The Signal, 1910-9-22, Page 5ition
tired by
le range
)n every
e it any
y or ger
They wil
bte solid
stand any
aeon. To
, cocoa to
lave been
)O1 Shoes
Best that
at est style* in
u to the ladies
5(w, Hemilti'n
pts and utile
tss Cameron's
at their 01.11
treet, Goderixh
o Others ?
re is no better
t man in this age
ossess than a
cut, well-dressed.
tat appearance,
a man t l -
tis way into the
ence of absolut('
vers -has tailott,i
ay through cold -
Ind distrust -ha`
;d himself into lift`
tunities through
attractiveness of
clothes. The man
wears loth Cen-
3rand of Clothing
Dilly looks good
lers but feels well
;If, knowing h c
iperly dressed.
are prepared to
you the latest
Kt of the most fa -
tailor shops in
country -the most
ifully tailored and
1 nCanada.
gled gar
are sole agents.
Thanksgiving Day October '1.
,Getnment ba-
yy 31st, as
the da,e le'troe01 Than [)ay f.i•
thr. 'l'hr iirlectiou e a Monday
the holiday follows the precedent
er ahlrhrd t wo years itetr' principelly
at the unrest of the Commercial
Toroth la' ay.w.x'iatiuu• , r
Prominent in Insurance Circlet.
�__jyigni a
t 1 1'a
rater trachei. oil the Atoll of
rich high school. was elected president
elevate meeting of the Life Under-
ryewe,.Ass��eiatiuu at Torpnta. Mr.
McBride since giilttwout No- LViessipee
tome Lovely. yetis ago had confined
',Awe's'', it to life insurance and her
inJhil!• time made quite as snug for-
_12•_Ha,-_lrieube here will be
1:e5(• u ! , heir of his eidvaileement.
?furor Old Boys Meet.
A 1„...4 leg of the Huron Old Boys
held d in
..t Toronto
,41,_-'na,rol•ge hotel on Monday
.evet;hg. ! this 'reek. The excursion
. r wtuiltet. 'in.i'nted a Cepnrt, show••
raga Whiner nt' a1. The date of the
annu:d Kamp er of Ylns - 1 e Al '(onwas
Nand tar
Eel cul
prominent crt}tena of ti tot
n,uuty.ate expected to give gddepaaes.
spa alienist meeting will be beide on
Dorrinher Jit h.
The P,ostoffce Addition. -
Emig -McIver.
A quirt wedding waw solemnized at
the Leeburn +and Union manse on Fri-
day evening, Septetuher Ifllh, when
Theobald Ewig and %Iris, Annie Me -
Ivor were wade husband and wife,
Rev. Jas. Hamilton was the otllriating
E. R. Watson Wins.
The Macro bowling touroawent wan
concluded thin morning with the final
Kante at :tTiirTe'lf',-tretweetT -It It- war-
arwan and F. H. Martin. Tbr game wag
a on.. and ended 13 to 14 iui favor
of Mr. %Vetron. %Ir, Watwm there -
fort Kele ahe-i3rai;,riracilaill Mr. Martin l a
the teco►u.
The Breakwater Specifications.
THE SIGNAL' GO' Eftl- H. ONT.11iln
Death •t Mrs. Carter. •
Atter an illnetw of altout three
week K, Margaret Stowe, beloved wife
of Yawutl Carter. ot Toronto, died at
her huwit m the Queen (r u Satur-
nlane Deceased was a daughter of
%l r, and Mrs. Hurry Stowe. South
street, Goderich. 'She war born in
this town and war married to her now
lerea'.td husband nine years ago.
Mr. Carter will be remembered ba
Itny ar a former hueinena :nen of
town. Besides her husband Mrs.
Caster leaves a little daughter. seven
years of age. The retusins were
brought to Uederich and the funeral
took place front the parental home.
to %laitland cemetery. Servieen at
the house and gr•ayrside were con-
ducted toy Rev. Jas. Hatuilton. The
a lUs•arers were Kenneth Stowe.
Ratty M(towe, Ceyrge Dunlop- and
,lulin ('tacknell. The bereaVed fan.
Hies (till have the sympathy of the
comtwinity it their sudden tore.
The specificationqs for the new piece
of break water at than harbor. NW'
which tenders have been asked.
indicate a structure dm fret tang, 't;
feet wide at the base and :et tett wide
at the top of tbi• substructure. The
hlrafion i, t ; be about 1.40I' feet to the
south and rlightiy fo the east .r1 the
present outside hi•eakw,atei. The
southeast end *ill be about 1.300 feet
-Ecom the Whore fine alwcat directly
west of the lighthouse. Tuesday.
Melee. . Irh, is the last day for receiv-
ing skendess
Is It *Case of Abduction?
May.:' Cameron it ie receipt of the
hollowing (ontmunica'ion from the
Ihle( xeitileet of th' Dominion -Pete
: W.
i It tawa. Sept. 17th. Pilo,
psi! Replying to yours of Sep-
lrthls�t. 5 lath. I Iwg to ay the Ians p
tl • lei t t addable
hbuilding ha • s'en1cnna.
,,,,,! { rxnxct tenders with he
its .. :• ,:nfr.
1 • - ' i ulr'a.
I+ I:'.c.tuT. Chief .Architect.
The M.. .,ry Opeeing'.
With the- glorja and elegance
p Scapa, .' • ne at -elusion \Vie openinga
this we.. -1. ,at the dilferent,showroomr
ir. town u,her:'d in anotherabuusy sea-
son Mt The milliner& and their *side-
line-. Tbr date' eat •t y les in turbans.
t.u,Lit.cnt .hap es in whites. • thol'.
and Itea%res with high crtxwns,
5(r mlat-1tlef'lace panne velt•et
J,..q,ingshape.. are only is few Of
she p tett' ar styles display. Space.,
.[ -n ;.111.11 K five detailed'
aerout.t nt the upeninge tblsweek.
A Musical Treat Next Week.
The I'aAutaiier Sisterly. who/appeared
ir.s.-.,1.0,11 Iwo March miter the
auspsr••, of the M,+nesetenig Ctnne
Club and gate what was considered
Mr Many the hest inimical program
ever heart in tauter ich. ire to open
theY M t'. A. course by a perform•
idtr its 1'irtotia Openl House next
Wedneal.y et ening, :74th inst. The
Ian -will to. open to auh ect•iterg at H.
T. Etteand.' restaurant nn Saturday'
and to the p(tblic on Monday. Lavers
-f third• should not Inks tbi• oppor•
unit a,
ms:ro,eg Committed for Trial.
laid-tiale• Bailie and Roberts nt
Much comet 11 is watlif/•eted iii sown
over the disappearance o[ Elizabeth
J., daughter of %testes, Amin -non. of
Salt ford. She attended be Exhibition
on Tuesday afternoon and evening
and was I44..een on the fair ground*
*Malt evening. She
„ huh Lr
t age. U
yews. cent n a K
is ar 4t• -
newts a-ounger. is small of stature, and
of a delicate *memo ant e. She is &lawn
five feet in height. At the time of her
diseppearau^e she w•n+ wearing a
,white straw tialwith grey and red
trimmings: She had on a short black
and white plaid co•tt and a dark blue
drew,, -,Her hair 1- of a sandy claim
and her eyes are µrex. Information
-bas been • spiead hrcndcast and the
euthnritias in the different towns have
been not died of bet•disap;teyrance.
anal n,
•barge i-
?salmi w;t
grunion on Monday committed .1.
el Artn-tronR. druggist, nt Lurk -
el tri al on the charge of erim-
lig••oce preteired agafuat him
tion with the death of Miss
Mitrmy. of Detroit. The
aid under section 244 of the
'Code. Crown Attorney
et-emetic-emeticat the court in
Dungannon 'u in behalf of the Crown.
Ile ma( .4 •1
a jaiilge of Its
8es+ :+^. u f - t
i he
• take plate iui G
G. C.-1 Laterary
The, .indents of t
rue I�i-titute met
and iteorgiilii,-d the
fi,t the rustling term.
Alai- - leer.. rlccthd :
Wall ..1 : t0 -t a icep
Acme- Ilan iltnn : trite
Long : torn -user, Miss Ma
Monis' .
Miss brace \Vat n
Fet{tt- M:.\•tight, Isar)
Miss 11.1y Cameron. The
of Pditna.s t:a the Jo,,nod w
the h:i'nl- of the executive.
meet-hottly. 'Ihe opening
will be hcl1 about the mid
. Harbor Notes.
ate admitted to bail.
n he tried summarily by
ore jury at the next
eta+. The
trial will
erich. •
e Goderich Colleri-
Monday evening
Ler try 14 ciety
The following
resident, R. A.
-esident. Miss
tars. Benson
McManus :
it : council.
Mott and
left in
o will
est iia
le of
A Former Goder4ch Boy.
Tennis t xpert*MEre
Those who are interented iu tennis
1115(1 a treat yesterday 0 the oppor-
tunity „1'seeing au exhibition of the
game by twit of. Canad.i s west 'noted
players Mii.s Moyes, chawpiou of
Canada, and Mies Sutnmerhayes, for-
mally the Canadian champion. Miss
Mese- is the daughter of J. W. Moyes.
of Tutontu. presidentof the Ottrtariu
-West Shore Railway. Rise Mummer
hsyrs 1151 is f+(ni Toronto. They are
theguests of Mrs. Pt•oudfoot during
their slay hese. A large number OT
spechltors gathered attire tennis cloth
courts yesterday afternoon and wit=
nPSaed an interesting program. In
ladies doubles Miss Sumuiet•lta> es and
Miss l'orboukl played -Miss Moye•n ami
H P if U' , h and
lies, Dr. Doornail sill lin tea}::Ire ll,
his church for four Sundays taking
his holidays. The managing board
has secured as the etrpple- paster- Reese
T. L. %Vilkinsou, late of the Hamilton
t'ouf. rt•uce, but noW rel fired and tieing
at Aylmer. .Mr. Wilkinson is a
preacher of route note, it lecturer and
author. He will be. in charge next
The Haptiat church seta -iced next
sunday will he of special interest,
combiuiog the hoarsest Mane servicer
farewell. we
11. Ch
e nut-
with the pestle'
jects will be : Morning--"t'hriatiattity
B liri nal Harvest." Eventing-
aping- the ru,tta la
The cnurch will be eppropriatelydecut-
aited with fruits. dowers, grains, vette-
Lathiest. etc. The music also will match
the+ se anion. Every hotly _macula... '
Next Sunday will be obax'rved ars
Rally Uay i i .Victoria street Metho-
dist ebureh. In the morning a rer-
un will to given by Itev. Dr. Medd
in the interests of the Kuidta7 When ot.
At 3 p. nee woo meetiug of the Sun-
day school and con regatiun will be
held and addresses delivered by Sun-
day s.
u her A
day school• workers and ,
good program of music will be ren-
dered and an offering -'made in aid of
the Sunday aithooi exten'lr+h (And.
The evening service will be held at
i o'clock as usual. Dr. Medd *ill
Has Accepted Call of Ridgetown Baptist
The congregation o f the Baptist
church oa Sunday manure.. received
au an,louncement ufThe resignation of
The Dundas Banner the •w•b (hie
bouquet at %,savor McLaren of Hamil-
ton. a fernier lioderich Iny :
"l'ongr etubstions to John McLaren.
mayor i t the.Aulhitinua Pay. %Isjnr
>4f His.3Lajestyy_i t[1ItAi-1'0644w High-
Benders. nlenlher of the Braley team of
Intl.. crack title ,.bo'.. Hie w or.•h'p
has grade them a'1 sit up anti tale
eratice.this etar. and for -a man with
mil 1he'i:ate of his important office in
Hatuiltal) resting upon hint. his rec-
ord at Ottawa in a remarkable. one.
Mayor Md.aten is a' bonnie fighter
and a worLer. whether it be in the
discharg'• of `his Municipal ditir.% in
militmy affeireser anything else. He
Koss in to win ftv.iy time still even
his fishing expedltinns are prosecuted
with a thnrougbntss that makes the
fi-h frightened."
Committed for Total. •, -
The chary'. against A.,-Knrachinski.
of Benmiller, of no -Alines* Ia.iy'a dress
.oto.• tim(.a/g}co, wan aired 'n Ave Police
l'..urt on %'edne•lsy an Friday of
Mar we•ek,- One of the e tie.sen ad-
mitted in court taking. the clgth'•s
from w vile of rails when in the com-
pany nt the defendant. Crown Attor-
ney Seager, who conducted the exam-
inat ion. viewed ft o.11 the Mn111e -witness
.hv express
wt -re o
ttFrs'w r p
that. the ch t
to Aruburn. directed t.. th1' whit
he ithe witne'r.) declared they had
heard had 1 yet rinse Ci 'thee. This
enipluct alone. it w , argued tty the
Crown attorney. w suAlcient evi-
dence to warrant (It ntin+nilia1.t1 th'•
o trip
Magistrate rate But-
( for aR
• (nit
i nl
ler appal t•ntly too
sent tht• detention
('.alt rr sewiOnee
Tat t•testae y, MKrrli.Mmos :. 1100 6
i.. rout cwt„ Ise uwuler a. es their cur, Rev. C. It, J nem, who
1� -nb
t".. winning 5(-4, t{• then
bay been tenderer a ununfwous call
won ti 1m Mr. Doyle d Miss of d •Mi. Mlorton'Ff•om the Ridgetown llapt .t church.
r -
in double:- 0-0,, ad,, ti'G. In .inglrr The trrignxtiou takes elf t at the
close of this month.
M►•. Jones has a very -acial place in
the history of the Bapt I' -t congrega-
tion in G.xletich. This is his second
photo' ate here. He organized thecon-
gtega.tion in 19112 and then after five
Mins Moyes won from Misr somwrr-
bayes --141. 11.3. The visitors art play-
ing again thi= aftrer11u0U. - •
Married at Edmonton, '
The Edelen ten Daily Built -tin of
Thursday. September 15th, rt. -e.t.a in
the frill' owing to the roars •1ge of a
'oars'' ibneuce cuulmenced hirsecond
.pastoriate in April, tutu.. During Lite
11,iputeryoung I.edy of l:r.dri�tcb, woo paint two Trod x half years the church
bar ..•serol years wa,i, C01114 stenog- has title p rogrsns,-in the, face of the
raphes herr. The groom also is well removal ef 'Many tpetubrrs to the
knewu in town : ••l'he Pira: Presby- Rest and elsewhere, ..anal today t he
tel- a n i•hutch was the .erne o1 :t a uiet I enrolled naetuberhip is the Gu'girt in
but ',retry wedding at'2o'clock Wed- the church', inlet history.
ne.ay after•notw, •September ilth.I The ltidggetown congtt•gation, to
'.then Ir' Verne Benjamin Augustine. which Mr..letnea. g'.ee, is oat" of the
of Regina. Sask.. was united ,in w:u-1 11441-rat.lhlurh••d"&lptist churches of the
Wage with Miss Alice _Nebel Spence. Of I Went. rn A-soriation. Its pulpit wan
(12ibiicb:.-Ont Mr. Angustinr in a fille.l fier many peau, by the late. Rev.
.son or, Mi. and 5tre,Bi nramin 'Angus- ( WIHi1Ht.Prosaieer, who was 14.40V/
tine, .01 Dungannon, Ont... and Muss • many am "the •Spurgeon of Canada. -
Spence is thr sister of Drs. John Stan= The call to this church •reached Mr.
ton ai-d floury Spence, of this city. Jones (luring his -absence en vacation
The i•ct-,•tnony was Aetfurmed by Rev. • s our weeks ago. but wan nut ,eriourly•
lir. Jlcllueen in the presence ot-thlelconnideted until his visit to Ridge -
immediate friends. The ceupleaverej town on September 11th. The wurk-
umattende.l, the bride wearing her 1 nod hopeful mospectn made a favor -
travelling suit of Saxe 'due broadcloth' able impression. and after due con•
and dirip ' 1 turban of Paislea silk and I sideration the call was accepted. Mt.
blue cap, ey. Telegrams of congrat t- { Jonet' duties in his new charge will
lation weir received from friends in commence on Octol er Intl. The fin -
the East. The bride was the recipient mer pas or. Rev. C. S. G. Boone, ban
of many handsome gift,. among them � just been installed in the pastorate of
tieing a dinner set of Limoges china, the Dunn'. ille Baptist chute h.
china cabinet. cut glass. chequer, etc..I It Min noperfunctory sense that we
:.5((' a castanet of 'sterling silver pre- say- that Mr. Jones' departure from
stented by the -judicial y, her and oAl• -Godericb will be regretted not only b
crit- of the e'linty� of Huron. Ont., the members of the Iapti•t church
ot whi.:h county Minn Spence%tan the but by those of the townspeople out
,•mcient court nten'•grapber and -pe-'side .'f his own congregation who
cial exawinei for 111a14t years. lw-I have come in contact with hiru. He
we liatel• after the ceremony Mr. and poteesses a n earnest hut withal a
Mr.. Augurtiar left by the :3 u'a•lockIgenialpersonalitythattuakesafevot-
train for their future home, in Hegira. cable itnpression and draws people to
where. the groom holdv a position Withy him wherever he goes. T h e dig-.
the Nye -tern Canada Flour Mills ('u.' lappointlaent felt at his removal from
Mr. and Mrs. Augustine'+ litany I ton n will be waxditted by the tainsider-
(sired* in rnwn will alt juin in rxrrnai• anion that the new charge will give
ing cougt•atuletiopt to the, happy,' hurt greater opportunities. the liteplist
couple. w • cowlnuni'y at Ridgetown being much
The pleasure yacht Reh'kith w in
Port Saints ay on its son , south frasw
bore Ifs'. . .
Lei week Eddie lVntr'tn porch/ailed
from W, i(..towett, lit Hayfield. is gas-
oline engine and installed it in his
sailboat. 11 • now has a neat little
Paunch that can make about six miles
an horn.
The steamer Wexford arrived list
Ftid'av with 151,155) bushels of wheat
Ise the alewife?.
The -Learner t;lenallah was here
Tuesday and left 2P.Otg) Nisbet. 01
wheat at the elevator.
•- The steatnet Sophia Mince is here
it cat -goof coal for the town.
New. Pupils. at th
'rbc l'ollterist
enrtlhlest of
the same view and
for trial et the Ise -
CI. C. 1.
institute has a good
pupils for the term
elect' hes )asst opened. A large num-
her of rel pu its have come horn the
townships. th following having been
enrolled fort a fist time i
Frtrtn Gt erich township -Evelyn
ie McKenzie, %levy Da'id•
I'oll.x-k. Jew
son, Will a ox. t,
Froin C !Wine tdv,.tiship-lien, Me -
Ewan. Ste Alen %Vilkes. Worthy Ryan.
Hetiey •tllrnan. Aubrey Walter.
Sylvia IJa 1 Wan. .Jean Young. Rohn.
Bisset. hoe. V:Ilion, Mabel %token.
Annie vy'
1''ro(n A.hfte4d township -Duncan
Matheson. Tena (rowan. eCora Allen,
P ssie Jobn toon, Isabel MacLeo tin, Olive �I,
wrence Smiler. Clarence Smiley.
tom West SVawanosb-Jae. Fin
Geo. ('tae. ('oliva Clark, Eleanor
, Mae Redmond. Elva Kearney,
Beta Wawauaab-Jas. Mc-
Clinton, Gladys McDowell.
Fromorris-Ella Rogerson. Maay-
Front H iettt-/Alex. Mann.
onservat� Recital.
Township 05 Hay v. Bi'asonnette.
In the Court. of Appeal at Toronto
on Monday the case of the township
of Hay va}tissonnette came up on an
appeal by defendant from the judg-
ment of visional Mutt ,affirming
ajudgule of .Judge elute. The ac-
tion wa or a declaration that certain
hiehw�lys are public highways in the
said anemia') and that defendant
way he reset from occupying or
obit:meting .ome, etc. The judgment
gppeals•d from declared that the roads
were public roads and ordered the
defendant to go out of possession of
sauna Judgment was reserved. 'V.
Prondf::at, K (1„ for defendant. M.
• t`afrlefSfs; U., for plaintiff.
Assizes Next Week.
The teaming recital girt n ha the
penile of the ;Goderich Comers awry
of Music in Od aloes' Hall on Thurs-
day evening la proved a grei1 *5(c•
rese, The atten nae was barge, the
hall being filled (Old many being un-
able to gain admisai8n. The Carrying
out of the progrwtri, reflected much
credit upon the teachetsof the Conner-
vatory, Miss Andrews/ pgpils did re-
markably well, showing most carrful
trailing. Mr. Cook's pupils also did
splendid work, maintainitts the good
reputation of t heir teacher. Mr.
Hunter has not been here a sumcit•nt
time to demonstrate fully his abilities
Al a teacher, but the student. and
his charge are uiiiady- snowing
Arogreee. Two former pupils of his
from Woodstock. Mise* Tohey and
Voet, ploy ed with marked Mete and
give much promise of aucress in their
xtti.tic careers. Altogether the re-
cite, was an excellent perfnrmanee
and the teachers should feelenrour-
aged by the splendid attendance and
by the good work of their weretpupilt.
Those who took
Andrew" pupils -Willie and Wood-
ham Hebb, Ernest Lee. Irene Salkeld,
Vera Kudob, Oladya Sault+; A. E.
Tl.e web: -drew -ed Young man has appearance.
In has or. and appe•tlwnce- count for a rood
dent. frit 1n Incawith the heat of them. by
ordering your new ••nit from F: J. Pridheni.
The influence of good pictma, 5. ine.t imwblr,
A oalttic tl flow!. Smit 0. '.rt store. i.t.t +tree(.
will -how you how easily -omq redly excellent
Acture- may bac obtained. Picture -framing
done to order.
• On Saturday morning- E. H. Wigle,
druggist. will buy empty bottler. but
they must be clean.
'Che court af.revision of the vtterr
list for the town of tuderich wilt be
held on Thursday, • Septenitet
not. ton nn October 3rd as atatrd in The
`Signal last week. • • • -
Reeve Reid. who is president of the
(.ndetich Industrial Exhibition. was
threatened last week with an attack of
typhoid fever. bs.t maoaaged to shake
lift hi* illness and was on duty at the
exhebition grounds this week.
Th•• fall assizes for the county of
Huron will open on Monday next in
the ^.ourt house. The Honorable Mr.
Justice Sutht•rland will preside. Ten
Cased have been entered, seven to he
tried by jury and three without a jury.
The rases upon which w jury will sit
are: Thamer yit. Powell ; The Mer-
chants Hank vs. Bissonnette : The
Caned* Trust Co. vs. Finnegan : Bird
TR. Logan; Hottioheimer vis. Carson ;
t Ami'hell v*. Bieennnette • Mat'Cwm-
larger than it is first-.
The pulpit a•sutniiuee of the loyal
with church is cu operating wit the home
mission board for the appointment of
a me -cm -sue to Mr,.lenes at the earliest
possible date.
Corks, bottle wax, fruit jar rings
pickling spices, hirer aseortwett act E.
15. WiglE s drug tone.
A Bargain Offer.
The Signal and The Weekly Mote
Will be sent to new .uhscrihers .for the
balance of the- year f. tr only 25c. Ad-
dress THE SIOi4AL. Go det,ich. Ont•
The water and light commission met '
on Monday evening for the treneno--
tion of general business. Hereafter
meetings will be held on the second
and fourth Mondays in each mouth,
instead of once a month as formerly.
Rt'.ideuts of the district of Claim 'rut.
'.chick wa- alerya it att'tl by the/big hail -
.torn! in •lily- report
p.plr tf'Pv`f-
their lesres ity1the ,.nmol are budding
and hil ,III fining again. It is of seers.•
too late in the season for env fruit to
The C. P. R. has announced a bent -
era' ex( union to the "fittest hood' g
grounds on the C. P. R." Single fare
tickets will 1* issued. good going Oc.
tither 211th to Nos'emher 12th. Thar re-
turn limit is plateal et Decemhrr 15th.
See Ju.. Kidd fot• t ckets and all infot-
will` i e extended the lh,' Huron
-ympatha of the community in the
lose of their little son, Walter. eight
months of age. who died nn Sunday
last. The little fellow had been ill
only a few days. The remains were
interred in Maitland cemetery on Tues-
day afternoon, Rev. Dr. McLean con-
ducting the funeral services.
mini vs. lt}o'. Tlock et al. Those to Cook's pupils- Cauca h
be tried without a jury are: Wood* Prldbam, Orace Wightman. Flee -pm -a.
?'. W ,d- Pt ad.: Coats et al. vs. Brown: tidth : J. H. Hunter a p
Reid as. McIntyre et al. do far there Wilson. Grace Warnock, Ida Currie,
is no criminal businew to conte before Mise Walters. Kmtnw Waline'•, Mrs.
the Court, 1 C. Doty and Miss Nairn.
The Kincardine RepiorTer
all twenty carloads of rails have ar-
rived at Kincardine for the Ontario
West Shore new. r forl t he ayople�rns
will he gond
this vection and if the company can
secure omen and tearne it vast amount 1
of work can he done this fall. It is
1,n..ihle tassel probable that the grad- l
Ing end track -Laying ran he done be-
fore the snow flies. Let us hope that
the teams and men will be available.
More Men Wanted.
The Canaelien Pacific i* running
another farm leboteern excnrslon to
the Northwest fare $lf`-Friday,
September Zied. Hoy your ticket.
from Jos. Kidd, agent.
We invite you to our showing of
We are ready to show you 'the
hest collec'ion of
Women's Apparel
and China
we have ever shown. We
' would like you to see
THE NEW FUSS. nlagnifieent
piste,, ail vets, teasonehly
THE NEW COATS, ineluding
everything r.. s• for ladies,
misses and children.
THE NEW WAIST$, heaut-
ifllll{yv{ piadar,a in laces, talks,
timeline, vest inti, etc.
SKIRTS to suit the mostclitire!
all shades of the new water -
'.how the 1). it A. a n d
Urompt.n•n last models.
AND HOSE /ire'hi• Mat valuer
to he found anywh're.
he Fall Opening,
WITH all the new fall goods that have been pouring in this store has been
taking -on the cloak of fall, and nog' the: evidence of new ,,roods is every-
where,.and use are stone too early, for the fall is here ---you can see it in. the trees,
yeti can feel it in the air, the unmistakable signs.are everywhere.
IT'S REALLY FALL. Ves, we are all ready for it... We have already,
handed out of our show -rooms and over our counters a •consi.ler;thle dluantify of
t1 e" latx•si goof s. T..we wartt yvu- :ilk ty' -ce t+rw anti tele s'h'it IFP AEC.
-- - Cotte -+nai.s a the._( W_binlliner r the new Suits and Coats. 'The Millinery
show -rooms in�.ite your inspection, in fact they almost eman��our�resence.
is a real pleasure for us to see you`� walk through and inspect our goods. You mill
find.-ou.t• , ill eop:e courteous-ant •anxious to show you anything you -wish to see,
'•Valk through and take a look. You won'telxpected to buy.
Make,use of our Rest- Room on the second floor. Meet your friends there;.
Ifyou have any writing to -do you will find lots of writing material placed'
there for-) our convenience. •
Trimmad flats
"('iiirty - five trimmed ready-to-
wear Etats made' to liven- interest
for early business. These are
mostly -travellers' samples_ felt
Shapes, trimmed with ribbons,
wings, feathers a n d flowers :
• would easily sellII in
way 'for much more money.
While they last, special
each - • - - - -
Ostrich Feathers
Five dozen fourteen -inch Ostrich
. Feathers,- black arid white ; reg-
ularly sold • at $,;.leo. While
.they last,- s_p ec 1 a 1 $1.75
Ladies' fall 'Suits
Ten only ladies?. .Fall Suits, •
regular value $12.0o . to $15.00.
Clearing special, per
Redpath Sugar •
.Another hundred Sacks of Red-
path Sugar arrived and •I ill ;tt
.the same prier, per 5r25
hundred - - -
(Sealed sacks.)
Choice Butter and Eggs
wanted in our grocery department.
Always the top prices. 22c
Eggs. new laid, per dozen
Another Special for Men
Headio Foot and Foot to Head for only $24.75
Here is your -outfit : -
Any Suit in the store, hest Stan,lartl Brand
One Best Negligee Shirt. any patters \
One Silk Necktie, (lattice
One Pair Cuffs
One Linen Collar lll ••••
Une Set Gold Cuff Links
One Set (:old Shirt Studs `
One suit Cosy Ali -wool Underwear
One Christie -or Soft Felt Hat
One Pair President Suspenders
One Pure I.inen Handkercbiet
One Pair All -wool Cashmere Sox
One Pair Patent -or Wet Calf Shoes ;
Total value........ ........ .... 532 10
This complete outfit, bootat vati�e at $24X75
0 for
pe [ SY
This: is -a genuine saving of $7.35 to you. This is how we figure it out : We
mike t profit on a tete of the articles andthen throw the rest in to you at wholesale,.
cost, otherwise you would nievergetthe outfit for so little money.
Now. is your chance :-Select your outfit, a): a- small deposit
outfit will be kept -till pay day for you. It's a Otance of your life.
Call and see the' outfit anyway. • IC`ou won't be -asked to buy.
fill mail orders for this special outfit. Drop a card for particulars.
on Main Floor.
.down and the
Don't miss it.
We will also
Men's Section
p)J- rfs
Artistic Picture Framing
John Stead
Ladies Wear. Eur*, China. etc
Hamilton street.
Attractive, worthy works, of art. in suitable
frames. grace the wails and lend the finishing touch
of beauty to the home.
t'i a carry all standard lines of prints, phuto-
grnvuren. etc. Water' colors, etchings, engravings,
olt paintings. and the finest attack of mouldings and
frames ir. Western tante; io.
Let us suggest pictures or frames to meet your
We keep It complete stock of artistes' material*
int every branch of art work. Mail otders prompt-
ly Mien the dist received.
We guarantee nitor1)tiit frwtning for expert
work maritally. and all materials used the best of its
kind in every respect. We have appreciative risturn-
eri in all the large cities, from Montreal to Van-
We cordially invite the public to visit our Art
Store. Yon a i0 see something to please and interest
you, whether you petrchaaae or not.
Ladies espetially will be Interested in the fine
display of art needlework.
Eberything new, clean
and up-to-date
A toll line of
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Cut Glass,
Call and examine out t o k .
We take It pleasure in showing
Smith's Art Store
East St.. Godericb.
Watch Repairing
a+s iecialty.
J. S. Davey