HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-29, Page 5•
;Octety for Goderich. '
retested in the formatime of a
tipttl a in WWII AW Cuwi,ervatolsrequested
▪ n p1u. uu 'Thursday next,
ii h.
sires:-essiaes were in eer►inn thir
the Court 4ourt Uuurr, Sir William
weeding. Seven eases were
i et, oily one care heiug dealt
t• the ju►'y, The court se1-
\\ .,ins day evening after it
r ; ,wa011, A report will be
x t . tt 5uk,
,institute Postponed.
of unavoidable cireusu-
tle•111st Boron teachers' in-
1,,,-tponed (Win the Ikb• and
Sct.le•r le the 13,th and 114it,
k loon. Au earnest effort it
el„ ,„ hive some . member of
,.:,,•.d the Normal Schools'
• ,',.-„t in the work df the
•.I. 11. Lott ens% President:
:Pro,•.( nade.
Penang 1 roimmie'tt of the G. t;
S....1,1y for the term wil.
tem.., tow evening in the us.
1 t ie.. Collegiate. Inrtitulr.
. I ••1 ing tit student,' is ex-
i;- hinents will be served
I. ;.,,,.4it tittle' i., expected.
1',wt I.•t heel, appointed edi-
ir. f et the t.. (, 1. Journal.
is Retie l'ridhatn as ream:iate
We's Pennant.
ut.e .1 baseball in the
Id Perth League for this sea -
1 la t est ,t. \t it ('hell on M1\lond:ay
e r' a d.! the hone tram
t, The 1 rpult war V ietol y
ll,,,t of :s %cure of 4.44, • The
ill' -4.•,1 nine are sari to have
t y, dilatilr tut' the 0ecari'n
;,.00,4 of 'monger men were
(4....r ;dares. Thr result of
a.• ei, .•' the; championstIip to
A . e 1(;t 1.'p' ee C of the roar' iage
It we: i,newtl 111 tioderirh it
Ir 1. , 'eh Mercury t :
11'•Ile-.is' September 21st. a
7.•1v 11. as..• wedding was sol-
i ..' 1, I Iph when Miss 1.111u
• a1.1 da,ti;hterot s1r. and Mis.
(yeas united j0 mart
land.•,' Leslie Sieger'. I. TI. .,
1(r, \I:., -s. The errewonl waw
ltet. Dr. Dix, of
cher. 11. 1►r. ttn.1 y1t's. Sing-
n:r It611 to Ne,w fork lwforl•
J'I, re.ittelpee ill I4. iston."
sot.•n'- il, ny fife it in town
an u, i-xtendiug ding;atul*-
1G. C. 1. Field .Day.
The auuual field day of sports for
the Collegiate Institute lath leen fixed
for Lerida., tto' 7th of Oetolwr. The
spurts Wil take place at the fair
grounds, l inning at 11 a. w„ conduit.
lug tuoftlitlg aid afternoon. The biles
have been tiowiug tor some time and
keen-cuuttwtit•on it expected.' The
public is invited to be present and en-
joy the day with the students.
Water and Light Commission,
At the meeting of the water ,11141
light Couunis-ion on Monday. night, a
petition awe prert•uled tisk tug that Irl
electric light. I. .placed ort 1Vater•loo
ett•ret between Wert and Nelson'
street•. •11 teas d' -,fed to instruct
the meet, •err,• Lave.. '(:-cadle-pvwet.
Incatlde,l'dnt tenni yls,.•,%d between Stl.
Patrick's street end Arline.' (*'. -t tie
%Vete' lo.; sti''.l ,: a p lint to hr de
tided by the ent,Iucer. -
The POhnseer Sisters. '
The first concert in the 1 . M. l'. 1.
+erirs-was even iu the Opel Ifuul,e
last night. when the 1'ohuatier Sisters
geve•whtat was considered -to he the.
hest meshed program ever reliderdi
before a 4 oilts•ich audience, The at-
tendance we, es:dinette :duet,' .•vert•
ient evadable being t:tl ru. ''('he yearl-
ings Riven by one -of -the troupe were
very •hen ,yet also. The 1sseee..t
titin. un -ter Whew „Misled -it tory ap
peered herr'• dewir•• credit f•.i• till.
efforts made •io prui•ide pleasi1.1; ••n-
Jerlainuaer.t to the lot cl s . •t ' ..,I
music in Goderich.
Harbor Notes. . .
The yacht. a ►tojjyalree, ', the 1'.. L•
Works Devitt rent, l•..i l '.,, ti le s
herr Sunday o11 it. mat 11o1111. •
The. .ir,lmer Wear.' it at'rivel lis•
Thur. lay evening with 1•11.rrr, bushel,
of wheat and barley tar the eh.vai ul:
A walk' fur pedestrian,' has been
placed o1 one tide of the 1 . P. R.
overhead bridge.,el the foot 4'l bit Get
• The steamer Algot.y11in 101iacd
.totiday ,led discharged 4 ,isr'•hn_hel,
of, wheat til the Hitt Mil and :1,'sl,
busheleet the ele'*t.tr.
The dredge-tjuel,ec 1. expeett-i .••
port axle) ell its 1'447 north 1i••111
L.ket)nterto. It is bring towed, by a
tug in charge u( ('apt. Dau M1lver• of
The steamer Tut t (ape art (vel on
Mdoda,' rutting with a load of oat,
LL the felevatte• ‘ihe unto:a. ,Itltil
bushel, at Tillie on her mat dome ;end
discharged the remainder ..t her cargo
herd. •
The see -otter J. M. iI.'Kre arriitel
the settee' eernind'o,-I untoadrd 7a,i$M)
huihele of wheat et the Big Mill and
14Iste bushels en the elevator. She
took the balance of 'het cargo t,.
1Valkervtll,'. • •
timid progre_, is twin;( me.Jr un the
tin walls of the nets elevatoet. Those
in charge of the constructirni ot *he
have the walls finished in three weel.s.
A lwr e'f extra men are now em-
ployed on the annex -anti it W:tn found
so dilti. ,dt 4,1 spoure • board 'that a
house was errs ted on the river break-
water. A rhrf is employed to board
the men and fifteen double lin uk:+
hat',' been pureed in the holt,! tot
sleeping .0' mrxlation.
McIver'• Body' tecovered. •
The body of Colin McIver. son of
Neil McIvor of town. Hunted Monday
evening of this week at O o'clock.
toter the p hilt indicsteel bk itis cone
penurn-,•where they the ight•h'e went
nvettentrd. Dragging upet: r' inns had
been eontintiel ever v\ da v and the
dredge .Was put tit ani k
at the eIliren('r t4, the
hope chat -the tachy ulig
atm caused to apnesr mist
Ti's appears to have been
• . -1 L
Town Council Deals tb Three Applua-
Won Faill Trophy.
•1 tram of lawn bowlers cutnl>f,rrd
of ')VIu. Lame, '1'. Mejlermott. J. Galt
end Fred Davis trki woo itis J•' ill.
tta+pt!y i t Milehell hint Filthy., tfi
cupitill•T.W un extlibitiou at Hatrition'.
l eve df CJ y nlutttit
Annual Meeting Y M.,C..-A.
'lite animal meetin,('of the Yound
Men's CIui,Uan Association lovas held
011 I4Itltiay evening in the Asttuciatiwl
rooms, Reports of the finance., and of
the work of the past t'''ear were given,
.huwitig that the Organitatitu had
inane 'progress dining that time. in
spite of 5wall number's and scanty
teeth.. The Lutist Auxiliary .had
Iweu 01 ionized and a junior depart
meat eat*blishwl in cottuectiol with
which lite Huy hcuut system was iu-
rrudeciel. Drenthe' was meals of the.
helpful work of'Ncuut-utaster-Hat den
and PAtrul leader. ,L Carrie, L. ink•
stet.. D.' McDonald, 4'. McDonald and
P. Itawsay ; alio of thoiert icer ot Mr.
Li'ne'r as les.•• alaernef ire Witt be great} ----
?'4 jIettrd liy the 1'. M. C. A. The
new Lo.04luf direct .ts w:aerlect"d, the
members chosen Urine A. M. Hubert -
eel, Dr. Erouterson. It, It..Salluws, %4.'
)' • 'I', 'Wham, H. C. Denten, .1. b1.
Thomson uud J. 41.'Tigert. -.
1 ,p.cial I1e/Ri1I( of ttie emu 00111
5il Nae h 1 un Friday evening Inst t,
,'uu,idrr t1e ;Ipplirnl ton 114;1(1,' by the•
[.. '1'. It• for p•rsry1sst•.n t.. erect a hoist
met he blaitlluul read ; 1 he testified- , •f
the water and lir/fit .rouau'l.sil,',. '
tn11.1.. and the delude from .11,•1,,•, 1
Henry foil' ..w'ri' connection to hos
cottage on Wright street. The Mayors
itrrvr Iteid. 1 h'puty Hee'4 11001141444.,
uul 4'nunriller•s Mart ii . Wallace and
L.itithwaite were pre 'nit. -
1.. 41..latudrr, local agent of
T. 1t.. wits present and -feted that
after h.'ing rrpettelty 4144;••.4 1•y the
Ditty I•:nl,:n'te •1j'urk. [','-- the Aun•r4-
,':ol" 44,,,,t Machine l'u. u,l ot her ship-
ping firths tat pr/V'ide .t crane fey lead
11g I,urts,ses.i (ht' nota:,', ('44541[,411()
lta) .derided to pre ri't••-.tali- eontt•ui-
rnee. tare invrstl►tatit it keel (reit
fotiitd fTt:i 7Tie.tiTy' .ir Si1.7ie' •T.,1.
this ple.pu,:e was alori,i.le ill•• -,.111,'
1.'1111611 •lairs,'- ltohnc: t'1,11 '.1.44 o1
11a4tland read. :Ili'. Liu:l •r ,i•si.lered
that the erertiun of 1I4 , t u••• Would
la> of 'great hrlefit to the town.: in-
d,istries and asked f n• -;I f.w.lrahl.•
rtnsiderrehhot of tl,• finest, ehl
ul,itlon ref ('uulcilL,r \f'a la. ••.. se,•-
*istilet,-pa% Deputy K.:•. t.• Mutittil,gs.
jrt•i'[ni.si it? w':Is garrxnt.1 t.• 431.e41 a
crane- pr.%idilhg that 'h.• 4.. T. It.
.Issnoke.111 liability tot to ae.'.l•iserl
h4 t hl• ebstreetioit. t 1 t. ,-t t, • r••
main there so lung a1. :1.. . I ur.•il.res
'1'I;. iv:,440 and 14.,41.: '•..luutis.i oil
•11' 14 ,. n!Ir: in 1..4 Li''I. , .t ing [.1';411
"tt.11 .Utrt Methodist church. *2.'.54 he phi sl to edit.. Op
t*'1l0*•l4ip sent,( •ee .,t )JI a. tn. Ise,. oro• (-,1( oi' - 1'oneire.: 1 .ritbw;li[.•-
111..•1 n. the morning by Itev. Mr. ,••'',1ph•d to j{oee.• He .i. , •d•d,•r ("1'
%1iak'iueat. who has full charge ,.f, lir. that .lint was r.nlertet t•. ' .L ttw n 451
11;nlg,eil'. tell k 111 les absence. Si.e
ut••i, in, the everting; Illy 'toy. Or.
dime. general 'secretary. tit ,%111.
'11.uk in the Methodist
4hut lis
Rev. ,j \V. (.t,•41.uu. 11. It . genera,
set[.:.u', .,reducattun
for Die ltethu.i-
Pell: A. It. F'.utiter, 11 ,.. .•t 51c-
Ma.ter :Unit 'i'uruutu. will
prs;tch at the Gcelerioh Baptist chin eh
Sunday .next, Morning and ,evening.
Mr, i'-rpter is secretary of the Tax
It.•t.'tw A-,ot•iat:on.
,,.nday will Ike educational d 1.t in
II• town 1l.n..l'' :.tri t h.• plact'i
4,, t40.•1,d;t+, the•e•'4 ,l
HoL..t• lienr'v .1.r . `l.• 101. 1.1
the conned. a -king tI 4, • .I, ,t1'.
••tt' I 1 / n11e• t i..t1 to i
11 r, ;j t i t •.•! '1'1„• 4 . w 1t,• le•-
(eIr0•1 t•, tilt. 1111 I'll, \t ,r . .!1111111.00
1 , (1444 •h, with par;u h vi tut4 i :,111 u' o!' tl .• 140.•1 .!. , 1 • :'i. Il r
street 31elh.„ii,t chceu•fleet Mittel/it \lalln
fut-r•t u, :1.t 1 -.10.k. 1h. Graham 1. ' •• . I • i .•i. a.4,
onet (Le I, I t c (lot f niutl 'if II
„,, hit
pn{pit t.•d:.t .:Ind-huuld h e v ,.,r, `
;-(,weed {ewes Cul1e• tio11silmai stile --.- r
'"'l 114191••• will t'1. re. rived ittei•1 of the Ar. Irxc ting Trip from Fort William to
educat4.•n,d fund et' the chuth. In Ggderich. '
t!tervcnist; R.N. l►r. Medd wili preach. s - w,,, ,:; , Pk! rd
All ate, •iptviL.•.l to it,teed-the•se 1(.t- A 1 t 1.r' i4i14z 11.11 •u
kis.<• 1a,1 'I'hrtrrday etching 4.y :h•. srrlt/or14
The iriuior Epwntth League uf:Vlt• 1 t •-t 1(r•Kee aryl '1Vet:t.•i.4. word by
Oita sheet \lethodia clt+rn•h uket on the_ 4i'rstrr•n tcatu'hil• 4', . of 1'ot-
tal(r 1 d),u y his '1'lu. following over) onto. The McKee is as led 1. Cult- H.
8 ap(ps(:uted. tinder the leadership ot lat..'
\led i - t ruder :dirs.Hen Gtay and ru
u,tuanil .•t the West' ,r.1 A. yl."Nle-
Au., .ars Elects Officers.
w'1ne ,•f the ladies auxiliary ••f
]t_L-_wie held on tdepteur.
1, nth 3rr'1 ter the near were
'•.4 :.- fuJlnws :,Mrs. 'Hamilton,
en : Mi ('shrir, vier-pteeeide1t:
h!tri v, „s -e tary ; Miss Were.
• ],feting• are Labe held the
tell iib of •xeh month at 1+
p nee, til:• 1'. M. C. A. rooms.
i 11.•11 ir.l1.le.tell. in title gore(
,,!s et.I,.'ly invited to join.
:414, '1. •,...erns, appropriate for
'.•451.0 14, rime the rx, will be
Ilyd .user will he called. for, if
ur1.1 1111 kindle notify the
Libor,' Board. . .y
petit.. lila pty • betel suet on
err,ver ,ng last for tientact ion
hie"- 'telt,• Ill11,111 't•9• in Attend-
videMrsstet. ; Kidd, Fowler.
Tan and 1)r.' Strang. The
.1tu'rp.!1"d receipts for August
•tt fruurlitlr. NIA sale of cards,
n i••'!c et 713 work% of fie•tion,
rend'. 112 historical, til maga-
and I.t. '.; ot4rr .bees.-. 'Che
ring 1;5,0,11.? - were ordered paid :
Hawkins insorane(ypremium in
• Nu1m,i. 117.:11): Jbs. Kidd.
.r, a1:'.',: Gent gat Klrwart.
, R:1.. .I. la. Aitken. rerpenler
1. This ceneluded the husi-
evening. -
J •or Postoffice Addition.
• 11''11 reference• to our
Insane (eh mo thin week. tenders
wing asked or the addition and
1411111W 1 11 1 41 .radPl'n'h p tett fll'^e
hog. The ..144 op into tw built
r rear of the pr tit huil4ine in
Lith the e:ut side f the building
✓ to lip; 22.feet by :l, eet 14 inches.
'hire. with hnleinim T1lp wldi
tl stare whi,•h thio ru itutn wit
a Ia• .liVidcd let pen the
lc lnhl.t ;end the working- dxxu of
Ketonic.. The mnne•t• ord,'softicp interred in yl,itland cemetery yye•etPr-
4*43*1 11.,• stamp wicket will be at day luurning. .Hee, Dr, lledd. hied
"It. •isle. At the extron'P tear
hethr p•..tmaster's ()Mee lin rba charge of the funeral services. _ '
heart confers a vault, a hedral..,
thr',rtail etttrenee tat the eolith -
cornet 1. New floors will he laid
hrnn,th, melt the electric lighting
and other teething of the office
Pment will to thoroughly aver- Baq.,
led.. Tender fertile- work are to ion tie
''et'aked up. to Monday. October was on
$ this dist
Nies K'ren Sheandnwu . .uperiutet,- lures •.1(d'.4 :4,. Mel -taut, ere chief
dent (,f Christian Inalteav •r, 1s[e11 t engt1ert • of the McKee an -i N ext.'rd
4'lar•k assistant _ repel intel/der.t
1Is1, nlisionery w'.rk, Ida. Smith
2ndiAte)?1 literary de, Ate)? Wutk:
pec-(defirst o t, )largery Adams: bice -
•i 1e.peetively. The McKee 4s Itcompel-
:tit-ply new steamer,- h., tang Leen
s)leci.*Ily built in Englat:d .(both three
fear- ago. Lor the late trade. The
plesIdrnt, Laura Riles : organist.\1' ex lord is a notch old': vessel. hay-
Lillie Rennet- : secreta' y, Ivy Elliott: "tug `.titled till, over the goN•h before
treasurer. Victor Kerslake. The l001u11K to iter 4.1445.4 14Lr six seat••
Meeting is held in the League mem : 5.44`1• Thr \\ exfurd !1.f Fit N'illianl
notes uftet nnou a: o'clockI (or l iodei ich at noon Ib Tucecl:ty. Sep-
sh:atyr. The rnt•etiug is eery ittterr14t.Lewher fah. and the McKee tollow•ed
ing and everybody i- wciconn • how later. Much interest WAS
,evinced in the event on 1, count, of 445
Archidiaconal Meeting at Exeter. le lig the tint oppoltut.ity which had
' The Venerable Atchde:li on Richard -
t 'l,1rd to test the obi and this arm
spa, ut London. has tut armed to hold vessels -Ode, by aide. That night the
his next conference at Exeter. His Ilgbt+ ••f the McKee. could b1. seen
*tehdrac'inry' include.- three counties, astern xnd .tt dm light the next newt'.
Middlesex. L.olhtoo and Hilton. In ing she was nla•ut three miles behind.
the two former countieut diddle•, x Things rents Med like this Up to noon,
and I.andite:a) vee' successful and when the McKee forged ahead until
trprrrsrnt*tie,. reefrtele.es•. e,,:e, al- she, was abreast of the Wexford., It
ready i e•il betel tit liit ncur and S:u-
Was just at this timythat things began
nisi end now (lir next conference is to 1.e really interesting for the respee-
tlaed for Exeter on October 11 and 1.2. tier clews. ' First one would gain :end
The program include( lire, •.,'peri• then the other. Thi• was kept up for
' el.atbjrrn .0 h as Bible study, moral
some time until the Wexford gtade-
reforum, 11'11.1n College jubilee. churchally gained the le ,d, which she held to
literntme and inferlcnomivatbanal the Son lar ks. She locked through
tenet% ship. The arelideacon will Ile-
first and proceeded down the St.
liver hit, eddres. on the first day. and Mai v•- River. iIi\l, d:i afternoon
the Bishop ••f Huron will preach on the 11. -Ker was again -ightrd and he -
the first evening.- At the concluding. K•eii to overhaul the Wexford until the
w-siun Mies T. A. Couuell 'head dee• big s: ranters were neck and 'neck.
renews of the deaconess' hotter. Tor- 1►ucr more it was the survival of the
enrol and Canon Hagar will .he the fittest, the Wexford holding her own
speakers. the former disco -sing dra and entering Goderich harbor first.
retires work and thelatter deecrihieg Have: a fight t4 a,tinish' and proved
the recent 'Halifax bicentenary- cele'• com•lueively that 'the Wexford ran
(Dation. Rev. D. \W, Collins. rectorstill hold her own ay ,inst any of the
'1 Isicrtso, her already awakened x newcorners with all their modern
n Iangore SALAAM.
ively interest' in 'this gathering a PPP .Ce`t.
along his parishioners, and Exeter
n the channel
'ober in the
e ,Ul fart•.
as the body was found within \. short
distance h'onr where the dredge was
working. It was brcught to heel by
the Meir on the dredge and reunited
to Biophey's undertaking.roolu>'. or-
oner Holmes • was notified and an •0
,toper w1(+ ordered to its opened at
•,:clock 1'uestlav horning. The fel-
'Awing' jurymen were swot n in. ,with
F. J. Pridham a+ foreman : Peter Mc-
Farlane. George Hunt, James Logan,
Robert Elliott, James Holland, W. L.
McLean.'Wm.Towersey. G.H, Green.
F. J.. Bu,land, Dr. Mabee. Edwin
Campion and James Mitchell: The
jury viewed the body. and appointed
Dr. 'nimbi:II to conduct si Ixlst-0'or-
tern ezatuinatiuu. The inquest was
then adjourned until Ft ill ty evening
at N1 to * repgive the' ort. The bodydoctor.
Ie in
bad stale of decomposition and the
head had the appearance of being
badly battered. Che remains weer
Death of John Hamilton.
After an illness of 'Height's disease
hich confined him to his bed for only
weeks, hut from %% hie!' he had
a sufferer for some titue. John
Itnn'died at his home in Naltford
tel of last week. Deceased
Or the beet -known figure• in
irt. having tweet engaged in
einem; at Benmillet, Belfast
leOn the hotel
kite from O .,..
'eg dna SaltforE tar a number •1(f ,'stns
11ting to ,',new pier subs' eri t' His birthplace was in .t he .city.T•1(•-
:hr old paper,e. tapa, 11ra. Honto.where heaves horn in 151'2, and
Mitch, of Portland. Oregon (forth- he wes thus site --eight years and six
\fis..10111 Ure.ni, of Colborne
n.hi t) writes : '•1 noticed in your
4'I' at recent date that you have
it ;lilt'ed by a very severe hail-
tm. Why not *ebbe. your reader
COMP to our gldrions climate it.
'Ren' whir we have no hailstorms.
this. extreme heat nor extreme
11, no lightning, no earthquakes, r."
lone•, in fact nothing that is oh-
timelier r True, we have sum.
n (Wring the winter, season, but we
enjoy it -and anyway, as 1 told toy
her in a recent letter, Oregon rain
s not wet," The Pariflc ('oast
tf' doubtless has its ada•antegcs.
om Mrs. Munlorh's description
"Ild'no,t one judge it to he a dread -
uninteresting place? What do
" newTpapent write ehn tt where
Inthin1 nhjeetinnahle" takes plater ?
^d considering that there baa been
tlr none severe hailstorm in the lite -
^f a generation' in this section.
ral.P (tack that unr people will not he
* hntry to move out to miss the
ext nap, 14nw.ke•. her old friends
Se will he d to
h,M h ear that Mrs.
ha* feend her home in touch
1eNlwt surroundings.
d.' r
: '1
months old. F
while living on
ty-one years a e,
e farm with his
father. the late R'm. Hamilton, on the
tlth concession of Co me township,
the deceased was ma ied to Miss
Sarah N. Hasty-, of Wes \Vawanneh.
She survives with a fain of three
ens and two daughters. ',They are
tries. D. Passinghem, of Edtees ; Mrs.
Geo. V:utstone, of (ioderich;`•Adam,
of Calgary, Alta.; Hugh, of An
dine. and Cecil. of Wingham. An her
daughter, Mrs. Martin Mugford,` of
Saltford, died four years ago. The t>-
ceased also is survived by tan brother'*•
and three resters: Wen. J.. Mrs. R.
Johnston• Mrs. James Mitchell, all
Colborne, Robert Hamilton, ll
and Mr*. Maurice Beckwith, of Wing -
ham. Tenears ago deceased came to
Sanford, a?tmii,his hotel at Belfast had
beers burned. and after engaging in
the hotel business fur two years he
retired from active life and took hp
nplr may its counted upon to otter To the Parents 'and. Guardians ot the
er el hospitality to all visitors and - Town of Goderich.
11 up a good attendance at all see- The follow resolution was adopted
,.f the conference. ' by the \Women.('hristIan Temperance
Union at the lost tegular meeting,:'
Presbytery of Huron. Whereas it h:as cows to our knnwl-
•eshytery of Huron held its edge that a deplorable state of things
Peeing at Brucefirld 00 Tues- exists_ in our :',w'11 i11 11141(en+ of mor-
ether I1th. • There were ality. we beg respectfully to urge upon
ere, D. Carswell. m'dere- the prttennts and guardians of the town
A.. clerk portent,: the necessity of not allowing their
It u d Mesos. Sharp, children out upon the street unsttend-
ed. after: a •teasouable hoer in the
Father, mother, it may 11e your
daughternt' your eon who is in danger.
Nee to it that your duty to your child
is disrhat•ged to the test of your ability
in the eight of tied.
We hope to hear the ctirfcw btk1
ringing again in the near future.
Pei M. E. Howell, Secy.
If you nerd a new troth brush you'll
probahly he intet•ested in a large in-
voice of brushes we have just received
from France. E. R. \VIOLS, druggist,
successor to Jar. Wilson.
The 1
regular u
day, Sept
present 111
for : J. L.' Si
Dr. Stewart.
Smith, (Jerrie e, Richardson. Sowers,
Mann, Fletcher` d,Larkin, ministers,
and Messrs. Mc "ay. Stelhish,' Cutel.t•mmrll, \lur•diry nd Fraser. -elders. -
Mr. (Carswell was elected wuderat0r
for tbe ensuing six urinths. Messrs.
(lest, of Lake Superior Presbytery.
Michigan. nod D..lohnston, of London
Presbytery. were asked to unite with
the Presbytery. Commissioners to the
General Assembly reported their at-
tendance. Messrs. Pearcy and Rich-
ardson were appointed to address the
W. F. \I. S.'at the annual tweeting in
November. b'14Ve, was given to Mr.
Hamilton to moderate in As call in
Knox church, Goderich. when the cqn-
gregation is ready. To Mt. Sewers
and Smith also leave was given to
moderate in calls at Varna and Blake,.
and Hayfield and Bethany, respect-
ively. Mr. Richardson Wa9 appointed
on the committee on systematic benefi-
cence. A PitnultaDeous campaign
proposed by the committee on evan-
gelism was heartily endorsed. Ar-
rangements were left to be oompleted
by the committee, but it was hoped
that the earl- portion of January next
would see th t - n an accom-
plished fat'(. Mesar;.. ma an
well, ministers, and Messrs. Cutt, Bu-
chanan. Gemmell and Murdie, elder'.
were added to the committee. It was
greed that an hour or more of the
November meeting be given to brief
addr•e,ees by the conveners of com-
mittees o n systetnatic beneficent•..,
foreign and borne missions, French
et'angebeation and augmentation. Mr.
Carswell was appointed to represent
the Presbytery at the Blyth jubilee
9••rvicee nn October Ath end Pith,
Misers. Sharp. Mann and Smell and
residence in the house 10 Whirh '
d'ed. The funeral took place nn 'rust- their elders were appointed to dea
day attetnnnn• Rev. M. Turnbull with remits for November meeting.
be held at
tormecharge of nt was nedehin Colborneervices. come- ale- I'ChamsaxRaled nn the 8the net meeting 41 trof November
terry. I next at 10.311 a. m.
SIM 4111111•111111•11.1111110
W e specialize
in ever} depart
You will;nlwnys
get your dol-
lar's worth a 1
this store.
Men's Department_,
This department t, .11 be.open for e'Ine hour , ei'y night;. (tom 7 to
t ock, for the convenience'of,,,tjie lvorking men whot:annot'!et up
,t n during the day. Now is the time that we are 'read\' to dress
:ay man up frt,n heal to foot with the latest, and newest styles.
:161 our'new fall goods are here now for you to choose your outfit.
Froin of hat down to a pair of shoes, from a. suit of underwear to a
fur overcoat. By running this department under the same roof, we
tan give Voll the best values. Here are a fete specials for 'one week
Sevt:nt : - five pairs men's
. Trousers; 'regular.. value
• Special, per pair - , - -
$ i. oo.
- $I.55
Fifty pairs men's ` r utsersr regul•4J'
$1.2.52x,Special, per -pair - - 98c
Seventy n
ve men's Overcoats in
• Black B3 leer, regatlarly sold for
$S.00. Oui\special ,price, each -'$6.50
Twenty-five •i'tcn's Suits in'' good
serviceable tt -eed, nice patterI)
and g.00d shad sizes 34 ,to 44.
Regliiar '•Sto.tx Special, per
.suit - - - - ., - - $6.95
Seven Only n n'°s T11.ed. Suits,. odd
shies ; regular $8.o)o- and $to.00,.
clearing, per suit - - $3.95
Twenty men's Suits 111 bee imported
w'Ar*teda.. '+lt .irsis, in goo shades
and patterns, .made with artell
patent pockets with allthe\latest'
' touches, i ere nobby. - Special .
value, per suit - - • - .' $13.95
One hundred and sixty pairs -.men's
Overalls, • made large • and full,
elastic in braces,' .five pockets,
extra strong ; sold regularly all
over the t:t)ul;t:t' at $1.2.5. Our
special price, pc:- pair - - - 98c
Two pairs airs iflcn's heavy all -
wool $ox. Special,.per pair - 23c
Seventy - five suits men "s ; 'he.tvy
•fleece -lined l'nderwear. 1' e,1.
garment - - - - 50c
t- -
'Fifty pairs men's Boots in `box calf
and velour, go'.dyear w e 1 t s, -
blucher : u1, • Regular $4. 5o,
special, per -lir - - - $3.75
Seventy=five psi min's Working
Boots. These a e • made from all -
solid leather, oil € ain that never
gets hard, blucher -tit ; regularly ,
sold at $3.00, our special, per
pair -- - - - - $2.50'an
l;'ivz toren men's tour -in- and ,ti
• Teck Ties. 'Regular 25c. cle (ring
special, each - - - - ' - 19C
W\ •
"Thirty - five pairsmen's. rkin K
• Gloves, made frim: pigskin, well
lined ; regular i5c, special, per _
pair - - . - - -- -.4 48C
Five gross Shoe Laces, per dozen Sc
Visit all the other departments. Special
values on the counters not advertised.
Departmental Store
• Ca 81111111111111111111
By placing a large order and paying
cash we; hav procured at en ex-
tremely low ficgure the finest lot of
charnels skin* that ever came to town.
E. R. WHILE, dtuggist. \\
The Ladies' Aid Society of Knox
church intend Riving an informal tea
on Thursday, OctolwrOth, in the base-
ment ,.f the chus•eh. Tea served from
to 41 (rink. Admission and tea, 10
cents. .Ul are welcurne.
The regular meeting of the Goderich
branch of the Women's Institute will
he hell in the 1)ddfellowe' Hall on
'Thuteday. Oetotwe Orb . The sleeting
@tett• at 3 o'clock sharp, as there is
special huiinesls. A demonst.rat'
in toiled making w111 be made by two
re the lnem('tete•.
.1 meeting of all perf.n* intetested
in the ju"tor bond will he held on
Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, in
the hand glom, over McLean's meet
market. ()Meets weer to be elected
for the organisation.
1 O F.1LL
See the tine suiting•
and rivet coatings at
Correct styles. perfect tit. first-
class tailoring.
Honeyed phrase. have a bitter test e
when you are compelled to eat •
• inemmo
•11111011111111111111 MO •itodericli
New Season's Millinery
has secured a choice selection of the very latest styles in
Millinery and will he p;,eatted beale w them to the ladies
of (ioterich and vicinity at her show r01111111. Hamilton
Advt. The (nest appreived effects in shapes and trim-
mings for the season are assured to Miss Cameron's
customers. Thr ladies are invited to cull at their con-
MISS CAMERON, - Hamilton Street. Goderith
Artistic Picture Framing
A light lunch may be the result of a
blonde hair in the butter,
A ',,Il line ot
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Cut class,
Attractive. worthy won kr of\att,' in' suitable
frames, grace the walls and lend the finishing touch
of beauty to the home.
We carry all standard lines of ;white, photo-
g1' 1VUre+, etc. Water emote, etchings, engravings,
oil paintings. and the finest stock of mouldings and
frames in. Western Ontario.
Let us suggest pictures or frames to meet your
J. S. Davey
store or ;Macre ►rtw••.n *nuth was
Mont rel
We keep a complete stock of artiste' materials
for every branch of art. work. Mail orders prompt-
ly fillet& the day received._
We guarantee all orders in framing for expert
workmanship, and all materials used the best 04 its
kipd in every respect. We have appreciative eustom-
ere in all the Targe cities. from Montreal to Van-
We cordially invite the public to visit one Art
Store. Von will see something to plea*. and interest
you, whether you purchase or not.
Ladles especially will he interested in the floe
display of art needlework.
Smith's Art Store