HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-22, Page 6g 'I'll, n•-„tt. Pn22 THE GNAT : GODERICH ONTARIO "BACK TO THE FARM" y, - So�ia1 Lift IR Jilt, Covatry. f'- ` l4. (Ca1/.t t'IMDI , lie (Copyright. olio, by Amerieaa Press Asso- ciatioal TiIE 96 nal life and amu.i tellta of the couutry are eeseotiafly Diller from tbose in the eu t city. 1 have beard people say that there is no such thing as social .life in the couutry, but luquiry dis- closed the •fact that. they never had spent much time to a modern, wide awake fares comwuuitj'. The fouuda- UOu of all social ire is lu the home. It b fu the couutry that We home is de- veloped to the highest .extent, and it necet.earily follows' that it is iu the (notary that the, strougost baste for a breathy social life exists. The social Ilfe of the so culled "soci- ety" people of the city does not 'exist in iho country, and it ei a blesatug W. the country tout It does not. Such a social life is minatural. Social -life Is primarily for amusement, recreation and development. '\'berg le the nmuSe- meat or the recreutUuu in the struggle for matt recognition ,by • a clique wkutii:a turn of the }heel of fortune bas' brought uppermost? Where is the gleveloptgent unless it he the detelop- iuent of heurtachat on the' part of the wtfeeand r,prertr or; the pert' of the buthisinJ? _Stela_ a society, where peo- ple are measured .by their money rn,tit- er than by their true worth, Is euob- hery t'att'er thau social life. - • Oulslde the ",,chic'}".circles the scs dal }ifs of the city Consists largely' 6 y- of ,amusettienta-Coney bland nod its lull (stens, theaters and' public dances. ----Barris of --More- tiringe -are--all tight - h* their way. Tt(cy furnish amusement and recreation.- But they do not fur- nish developwenL -.. Here L where the getat advantagee rot country social. Ilfe comes La. it is rot furnished ready mace to these who bare tip, price.- Sada' diversities le .the Souaiiry are Wade to order. That • Is the reason why some -people do bot idle thew, and that. is why a person who since really 'gets into the spirit of Country swell Ideals uever.afterward 'satislied oath social affairs lo which be cannot bate a`n active part. The social possibilities of the country ars not token advnntuge of In all -cow - doing a great deal to bring their mere• bette, together socially. The osty rea- --- inn that there are not more such or Liverpool Wheat'Futures Close s.".. guulsatlons le the lack of BOOM One to •r, Chicago Unchangise-Li take the lead. The cities have so lung I • Stock -Latest Quotations. been drawing the beat blood from some I •IaonOS F.vrnh.r. seep. 19. rural communities that W many places Lit elpe•oi wl,ryt Whirrs domed u-•lk, there is precious little left to build t'ir;e r than uu Satur't.,>i, coo, ureas With the changing conditions r„w• r. s.'1,,.•"'t.rr wheat at Cho sen ,i. e11 no that are restoring the farm to a lead- obassed f,urn Slot ur,4,y. Sept•41.14 r .urs lug place lu our uutlunal life there 1,t nigher and at.r'ternher ,-at,,, ! lower -t-will be no lack of traders, end Mie++wt+PM OP�+►s- time will come when every community ,.»10101 t• ,'. • wusunipou.i t will have Its club or grange. lower nidi, . • tla•1 tastiest. lu the Aiississippl valley states, wheat -u•1 [tete,1 i where lndustriat co-operation has oto 'rAlis!1"'; - ,-e ;.=• taloed a strong foothold. co-operative oro, picnics are oue of the principal dives- , • Toronto Grain Market. slots. 'These are big affairs, Including ' Wnlane' b;•an.d ... .90 se to yr 96 all the people for miles around. There Wears -a• .'• 10o.4- 090 092 are speeches and awUseweuts and plea Broke heat. ,,•,sial .. it ..: .,,, ttYG. Dafk.l a 1Y ty to eat, cud every ole goes borne , li.1rles, b -that 0 s2 ens• happy. Peas huslel O 72 A ,ala, hunk«I.• t 0 iJ 0 43 number of coon's} towns and ru , 'aroma Dairy Market. ral commuglties bare a "field day' ''atter, selwrat.,. .1.4"1"1n. O `t once ur twice u yedr, which is In the Iluu••r, eine, p.ts o s> uuture of a big [Acute, at which flutter, etratitery, H,. tells0 2:. • .11Iiter, creamers, solids 0.l • hilt i.. urs -laid. 0 r: 013 e'lir•s se, Ib .:.. ....... 0 1: O j21. It.d1•y, extracted 010 011 11'.ney4 tombs. dozen S 2 75 Nis York Dairy Maths!. THE MARKETS: letle coutesta predominute. , Local Fuerta of July celebrations give the couutry boys a chance to Work off their•(atrtotlsm for a. week to advance in betplug to get things really, and they enjoy the day n great Ave more than they would u ready wade celebratiuu 1u a big town, where all they could. (kr would be to stand on the side (lues and shout 'rhe beat part of these Affairs is that they develop_ orlglnullty and tentative on the part of the young people. 1 t teaches, thew to develop any latent ability for leaden, sblji•whlt;h they may reassess. The boy who can get together nine farmer boys tin Saturday atternoone.aud organize there into, a ball team that Sita win from the neighboring township is the OHO •who IS gviug -to be able to do things wbed lie gets older. It is no � small task .to snake an effective teat., out of now boys `when eight of them want to pitch antb the other couldn't catch 11 bull to save bis lite. 1t is the •fnrw boys of today _who will be foremost Iu the agtlc., 'lural , cooanunlrjes of tomorrow. One of the -Inoet luaportuut of the social factors stfedia;; term life is a boyar' club. YI►ehrehiie hes- a. -well developed rye. telt of boys' and girls' corn clubs. • There are n few in Iowa and lllind & and More are being organized. The members of hese clubs each trate their allot o core. They meet around 0 place; getbetter ac- t nidi t n c from , p V quuinled'w•Ith one auolher and study corn growing., Ofteu an experienced corn •grower meets . with them and gives them some practical lessons. In sense caste these clubs are under the supervision of the agricultural college, which studs out letters of lustruction 0!1 en 0 26 al RW Yllltt:, Sept. 19 -nutter--Ilarelf. .dy: receipt... 47w•• 4rr-uuefy, Special" , extras, .IH to 9'sc 11,11,1 00 (1(51. . 21k .1010 dairy, 1 'un11u.•11 10 r7aeal 24140-. 'interns, . 80.•0E11 10 414041al, --rr factory, JtIIlo malice Ztyc to 34e trent tta:ke) `:c U. Mc, iuitatbo. • :44 t.. Steady.. •'receipts, 419' ' atatf k, e epeeist'. t '- .. to 17.'; CO,.(aney -11.4..e,eH,•..; do. ttuod toprime lr. del„ 4a9mnW1 to fat, poi, um, full to ' spe5ia t, 2toc t. ; r••'.eipl+', 91,60..tat... Penn t Ivaala an•nearby hentier),,-white_ ]6, 1 t• AC; •. 1.11.' lies' d whil.• :ss to :t-•. •do n:kA.I,en.rv,- brow ., , t,• 32c. d.. ,' tfathere. .-1•ruwii, '..C... br '. fresh gathered, first 2t... to 7"....:7"....:;,.,, Ors:, ••ic by t5e, second., 221: to of • • ' CATTLE MARKETS. Old• Country Prices Firm -Hogg Dul ar.d About Unchanged. lei:W 1a'ti% s• pr.' 19. -London ant Liver OI cables es quote e. American r A r- ticcrxler at 1.c to 17.: 10r tenni& dimmed Weight; .refrigerator toad .:rad.}. at 104{ to Ilc per poun4. •' 1 L,%N.:e rN . 14ent : rt.= E.!war I N• int ton I rti1rhi••' report 2''l -utile on offer. trail pintail TO T.,si ve ,•A1..-71714- 'trr,rr•Ir'111i- frit howl..'rue, steers. 1:... oveoh4ary, Ile U 14',. -'nils, 1_'y to 1:•• per (4.und. 'Union Stock Yards. a, We ,'Sic l to ^' do., ,:r0 .1n l'1, wlw4 .1 17. ; .kr.. 14. 1 u 34 4. 13%0. . 12'4. Kegs -Pin Tta{tiNTtt, Sept. d. l9Keceipts of live >4'rl. at tti Union •St e•k Y:►t'ds 'r' r'- 0. I ,•orb ad com+laing nl 1590. 11th . 14sq,-leo.'p, and lamb-, 57 eaivet ;,n.1 .4 icer -t-. ` Exporters. `' 1.7. 1. Woodward IN•ught 'for Stilt! A, Co. 1.7 .N -rt steers for -London, ••.., 1'. :n 11.0, uvr'are, or- n rant:. ..f 3o.2 1-. f: ,r, few Llvrf;•w0, '•N' ,'tosre, 1274) 11,a h, ,1 :an :•4Pralt•.' of 1.1113, u1 a rungs It pro.* of g. 7.'. 1,' Is. to the boys every two weeks or so. In ' Butchers. the winter n corn contest is held at IYleke.l !mis n�(� /�,ria4 camttle4e, i,mter to 450 1•:: the agricultural college. Some of the site,, ,.. mg1aNnI„n 1.' e,.to+all•..,, 94. , to 10,13 counties' have local contests. There I cows, 13 to 0: isomers. 91.fG to 1_.60. are primes for the best corn and for the 1 Stockers and ,Feeders. best erne., judging. Often bac boys who I w•A•rl•l• nUm•edily 1Ir•kn'lg.hi. :.4d mecwteu'g-edmnprNsaele. do the beat work at. the local coutesta ranging from 14.:10 to 0.'.:A' Nee a:lea gavel hnve their expenses paid to the state 11e105., . contest at the agricultural' college. Milkers 'and Springerk A merles,,• supply "old a: about rtes. Similar contents In choking and sew- ethos, r0ni(Inf fr.n, 9ts t.. 97•: each lug nre held for the glI'la. Work of Veal Calvet this kind is on lnn')'iratlon to the boys veal ...Re. oahl'i.l 9a a1 Io $7. G1 .per cwt nod girls. They begin to see some of Sheep and Lambs, 'rhe• 'market fe+t .keep and lambs- was the real epioywent of farm life. bri.h, all oft*,rite,.,• being feaduy taken a, ' 'Thee 'work is belog Wended to the furious. Ew•.a, 94.:10 to 9:' per cwt.: ram/ boys of -the cities bymeans of summer ' 111 'tull4. f.:fi 00 93.7('; Iambs,41'...90 11 fs:. per '•w't, camps, •where the boys are taken for a ! •' Hogs. vacation, at the same time getting I11• Price. unrhangP4 at p for select... rel etructlon and object lessons in agrl- 1 and atr•rr.l. and PM to drovers for /logs culture. hinny a bioy who otherwise � t.o,bw,. 4a r- :,t ....wary lila'". would have spent his life in town ~eking for .somebody else is thus !farted on the 'way to become nq lode - 'pendent farmer. Another big factor in rural social life Is the country- literary society. Tbis readies more people than a grange or a club can reach. Its disadvantage le Jima the membership Is so' large that !Only a few can appear en the pro- grnma. But n great many can listen; toxemia' PICNIC DINNZIA ON Tits GRAM. 1 and they eagerly avail themselves of munities, It 1s true. In .too many : the opportunity. The ennntry literary pieces each family u content to, live 1 society when rightly managed Com- by itself, with as little letercourse as bines both the social and the educe - possible with the neighbors. it U ' Bonet features and is a great uplift to 'such communities that contribute most- the cnrumuulty, largely to the townward flow of {lupe- Along with these other-soclal factors tattoo. With. the general waking up of come the local lecture courses. The the farwlaag districts Is coming a 1 talent Is not always tile best, but nsu- brosdeuing of ',eclat life. - In some I ally it la surprisingly good. Then there placer the rocal church is the social ', are fee cream sappers, picnics and center, but too often tbere nre some I Oohing excursions In the.surnmcr and members. who consider '.0 harmless a oyster supperp lu the winter. -The wo- thing as an lee cream supper to-beTp-4men often have a ladles' aid society, pay the 'wencher a 'lu. As n result i where they can meet aud sew and visit the importance of the church' as a so- 1 to their hearts' content, The mein hare dal factor is not what it should be, a fraternal order or two, where they The most important centers of snail life In the country are farmers' organ- isations of Various kinds. Probnbly the most Important of these, because the most t xtenslve,'la the grange. The grange bas been in existence for for- ty-four years and numbers at present more than 1,000,000 members. In t hose communities where it has obtalucd n strong bold it is very effective In bring - tog the people toggther. In the older mt' te4 a grange neighborhood can be told by the looks of the farms and buildings. The plan of the local grange 14 to ,eau got together OR Saturday evening., Chicago Live Stock. During the last few years the Y. M. C. t`p., s'.p.-Cat le- 114rPtfto A. 11us Imo., extending to the eonnttry'- 2844tt0 !Amtark"!', 5.•t4416 19 - musty . la Mover • and doing n grent dens of good -work. 1'..084! 1470 4. as 3o: Tara" steers, 94.5 Often clutlroows and a gymnasium l'' Is• Wr--sten, steers, 94 11 to 17,. 'florken are established, where the act hbor- and feeder., 14.15 10 96. cows aid heifers g sa 16 tH 1i.M CatveP, 1446 t0 99,511. hood•bvys can meet and try their nth- gluier-kerelpnt, 0.0(x1. market A. to to tette .kill. Where such rooms have lower than earlk, light, $6.30 to 19.7x., mix 1 taken theplace of the grocerystore of ed. pig to S,4u; heavy' 94.30 4. 99.60 rough. $8.30 to, 19.456. good to cholre, heavy, 1 au eveaing meeting place for the boys 9'1.511 t. 99.:e. pig", 18:60 to igen, hulk of and young men there 1a a noticenble .ale". I8.4. t0 p M. Sheep and l.8,n1N•--Ree•.Ipts, 45.11111, mar. Improvement In the community. kat weak native", 9396 to 94,16: western., Unrin1.1 g rncntiona, when the young .26 to 14.50, ye•rIIngs, 91,76 40 9; 7e. 1 people are home from school. there Is k ';, $n*t,,,,. 17.0 40 q:16, westerns no luck of social diversions that are QUEBEC'S HERO. BOU- LAURIER UNAFFECTED BY RASSA'S ATTACKS. Failure Of Anti-British Campaign Car- ried on ill the Hope of Exalting Nationalist Leader at Sir Wilfrid's Expense -- The Premier is as Ever the Popular Idol. (Toronto Star Despatch., Montreal, Sept. 1:,. -Now that the Eucba:ristic Congress is over a num- ber of hitherto unreported iucideots are being discussed which throw light uncap certain runts of last week. J?•irst and foremost is the way in which Hebei tlourassa was euchred out of the' spotlight -plate which be had reserved for himself. It has ,tl- reatdy been told in The Star of how the Natiopalist leader and Archbishop Benches; planned to make the con- gress a wleats ,If aiding the National ptupaganda, but the. story has not futile:to bran told of how the game wee apnilrd. ' It revue that the original program for the two meetings in Notre Mame church plautaed the placing of Bou - rases as the star ut•atuf uu the Hat night. b'rin'y, and the allocation of Sir Na Weida) the last place on Sllt- urday night. Rut when this news gat .to the cal•. lit Senator Dendurand, be yet the wires busy and sent word t.. the Premier that . thio(( must be graphers to- preserve carefully all done and done .t "rice. That was why plates that they think may be of fa - .11r. Brodeur, thurgb a very sick mail, lure value, they discard n great many berried -back tenni Banff and took more than they keep. A firm of newt charge of the araau eulents for the re- paper photographers, for instance. will 041141 1 of Cardinal V annutelli. Pres- send out several then to get pictures sure was immediately brought to bear of "naw scenes or o1 spring in the upon Archbishop Bruchet:i. to whom it� suburbs or of summer at the seaside. was pointed out. that it would be -an Each will bring back half a dozen insult to assign Sir Wilfrid to the tail i view. Only three or four will he we end of the pr•ograiu, that his proper leeteti as being worth preserving. The Place as the I'rtwe Minister• of then other twenty or thirty plates will be country was :,t tlir head ef.the pro.' .lumped into a big•box with tF other gram,' and an ,anttmation was matte dtacards vel await the coming of the that unless the program was changed ono, nlan. ' Sir Wilfrid 'night not appear at all, The Overage selling price for the r e with the t•s 'waw ban u. 1 The aw.sand. K plateof v s' a thousand. M int ordinary site is• P33 l result (hat when he appeared in Noire These Isles cost -the photographs? Lame on Friday, uigot he got an ova- originally about 90 cents a domes. By tit' which waw AO remarkable n3 at means of an Heid bath the dark coo. Berne 'street he became the I, hero lof the day. As he passed, there went up A respectful, 1.111 none the leas sigrnitl- rant, dewourl•.►lion of pleasure from 1 both rides ut' the atrret, and for the Itwhole four miles to the ri'posilul y un F letche-r•'s field Laurier w a.. the figure of the procession. One lady de- ecribed the incident ay like malting eo much ad the wind waving through A field o1 corn. "Here cornea Laurier" was the mag- netic message which ran tattoo/1i the crvlwd a0d Iran.,... biliitAillt'A-tri. street there was a demonstration 01 affection for the great ('anedian. which proved that now, as reel. he it the idol of hie compatriots. And though - promised -to lee►ve the pee v a -Pm at several pc'into., Sir Willrtd masel>ed to the end, and, until he knelt in sol- emn devotion before the altar, walked erect, i;ts,vieg that. despite all that they could do. be war, like %�•,t.hiOg- ton, -first in the hearts el hie counts y• meth" r PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES. Discarded Ones Make Business For Old Negative Man. There are people in every large city who make a business of buying up old used photographic plates, cleaning and reselling there. They get their supply mostly from the photographers who make a specialty of commercial or newspaper illustration. No one knows how many thoutlands of these squares of glass are sold every week. hut the number mutilate enormous in the aggregate. - While it ie. the cuatom for photo e'. silt'nflCant Archbishop Egged Hua On. . Another interesting fact is that the address, of Archbislwp Bourne. urgiug the use of the En lieu lac ua a a s a It g g weans of spreading the doctrines of P the Homan Catholic church. and which caused so much heart -burning to the Bouras,aitee. wit, submitted to and approved of by the Pupal legate ars it wee delivered before it was printed frames." where vegetables art propa- and distributed. The intensity of the gated under glass A few are used auger of th9 Nationalists against Mgr. as decorative or protective features IBourne's speech wits Manifested, hot around flower _hal:+ an suburban es• only by Henri Rourassa's ep•'ech in re- tater-Harper's weekly. ply which was -lull of venom. and • • LOCAL TRE:Itz-IZ- �:=.' F - OIEN'S DISORDERS rlla bra th we Onlay del»11.15 tel'3 tara•'Iv upon thov t',,. 1 144/' . 1„ .,lutes 1n uu, ,,'rima; en ether wM 1. 14 It tic ,.ave I• tit.1 •ir,.,lotion we 45111 hasp Iwrt.rt b•sltq !\ .I.�'r 4l tis f iiiati '10.111' 'r i.,r 1..1.•Nlanu'+( 11w n""ursb } $ -l+ ' . s wing tluuugl, t 4..n" ..111.1.•' utf Thi. 1.. air or drud Matisse N'nllr t 1.,11 g.: 1 ,1.111 1-51' 1111.1 t l t Ing 118.,,.- I n M h 1 M• m rterisM,. .w.en4r M 15. 16 tik • -14-.1s1 IU1. huts ulgrsl..I.listi. to r'•plarli what l • .wen •ar. ,Ira U.C. ,'Ida ruusaanl eru.,na •WI and rtyrllu,• Ill. da:ul Waller and tilt teplaeinq of ,11 wa' ilea ashes- ,t by at U'a•'• ' 0 .lav ,II,.l 1I, ualn . •T In .,Lou11%1"; ears a .,1,t►drlc •-li..ngr h1.P beret ►s.,• 1'1111" •t.•1'> 11/an died w .111 h ' tea: ..::::::.-1.: I,ti.rl' •10041.1 lady In ter) u11.lu tf It front w'1181 ho . .a ._. I ( '1...t• - loll i�v T� 1, s.pnrUd,l'N ho 'pi nee h0wltvr, from a surra'} ,l 1.laar4, 111.11 the blood lean,,,.', 40gresto.l 11, rts• IJi1'. .bur,iu11s of the 1.,..l* TI.,. Hn•.,u, t1.+.1' 11„ I,k...l Veil. . t I.0.a le t 3e.4 (.:01.4 h, cam(- NYWkr1.011, diad Ile• 11 Y. Wi','+ 10.8 11lat -.' of the ball 1.,s rule, 4 a1:d stagnant. Tht 11.n"eilill•n. e'`0. that 11..- ,tr,.,l nYt- 1tt' -ter in tint 'tart of the 101.1}' (s unit par11a 11y .Hi ;111'14 away.-.i"I rh.+t hot 11111e of the new' %OM ,..,cher 1 (l.(Lt�.slw',r.I lb, re to bund cp mid .1,0ngll1'u the U,4ye, p111 Il. rt ls. ` 1 .1'1►{a... I.Irlll0 " 114 ,platin. exist*. la Alt auraa.a(. :,Alts diw,dri. The drain ma0lrr rttainr.l ,1e ,l-.., ..,1..tion, 81,1. h ragout.' hair been 1''Ilellwl, .0, tr. ` 1 influmniati n of the dell. i''n urNl O..e 'nation t Hl4o,, I., t.; • unJ • ppr.•ri 0 II11 nerve l,.•i• .:11 '1'hl+-rur.dil,.n. is fly 4*tailor of the gl,rvoua pit atoll flit Hernial 1. n g . 1. 8h1•h•a4•uull.0 nim flmult Iruuhlol,. .. 'r.. •.,,tabu roNef 0 I.. •vlditll Ileal the fir -1 Ihina b I. deur i. to WI 11.1 .4, the drud oi:, I., a 1,,, k .. ty tug held In the circulation. if this dyad I..'"..k •Il.'wed t0 rein.,, there n e'.., lea .,r blood' p.da.mIng will terult mat hetero. tel c114401 or to get lid Of It to fon..Ing .,beer, i.,bolls. •1.•. _ Tis shoo. /xrionitiun will Moo glow why • ORANGE LILY. Is se alk. •.,,1111' thl. •oM/ktlon. It 1,. a k,:,l 1.11,1111.111, .111,1 1N applied .11.r.•1 ,, nu ,.,,r..n+. IIs , sable rlrtsrnrs a,e ,.i.aorDesl int,' the .'w.ge•I.W Urw,u.• .0 1h.• van !tart the ..lea'. l,la'I"I Hra,ns to bt .1,P. IcugrQ. A fa•hug' of io r.Ii.t bash 11.emal el,1 phy'ira1. 11" .iipanlen 11. Hm1 the lo,prw•I„1'111 1,r 1.1141141.•011. hoe. Thla f atu.e of 111.' rxl+.alax "f Il.r ,1rnd mulles 18 1.18.4• to a g. sal rl 1.r ors. 5101.1, and In twine ,aura It Is w. marked us tN 1-.i :. The retie 110.1 tilted In the following 1etl.r. le Hot rt. epi lumi is 41,.1•111174,:::::14:411::: -.N,m1 •11'4111 111.,1.1 fid 1e 311.. 6'. r:. ,',,,roil. )unl' hlnadlarl rr y.e.r,q,. . 14'e, fu, Det heu1H,' awl,'. P•, 10 ,o4 -i. w4p•ir,(,,1 1:.•o,rdy. 1' Istr .1111•'1.1 h, 17 rears, but not an tad unlet 3 year( sae- Theft 3 Iwd u dot 1..r. trig, 11.W -a-• 1't.iq :441:411": IwlMIK and could sat. 10' mar. Ili..i. a }"dire l 8:;11111:4:1:1;:e°;:1:4,4"...11i:47::;.:.:;..,.:,..4,1":"4,,,, h .t.,.Wa w•oukl not Oita tarnuiM N. A )oar lar er 1 rent fkin .. 11..gr,.• ,,,• uq• to die. My hu"101511, 1114 n -pet for another d.N'r. w Miw..e.. u. ,,-,r ,.1, and 1f dW taw w11 la g... -i 4 •1(4:'.004 w 111, 1421 r 4" t wor ..,pad - again •tlwl 3 IMnlg,,l 1 ,onl., Int• 1". le,ngrr. an.1:::" 1105N .. 1,,.r',(aY ,y hu+lau•1 ran,v 1,nn,. ami II,Irw n 8111' .4 ►a(wr to 1110 44,11, 41rw 1'r.,'..j v.IN1. •hr•P .,101 41.1.1 1111.0 h•'1' bol tldtl.•••1 hint 1..4'1114-lu 5.-r for s IAro,pN•1.1 would sureulo, 1�.ai4 •t tt a. 1n Wtr111.14 eol,1.dM anyla).t r.1a,eras• p. ......U1ihulljug•at'•'hro theM'+t4,.forIW.IIctknsvr.w.:::::: .rvrr,1lnwrt•-r• at 1•u.aw .l w t fur ORANGE L1LY., ard. ItreIIJrH rl•., a1,,uugh! amu) nee . Iill.8lr. -('literfullo8'r.1. until''.,noes111.1',..!..14.4.4-41,::w: rwur.j.'tIa ke' •'nes mini' 4 Antall mile : 4lowItLLlordIt1..'••nforOPANGE-LI. w.. h► IwtY 111011 for 1 lotto tt :I 'e mue'h lunger. 1 would have tl..'.,.- ,r, Mair at .n•• 11111N'1. 1 .'.tial. Int :, Nm11•• it t.lint11l, Instead of mile .I.,I.,. I1 ,. .a,•tt.. ye 8elght In g.3. . Sial:. e:F: • 1, l\ -Iii. II,,hi re ills. lint. The ,tt.uve• Irtter I+ pub; l•tle wN 0.1.. Lewis' igtiloli:.11b rml n. Allpll',.^1+' are 1,!.1011 ar Lr0';: ..,.r.lI' untld ntlal. 1 , gr.i .-lel fur I,.•,., ; , ,,r.•d thu4 •l, a4 w ling In •,illi., the nutter know a lo, u .111 and en,........1..'.4111 .d'1.. -r -lnrut .1.1,4.144 carr • 4 F rc 1 Bring_ is - guicklyc removed. and the glass become! as c1.ar as thottg~h it had never been used Some of thee, plates are sold to manufacturers .t0 be ted once more in photography. A fiber, however, are dis- posed of to dealers. who sell them to peo.pple who are fond of making passe- partndt picture° Still more find their wav to greenhouse men and those gar- deners who have acres of "cold which should he published in ever) centre of English Canada amt S11Ow111g the animus "1 his anti -English cam- paign. but the anger WAS ru intens*' that those who ,at near the platform distinctly heard Archbishop Langevin. of !It. B,iuifarr, lean liver and say W Bowsaw*, not once or twice, but horny titres, -Owe it to him," -Give it to hlw," "feet him have it." A Flag Incident. • Another unrepotted incident took place at the Westmouut Arena on the. Satunity atternuuu. B..urasea and Archbishop Langeviu had eugaged that auditorlulu for at demonstration In honor of the Sacred Heart; and the in. teriur-haci been etripped'of all English and • Canadian flags, which . were te'- platted by the new Mag of :he Sacred East Buffalo Cattle Market. Heart -the "drapeau de Carillon" it i+ EAST11t.'FFAI.CI.'Riept. 19. -Cattle, -1%.e walled. That was all right. so fa (t 4rlpt.. :d0 head,' active and We to IN went Hot)ra4+INa had engaged the rink, pother. Prime steers, $7.:, to 97.Oo: ship and it was ht,, for Lille alLdrnWn to do 8pot,.A to ,s",.hut. her.', 11.T to 9r la; , heir«r.. 14.to t.,��,j(�� ,rows, s2.75 t. 95.80 what he liked with: but the litai, cin to h..1js, 9'1.s6 4., ti;,:�;:�.tnektn An,1 6•e•elen when B.rutasea and [Angevin went to Id _':, to 9.71. Work helfero, 14 to 94.2 (rest Ed. Sheppard, the manager 01 the . •'w••,. and springers, acllve as11 strung,- tt Arena. and demanded that -he haul i1 hi%7 1211 to ,,T ,vials, r71$7 nod ht down the Canadian tiAK which was fly - ova e07.3! , a'nd, to 11e..,.,, H o1(/-He•-Pipls. 1:,,3U. beAd; fairly or ing on the mainmast over the en - to ala.' eu'ao> . 14,•Avt, ue: Heave, 99.51 trance. 'rile request met with the' re - to 14.75: nlxwl.. 16,71 to 19,90; yorkers. NA caption which might have been ex- 1. sin, p19P, In140' 'rough,', 90,40 t. 15,80 l'e'ad, 4heppatd replied, lMat the' stags. $0.:A1 :{. $7.Z;:; dame:., p,ra In 9't.1s, patty bad hired the rink and they sheep.and 0 Lambs -Ile celpls, 1So0'1 hese ei�r.,lrlve and pa le lir high0r. 'moo. i• t4 could do as they liked with -the inter- e'..r. a few, ss pPanlnt,'.+, 17.:.' to M,S. ion hut the t'anadian flap, over the en- wwlnrrs,- 14.7:• to g,' ewes, $4.:5 to 9480 trance was the vropertywf the Arena "Weep, mixed, s:' to s4 en comp+toy, and toe} would move it at New York Live Steck. their peril. The tlag stayed up; but NEW Yeller:. Sept. 19. -heave. Re• tbi41•(tid not prevent the delivery of a "elpt., 4 ' Market Irregular. sorer., Z,.4. number of incendiary speeches, led by to r. bulls 13:11 to 94P. •OW!, P1.-:, tt s;,,td, dr.•"w•d e,eer, steady. numbeea himself, in which the dream e'mlviw-u.s•.•ipts, 2112; veals, firm. lot was held out of the day when there termitic"; awl westerns,' strong to Mc high would he hitt two flags in America. fa' v••rls, h1 1., 9n: run*, $t. to tr grass the `'tars and Stripes, and thedrapeeu oro and nutterml4ks, s4 In 16.60 westerns ,. Qarillon. 1 ..' t : ' Ir'-"O'd calt••s, firm, cit) i 1 v ..,ii, lie t. Ivo,-..19aSRetd Sir Wilfrid to Come. 'alb er :OW t)•n nit -liar (plot., 1:,,01% sheep. to,.og 141111*, lusher. 11Help, 93.97 to s4.19 One more story is also signiflcant. 14114". 96, ecus, 92,,50 to 93: Iambi', 1s top Ilogn-Riteelpts. WO head; Market. east When `fir 'Wilfrid went t.. Montreal e,.tt.. sa to pee- he went as th guest of Senator 1.. U. er at Roo to e• se vim visa I)adid, the c ty clerk of Montreal, who lives on Si Hubert street. and it was planned th t he should stay there until th.' procession reached the house, when he would take his place in the parade. But here again the plan to sidetrack the Premier was cir- ,',invented, When the cardinals and bishops and ''tatesmen • assembled in the garden of lt, Sulpice. Sir Wilfrid was nliesiug. Enquiry was made, and the program was learned. instantly a telephone was requisitioned, end the Premier told that he -must" come down at once and take his place in the Lf•oce.aipn. Ile came after a protest. and what was the result } The very moment he '-et his foot on Notre hold .,meetings at regular intervals, peal especially to them. 'There 1s Just ! Botha Still Premier. .,stem}-ot)ce it week In the w4Mer-and-Lits notch eelIuPo *smug thecae modems-_-- Pleeerr e-oere'pt. en-=yt--w*ss 0 sometimes as Infrequently as once a I young people of the reenter as there i annouu,wl'yesterday that ifen. Louie tgern.lh in the summer. Generality these I, is among the seine classes to the city , Beth* will retain the Premiership, de - meetings are held at the home of one 1 and 1011,11 more wbole heartedness. spite the hereto sustained' by the Na - of Pei members. The *tole family tie- The country dances and Peril's are tionalisl, 111 the, recent elections, to long.. A9 a rule, there is a literary i well conducted nffnlra and the deet -- program iu connection with the meet, shin of mneh harndens tun. An ecea- Ing, whore the boys and girls learn to moon! trip to town to attend the theta silk in public. Part of the program 1s 1 ter by any of the trolley line or 1n 80-' evo,rd 40 agricultural topics, as one temoblles or In a hlg sleigh gives varl- t tb • oijlrts of the grunge le educe- ply to the emusements- Boa in farming. There is always 1nking all ttlere factors together. the ouch amusement mixed In, bow- aor•inl life found 1n the moat highly ver, to keep the children interested. developed country corneonitles is an- In the winter the meetings begin In parlor In almost exert way to that he Ntternoon, and the men look over found In the cities The development the ',tock and talk over their problems of thin wholesome aortal lite and its while the children play and the women more general etten*fon throughout the "vein." eo.lntry will tie important factors In To addition to the grange. there are 'nestle, the tide of popolattoa c018817 - seas, beat farmers' Onto that are wart. the nee F'eNferel Assembly and his own 'defeat at ;the hand. of the Unionist candidate, Si, ferry t' tspetrick. The Structure et Ferns. When flowering plants usually make Beed. that is generally the last effort for plant life. The seed is the beginning of the life of the new plant. Fettle, - however. only produce spores for reproductive purposes. These spores germinate -and go through the same process subsequently that flow- ers go through in the production of seeds. The spores expand when the germinating time comes and form a flat, 'green membrane. What are then really•the flowers appear on this membrane. As a general rule atter these fern •flowers have matured the membrane dries up and disappears. In one family of ferns. however. na- tives of New Holland, humeri platy - cerium. • this green blade is perma- nent and continues to enlarge, be- coming- really 'a portion of the plant. Every year a new blade Is formed which spreads over the old ones. The large plant is of a totally different character, having the fronds nt ordin ary leras. Torpid, lazy liver causes biliousness and head- ache -two common complaints. STOMACH AND LIVER PILLS wake up the liver-arousr it to action, speedily restoring good health. A purely vege- table remedy that has a ben- eficial effect on stomach and bowels as well. Becalm. it's NYAL'S we know what's in It. 25 cents a box. Aal►ri es pew t•-, MD the name .s41 air. Tee entire f.lid.04 Vets. Said said gusaealsed by los F. J BUTLAND. S. E. HiCK. H. C DUNLOP. E. R. WIGLE8 GODERiCH \- Nearly • Centenarian. Ihangstt•Illa, Sept. 913. -Jello Stephen- son. Aged PI .and 7 months, the oldest man In huflerih (lnunty, i. dew; Ile vias A native o1 Arkshire, Fang . and A resident of this plate .for upwards of half a century. Epidemic In Winnipeg Schools. Winnipeg. ,.41'l Y, A .+!tion+ epi- demic ut scarlet tele r ha" broken net in the Winnipeg +.Molt,, and the situa- tion 1s regarded a" serous. COWAN'S PERFECTION COCI3A (MAPLE LEAF LAM) Its richness and exquisite flavor give an added delicious- ness to homemade "sweets" and dainties. Be sure you get COWAN'S - the cocoa with the Maple Leaf Label. THE COWAN CO. IIMITEO. TORONTO. 133 as: tea ` 1 1r+sa 111.0"Y 0,,Ant 1' r, w.,1 „rosy. ORANGE LILY it a p.wnit ' 't- •nth,e remedy lar :111 dhalMbt .f `- / in,k• 0,11,.1lMl+. An espial... -4 al 1h 1.r. tr.'ubl'•w :,re of k8 a1 orlg s, 11 fr',uU4. Meal Ire. M. It 14 Ju as Py Helbli• to take i,o'.Ii hie ,•.teen. ll for female troubles n. ,t would 1•. t In Woe. 1 t oIN fog . r ntrrn 4;rin 1 t k m 4'11, to all A he,A 'r un uh rr.l. .1 p floor ,-rt w'111r- .M.ld 04. 1'r, 1+ Ie. Ing gc4.Ine.1, and ih.'u,4 I •ft., ted -t.v .,np,ot Ing haat melI,ii • for �- ��Ihl.a the dead mull•`, ORANGE : tit -or -ma- 1tm1-rp,t.., anne4,.•11t +"1d Manna prop'r11'N: fie 1 •J•, t. - ,,p { 1141 1111 Ig..rot.•4 blood t. PN I. • a11ol lit -1,0141. 1 .Im rel +boa Mug • t1 1 e. ,•1-v PuR,n.41 %omitmmay- •sil•f•. h.r,•.If, w th•ut east' 00 her, that Uh'' • 'mu her. that 1 I•,to) 1R:tke U,4 fel..441ng F FER FREE, TRIAL O 1 .will ..n1, wilhuut • h.• yr In every rea,d••r of this n•411. 4: oh. • eat ('u01 :any of 111e thin!...- peculiar to wou,rn, If .he oln sen-. *Imu►r/r of the ORANGE LAKY t.estment t0 knot her ten ,Liv.. '1r trial treatment is all that 1. br4rawry to rifest a l lhnpltto'' ••, In.lanee .11 will gal. 8405 nook 1•abie relief If you Sr. a .uR:,•• vm�rsPlf. to your f. may arl.l 1'-, your frit u.4. to take advanIAg.. . art owed m 111• p• It... v 1•,4r bons.* wlrlalut 1.a torr' tons ur , ;+ 1,..0 klnA. Andress MRS. FRANCE:+ E. CURRAH, Windsor, Ont. • r two. TSN C1$1'$ has proved that there is something in a nam e, when it means quality TOASTED "Kellogg s' is the equivalent of 'Quality' in cereals. 7 he very limit of flavor and nourishment RN, A PA Kellogg's meets hunger more than half- way and it slays by you to the next meal. The cost is small. The taste is great. KE CRAGS SIIOE ltiAi 1f shoes differ at any particular point it is in keeping - Met shape. Shape - retaining quality depends (up- on good lasting, or the way the leather - is--stretehetI) down around the last, and time given for the shape to become permanent.. - Invictus Shoes are never rushed at any stage, and prove themselves by re- taining shape until, worn out. ee SIIAP STAN S - WM. SHARMAN E Oonset $dist Rtreet and sewers, l.nnrr. 1, 01