HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-15, Page 6r- 8 Tut 1:.+1•cv, M$'I'Ih•:►tntat i 1'+I1 Tflf; S11:1,sl.AY,: Gti1PFRTCH ONTATtI6 "BACK TO 111E [ARM" IV. — The Modern Farm Hogue. • (Oopyrlrht, 1910, by American Press Allao= station J 711: of the ch cf retie n t wb the girls :toil women ofthi faint have occasionally tong. 60 -pate t. te1dJ Lltot water. either bard or soft.. Js always at Maud for use in (h$ kitcben.The disllea can be pili .1 Into the sink and washed In al- most half the time it took pre; musty. A wash room with permanent tubs cep be provided lu the cellar.. The washing macblue can be run with the gasoline engine or with u water mo- tor. While a 'vole of this kind may not Make washing exactly a pleasure. It will reduce the labor more than s Ititte` een:nine a email tank can be arranged iu the kitchen, so tint all the .water that Is pcIoped for the stock will pass Ilhrough It. This, is tamest ice geedesitassaieetsess. A good .bath end toilet room is a' great c0ttvenieu, a to all the family: A tT7i F[tt"Utttb to one teener of the barn *Ally._ _&ewe:PIatwt, by the boys et the close of a hot day's work. The wastes. from the kitchen 'sank Tit�MAFKETS. • Liverpool and Chicano Wheat Futures loss in,..her—Li,.e Stocker , • '.: at • ,,r.01ratty, 14er'tpn. tics •.•ra -1,1 ilerti inner tate ti, , er. Winnipeg Cpllyr , flet nt,a• wheat at \Ymr. Writ rinsed, ,•- DeClirt it.an Of •-a.t Urdu). sits tber 0017 id. t. 1. ---.--- (r,,t?-CM•p,her Thee tsecem1.r 361,0,4 M;,y int. Taranto Grain Market. Warat,_ taus*. -I ,.« ......... so. 98 to In W *best. goose,~-rusn 09e - 093 Buckwheat. Dufhsl 0 G6 .... Rye. btalhel 088 Ltey, bushel 0 6 0 S La Peas, bushel 072 Oats bushel 0 38 G 41 Toronto Dairy Market. Rutter; separat,r, dairy, Ib, 0 ^«3' St;tter. .tore Lots 0 20 Rutter. creamery, Ib. rollsG utter. creamery. solids 024 CRs, new -laid 0 2) Chest* Ib' 012 Latest' Quotations. ate. -.1,, C., :. pr. 11. • to•aa V., -(3t at Chlragn .•,t lase ed'ln the past tot' tlw city islend from the wash retell can .,be run bec•aliee of the more cenpeoieut' homes foto a tile end'takeu ,llw',uy. For the that were foiled there. S1uily a farm waste* fr,'w`the tenet mote a sewage women has had her life shortened by di.,pnsal '[,':tot w:'I have to he pro. careying-water. front the --well or- the--ri t..L TJ.e-iuost stetter hleLt_uQ OW is spring. betiding for Lours'at 4 time the septic h,i,k, This la an under - over steaIning washtubs and doing grout,d ei.teent tiucd brick" tank di. oth.•r hard labor from which, the onto• ;lewd Into two coo pnrtmeuts. As one en iu-town long ago were emancipated. coaipnrtnleut.tills it evertlows into the 'I • Eley the wddcrn farm home Is. petty., xt u'1} :. i' the bolid substance fully as well supplied with convert- will to destro}ed ffiy b:ictt;riasaud the ten, es ,as the house in the city, ,and water that flows .out At the lower end eau be 1..sposeol!? thr„ttg11 a tae,drtfln. ibe cnt:rv• c•„st of a )lacer eyetew such OR- - tilt -exi,- t1+ -r.4 titAl4. 0.1E_2i1e cell, - pressed air tush, together with the �•-a'a.e di=p, eat plat[, treed t,ut 1•e the etheat>t nL u:tfhod of lighting the fran:lu use is by acetyleue is. • This ger; is. ;set•rated by a machine ,in the eviler iud eau be pipto a:l the•tr,•iJr;- :WO to ape Wish. 1f desired it c: n be ur':,3- a,:sa 1,.:• coAiug. The avirnge cost of fistalling'nn acetylene Teen! se tibout '$ arc. 'Thiel' tutiudes !i;bts,.ttl the burn and In the yard. It costs title to run an ueety!enc it .14.01.,:l* in. The aver.:be coat .is obs et 13 e...e -for tl•Sixteen rau+l%,' pow- - er '. Ad 1c r• fang Lrtu: s. A.•eiyieue is 11 t:j• I ret ikt (leyl`Nlt of a: y kiurl vt .ir't r suet. at.•1 13 iu c u:; arably , t'..1, the c•d '!,It•I:r(I i,., .,ttltp. • ' w«-� ., ':110 i.e-c'r r tyt ce et i:c:•:ylt•u,• fa:np are a. r• ‘0.1,s1 0111 n hewer), no tt..,t they .nere;y.' t it L ;ng i 4 O0 tvI ,. JI' A•.}: Ut TRC }'AI1M HOME = A w'Aca 1+"051 IN 111L c 4.LAIL tt U doue at less cost The reason that more homes are nut,t'•ruvided with Mich roiveniencee is that the farmers Dave •t;rowu Berl ti, do;n+,t walkout them, They look forward to retiring, and mining to town, where they can have all the modern conveniences. When (hey( get there they • will pay' dearly for them In the form of house rent. To .have thcoi In the couutry means n direct cash outlay, and lob oftelr the farmer pleads (fiat bo cannot` :afford it. A little liguriug would con. 'Once him thatlbe need not do -without a few of these conveniences (bet Make life so ; much more pleasant for the whole family. The thrkt consideration in most parte,' of the "ountry 1s the beating system. Faience,' Are getting ont.,of tlie habit. of using stove*, as they are ending that the added convenience of a' fur- nace or hot water heater, together with the saving ,of coal or wood, Will pay for the installation. With a beating system or Ili+ kind all the coal and duet Incident to buildinz and -keeling up the .bre are in the cellar- The whole house con be heated for. -*Lout what It costs to heat two Or three rooms with 4itoves. -There is no need of crawl. log out of bed tato a cold room in the morning. ' A pull' on the chain will' , open the draft, and in halt an hour or so the house is warm. 'J'he kitchen aL•o stn; be' hotted from' the cellar, and an oil atove' can be used for cooking. An on stove takes up Tess room, sat e9 fuel'iind I+ niu:•h more comfortable to :work over ID the summer tlrue. - A1 furnace. has the advantage of Cheapness. Tt Also furnisbes freeh air to the rooms, 1t properly -taut In. For nD eight room house a Niemen can be Out to +fol about $150. A hot water„ sytstieu:Vor 1)10 same house would cost • toilerit 011 11ec be Pala ' 0 34 031 036 021 0 1214 Honey, extracted 010 011 Homey. combs. dosen 2 $ 3 711 New York Dai -y Market. \1'\1flutter- Itar•ely aeaa. -ec+qct•, 4+,;, rr••:ut1.+R'. RN'etals, :'24c: • tr414, 31r•' til . (0 rirst. + _+{:.... , . state .1,41r5, ' fltteoi, to Ern-- • c't •. - n^n,.,.' . '1‘c0110 to special, 1 _ •. tut4 .lion 00144.•.,-334t to M '.e: r• 111 "•4 state, 1,0 »max.._.. It May Be' Pneumonia "A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult breathing. Then fever, with great prostration." If this should be your experience, send for your doctor. You may have pneumonia! If your doctor cannot come at once, give Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him exactly what you , bave done. Then do as he �,t says. No-atcoh,Otin this : f.C. AyerCo..Lowerf,Moss. keep the bowels in good condition. One of Ayer's Plus at bedtime will cause all increased flow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. .1 Mill.. Chocciate Stick, .edallions, Cro- cluettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. • F c r ::;:ie by. all d zalers frc::i Coast to Coast. COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTC.'' 17: Pandora Ranges -r„fel)AN IORA' Let ps all go to tht- FAIR and 'lake it, ;t rousing success. We shatl'be ple:yse'd to/sleet you in the N't*thwtst ic'rihr the Main Vie NN ill .sue for %%'raps )1.1u \\ h leave either ,:1 ot.r t \.. hlllit or at the' -.wk.. 1 111It, II sn a ing ,.•:1444-k• .ceiling 144 h:g111'111 t bun, l,•i' Tot old on friends' failed all tis Ail>:+ t ` tlr- 75 \\'e Want- _fouparticularly to cx:unin,- our, -I'ANDO•)RA R.\NGL"S as to .,t't: construction, :size .and quality of tire -bo',, gener•1I appearance and finish to tl,, 1'A N 001: A.. \'e Eget.that ti'e hme goodaiid..uili- cient'feastn, tt , believe ,that ate';tie s4•Il;n ' -the best -range. and tt1 :t ri. iri-Inryit154- !!. are getting til:' :;reatt'st wearing rangti tlr'lt • k being procluartl. • „ CATTL_ ,-•.i rE'_ l"H 6- _ L1. I:> - to a. 1;:tie ,Lore cxpeuse : (•u;:i'.•• :. 'Iiscaihy It'b::ud , �;�; t-. :h 1,1:4 std barn, n:. 1., : •1i_,. •" - i ,\ ,, ..make the t,••us.•' .1.. t:. t weather. Clue ..r•:• , • .. . . ..•• city, 1::e, l3 still Iuckiug. '1 te. way 111e Ice jlrobiem Is host s;lt!sfact„ri:y b:+ndlc l in the. couutt'V is for pli.f a dozen nett bbors to bfl:••: le.eo-oi,eratic'e k•ehouse. 'pee: men club 1C' 4 1.her tit, 1 i'1:. 1t to, the. whiter, and a Alewifuf et.pt'!r of ice'.is ut'hand oil t reut;b the suu:tper. R';tb a smnif a,idltot4,,, ( le•usc a cold ster- ilize room.cau1e-bu;lt iu c•ntiectipn 0.111 thp Icehouse fcr I i,-fI Jg meat. .eatry` eggs nod fruit. Iu a number of cown;unitees •'eeseperatirefresh went SO, ietles are sueceesfully run. Viso members take turus killing A beet or a hog, ;iud fresh • meat 13 supplied all-throtugil the year at much Jess cost than It coul,l b' 'obtained in the City. The cost of a heating systeas. a wash li.•vu. u vacuum cleaner, +l hot. Water nttaehment and other. devices t.f that sort- Is the sal ie -Ju the country as In the illy. The cost. of the water and sewage sy'stew.hn the country lsabout S:::A. The cost of operating a,.water system, iu the .couutry is Much lea* thau tbe cost of city. Water. • Au electric lightln4. system for the farm wLi cos: fruit $J75 up. The life of such a ssstew.cau be tlguried safely at twenty 'years. The storage batteries will Do' Inst so lung. but the rest of the apparatus will last lunger. This would) (eau an aunual depreclatJou of •^ r••n' 1soot. 'I v t $13.73. lntetest at G tee ccut would • ,, t I „ Ing the plant will depend, of course, Montrea ou the amount. of electricity used. The r'ar1`tth !'NT1famen'• • ,l._ . cost fur lighting the average fame ' l,:r•i -. houses and barn for a year and furnish. w„ ,,,It1, - • ing electricity tor sundry other purr •r an,)'.,'' ..,. poser. Will not average more than $10 catt'e. for gasoline. This makes the total cost for electricity $41.25 a year. in rho city the nvernge cost for electricity. fee no eight room house is about $50 a a trifle more than twice us Itft7 °h: 19ie hot water system has the advantages of being cleaner and keeplug a more anlforw heat. Cheap coal will work well in the boiler, the* considerably re- dwing the expense for fuel. • The next consideration is the water system. A good water [supply under preseure is not oply a convenience. but also a form of insurance, since each farm must furnish Its own fire pro- tection. Some farts buildings are built now of concrete and dollow tile, but even then there 1s always some danger of fire. An elevated tank is . ono et the beat means of edpfslyfeg pressure. Some of the modern types of ails are being built with a, tank on tot, A method that Is as conveutent, though a little more espenCive, la a ow:uuw(le tank in the cellar. The ea j•.•Rul :•. E.._',er 1'.r'ka. I'...'. • 1+e.4'• t„•1 ' A1,/, .1 i;iri• line CAMERAS THE FAMJUS BUTCHER CAMERA. the he-, in t!•.• n, 11.1. Ilse 11 :+,:,cat .cud Ire r+,t,vlt •.4 rl Feeders, \I,. .',, Milkers and pringer3.- o. ,,•,. ,t, I:.•wnlrw• Sheep and Lambs. - ,4 , 6,• .., I . .a. nr , "n .11:0. •w ,, ,, p. 1 : 1 !eel ,.,t + S- -. t. s '.- at 1 11 w , p ,•,1 I, tl,e'• ha,it lav t 1,,, moi, r„ wr;,'L•q .. •:•a.'. a !.•,n,•,,I 'i; :: Nin.Ie ,"um rtaot• tc *•, II11.0. cr pr1..• for • w+- !urn,. 4•, t, 9, i' u.r ,wt, Hogs. 11::c prices w'r•. ,•i•,, rt'r•1 ht ern ler' tr. t • •:• • IO,•a; f.v1 and tr ec to drove., • for .-u In r1 p+rtnte• - t I Live Stock. 1 !.! ,,zpeeial.)... 1 M:In r•;,! t`tn2lt :., a 1.1-t. t„_s., ... Wire 14'1(1 lac:' 4 fficr :!rc w.••k 1400 :,1 fathbs, :'41(0 hogs rand ',,•' 1••"r. were ste,ulv'ai) •r,:l (!. 44 ". 1. , .,llrtntr,fr"n ii to 5- 7., row- . $ lite. 9., to 22,',0 11.0iI sob! .4'. _ . and 41'124 413.2:,: - . '1 ,:ant„ r , ;., to 641 ntpouut to $22.50. The cost of operat- •r.•- 'lite that or 411 leehotlse and of e«1,t log up ice varies so touch -with condi.,sn'"k "I tau' Mho.. I, ,ni tions that it is hard to give any gen- ,.1,;,', ,,,y,flrnt ;.soli•• veil figures. These can easily beob 1 Mined fee tiny particular loc•ality..hoer- 1 r+ • L`: 'o ter Is pumped into til+ and the air rn e{.le compressed. The nlr I'resdtire will Ilrt the water to all parts of the house Ler power to pump the water a wind tulll niny be used, or a hydraulic ram it running water 1s obtainnhtr•" The most relhible poker is a gaselier engine ' Nearly etery really up to date inoderr• farm .ha, Its gasoline engine, which CRI 1 evilly be made to combine ninepins with ite other dnUes+ With a hill/ • addled PIem.e the water system ear be made double, go that both hard ant : soft water can he obtained. For th+ I bathroom and the kitehen elnk hot wit ter Is needed also, which rnn he pro tided by a heater to the rwngo or by s tope rat c oil heater. With a good water ayslem Installs' ab work of the boo ewite Is redetet 79.1474 . , 1 •, 1.. I , S1 "I East 6 ,`:: le i r'tlr• M'rket ” More bread and better bread” F. J. But/and, Druggist The,; quare, (totter ich. TIIE t f 'LONDON DIRECTORY A Baby Carrier that's comfy • , use built right-- t._a�6tT 5 'fT+rttt }t'• r 43 rq 1 t' Every part of the' DENDRON'-. 1,1 :,1 :1;;111 hire( i:t our Tutotl f,l• icer tlntit'r , : -+'tin (apt-r- vkir n—a s.,ving:r, , '1 1 ! • Qc1'Sia�Q!;j (tahv C 1' 4t, i- o,•, Ir , f --o- r '1'r4lg, der..l,le'and hvgiet:4 • ,r 1+ ,.,dile a/lite-led r.' to cans one of three,p(3$i':,1: s::,. t`t.ir•' r'f tnt-v - - cam la ' had with (arttsr.1 ,•t 1, .'d , •sir dtakr w:'.! 11 it11 yen all alr,trt the Iolil: 11, ( •• t:•":r,n Carriaec. c•Ross SECTION or a IISPTle TAltt. dyes It le eeld,rin that ice put up to • this IIJatlttel costs es ouch fu the coup• try as ih teen. •r •- '1 lie frtritleipt' can be fitted with *tit water ee.4 r.,Id wMce) both' tine talo room, electric lights, wash room In the cellar,' etc., fur $1,(0) The Interest ou 11,000 is NO a year. 'J'eti per rout for depreciation :Ind repair. is Slot a year. ThJ• eating in roil tt i'1 pay for the teed itf run- tliug the fielding and water systems I'or $IAA n year the fnrw 'home can be molded d A Iib eicry modern eeneeu• fence that the city borne twssesaes, fly using a furteace And an acetylene Pystetu the annual cost can be lowered M itteut $.res. The city man pays that extra $7 to $14 a month and more In i lnerenscvl rent eh,' 'thinks nothing of it. The farmer is beginning to realize that it U possible for. htm to lire bet- I ter, sad be i. rapidly taking advantage of WI ppaortualtfp. • x :•: •Ye T. tr 1,.4; t . tr•41' r"i• an) Gendron Manufacturing Co., -Ltj. Toronto Ontario 2443 Sold by rrost firstedeso dealers. Write to us 1f your dealer doesn't carry them - 1141b1i-bed Arlen, , Enable. (hiders 1hrough. .I the World to ruinn}uuicat+i direct with English nutttifarttitrr'nod dealers in e.4ch cheek' of g.'1414. 134 sides being .s r„mplete •!eat• suet cial guide W Ieomlon anJ i'• nhurh#. the Aireet,ny e,'nteal, lista; of eztyh•t we, -hast - d'ltu theooils they ship. .in.l the culo�lilRnil foreign marl.••1-they supply ; etc/unship liar•* arrana ' eti under the ports to %chief] they rail. a'nll indicating the al'i't•"11- mate :t:lings ; Prosier:LIC trade notices of leadiallt Nl titifectle ern, Metchanls, etc.. in the p,:n cip11 provincial towns and in-. &Istria! eenttes of tbe 1'n4d kingdom.' ' A rung of the cw•rent '.l'a:el wt on receipt of Musial order for 20s, I. 11:0 . h.+, h Anne '.41(11 wish sulk' very r that line 1, reset. v 1,, '„dot rear. Stepp 1•oun •*Elia lees bow ralitl ibe Hobe sad 'hie• lie/clefs serking,+tgtheiei can ,sdvertitse their- trade cents -for Yh or larger advertisements from i3. ,w The Lonlon Directory Co. Lindosl. 21.\',;:hot c'il (.ne, I.rqul' 1. 1•. c MICk; Wish for sof., Piling so irresistably- delicious—so distinctively -delightful, then try Mc(ormick's Maple Leaf Biscuit—a delicacy revelation. A soft layer of enticingly-palptahle, full -flavored, pure Maple Crean),'smothued with two temptingly -wholesome, rich Maple -flavored Biscuits of Maple I,eaf design R setsesn/ Nam.- !apleLeaJsisyteel H C and atoll, P^y tl45 rust wile. I •pci this „011 yew and wPl aria Kidi encs of 1 Aar wit AlI nen, dee: ton hm WP (wr ollt O,t