfully . r a
s r 1/r stall • 1/t other stir wa
s )
hot h heir and on the ie her side of f he
liar. _
host Manufactures,
.i :Ogre, - work, D1t's Powell,
til) 11 : bread, preserve" and pastry,
11x+.1 Hilt, Carlow,.nnd Alts 1V 11111,
S Juhustun, Mr* J Si Howrie; lathe's'
lutndkerchiets, initials or inotiolt'a,na,
Mrs .1 . Ilowrir, .Urs AIex.,M.O4rrell:
hard:tiger or Norwegian, Delia Sy-
trtingttai, Mrs Andrew Johnston; vr•
1letlall, 1►t•lin Sp. -1.41 ton, Mrs Ana
drew '',l(ihustirti; lace stitcher, Mrs
Andrew Johnston, i)elia Symington;
mode) n truss atiich, Mrs Andrew
Johnston, Delia Symington; 1VaHae11•
ink, Mr. J S Howrie, Mrs Andrew .
Johnston; ' rtti ti, M J Fnwler,Delia
Symington; collate and cuff sot, any
kind, Mrs Alex M;eCarrull, M' .1 F'ow
Ire, pillow top, Mounttuellick, II
Wm'51'Cr,ntII, John FowIei
.•r1 sofa cushion, eyelet, H L -Wetmore
.Mrs 1 S Howrie; cushion for der. Miss
E fhwhitnan, ,tris Alex Mi('i, ol: an
bolting cloth, 11 J Fowler, Delia Sy•
miigtot: sewing, hand made intik.** 4'
shirt waist, original design, Mrs '.1. S
Howrir, M .l Fowler; plain hand sew.
•fag, M J Fowler: sewing. hand.. mantle_
ladies' underclothing, Miss E Borba.
nam; fancy pin cushion, Delia Syming-
tun, MISS E Buchanan: gent's shirr.
linen front, hand • made, Mira S H
Johnston; Rent'm..hilt, flannel, mach-
ine fatale, Mw Johnston, Miss E
Huchanan; -plain hemstitching; H 1,
Wettu.n, Misr E Bnehannn; twelve
buttonholes, 'Mrs+Johnston, ,
n 1
Fowlst, datninK•straight.biased and
three cornered. NI .1 Fowler; mending.
Mrs S H .lohtt.tnu. \i ,1 1',iwler: mend-
ing Delia Symington, '11 .1 Fowles:
kitchen apron, Mrs Attdrew
Ston, 1115 te It .1nhn.ton. Gutsy /11111/11,
Mrs Andrew Johnston, Mass M II Join)•
Atom: point Efts", Miss E Hush utas.
Airs J S Howrie; Huniton tare, \i J 1
Fowl.'', Delia Symington.; i►nehrss
leer,; 'MT s .Andrew •Ii.atten-
ttui•g tare; M I Punier, Mrs J S How
sir: knitted lace Itltteadf Delia Sy-
mington. \tri+ J S Howrir: tatting,
Mrs Andrew Johnston, Jlrr! J S How -
rie;:drawn thread work, doilies, Delia i
Symington, Miss E Hurhenan; drawn
thread work, centre piece, Delia Sy.
inington, M J Fowler. -
1.11F'Fltylir, HRI•'.11). -
Hnnee-„site preserves. Mrs Alex
MacCerroll, Malcolm Mcdday; Peaches,
Mrs S 'H Johnston, Mrs Andrew
Johnston. Mrs 1 8 Hewrie: su•aw-.
iwt•rie's, Mrs I S Howrie. ,Nairobi,
McKay, Mrs S H Johnston: rasp-
berries, Mrs Alex Mac('arndl, Alva
.1 S Howrie: Plumps, Malt'oint NeFoiy,
\!re JS Howrir• S;-11Murningstar: Penes,
Mrs Andrew Johnston. !Malcolm Me•
Kay, Mrs -Alex MacCarroll; Cherries,
Mrei,Alex MaeCarroll,'l'has A Wella:
Cit,rnn, Mt-, Alex Nar('Crroll; l/tiin'e,
Ms Key, $M. 'ringsta., t).vid
Pestis”: Apple Sallee, Meg. Alex Mae -
Carl 011,- Maieolni McKay, Mrs A E
Matheson:Jellies. Malcolm, 111e-Kay,
Sirs. J S Ijliwrie, Mrs Alex Mxr('arft'lll:
Mixed Piekles, Ws Alex Mini'arroll,
('has'A Wells, Delia Svntinglon: Lav,
_er Cake. Mrs S 11 Johnston, Mrs A
E Matheson: twelve -tea biscuits, A .1
Goldthorpe, 1V ,E Unrnin. Alis 1 s
Howl ie: culleet ion of pies, :1111.4 A E
Matheson: fancy tarts. Uro 1%' And-
rews): oat cakes, Mos Alex Maci.'arrnll,
Mr, A E Matheson: three last's
home•riutdr bread( Mrs S H Johnston.
A .1 Goldthorpe, Percy Stewart: I bre,
loaves of home-made bread, made
with baker's lop yeast or yeast cakes,
A J (ioldthortw,- \lies S 111 Johnston,
Percy Stewart; i•ollection of `sour,+.
Mrs. S H Johnston, Mrs Alex Mal--
actaarroll: collection of baking, A .I
Goldthorpe, Mrs Alex Mac -Carroll;
heat cold lunch, Mrs Alex-Alacl':u•toll,
\Irs A E Matheson.- _
It that name
is on the sack
you can buy
with confidence
liMdr• Ire` id
-aad 4:
1f LOU,
/c9„ -T-0 ECJ ii\
• TRAIN N` tot
• RUNES, ,sYIWIL• ANI,.'t iiA.1f.
Maple sugar, Mrs N H Johnston. 1V
• I'; Dnrnin; maple syrup, 1V E i)tirnin,
Mrs S li Johnston, -
I.Alrl t:.' W9Ith
Best design.,' and worked silk .guilt.
He ss
MtiE se
hanan Ih'1is Symington:
fancy quilling, Mrs S 11• Johnston,
Delia Symington; cotton counterpane,
Mt t Andre r Johnston, Delisa Spiting -
ton; -rag mat, Delia Symington, Mrs S
H Johnston; cotton hath towel, M J
Fowler; rag carpet, Miss E 1lnrhanan:
fancy wool Mhnwl or cape, Delia .My•
ntington, Mrs And: (dr iohnetcn
coarse wool sucks, teas.' Salkeld; fine
wool an.ks• inane Salkeld; plan, silk
mitten., She .1 Howrie; 1h•IiN,Yynting-
ten; plain weedgloves, Deli" !lvming•
tort„lease Salkeld: driving gatilltlet.,
Isnar Malk.•trl: (Alley wool ntitt.ns,
I)eli,t yiningt.)n, is,ai_. tialk.•t.i tea
room slippers. Miss E Hnrhnr>u,, Mrs
S 11 Juba*, on; fit ..'itintot , 31,s tin•
drew Johnston, NI .1 Futile,: eotinier-
pane, Delia Symington, Nils .I S How-
'1'nhtrlinen to whirr, 11 I. I'Vetson,
Mot It 1\' Poe; live o'clock ten .lath in
linen, Mrs Si 11 Johnston, Mrs It 1V
Pee, tire a etiek ten cloth in -silk, Mrs
I S Ilowrir, M .1 Pewter; table ventre
!dere amt six doilies nn linen, Mrs .I et
}few' ie, Mrs Andrew Juhnstnn; table
doilies In linen, Delia fty,nington, Mrs
Andrew Johnston: sideboard scarf
any kind, Delia Symington, Mrs .1 M
Iohnelon; tea cosy, Ars .1 S liowrie,
Mrs Alex McCarroll; shadow work,
Are Andrew Johnston; eyelet shirt
waist, Mrs Andrew Juhust.ou. Mrs •1
8 Huw,de;'"web,, monttgrauta, Mrs .1
Fine Arts
Judges -Mins Griffith. and Bev \t
PIttiVENSit)N.t I. i:I$T--(llt.r.
Landscape, lost, that prize by \Vit•
mer Smith, a painting, Geo E Hargis t:
marine, (ire F Hargitt. Evelyn Hay-
den; Animals from life, Geo F Hargitt,
Evelyn Hayden: Estill life; Evelyn
Hayden, Geo F'Hai gat: Figure front
life, Evelyn Hayden Mist and second.)
PRiIFFSS►tINAL Leer--w.t'rRR ,,lLORt+
Landscape, local see
ny, M 1 Fn
ler, tiro F Hargitt: illarine from life,
Geis 1' Hama' I llrst and second): still
EvesTyit Hayden, E Fraser: best
drawing in water colors, E Finset),
Gen 1' lineal,t;' Inndsrape, ,not local,
E Fraser, Geo 1' !larva t; figure, E
Frnae't•, Evelyn Hayden; Animals, (leo
F Hargitt, AI .1 Fowler: 'footman.
any sit Nerd, Evelyn Hayden; E Fraswt
AN.1TEl'll' 1.1.7• -01l.s-OtlIetIN.tl, ton
Landsrnpe, lural 'object, Mrs J C
Oriffin: uoe•ine, .Mrs J (' Griffin 2nd;
figures, Mrs J C (ariffln, Mr. S H John-
ston; Mrs Griffin took wizen for glow -
ere, fruit inanimate object, e t pe; t, original,
any subjeet; landscape, any ,anbject. .
fn land snaps„ marine etel.enimals,
Mrs .1 C Griffin .took let, Al J Fotv'i•
lad; 1D .1 Fowler won lint in the fol-
: figures, flowers, fruit, innni•
,telt. 11111.1.111, original (Intal snhjeetl
uu,ttorhissme, any subje.t (uriginnll
monochrome. nny .,inject Imps),
Mingle piece. -Mrs TT; Griffin _nti;
three plates, Mrs j (1.GrifIln, Mrs J S
Howrie; collection, Mrs J'C Urif1'1n,
WOOD call VINO. .
Belief carving, Mrs. J C Griffin, 2nd.
Life study, charcoal, Evelyn. Hey -
den : from the rase, rheecoal. Evelyn
Hayden; figure, esaynn, Evelyn Hay -
dem, Mrs .I tl Howrie; any melded.
. rayon, Eveh•n Hayden ; pen and ink
sketch, 11 .1 I+'uwierr,Q Evelyn Hayden.
PRNMANt11I1' AND (1HAWINII li\' 1•I'-1'1Ln
• OF' rm'()(r1F.si. . _
Writing, i11. class pupils, Tim -air
Atrt)nnald, linty Stoddart: w•rftino,
IV% elites pupils, ,Iran Nairn, 31argm•.t
1'11111 : drawing,' I\'. ekes pupil•,
Ernest Porter, Cockburn Heys writ -
ingg: commercial etas.,, G. C. 1., l' It
Washington. Allena Clark.
A Florida negro erased nigh rnr•+iin,•
ran Amick while at eh,hrh, kille.l
three people, wounded three "the -r:•
nue eommitted sui'iii.. 'There .ans
method in his tn:uh,ess. First he shot
his mother•in•law, then, in the titan s'1'
ing order, the parson. the m•;,lnis,,
his wife, his sister.in-law, the police -
'nen, end finally himself. 'fhe.".reps
of the choir was probably due to an
Kisses are wo,•Sh their face value in
any Market..
L i1tlsit "ashy.
COor Variety
These are
the five
feature.* of
fist( it pays to use these worid-tit e i 1 k e, , e s
HE1-DINU'S SILKS are uusurpaa.*rd. hong rrcut-
nired ■s the World's Standard.
They find that BELDING'S SILKS are .0 Ni claim. by
Take.furinstance, the ioportaul question of color resist y.
Not a shade is asked for, but we run
supply il--aimpl, berau.*e w.' -pare
'no effort or ra.peuse to enmure our
having adaaurr knowledge of all
novelties. -an.l immediately at new
shade i• kuua.it it i.* incorporated
in our line. •
Belding, Paul & 'Coe
71 Bay Street
.a+Y r.•:,r tirade, fur tint
of rr.,niu,o., .•r write
am t„r rarlic,,tar..
1 I
1f sht,es ,litter ;tt
an)' particular pointIt IS Iii k�rhin!' tllt•ii
quality depends up-
on good lasting, or
the stay the Father
1!t tit-etdlted t down
around` the last, and
time given for..the
shape • to. become
permanent., 4
invictus Shoes
;ireelse rushed 1
rt sed at
any Stage, and prove
themselves by re-
taining shape ' until
worn iMil. -
• \VM. 51-IARMAN
Cotner East St,r. t and '•yu...,• t.UU$RI
Funeral Directors
and Embalm
Orders carefully attended to
it all haus. night or day.
,Undertaking rareroona
Win, 'Ids Kquare tiodertrn
1444444) i!O
rpt nest meeting
' I 1
lu.titute well tr
Nhs• A. 44t't. 'got ul
Ia3th, t:1.1)hc
plat )la.ssto o I l t mud L1
ter. 'I'hmivai
i.•y 11x1,^tut-uta
'Alpitanstin :t 1t. ('u
T Yltk
,,,rete ahaek{. of diel
ret tl: aryl, milt'ti Irene
Trritlfr..I Pi'l
„ ,i•I s f
4 yea
1441 b•.rr
-.'wiH, 1,.•t altWl
01 the fruit f:
l li...'asun.
111' 1..1 5. •J..IIN
;,•u draft. of ,I
it'. Solar, diet
uta .t)o.ke of
who knew hit
ken ,a1 Sunday
• nett mooting.
t i'r, Agit in 11'
.,:f.d to ..1of hi
b ateitesd on 1 h+ I
A hlkld
His wain
Kato', 'I Milian
.viii(•,! It : 1 ;• hr ro
m hese -mitten
1,1 Dutigan11•
at tented.. I
atev. T - I
,i•,H t Lett s Melt
a i
It '; *,asset v
m,1•1141i1 meanies
r '1 i. •1:1,+. Ste
•.abet:, blethers
II un 11u16c, )lal
1. 5'.11re•I•.
;el fisll l uLi-11
Amateur. Photo Supplies
1t'.' r are)• everything in Photo Supplies i:iilns. Fina
Packs, Plate”. Developers. Tuning and Fixing. I'nwdets, Mr.
AIM,a nice line of
-the hest in the world. one" tried. always us,rt: Ta) one
and be convinced.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
The Square, (Ioderich. •
F. J. BUTLAND, Agent
} re
r .
L. Iwhie.44l.t.}).7 (!'•'
;(�rr� .k , a
;�`[■'f'yyiL�?��q�ritf�,�_.����� ,rt•��t1y1�'-t�.rr�1�tt`�.��; 1.
OPE7( Ana Ctn.;e.D wrrti ONE
alt0V CMENT.
I, ('o-ca'that's-
t,_ :it
ti_:It here
7'.1 .:: •:tt_ _ has a
;t;lirtia k ,r1; ,1 i, ;.i it pircitinits.
iiuurl,j,u4) ai ' (lush 4.4 j,eaiitcretii: - tubularstt�el,_-___
1:;tf:r?lc , nickel :tacit -a G(i-t:u-t lie. -12 to endure..
1/::.'.•i . 1
A handy for =
rt you' and conhf f r
� u baby.
y r
Gendron Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Toronto - Ontario
Sold by most Pint -elan
dealers. Write to as if
roar dealer doesn't
carry -diem
Illhtblirhel Annually,
Enable.. rrader'N throughout the
World l ro,11/
r drn'
wills English manufaetr,renand
dealers in each rhea of ge'od'e
Besides tieing a complete nen-
mei vial guide to London and its
.,rhsrlt.. 111e`Direetory contain.
lists of export m•'n'I'rants with
the goods they ship. and IN'
rolnnial and foreign umr►r'ti{thv!
snppl)': ste:unship Innes anise-
ed tinder the port stowhirhIY!
sail. and indicating thi MTreti
mate endings : Prieeinrinl heir
notices of leading 11snnfnrtur-
Pro, Merchants, , I.... in the prin-
cipal provinriahi.mms and in
_ilustriet centres td the united
Kingd .
A ropy of the current edition
will be fnrwardwl, freight paid.
en receipt of postal fader lot
Dealers peeking as envies ran
advertise their trill,' cards for
CI, or larger advert `rtnent•
from t:1,
The London Directory Co.
Abchnrch bane. London, E,1'.
'it. liat.an. of
this morning
N •ti the Ilu,ue Ba
qt. lluolwr. of
e.11uiwt) ti -.‘seri
-.e the village on
dr. sod 11,-. \t
'I.. \I,iI.•I Hutc1
ilyd:ti (harli.-
\' rat. pionEr
•• who took
sail Exhibit io
14 \II• F:. i'hill
u'I.aw•':i W
II• Ito.
° R " CKS
'JUb! IRY_l
to -day.
You enjoyed et package six months agoER15
They were dellr:Mus nut much more so
improvement In prncess end materials by
1n greater crispness, finer Raver. a mere
delirious quality. They are superior to all Teen It.
Mike [ test Tr, them now.
r'..,t;, 1-1.1
•' ,a Et...
1,_,t;, inti•"
t,',d.,r r.:'Iru:ng t
Epi•,ith League
attenteoa., The
Milo Nil •111",•11 a
,.1 fejt 1 that
p'; rut., ,std pl',
•111114 and the
r lilantl pe.:p a tit
itstl tdel Muesli
frit. 111+• Mabel
• es Fel us,
Its and I.anls
'I•stest'hild vice
\\ t•:lie
'ra• celled away
the f1:m sal
Hrn,all.' !dr.
assi.lent in the 1
It.ek ::rte, as su
v.". who took
Ronne Bank ...
.Tt week with':
1'. 1 IlntrUl
Ft s
Tavirtork and 1
)Ir. and 11,.. I.1/
l'./are visiting
leSiith was foetal
Clinton public a
Rev. Mt. 13tdk
*reknit conventil
baht Iioy st the
Willard of Her
ager,) for the
►'11`7 al 1t IE i n
eat . Elaine
tie dal in thi
1'nunR has secu
that purpose lir
linens in t h:
hiug meeting m
the Bible Soria
Methodist thus
Oct Mos. -Rea
agent, is to d
illustrate the
magi(' lantern
Kenzie, of 1Ve
suffering fret
Meering am t
--Look* wiwh.
weaker, if ally
that the BI. -
which struck
was refused al
station ......'I
in force here 1
Inas hate her
Istel-,-... Tt
iblisnne Were
Shore mad.
was' reminds
fabler Afire!
him a tacrifr
knife, the f
Iamb ?'• Het
the roadbed,
the electrics
other per.„„
of the 1•511wa
in 'railway to