HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-22, Page 1OaIf the u ' Id toupee,. LoutoeeN 41w INF. 11. Iy all re. urn thN'1,. light a, a stied 111 the rty,or 1Man loot les the pro. /rah, culds- reessy y, S at hieptelu- sere is roust__..._ urn in anis arurk•to d c lt1, •h for the ino 3 -Preside y. -' le- Deur N!1:, (eekcty ,'rt.' h+a s forth:• Iv 25e. A I. kh. i Int, APPEARANCES count fora good deal. Does your bubioeae sta- tionerygive you a good people wti ho receivet its t..tPlr, bet The Signal print your next supply to f busin at do youcredit. onery and will y1ZTY THIRD TZAR -No. tut GOUEKIt'H, ON I'AM'►. CANADA : SEPTEMBER- 1910 ADVERTISIN i( lent() ceeetul merchants of tinder i:h wt•e at it mite keen!! every year. hhe live 8(v1•tt,0.I Wnts in The Aigu:tl uta read sol it Iulete.t cd,,h *era i.: ti,iiufundr �.f pwu411r. war e '11E: r•1(.`: i1. 1'-.l .:Isis . 1.1d PcnrtexalV, THE TOWN COUNCIL. FINANCIAL �II UdpItat, Rest and Undivided Pootits Ie5,61.4,700 Total Nae s over G A t 1644, )UO,OW USE BANK MONEY ORDERS the next time. you send a Uk C.�11iADA I small sow to Any point it. r:-T.liu.lsllb 1813•; C,tnb4a, or to any Targe city In: the Uulted t;t►ue. Ti(ey cost..(, follows - $S and' under. . . 'S; $1t. to $'11 . IOc • $3 to $lO . . U $Y)rto.$17 . . lac 1Vitb this Mir eve". theycOtntri0ec)nvenldn:0 with wb34dut,• safety. 1 ot• Iarger sums use our Drafto. .• 4 derich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager. WANTED. - WANTED AT fS PER ()UQ r 11. 0l • molar argTHEfe1wU1PATP6rY1(r.orpprUieuliwi, • l•t NOT:Ct10 ADVERT ISERS of change Ot running advertise ents must be left at this office by onday noon to ensure insertion ssue of same week. - tUNDRY'S Call L+ ' Intl 'Bus ED BARN 'tables TIIF.' smith St r li.Nlrrich SITUATIONS VACANT. , W.Nti.'TF'Ir AT ONCE -A L11'N- 14R7721N. Apply sl Hl'R(rN HUL'�6. pr ! ANTED. -THREE E)CPERT hose knjtte, tot ('Neiman flat dial Ina- ctive Apply to H. )1. 4$.LLANTYNE. Limited. Stratford Out lift._ j EARN Tf•:LE:hot:1PHY.--"MORE 14 pU1. to• work. .homer hones. represent the latest rrtr'Ilations fur railway operator. and Hera.. we train yogi for agent s work, and operating w•dt eery best rourialons. No doubt iehout 'tumrdi,ste ewil"yment' when reads,: til ra,lwa , want inec. Particular - free, W r,te,i'e,.tr*i Telegraph school. Yodge ud Uerrart , Toronto. to-tf 1 All our Rips a, New. 'Buses miwl LII Tf win. , d Steamer - . Particular anent t.0 given' to ( calls from private rws.dences. '1'h -,n: Nu. ,•'. \ v .-Y- r Y Y S V� :�_ T (xIHL ' I'pprrlili'l1 Al Ladies - urn Waists wed hlteewear. irte i. aced 1 on mer sew • R •e ) i expel 1 e Po lunchtime preferred. but learn, will be taught. ('lean. health well - ventilated, well- lighte Cwork;ralm•. Srewdy work a good wages. Tbie work . will ' train you to do your own sewing. WHITE- ' THE.STAR AR H . WhAR MF(3 CO. ' . Berlin, Ontario. • Ll'3114ER AND SHINGLES All kinds of rough lumto, in I stock at the New Lumber Yard next to Kensington Furniture Factory, opposite Ii.T.R. track. Order, Hlled•at short notice. New Brunswick Cedar Shingles -'•Larkin" brand -the hest nn the' market. JAS. DEAN' & CO. 'Pee 'Ns: No=-). - LOST OR )FOUND. UST. -A BAHY'S GOLII. LOCKET at.d-chain with photo' ehc!...ed. Finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at THE s11UNALoIF'I-(F:. • - RONEY TO LOAN `\/ANTED. -HEATED ROOM FOR 1 mune studiu, either In private house nr flat. Centrally located. .Apply,at THE 'IU - NAL OEF1Cl, FOR SAKE. (1HIN4 ' M' O ft UEl'ORATINii.- Mtss Helen A.- Polley, North .trees, teacher of chinaspairitiug, has received the drat shipment of a stock of plain white china for decorating.- Tbi.china includes the tam 004 (dn cites and Purity and. being bought for cash. u ill he sold at the lowest prints. Miss Polley also he brooches and belt pins for sec-. orating. all -irs, at Yoe. each, sod wifl keep up a 441404 •cork of artist•' materials. MONEY TO LOAN. - ON FiRST• 1 vIaa, farm security at very low rates of linemenlinelinemen1 mmy y own valuations. Apply to F. 40, 11• DONA('H. ( snow 1',1 4. 1112.11 r-- - FOR SALE, OR TO RENT t_ (111,1) 1.0T relit -SALE ITun FA,t-Levet. oe WtLe thr. h 1tt lfac - 1 fury. .\VV',E. Ix 'o 1.. )HkkTY. 16:R �.. v,r v-•�-v-••--v- ) WANTED. Tesoro and Teamsters wanted . 1144 ,www! ddre en IVO%? wt'* pe1,(. 're/motels to UoP one and- s -half yard boxes on their wagons. Come ready to work. Apply CANADIANSTEWART- Cb., • LTi)., at the 'Big Mill, t Goderich•- THE BEST YET. t ODERICH INDUSTR AL EXHIBI- , 11011 MAKES NEW RECORD. Admission Receipts the Largest in the History of the Show -.GOOd Exhibits in Nearly All Lines -An, Attractive Program before the Grandstand. Beautiful weather. a /Tauri exhibi- tiuu. an attractiveplo,gl•amt, lig (•11(4Wels 111 at,endtttl/'r,. r.- ,,td•breakillg gate4 rerripto-this is. in 111•ief, the story ..f the • Goderirh Industrial Rx- hIbitjoI of Min, • The weather was fine throughout tho'peri4N1 of the Exhibition, hoot 'fuer tiny. t he ••hig day" of t h' show, was 14144' of those bright,' beawitul. Intlu►v.Sep- AUCTION SALES. . -1 lt�/ (-ILEARIN(i A1'CTurION SALE FCRNITI-RE. ETC.,('U\TENT4•S OF .A WELL -FURNISHED ir\h-RUUMEU RESI- LIENCE. ETUI NCE. Mr. Hoyer will sell by public auction. at his rt'idenoe, Nelson street, tioderich, un 4ATURUAY. u.:TUBER 1ST, (ou.menrinc at I:)) o'clock" harp: .111 the contests, of the house, consisting of a piano. dr...slug-room.. dining n,onibreakfast -room: bedroom .and kit. -ben Permute, kitchen range. beater.. garden tools. carpet.. curtains. blind". •il.erware, china, crockery glassware, etr. Everything le in goal condition and of good quality. and mut he sold without re -erre. as the proprietor le leaving (ioderioh. 1 HUl LIP H - ' '1 T UMASUl'V DRY. . Proprietor. Auctioneer. (!LEAHiN(i Al'()TIOS; 'SALE toy • HUI's1:Hi1LD Ft'ItNiTi'RE AND F('RNISH1\fit+, PIANO, 4:1'4'. Neal McIver will -ell by public auction on 4VE:DVEt1.4Y. (ICT HIER 12TH. uwwe cinK at 2 oclfck shore:: .111 the funishinKs and furniture air his residence. 'The Rookery, cowprasiug piano. parlor slit, walnut-ideboard. walnut dining table `end chain. walnat .•l,,na cabinet, walnut book- _ n -o •hEld'+ iron bed, high a air, chairs ta'len MC -Cures. curtain.. , carpets.- bays rack. fancy table- 1e lam + Loses, china and glee .NYIY +i I rwareV dishes. ganlen tool.,, washing machine. and numerous other article.. , Everything will he di.po+ld of. Ws Mr. Mc- ;Yee rIver is leaving God. rich. Terns-. cash. NEIL MCIVEli. THOHAS l,l NI,RY, Proprietor. , Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE 00 F'.1 ]f• STOCK ANI) IMPLEMENTS FAR Mr. Harry Ryan will sett by public auction at lot 12, 000cession 2. Aahfleld. on • TCESDAY SEPTEMBER..• the following proper�l.yy • • t mare. 12 year. Rd 1 draft gelding. three yds,. old: 1 draft gelding, two yeah old: 1 r t mil h . e 'P.Oar : draft gelding. on year old : 1 M' 3 come, uppasd •n be in 11, : _farrow cow . heifers. rising two yer.r. okt ; 4 +pring calves ;. 2 h'SK 'Or , RENT. --.-THE RE"*i- heir . 0, hen.. Si -chicken-. I turkey hen arid HI ldeuce of Jiang.; Farr. rn ootr Nast - and chick-. 1 gobbler: 2 Frost le h cm.) binder.; Vkto)li'strert.. sur partieutar- apply at the 1 FrostIC 4Vood mower. nearly new; 1 Tiger Ecu-. I0df ha rake. nearly new : 1 set of Maxwell disc+: I Massey -Harris cultivator: 1 Niewey-Harrts two -furrow w•. EHIRARI.E LOT FOR SALE: IN sees dei 1 Laid roller: :• 1.leplow. "441(044 printerty. 131 fee) frontage harrow.ly ti nisingle l; set f110 b sales:set of the: barrow•, �. turnipdrili; set of IPry'-!b rales; set o Elgin atrn,;' wad include- the corner lot, of lob -Maths: critter: cream separator: hay- yarke• s0eet ,sod Elgin avenue. Oce of the rack : grox.., box.: bag truck :'Bain wag;o�. : rboi:4•41 plots w the beat residential +cellon of light waggon ,rout Potter: fanning mill : ?' '•04e -,ch- High abd do. fawang the south. ton- of well savedhay .2 set. of doubleher- 1ewer and water to both street.. laws than nes..'.ton" boat.. pig crate : gril,cl,tnoe_: fork- : !•ufticlenL: w lttt fees and re wlnnte.' walk frau su"'(''e• chain.; ne.:kyokes. hr et and for three bowed. A1.o one lot on numerous otherat,ticle-. tb street for sale. A', R.akin irs from H. Everything advertised will be rind. a. I have T ' PLN ER. S)gnai oniue. oto the farm. sale to commence at In clock sharp. 14L mE TO RENT, WiTH ALL Trxws-All supl4 of 11" and under. each: iudern conveniences. centrally located, oyer that amount. 12 months' credit will be (tent re -041* M. J. B. i- HAWKINS. .SI Rives on furni-hug approved joint note.. A bt. Pet Ica -.tree4-, - Matt' diarmiO4. of .l per trout. allowedfor cash on __ - credit amount... L!OR . ALE. -LOTS '23. 24 AND Pa HARRY RYAN:. . 2900. aCNDRY. 1.• on / • r street. OoderIeh, nuntal'•iog Proprietor. Auct[coetr. $ oo. fths •! an ".ere. The►[ are en these tots I ILEARIN(i AUCTION SALE • oneetmy (rirur hoose. newly painted, • small .noble rad a good orchard .4 -•%table or property for a retied farmer. Terns and too. FARM 4TOCK ANE) IMPLEMENTS. dittoes will be nrnisbeaton application to the John H. McClinton will sell bT public auction ondrr•den4•d• '� t'AMERoN, Hamster, at 1013:1, concession 4. F:a(1 0.awaoa.h, on Hamilton sues, eloderkb. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER PITH. • \. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Haan Orrick Tonorrm lr:mom /EP carrrat. • $11.02n.lY)0 IR( ' f UIDp,MR elPTILD ,BI 14mCNT ACT Tt)RECEIVE 1EP01441TH To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of 1DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FAluMR II. HALF. N(YTR* DISCOUNTED 1 beat current rate of 11 terest id in SAVINGS BANK nor DEPART- MENT Mt depnalte of 131.90 and upwards. (IODETUCH RRA•NCH, A. 0. GAMBIA Ir- rer• L 0It MALE.- "'VE ACHES. 1N EST r sido IMyllekl . between Britannia road and Bennett st t good pgrtion of this land .un able fol mar et garden:'mwlpfru1V half b oftwo done at.;• each. ay1,, .ytl lr ttopre sRn scree)AN-For pre* d tern,,ndsowrite011. .1. JORDAN. 17.1 Windsor 1-e.. ( OWN PROPERTSALE.- A FOR 1 Hou.e'and los. known - the 4'apt. Mac- Gregor rrnperty on Anglesoa-t4eet. licderich : Louie 1') room-. hot water hes Ing and modern convenience... with sic tot or. fahtar -steel. W111 be sold jotatly or eipwr4te Mouse and lot onrirt. ter .1, at l'i roord.,"it..�3 acre- o Arch ort. ice. preper orchard -winterapD , l cess prbpertes can be had at . nabs. erne.. Aptly to J. L. RILLURAN ri+ter, etc. fiodert h WESTERN LANDS FOR SA Ie0 sores with 32 scree in crop hoose with 'phone in. Price Willi,r,rin erdp; teed a See Kram. no acres at $tot acre. broken and fenced. T 1,1'. i. w -nap. Mod W going up every year psi acres wit g ood buildings, 1111 acres broken : price tip pe acre, good boost, and phone inte, e• J An7 et these Diel be bought ,n uarY TEWSLLY Yorkton flask 1/OUSE FOR SALE. - A TWO; STORY brick boom. with seven rooms .rt. Bruce street. Particulars. car, he had by calling, at SIGNAL Oftlee. me 11144 r1e� I HELP IVAN1I'EU Boys and girls wanted to work at the evap- orator. Apply on the pre m ices• D. F. HAMI.IN1 WANTED tenth's. Rayl.- wbIIh seem to- he left IVIl' from the 4(tmnn•1' 11111111 he. The (•r(444d. came Lu town from near and twined Th.• Sig44111, Were 10iu)e•it b\ the Pac'ker's Dye Works l'u„ II( 'Tor. cutis. Thr)' WrlW '.ht,w'll at t.lt. Tor- onto Exhibition and created consider- able i41tece tl\4U'a.4,44. wellaU1..he11 ...__. less Johnston, the furniture wan, 1 11' display off111Yl1t ll'e very KIt lout n t'\ U V . iii his old stand in the wait. building. A beautiful niallogang parlor suite, dining reran furniture, and it bras'N iNdsteatd '1,14. other gMwAls mer.' in- cluded in this st attritetile display. The Singer sewing machine agency in charge of its town agent. J. E. 'Muckle, de111nn,n'ateet the use (4f the famous. Singer;doe-knit/ darner in' a stand on the w'e.t:ia. of the building. s•upie41 Iry the I). Millis. the wain birikling was ietly7 to 14 display of Kb, matelrials.. The ibit did •11 . -to le with the e•xl•el- tnis than 4•it•ries. tis exhibit was i•utbrv,iderirs Nivboas, who rad. Thew' ray differ - '0111g "K- IWI," 0f rase!. are 4 - in The N(Ntee Co. upstairs: i given liver 4 fancy arras g Scoh h, SW"o• lumiliarire the pen -lent quality of good In ((m11ect' -with an interesting display i shown by Mr.. krason- has'lately route f • So 411 v1111111141.1 specimens 'of w rill styles. 04.1tte of thew ah,p.lrs ft•.•.ii-the diffel-s:tit -c art ne4.41lework at 4% Inch Mts. Nil icon has ranched. Thew ns lurid embr,idehy,-which i'. effect fur, .rod' when Treasurer. Hiughniii 'large pieces, ..rami as bedspreads. .I Ir - vomited u1 1 his returns for the day he tietes. rte., and, .to go tl, the oN p ' brood that the gat.• and grxudstluul extreme. there -were w•ceral.(taint y i•w'cipts had beaten lite record of the pieces of Louis XV+, t iblw,nwork, suit- E:xhihitiim, 1Vrdt1.•sd.,y also was a able for the deror•ntiiln of evening good flay. the finish of I I1.• raring pro- wised.. etc. Ten. 4ns.%' cushions. gram drawing' it large crowd. Alto- bags. etc.. are other g•NNis to which grther -the gate and art mist:mil re- Mr.- Fraser Nivison's work gibs it 4.01)1%; us 110111y a- could he figured special charm.- Mrs. Fras.•1 'lit•son. is y t'tertiot •, were *1.302. Thl- is ptwpiuvsl too ,give instruction to latices $11 better titan Ito. 14 ' pr1•viutt-1 in t he sort of shading 44041 , ,,luring nil retsUrt, which -Was -mule it Wit •'awls - in oast, in the French riblsxlwurk and 1 N i l l t t l o,' s n rat 1 . - ua1 he euus,dl 1 r exhibits its nt•'st etas. wets. stoic loss to 41 o'clock. 'N good. in wane than Tots ivy ex- An exhibit by flee %16 . alert `Irlrt i- E W4114inrhttt. of 311~. 31+Kianal the mark". H(4rsti. 111141 Cattle wt((1r anti M1%. lw;uisrt). Bread alaaot ter perhaps the hest sh.ihiug Out We baling by ureiali rs of tfo Institute. have ever lout in ((Iwlericb. hot in , tea, candy. etc„ Wers• Iola by tint, numbers And in quality. Some mil hulie• ,f,r the- beneft of the funds of judges say there wits'notlling brtte at loth.; ' 31. 3'• Bialy Scou..0 tnd /0'4,4,the Western Fair. rise. 1'r:dirrvl.A. The train building urns 4:4.11 811 The Special AtttadUons. . Nloot of the depNtttu„•ut'. 71:47" rlP up t - she 14011111 ,.tillldnrd, .1s w'1.4 to 104 t'x- ' ria of th e dw. IL' Y filIlt 11 this srilrg, I *ui io from the tremendous ' os'wvls (Port %•its nut aF large; l' a'.uxi hot, 1, 144 Rat(4ts,, ton 1'ur.lI l :Iftrrnlli'n the (luuhty- rjII Walt. piayr WO* a' a t.1 444144444 in- Ih'• PV.'ni, K the stand large sill brilliant cit'. t. y of rill was Fuu'kiti• ted. 4h1 rr• w':Is a gINNI flowers, h1 the 'line tots the display ('r w. (4n \Vr4lprwlu)• itftern(N,II. 1'hc w -us mot largo•. ldd.there w -as sinus e- iia Iry and trapeze performances. rmances. the r( 1t' fawn ark ,end ill 1` a er I to up cell. 1 '.. it. w•lf 'N w- 11 sol t •tl It in self t it t cirri win1't', Y1'i1P It.dkw.Id,'. LRItIPr f '> dike a ''(Hake„ the key=ulen. the wt,rk, diairy products, node and v.•ge- l Iris and, f t nlwh IWNt of all. • • r nta(i Iw1 Lex d other 1 Lia K tables ar' flu• b tvnsstet•, r'1 •hanticlrr," w:ulenp habits. There seems. however. to Iso a a pro sous thus was as good as :i rn - falling uwliy of interest in sense of 1 these depNer•tllie•)ts-a Condit' (4f ('1111. affairs whish should receive the spur= . A 1441 1)441 exhibit' 16.11 4111141 do 1,11 latent ioir,.f the die •rturate. rreslit t. env exhibit' was flu11ished by the: id K.*. .lit hand, Me(chants' Exhibit!. The N Away did lot auto to Sot*ty 4.1' the ento'r•prisiug)nreitt•hants ,i uch, ro l•anstin41 chiefly of a few' 0r - of the (414411 itsslst,rl tuatet•jttlly in (111101')' cut •h1Wnty drvie440• waking the main building a(ttt(t•ticr The nitre Weie u' gees( nitractIon. by th(•,r;fi-pbtv•, So • splendid .114i1'ses %Ply' sit the As one entered the building thnutgh track 11101 -the C.tntest44 were keen. Thr the wain entrance 44 is att.fit' was green 41.m0P W1(N I. 111 as 4)H TIIeeNlay allyl drawn to the display of Heineman waft; won by 4)1a111„ and 11 hitt• sewing machines to with his ; ed the right. This Was the exhibit of ISI}•th. with '• Jas.- F. Thomson, the music dealer•. It was :a handsome diepl*y of these popular woods. • -111 (oss, 1'. L.'•''•' stand in the centre of the than) building. the Happy Thought range was given petit rtln- e•uerPl ling awl h 44104 i'rrely.. tl nttentloll, 1(41(1. IW.ieati(lesng n taste1- b• y Belt' Stlttht•he4 fen(tiro Ieo..ifichA.. (1io.1l1d1- . tl1(orinpwni,PS+HIlohl,ad, look thiel 11141110V.tfidhingdiis1phlauyrlowf•arceuwl•aeryiuc1h14id(4.•('.t( 111anthye 'rhis Imre was started) 01 Tuesday.aridvery attractive exhibit. T.. the IPft of the rntraucr 1. Jthe concluding heat.was 'run on Wed- Ilarper 11841 a >'ery suitubtr exhibit 44 n• esilay afternoon amid great exude - Gurney's Oxford stoves, ranges and In(tyt. The farmers' trot nor pats, and 1114'11110e heaters.•the open race A1,441 Wear, 1'110 off -on At the end of the north *ing wits an Wednesday. The prizes'. went 11. foil - exhibit which drew falonside - low -N : meat. front hundreds of visitors. TILis Farmers' Trot or Pace __)st Sydney was the display by H+Nlltens Rr's, ii Star IP. .4. Coulter. Blythe : e_nd fine catrpwts, rug. curtains, et,. Not. Daisy B. (D. Promise, (i.slerichlt :3►•d only was. 1he exhibit 011 attractive fea- Mand Brower (A. Allis, Carlow). tone of the Asir. hit it was a deuNur Open rare --1st Billy W. (Cudmore stration of the fact that persons want- h fioyenlock, Iivaforth): • td Dusty 1444 high -(•burs g4Nsh+CNn bud them it. 1 (Andrew Young. 1'ar'I w•1: 3111 the H,Nlgeus establishment. Minnie Hal (A. Goldthorpe, . Mord). I1'ia� sZe arra,itZneint No that each N would tW Wuitwl oto in hIN tura. i . Th.. Mayor stated that he hall Been in conttno nicdtion with the GoNertiment furtnol,le 't t II4 111 tefell•Itce tQ tld: :Ma. of her tmpros entente tiItewte- that' -posts- e and he suggested that The -pest- • , • be seen •'n t t ctrl to rr ' sire (1 t o i 111 t t1 1 S the matter on his nett visit to Goode - rich. • Uonneilksr Wallace %ante the police to bare p4)Wet• to censor the moving the-. 1 shown inlocal picture films theatres. He complained of It film Ee- i11g shown.in whieh wen and women wets tieing, shot down right and Irit, and be -was confident that such n flim %•tial 1 out be allowed t;) be 'shows in Toronto. Ile Ix:rte. a 11,otion that this pidice kW inset acted tat eeni4ot ..11 mov- ing picture films in town. to got no seconder. •rilu-io illor Pat ns latention,i that notice should he et. 10 ten -fosters rwagons 1 feel tw w u'tng :a •sit.aK Fs!''fnK down 'Harbor hill Or keep to the centre of the rand -n that all the ltvld, way woiihl toot be for n Ill, I. the shoe. He thought it [vas Inen•ly 11111041.11' VII 1 he part' of t he teaItsterN and if their intent ion. 'vete called til the itatuage being • they might retrain f,o,a coot inning the practice. IN•puty Reeve 311utilhogs 1tonight theschool fp1midi inSt• ilay..ifs ward should be purcha'Pd for .1 toot :.e: site. Th.- disrussu,n;V in this qui -- tion led to ' •the- slw•eitd r.ualnlittees boleti.; author. :zed to investigate .tai to the advjsahil- ityof buying any proper!) ;14' -own for , pal ss or other 1.411''-.-. ' The emitted then .0Ijoureted. . COUNCILLOR WALLACE WANTS. TO CENSOR PICTURE SdOWS. Action to Be Taken Against Factory ,n Arrears -Council Asked to Settle for Injuries 10 Mrs. Shipman- St. David's Ward Scnool Grounds for Market Site. 'rhe town rouneil islet in regtil.11' +f+ - sig.!) last Friday tight, Before the ul0rtiug Was 1' •ludtyJ all of the councillors 11.141.ai•1•ivw1 except Reeve Reid and ('ouncillur Vanalte,. ('oun- .,-fSiuts Parsons and Lad Ii aiteatriasol about thitt y Initiates 1:11., On Ir'lutlt.•f the Watcit1'owei` Bible Tract Society, W. J. Towelley asked permission to hull a'urli,• meeting in the i'pper chamber (if-tllr town hall in the c, I ewe „f ie Couple' r'1 11 erla. r•e.aaM'Nt was w11841(ed. Nlayor Cameron n rt'F1rt''.1 that the w•0l'etaryy of the Loam! of 14111, 1444*' of the'' Dodo -rich I11d11•tri.(1 i:shihitiotl had Iwquestril that •the clouti•il have 1'niesday after444,14 prth•laisne'tl A , i11r huli(kt),. Witltrwt • tippxwit ion tioull ty of. (III' alderuiein. the. clerk V1 11'Wird t 1 lu.vr the 441rclntit:tt44•4.1 t'. Clfrc1t ) 'u'.v•t esl eil up. 4s l hurl he1 Le e• k�h 1 \ t.• 1: of his r.•.idcnie• . n !.,,t tlie, hrnti,w was made yuan presence. 011 met n i,t \Y.Qlatte,. serve rlcd I.- w tot N,1- idiot, pet u ttee tegte've"I. of Revent1:1. (11,: .. • ot..l ;)40• it 'inch • .tie in ..' • e "sole rpt 11r K f1�1( • promised to iring .1 ear cafe to tow!). which q(ould 1N• :i 1w•ne•ftt and lomat ettt to 'the town.' Th., matter •was• 'ft•4n•rl to the-wpeelitl 1•o (Leo• to 11 ." tigatr as too whether the 044111kci1 ha power e)_pwss:t byl.ity regulating thea 111-4tot of A transient trallle't.% license lee. The price rat such as license apparel Iv required by law is rotlsider-,I Oen a for s,o;h oases. E. N. Lewis, M. T.. sent •a let'i.•)" stating that no fence pr buil di ng of his mus 11 ni ,{wrt3 belonging to the . Ih town. The fence in ylte•stu r eip-loses part of a street. the council says. %hlle Mr, 1e'wis claims that the fence wits er.•ctetI fifty yeat•+.agu by .1 0 44'- yeyor„4 the; I': la Company. which owned all of f3oNleri-1, at one t 'ape. The Special cot twtittee will 1, '4.t.34•t the• mat ter. The clerk read a letter fano Walter 51411'10114 ill which reference was made to an accident l41 hi'. 4ile on the � F• was N ofJulyrift 1 h evening nnlK iaso•ending the steps frena the i•1%'e)r, tot the felot 'if Wellington . street. As a result of falling through the steps, Nit's. Shipaltnn urns in bed .for three Weeks and after that wain forced to walk with a erntch. as she was not able to put any weight. on 'the' inured foot. A statetuentmf the case by Dl. E 'roam W:10 also presented. No- tices w•e1'e'r.strst rap two daysTher romlelllttiltg the steps. Mr. Shipman asked what the 0 •il considered it rt'llsimithle settlement over and above surgical attendance. The letter was 0,1)1 (4) the special committee. The next 'on the older of business lets the receiving of the reports 4'f . '41,44$• Thr chni,1n,n i,f the two w, •ts to a lit, hit(1 PP 1 c(4 ittev wh1 I make were not present. su , the \layut 01411)1) theta. 'rhe 8nanoe • •e •4 unenderl ihwt . •4 en. ti (•n flea• i (. )l[ her of amounts be plaid. Atnotfg these were l'. 4'. Lee's. fur supplies, St11.111, end V. NI. Roberts', *411.exl for (omrnencing at I'orla.k gasp : t brood mare ..Shire'. 4) year. old. -opposed to be in foal to ltankfleld Harron. 1 aged general purpose mato. supposed to be i1 foal to Mc('onnell . drrse . aped ed Reneral purpose (ware: 1 good gran gelding 1 ,e,:. old onSe pterRbeits[ . good draft fifties, 3 year. old. one eligible for registration: 1 good draft filly. 1 year old. eli,Hhle for registration : l good foal(' : e good mach cow.. all Durham grade., all 'opposed to, be in calf to are -bred bull : ; heifers, rising 3 yeas,. old ; P -leers, rising " sears old , .t hitters, rising 2 years old ::' spring calves : 7 young Leicester ewes and 1 ram .: tntre-hred Berk-hiresow+: 7 store hog-, about .4.montb. old :.' pure-bred Bel•k,hire hogs, 2 months old. 100 chicken.: N gee : I turkey hen and chicks; 4e 1 Maay•Hsms tinder: 1 ieering mower , 1 Noxell seed drill: 2 buggies; 4 Hain wagon. double box. nearly new : 1 dem r•►t. nearly new : 4 wagon box : I set Michigaifbobsleighs, nearly new ;L ecutflen . 1 turnip "ower : 2 set of harrows; !set of double harness : 1 Net of single harnew.: 12,000 -Ib soaks.; 1 hayfork. rope. pul- ls x. eetc1 oteam boiler : a number of bee hives: Jadte-:1j .:1Uoieor- gan aud stool : anent 23 -tens hal : fiacres of gad corn ; oil acres of buckwheat : '.e) bushels of oat.; ; acre. of mangolds: forks, hovel., chain.. neekyoke-. whiftletrees and onerous other articles. ;verything advertised will be di.posed of. as 1 a , moving ,to (ioderich, and my farms are for le on easy terns. T,' :tr.: All sums of $10 and under, cash : over tat amount. 12 months credit will be given furoisbiryr approved joint note, A dl -coup of ,i ter cent. allowed for ,ash on crrditam note. . JORN H. • DRY. - P:ropr etor. THOS. ( An do err Four boys for the wheel room, .i one boy for shipping room: 111 a men for gear room t one painter 4,0 ono teamater Steady winWr's GODERICH WHEEL RIGS Lha trite!' horn in street. Its (lrtt'k by i ('4014)0211in Count :It. ,•• wivrl•In, have F. E. Rtu:dt•t privilege of condu0t lI i1N •111 1 � t the' tattled. Mr. Hit tlet fm. Pyn,dds. of Hallett. Fd 1 ac.' \Vol. Nlatem, lack hates," and P..1. Blyth. with "Sydney The Signal, and l'he Family Herald and Weekly Star will he trent to new for 110c. THE Sttitial. Dada. subscriberasizeti• be balance of the year rich, Ont. 0411111 et•. alsoo Star,- fink Nee milt and third money e 2:411 race developed t between .Andrew "Dusty J." and (Blyth) "Reit Dart adtourabhv: handled respe011'ely. T inU• a great cunt' Young's (Carlo Elam l.i"ingstrni T1s. Carlow nu11*, • All of tine Ade of the north wing wits totken up try a display 14 the the Pandora rang, receiving I•onsider- able attention, and the good p01111.14 of the strive brit italiettted to numerous spectators. . . L. paint, the famons braml handled by this company. re- ceivokl a great deal of publicity hy the distribution of maple leaf "stickers." A comprehensive and tasteful dis- play was that of Cameron', depart - boots and shin., and millinery wers• included in the exhibit. In connec- tion with this display woe an exhibit of ostrich eggs, iistrich feathers and a _chickenitetrich_which attracted much attention. These. Mr. Cameron in - 1910 DON'T BE A tIAND-ME-DOWN MAN 1930 LITY -ORDERED CLOTHING ONLY THE HOf'ffE OF Q NEW . FALL -§UITING8 wales Flag Presented to Sci Scouts. Au ints-sting feature of the pro- gram oft Tuesday Art1911000 wits the Presentation of a flag to the. Bov SC011te by the Daughter! of the \Eni- chairman nod the presentation' was made by Mrs. Macklin. regent 9f the 'neater, acknowledged the presenta- tion in suitable speech. The Scout* then saluted the ti,tg as it was held up, and remained in that attitude while t he band played the National Ant hem. Mrs. Macklin and Mrs,, McKinnon), president of the Women's Inttitute. which donated the proceeds of the sale of provisions at the Exhi- bition to the Boy Semite. were en -h presented with a bouquet. of flowers by two oof the entailer Pronto. title) which three cheers were Risen for the D. 0. E. and the Woolown's Institiote by the whole corps. In Aerie, of Pa- trols McDonald, Inkster atiti Carrie. a Ord* al dont Lensed met 0. her exhibitions of Remit Work were ipso n. The whole performance was 11) ist ititeiesting and did notch credit to thfrerst•ps and to Rsolitntalter Hay - NEW FALL PR 1.11AM The, Prize List. OVER - NEXT CENTRAL 'PnoNn OMOR The 8qtrze, Oodericb, Ont. Judge* Thos Mi Millen, and Dr Moore, Broome's. 110 1.1h4TER. RE/. GEO. E. ROSS CALLED. Chatoetown-P. E. 1. ;n .M•ster the tl 0 •Choice of Knott Church Congregation. Ar •► meeting of 1!lc 111' I8l retia of Kao'. e1l1trch cungte;ti..n last night wits--ttnaoiihotgly- 13.' T4T •,1 -Ibis -4 ataudingvote'tu ,re0'y-t .1'.1) t , Rev. tier, E. R 1 Ross, B. 1).,'•f Chariotletowr, P. E. I. • Rev. Mr. Ro•»piral ped here three Sabbatlytr air. It tying` leen in Toronto the week Alevioits in c onnen. tints with the work of .(c •' Lee of the GFneral,Aseetubly. Ile is a,(i•all- lime of Dalhousie 4'Rivet sot y u;A of the I'reshyteiian (',I e,;. at H•(l:tax. ,• He was ordained in Ih.ka and w•si. (tot• several years eng..1ed in uliesionary sol rk it. Demers( a, British Onion's. le hecaIue pastor orf Zinn •hutch, arlottetown, rune yrays ago. Moth M1 and Mrs. R0'0..1 Ve 11.1 iso•- of Hal) - Their fatuity r sest .: tourur nd two g':'s, A nn -.:;ng of - I'resbytety will b.• Allied ul pnrvr of the actiou.ufdhe n in extending the call. ie. Nit, belt M. o. (.'atl- d D: 1L•ilonald were i1slone4s 441 110i.•40444 t the meeting of the tly'stipenl of 91, and fe'-ilr week. •1 the all. hors Huron shortly t corgreget Dr, Strang. appointed coin Presbytety. %. 6011, with free mans holidays. is pi .imiaed ANOTHER DRO Colin McIver Falls Off S . Outside the Harbor. A 'very distressing affair ,death by drowning oa Tuesday norm' of Colin MdVer, .011 NI/Ayer. 44 14)1101. With Eal• McLean and Rsilhen 144 loWs as his rompotnions. the three wen cruise. and him companions cannet explain how it happened. 11. is supposed.? hat was struck by the to'l and knoeked into the water. The :10A1 MAN quickly spreat and at- tempts were 6.-ide to re,cover the body abparaties, bat so far without success Yesterday a charge of dynamite was exploded 41 a point where it was thouaht the body 'night be lying, in li • hope th,t it 'might he located in ng Yacht A the' Neil making Os...my-six plans and lipte not rcwar.led with any tIllef.eee. pH 1114 Of pl.14111.0ed harbor tier It is redsl red that tleveritl yearn azo provements. The report was adopted. two hien weir drowned 110 1 r the name The special commit t..• pi esented 41 AP. .1f111 1,4 Atte' maids 4.9p epe 114111114111 to) the . tfeet,that was 11d,114,1 1, 11 /3 tyneld anti t01.4..14W01be instructed to take legal aetion it ttttt oshately to secure ...Me - Demme' Reeve . --Seftecly- riot' to this on the ground that t lie Nu 1.1111111( .111 investigation will he fact oriel+ had made g partial s' le- told into the matter. inent and made the 'promise. of a ( our pietal. payment. except the Ken‘itir Ana eee sot fallettitoo at over three years ()Id. A NI Polley ; filly or gelding. three years lb? ul tit 1 W.114 Wand Dor 11 at Pm t Ajbeis. It it surmised t1 .11 1/01i a so oy Wave been carried away by the (11110M .1 long distabc» trom t lie t,po n'1.4,(nt,iitt,tilflyttitsilli..gtni.guittlit:11.4,:rii iit:irgite!,:fo;;:irs, y4.4.ei t1,1,,(111:4-111.1.oviulitli.c,4:tori,i,11,111.-4. , 1..eepiied 1),..1,:. tz...tvig40. rep) wit 11741.4 1 111111 :11,141d1411. inst i'll,tillg 1 cetwor 10 1.40• 'Notion:: • ' , vo4.-h wor.. . 3, mit., .,. r. Del'''. W''.1,::e.ii.igiel.sti.3:(4.4:11..t-o- ' Conineill..4. Isort int 1.11.7111.1111111 /4 1111. i N11 4114.Mr. tivil. Ai ..RIRtalr:g.n.D..'i'y nr' ptiddic work- committee, Pep 1 1 Pi I.'i i::::;0001,r;:tildligt.h7;f:' r.. .1, hoommp.0,7,,01,01Liri. Welhtign in street '111141 14 Wat er1i,11 1 , .frrlied0411111.,ne. 140,P61:700.1 ti!1.0:::::,::17toTwilrf:::::: n'on was ift favor tif removing them, alto. I burn and jiiionin.aniiise.w.rbillit'evW-.1"4'„1.-- t. .Fri.,:t.i f•t,t1,41ii: ...1 ,•i..loritruit.i.1 liNial ,‘,. ..ii.t4.1t1......mi;: :it: igt..ti,i141:mt sitsitt,,,,,..ig ::t”:.:,11,11.17..:.4. :ft. .41"1 :1:1:r.11,, 0.104,1:,lieorprotl'aeiirhx-iwn;p13tirri:.0".1.1tbornom:,:hc,,,,vertttoriea::rechi:tiot ,f,boodttlyn.:11y..;icet.titi:hvit.,31:mhoi..):..rA!7,c..7._.„..-......--nida:r____tur., Pirt". 11"' 1 191"t Y lb" r "Pl'"'‘'41 Coltd:::8:3751:Rnihn"iitt.. -Ill (lcide.rii h. 011 Wed• 1 1111 1 he was not sure if if wert• lith'it.- ,At.itilekitt:4`1111i):1147i.ltii:r1rIt'. millicaiti:111111.:i:niliwitljtif.e.olleitt:itdNirt:ii.:1 :hie I, E 4At4r:iaNag de un eht ;hie: ehrj,41.:114am:71% tr06011. ,i0j. ci;R:0:43r.r1.fy.iilliet,litstediat.;:::puttp:irhec.,..toroxfbet.:..rtwoliharicitf:dhareto:amh.b1:irrgiontemmht70,37elitii: Colowillires Wallsee and Parsons both /11. to whether new steps•will be built Ewes .4 i pet, to V atm' J: Mao, idiot crate - Or not. Deputy Reeve Nino/Miss reported Wednesday. September lIth, at the hank, that he had been at. Chat ham :11 - of the brida's parents, hy Rev. J. L Small. %prat -lig the repair, made to tho• Rye of Blyth, Mien Thereto' May. only daughter engineer -id he stated that it. would be of Mr. and Mre William Cunningham. tall home shortly in better shape than Howard o Eider. of 110derieh. they hall expected. . DIED. Another matter which the Deputy Reeve referred to was the crowded Mo:MaTtt. in ouderial. or. Sunday, •• p condition about the general olelivery 1 ber Nth, waiter. son of M . and Mre..4.faree :1 il eyk POT" h(o)flidtahy".1. Pn4iet°InthcorOghetirhsid., 1 Cake TraM ',011:7714te.t7ht:471,r,itrregromair.rinmtio3:0tothts.:S*.ttbaliird4 oda:rod7,4.01:putolime os old, lien Vii.ighltit, filch Porter, A J 1 Goldthorpe ; filly or selrling. two filly or geklit.g, 3rearling, John Clark, David Promo : brood mare, with her Lambertea t ford of 191n. Alex Young, to *stained an pare' 0 •