HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-29, Page 3THE
• \taliAZINES,
l►F,R1LAWCral.s and
i.. and or repaired.
Good At'.ndance in Spite ot Threaten.
ing Weather -Toronto Vocalist and
Comedian with Local Talent' Give
Concert in the Evening -List of the
' The I,.uekuuw 1411 far was held ou
Thursday and F ridwy last, September
22nd and 2.tl•d, and was wen Attended.
Rain threatened all day long, hut
held off unlit tete in the al'lrruo, u.
Doubtless. the pilot*, t of wet weather
kept a gifed many away. lett as it War
the attendance *A. Well up to' the
Har«es ale a great feature of the
Lucknow .how, and therw_war a mag-
nificent display of thew. ( 'tittle and
other live stock classes also were very
good, Lucknow twieig the centre of r
uuag niticent ►tutkauidiog.dietrict.
The exhibits in the nlain building
writ, interesting and of exeellen: qua!
ity. A minnow of the •• merchants of
the town made ,attractive displayer 441
their wares. and the Wumru'.Ineti-
tttte did a thriving Weiner.: At a hlncb
colluder, the FF i..ca-de !wing for the
fund. of 11..' Nu,kiik•t free Hrpita1
for Consular pt iv4e.
Theta ++ i• r e nn horse-apeediirg
evente, but a .eerie. of athletic coir pe-
titions, Highland drawer, rte., mode
,(,I,r) 1.E'J'l)•:JtIN6an, interestirg program en' Friday
rt* LEAT111$R (i00D, attetntiun: NI lisle was supplied.in
- oleo to on leaving Krnettme quantity by 1h. Lucknnw•
AnorJl'FiF -)• '. •,,,,derich. brass band and the Lucknow .liter,:
..\ I•: 1' A \ 1111{. STKATFORU trend. The St. Helen. -rhea to
the pelf[,[ sehta•I entered in the
com•petitiun for, the bt.1 deem ated
load ref -ochre.! rhildr.•n, 't. Helens
winning the fin'[ prize.
ruin 1 erre war a• •rant
\ LF1{Ell E. L'(K►K. TEACHER ul•
Theo: Harmony wd
tereond. p<tldM prerarrd for lam
1'uu•o playing. Thr y. a 6401
oo" of Mu.ic.-A
iDTtof Toronto MCoc'Stor tory pDlr
7os,w(. Mcar ><tnre. Gude-rich. J.loadryr
' taf.annet.,tl re•a!eiee of Mt. A:ex. Macarn
tie. Uatarw aim .% Rede[ rh tudio at Y. M
, eA. ra un fir. t' `•at Card Lo..n a V. • t &tit
\North [fere[,-' - •-_
bl ,-uitliA\. SIN(.1N(,. HAIL-.
, •1'. t',i St'k1;p4fINr. t.7•'. and Mise !1.46•'1 Mu^d.uald, of W ing
ham. Highland dttnc,rs: Aar• r, Fit-
�u,: name o Y•n,rt of Kt ce, church ./ell, of Luckuuw•, :ti the Irieh g : the
yru,• 1•.t Of t:,a1. ri h 4 or.-ery star Lnrknuw iter•, and the Luck now
Nasi ei¢o •ur'•.-rt*.- «uD) At '. t (oto � r•••lir•tr.t.-'•N r•.''(iru. timith wa•
In the •\ g 4 giant
concert in he-Agritulturwl- Hall. with
a large anthem e. R. 1). ('amcron
Acted a. . b,[irwau. Those who o ok.
partwer•• Itmahl (' NIseGtrgur, the
well-known �writul)e ,.Iolat of Tor-
onto : IAhlie Pigott. c•alurdians of
:Fussed.); J. limy Ruse, ..f Lucknow,
I.) J M••Charles : gentlemen's turnout,Alton. W R Perrier ; t waive Iowa- •
ltubt Irwin. Lucknnw ; L Lott. F Col., I toes, Jot Lyons, 1 ('ongraw : twelve
well: Most valuable huts, W... U. i unions, J .1 Taylor, flet ti Rullrrteon :
(jtlillma ; ware or geldink, Any tyle or one quart tuti`-opions. Watson! Bros,
rl*As, J F Davidson, 1V Omni ; 1Vr11
U ctjuillau.
. n Its A P�
dwot. dAru,g.
-- CiVIL E!tl,1NLLRIN(i
\(b11AN 111. R(II1EK'lb. CIVIL
1 u:'. H►4rai...c L, Wtneer, Qatari° Land
ti10.0,4 r
-(Mee u.!ran P•:«k, Ooterich, corner
Moue,,. -• we:. 1. rrh°ne 137.
The of ices« and dire( (gas .of the
Lucknow show are : Prr.idrttt. Wal-
ler A. W'il•ou : hist vier-president...1.
Me Diannfd : seennd vie••• -p re.ident, A.
Mcltay: arc:etary.1 U. G. Lot:ke;'res
uret', I). N. Lawrence. Dire••t(.t»-.
Kinlnr., A. Nirhnlson, 11. Maulers;
MEDICAL '. Ashfield. W. }Dunt'. Jas. Lane:
hh \ r W'.
ui lin.
West W' w.,n
W. 1
Wrt a (i
u W. W. Smith.
S. MN 1• »fir; Hsu o,
T. ',1nor•. t Lucknow. Gro. 11. Smith.
_ - _ Horses.Imported 1114111'r. 't years and over,foal by .itinserted dab. I•t and 2ndspan in harnere and wagon. R J',thick. Ripley : .1 .Forster, Lucknow :that s raised foal III 19111, .1no Nie-
l/Munn laacknow ; sob jettut-yea-old geli g, T 'Robert-
i tilARLES 4: A MOM. L.L.H.. BAR- boo, WingliamKiel ER. 6;:int.tyr, aol.filtor. Gate- yr.ii -old filly, Jno We ter. Fordyce :
1'l'HF.•1t IIKU 54101('1'114*K',
Hull. a )•ears w• t)(tr', .I4s Furrester';
hull, 2 years old, McKay Bros, l uek-
nut* ; Jim) \Vehster ; hu I, 1 year
McKliy Hits ; hull calf, 44 months anti
under 2, W. R. McDonald, Ripley
aged cow, let and :ltd McKey Htos.
2nd WV.lt McDonald: three-year-old
cow. 1»t and :3rd .1440 Welester, 2nd
M.'Kav Hens: 1wu•year old heifer, \V
It McDonald, .11444 %Vela -ter: (rue -year-
old heifer, McKay Bios. %V R McDon-
a1d, .lou Weiwter; heifer calf, fi
month. and under 12, McKay Boo,
Jnu \Vrlster: he;fer calf'. It monthe
and under, Jiro °W'e1 star; female, any
able, M)'Kay HI't*.: In r.}, MoKey Brom,
W K Net), nal,' : .t valuable herd,
.Jill) W'1•l►tir.
DV KH.4. N', H KlEFun•D alt POLLEI) .L21OC$
Male, any are, MWK.y Bros.
UK. \\'. F. (,ALLOW, M. B.
..Drtho:� ._•)Y.K .•,), th r. •• 1..44 Lo:.. 1.1
1. KILLO!;A\, HAI:I;1..Pk:R.
.) I , r. no .tr). Cr. Mol•�y to�� IrLd at
1 ,4. •,Mee--•.otth arra'!, uoetrtoh
sear eta..! (rrH•••+, , In neatwtll turday
.•d Moeda)•_ .
TKIt .alma', near- I ubfle trrOc'r�
H.mt»oi, rs.••.,rt. (Lderteh, :mot door from
pIorllFUUT. HAYM & -B1.NIR
1 [ranee, w, .oar.:or, nota)N•+ public in.
'or lt• t to At.rr.:1 4 l •re.rt, rte. Office, el. t rid
llyuarc :•', 1 door 4% A, Nairn . ert,crry. Pr(
rate Inn 1..to',rod at .tw4.t rates. of lnttror�.
offiew Heri.::.ton •turf, Odeon trot.
Robertson. PR Mi•Nrv': female. a
ag*., 1'at,.ulian bred, J 1: 1►acMelon.
J Polliwk : !'rood H)AI•P ar, I twa of -IFei
progeny„ -Sam Phillipe, P It McNey :
rest five hosiers -from either urns or
/truce, John Mr Diarmie' \\'eele.y
Henderson, Lucknow : at•dAn.I 4th, 11
.1 Pollock ; Jno MbKenzie, Luclloow.
Atelt,( l't.Tt•1AL.
spar; in harne«s and rig. .Inn Mc-
Diarmid : Jas Forrester. Lurkhow .;
Alex Pallet -bon. Ripley : breo,l
that has raised1fueell in 19111, S•mnPh81 (1'
lips : 3rd,
114-1*', Oat \Veh.ter, •Lucknow : Wm
Taylor. Fo1•ebyer: Nide. Me:ilian,
W'hitechurrh ; two Year old gelding.
W Ilendersou. G (i Moffatt, Jae For-
rester: two-year-old tilly. W Bender-
hotr,' John Webster : one-y*.at-441.1
gelding, W R Farmer. W'hiterhutrh:
`V Ri(•hoell»on. Teesw'ater : 9 Phillip-:
4oe•year•old filly, John Wets ter :
female. any age. ('Acadian bred. R J
Pollock ; Walter Richardson.' Tres•
oENER:a t. PI'HPeir+E. .
Span i mese and rig, F i(i Mel-
lott. Lt. 1 f( • t_- W R' 1'Am1pl*.11. St
Helen ; 'S 11 Ferrell. • Kincardine :
brood mare, • rallied ,'foal in ism,
Atli�,1.11rK,1y, KilrlPy: W'H-.J'ert•ier.
\'Mterbn,•h: (i.'o1'R bertsr.Riral
01 13111', Amor- McKay,
oar -1 .ttd.u,,, \C 14 F•.rrie• : two veAt-old
�•lte�liae gek{ini4 44r filly, Ja4' '1'ortemter ; Wm MARRIAGE LICENSES Wrests., Lucknow , f r T
tirade row, J.w Lyons, Lucknow ;
Jug \Vehster; two-year-old heifer,
Jno Wrh,ter, McKay firo.. one -year-
old In iter, .lex \ichulaou, Lucknow ;
Jl►y W'eh-ter; two-year-old steer, Me-
K.4y fib Jno \\ ehatrl one -year-
old -tear, os, Alex Nicholson, .Luo Web-
-ter setter ralf. I -t and 2ud ,Ino Web-
ster : dairy cow, kept in Lucknow, Ur
A \I Sproat, Lin knew : Jae Lyons
la• -t three steei., McKay Bros; herd :
1 t:uw. 2111'1'e1M. 2 stret.s, McKay Iltus.
11-411•41148 t .\'1"I'I-F: FOR OK.%LEIts.
Two-year-old-heifri, 1st arld 'lied
1{4.1 t 1) 144011, Ian ki3OW ; two-year-old
-ter,- Kolt. Dar , W E Henderson;
1.: jpal row, .14 el wheifer, Holt Dor-
. 1, Alex Nicholson: he•t three ,.luck
sleets, holt Diann', Alex Nicholson.
• •
-1101.4-EN . .
In W'rhl,: owe•
U1 P U k .A N r' F •(' Q. -Farm and tsoiated
ro.., ribp rty m'urM.
Otheer.-J: It. McLean, Pre... tseafor:h 1'.0.
Ja. (onno.l , Vice-Ikee.. (iodefich P. 0:
Thom*.. E. Hay.. Sec. -Trete., Seaforth P. O.
',tremor -arm. Chewer:.Osaforth; John
1:. I:neve, Winthrop : Deo:we Dale, Seaforth;
John H••norweir, /Rod hrveil ; James Evans.
I*'wrh wane: Jut.n Watt. Matlock ; A(al•olnt
.N, ►.pro. Hruretleid.
Aso,•-- J. W. Yeo. Holmeeville: 11. smith.
barlce, . .1 .-. (br.uo.i'4f•. Itermood. it : Y.
Hanekl5. -•'.forth. Poilepholden nen pay
..w ,.n.rn • - .1,1 [tet their card' recelpted at
Tool & Hr(• e.. Clinton. or at It. H. Cutt s
ererrrr- K-trlr.tittt-treet (loderbch.
Luck • Smith - Botts; two heads
cabbage, Jas Lyons ; 1) \1 1'huutpst'n,
Lucknow; cauliflower, U J 9I-
Heifer calf. Wm lits Ainghaur.
Luckuuw: telltale. any age. ,Muor•e-
hou•e litehell, Litkto..v.
Charles ; .A Me('Arroll, Luckuuw : tl<.
airs or
pumpkin., Y J McMillan. Lucknnw,
1) NI Thompson ; t w o amoeba,"( carry Dr. Miles' Anti -Fain
A NI((lat.'o11 ; table squash, W !lura.
Lucknow ; A 1V Alton ; kineluns,
Jno McUiarwid : celery. Jas Lyons.,
%V Horn: collection garden vele-
tables, L) H Alton, A 'McCanull: cit-
rons. W H McDonald. Jno McUlar-
luid; wateIilWIOn, .les Alton, Luck -
now ;
uck-now.: hest „ample'Collec•tion, A Mc-
Carron; nlangolds. red. Geo D Robert-
son. Jnu McDutrwld : mangoIe, yel-
low, (leo S Robertson : Jacob Miller,
Lucknow ; turnips. swede, .Ino Web.
►ter, Witt Woods: turnips, any other,
,Ino Welwter; field carrot., Jas L+tue ;
pular beets, Jasokitne, .1 NteDitu•mid';
collection field [`Fiats, J .McL)iarulid.
Dairy and Table Supplies.
4.F:.* i' -riot,
Aged ram.. Purvis !{aur, Lucknow:
Greer Bras, I-urknott;aged ewe, 1st
,oaf 2nd I.t••'r• 13rup ; ewe lamb.
Greet lien-. Pru c i. Brno : 191111 knob,
Bleer 13t.*-, 1'I,,vis Brno; 'heading
ewe. P111% i• Rio., Greer Bros
G leer 1;10.. -
1.xronif II/NYNS.
.-„karrietrn Hamilltto.tfeet to \(ioderirh,
W. K. 1 )1 Ei:-fes()
11•:!..1.:11A N('R AGENT.
Valdes*!• l.:t.» N1\4: Htltish.,tarseian and
"abPST Nrrrlvr.,.. AND KMella•Lttr 1Aln11
err . 'lihe:rcean Accident. a..d (Scanarwr
•'of4/r'ation, 1.1n•ited, of London,
(Ju -err Fon(�l•'RV*YCF Hants• TM. C.S.
f eh' end livatadtetComlwr,)'.
( at re.i_rnce, norttv'arr earner of V11
a 2. l,avld r ,accts. -- Pttone 1741
land vent inmost ce. Agent for lewd:ng
'nts*1 and [fork contl'an)n. Jnenra•n.•e is rut
sen ''Beene.[ 4 n' nee' plans and at lown•t. rale,
. 411. at nR r•e,' curt r: We1i� !�e�tre. t ay d Sou..[.:
)t lrldr ••\'. (RAIGI)t, tro..e:,o/, Lent
rat h
Lynne, Lucknow ; 1 •Congram. 1) H
Alton ; tub butter over 441 pounds, D
11 Alton ; Jas Alton, Lucknow ; roll
table Lotter or print, 1,C(mgr:uu, Mien
N' Lynda, J 3 Taylor; Nock butter, 1
Cmag•wam, Geo H Robertson ; two
have» of 'tend from !'ream u
1collection butter, Miss M
f the
\Vest flour.. Jno M*Diartuid ; two
loaves bread home made Watson
Pilltt.with me all the tithe, and
for ,aches and pains there is
nothing equals them: 1 have
used them for rheumatic -pains,
headache, and pains in side arc%
back, and in every case. they give
'perfect satisfaction." -
B(u)tton, N. J.
.Pain comes• front cort urea..
serves. It• `may occur in any
part. of the lhca(1-or hotly \Y1u're
there is weakness' or pressure
upon the••ncrvc'-
Dr. Miles'
f310,., ,1) H - Alton, Jno McDiartnld : . Anti -Pain Pills
two loaves bread made from 'Fre-
'eaten Bros' flour. W R Fattier: two
loaves ht•eatl made him Hill's flour. .
\V 1{ Farrier : 1,0* comb honey, A
Smith, Lucknow : jar i f,huney, 14 Mc-
I)onsld, Lucknow > • I) .11 Alton:
maple syrup. 1V McKenzie, Luck=
aw : .Iss Lane ;' entire' ion canned
fruits. .1no Webster: collection bak-
ing. Miss \1 Lyons; pumpkin pie, l)
\1 'I huwpson, Mies .M Lyons o angel
cakr,,Jnu 1Vrtalter, H Mather..
Fruit. ,
Bnldwine. K Cameron. Lucknow • a, U• Il 1„ l.o,;.n,•tt :
1Re'n {)tris, K t'nfueton ; rulc4tt0, K ..I. uJvn : i illo.y n•, ?li -
.I • I.,bie , 11.1111411,•'', • 1 '1 u.
tred, Mgss L 1':it utgal •u. , 'h.-. 1
(.yolr.: fanndi'y lag, AI r. \\'ul N4-
Ketizie, ',lrs 'f•aiuhn : t*l.'h on 01.1
garment. Mrs Win M,K ,lir•: Mrs 14
1'huu,psun, Lucknow ; 4I tg, wualeii
ei• rott1/n. Mr9. D U '1'imro 6011. \L.
%Vin McKenzie ; rtting. \lis L Liv-
ingrtUtle': Miss Burgeser'Lu know c
piLow' covet., Miss \I' Lyon , Mae
Tandy : writ's heavy mitts. Nils
Win McKenzie ; turn'. tine. 01..
Watson Ht..-, Mrs \Vii Mf.Kei • it :
w'44InP11'e: file- Qui!.,, Mita I. Lie,'
stone, .- -
'Ktvl.ram, \V R Mcf)unald, D S•
' 14')li'1►un.
aid, Purvis Bro.: sheat lino ewe'. 1V It
McDonald, \Vatsou Scott : pun. W' H
Aged raw. David -Henderson. ) .111 * A.
Mr1)(m,tld, Lucknow : t•wP that has
raised Iamb in Into, Jno A Niel/enald,
David HrIIdel,44n : sliearling rale.
lona d.•
David Id }
lender en
Aloe A .lel I
ewe lamb. 1-t a (1 2nd 'I./avid Hen-
derson ; 1.un lamb, 1st and 2nd David
Henderson : .hewiliog ewe, tit and
:r'nd .Inc, A \I'•1)un*W : pen, Jno A
slel lonald.
Beat Iaro, any .4434. 0r bleed, (:rear
Relieve pain, \\hcthcr it he nru-
ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head-
ache, stomache, pleurisy or
ovarian pains.
P rIee 25c at your druu tlet. Hs should
supply you. If he does not. send peace
to us, we.forward prepaid.
D R. MILES MEDICAL' 00.. Toronto.
(`*Inert*.*. 11 \icLonaW ; l'ayug
a lied I
Streaks, K l•;.1u1.•l •,u : dueness, Jae I \
Alton, -Lueknuw : K ('utnerom ; .crab
fipples, K Cun.el in : (,is,y.'nsteiii • 11
Ft. Alton; wealthy. .1 w' Lane.'A 1V•
Alton King ot l'unlpkitf» Count y,
Jas Lane ; 4lanp, K (',['111'11/11 : \\•elf
River, K !'Amet•on twenty' -armee
p'ppins, 11cjntyie Ilio., Lrleknnw :
Hb'nheini pippin-. H Mat hers, K3 *m-
erle ; tibeton pipl.iu,. %Ir•Intyre
i ros...I Millet• ; Onto! in, K Cameron :
R. I greenings. Jas Late.: ,(*)Iden
russets,, alas Lane ; northrtn spy, K
t rbreiun : any other tact
Cameron : tiny other winter varlet.).
K 'aileron : tin en Varieties fall
apples. K Cameron : tete varieties
winter\ nppler, K. Cameron t twat
variety' naw6tl, K Cameron : summer
pears. Gatti R'.be rls� tt; K '(':nonan :
fall p••ate," K Cameron, I) 11 Alton
winter pears. 1) H Alton, (,reef Brod
s Concord. Grier
r t
b ^lies
there un
Brno 1 Con
rt* w
Warden, Hag••u Mel ronald 1 liner
tiurtehee Niagara. .1 A 'Suthrl1attd.
Lucknow: H McDonald : three hunch-
es Salem. 11 Mc•1)unald: three bunches.
Delaware, H MrUonald : three hunch-
'. lied, .1 .1 Ileodeis44u, Lucknow
►wst eollec: ion three limited vatieties,
11 ylrDnnaN1 ; bine plume=. \V A'1Vil-
son. Lucknow : green Plums, Smith
Rro, : led plums. South 13toe:
Ladies' Department
Knitting in noel. Mrs H W Trimlyn,
1Vinghatt : knitting in , ot.tnn. Lena
Livingstone. Blyth : �I I - 'I'ruulyn :
collect ion nevelt ie., Mr, '1', inlvn ; set
ladies' noel, swear, Mcs \\'414 Staten-
zir, Teesw•ater Imperial inrntionl ; *Of*
pillow, embroidered. Mi.» L Living -
romp. Mi -i M Lynn*, Mrs Tanilyn
sofa ,*illuw, any • ti r'•, Miss L loving
'Gime, \i6 1'*4llllyfl, Nits A Niel -atoll,
Luckuow.: shirtwaist, hand en)I,ruid
(fro S 1{1/1:41ote n. 1 n•'k now
Mrs vl'Amlyn; dt•wtenw•lk, Nils Wm
McKenzie. Mr9 Tanilyti ; cmhluidery
on linen, two kinds. Miss M Lvun«
Mrs 'I'rnllyn ; yuin, h -spun. 1V 1
•I) ld W'wison lll.,a; Herlin woo
10 -141: -1111th Pio.,
las .\li.,n, K':L►sl: look all prizes
No100-101 F: co....
.1.1ton. Ib -Ila -l. t ok all prizes
. • 't %MAI%'t)I:•III NOS.
Boar. J.tilt A M, Donald,: sow. that
ba. ta.sid pig' i. 13,114. John -1 Mc-
Donald; .uw. felr*)wrd in 111111, Jar
Alton, Belfast : John A McDonald :
(roar. fiurowrd in 11114), Jar Alton,
John .% McI,t*lit: flirt baton hogs.
las Altar_ _
Black Minoltas. I1 Bogies. Luck.
ow : i.rghorn. white, Duncan Ander-
.;1p, Wingham : Leglurn, brown. 11
Bog » : Racks. carred. Duncan An-
dersore,,-(:Irer Bios : Plymouth }tock,,
white, 1 , and 2nd, I) Anderson :
Dot king, 1n. Alton, Belfast; NVyan-
d•.(te., it1Lv ocher, i) 'Anderson:
Wvsnihitte.. whit , Greer .Brow, 1)
• i '' Rotel mom;
one -year-old gelding or filly,. Walter
• Richardson, Was Woods.
}lest foal in chores d or 4tag: Phillips 15111.rl
ret. general 1 i
hest foal Sir %Vener'e Best, inn Web-
ster, Brum Phillip«.
('ABBK1 4.I.I'.
Brotld stare that ban raised foal in
1911►, 1.Adgus yMoKay : fowl of 1010,
Angus M ny : t iyr.(r•o ire geld i(1
filly. R , e Reliant::
Belding or fills-, 1 Reid.
single Parries*. harne, Frank, ('olwell.
p;rrrir.: W. A Mcl:ser,. `I'eellwater: a W Alton : white leans. D H Alton.
D A /;rant ; span in harrier's and ear' `V It Farrier : l*l gest and beet. at •
singe, J Reid ; M Stanley,
P`1144.' J ,ulleetinn grain. Ed MKJ•IM•
("rove. transed
moan. .I las. 1 neknow : three sunflowers, 3 J
Buggy 130141, in harness, Levi Lott. , Hendet''I0ilv.a,eknow;half dozen
J rine
1Vi11gham : Robt Irwin, Lucknow ;' Coln. y Lucknow : half dour ea,
Rola Webster. Lucknw : 'tare that.l Taylor, Lucknow
3. )Ic ill dozen
hhr huitdll+it. • orre•toodeo•>s io hAe raised fowl in Pilo, Jno icorn. any
�O and Vegetables.
Lucknow : Milts McMillan. Angus
Kay ;foal of ll)!n, Il Moffatt. twear�1/W ne F°tor edrieties potdl.•es. Jeno Mel iarm�s
AUCTi011EERING gelMcMillan.Ii Jno Jo ret ; y y ; red p
gelding or filly. ,1 ItPid, MUM WNW-
1 Wm Hunter ; white pot410Ps, ft
Ian : .f Hunter. Lucknow : nnn•year• I Mather'', Lucknnw : Jno Mel)iarmid :
old gelding or ;filly. Milos McMillan : I h•'eta, short. Tl 11 Alton, 1V f3 I''ari lei ;
Robt Taylor, Fordyce ; F li Moffett 1 leets, long. Jas Alton, Lucknow :.las
hest foe]. sired by Lord Dundee, I Lane: garden carrots, short. W R 1
McKay. I M'Donald, ileo S Robertson, Luck-
arseriALs. i now : carrots, ouwg psrsn ons, A�1V
L►dy driven, L Lott; F Colwell ; gram,
�� AL 1 Elf F. KELLY„
0' )1)SRi(ay, ONT.
aUtrlC1.1:OF' MAF(R1A(:JI:LICENSKel.
W LANK, ISSUER ' Off' n1A•RR1-
T f r Aya mamas. Gadertek t.
-- 4:1'WH :a elf BAKBERriHOP-
ThL well-known and popular stand
ofe'n.Ili, patron. the beat service. in »having
haircutting, etc., etc. ia.dlea' ,.hamIonine a
•penalty. Only .killed hands employed.
YYour atmnop will b. appreciated. H. H.
Hti►;nQ{h:k, Proprietor.
n LINT Royal tnrtitute Hrltirh Architect.
R••'Mrn•.r Sault- Homan. Holerfeh. Plano, de
tail»and -1 drat prepared for r•eeidesces
aro• pre
Anderson ; Wilda
H Bogurs :
!nese. Greer Rios, Ander -on :
nttkeys, Hirer 13tes; C Rhode
Island ]tad, 11 Bottoms; canxlves, John
Adams. Lucknow' ; 1) .1 McCherles.
Lir know.
e111(•KEN' 0i-111111.
Rla rk \litntea. light.
1 t AL(t nntnd14
Bogor.: Brahma, K
D Andi r -on : enchin, sluff, Int and
2nd I)A1q,lerson: Leghnto. white, 1st
and 2t d 1► Ander-4414 t Legion u,
hr own. 11. Bogue. ; Ply mouth Ruck,
H B„gur», tit e'er Bro. : Plymouth
Rock, white. •Iso and '_'red 1) Ander-
son : Dorking,, Jas .Alton : th p1ngtou
huff, D. Andes tan : W'yandotte•s,
silver, I) Anderson : 1Vyandi.iter. any
other. I) Anderson : Huudans. 141 and
grid 'U . Rogues.
ill e' .nZIP 1 sun
fine knitted gloves, Mrs Wm McKen
zit : Ineu's fine WQgl socks, 11t•s W ur
Mca,Kenzie. Mrs 1'au h ri : metra haws.
tuck., 1 1'nn)t•litIl. I S W. McK,enzie :
lady's shawl, Mrs 'f,u,ily0, MON L
Liyin'g«tons : set crochet table male,
Mrs T*tttIvo : set table 'doylies..Mis.
' L Livini..t-one. .Miss !lingerie : tray
cloth. 4.1i.% H I.v„i1S. 'NB. 'Ir,iwlyn :
vi -ton.'.
Miss In
,r \le L L
dt 4 ..1 K
Mre Iamlyn : tatting, Mir -1. Living-
stone, -Nils. Barges'; :-strgdow --em--
broidery. Miss 1. 1.ivingctone,- Mrs
Tandy') : eyelet embroidery. Misr M
Lyons, Mi -.i A McCarroll ; baby'', boo -
net, M1»s 1. Living«tote ; child's fat.•%
direful, Mi. %Vm NcKn)zie, Mrs 1) \I
Thompson : girl's cotton dress, Nies
W rn McKenzie•: lady's fans Apl nn.
Mrs Win McKenzie, Mrs fancy
n :
laundered shirt and cuffs. Ire Tutu
Lyn, \lis - NI Lyons : button hide..
•\11.4 \t Lyme.. Mies L Livingstone 1
kitchen apron, Moe Tn1(lly,n, \Its GPO
S Robertson : roltertiuu ttrrssrtnking.
Mr D M 'I't , p-:114: collection fwncy'-
tam k. Miss 1.. Livingstone. Mra 'I',anr-
lyn:knitted or •1o,'het rnunterpnn.',
: Mrs Trnilyn, Mrs, R 1) 1'4m41on, Jas
• Lkne : rill"qu(It. any kind. \tis (.el)
• S ltulwrtsem, .Nit.• Tan.lyn: poach
- qu3at, wont, Miss Burgess. Nes Tam-
: lyn : patch quilt. cut ton, \Its T*'ntvu,
'1119+ 13 D ('a met.*n, 14' It McDonald ..
• fair nil-wo.11. 1lankets, .1a» Alton.
Lucknow : D"H Alton, Mrs R D ('am-
i eros.
. *Halaneco( Prize let. nen'. week.)
TiICRsl•AY, NEVI F.MliKlt 20 11110 1
Fail wheat, white, Johlt McDairiuld
W R Farrier :.JI J Downey. (loss
Volley : fall wheat. red, John NI, Dim. -
mid, W' 1t Niels:nald : Jas 1nte,
L,iit• r : goose, win. tt, 11' R farrier ;
A W Alton. Relia.t ; Wal \Vnoda. St.
ifetene ; ante; - black. .Inhn Weloter-I
mete. white. long, Wen Hunter, Lurk•
new : P J Downey t Smith Brio.
Clover Valley : oats. white. short, Jas
Alton, Lucknow : John McDiat•mi(1 i
Wm Hunter: six -rowed barley, }r .I
Downes-, Smith Brt s,FW Hitl'• Hittite!
peas, s 11.
Downey. John NI, Dia timid; peas,
Iwrge,,fas Alton. Lucknow : rye. A W
Alton ; timo,hy, Jas Alton. Lucknow
Jnlsar\`esi anni,n MraDiatnia1.: n. l'e.)
Downey; t:ax se'. , as : ton. or
now ; A W Alton. 1' J .Downey :
Arden beans, 1) 11 Alton, imeknnw;
r unit
and general auctioneer. (Mice. on Smith
arw.t. w11.1.• he will he Inland at all lime.,
whan not rrylna ale.. Term. rtmennahlc and
eery effort. 14.04 to Rive you »at.lefaMlOn.
beer h poll `s *hove the avetage-to
'Phone 56
\\'.• would Itt,.tw .I r i..l att••n
riot) to our utast ,'l•rupletr
range of infante, children's
ami ntise(s," !)s, -.,e.. Role-
ant? ('uric. ,ut.I et•erytbiOK
pert:linin$ to '.hildten', wear.
:.acid! L,r.e :•1
Girls' Beaver Coats
'1 1HN1 K BHA NO.'
n l 14,[[,14, gt ern •and Ilarj.
41, - \ ' , 4w.•I+r 1.*015, 11,•111
$4.00 $6..50.
Spec:a: shoaling <•! Ncvt'tify-
Cc'ats. No r'tl-(' al„((.
In/ants' Bearskin Coab
in :111 the nrwe•t s't •
eluding the Inteet nut • •
Black Bear Coats
A:ro Fad ata Bosnia
y I',• lit � n:',!ren from (1114` to
t;om $178 each.
Children's Dresses Chrldren's `Dress ?s
\\'r 114%0 r. r•::'''4t.1.1(1•.1.t-line .1 •1.1.1[••14• I••r• t44 fit
„nr own ye4l» rn t\vrlte y.':u• e1•1. 111 1,11 'Io' w• 1' -. 1rout
51.00 npwai,l.,
Chd en's Kid Gloves C!::'dren's Hosiery
Stork Sheet:ng Slol.k Farts
Poi Furs Furs
r -t '111.• in.I.n1.•
.'.'•• haiv +i•t rep„t ,•,I . n• t , ,t. „i k t f� Fri
I'• -to 1,1111 ��`*1�1••. I-,'•••.i.� 1 �' thi'.IUmt lilaek Leos, Mar mot.
1y 14•1 aunt Ia,1- .�.n ! : n. •' . 'u ,.1I the newv,t -')ier. •t: t "I'' .al'.
Sen:ai ahcovi-:e , :4441(x fur•li•:ed.
Asl•a.han l:n•a <.'*l ,:.:::(d -.r -rt* CO iS
i-ri le: r:('.1Jt r:nC .•r'.t •••)i1'-end•:y lee. .10*) .'' I [n'u'ke!! .(t wont.
t•'arellal)Ir )*:.i.'r'. '
!•'rerch.uly .It,\1,1".11.'P4.1'TEitNsd'(•the
''r•r. ILn•' '. 1
. 41.14 them y•;'' •
_ ho
TI I : i i,le.Ptlt 1• an :Ig'
••f flying mach:nee
.and dist in ret i ve
shoe -styles. Nt t w i• Jt•
ing to tis. our lives in
Aerial navigat'(n, we
AEP keep:ng .Ihrea-4 1 1
Ihr 1i1111•s by handling a
that in style, I.
n o ahead of "the
.l.S a iition
1 :'ro:k'-c '1:,i•'•
%a..DL M*'41. MGD.
If cocoa is your favorite beverage
by all means enjoy it at its best --
as made with Cowan's Perfection
The acme of purity, richness
and flavor.
Enduring fit,
because all
Underwear is
value because
it does wear
Real comfort,
beca:use so
knit that the
shape stairt,j,
in it. Theist,
reasons should make you
request the brand and
look for the trademark.
Have you tried Penmans
No. 95? For the children
a '4 well as grown ups.
pen -Angle
Autumn:4mm & HOSIERY
Trees PlarA
Let your next pair be -11ARTT S.'
G. M. Ellott-
The Signal and Weekly filobe to Jan 1st, 25c
A Cold Weather Need
Thc ch;liv evening.: of the fall and the fro,i v
wintrr -weat her -Iva srott- here; which will -znece -
si tate your r). tirchtsittg a good litchen Range otsuen
up-to-date Heater. We have the :eclusive agency-
Goderich for 1,11,,
We carry the hcst :issortnient irilhe county and
our lines before you decide as to • the kind to buy.
When doing any . painting, OM' on us. We
handle the besa •
Martin-Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint
Fred Hunt's Cheap Hardware Store
Plumbing. Heating, Hardware, Eavestrouglung