HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-29, Page 66 'I t1,ItranAY, Sh:1•'I p (ithK 211, 191'1 - 1• 1, 1 1 TJ c t (I;t r1)ERICH ONTARIO "BACK TO ME FARM" le.yet tar from beluga rtacbed. There is little cbaoc'e to icor woDey on land 11rOclded It b wisely invested. It is the luck of ktowlt.lge et %%tier constitutes '• s good farm tbnt mutes land au m- elte Invert:neut. for the City wan. 1 here way be wome boueet land ageing, but unfurtu,utel; they have no trudewurk to distiuguish them true the oilier variety.- 'lo buy laud wlLo- VI. - Farming -The Young our act ng'It la a {nettles* wuy of purl- ing 'etre url- ing'etre lard eared mousy. As for the pl:Ottail•e•d probts, they usually bnd GREtheir way Io the pockets of the bollvatti gay C. V. tc.�o rt. agent. tearing the lovelorn a adder and wiser leen. Between. 11100 tend 1906 the averuge ((opyrlsbt, 1910, by Amerrban Preps Astro fuc•re::ae belle value of the farm land elation.) ' i -al ' in Iht' Luto11 States n s.k'Ipercent , 1 the young mal o° the tbrfesh- Between luno and 191e much of- the old of life .the qucstiou of Lintf.Jn the western part et the Missile "What shall. I do *wire m • skip', Valley doubled in talue. 'll'ith a T y sett." comes demanding an seateln of farming.that keeps up the seer. Huring, the pact fifty years 'fertllity. prices -will go blglwr niftier 91111 of the dty to the =billow.! ila. lower. • ' 1,Gi, luau n•ho otlrns'a farm has con. young 1111111 has bee° !°sistenf. Today female i ,urtnelties to put bis mune• the utr 1 11 i y con la cutin u nit Y tr o • � 4 t c h better stock nD lute Metter feu c d ambitioy nod energy and faith lu Its.) l better buildings, Ile Sus opportif/lkies pnl.:ibllities. To such men 1t offers en- t..•ttvest In.wore-bind at home or far, t equaled uploortuWtles. • , 1 tier wcaL 5 The o rt IUe of a s e farm are 'm :1 I .a h e l m tion clal •tan t fanning 1 f!o u t n dpP u m g 1 I o limited o vra o x rh.bl,ica to young the not i ed lu site Or extent. D t cx 1 t. The 11 a, I young nine with capital who Is looking • are duphcnted lu few other calling'. • IFern :uty as a profession is new. and its rnnks are still far from full., The •'oink.; fanner is not entering an over-. C ,- owde g w 1 r 1 d calling here be moat vain- 'mink; Blue with his fellows and boost prices ur.nnturaily It Orden to make +I baro I1iing. •In a{•ricuhure there nre n,otn m1,1 eeportneity for nil. -The couotry e4 throhblua'With the vitality of a new awakemrl eft.. Thepnasword is iambi - nen, and the reward is succets, ",ft Ii not the cell of money done that le turning the ambitious young man Iv- no. farm,.. A eal!lug lliat'cuil offer. • 1 ••e reward but n Onpnc•ln! one Is scnrce. - y worthy of ttie name. The chief call '•1 tie, city bus .boen the call of the dol. ,r coizLlnrd well the call of :the Vile -M 1Tir.mace! mud a dieser' pop. ::eft• n eine n f madded un1 t tae country te- ener oatter a eon inl Lite a bictr Is superior to 1•ll►at of the cety. Ile:tier tor iees\.nnel Man's Opportunity. ' Bt7iala glnNlll�wxe 1 .1. •, 1s There a Human Living; Who Can • • Build Like Birds? BirdsTare 1,y no 'mean+ 111' only creatures that Ituild nests. but it U with thein that the term nests is insuperably ('011 114 11141 They build ev-erywjn•r, and lit .•very conceivable situation, fn1a the'surfuC" of the earth and beneath it to the tops 'of the tallest tree- Everywhere they are U. be found by hint. Who knows the habits of th-'ir builders. No one. Mani examining a, bird's neat. can bete: being. ?truee with the ieauty of .iter,-tymuletry and the in- driCae•y of its structure, laid when we stop to infieldei' that It is all /line by 4wo little cer.ea►1-eaiw Stith no other ape_ pha races than their feet hitter (,1111 bilis. the latr of which- are the principal - tools towel in its eenetruetion, the woud••r is net Mom Uuttt the finished article is .o ,t•rrteet, and of such beauty. but that thee can do it ,1t all. Where is the huul:ul beim, with. all r r 'e th Gs 1 and : :1 a ihuntrk • wheel he can bring to his 1 aid. who (mold re- g 0 r antes a abode n evict tinge th a f t 1 lid ne!lei.es that build tete sivaple.t ,type of m•stP The nest -building 441 a bird is '• 1. ems u in era. . Ica 's .I a lite. and Hutu 1 Ile 11, mean, the end for which they Mein! in their- lir. hitecturn!-de+ignp, for to say that the birds .are ilitftienc. I'd by the .dears' for the Ienutlful in their' fleet -1011141111g is ,t» nttl'ihpte to there au :0 -Theft - taste ' quitted . t0 suety Is•rfertwm its tb govern the • preneatt.1 neiox of their lite.;. to the . !elusion of all ether 4'uneido rations, -went: they ere. very tar frons vomites• - ing TL.• netit. is built"rriiufsrily from -''trietly utilitarian standpoint.. and if nl the liuild,ric of it -,.net- material is worked into 11.4 cr.narurtt.,u and It is termed in each stare as, toegive it bei/u11. in our Pyre. 0 Is a emitter of aCcetelot ralh••r than denim. The 'one and utii;r »bi.-.-1 for *hie%, the. bind aim es to erect a structure in which may Is• cnhibiii'd •the gieatest au,ouni of e'eurity with t1ic. great('st- ub'l.iunt of t•oiu *,rt for them and their- »fl+pririg. - Two Strong Reasons. 1 r • THE MARKE ., Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High. • •r, Chicago Lower. -Live Stock ' •.-Latest Quotations. Motad4' IC'10011g. slept '.i. Liverpool wlirat tutnQ/Y clamed to -day 40 10 ii,I higher than- 3atur.ay, Corti lid 10 Crr ,:tepl(nabrr wheal at 1 Ill.ago .i,resl 5( 11:11';',(.., ,1wr, 1111"11::1 han Ss,tul Jay, I;opt'.11hrr ••urs, 1(K 1lower, :ung 1.4•p4.•ul ler u:lta nuc hanged, 1'.t - Winninee Ontions. 1• i?etober wheat at Winnipeg dosed Yoe ..her than Ns1u1.lay. ' October oats it. '41heat- t October Misc.'December Woe% M.,1 S102%t. - e,ars- October & y, Decer'ber 31%c, Mae le 5e. Toronto Grain Market• Wheal, bombed w M 'tO $11 Wheat, Rooee, bushel 0 00 laat'kwheat. bushed ....,050 ...• 724e bushed 057 Parley. bushel .. r 064 Yeas, Pantie'. 077 Oats. tueliel ...:........ a 4e • Toronto Dairy Market. ' Rutted, separator. dairy, Ib. 0 L't Butler. Moro lots 0 30 Nuttrr, rreact . 1 b . rolls0 23 Rutter. creamery, solids 0 74 Eger, new-lald O 14 (`1:eese, ib 017 tiuney, extracted 010 ell Ilu•e' combs, e 2 omb doze 25 1 A New ret York Oat Market O NEW' YORK, "trot. ^s.-Putter-Ateady to firm. r.s,sil ts, 44'» .-reuiery, ApR- . LJs, :k•'see. ere.,5, 245 third to neat, NO \t ilk-, .taste dairy, cornmun 10 [111.0111 lac `.F 28e, pr est. .econd to rprctai _2r• -t^ 1• facto v Jour make, Cry.• t^ :4r..10. carrrnt 11,•ik., .•' to 270; imitation cream re, . e to 2.,r 21:1'. . . e.veto. r rep - oStraits receipts, MI: state,whole mSpecial, is . Iv1 _ . do., [aa1 >. y . .1 51,ui.e. 14%. I» 1.0:, 4u , g.mal to print,, . 1 I 1,id lls.-ip.. u1 da011 to fair, lb• to tee,. '\skirns. fun to ,'Iarcial, 2' 8 to I2ise. ' - kgg't?r•`t'eady. rrrrlpts. ); elate.I'rn,ley -canis and iusrby, hen» ry. white. 'Jr to lqi. .10„ gathered, white ;JO.• 10 . ;.d': ea \helmet y. brown, 311 to 52,'; do., g.ulsrl•d. .row1..,31,- to ;Se; tush gather= 451, extra,. at, 'Ss. to ;ic; 110., flr,t,.lkt1 to ::::4; do.. second,. •l'w• to 23e, , . ' CA LE MARKETS. . 44 071 0* 01!16 United State Exchanges Steady' to Strong. Hogs Unchanged. N17W_ Y,IKK, .' mt. ;,,-1,ondon and Liv- erI*00 redden quo • Auerl'xta cattle 1temty. 'A l 1.19• 10 a ;A• per . •Ir.•ree'd Weigkl, ,re - 'A , • titin Se,,*.,»' I ntitlat+• In a west fiitrrotor beef 1 .her, -at 10Tc W I1.lyc H, f.(1 11 1. r •li 1131+ never yet Leen leer Ib. xIT11 A LOAD UY bnEal fern busliii s o Y IIiD 1 fir ds !t u the 119 g q fartn..'Phe farm offers iiiteehe "Lienor• Wniity to e•zel'clse hie executive ability by 'imaging broad ncrel uud` herd; that uundlcr'Gi the thousanes. If 111s taste rues to quality rather than yuan- tity • It offers elm c•haucc•s lu the {erre brio stock business for the broadest Ilse of his InOlaey 004 talent?, '!'here is no oc lipntion more fascinatlug than • the melding of living aftitieee to make then. •coufprm to an ideal of perfect. tion. There /s opportuulty for long continued study of blued hoer; there are 'mettles and years of•auliuua wait - big to ace Ilio results of the union of cerl11ht f•uuilie•s; there lire moments '0t disnplaiulnient when cul annual falls to (levclop as well ns expected. But greillet -of nil 1s the Joy of success when the hreerter's efforts nro %fawned with nu anitnnl n little nearer perfec tion time has heeu produced before. ' The iii,n who cnn see such nn-anlwnl March out of a crowded ohne ring- W1(ls the purple ribbon withuut n feel - log lith lit least lu a measure he has achieved success has ambitions that are .indeed 'hard to satisfy. Tbo pure - bred Iwsiness bas some piUnlls, but to the nine who enters 11 with good judge merit awl an ambition to sucoeed It offers litioneinl returns that can be ex- ceeded hi few other occppatlons. To the young man starting without capital the farm offers unequaled op• portunliles. The yours; man. with a few friends and a' reputation fur In- dustry and honesty finds it easy to resit a farm and borrow euoalgh ,capt- tal to egnijr IL There is n risk to run, of course. But whet is n risk to a young man with strength and nmbt- Don? Well considered risks tire essen- tial to success In almost any line, and to the yOtlug farmer they nre nn incen- tive to greater to effort. Now that prices of farm products have reached n prof- 1table level, paying off the debt Is at' nintler of but n few years. Buying the farm itself Is by no means impossible, even in the most fertile sections o� the corn belt. - -Hem-deeds farmers are bolting for manager's fur farms that vary to site and eequlpu►ent to suit the fancy of any nue. This Igoe offers some of the greatest opportunities to the young without enpitsl. The salaries at iy seem small as compared with Ilene offered In the eIty, l7su- include board and Incidc,- i dnpllcnte tae' Onnnctal-rewards of the 1 city: In nddiCou -,t o! 4'ri tie.tlje paling 111:1 11 tb1•atpim'rturuty to iite tbe broad - e -t, fullest life of .whish he.ls reliable. • It »iters hint a business he cnn cell leis ( t) and ail fuinglcendcnce which he could geiu to the city on'y after n life- llrne of tell.. -7'he greatest need of most rural communities 'just now ts- 1 IradArs=moo w•ho-can demonstrate t►° 1 their ower farms the possibilities oI' ' seteitlrie agriculture: wentwho under - !eland the pussibiiities std the need of n broader community life i Tbu stories of some of the yonepg - men who hw'tle,I tile c*il of tbe Am- i try and gave themselves to the decei- t opment of (heir cotnmunity rend like romances. A dozen years or so ngo a !little Musanchusetts.communJty was on , the downhill read. The nearby cities badsapped U. of Its strength and rig- or. Injudicious propping. bad taken -away niuch',of the fertility of the soil, and the people hod lost all atnbl- tiun rind were content to' IM thing.; drift -from bad to worse. About this time a young man,. a son of one of the farmers, ra s, dtlntt.l from an Ogrlcul- turel college. Iie received n tewpting Offer from the department of ngt•icul- ture to tnke up work at WnshlugWn. A brother fu Iowa wrote blin n glow. In; Incitation to come to the fertile lands of the middle west,- Ile rejected 4 both offers and, went home. The roust optimistic resident would knee laughed nt the Iden of there be- ing any opportunity there, But the young man went to work. Ile did not lecture to the neighbors or advise them. Ile merely net out to show them what the impoverished land was ca- pable et. 11e mnae the (Id fnrm pay, ung its dllapidattou chanced to nn air of prosperity. 1115 eetgheors gradually began to fallow Ids tnethods and to catch some of his eplrit. The comma• nity started to geefora•nrd Israeli() of backward. As eoo*i15 he could spare the time from his farm -the young farmer set about reorganizing 'the vil- lage school. Ile gave one corner of tab.. he, ver. There is a better teatime to by up money on the farm at S:.o A mance than in the city at twice that itniougt. For the man who can "make good" the first year's eatery Is tinr.IIv an, indication of what is to follow. Most- landowners nre willing• to ndranco the salary as fast ns the lnnnhger shows his ability. }letter yet, they are willing to Intrust more of the • respouaihtlity to his hnnds and to give him more capital, so that he can achieve greater rettr4ts. in most cases after n man has sheer( whet he le Worth 11, 1•s ,-nay for him to get *share of the net profits In addition to hie salary. In ninny 004e* It Is easy tp get in on a partnership basis. in either ('sec the wat;ager 1s as Independent as If he ow•m•d the farm, and the chances for linnn.i.I success are nearly as 'greet. 'lite great advantage of A position of • thi. kin') or, in incl, of. any kind of fano work Is that there nre so many chromes to Incest money as fast as It le ►nn•le The nom on the farm has n dozen pin'rs to int rod every Melsr. 'rhes to Ileelf Ite n big incentive to envie,. and aa%InZ 044.105 p,,»4p»ritc for both the tial*Muii aid the nonan The Invert tn�•ut which nffera the grealeat return. M farm land. ltveet In tbnse lorellties wh••r»- rand it nnw worth ennsklerahly (au•.re than 5100 en sere the price limit Tttalttt 15 NO LINZ 0r Tagil Mt. Nu11a TA* T1te*TIN0 Tt1AN Trot 5/550/00 0r WORM 111lFL) LIVK all7Ca• toil farm for a et•hool Barden. elle 10- oiled- 1,c ;Reacher out lo his farm and me him ein of the ntmo5*phere of dead thw.l.gv Into the spirit of living prog- ress. The prencher caught the spirit, null the church crime to be an 5M f1 !lie forward movement. (?rnduatly the 441101e eurnmhtilty became modernized. The people lateens! the opportunities to whseh they were blind 2111211 some one epene.l their eyes The yomie Minto whet cnn go Into a community and 1.c 1114 indomitable ,curage rind etroig faith bring about n change like this ha• succeeder) in the truest sem* of the word. It M Furc,.e• of til• kln•1, c»uplm rote tee swee.aa or n hepry, life ends comfort- able competence. that t5.' c.tnolry ten to the young man (odor. nnw t1 • 1'"11 t iart-'ise .e ry•rIl L u cllpy hia Il-01111.IIto Moreover, Ht }diiturgh •divinity it lit. was spending. a few 'days in • tleceparesh. told. on .the Setufd+ie he 0014,1 es the-nlahse andasked the minister to ts• allowed tie preach! the following Cay. - - My dear ynunlr man," said the minister, 'swine a hand gently on !the yeuug' elan' shoulder, "eel 1 tat ye preach the tn,:rn and ye gle 11 better eermen than me my fowl( wain !tower hjrain ho sate -tied- we my pr.•Lc'hing. end Fin yen nal a better preacher than. the ye r.- no' worth ,listeningtile. LOCAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS, The health we enjoy depend.. very largely up.n NMI 90 the blued . iieulailes In our buillre: ht other words, 41 we lave pude%* ' Ir,•ulotion we wIll haves perfe.•t Malik • 'rim..a^ is a1 constant wearing out of the tlaeuas 1n every part of the Lady. The 1,11„•1 flowing 2hru»ig1ph the 4.1oae .'al'liea off lits waste tar Jeod mutter. while the 1 R from the near( 11a-uugh 11,. arteries 11111.'• 11e 111.111 now living (i»ete,'he rsaener of 111.. 1..91 we 'r digested, 10 ...pia... what ham bt4•n ear - 1.0.1. off. '('11 natant %ce.al..11 mit Alia expelling of the deal,.alter u 1119 1 .•»hour; of it 441111 new natter, ail by al0t1. 's 08 .1..v :ut•1 nIKht, until T 111 about i yenta a eutuplete ,d• .h:.' 11..'11 olf.•- *5.1 Thus carry 11117 01111 x»1)1,111 11.1 rnlue,.. '!IIr.•wnt beds Iii rvrr> Iwrllele of 11 flung 0110 o, .Ile had I en-r5 la•lu4e. It annlrtluwe h•Ipru lie, Lon.vr, n•om P vat of. 1.0 1110'11, ,hut 1110 btusd be, »110.0 .,nlata1e4 In '••0131 1 1.10.1 IOW. 0l 1110 imsll '1,10- 10. yl'• that Ile blond ves- memo In theme, parte 4„ (.61114. 1 I.. 10.1 hint tae• •elreu• Winn 1n- 11ca1 Netlion of ih.• 1.'.•I L.. -''u.•. 'doggish uod'atagna,i. The a alias,»• v»" 1. 1 11.1 1 141.- de.0l ,,II- - 11.1' In mat part- of Ill•• I•ni.., 1+, .,1.1. m partially ..,od away. And tlat•bot 11111,- ul the nc'v ilial 1)4a+1e1. 1l- ihfeate+.l 414e4u iu -bulLl..usiamti :1. , •;:1ik11.. L• lime* and lo,r4'-s, - Thls C Mein Invariably exists In .all rases of Ss - male dli'or,el'a. 'lite'dead 111er1nT?. kinked In 11e ear - 1 01,1111,11), eh.uld 2111vc 110011 eal'ellrd, .aus.a ie - !dation and full. allot' of the dell. ate 01e111*Cralae. and uppteavec the tarry..enter., '1.11, ,ondllbnl 1. Ike (.11I5e of the grievn,s 011• .ieiil 111.7 tat• o'.1 1, 19L'.,ring • w hl. h ,n'. 011eliai Olen' 1,•1, 41 a ould..., ' To obtain relief it 1- '••.1.1'tat I livi t1.. fir•( 1122 , to 1,.• dun. io 1 t• rid »t III- .x11 011 .•r :I R I I t all: 1'' Le - Ing held. In the t•IrvulaUbn, 1( tele deed matter M e llOWN1 10 rens, 1, there,* sp..rics of. !,Meaning will re-s,h, ,old ta.t»,,.• will endru%OT to get rid or It by footling Meet's, tumor.. rte. erne *hove explanationuII rho ' ivh � RA V I+ a.' -.ill. ,'. , a w 1 also w O NGE LILY 'y ul In I rf 1 curing this colddt alit 9t is a local uwihnenl, lied is applied .lir' • L In flit•-alfra•1.•1 orga115. Its ''atatl45 'ebnninl, are u$-sorhrd 11110 Ow enng••s. rd !,,k8up, 4J,. (1010 he ver, at r • mutter 1begin. t. h • 1. barged.. 1 t tat Illi^ d .. 1 . ♦ J 1. 1. I A of 'u 1 N F. 1 � 11.11M !,Ile Ti.l1I awn1al ,61 l >m1. al, •' 0111113114 .11 it, 1111.I the 11 It1 , 4 Iv ,-ou4t.anl and1o►sitne. ,TW. feature tat 111'• .-%rel Is.:g of the dyad n .t. 1 • .11...1>+ bresent. SO a wester or less, extent, sod In s• casss l( Is ao 111..110 d ..• 1,• 1,. :n..reng, The •-ss.- drat. rthed in the full»x,ng !visor in not 4.5.epti...:.1 .IIr. *'..tile, ---t ilia tb.,rt.:., to Aha, F. K. 4'trO 1. your ,•.n. ,.id1: r., ..'., ,.:a - We,. tot tat health r•rt...1d 1•. 'i.», wt11derful rrulrl 1. h.n, entl'..., f.. 17 -yenta: trot (ot 3145 la.l 1,01+1 %.::Is ago, 'Then 1 laud a k'. t»I .;. x o•, 2 .,7,411 a t larld '.11dd her 1131 hM,•' 11,111 :1 ,tt'.IJ°. Il 1 0.1,1 4t;:uugl, .'11:1'.":.11......Ue b 1 would nut 11ve Ott ough It: A >e:n• later 1 rent for 1.110 ag.,i., .ul,l 1,, 1; , 1,,, up t0 die.. 11) huslq.nd then rent 2»I another do.•u.', w h., 4»14,,ro,.•1 i„.„,,,,,,,,', aid it did il• 11141•11 good, I ,toe:ore.' w IOC hlm 3 or 1 ln.1141 1...1 1. lee again Owl I thought 1 'uthl lite 110 du„a•': and i *1x,11 to I. t, , ,1.., aIy h,lcbssat a,111e i.,*0e :1110 thl-ow :t slit. »f paper 1n- 1110 wag. 1L • •••-1.1- dr••ee 0101 %»til 10, a 1.01V.h51 ad 111tyls•111111 t,. selt.• to bur for ,1 t, ••, '• , ,1 would +are Iue- I x..oI )/t wean tousi:ale- that 1 is -•Idd d10 te,y•1 • yy 1 • - ,rt a tea. op 511)». i4 hurt•hg nor. Tin a the neat l.e,-tot• 11.•,1 111,• :le. •, , •rvrr. Huwc'er lily I:nsban•1 +,a 1 for 'ORANGE LILY, and ti-.. 1 . „ t hroughrux•1y , Or iulnpr, 4,111.1: twinned. until Imoor•. -U ..1 , . , !.,t 3 targe ones and 4 email one I 1•e,on 11 it 151.4 not been f'•1 O:4Ah.:: L1,_: 1 ' wui Id liar.. 4011. tnr 1 ....rd 1 t 11 c.: . h (angel-. - I. would ha% • I' ..• e i »t. h.'tu'rei eel(*il i her a »,»hili s tl•.atlluefl, Inrtrad of .m• ,1 . I, ' ., •h lt, weight in gold \tl:- e.!•:,. 1.1...W11.1.. ltlaldsvdh•, 4 1n - 'Ch. nil't• 1e11.1 1• 1..,1. r -1,.'I L. ,, \11,.. 1A•wpa ls' 'rluss.fon .til 4 are trean ted , 1..»..g „ l••1 % ,1 r 111` n.'I: 1.111.r4ma1nrialt. 1.• 11 r:1 ' pra,sful for being • m' d tn.., -4,i, 1- %1 ii lit• 10 mat.; the Oattcr k1.u•%t - n tent awl ,em onl•'g. 0wul -.. 1 L. , > :f1.I ti t rislrl'M: ORANGE •LILY it, :1 .-p- 1•,.., r.k-- *ntiti.• !rowdy for all 'I. -,.I.4..-' .. 11,e Irafame:. ru ne*101,5 A. c,l•., 11.•J tela•\.1- (h, - lruut•ha aro tat 1' , 1 »r,sai and fuer 1rr..1 ln•t xn 11 1l-' 1, a.. r;r.et11I. 10 take 1».'111. in.• inter loth for 4.111‘11.. Ir. M•hle< ;,. 11 w°Uhl I,,.40 take midi. inc int. rn.:ly for ere I hili..•, a boil or illi 111 •Fele d t,,»th In all thoito ras.,s pot., d..ui I, :.rte+r 418 L. - ret 1ine.t and the. . 11e is off.. test lop . n-1 • a»•ear h . rns'd, t.. v 1 r 1 , telling tAe ..lid • m r ORANGE LILY has anti -sill:. root t. ng ;old heading t.rat,•1'tiera I 11 -1 and im igorate.. 1.4.•••.1 .. -- .,1•1 \; Tt 1RU I1. I • T N 'i 11y.. S141('R Al 21, 1 44.-1. 141, ' I. „•i: . aUl.-, !sy h ,g .1112. itxtt •14 e01t.•-. E>} po Expr.rt 'tears for 1» 1, 4111 011t• had 31;-}tecrijats or ' 117»9 Rtoek 1',1rd1:• • 1114 -esti qt, of. fir. I eel. and-Iaiubs rterir. • Landoll sold • at 1i..11S of extra (u:allt). $.. Export • ste•' .e tot--Liccrput,l, 1x..0 tie 71.:0. • Butchers. ' Trifle p.ek•11' lot., 16 to 16.1 nail line heifer, 111. hosten- 1110 market- .ugh% hY 44 i Me' lellof•.i 7.1 .jK -p; 1nad+ of gnod. r.; .',• n, 1.sn. rn•• buil t.•,-• to 5114: 4031: - Inn, 444: to 1: • ow'. 5:: to 44.1.'witlt a (try ft•w at 1; ", 2» . to 1e Stockers and Feeders Pricer for 81»' k. 1 - and f,'.4rt s -`weer 1 Mark Twain's Choice of At/there." et.a.IL t., fil0. .!: 1, to & a..' and even • 1: ro gond .,„ ors. :ulil $4 -" -tu t: or When 31,1(1. to choose a library •slo, k•rr •.t cn,'I qups,ty. I made til. of twelve authors only Mark - Milkers and Springers. sec:trete u.,:krrs and trincrre sold a ner'-r,i.. 5 SOT pin .-n » 11 - 1 .., , . , I , 1 suffering •t lIi1ait,ma. , LJ' ••r-, 4. %.a hoot cost to h' 1', th:.t il1..\\'::, .- ,1 o. • lure lent. that 1 1., , 1... 1.• 11., Inliowitig FREE TRIAL OFFER -- 1 will send: without • harge. to es.. -y reader of this n»tl..- who wa) 1'01)1 410'-111 1))19 tt4ul,l.. p•oolia .' to women. - if 840 111' • I !rough tat the ORANGE LILY trestgn nt to loaf her•t.a da, 4 , tr4a1 treatment err all that Is nrrr's1.ry to effect a rem' '•••,-. • tnhtanre 1,1will giver very not'. noble ostler If you .are :. s St"• yea'relf..io your family and 10 erne frit ode to take advani.'g. - get '•ural' In the prig.•, v of .»lir . honor without dos tori bills or , ,1 1 ' kind. .Address MRS. FRANCES E. CURRAN. Windsor, Ont. Twin, replied:. "In my list I know 1 •sl,lul.1 pat Shakespeare and Ilri,wteng 11,0 t" i.. ea' I 111141 C'aret+. (*F'rench Revolution' Veal Clive*. oute), '1.'nrkmeli', •Histories' (a hum T.hr genre, pn4 1 W. veal. 1-al.0. were fere ie 17 + I cwt., int a tow »f ••buicr deed •.f them. if there were so many), ,,uglily se.'d ,I b :tad 5 .' er, eat. 'T4fe Arahlan 'Nights,' Johnson (Bos• Sheep .and Lambs. weird. Iwonitae 1 like k, ser, that cone Ahter 14.r. :,lieu' 10l-• caro . w:..,1111 lamha pla.•.tit obi gus.imeler listen to him- y» -nee • x t ,aver 11,41' tart Monday, se 11 folk : .I0wstt's ' Pliitu' and PepyA' - 1.: elle a.id 1.1 llfi to Ssee Ter .sit , :end » eep. al.lite. to 1l.IS. • 'Diary'. (the c.mdeneed editiMil. F Hegs. should be acute of thea., and 1 (meld etiece. 'eel' I and watrr.'J, �I the mar}}1c.t, ad -1 the other three. but- I should. 111 10 and tx ;-e to drover' pt Country want to hold the olPnrtunity open a Paints. 141 rare. mew' years en its t(. make Stn mistake:" • Montreal Live Stock. - l'arliman is tome .,lit5 tmeric'an author included. Jules Verne's Romance .The story or .1119~ \'.•,1,' '- emery. ship m rt- shie and marriage is a most romantic one. .l'rin war 0 Ally y»ung fellow win, hod �a great dislike! tie the sn.•iety of women. ane it was only -hie affec- Wei for. he leether which 1.ftJ 'him to Rr. t4, the' eyesores wedding.- Verne, ll:0Wever, nrleve.l tor, .late and found that the, whole bridal pnrt- had left for the church wolf the exeept.On of the' bride's sister., a charming young widow. who ixeleined the matter 'The. friendship ilia accideet4Illy begun .rapidly dr4elopr'l-!rite p w,.rener feel- inJ4 1111,1' enrb•,1 in n marriage which ' play Ie deserlbed as ideal. • Haydn's Unhappy »Match. Anyone the nnh0ppicet marriages ever reeird,cl was tint of Haydn. Hie yell., can. e*tnrv+lltfltlt., a _.cold and whorls imla seseb -4sw--tire- efs.us.. Oat & musi.iau. We are assured that she indwll0A herself In tits of rage where- in she wnulll, destroy' the erevafer'a vrfltt•n musical ,-cores. u;.iug thmm'to make curl pn(.crs. Haydn uproars to t.. reel rough., 10.15 to P.30, stags, 1st*' have 4.ont5 tlilk Mote of affairs for j to 17.2::: dallier, $0 to $1.75. anent thirty-two yearn, when he be- 1 Sheep and I.amhb•-Re..lp(., 5D,pn head, earn, exhausted, 1n London he wrote acus.: •ah.e4' et.ad): I tab+ 5r lower; J. friend. ' M wife. that 'eternal can• , laneln. 1,.3v u, o 45 ywarlsg4 f5.tln t1 50 ' Y wsthara, .4.75 to X: ewes, ft.1;, to N.00. • L*a_..et o �� Miall.- DIa..8Yi11 )1 ..fl/tilt(-.1.,ltgtrpa WIYrd, k to .4.60. t.hinR+-abat 1 will not return honiee I New York Live Stock. 1 j Nene TOItK, RRpt. 26-M5.v,s--Re. Time Hung Heavy on His Hands:-- l reset., 4311. Intu•ket ,rregutnr, at5.re, A Chino.%• laundreIilan recently had to f:.ls, nuur, 11tH t^Men, .owe.-•t.lu n, he troubles with a watch' flint habi- 'In'eed Irhr'! 'teed>', npllvr alrel'a. le to 171: 'Trxpn otter', Fc to A•. !.?tall%' • list URN`, t4, he took time tin11* 1.11548- (teerlptc, 2276, vale and Rraa,. 9199, 1.• the nearest• watchmaker. • , ern steady.' westerns, iiia to 'Ave 1owrr, 'yt1'atehta• rhe greet 'to Charlie ; eneli, ill I. 111. rulla, 16.50 to 47.:44, gram - low... mild he irrietly. pushing it errors ere :11.1 fed rytiv.s. 54 to N; westerns. 16.50., the counter. "'IOU time, him. eh to e; deemed calves steady; cu) dreg'• •'d vrnle, 1M: to 1755%; tenantry dreesed, 10: "Certainly." said the watchm+lkwt t.. s hat status to- be the trouble with Snrrp 0011 Lambe-Re..ipta,'7n,100; sheep It. '1.ad) lit fI to 14 Z. rens, 07.50, lambs - :hint ir,r 'tllilchvC by 'rl by ` 2.r' In. 44» lower, 75.71. In 57.45. one fence said err 1(' %. • • 1Mgr...-Itr.•r,p1 , 7150; market • tsar, at 19.25 to 44.95. MONTREAL, tient. 6--1$perial.l-A2 tl.r Montreal Stork Yard,. Wont End•Mar- hot off.rulgs to-dav consisted of 1621, eut- t'. :1'O. •I4 • p and laenb', *01 1,055 and 180 raises.. ''all). supplies roneisted chiefly 1,0 n4rthwerl ranch . .tr4Ak. but a Root elearanee was made.- ch0i4. Ontario 'neer+ •.,kl at fie go...1 a; 14444. 1,» 1.%e fair- Is- goal ati,.✓10•54tc:-fiair at;Isr to ilii,-. and enlum, I at Ir to 404e per Ili. Rales of 1.111 carloads of nnrthwee( rapeb ,leer, .17.1 heifer, were made et 1.4nr to n(j,Land .I :Air per Ib.. domestic• 40458 brought -from 4,- 10 442., anti bull, for canning purpoeea to :41!se per Ib Ifo prb•►m' showed an 11th 4111P, .0 :.4 U' Inc per cwt.. altrlbuted to smalls receipt., and Isereaetll demand from parker.. Trade war active at 17.30 to' .(Cl7,0 $*,14,1,.'5 of rtwep asci Iambs were iarge. Mot demand war good, and paler of A M 11 wore ca r Tad. A 4r and t Iamb?' ra b at m 459 b4ir-111111 sr per It.. calve,. ver tart 4ttth a , glxml;deniau,l :d from 13 to 112 each. East Buffalo Cattle Market. h3ART Rl'F'F'ALI). Sept. .»t-r'attlr-RS- reipl8, 301' head; fairly active and steady i In strong, primo ateere, 17.23 to 17.75, ship: , 1 lune. 16.73 111 16.50. butchers, 1+%, to 14,15. 1 heifer,. 14:4 to $$.2ta, cows-, 82.75 to 15.., -1 Malls, 13.,7 to $5.50. 'Mockers and feeders, 4,1. to 05.411_ stock heifers, 1l to t1LJf. ( .nab rows and springerr atrokg, • 1".1 to 'loge -Receipts. 16.600 head; Ar(Iv. and , steady: heart, 10.?b to rl:.., mixed, P.711 t0 19*) vorkera, 1900 to 59140. pigs, $0.40 ' P' riot 'Wash Lists. Pretty 011 \'nve•nttons are our mod- ern Yee+ linty he old German hones-, wife had an IMI. wny Of keepntg track le the "entente gave out to he w11rh•rl She had picture of each *Mole and wrote (keen (he number of . .vcrything opposite to with a piece :if .chalk, whteh was rub out when the Arilcle wag returned, Se be used again the na=t. week. it was really • pictorial and perpetual wash '1111, What Wen Mar.- - "I thought she was going 7111 marry - Tom?" "No; Jack." - "Why. she told me Tem was .111- tall° die for her and"- tea, but ,lack offered to leaks • 111 living Mr her " • Chicago Live Stock. nr',A(1o1. • Wet. uR-(`•Itle-Reeeipla .h,r00- market el0w and weak 7.l a de- hue torous, 14.75 to Pr. Texas Metre, 4.{•,140 to LAP, xe,.tern steers, 14.1) to 11,8; elocaela .ami feeders, 14.1a tri 15 As mows Ind heifer., 12., to K u', Alves, 17 to 19.:A. - 'kiwi -Receipts. 12,500, market weak, Ilah►, M h, to OA, ,maxal. y5:., to 49.45, heavy. 15.x1 In 0.46; retort,. 1540 to 1900; good to hole, heavy, 25.00 to 19.45 pigs, Men to X0.19: bulk of. pale}}!, 1075 o, sem, sneer and I.atlbe--Rev.lpla, 1110: markt dell, native, 510 le M.N, western $3 iURNEY OXFORD The 't Best Rage ' for Your riii; /ritchen Ther 's only one best in anything. ranges "r- an•thing�else. . :�i4nr w want to demonstrate tel you why we say this Im ri I Oxfnr'1 Range e 1 •range s 1'e the best r gflr ,,your kitchen 7/ie OXPORD ECONOM/!ER SAVES 20 PER CE . e YOUR FUEL BILL er a Thih,en'••I.., '14 1, 1. ' 4 ..1.i.t found only, . - urney-0Oxford Ranges - 1 I I 1:'-.1.1'1.`, - \ !Keeps fire cunni(, (our-hfth', 4L, ,r -t_ Figure that "lit in do11:u- and cents. ' GIVES PERFECT SULTS ON BAKING -. DAY .lnnthcr Gurney-f,tf.,r.l, latent yon:.. t • Ls, ' ' • tali ot•cn Makes it l n -k Ir. front • I . tell a,..1):1( k t dei , -,: •t , ,t1 -, uPj ?Voir the t 110! itr t.a' ei19*'ff th:a . Iles a half-dozen other special enlure5 worth et•erythin> , fie .onyenienee and econ.•my...Feat res that can t e clelnonstrate:l In the store in n 1 but lir can't exj1111 here. . Please give us ten minutes of your - • time next time you're down town. - Then`- ratigce are maple by one of the Oldest and most rnliahle - ccmcerns in Canada. Their guarantee'of- fluidity is.back of ours • we want to show you their good points. We clan refry other Gurney -Oxford AtOvc4 ler all purposes and :all kinds of fncl: Whatever you want is sure t., he iu their line -and s4EtJ9 be �tistactory. C4 -_in epd see for yourself. - C. J. IIARPER�_,...: ' PLUMBING, AND HEATING 'jest Around the Comer." ' M•51. I•terhnge, SL0 to 1100, lames, ma- uve, B to 51.15; weetera, I5.0 to (771. Guelph Carries Radial Bylaw. (inrlph, 849111. 1p. -The t.w. P«,ple Railway bylaws, time ot►.• a money and the other a trench's, bylaw earned bete- •R•teMay by big maloNYss. CANADA'S GREATEST CHARITY MOTTO FOa 1910 " Dory Needy Coasumptlre Cared For" r,abeito 1 .araaraPhyla suPPIMtTED BY YQI,UNTAi . uwrs wilt YOU Net,P 7 �'ar Nnt a dtleb a taut bate.. er refused ada l ria» W Wtfut). IN YOUR WILL Remember the !Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives '1 he tulkiwhlg luno x,It w -r%%• 1 d,,., de.ta• • the M•siok• Free lin X1161 l,, e:Oal•uuJ tae•• the •us of . s .. Further Iwrti•nlar• from Ws•re...ryh1Uuaal1'• ha.l Aisoo4K.u,,, :147 K i, 4:`t. 0 -r i anuu. • '1•iwne Mon, 4.01/. 41,ro,,lu. 1i 1.C111 -fat e n' 1 a l •ri c ruJ KodakBiiy a •the u •► hit t vele -tai!all.•.. Nr .,., other v' •le'. Vieth'? pro • n y.iur 1'•. No.3F.P.K. $17.3O All -..hued. l,• ter J 'I- yetis filo.. :,lid pt -lit. S Corner Monolog' Street and Square 901)1-r4'll: ti • eeeseseeeepeoreweeseeemeemmoreAtra Plumbiog HEATING gLE IC WIRING ROOFING METAL WOR Etc.. Etc. Estimates cheerfully fuer, shed W. R. Pinder 'Phone tai. 'Our Plant Ls Abloom With the Freshest Flower of the Prinlial Art. It 1a a Complete. Up lu Date print log Plant. Ready to Do Your Commercial Frieling Attractively. Year Law ?liming Accurately. Tour Soeial Printing AAd 1 lieslly and All Prestige* Expeditiously SPECIAL OFFER We will send you The Signal from now to Jan. t st, 19 i 2 -fifteen months- --for only $I.00 %ihn0.' a,l wMhon 44 4 &oft lir 11µM rr • f•,1 e1ai111x4 (4' treat ' ye Isa8inr ynD.K' w�t0 takr 111 , 1eturn0 relaa'1 slit sip• ' Nal tbb .unu.d at ,rb 111• 1 % 11» Ike 3+tatP ^( Inn for it cfOdetfe.l I1 1'tnf•Nn' 110 uupd 1,;g1Nt 1'7 inn-is•Isw'. ort! •spit 5,01r nunllw r .I•tllr•' i,ir.hine •' s6 t Mir 1, r1• mm0,r 4,r, ha+h• 11'Il,allil'g ( 4.4tin1111 (li• 3.554 i .51111 rer,otr, of 414,1 ),tin k dith. .(I, of 11'11 4gy place u ter. 1 Fn n► iaaOd»wn .ilea 5n- ti:aot aL h•oe.in1 < t ar In'etl OPtirrtt - Motet l Jeep rl *1111.• •�.. perati'111 Lel p,ir.. tan Th5 lie ofAl.l N Ivni•, t» 1W CPMm Ince , t lry45m',ei T.o ti s adsnum amt b,w tsati•rrah art 1112.4 Ill, sing The Iter J105 11.4 Is daagb Ponrth, i 6141.5i:5014 od 'Mn, 554.1, T 4.445,14. A yJirt :he *4,44 5, pt,0 .rile% d.,1 root. 4..•. Pmt,Gt 1,411,. R Pa"bF1.nrit t »1 tier 511 tf Phoid 401aR 1, In44 n • year I1tb rbc Inst TM� p 5511. an u InOd tali, el cal lh•td of A 1 0 t° 1 Wn o ,at, yl For 5 1nut M x.11 r, Ind Ihtr Iaii1tt o0 •8.411 io msrri Pei4Aa1 ! parelnr '0lsetim Part IM, At th wnMv,i nail• 1411r5, asrriap Matti. Ripon. dnl(54 A5.1 Elton ao and ; th en ria tenet like s1 Pape, e 'Pay. ukixl lee irk 1, n tial