The Signal, 1910-9-15, Page 44 Ttit4*►utr, Seriestltslt I �.,I'
District News
•1: _,111, ',AO 1 • I. A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK -
1, NHN'.-At hwue
\•1.ereryday except Thurs-
. The , ltitleil : .1 .1 ,'4 \'"1 41',,1 .11i.. NewtewelyfurPatrartlugwethl'iwum,
2.. .1144 i1! 1)r:•,•'.,,•. NIondav, S. •ptru1l (•1uut.tlrtter than lfl4 Crown and bridge work.
rte, Ahlmluum plates own brealable.l
1141 h, .2 I ,S'r1 ,"L p. u.. \\'. \l rl'It 1- N. 11. =You cau atway, haveyour work much
4'L t L nie
, t�441e4 f uflll :le., for cluithe ng' thental urlon wwo k.lore wore co
i curt "hie for the pat lent.
1'lun%Y:•v,•1„ 2.,111.OTICE.-THE LOCAL 7CtiE r
N in Uuitga:unan for *lite Signal i. at the Post
2,„ ; 111 4 , `, !r,11,I. It 11' • 'I'h.• odlee Iluu • and $tetionery Store. where
I.,.11,7wil:.l i, 2iv, 1,'1..,41 4,1 s s st'• 1. �,,•rti" x441 ud Cub Iwofklor ..nIeoeipliowl•1 be
-_ .!rL,,,t m1. 11tr. rji•;Nt-k, 1.1 "•-`t 1t• Yi4Eu t,tt_.liliilu A. ui id tur the eawe
S.tin... 11.•,'111' in lot I1;1 ,If 11. IN _
11.f.1's1►PI?Lt IIARt:AINS. Till.:
hrlau 11{!' - s. III l • f c pat4t' seaportIs amain hem ao/1 a.
H1'1idr4�11!,41I1v.• `I IS' ell i. ; . 1' 1 h.1( .A1 20118 •• 101111. public t4.,t w1. 1144e
r- _ ,;H_.
�y4p-•I".•„ jam, 1 ty If ,lite stork"vlh4eh we ung'.t clear oat
•• !•,t°trr. f?- trf"'I______ttr-.i'w^..u'Hf..• .'1 cid k1�1,. 141)14,2 to 4titl-m rnr oar-tvintier
...,} ,;Wiwi T1;d roilA*T,l1 Cat lrlte: altldeaot tier
• I1 1' �+ Helw ,Ii. ,11 1. I:,' j 1.,, �e,• u1. 01101111,4 111 01111.1 111 effect a
- ' I't I1 Mi•i 11'!!'.it \1'.•ftit.,; rHw-*41. panel -riling 4,w• inn:
-i:1)':iA1•paperlw•tllr,g(or t:a-.
-� 11,•1 1,•1 �• ae,t lu .bow uu, >l.urk to auya,r
I• i, It •„ • •1 . ,N1\11VAN, Iluugalu, .
111 1' 1 '1t'E'.IAY, Sept. Lath.
Il . II,t,;;,,, I., Is,, .
.I 1 :1„,1•.., 7'.•., .. .. j ,a1. slink! "•,t -- The Clinton
_ __ sew Lta w'.ht jAlt,w.•ek: J. Johnston
L.OLt30RNE.• made.1 the Uunftar:nul4 Ititie A'ociatioilmade 1,•11 n1(462111 tl
`.hnl)wey-Ps at the
1 1 : .•
4N. •.'{ P. I •' is s vtvl I,nf;a 4'IIiY t tctiriug here
•111 ,1,1 111 "!4. 1.R ,,t1.. •i' .•1 \1,ro, 41. t 41., .,1. ` When he we.
%It> '11:.._ It i. t • .. wl,lrl:--12,.4,1t4I It'M'' ,•••,'• ,htrk and all -re
--:n ••,l , 2 11 •• i 4,-' t. 1:..:1 ,•d .. I'wa, a cul.[ , 1`ii1.;;, `cqult"t Cil' liVel in
11. I• ..-1,.., ..t 1 .-1 •.•1 '4.,• t"11I. � 44 '2,1 I'1 1 h 1,1j;''.T1 t!fat lape trent -
.1 i! , I, . ,. • • • . 1t - 4111••1: ,1olti 111'.L.• 111 1'11 1114 0 I.4 111 Mi.
1,, , , , .1, 11 4 I • •. 4' • '•` , ,. •-• .1 1. II.i•„1 11_111. Illall.hill.
''1 1; - ., 141 '.,• 1 12!1', 41 r:\'4l.,\. The lnfa)tyt oat
11 ••111•11 141111.• 12 .4 1 ,4.1. 11:11 • . 014, , Nies, - • 2; (lansL\Il 'war
4 .1i'. • .,t 11rL1:,-.. •, 44.14 .1 s •11.1 i . 1 1,.•4.,• 1.4., flounder.
1• . 11,•J tl,.• a1;•• ,.• fi(,• ' •,,:- .1 •.1 a ,:,• betcire•4 were beta i71, St..
Tito 4::4'., 1-.1 re, vice on +tu• 1' 1111•t. 1' • 111111'11 1:1.1 Sunday• tenoning
1 14" In • •al 'I,s' It0v '1 I'•,rir.ud, I , , . , -Wing. th,• c11ureli • bring ,tppl;o
t h•• a 1111,1'1 I'.' ti 112 2 :t lI- i 444 , '1••vorn4,•.I for the (sell' iott.
••111 • t\ A 'Go 1:•,1„1. 't L. t t. • t'rickl'tg4•rs are busy ab
1.4111 "n1; llr1�,1. t.1l,'0'•i i:, • 1 11 ,. '1'1.' .I'1411/i„U Ip the teeto'y.
u.. 1,- •,'11,•.4 ; ,•t 2•••2014 1• .• 111)• Agtieultlnal• Hall i. reeeiv-
1, r, Cat .11 paint. this week.:•wr
tNGSBRIDGE. '' 1, ,V look its best ,for the fall'
\•. I '•\I' \\, ti-•{,' 'I'1. I 1 I Ile 11114414' Wend, et Jar.
It 11 1 sot ry. tel les, it that he is
4411 ,1)1 t l,, -i. k list . Itnht, [Sowers
Ila- ...Imitate at the ,j••welk-1.y-stere this
•1' WOO k.:I. \It'. tient( I. awA'', owing to
1 the 1111.• • 1)f. hie sister . ..'1411• Don.
2;10:1) •12•:1 1'1011 :e•r4.jt `d fhP
111111!.'ti4re •.t the TI orud.x Rifle
('i,11r and hyy;,• tomedown 41421) te.'u
' to r,lntpet,• with thein. '1li"y
:lend t:.kir4 in 11),0111)1) i•'ait• before
'Mr. all1 Mr .' H. 741.4r•
17:'', of (iodetich. spent Zsionday 7tt-f:
1fWhet's.. .'4It• - P2'rtler 11011 hie
matter. .it Washington State, and
Mrs. R,-tbt+vell. of Ingersoll. visited at
III hone.' of J, M. Itoherts-duri►nI( the
,tat week k- \ liirvin, of Win-
134t:=IELO. 1•ij,eg, it visiting hi sisters. Mrs. R.
fl:. N'•iidrr,on and Mre. •J. \\ hyatd..,:,.
1.1111 t:l' 1, - 11 1•i ,.,.. ..31'". 4)11.. t'rawf.`ii-d 4,414 yeti -trued
t,...•.. tw.,u•oek, .it 4ci111 Toronto
it, ,1414:v ilrout II;
, tend the Central Ilusine.s College.
i 1• 12t.r.11 112 1 112. 114.110111.11114e41211 Harvey Treleaven left last
; , h,r,pii al. I .oildon, onderar•ar.14 14.71.- being unable to 'leak a With' of,
ling in his possessi.m. rota there . Ise
ST. AUUUS TINE. his brother-in-lisw. Capt. Tionnann.
For ten years smote on the ship
211; \V Tlisielp•ooto. 19:
Magnet. Ile Oleo "amt. Aslitield
mid took 'tip the old AlcNevin fartu.
Eleven Veallt Herd he ram.; to Dunini 21 -
with his son Donald, with whom
lie resided Utltil his death, which took
plare after short but seveie
Mr.- 31, Nevin wasi of' a arty venial
friends in the village. who will greatly
miss him. 'lite palliwaters were six
grandsons. He leaves three rams and
three daughterr, Alex. and _William,
.if tiodetich : Donald. of Dungannon
liabkirk. Ocalerich. and Mrs. E.
Fonder. of Dungannon. The sym-
pathy of the community is extended
tai the relatives in their bereavement.
Hands Tied to Prevent Scratching Five
Buk Worked a Cure.
Mts. Chas Levert., of Prescott.
North Channel, Out., tells . how
Zam-Htik cured her baby. She @nye:
"My baby's head aod face wits one
complete of moree. The itching
anti 'irritation were fearful. and the
little one's plight WAS AO serious that
at one time we feared her ears would
be eaten off by the disease.
"We had to keep her hands tied for
days to prevent her rubbing and
scratching the sores. Doctor after
doctor treated her in vain, until we
had had five doctora. They all agreed
it was a frightful rase of eczema. but
none of them did any permaneut
gor at
"Am a last resource we were advised
to tr) Zsm-fink. The first box did sat
much good that we fell sure we were
at tart working in the right direction.
We peteevimed with the treatment un-
til we had used thirteen boxem, and at
the end of that time I am glad to Pay
Zain-Buk had effected ft complete
Mrs. Holmes, of AO Guise street,
Hamilton, im quite as eloquent in her
praise. She says : "Zara -Bilk cured
my boy of boils and eruptions when
he was fi0 bad that he had been linable
to mix with ether children. Zsm Buk
mothere thrmignout the land should
always keep it, handy
For eCZerra. eruptions, rasher, tet-
te*. itch, ringworm. and similar akin
di/warm without equal.
It also cures cuts, burnt., *colds. piing.
ins, etc. All druggists and atheist at
fin cents a bor. nr post -tree for prier)
frogs Zant-Ruk 0o.. Toronto. Refuse
following, is taken from The Hanley
tlaask.) Herein anti refel s to the mar-
riage of A former Aehflehl girl, a
' daughter of Wm. J. Treleaven. also of
Hanley. The wedding march was
Vayed hy Miss .Evelyn Faille, and
I.V. N. R. Paths assiated in the cere-
mony. Both are well known in town
and virinity : The marriage of Miss
Luella Treleaven to WWI Trimble took
place quietly on %Vednesiday evening,
September 7th, el. the home of the
bride's parents, Suthetband avenue.
At four o'clock the b rid /4 I part t
entered the psi lor to the strains of
Mendelstsihn'm wedding marrh, played
by Miss F.selyn Pellis. The bride
looked handsome. attired in Indian
entitle, and carried a bouquet of roses
and lily of the valley. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. C. P. Milne,
assisted by Rev. N. R. Falba. After
the cot emony the woods retired to the
dining room, w hi c h was prettily
&rotated for the occasion with sweet
pea. end maidenhair ferna. Ad par-
took of flo. dainty luncheon. The happy
rotiple left on the fl p tn. train for
Winnipeg and other eastern pointe.
The bride wore A travelling suit of
grey diagonal stripe, with a black pic-
ture hat. The 'orate froen a dirtanee
were Mr and Muts. J. Trimble isf
Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. ft. Treleaven
of Saskatoon ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cheney
of Let hbridge Alia.: Miss Clara Wil-
son. and 414". Wellwriod.
is Uric Acid in the blood.
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cru'.c of the acid being
there. 4f the kidneys acted
as they should they would
atrain llw Eric Acid out
,vf the system and rheuma-
tism av,_t occur. Ithrt-
ease. D.tdd's Kidney Pills
have made a great part of
their reputation curing
Knew/tat:.m. So get st
Ike novae ..f those Tearful
shoolji g pains and still,
e:hing points. There is
but one Sure Mar-.
On all goods described in thi,-;
Saturday, September 17
Three Goderich Fair Days
will be record -selling days- at this store. It will pay you ,to
come to this sale. You will be sure to gee unheard-of bargains
on Nvhat we have got together foi these days. Good, season-
able, dependable articles that will :give you satisfaction in
every partic-ular.
Ladies' Coats
If floo Haven't a Friend
ny,a Kodak
Wit IluUt le Kitties. The ,
i- vet y suitable. We catry all
other styles.
All insteuctions free..
'Send Ile your films to devel.,11)
11,1 Infra.
Street and Square
Abolish the tense and Misery and Dis-
tress of Incbgestion Will Vanish
Can indigestion he mired Hun-
dreds of thousands of people who .
suffer fr belching of gas : bilious
nes, -our 94 eeee rich. bilinear, mosses.
shortness ot breath. barl taste in the
mouth. foul breath. nervorisness and
other distreseing symptoms, ere ask-
ing themselves that ipiePt ion daily .
Arid if these ramp doubting dys-
peptics could only lead the theusainds
of situ -ells letters from people who
once suffet•ed badly 34 they do now,
but who haver beet) quickly twirl perm-
anently caned liy the tire of ,,Mi-o-na.
cures by tetnoving the Cause. they
wont(' an to E. R.Wigle's this vet y
tints and get tato? box of Mi -h -ma
tablet se- and start hemsel yes 11a the
right road to health at once.
pt lee of lel i-o-na tablets is only
Shy rents, and E. It. Wigle guaran-
tees them to cure indigestion. or
money bark.
,Thin or lean or scrawny- people will
Nod in a maker of flerh and
blood. because it the stomach
tre "elar'aet mote nutritious matter
from t.he food. which quickly enrichee
tie? blood.
tr•-nchitis. Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money luck. Sold and guaranteed Iry
NEWs NoT102.--- Mire. Thos. McCord,
lets of Belfast, Ireland, who arrived
lately from the Old Country to be-
come the wife of Mr. MeCord. of De-
troit. has been visiting relatives here
and left again on Friday on her te-
t urn to Detroit Miss Mary Cul -
belt. teacher at Mafeking, viaited the
London fair hoot week
Gaoler, Mr. and Mrs. Sant Sherwood
and Ed. Kilpatrick were visitors to
the Toronto exhibition ....Mrs. Pat.
McGly nn has gone to Detroit to suty
with her daughter there
here were never better in twent(Y-rfitivP:
y -ears. They are turning out better
than was expected, with the exception
If man doesn't know when he is
well off the chances ere he isn't.
It ia rosier to raise A dist,grtwince
than is mortgage.
There mere catarrh In thiot iteCtion of the
ceuntry than w11 ether ill.easeei put tope flier
and until thp Iwo few year, wan elopponwl t o
be incurable. For • great many renew rloetore
erenieunced It local Lease and prescribed
Meal ataiseiss. nnd by con...tent!), fatting he
cum with local treatment. pronounced 1t In
rumble- nebulae lase PM% on ratarr• to be a
renatItutuasal Caesar/ and therefore require,.
constitutional treatvent. Ralf. atarrla tem
rean,,h.n. tired loy F. J. Cheney ft Toledo,
Ohne i. the only eonstitutiesal cure en th•
fooKr. It I. taken InternallY In donor (nem
ten drew t • • teaspoonful, It act* dimity on
the bleed sod mucous Oa rfaro. of tho eyetem.
They neer nee hundred dollars for lane Montt
Yells 10 .,re Send for Ireillent and te.t1
Bald by demerit**, 75e.
Take Hall*, Femur Nils ter remittent low,
1,M311111.31.t.11t1.1 1,1t111 Pk Coats, long
•th. :Angle or double breasted. black
v. beaver and• homespun cloth.
i- 3 1 J11 1. Chance just at the opening
of the fall tomb. to fret teal -to -date Coat
,for toil 11,411-Inien.: Being sample
Coats, 114-ir :lie stile to be eortect. styles.,
Sixteen itiohe hit -11.0,5it, poen, **,50 for o
$12.5000 *15 401 Coat.
Dress Goods
the I'm ee Fair Days. We huveseleeted
about a dozen pieces of IL to 54-ineh-
wide Fall Suitings. good -colorings and
-- just printable- to Make fall
gal iii-nts and gii Is' sehrtol. skirts
end the trios' we ask for ally at them is
and Iteet choice
Never before did we offer such value.
Dress Ends
'Only a few. from 1 to I; varda. fall
111:11Iev saVetI on these ends.
Flannelet we ever ear, leal,loringht mont Its
ago before the big liar in prires. %Ye 1.3 11
like it anywhere for 111c. Ark for a ".17-ing•h•
wide line at 1 111.-0. usually, *old at Ile and
• Or Mill End., 2} to in yards in
an enn. petfect Roots, free from holes Or
tents. 34 1,0 30 inches nide. and in no
pay Incite than at the Vitt. Of 100 1,•••
the best of them. It is quite a saving to boy
1 hese ends.
ys .II offer Sat in dat follow
_„11,1 the hest fall and winter Stock ...:-
we ever offered at the price. I
come to us direct bone the
!dark and tio seems. sizes O. to, 25
and we ask for them only C
Cotton Hos?.
• Two hundred' and flit y pairs of hlack
89,1 seamles., cotton How.
and Regular I:ic Storting,
I is. you Cott get two pairs for only '
Hr. bo
the eit
our tf1
11 11111
into •
Little Darling is the finest S'
itig made. Silk heel- and toe*, cream
to see them some day when oil are in the
i3UR FALL STOC„... is about complete in all -departments. rl'e never were in so good a position to sieve -our CuS ors
Viith up-tc-date assortment As we are now.
Prof. DorenA end
Artiro, will
Wednesday, Sept. 28th
20th Century' Brand Clothing
For Fall
TRANSFORMATIONS (hiring this visit h. will be showing the
POMPADOURS latest Parisian and New York:styles. You are
SWITCHES partidularly invited to call, inspect and try on
CLUSTER CURLS any of these creationr.
The Dorenwend SanitarytPatent Toupee
. For gentlemen who Fire bald. is a
head covering far superior in both
-,tyle and durability to any other
manufactured. At the present day
over 00,000 of theee are in lime
throughout Canada and the United
Stetes. Call and leave free demon -
Remember, One Day only
The DORENWEND CO. of Toronto, Limited
103-105 Yonge Street.
pared 40 shOO )011 11,
latest product of Ow
most famOus
shOps in this country -
the most beautiful-
ly tailored and cleverly
styled .garments made
in Canada. You can
have them made to
your special measure
if you wish.
400 Samples to
Choose from
0.111 new, all hand-
some, all perfect -
We are sole agents.
Ask for our "Drey,
Magazine." Free tor
the asking.