HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-22, Page 3TTHE
i 1
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tordiN &BEAST•
?rice 25 ets.01111
-.1u)ns,o C C RICCMR;F1a
is ii-W.4.11r
Annual Gathering 01 Goderich District
•--Rev. Dr. Endicott, Missionary to
Qh;r,)g,_Ilnd Rev. F, L Frew II • f
Toronto, Give Interesting Ad.
dresses= Extension of Missionary
Activity Planned.'
uL'l) f '
' bound or repaired.
eitonlrrs eronrptIrr attended to on leaving
• hew at THE :+IGNAL. Goderieb.
Piano playing. Theory. Harmony and
ountrr{a.nrt. Pupils prepare(; for ezamina-
Ion- of Toronto (omen Yatorp of Music. Apply
,t Tbon..on. Mc-ic etore. Goderieh. Mondays
in('•tnton .kt re-tdeece of Mr. Alex. Marken
ne,iNaulostreet. I:odet:.h •n,dio et Y. M
1' A,.roar. near -tat data Loan Co.'s t dive
Sart h .meet.•
Ot STKRP(I) .'T 44TC'.HAR•
John 11. Hunter. F. T. ('. M. tTor.,. principal
Woodstock r'oa.er'atoray of Music ; u.trnnf.t
1(m.t ebur t•A.- (fndertt . e;ando"r London
:'un.ervatorY of Mu.tc. Kinn-.fill preparation
.1'..r ..11 .,.n.,gltion-.Twentxy four s'....•*Ie4
is Februery leer. IAyetlall macrons fur �rteLdn-
en.xesar,inatlot, en piano and i oc+J. Mr.
•,,,t.•r will rail at anyWdle-•t- left at Thom-
. n, ue{r .40:e. "
1 and Hydraulic Entnneer• Ontario Land
,Mine -McLean Bi«k. Ooderkb. warner
Montreal greet, Telephone 137.
'rile ,11,1,11:11 convention of ttii
.las' wined. $Lull .l::p s'urth L eitipui•s at
the (bat r:eh district of lite Methodist
i4I1Tiy'Ti' was befit It, t\ e+ieleT e'ttfPi tt,
Clinton, Ttte,alay . 111141 11 edema lacy,
Suer ilritinl' Ilfth1tffil 1Ith. iF
furwhay • morning was sloeit in
receiving and billeting the deli•gat.•a,
'Ver one . t diel registering. The
afternoon ..4'$4(411 (opened at 2 41.4'14wk
with desoti.inal ,•suis,,•'. hal by the
plesidr"%. Ret•. t)1•. 1hn,gall, of North
street church, Air*lerich, and, a Hildt•
reiulii,I, ley Het. E..1. FearJe•If MythRev. F. C. 141rphi•n.• i,. Iq Toriait44,
44.ls to tit present Int was tumble lo'
conte ,w(1. M•111 in 11i, .tend Het. 1)1.
Em41ir"t 1. who is at prose'' hurl.•
'front 1'hi oa. 1)e. I ;;,kola i$ associ-
ated, with pre.. work in China.
Thirteen dean•e ago the late IM•. Bart,
knowing; how highly the Chinese to
gershal the printwf page, Hlought :t
nli4$inu pies*, a its- .•s,•utial in .his
work-. I tr. Hart met 1v it h much uplow
'shim to his plan-. but .14••4 •14
difficulty in getting toulp lu .44.4114 then
Wens hlni t.. gel it %%totiig after h•
THE SIGNAL''.. On F14I 11• ONT \ I;I( I
dents 1)r. Dougall. then -re+trt the fid- liarAiR'i�•
mwitig resolutions submitted by the ,
r•e.ulntion rtunlnittep-t Inventor el'- the Gyseptena- Promises
II, 1tesaeoeI.that 1111• 14.1 thank- Wend -. fol Things.
of t hi. convention beU•ii,t, ie41 ll• III.
peeler. of Minton: We tcjail lairti4a1 The incorporation of .411 aerial no%
1,11ty' 14, IIU Iltiu111' the 'Mayor. tt in.... eaten' company at lit. Louis has re
kindly w.Isn111te1 m, MAI gave u- tilw vealr•tl plans for a ere uinracial passes,
freedom of the 'town: the tr.isii'••-. ger airship that rrvale the w,:.lest
ehi,ir and organist of Weide). 011111. 11dreams of Jules Vete,. Officlgle of
for their (oumteeies• the nh•11olwr- of the-tonlpwuy declare that within a
the two ElowortIt (..ague. itis,, ,•t• • year they will have a ship that will
forts hawr'ia•.I, uur••Mitt••11t in aur Is- 1 carry a hundred i1as4eugers 1'1 a
half: and Iuu4ieemrlye t: ho.t- and • forty mile wind and at a speed of 100
Mast,..... whc. lilt(.. welrrnued AL•. sal miles an hour.
•lq.ihatty to 1ntlr tio1R('s. 1 '-The`-maedrine ti" -the`_•u untu'a of
I21 It+•,(,11141, )1411• the coudell t4r,u' J. W. Oman, formerly of San Au-
i.•cord it- gratitude to ami aLpprtria Winie, Texas, but at present. at St
tion .11 ilrv. 11r. Endicott, 1441-sa,IL:u6 i.ouls:- line ie ill ',meta! of cunslruc•
flfromt,,u. ,.. Anil Hes. 1:4_14,1:4_14,H':u • iv.•If. Ttarn in the shops of the inventor at
Il..\., aaso.ciate .,.,mini s•...lel 1 v .4 at. Louis. The inventor donne that '
`iunrlhv M'hiNd•!+tui1 F.pvcarth L,aun•.l his ship can stare r1t1u'r from
Tilt ;ser ices thew tttogentll men ha%e land or water. Ile declares it will .
retpy lr�ted iia in the wily' nod oulyof 1'x 1 asMist straight leu floe air or can
pft- tntrmn idem: +net mise-ot-haticl:-i t•1' Irturteliet4 in lie u+aitswr sal an aeru-
cnrel interest. cannot well Ile e.tirl,- plane.
tt(vt. -1114 flhIly 1'l w•: now• beirtlly' • The new airship P called a gyro -
thank them. Iplt tees -platy 1111• 1. 1,',l' plane. eo, named) from the fact that it
Jl•$us \Vhu111 they love n11ei nerve t4,tt is a eumbinaUou of gyroscope. the
Ile may direct (11.•lu In their "fish, •.1 ! helicopter and the aeroplane. Its pro-
Ie.de•1.'11ip,• th,lt u. til« .reels (41 for I Inciters say it can be built 4s, any
Kingdomi they 11uay' Suitt Hy is. 4111 front a tw«-a)la runabout or u
pr(atmrr the•mee•fi'r. 111 the tl14tnY ;it''- ( seven passenger touring car to a atom.
they .o continually 11411.11. '.ter of the air that will carry fifty or
cul14 1th ulr.-tl. t l:•tur',. 1(44141o1a14'; 1( u bundrtsl paaacrlgers.
I K I I "A thirty CIT forty nide breeze would
li41 Of IOP .\lima 1' 11e•g•' ., I. be a help rather ham a hindrance to
echoed. that we 1141'14(11i1P with .i11'e•ti• 1 our machine,- 4$141 the inventor the
gratitude to .Vulighty l;jet the•• gt+•at other day`. "We will Maintain ab•w•
deseing that thi.: 'ek,*.1 111(- atf."1"1t; into• equlllbtium in anything short of a
111:111 •.t oar P:paeyth Irugu.• .1110; ,.yeloie The u•ua-I obslaeles that pre -
Sunday •• hts.l tt'ot.i•rs, Alia t l.,• great vent the flight of an ordinary yirxhlp
uplift ah,1 inspiration 11141 lytic room'- will be as uuthing U• the machine of.
through• it to our •listih•t as 41 '.i 1n,le. our.." • -
awl that w'.• e..lum1•nd thio *1(11 Mer It i, planned to construct machine. •
1 RE Neural � ia
'clit>:,I to the hearty .up4Nu-t o14*) ami that will maintain a regular service
Ivagne. 1(4111 iundiy .41141111'. 111841 urge between cities and state, tied even
:111. out work••t.'it h.) 44,11 p1.•ih c " , eiwntries.
to att/•ud its ne•et .e•..' The Kyrus.•upe and the helicopter are
� e ed it.theIre.$ work i, now 411 Be it 1'l .civet) that 4't taunt -es-
m foul' of the "lilsl.-rS'll Ihstrct vve ty i , •,•' ' air navigation.' but never before have
ll' t • t t 1 n 11ois ;uncut int.? I
.•st tower, t u wading ployeii by Duran.• The model o 1'a
1'11111141At 1 cit u1', i(4 etwl tot chi 1 1
had ,a cit 1• funnier principles u. heavier than
HnM 1shing. 1 1111ting•is done II
different . hie44l'.. 4 e pri 4 Irl Ione o eY it
'' • - they, been applied in the planner em
of INeq,l•• through the 4.44111••(1 1)11441'. l 1 a I' a inn„• u' 1 l 1 I'
1)r. Es,.lir, 11 printed 14m fir -t Christian
ruagaxi1:' 1,.101 :11 China. .
111.V. 1 h'. M,slel, of :\'ictal in A t'i'll
chin h 1'.d••rl••h.aa.k.• 14.•x1. an the•
sal I. i ''1'11•• 1.1114(111 its .111 Etari44•' I r( g
11.11 Force." Ono- g4-0.4 essential- i. I'r-/.i. Hem to played 141 hoe 11.,,11 1.t ,t'1 1'init.-machine has 1oern inspccteed by
the spirit-flNe•(1 fife. and the ;natural sl OE. ( mens en inerr. $ltd peeled c•
to salt of the spirit -tilled life is to win The'. F. I... Fee.•well them eat .. g
.4 hers. \\.• need the limit non of the .hest •a. oi. ,• 011 the .ubj•N•t. -T1 • Rel suleQrior t� all others; tt is declar-
fer, ev*n44r tiste• sur'••'... There ran 1'1t iuuot' Alto in He'igi(4u. 1\'.i 1:.'- ed. Teti patent line.. Leen grautetl.
he do tr•1e a%Aang.•I11Il( without intra. What 1., the eiltiulate• nine in 1eli4l"•1s e.•ve'ru.g almost every 1,•ature nI the
,pre•tir44 and s:o•rifr1e. one thing is W141. It is the winning of the kMilia' • Machine: Thr maehine it 4o be con-
c.al.:O , : our 1.•'ilg110.4 'can ti.4'..' he dont. \Vii 1,'.. all %ye ,little• ' '.tt ••- atrUcted elltirlely-. 1,t allulunipm and t
evangelistic until a :quirt . hour . , itli voila i l w nnet l.•. .14 .14. (•111 1- : F'.:• ... Il,ar•adanoti and Ile -ides eartying four
Y`ufd I,'ou1 greatest' jr..... Ilia. rh.ior. the )rt..l.i. t.• -;.rat. 4y 11.1 4s• t ••d 11•• ` propeller;; is JittetLwii4e two engmee.
fin 4111, addteres 141111m...I not '.hulk and 4...44 wi11.111.)v..10- ishe•tc , The inventor aasettr the machine
, Aro •i 41,e• s a banquet was served in ti, wink for Him and eller:. .,,1 in-' can be made to 'tau.l ..1,11,at one, spot
• nmis a ', tail • 11•Itital. - in the air for an indefinite time. "We
, btnmba on a
• -lop it fitted with four. huge props' NEED NOT
AND Tr -4E
"1 'have awful spell,' of Nee
ralgia and have Iloi'tor(Il a
great- ileal wrth•)::t (�C t tltig
much benefit. 1 or the last
ttt'o year: 1 have been taking
Dr. .liilcs' Ai,ti-Pain Pills and'
they •alwa�s rtlieve me. 1
have been so bat) witlt
Neuralgia that I sometimes
thought I would ,o crazy.
Sometimes it is necessary to
take two -of them` but never,
more, and they arc sure to -re-
lieve me.' _MILS. FERRIER,
2434 Lynn St, Lincoln, Neb.
Pelee 2Sc at your drugo.st. He
should supply you. If he does not,
send price to us, we forward prepaid.
puIfierr rudeatut to (4h•I1•*M• (4i '' ler- twelve feet' in diameter, which
'1 t'
wnn4, ulodcm'ul (rntl•1 1,l nal aur- ,11111 100 la• pswi in turn for drawing the ,
1 (4i
third ',ming
ii,, ' ki„ conn h utr , mach Ole Iron) the rroitiool• or carrying •
1►uriIlg fife taking i..f Int.• utTern:{ t ti w h the air -
1 t t %Der Hu4m wt11 +ruin." 11
had partaken of Om good lit Etaiicotl . IN.ke again 1.11 h.. Maid drop. a thousatt i,
R clime. t fill auldtr.. like tl.. warship from a 1 'gilt id two milers
e.Vemvam• la. uo • u ler
things pl.rt hied by the members of w..t in ' ii ,a. '
the 4'1111to11 (.(ague•.. Roe. le 1.. Fare- prey sling IMP'. wits tilled with Mho- without snowing a fart," he declared.
well. H. A.. of Tea -onto, 11014•i1 it, 4.1141-' 1,1)111''11 41141 4114411111 • In.pile e%e•1•Ve.M• Oman 11*4 studied aerial navigation
Imitate. The t,ae.:t.'•1i••nertd Center- who listened t(4 it 1.. greater a 4I. ill twenty .years. .
Ieil t I.V Rel 1 F weilliug for the.•clf•I,.ioli of the ala
tate has•
st11ded t.• b • Mi.s M- A. Bailie. .ef sole ee.fill .11.41 helpful 4•49114 ration -.leen sentencled 4, uupnsnnmcnt4 as
111(1•, tt:r. n spaH10 n .• "Natural Lite."
F 1 f Wr.lry church. \hurl trl's KinKdlan.
('nllrgr tin eit'ho. l' was t. fir,' a ides•'., closed un• of t lie up"' A prisoner In a western
_11 '
R. W. F. GALLON. M. B. ;Le. 441141 ••l'hwrch lnioo wits IVO- ever held In the Coderich •lietrut- the clew= dupaLe*l (.cit It. tar the RTIC
t1 nlNrllehyl t.1 by Rev. E. F. •.\rmstrong. ..'I'hyofttcer, t.,, the r„ • •year ere: Tent hi= nrtttrral Il f. That phrase R��5 i T
U "Our Hiaifi." tests pro- tlotNsr,►ry pre-id(ut. 1{1.4. Il li,eg•'r`• "natural lit('` 1>t.tlnr- some people,
E �J d•
WORM- tw
"J7i tiaF
It., guaranteed tt, keep
re dry in the herdest
rao f ✓crowriet
Tlrt K44t).v, SE:Vrr:M i ." 191(1 3
.��o. minae CO.'0t56
Distinctive Styles in Dress Materials.
. Diar,inetive style is the predowivatini feature of our showing
eeerst written and cowl ono are hrtre clines,, an It wilT,Sea&ctde>I '-
t u .- 1 IAs1 I and Suited(* fa the sniniug season. .\.1 the
!erase:e tt' select year rllatrl'1;1 for your Drew ui Suit froluouch an
elegant stleetaon . Almost every material, color .4(101 shade to be
1'•i ow
1'a Cr
( uu1
( �1 u
.ate dl -e
eiy stock MI
1 1 1 d
instill y I
v1'-, Th tR...ttr,s-yira.
special abuwieg of 114;W -class Hla,lf"i+I,os 1laterieI
Hese y'tu t, ;eel 11eUw1 l'at'er u,
• 014 Bleach Linens "-a' Old Bleach Linens.'
A small lot cit the celebctted '• DW Bleach Linens" bought
eutly fuuch under their r•egul: t values. The 1utcunaiaty of Table-
‘ -let us, - eaelottoe Treyclotus. Embroidered 1'llloweyea►se=, Coeie-
.-overs, jewels, lee. they' will .uujt be picked ever,tas they ate
ge tl u i rte •1,.11 444rlli•.
Mc(:ell Pall. t, - •-'he bei:t _ toe and 15e.
Knitting Competition.
A'lt entries fur our Knitting Coi» 'etition must .be in 011 -1')'-
not bates then Ihu'clty, k Mu111.ty', September 19th.
"! ('..11 Patterns awl Publeeitionls for October now in et(4, k
n-Millar's Scotch Store7r
Right in the
•Nac'ti. 4')Y)4nrs. Furth -trr••t,Gb°'''' h. of Chat u I 14. ,fat•t h: pose Meet. Rrv'. 1
i, m T I ,torr tit it i H v 1fr. Fndi,•utt and i.•-
- - Nparn • u 1' .. 1 1 � I
feature 1 the C(4I-l1n Ian. • . arra ora
The evening s••,sin14 tvn. stained :A,I ‘11,1111..1111.11t, Mi.. 11. F:rnrt. Ail '
44.- who wenller if the law• re4Ognize4 any
orlhl.f ('.maty Bari>44o c'. re{ ,, lar.• :y' r-.
t d t l t• Rel. 1 lil.•ru•• 7911• Uaugalh /iotrr. b: 1st vice-pWid1n1• "unnatural life." It d,.1'+ not, hut the
of . solicitor. notary, etc. Money to lend at
:onset rate.. Vtpoer.-North :lir-, t. Goderich
Immo. : ignal Ufacel. In .`e*forth Saturday
and Mondays,G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS-
1I. 'TER. solicitor, nut try public. Otnoea-
Handitoi, Street. Ocderieh, third dour from
L herr ..tem, wlkitors, notaries. public pri.
:ore in tie Maritime Court, etc. UtHce. east aid
Square. ,.-xt door C. A. ♦a:rn'. grocery. IM
vat* hind. to lend at 11 s- .t rate,. of Interest
W paOLDFOo l'. K. C:. R. C. HAYS. U. Y
itlaThR attotlt1 .ollcltor, etc., Dodo -
net,. 4,. Mnhey to knd M inwest rates..
e solicitor, tommi-•loner. rotary public
•Mice IIamOton street, tfoderich Ont.
D1 a C ItA N C F. C u. -Farm and Isolated
e()ll property
1H McLean, Pres.. lieatorth P.0 :
Jit lonnoll Vlce-Pre*.. Oodertch P. O:
Than. F Has, 14eo. Tres....- deafortb P. th
Dine -tore -Wm.. C•he.ncy. Beeforth ; John
u.Orieve, Winthrop ; George Dods,1eafortb:
John Henneweis, Brodlvgen : James Evans.
heechwood ; John Watt, Harlock ; Maloolm
M.Kss,.. Brueefiefd,
t1re1,r. J. W. Yeo, Holmes.11le : R. Smith.
Hiulnek ; .)a.,. Conrmil.g•,• Egmoudtile ;
Hlnrkly. 'esfo.th. Policy -holders oar par
manna menu, end get their •:ands reeeip(•d at
Taut Brown',, Clinton er et R. H. CuU.e
stooerw_Hlneston street &oderirh.
V V loan: Apnly to M. O. CAM -
i. Harrfater. Hamilton-tre-,t 1)oderinh.
)IRS A!p.Lnn n :alrr4 : British, Cantata,' and
.t,'•:II , SicKto:M AND F.vtel.01.1.. it LIABIL-
ITY: The Ocean Accident and Guarantee
i tn:orearLtion Limited. of London. Eng•
r ler
AND (1 UA4%fiTn.l: Hm1,4 The • MS.
Fidelity and (auarantee Company.
Office -at real;ence, nortb,o t. corner of Vie
and St. David's etreete. 'Phone 1141
- -
banquet p4.iv.e1 .e very 11,•4 1514 .Iohl, 11. tId1,,i,, 4 4,4 met : .1,e -sire old cmmtnan law did nenRnisl• nn
f1' 1 t 1•' i),Ijt Mics B. 4:Went 4 14111 on : t 1 i •
one. When
death th :1s welt Of /1 natural
1 H I Il a nein er woman takr4
with def (4t luniil 1 ze i. 1. s l 4 . I t►le mora*U 1 1 ,
ht' Ileo. I barn : It i .•rpt.•+u • 1,t. • t. c vow aw Ile still speak
1). Rogers, of Seaf:.r-th. After .u1'141- 1 -.t.rhollt. L. A . Lnlde.liore' :' ' of it 114 "1••aving the w(tilrl.' in
dress of eel( • by ..\layom Taylor, cies -4, o.ident. Jtl.i. 1...••s, flint, u : Of It cval times that waw r•onaidercd 1.
44111111 was, replied to by .1. 11. lb Meet. nee t*rc, SII.- tt Snyder. I..al. 1'u 1, ma torn; 1,l_ death: un.l the phrase
of 1„Nb•ri1'h, Miss I.izxie tt.•tl ut1'r. en --1'. Ib•nui.on. \\'•11,•1,• ••nater.,; her" came into mac to de-
Hew1. Of Clint"n. wait" n IN•antlful• 41i1:h•i(t lrpteM•11t.tutc 111 t orfs 1ttle1, 411, rxis4nce terminated by
wrlo. pint- E. \ Fear. 1444Th
Rey. F. L. Fareee'll: '.;woke on s1.110•11 rcr. tat t, f:ey. t\'..- t'4,11w41y. the, gray, net bythe eonvent or the I Aeyikhs
abbey. � yes k...
' 'reacher 1741111 1 � � _ ' 'with this
who conserves life What 1. life? It -- - Antiquity if Gold Leaf. same
has cored more than a few
chroni.: cases of rheumatism.
We arc 1:4rty certain that it
would tor beneficial in your case
t lecali•.c v ktlaw ahat'4 in it.
'P f T r g \ Iw thet is "fie, Nile. •
is human and spiiitu:ti and we Ms it,. What One Woman Is Doing to 'les s
stirll,ga and m:uifrstnt' The Heave the Suffering of WOmankn.d. The origin of the golc4+lesf, like the
lime forehe 4•its,-erval•i(411 of life is in I _ _ - • first use -el gold itself. no loaf, in' the Sold nod rueraatee 1 b1 '2-'5
the time of childhood Itn•1 ..,t,th.l mists of-antiqultc. itis t.urel. for F BUTL rind
S. F. y
l'on.irwatinn iii life•;. aerunil,li.h,.l' If there is -one -woman in 1141. Ano."exampte.'in cernnAftMn with the mg11t _ J p E. R. WIGLE.
throttle' •Cr*in.el 1•u,b•1., Al r. Fare- erica who hs,. dotiP mote than her ancient known mummies, hiving t.t�n 1 H.C. DIJNJr)
well .1r.windy ruts ate1)4,•:11'1) 1't1'a111-Ishame_.t4_ relieve the sufferingcif uae.l Inc Severing teeth, tongue. skin,
hog, which will show the means and I womankind thet woman IA >ir4. etc. Sometimes it is also Lound' on
f Windsor. Ont.
channels . hretigie which one• b'rancr• E. (°�tl!i 4)1 „SVthe coffins. Gold leaf -wits ale, used
tucke spiritual work count the inose I . Mrs. Cult 4 -oh was at oue time a great on, the tombs and monument, of . an -
On 11 •4)4esdnc tn..t•hing a morning , so fe yahffrOlil ,1i4e saes nstliar to her
remedies tient Egypt. The prAtes4 of makitsg.l
watch was held front i ties e'etas k.. sex. y gold leaf has thus been known .since:
The meruiugt -'•s-i's, •pa'n,,1 at tl but found no cute •and had alma -t the eighth century B.C.-in the elev.e
•,cha'k with (rtotianal rxeil i.rs and I given up hojlr of neer hying well enth century it seems to have nttairled
Bible rending by Key. E. :\. Fear. F'44'' . Hut one des she wits per- ,. a. high n degree Of porrfretion as to -
"Het ting Hoy. to Werk" Was the next : sua41ed by a friend to try what w:19 day. The gold leaf on some ancient
subject nu 4he program. "In the then a little-known remedy'. Much to' (imrlan pottery indeed :a as thin as
.Ilmiir li,agie.." wee taken by Nshe
her astonishment 4 41 141 j t�ltim« that. now us1',l
T. 1C. lessens. Clinton. and '-Iii the i ately beneHtie(1 and in.
44 lay `elinin". by Hiss H. Huntley.' ci,mnletely meowed 114 r'' host health. The Wolf's Den.:
Blyth. 'Both .+t Dem.. a.• Impute well. ex- Fr that time until the present 1
eellcut 1111,1 A di.eus.ion followed. 1 day, Alte. l'ur'reh has devoted her life One of the most gruesome among
Reports frons the Alistiict Epworth l to interest woolen in this remedy, animal home. is the wolf's den. This
aeeretary, the district missionary vire-1 which has now Income Caminito 'miler 1 4 simply
a 1,.,' otug in cite side f •
president, awl the district Sunday 'I the naive of Orange Lily and is miter- j bane fly a h•' situated on the sunny side of a
echoed neeretary 44'11' renes Mid- ilia. Lifted on page of thtt publication' cadge and alma.by
cuseell. . . ` r, Mrs. Uurrah's sympathetic nature almost hidden bushes
Rev. P. 1.. Farewell then r•nndurteil , lean 4s her to perform _ the rnc.t rh.u•61 and loose' bowlders. Here the wolf
a"Round Table 1• r'ral<ferenc..- on Ep)-I a table ,ete and site is new oltrr,ng to l lien snug. in and about his doorway
worth league and Snt,,Iay school send. free of charge, Ty.: boa con -'i he the remains'of •past feasts, which,
I taining enough I ). tinge Lily fur x ton temple with his own odor. make the
asiou , Hundreds torr took- won't. len a riot .very inviting place.
w you
• •"•� Cue.
and aocidentinsurance. Agent forlending
intuit' land stork .Y,.r.t,an.re. Insurance to all
nes. effected on bee' plan. and at lowest rate...
.,sit at office, oonrer Wes` Street and Lfmuare
w a4dreea J. W. CRARNE Uoderloh, O*L
rein ,hnnn N1
mile Uoeaem, Godertcb, Ont. -.. ..
ogee, Tis well-known and popular mused
patrons the beet service in shaded
halrv:uU.ing, ere., et'. Ladles' ahampootni a
sty. Doty skilled hands employed:
our mpiiens,.s�,e, will • appterlated. 0. R.
' 11)1MER, 1'foprletor.
1 RTH1. R -J. BAR(;i,AY, MEDAL
set Li8T Rilyal institute Reitiah Architects
H•s•Iden(I1 - Mac Honae, (oderlch. Plana, de-
tail. and ,TT ere thaw prepared for resldeneea
anal pnhllc bol Ings, s orre-pondenee in
Tho 1Vednowlay"' nftereien►
u lied with de vutioi:al 1'xereise
"Bright Memo for Literary Depart-
ment," was divided into titr.c parts.
First; ' ('pto-tI to Progl'alll.. vyas,esn.'neetesthelu I%es.
taken b7 Miss L. Carr, Hlyth; the r
second, "Ilible Study." wile tnkeu by
(1x711 treatment.
lug edivant.ag4 of Mrs. ('urr'.1h's {truer" Nevertheless there 11 mtmnthing so
p�aatssy- rad doubtless ninny, renders of , drettaat rutfl mysterious about tht4 soft
tA4e riper will seize 11)4 opportunity footed marauder Dont it i ii lends,- a
t.t r r hi4 wonderful •roroedy at no fascination tlo hi- honor.
-A Ilei.( life 'idly be like an open ( Helfand is known to all the world
the land of windmill& hut very
li) flu Hn\lnt a Friend
Buy a Kodak
Don't }},.n on your oneu' .
witbout a Kodak. The
No.3F.P.K. $17.50
wets suitable. ,We cents all
then atyh:s. .
A:litts-tt cacti. ria 11Pt.
That's where eve • Al e
when you are talking
*1;,.0t 11IT eerier. '4Ve
are nor. advertising
special h,er4aine. for our
prices arc always. at rock-
bph Nom file goods of
totality. Try u, for
Spaces -
Canned Goods
ILt'rr and Eggs,
• 'Fruits
Etc , etc., etc.
1Ve know' we ern phut.• you.
send us your Rini'. deer!, p
Corner Montreal
Street and Square (IODEItdc)i
rd r &���Co.
Stu y ,
4'11!✓ GROCER)!
In thv Si turas. 'Phone 111
The gre 1lest care is taken -in dispensing at chit store. The
purest dentes are used, and yea may b isig„yoslr:prescrintion
herr with the greatest i tiflnlen(e that: it will receive proper
( nttentiou. '
::TOILET ARTICLES• We make a specialty' of
thesis; and can Nmlilely yc„i wi: h the latest and best goods.
31 he; U. Taylor, Clinton, rnton, am .
-The 'Canadian Epworth Era, hoick -cit the 1•I*1,k Variety
was ' few people know that the indmill 1
Olken by Miers NI. .\: heron, • 4,11.IIru ' .(nest thoughts may, and often woe- wi did not belong to Europe in the firsti
Each id these 110111 r, was trill of 441)1,11 fully du, fail of prtxlncinR .stet deeds: I pprvc, but originated among the Mar-
suggeatibm and helpful plane fur•' but Met deeds are sure to breget .Inst seers. There is, it in believed. no
work during the, coming year. thoughts. • i instance ot- a windmill bring need' in
1)r. Endicott then wddWsse•.I -the Europe until the time rod the crusade*
convention on work 111 China. He 1 I ire a typical wind erases, floor mill in
Strike of OW hostility of the Chinese NO REASON F014 DOUBT. WienAWienthe planes int the wind
seventeen years ago to tot -vigil ways -- ' wheel are made od a fah 'e and catch '
anti fcrrelgn n liginn, but the things AStatement of Facts Backed bya Strong the wind as do the etaysads of a ,nil-
tbat were heresies to them then are Guarantee. `ing ship.
h«logy today The 1:binrse are - --
arm general anctlnqge,T. Ofll,te. on South
deem. M. where he will be Mnnd at. ell times
e ncrying sales. Terme reasonable and
Imo* effort went 40 glue Ton rWlaetlea.
determined to do away with the
opium habit and are in every respect lige guarantee complete relief 411 all 1
*axioms to learn 'Modern noel hods aucl sufferer* from constipation. Ito every
retie . - raw where we fail Nr will etimily the
A con erort $'._said- medicine fem.
t«resting' part of the program for Resell Oededies are a R -e, U1 -P +!Re• :
'Wednesday. lir. Thnmp'atl, of 4.Ito-, tice, dependeble and wife bowel rrguI
ton, acted ne "speaker."'rite fnlInwiog lator, strengthener, and tonic. They
inntons were irmmgght before the• res..stablieh nat.Ire's fnnctinn* in a
house : 111 "Reeolve 1, that the biome quiet. 181,y way. They da i ,„. .,orae
department, and cradle mill ehl,uld be any inennv,•nieww, groping or names*.
npwma1/e1 by cc.•ry '4 la whcn
'11"- They are so pleaswn, t I take and work
motel by 'Rev. e. I. Farewell, and an e*sily that they may be taken try I
by 11
oppoa('l b.•v. J• H. 04tet•hout, H• anyone at *1,y time. Ther thnr-
1)., of iA)OLLeshorn. (2) "Resolved, that 'lint -
hl tone up the whole s tem le
the forward movement in mtsslno4 healthy *e•ivity.
should be intlireroduced int() the Sotoday Kexall 4 )rderlies e nn,u),,nv.Mdr
w•hoolli'--moved by Rev-. W. Conway. sad ideal for the use o4 children, old
B. A„ NiJe. ei) " Herod%ed, that thele folks and heat" per•a)ns. We cell-
mhouki he a eontimtal effort to recruit not too hi ly recommend them 4o all
church nienilierehip froth the Hand*y •nfferer4 rmw any form of (onsti(w-
school and Epworth l4•agu""-moved tion and its attendant evils. Two
by J. H. Mallet). fieslericb. Ea1h eiia'. 40C. and 2:1'c. Remember. tau
rootion was (1iaclrssed 1,11,1 pts4ed by a lil eon
y Resell nly sRei edie*t our 11. The
Handing dot..
The W/dneeday evening seseiun ossa Rexall won", tL U. Ihtnmp►. awth
were ice The pr esi- side of Square.
opened by a song
A Hard , Law.
A traveler getting outside St.
Petersburg discovered when he tried'
to re-enter the eit that he had left
-y, 1.n� lw bwiroom
hotel TF c guards refused to let him
Pass and reluaeea to send for the pass-
port. "Ae(etrding 4o you. ' said
"the only thing per me 10 do 4* 10
throw myself in the Neva." .
"No," said the sentry ; "suicide in
Russia is strictly against the law."
His Standard.
A .h... drummer - alilth4d from the
tram at Ferville and looked up and
drown the street. Presently Tick Lee
came along with a bundle of *oiiled
laundry and the drummer hailed
him with
".Cohn, haw mooch of a plant is We
here town of Famille,"
" $tleet ca' evly twenty minute,"
replied the Chinaman.
One of the latest prnmineri gen-
tlemen tt speak highly in run
Buk's favour is Mr. C. 15. Sanford
of Weston, King's Co., N.S. Mr.
Sanford is a Justice of the Peaco
for the County, and a member of the
Board of School Commissioners.
Hn ,s also lh,aeon of the Baptist Church
111 hor w 41, loeleed it world ied emelt
to find a mast Thor. w..i_Iy known and
more highly rega,ctal. Hare is his
apiniati oI 7.1t111 -Bak. He say, :.-
"1 never used anything that gave von
a ,••h astidart.ion ae 'bun fink. 1 had a
ow u ! a..4141 wh111L s•s•e
o� •n th,ro for over 111 year.. f(anintemns
:vo the diseases wonld break nut on my
ashlers. I had applied vac nus nint-
hs and tried ,.Ii mortar of things 14)
nacure,but in valn. )t.m link. un-
verything elan 1 had trv,•d, proved
tefartory and cored the aliment.
alio nand TAM H.1k for tumina
1t hoe erred them onmpl terry
Ns •mmfnrt In hatpinmy brother
Mil, ands floe pnhllrati o my opinion
of Ma beating ,alae of 'Lam-Hnk w,ll lead
other nwffe14.r+to try N, I shoot! be glad.For the relief or antfering eana1.1 hr 111..1,r
flans Disease. I know of nothing to Waal
yarn Rnk. -
1.,'.-0. 0 warm ekes, atr.'U es. Mnn,i "Mann,
Ong t•et.Ang or ,,,..lag saran. had 444,
rartrrw Woof*, ▪ prate/$ 14a eat.,
horns hear... 41..4'. woos, lg..Ptr.Iy) karTtsl,
ton Yoe. dntgrte.a and .4.v.. Rates* Iwlaat•en..
11. C. Dl NMI), The Druggist,
So ith Side Square, li<oderich•
A Cold Weather Need
= _--• •
Thc chilly' evenings of the fall aced- the frosty
winter weather will 'soon be -here, which will eces .
sitatgYour P urchasing a good Kitchen Range or an
up-to-date.Heater. We have the exclusive agency
111 (. oderich for the ,...
We carry the best assortment in the county and
we should be pleased to have you c.tit anti inspect
our lines before you decide as to the kind to buy.
When doing any 'painting, call on us. We
handle the best-
Martin-Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint
Fred Hunt's Cheap Hardware Store
Plumbing, atom Hardware, Eavestreughing