HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-15, Page 8(f '1111 111111 THE SIGNAL: GODERTC'H ONTARIO Fall • Millinery : Opening g MISS DONOSH 1 .Announces her Fall Millinery I. p•o;,ink ti take Maw Wednesday, -September 21st, and following days, when, as usual, 1\ 1de11►-simian _f . their origi•nality, style and quality will be shown. The stock i, fresh and complete, including leading and excIusive fancy and staple novelties. I.adies 'Fre most cordially invited • to call and inspect the display. 1 1 fittractive window 2isplay - \S, .c .-h 10 Call attention to ..til• w n. tow 41k I4Iy for. exh)hi-, tion week. 1 The ecuti sl figura in the wi.tuloa will Is• a unique cls, L s 'lei only oily of- its kind ,it1. ontincut. I1 nee most hove, alts device. end a Very inter,.-. 1ng.pi'. r ..f woewansbip. • W.• will ,tiro h . •• oar .l -1,:.'y .1111 S512 50 HARRISON 3 SPECIAL WATCH lime um n CA1I 1111(1 emk 1„11 u.• torn/nti.m.- regnl.liaag this w••-1 seri,ir0A1,11 tiuugii•••• •. Walter H. Harrison _. /4gveller And O('i,ci.t': 1, sle1(1 , 1 11111 a • msec Quality Store =tomatoes 1•.w• is the time t,. buy Tun, a. while they are at the Vert 1 not ft•owl•hitlen. peaches uuw•pleptitul. And at the i• .N1 .•st price. 1'1*1.P .your order tvhiI • the fruit is et its heat. Plums sir 1(1ei,lilill At. pro•serlt, but. will n N hast long. l.et.us till your ..sirs A.1 toner if you want any. Cryslallired ginger '1'e, pot with I.• n Iver 1»1111411 Parowax hos and have your catsup t,..tt l •• •. it Large tier. Rubber Rings The b••st grade of thick 'tinge, Iver• dozen ... . ... .. ..... lrir•. While visiting the (l.,det•irh I;ahihil•m.n, make this stare your he.ldqulrt.•1 to. Highest prise ' id for Eel 111 1'rn.bree. 11. R. LONG PHONE 4; PURIFIED HIS BLOOD Dr. Morse's Indian Root Plus Melalod Mr. Wilson's Sores \Vhen the savers of the henry- howrls, kidneys and skin t:ucts-1'et clogged up, the blood quickie b, -c -•mss impure and frequently sores Steak unit over, the tt,ody. The way to heal Meru, as Mr. Richivd Wilson, who lives neca Loddon. Our, found, is to purist the blood. He writes: • For some tulle I had been in a low, depres'ed 'candnion...,Mv at petite left me and I groan ls:gan 1(1 suffer from sods- gestion. Quite a number of small sores and blotches formed all•over,mv skin. I tried medicine for the biotic. and used many kinds of ointments, but without satisfactory results. What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood, and I looked ala.ut in -4 ,.m fits .some medi- cine that would accomplish this. At last Ix. Morse s Inui.n Root POW wore brotight, to buy nonce, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I have ever known. My blood was puri- fied in a very short time, sores healed up, my indigestion vanished:. They always have a place in inv home and are looked trpon as the family rernedv.” Dr. Morse's Indian Root fills cleanse the system thoroughly. Sold by all dealers a t '2:.c : ttox . • 6 Peaches Plums Paers Apples are now routing in—nut freely and orders should be placed early. The better var- iet its of flume are very s•mrcr, and Dtieheite Apples will be -off the market in about another week. The iuiclls are not Gigli for: soy 01 the above fruits when the scarcity of the crop .is consider,ml. CHOICE GROCERIES EVERYTHING FRESH AND GOOD Jno. W. Yanatter t Opera Howse Bloch 1'1 ca• I,:I • Kingston Street. ""w331t Ralph > - A] Yi• l /L. . ----------------• Books Entertainment 49 I he Poluutier Setters. - Septemo. Ernest Thompson Seton. Nox'emrr• Elizabeth Campbell, Contralto J, H. Cameron, Entertainer. nerve Robb, Pianist. C. J. Pink, Tenor. 7ahuaey. Powder Hooke, at 1"•I• nler pt'1CP$, by ' w very popular Author. Keg• uLn•ly sold retail I111.IW) and $1.34. " T.11"1/ ES The Doctor _ CHURCH NOTES, I Rev. N.V. D. tar., of Waterloo, will occupy the pulpit of Knox chnrch next, i+und*y• II,•v. 1'. 11..ltates preached lei Ridge. town last Sjualay, Ali-. Jas. H. More, Of \V..A1.tteat.t'.11ege,,tlll'l] the lural pulpit. The fall district meeting ..f the Melbothet church will be held at Hohuevvilleoti Thursday, September bwgiumiog et ttJ o'chwk a.'w• }tee }:rank Burgess. ettident of Vic. toria _University. will. conduct balls services in Victeria etredt Methodist cftur h next Sunday. All are iuvit,•d. Hy the appointment of Huron P'res- hpy, l ei y, -ii • onemidg --wilt -be • held tit KIW: church next. \Vednesday even- ing. September 21st, for the pur{Arse of.arranging fres the- peereetetMit 1,f call to A-Wulister The lnsses pilotaioed by the Meth .- dist church in• the recety6 deaths of Rev. R. W. Millytu•d and Rev. Jasper Wilson will he the subject ce a rrlet- enee,fnnm the' pulpit of North sheet \leth.dirt chor'i:h next Sgndity morn- ing. it.t. J. F. 'Whiles. of Surma. hits 1.4-.11 rl.•eteti ehaiivuul of title sttriliai didt•ier of the L.indu)i Methodist 4'..tt-• fel-owe,.tn v11e4.e141 ttti• late flet. 14. W: Nlillyard. This (1e.•:siuu was reached at .1 ;fleeting ,It.4i Wyriuting stn T11t•soiay ..t• this week. The •srrym•n-conies-is smite 11a1.1i'( shitted next Sunday will 1.• : . \lodes jilt}— The ('11i i„t4atr' I'l.tn of t'.ua V%• rtintia-":1 Cleat I.iis•rl. tier. - -11+e- Whet r. U.x.-t'- R. Jones.. ill''- i''h• The aurnta(1 Sn11 .4) S.•ilt.r.l Rally Day program will le.,;u- rust mit in um Otto -mem at k, F.t.•r)•Issly weleolale'. Rev. T..1. ThoWpieni, 1l. A , of St, Andreim's 'Ciiurrb, Stratford, who oecuptdd -ttm pulpit of Knux church last Sunday, bas receiyN1 a coil -from the co,lgregettiot of the Presbyter jail church itt ('ollingweod lit • hecortae their pa►tor. Tnt stipend pi -ionised is 11,'a111 a year ;toil the inteiest un $.41011 willed ►•y the late ale:. Must tor the purpose cf •tilgrne-nting the pastor's salary.. , At Sunday morning's service in Vi •- toric 'street Methotlist Church. the pastor, Rev. lit. Medd. Laid :a touching tribute to the late president i d'the Lon- don Goufereu;e: Uev. Iircuheu Mill- -yard. a former._ p&41t MLthie_chtlrch. Ms ..Medd sket• tied the Artier of Mr. Millyard. - telling. the - cireseits • and • bargee ot1 - which' he baud labored, Ave' the positions he hod.held, -and alsu-siLthe high esteem in whibh he wAs. held ,41 a wan. - The district Epworth Leegue And Sunday. *clued convention held in \\'eekty. chnrch, Clinton, on T'ueetl.ty and Wednesday of this week was at- tended by a good mintier fr..nu l3odP- rich. including Rev: 1'».•Dougall, Rev. Dr. Medd. A. M. 11otwrts•,n,, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hale. J.. H. Million, Mrs. Colborne.- Mrs. Jli•1, Mrs. SincLty. \Ire. John Cox, Mrs. las. Yates. Misses Sayder. A:7 4t•n, Blake, Iligao and Green. - Mies Bruce. of Albany. N. Y., who is the guest td. her aunt. Mi.', J. H. Uolleirne• has returned recently frntu Jerusalem. where she t::ty been en- gaged fur about four years as a mim- sionary te*(•her. During her stay In town she has given address- on clev- eral occasions, ,n North street Metho. dist church and elsewhere. upon the subject of her work. whir h she carried on r•hietly among the,Greek Catholics and to some extent among • the Mohanuuedatie sir Palestine. Her descriptions of presout-d.,y lite and conditions in the Holy Land are very interesting. . Next Suddrty hal Ve.t lutes.' hallsnl sett lees will be 10.1.1 in North street. Met4,.)i-t i•h.Jreh. The aiulitorinhn will Is- eppr1.ptiur.•i - decorated x'101 fruit. 11uwer•s and grain. • Ret. Dr. f ton,eall will pr,•aeh urn] the •nbj.et of his s.;rulon'. w111 1s' : Murriint;' "The .lots of Harve,.t i' evening. • "How Ca p God F'oryti.e Sin 1.' Mr. McFat•- lm her 111g s tot 11,r.mt... will lie iu' barge ,of coir and organ. -mei the folluw- 'i 1411 1111+.,. Will 14t mustered %Odle, . "'rhe 141111'4. in He, linty 'I'eimpl, }tvs-Has I.rot—choir : rt,. t. t sale i 1 M. 1 . .n : duet. -My itithlooks tpto'I'he. I1•.--f.atl—fir. ;nil the. Mar. - — t OME 1'O Til'.? '.t:1'1.1 1('H Quick Lunch 1(7 CREAM P.4RLOR for your lunch, ice cream a n d home- made candies. Next British Exchange Ht Elliott BusinessCollege TO ONTO. ONT. (114.'5 it, s•1111e111- '4 il., I ,14. that carries with it the stamp of "Superior itt." WI to -day for large catalogue. Plumbing HEATING Two cares of drunk and disorderly highly respected, and loved by all eoliths-ccmet. MU! -cc were .lbn knew hilar. The reverend gentle- &telt with in the police, court this roam was educated in Mimeo.. high week. Roth ca►eostvere settled od the ecbool and Victoria College, !tout payment of carts. which he secured the degree of waster of arty. , lie bad held wane proniietetlt DEATH OF REV. JASPER WILSON. poeiNous in abs church, and war at one time president of the London Con- 1'erenee. He had been a member of iwill be taken to 1Vrtlsinghxm, Ont., for interment, Saturday. I The news of Rev. Jasper Wilson's death was teceitsd in Uoderich with deep re ret. He was pastor -of North street Methodist chinch for four years, It4S to 1tMr2. and was greatly heisted hy,his congregation here, The oral Stricken with Paralysis in the Pulpit at the general hu.trd of wiesiongr for ter of sending a representative to at- tend the funeral or taking wane other Leamington. runnyears, and at the time of bis Leanlinftlun, Ont , Kept.. l4. }rev, a death he was a member of tba board otticial action as a last tribute of re- JA.prr Wilsu M art Heepel0r of regents and senate of Victoria. *fact to the decesed minister is (Int., pµveed away here today. By re- 1 He was bora in Voodbous, towdS receiving the attention of the cruciate :-shin. -irt. iwl-i*-r++f-tha-ebar,h,• dirt hut I chrch be•re, where. he had .lust ordainet in I 9, and in the same/ear Rev. \1r. \Vitro* is syrvived ht his di finished his terve a {...blur in P_100, he wit. married to Miss Maggie Cruise, wife, two sone. Max and Hugh, and was paying Leamington a visit, in sof the township ..t \VAI*iugbaut, also three-duughtet. > Grace, who is teach- tlydet• that be might take ptyrt in. t'he ,111 the comity of Norfolk. A wan of iug in St. Jlerrs Uoliegiate Institute anniversary services Sunday and-vett'highstandingin.the church and I'ttz•tbeth,art home. au,1 Maud, wife Monday. September 11 and 1.2.•socially, he will be greatly inhered by of Rev. J. F. Key erste, o f (Jest°. The The morning of the Ilth on his wayy his associate ebursh workers. Since. u,erM•rs of the family will have the to i•hurch he expreerie t himself as teet- `ordination he has travelled the follow sincere and heartfelt sylnp;thy --Dt sett - uattsualiyr,,. wall. - hat : before .n.LIplf o;u- uits eautot t. ti Brigden. their friends in. nderich in -their -aro* had' patine! away: while in the Connects* Watford, Exeter, Kings- bereavement. pulpit preaching the morning sermon, vine, Stratbroy, Goderich, Ridge- he id e -he was stricken with paralveis, and ( town. Leamington and Hespeler. . He lever regained eoosciatauess until Ina war Inc,of the most, it not the most deathtbia woruioe; at 2 -o'clock in his popular wiuister who ever occupied it sixtieth year. He was a man' very pulpit in Learuington. The mintage r r ELECT}(IC WIRING Snap, the twentieth reittury anti -i ,optic hand-clewner. is sold by B. K. W tot-;:, druggist, successor to Jae. W\'ilson. Gentlemen Who Are BaW- tnyestfgate and u'e for yourself the a� t coveNog in wig, and h,uer.. t sof. Uurenwend patent lou uws '1.1,. now wuru un over:17:ti) bend, ty 1111 eLas4ett in All ►1 uious of pile. In this particulrt• structure• tlts't'•II- til11tiuu it {/refer ; a, /ilk::: 111:t u. r feather; iv securely adjltsted to the head ; can be combed just as yur own hair : they snake I1nt clot Io,1q ten years younger, hr it rection you ,• " c es the pro• neural is etc. t from tan�t colds Eole`i•Be,tfordon 1Vtmineed4 bhp to bre *Ith. •y, septette "Alter all, yi u know, there is a.., far both wen and wolut+n in • world. Meet have their work to it.. and wunteu have theirs." • It wuwau's work to provide for the innNt. Ulan, and It is the turn's IO .1roei.{,..3.- the cuter woman."—Globe-Uew.s!t:,t, The Sign til and t'h, %Vee sty t.m •w ill be sent to it iW grub cr11-h fur tie, balance tit the ye tr for only ±%e. At. dress Tag Slolv-tL Csuderich. out. • Our MillineryOpening Tuesday. September _01h, and following days You are invited to be present at our formal opening display of Fall _Mil- . lintry Mil- li•ntry on the afternoon of „Tatesday. Se•ptemiler loth, and following days.' We 'want you tofeel- free to come and go as \'tot please, 10 st.1J'; and examine the 4eason's new styles at your leisure ; in :i word, to make yourself perfe.tly at home -int-theshowroom, •wheneser ailed-as-..c,ften as-.yent trod iT vatic TO come. Make a note, of the time., commencing at 2 o'clock• p: `m. on' Tuesday, September • 20th, and continuing the balance•of the • week. =wasiawrees 3000 Yards of New Dress Goods and Suitings The regular prices of which are 85c to $1 50 thz Ward, will, be sold at 35c and 45c, commencing Tuesday. Sept. 20th You will naturally ask how'can we do it. } Iere-is the answer in a hew .words -- last week we were offered the stock t}f Dress Goods and Suitings a large manu- facturer of ladies' suits and dresses, who w'rts retiring from business. The price Was sovery, very low, in fact.so tempting, that although there were more Dress Goods by tar than we ever handled at any one time before, we simply .:ouldnot •let them go.- - That is why we start on Tuesday, September 2tsth, the greatest Dress Goods,. selling - campaign that has 'ever taken place in Gode'rich, • he are over 3000 yarns -to sell: ' Con.'n in right at the comment nient of the season on top of our regular purchases, there is only one way'to sell such a quantity= that is, to,make the price do the work,, pr in other words to sell them the. same way we bought—at prices' that are a fraction of their real Value and worth, - , This will undoubtedly be the greatest Dress G,'ods'selling event of the Season. tot pull be more, for the values are so unusual that it will he in a class by itself. Never in our history have we offered our customers .values in Dress Goods that begin to co•mpare with these. At 35c a Yard • Htimited' of yards of Press Goods And Slatiuge. •1014 ,I inches wide, and nio.tof-them ;tie latter width. An innuenee tersertment of matte- . talc very suitable for suits, !Mose dr,4em, chlltl- ren's wear. in fart, ;dotted any purpose. you can USW Urr•ss (slash. for. Regulnr values up to *J.2 A tail. Yleirchuieeofthis14?,' - tuencingTto•s- i11:. - .1114 At 45c a Yard Hundreds of yams in this,lot ton,. ,Plai❑ and fate,' siftings. Materials Snitahlt' fur •nit. ,prowess skirts and children's wear. Dark and light rolol•irlftm. 1 .4.s of them 131.1(10 t.n roil III $List per yard. T'h, MAI t11114s would /fin from Grits pries down toSI.tM). We t,1ktr-theerert'iresee -- lection and prat theta ata este. cntiiiu,'nring '1' , day ruorniug at the very Iciw o -kr art A 5 per yard A These Goods to be Sold in the Basement \\'0 harp na•ithet• eoouter riorin nag, 11„01 +tut, r In ''u ih.•-s t:ou.l. Qep:u 1 uu•111 to hAradle this irnnlenrs' 1..1 ..f 1111•msDieebt. ser put theentirt•'t1t*)yawl.on.ale in the taasement, aItetr t het e will 1r• r„Iml in .filenty for ou' to:piek and chotree ih• comfit' • The Royal Welsh Ladies' Chou of Ca,d.R, Wdes.•'�;.'� February. One Season -Ticket pica Two Season Tickets 3 5o Tickets for sale -at Signal I lfriett Dunlop's Drug Store And 'I'hone,l nl'r Music Stole. livery testy t slaonld hr'at the POLMATIER SISTERS in the Opera Howe, Septcrai e• 2! ' Theme morticed rasters fairly • 440 their audiene.• in 111* ilea it Ilotow boat spring. Don't Dol to enjoy their eoocert this Maas, The Man from Glengarry 1 he Prospector Blaen Rock Glengarry School Days• Pripet..boon-el Books 15c each. A epletadid stack of English Fiction by impolite Authors l4,ni4 Tows etc. About fifty 1 diem to s(Heist (roto—tsar each. The Colonial Book Store "1 1l) lel{ 7't,lti hilt, Peer.. PHONE 100. Ooderieli ROOFING METAL WORK Etc., Etc. W. R. Pinder The selling of this immense pnrrhase starts Tuesday, September scth, the second \ day of.Godetich's great lndustr:al Fair. and will continue until every yard is seed