The Signal, 1910-9-22, Page 8a TaCRAo.,v, SBPTsatnFN 19111
Batt Has a Tree Nursery.
The Galt. Reporter, referring to
Councillor Hawk'in,i proposal to eM•
tallish r municipal nursery for the
supply of .ihaitr trees, e,tym : "Galt
hew uuch a nursery in its Viruria
Park, where trews. shrubs and ever-
greens see er s cot Tfftr �ltan iM a almoner, 'elating to Ikild's Kidney
good one. and is giving the park cone
wiwion a good renervuir (tom .ivhieh
to draw while it is beautifying our
recreation Rmlindp _+�1��pK nut�trsl
caused from n tisi i our br•rakdowo and
what the amour's ',called incurable
Bright•',tiseas, brotigh1 on by rind
And lung weeks of ti tarring.
••I sulferel tot five year,. 11'x+
tremolo! by three doctors And a pat14.111
in two looping'+, but t;t,unlnlly gut
F. T. Egrner at Woodstock
The N'o.dsto•k_kxprrss 111111.104 the
following anienini•hiwnt which will
be of interemt to many of our •ieadeis,
.the subject of the notice being a
former (Materiel' boy
Mr. Frederick T. Egrner, the well -
...known superintendent of the 'Wood-
stock Conservator)' of Music. has been
appointed choir leader and organist orf
Chalmers • Presbyterian church. Me.
Rgener was formerly organist and
choir roaster of Zion Presbyterian
church. Brantford, hot on account of
his interests in the Conservatory of
Music here he found that it would be
to his advantage to resign that posi-
tion and. take 11`,y his residenee in
%Voodetoct. Speaking to an Express
reporter today. `1r. Egrner said tbat it
was his intention to fully reorganize
the choir as it in at the present time.
During the coining winter considerable
recital work will iw given. and an Mr.
Kgener• is a epeeist* in that line the
music-locimg retizen4 of Woodstock
may look for s northing gond. During
his stay in Brantford, Mr. Egener wr«
a mostsuc(Ps,dnl choir master and or-
genist.ind his resignation from Ziun
church was received with regret fly
the board of tuanagers. The officers
of Chalmers church ,consider them-
nelvt•s very fortunate in se wring the
services o1• so valuable. a n,tt*Wcien
and it is expected that tinder • him
leadership the choir will he one of the
hast in the city. Mr. Egrner intends
to enlarge the Woodstock Conserva-
tory id Music and he has mole ar-
rangements to have both the down
stairs and, upstairs fitted tip 11ir his
oar. •
A Big Salt Plant •
J. 1. Carter. of Sarnia, formerly of
Seaford... hawing noeua thrum ago din.
posed of his inlPrr, s in the Empire
Salt lumpany, at•Salula, has ',ern
planning for the erection Oi a plant. for
the nlamufa••hire, of salt 4511 a. ruul'h
larger scale th to was poeNiht" with the
plant he leeelitly sold. ' Themite
selected by Mr. (:inter for this large arge
work+ watt* portion of the Sarnia In•
dian Reserve and in order to obtain
the property it Was ne,'rssary that the
Indians vote their convent. Fhie t hey
have now done, as will , be learned
from the following article which is
taken from The Sarnia Post of S.•p-
tember let: On Tuesday and 1Veedner-
day of this week the Indians of Sarnia
Reset•ve, Kettle Point and Stoney
Point, presided over by Mr. Itamie.lrn,
of the Indian Land 'Depart meat, voter)
eurrebder of land to Mr. J. 1. ('arter,
of Sarnia, for the ere -tion of a new
salt block thereon. The total vole was
47 in favor to Zt against. The prop-
erty in question lire • edietely ix•.
low the Chain Works. with *about
1,250 feet frontage op the St. ('lair
River, and extends trot to .the Pere
Marquette Railway. runt'aining twelve
acres of land, and the cnnddetation
was $11,(4444), which down not Melo&
compensation to the occupants for
their minus -entente. This property, le
considered the moet desirable Iurntion
anywhere to iw f 1 in the malt di,.
trim for the manufacture and shipping
of 'his pl•oluet. The ererlisn of the
plant will be ,pro'eeitel with M+ soon
pas 5iisihir and will ieo in operation
early next. spring. The .•opacity ..r
this new pinta well Imo sn. t hum+and
barrels per day, lir one-fourth of 1h.•
total cru. ptiun in l •am.11:1 hu 1191-
ing sell, jnlpot.tesl 11,1111 44 1 h e r
countries. •
Ping, War left at IIIY 11x1144.'. I Prat)
the teat 1111111.1 x1« ,If 44111,•1' .idti'iei'r IIkN
myself and decide) to try them.
lett--;l-hiese41+ tatter- laking- l-he•-lisat-
•'Afirl'r using eight or nilly lour' of
1)ud,1''. hi:lo.•s I'illr 1 aw pet•(rell)'
Mayor of Owen Sound Hes a, Big
At a recent meeting of the Kinc er•
dine town mimed 1h.' following letter
from rite Mayit ref Gwen sound to the
Mayor of Kincardine was rend :
',wen sound, Aug. :tali, 11.1,.
A. %lalcolui. Ka . ' -
Mayor. I: uec•aning... Or1t.
1)l' toe trot, - I ala «eliding ) oil by
this until a Woe -print of plan of pr•
potted railway. 1m•tWeeti liode•rich,
Kincardine, Pott I:Igin.S„uthatnpton,
Owen S4eunil. .Mgwlurl, Thornbury 1
Cultingwool and seaboard line of
r. P. H.
1VP have been working for some
year« to get a hoe between 04ven
Sound and Meafnt'd in order that we
may have betted• connections with the,
WPM( and rant. We are n,sW•11,•gitla-
ting with a const ra• 111)11 cowPauy of
Cleveland, one of whose rrlarnrufa-
tives left herr this morning. 'Huey
state they are favorably impressed
with the amount of Wittiness which
might be developed.
l would like to have your advice an
to the West method of getting a good
large subsidy from the 4)4411►inion
Oovermment for this line.. As you are
having an electric road leltve•.•u
cilydine and (ioderirh it might kw ns
well ti' have Kincardine an the let -
Have -you any aestwaurr itohs the
C. P. R. lately that they. will consider
this irrotswition with a prospect of
buddu,k the railway ? 1 writing
the Maytar of S1..i,tharn 4t n. alsioame *4
ing hiul N plan. -
It appears to 1111• 41int if all tit.
town.. Illter..el.d were to atrium mete the
Government they alight do something
in the way of guaranteeing b,mls in
addition to 'giving the regular $3,•JNI
per mile.
I believe tha' if "the nl11nil 1pa11tirs
interested hod the conragr to gnaran-
tee the bunds they w'un11) never have
to pay a cent; that et, 0 the C. 1'. 11.
would (pmvatr the 111,4,
Evans Palmer.
Tlw following is from The Shattotd
llearott : At let Charles sti•e•t there
Roan a quirt but pretty wedding on.
1% edge -edify. September 7. when Jli«d
Edvtlir M. l'ilurer. second daughter.
of Mr. and Mrs. 1V. l.. Palmer, 1e -
came the bride• of Emersion )':\vu\r,
only son of 11. Evans 44f Boder ich.
The bride rams attended by Miss
Prot lir EYere. sister of I he groom,
en prat leil the groom. "1'l',• ••er•muu y'
wooperl',Irmrd by 1t•'c. W. . ChM.
The Chat using in a cos-
tume of itte silk u11s11 with Pink and
grey 'maim 11 in inulgM.AIR' Travelling
suit Was of fawn ladies cloth with hat
and phones Is'. match. The. presents
were ' nluurrou+ and costly. The
-happy tangle. left 1)u the evening train
for inulol irb, their future home.
Their many friends. wish theta a
happy wedded life.
• Stever, -Thompson. •
'Fite hollowing risen Thr Turunt4
St:1r 441' W. -dm -ally of I ..t week re.
t',.1. to 'l 444•11-1,1144w!) conng maul of
I:olrrirb y: Thi. marriage of
Miss Dais,- 'F..• Toronto,
and'Alt',-.'d (1. Br.•cM.. (.,sl. rich, Ont.,
t.1. last evening ssl,•ionizwl 1sy
Met .C. 11. ,bored -ton. ,u his home in
4. rtutge at elm.... Atter which a very
pretty 15•1•1•ptiu4 was 1' temdted 11).
11e1N-'v redid i\ 4. and II lends ;1t ttir
home of 111r grison's 111v411e•t• ill Hal --
c '1111 .e 1111•. The bra
i111. 'w)4'. ii rrie•tl.
im lel• tr ve•Iling suitid navy blue
broadcloth: intd 4A,(ii$astioi -in- Miss
Susi. 441.eiu1 u•. ) a,,il ridge• sheet.
as assisted by his
hose present were :
el' 441 the bride,
3li.'1,igall. and
Alf. and 31144, .las. H. lohn•tolt and
family nom Gods -rich. nitwit). Air.
and Mi 1:keret' lett today for their
future Moue near t ialerit•h.
'ITIe /.'11».111
bombe,. ,\Ileal
A. Tbonlle<'ul, bt1,
tr. on and Rapids.
Largest on the Lakes.
Coll ing nod, ,•. Sept. I'2. --The big
steel freighter for Ihr Playfair interests
now under const 1-11.1 ion by t he Coiling -
Wood Shipbuilding ('uuyiany is booked
to be le►liinebed.uu the:dtlrh of October.
The Ironies and ptnlem are nearly all in
position' and the riveter+ are to rush
the work Linda, and day. When 11►e
vessel in cnnlplrteed she will be the
larges) rtteel freighter i11 the Canadian
lake marine. -
Yours huffy,
I. W. HARRIMe1N,' A3ayor.
The plan mubulittea ram the road
the Air Line Ele trio Beltway to Mon-
treal. Beginning at Kinr,udine i1.
would go Lo Southau,plun, throer to
Parkhead, then on 1.41'wen Sound, to
3leafod, CnllingwsoI, 1)rillin, and ?el
sullen further to Montreal. The .1.. -
trance f • Kincardine 10 MOM teal is
417 wiles. -
Theeoutruuoielition was left in the
lauds of 1l'+ 31syor to anntvrr. The
opinion gemerully of the ruunl•il was
that Kiltee dime w1,11141 like 111 11 ova
the road built.
Boat Service for Lakelluron Ports.
The Kincardine Reporter of last
week said :
The visit of the Hon. Wm. P,igeley,
Minister of Public \Vorks,i him
brought before the people of Kmeat -
dine, Port Elgin. Southampton and
other pooh the nerensit.y of 51 bette•l•
boat emir.. for theme places. Last
year our council interviewed ninny
transportation (Orrlpafties with ii
view' to giving this town 1. se•t vie..
However, thele was not hing doing
and the town thin year haul a Aloft
and indifferent nervi... user the
•reamer Hutnn. Outing the s•nnmcr
Captain Hemmer, who formerly -ailed
the King Edward, Item- beet, here 5444
two oe•casiorls in charge of 311.
H7man's ple•a,uu•P'ado. On hie last
trip he and Mr. 1). T. Ilurduu tiin
%limited the idea 4,1pnl•rhan(1gr,a Ir1e1 111
make a run ( 1levelaiel to the !loo
or • rotor to do the ports along thin
Attie. Captain BPIut'OM`, who knows
the hlleinese that ^mild be done on
this shorn. feels confident flint such It
host could be made to pay and cur
ing the ; „ming months promises to
look up much n vP1sel, about ItMt tune
capacity. for freight- and passenger
service. He will ascertain the cost
and ie prepared to take •lurk in the
Boat. Hr will then rnllle 10 tit
Owns interested in a service and try
to secure shareholders. The srhevtle
looks feasible and should find support-
ers in all the towns interrmtet. Cap-
tain Betnroea is an able commander
and having been on this route for w
number of *rearms known what he in
about. It would he well for the rnnn•
oil to appoint a r'mmmdttee to go into
the scheme and see If A
lined could not ire Perm -CIL if the
4lovrrnment. could he induced to git•r
re,uhsidv such as Hon. Mr. I'tlgaliy
e rake of on his recent chili it. would
ale° russet the projcrt. IIPrr is a
chance for Port login. Southnue!etmm
and other places interested in a 1,•tn-
Jar pasmenger and freight laser to get
bony and appoint euut11111leen to take
this matter up. Now in the time 10 do
it and not wait until navigation opens
next spring.
The underwear ..�
without a fault
COMI WG -G _--_
Prof. Dorenwend
well • known Heir (,od1s
Artist, will' visit
---',N --
Wednesday, Sept. 2,8th
for any season or climate,
for man, woman or- ch$K,
at the right price.
And it won't shrink!
Purchase O.
the tradernallk.
It's on eve,yy
garment -It t'pd
Try No. 95 -
medium weight 1
1)ur:ng this visit he will he'showi,i44 1111•
latest Parimisu and New York:styles. 1',,,, ;,,
p.t1•tirulatlg invited to (all. ,mid ti , i;
any of thr,yh troll ions.
The Dorenwend Sanitary;;Patent Toupee gentlemen who nr.• 1:.,1:1 i a
head covering far sup -tour 111 lath
style and durability to any. ;abet
tuannfactured. -At olio plenent day
over 1441,144441 of thew. are ,u, time
throughout Canada and she 1'nil sl
Stater. Call and have free deuloa•
,..The larturt._of this eounty, and, in:,
deed. thrinighout the Province, have
ieen favorably; Lingu•e•ssed with the
laigr t of information being
preg•ntel daily at 1 he farming.
Iuei•rial and financial depart went*, 'of
The 'Toronto Newm. Many • pa4orr•
have attempted, with >•arying sueceAM.
to p144vale daily illfnl'Irlat1On to 1 hr
1+rn1i11g c45tilwuilitir«.ijf thhi'P:ovince
of suet' a .•hararter as 'to real utatud
the 1e+1sr•t of oro -Who kuuw farming;
,,x,1 its kindred industries from mount
,0 ,rrie•urr. The News has, placed i -
1ru ruing, live ato'k and dairy cep
ne•nts .1 l the hand). of editors who
know this hnsiue+s. The result 1.
that every day this department c y1-
tmins eele•trl news pmt suggest fon-.
market ,Melt atiorte and rvrry-IIII.,IIIIM
tion that makes The Toronto- Neat' itr.
valuuhle to the farmer, the 441lippet.
p:4141144.1' of dairy p41.1110•,, (rola, ..41•.
aha News is national i1, the ehainet .1
Ur II % nt•*M. It 144 Reeved try the 116
itti find Colonial Ih'e*s trod Cold, .1''.
National ,•wises Over dheet
wirer, ih
by r As+,teiatel .Press and
1'4111118n Asai<dalel heal and .•
cul pr 44f t.rainr{ 1 rorrrsp•onlb•ritr ip x11
parts of ('atias1u. ss.,,
Through. an atrltlge•IItell wr\are
PIMP l,; idler nor header,. The Signal
mid The News at the remarkably Pell
Minwble figure of $2 `bond in your
order to 1)A tolnc. l
- Commerce at the Soo. l
14 cull 4,.' Marie, Sept. 11, Enke
eolnme tee 1hrouglr 1 h United Stales
a11d Canadian canal,. 111 August MIRIWM
a decrease in freight and vessel ton -
tinge as compared with July. Veosel
lss;tges thln11gh ihr • Coiled Mtates
canals were 'hoar, and through the
Canadian eanfil 1.111.1. Fieight ton-
nage pamming through the United
Staten caned was 4,:(In,,,MI net- tons.
nod through the 4'nnndian canal 5.31)7.-
97,i, n total of 11,744,5.,ll net tams am
compared with 9,97.i,9C1 net tune in
,Illy and 8,9S.t,L1.1 in Augunt,• f109,
British. Bowlers at elinton.
Clinton, Sept. 12. The touring Ifrit-
imh IM,wlera were 1 here up against the
Clinton Howling ('hili in it four -rink
rnrtlel, this afternoon. The visitor
ni ric,•41 1 • Louilun al. 111.311
Mrd Wel 5. ewrortell 111 111r 1M;nitil,l)
htwnwit \V 111..1a,•ks..1i, fuI'nler /resi-
dent of the \\'raters -Ontario howl-
ing A«44444•1n1ion. where Mayor Taylor
delivered an outdrew. of welt'nlue, and.
wirer.: they oflet•wlerds hid Iunrhron.
1'tl.• gent rulwr 1 the Int ty, with n
nl►r111er• of lmvirlol gmen,tr from the
11Itlleamding IowuM, were banqueted
al Ihi Hotel Nutt menthe. 11(141 a very
enjoyable . r Was 41141111. Playing
commenced Mt - 1 ocli%-k on the
grounds of the local club, which are
maid to 110 one of the fasleat In the
West, and were Iwautifnlly deroraterl
with flags and hunting. From the
start (Tinton had the 115.441 of till. I1111Y,
and retained it until the lint few enols,
whFn' the Brit -Wier,. gradually drew
lawny. and finished I hoer 11)1, the Voile
hinel seiner of the four rinks nn inch
side lerileg VI 10 :13. •
The party left on the 5.15 train for
Steal ford. after expressing, (heir
heart yr ppt'rc•intlom of their eltlrrtain-
nleur by t he Intal eI,i1. -
In resp,in.i.• to fill in\'it l�'lern (luau
Per Her Strenj Belief in Dodd's Kid-
aey Pills -- er Own Experience.
kidney U-onble." hese are t,he words and bewitching heir can get it in t wo
of Mrs. Alberta (boffin. a name, 40 *peke by ilming it, NI1 cent& a totem.
Wright *Vents,. •'‘I V niektien• wan bottle,
the, Clinton Out. a mull.•, 441 m..•(1c
1A•rs of the 4.oletlrh l-1w•n .howling
Chili wend to 1'Iintot' 5,11 3londay and
wit co•.'. 11begame with 4 h !Selfish
tete/ler-. Atternnrds the (.i,•Ir,'irh
men hail aloom. Willi 44 • ,,f Iaint nn'»
holvlern. Tl', (ioderi,h men who
went d•:wn 't. rr 4'. A. IN;tit•n, \V.
lone, V. M. Rolterte. 1V_ Pror,dfnnr,
'1'.31c11rrmott, Fist Dori., A. C.
Hunter, A. ZItnmrrmnn. W. E. Kelly,
\V. ('oats and Robt. AlcLran.
Since its iptrntluction into .Canada
the soles of Psrieietn Sage have been
phenomenal. This M11r1e4' ha . led to
runny imi1Mfhllts- situllnr 111 name.
Gook out for thetn ; they are not the
genuine. See that the girt with the
auburn is on every tutckage.
You eon al wart get the genuine at. R.
Parisian Sage is the
An.1 mod eflleien1- hate tonic 111 the
it in ma110 to conform In I)r. San-
gerh44nd'- 11:1 Portal proven theory
that dandruff, falling hair, haldn.•s+
and scalp itch ars' caused I.y gel ion.
Parisian Sa)Ie kills these dandruff
gloomand removes loll trace of dan-
druff in two weeks, 1R• money hack :
it stops falling hair, and ilehing scalp
and prevent+ 1':ddness.
And remember that baldness i
raised by dandruff germ*, timer little
harl•working, persletent devil• that
day end night do nothing but trig into
the morn of the hair and destroy 114
l'arisinn S,tge is a daintily perfumed
hair dressing. not sticky or gtensy.
Two Minute Talks About
,Rclne{ni)er, Ope Day only:
The DORENWEND CO. of Toronto, Limited
103-J05. Yonqe Street:
The Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan 1st, 25L
V• Ito
rich w
for 11
.f• lend
atll 1•,
for:• ��
and s
• N.
v, '
I tier'.
N r,n
for Coal or Wood
BRAMY stOve experts designed
the ',Pandora Range. They
introduced a netv system of flue
cL,nstruction so that the draft fs:ir
cooking would also be the •draft for
baking. With the Pindora you can
have the kettles boiling over every pot
hole at the same time the oven is hal, -
Just think of die tirne "that this
perfect system- of flue .construction
will save for you when yOu're hurry-
ing to get a big dinner ready. Just
think how much- fuel the • Pandora
wilt save for you by doing the baking
and cooking at the same time.,, And
remember. no other range has` this
perfect systrn of flue-construc n.
Send for the Pandora booklet. t
..tells•of other conyeniences design
by our brainy stove experts.
Amateur Photo Supplies
Parke. Plates, DA% eloperS Timing and Fixing Powdets, ete.
Abet a nice line of
, -the 144.44t in tin. tVoi Id. Inv... tried. always noted.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
The Square, Uoderich
Stands for Guaranteed Quality
London. ‘Toronto. Montreal, Winn,pag 78
V.4,emter. St. Jo.ip. NB, Hamilton. cilium
For Sole by
The How,c11.41-1ardware Co., Limited
No Change in Regulations. Regarding
Canines .
Ottawa, Sept. 9. -The Veterinnt
stolen that the deport Merit 141,1111111
before Deeemlier .7 the
Int iint--of. dog. in Western (hoar'',
The Wotk'n.I.,,41 ntilising 14111 rallies
't he ntlitigeill reglil itions 51141 the
rithien etnillitne 14. repotted fillet
the west rti he
The order forbidding the ransPOrlst-
t of h dog alley Vv hell. in the em -
baron (Retries hoot been extended from
'September to I tccutither 7. The de-
partment, im promerining all infrac-
tions. The order requiring iing. to hp •
lllll zzled is stilt in forego It hem n.,
terns, end will be continued until the
31151 non' tremendous pressure is be-
ing put on the department to relax
the regulations, so, hunt ern what live in
the proncrilwd ditto -let ran Ink- their
hounds to the weenie fnr the deer -
h ing neaeon. That bunt the thing
the department io determined tint 1..
'fi Mated thin, rabies amoti
rotiblo is lets limes ;Mittel. At pres-
Spite of Alt flint eon 11.• 410111., tilt. rill-
im spreading. There is almo
im having greet trieiltle with an ept•
demie ilitgen *Mono wolves.
If the authoriqen ate di --
trimmed lit Leer/ the wit.) enimaln
Ontario final emehing this disease,
Clerk's Pork end Buns.
nu+ large proton t ion of nitrogen in
Clerk's Pork and Beane 'oaken t hem the
mood dealt able ssininier food. They ere
ing. and are 5511 eviiiy Al -
Clark. Mfr.. Montreal.
This dainty English car is just as per-
fect as the genius of the carriage in-
dustry can make it. It is practically trouble -
.proof and built' to endure -built right here
in Canada. The upholstering is Leatherette
throughout and the body is adlystable to a bed
or sitting position and finished in igENDRON Tan.
There are lots of reasons why you should buy a
'Canadian -built Gendron-ask your dealer.
Gendron Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Toronto - Ontario 2416
Sold by most nest -slue
dodders. Writs to as if
your 'limier ale••a't
carry them.
Eliablen trader', throughout the
World to conummiemte direct
with F:oglish mantifarturets and
dealers in each clone of goods.
met cis! guide to London and its
suburbs. the Directory rontains
lists of export merchants with
the goods they. ship, end' the
eolon lel a nil foreign nittritets:t bey
mupply steamship lines arrang-
ed under the ports Lb Whicicthey
• and indicating mpprosi-
makes of leading Monlifarl'11.
ern, Merchants, ete., in the min•
&engin' retitle,. of. the United
A copy of the enrrent edition
will he torwarded. freight 111111.
O 11 11 relpt If posted to 0..1 toi
\ Dealers. seeking tiF elides can
veinier. their trade cards -fur
-or larger advertisements
The London Directory Co
25 Abehttrch Lane, London, KC.
0 g" ICKS
You enjoyed a package •ix monthe age
Thev wera del1c1oue Put much more BO
restilted In greater crispness, flner flavor, a mere
Make a telt Try there TOW