HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-8, Page 8• •.,'t:
s- Jlllit*ttil7,�Yi-*srTlsxttlsd4r444 .- .
'tmiielNvk,a 1. olid.. .iim,.l..1
September Weddings
Silverware as gifts
' We have ih I'ut stuck a 11NMt "Grouter. and ttp•tu-date ilii* of
T. sets,-`blttgttNereer,r.- ifeee I) wa And--Ulltnet:uus I tier ehoice
i,• ie..t tets•ays•d'� • p2_r a FQt kb,
s linin.. !terry Spurns, ColdNe I ruttit., 1-te Rn1 Ps ,lbs tiK.Kar
8bI1I Iia titetateat designs. ;
The i,lt.. ! t. 'to k is •en!.I:roll} esstx•tttt•tl with the inner life of •
tie home. Threw is...naethiug intimate or ferniliar about it which
lu•ILes it a suitable mediultl fur expoweing the warmth '.1' your al -
trete -in to the ht idr and groom.,
Out Shtick 's varnish that r;.ii nlay Its" fnlll' 'akUieftett in-. your
aele.•twn. -
Walter H. ;Harrison
fetueltcr,and Optician On the Squcre
LO(:AL TOPICS 1 e - RIEF, Oaten the r* iptehl ...nee the demise et
-- • I her husb*ud, Rev. Hen iawiII :Nutt.
r1 1» " , The rebuilt bridge at lir*haru'r. uti
b1"tY'the l.ske1Shea r road between • fust
, Albert scud $heplwrdtun. bat, Oaten
op••ngd fur traffic.
'Tie many tri nods et %Vu/. N'ar•no k
I ire pleased to Iran n. that he ha. Int
er,.l frt.rti the t•ffeetat nt the fall
A rubt..t.tl'•. .oInr.k. !k pert
v n.wnt u. r. :Al: -nit. the'romloc•:obi.
• kind made by.r.. J 1'11411a1.•. nine. II1.1)%awlialt. I.w .ite•4. a...41d .e. thrfiu
FAll i..t. 00.4(411,4 141.11 'S4 444 :' 01111 eau.
•!ruler h. haun asst ..rn;: n. tient-nut t
1Ate,. 41..1 ft rub-. \ m.r.r1111 Ka./41.1.44,,,.. .44 all L:.:d. if 4t 1.'l tnkl.ar.44 pinsr r't•
Melt's -eft .•,.• .. !d •..: tet. of ever) dr aril •', re",
+a.. t he h*. .uui.4 time ago that he is able--
bleew, M -Ne •ie ha,. taken 11 + • 4i. to %silk : ,1wi1 town.•
1 i41 (111 the "'MT ..1.1 h•; linin !Nr,,•. _. , ' !Miss In • ugh has ret tinned from
Ta +ng stinted tilt .nrn. Alex. no1;i8, - 1ietruitai!1 1'utoiito. where elle at,.
gal' the .k.• Shl.t.-,..,4 at I.rrhurn. t'rr.dt.d rtes nail 'r1'y opruings. -and is
int+ it tl t 2 inches in hoipht. Next: ! tune 1•re{watea' wi 1 140i line of staple
tillers * only tbrer pris.ner�•in and tansy-n.weltil• (1 went every de.
Iter j.eil "t.pi rut. Pharr hove
leen• !nand for Lhis ve*1.tn1 Glade. Notice.
ti.; new listivw ttiecr'te ilhapntltn rf op••.ning wNartpplrat• er. -
(sorties',ie. ►t. - a!F feuds -rich hest it..hpiet vibe last. yyeek
Tau• w •.•k!y- l.0:r s given *t 'H•ltrl 1 trulu W. K. Vanderltiiu end .
1 1Pvelaull. •who : rrived here
Sone I J Ging 11w'l e t 46 11,41 (y the. V'and•
.•rl,li!'a prtvete yacht.
Mentes-lung I. alTetet 1, b y f •.
- tli.rnlll I4I 4f I. •- 1
1'Ilriingh lite .•.,lou t.
Nes. (H•:..) 11. N..11•desi1re. t
her ain(A•r14 tlialli.a le:• the Writ
10, .t11H Ali.* lettrl- .,1 whirl?
• n 1- t`'t � party *registered .tt Hotel lie4fo
stili lir, Vandethjft was so pleas -
h.• Signal i with the Lown chit he stated his 14* -
I' ) ta. lerlGUM to ret urn next year aur A stay
kind-UI'two week,.
te•em The Mtl.s.+es liuldthu►'pr were the
/f Vouifaven't a Friend
Buy a Kodak
Don't go on your vacation
without a Kodak. The
No. 3 P. P. K. $17.50
i•• suitable. NVe retry all
other .ty les. - •
All inst./!actions free.
Send us ytur Mina 0.dlvel0 )
.4114 VOW.
Corn^' Montreal (iOD1;uI tt
Street and Senate
'1'1)' /•..Ll141.‘ V. 41: . A 4411110111W.
1 he 1ntt-..w' apt ••44,1,-.4--.4.44411811111111-1_
),r Int•• r,.I,,I tt,: eswn'.rrd ..41 -i(. tl .
pal roll 114'. ,d
be ,4tt.e:'• .to u,akr :r a
The Poiro tfer'isters Orchestra and
Co* . 1 Conpan,
„1 . a \ ,' a. 1 our
.p4 n 1' ughI'll Ir11, 1 .
(i,irll 1., t t • r..1,:4•••11•••• TI'
pr.IgI. n , ell lir 1441 (4•, 1'44 411111 c01141^'
..f 11e 411 .,nil ire tt 'mental
1 dean- and .Ir:. .,U•. •.railinggs a
a. ..1 •1• rl..lt it-. 1I.ri t..4 MA: :NT.
Ernest Thomp eaten
1 \� w 1,01. tin (11, 'Atou11.
w.,1• 14 , 111,1 idr!-l'P? 1,
• wilt rl•'n, .ern n, !life
:soil Wyk.,
nt,,J.rnir,tt t) ,u.I rnM it
\1 .1.1 .11141 al- 1 Ha,
Elisabeth Campbell
J. N. Cameron
L'1.1 als. 1. li,rve.U...
arms. Rebh
.1.dn p+,111i h. t„m,;.,.1C'
C. -J. Pink
7omir -+nisi-t- fxrrat..nr. 'lilt- r
rlwllhinatInn will preeeht n 1:111.d *,
naw )1(1,0 Li a• Wugt.leu. tl.v'in*
The Revel welsh Ladies' Che.r
I:/ptllfn.1. sons... Migrate,-nt 440 and
rh.11r44. w 01 k. Imre eiritl 4 reel. "Th••
h.rehnfag anraniint:I eat. ern .•
I..vely *. nuttr-1 .Iru.0 '.. Frhh,-tkI.
Two Season Tickets 3.50
Vne Season Ticket $2.0o
n• boding n• -r ale 1 .e:atwa
!'Inn.,1.••t a. cinscrih.n. ne 4se tad,'•
,t 1. '•p•h to the mil lir•,
A. \I. lit f4•Itlfsf)V Inyrtslrw•r
0 1' IIt.AII: •
4i 1 R 4.4'10-\ 4. M''
New School Books
borLerres if a pleasant par' y at the
Point Farts 'on Friday eveoiug, a
n h* r front Hliyfi ldand Goderich
joining Iter guests ut the hut*/ tut the
torcasit•n. Pr•ugrew+I v. euchre Wa44
Mplayed. the lady's prize being win by
in. (intim, of liuelph, lint' the
gentleman P. prize by George Boyd. of
B,,lntford. Af1.•rwerd. there w*. an
eujoysi.le (laves, arld the dove to
pralericb and Bayfield was made in
!bowling Tournament. rk
On Leber 1)ay a •otirnament was
c4uumenceo at the We -t street- bowling
Kesel.. with tw 1• euttlpet ition.• ID
deuldes and tabu a competition in
ainitLtt. Thr prizes were kindly rens'
lo Rev. Ur. Meldrum, Of'
Ctevrteenie tcber, i)L
Thnmee Road. who wire guests of the
chili during the eeawiti, h. S. Wit-,
Hams, ('. A. Niru and F. H. Idolaters,
respectively honuraryy preside?, presi-
dent and v'cd.p-wtdent et the .'•lilt.
The first event (n dimities wee woe 1 y
Dr. Hunter and u. t'. NVnitery. sten rho'
4ecunll event iry I.A.'.Nettie and F. H.
Martin. • The cuulpeu4?t.(fl" lu'.lugleli
has not Oren onmpleted.
Yn.. U.WIe etewart 1. ill Tsroutothb week.
Bensna Lanais home trivia Lethbridge, Alta.
.I1 . and Mr.. A. J. t Guyer spent last week in
7. •canto
111-, kyr Dunlop Ifs, .'rtur,wd from 4 visit to
(' .•ern itou.
Kenneth Boyd left for 'rorotttoon %Pedis.
day morning.
.1uh•1 N. t'ux and famil)-. of Uhlcago. are in.
it ug in town.
1tH. rH�wwerteed. Mot resod
r h. of The Toronto Star, was in
I. •wit over Ku
at aNtiti ,
home for Labor Ary.
A: r., *1 w. Maedei loft on Tue.day On a visit
' W 1'w unto fora week.
Mi-. Kate Ho.k. b. of TOrouto, spent a few
' day, in Lown lust week. :.
1 Mi. Its Allen r.' uruedt01`proatethismorn-
lag Lo ra.uwe her -audio..
.1 Montague Co1bor.e. of .file-. co. it spending
a holiday *t h1. hotter in town.
R MT. Heor)', wa !alter of tPe eiterl[lg Hank
j stilton, was to toss-caaa•aStlrirye._
Walter F. A. N..Itel. of The .t. Thant.
Tames. wa. in ww1, for Labor lire.
Mr.. G . M."auto; t i. the guest of her Jbet W
E. Elliott, of The Loudon } ree Pow. ,
Mrs. (CapLI:L w -oil and daughter 11arirret
' erne visiting in 'Eurou to and Hamilton.
MH., Vona Crab, left Tue.dry tuorniug on a
i visit to Ml'.. Harry knight At 1'Oront*. .
Rev. T. J. Tbouap.nn, M.. A.. ' of
S1latheti. will be the epeaket in Knox
.•hutch next lunday.
The V.' 1'. S. C. E. of Knox church
will 'roue llll holding its regular
•w -stings next wet(., Meeting. will
Ile hell! ..y.l'v Turl.day evening,
cilenrirg at P. u'clura.
Dr Dougall's subject in Nottb
street Method: - t .leu' h next .Sunday
morning will he ••The Wickert 'Ten-
ant." In the' evening the. euhject of
his discourse will be ••V4ho is the
Hero;" •
Bev. George E. Hops, ..f 1'hJil,ttte.
I..wu, 1'. E. I., preached two eloquent
se!WNns (n K1..•x church last Sunday.,
Test sohia.-toe .it i•acn trervice-weLe
well rendered I'S' V. M* pheison,
Next `Sunday Rev. v. Dt. Medd will
preach iu Victoria • street ,Methodist
church es ureal„ Forenoon theme -
Common Alen ll..Je Orem." In
the evening be will pr.•.1;rh a (Triol
ti the interest; of the- Wuuian's
•Christ 1'etnpstl,lnce 1'04,44.. (ivad
ni.' ie. These-a-rvices are for the
shots .and r upr4ew118 ushers..
Hey. F. L. Farewell,13. A.. a,.oci,lte
secretary of si h.*Ile acid
wing People's work 111 the Methodist
arch of Canada. delivered two tike
ea. aches iii North tither M tbi,dist
cnur • • :list •stindey. 'be . reverend
grntlee a 1-.1 very for ible speaker
and in Ii t44te/el.tine discour•oes he
pointed out he responsibility Jirtb.•J-
eau has in p paring the proper ma-
terial for wI it in tenth 'religious and
edueetiun,J . Ines. For lradri s'in this
work the Lurch iuurt look to the
',outlay � -hoofs and the - young
l•-ople'r : 'tette,. •
WI ist Young People's Work. ,
Th. dries of Epworth League 'inbti•
tuts.% hich ware carried on during
the 1 .t ten days in the34oderish die.
oil. ', were tenuinatel en Monday
tot •.pDID( at Donaf.uluun. Th.•se insti-
t t 's were under the direction of }rev..
1 i. Dougall. of town. and Rev. F.
arewell: associate general secretary
.41 young pr.ople's work. The mission
of the institutes wes to localize the
influence of the Work and aid the-indl-
veinal stleieti-s. The special difficul-
ties were exetuined and buggestiune
offered. 'Though the uttetulaoce was
comparail vely swell. -this was not sur -
'rising. owing to the inopportune time
the year. However, doubtle*s more
tin one League will feel the -impetus
and better work this fall ,and *in-
ter. . Farewell proved himself' it
keen a - lyst pf. t70tI conditional, a�
most gen adviser and stimulator:
tie present - Targe natiotral and civic
ideate and p '.aches that the life of
Canada is no in the hands ut its
young people.-
Next. Tumidity d
miWednesday the
district Epworth Ise ne And Sunday
school coventiun will held in Wes-
ley church. Clinton. 1 e local insti-
tutes were preliminary t the conven-
tion.. The convention is • . e climax.
A most attractive program • .: been
prepared. Pt eminent apelike from
Toronto and other places will 1 .1re-
ent.. Clinton is making prepare 'un
to 01)4441 Lain scuceii ut-Suod*j' etb
workers and Leaguers.
on Turclay morning the reception
and registration wf delegates will take
place. At'2 p. m, the first formal ses-
sion mini b: held. and (twat ti p. m. to
7.:311 p. in. there will he a hsnquet,w'itb
Rev. F. L. Farewell as toast. master,
et which *mite interesting addresses
may he expected. The evening service
Un lVednesday morning at 7 o'clock
mild again at 11 o'clock there will he
devotional exercises. tollowetl at 9.:30
by addresses end reports. An out-
standing feature cif vire afternoon
meeting, which will open at 2 o'clock,
will 3r the "Conventloc Parliament,"
in'which debates on several questiu' s
of interest and importance will be held
in parliamentary style. On Wednes-
day eve*SSing et 8 o'clock the final Hes-
skin of theoonvention, Will be held. '
I • authorized by the Edo
Department of the On.
'e i'n men L
racet )
term Gu
Prices gr
tly reduce.
Ontario P. S. Anti
•' Compowron
M.eto. 01 C
Mastery of En . and...
gook Krep•ng .. ...30e
Qeograehy.. ...elK
Blank Craw'n4 -
No. I,. _,•Sc
Cop, Book, Five nem -
hers. each .....
Readers tame as last term. ' r
All Inolks sold at publicsly
prices. and note spectaJly out
prices are strictly cash,
A full stock of l'ollrgi 'e In-
stitute and Separate )cn 1 Text
Hooke. . '
Headquarters for Set ibblere. .
Exercise Books, [.earl Peul:ils,t
Inks. Erasers, Etc. ,
The greatest value for your
money in this section of for
eiir 10.
ads fir... lac
The Colonial Book Store.
P_ HON E 100. O odcrich .
Pea ch es __
are now canting in --not.
freely and orders should be
placid early. The het ter vat -
let`es of Plums- are 'very
sr•*ice and Duchess Apples
will 1m off the market (n
about aniither week. -
The prices are not high for
et,) wt the above fruits fi'hen
the season) of the crop is
cop ed.
no. W. Vanatter
Otter* Honor !bock
'1'h..ne 101 Kingston Street.
' Page
Itoon.s and Hoare! wanted TheS1=d*1 .... 1
school shoes Downing & MacVktar .. '1
Reatirtw E. R. Male .. 1
Appreetlnea. Wanted Mrs. Pe1Tew `- -. 1
Neawfall Coate -D. Miller l'0 ..
Lyceum Course.- 1'. M. r. A. ....." .
Readers -N. 4': ('mneron
Iwnndtess and (pnerat servant ' Wanted
Alexandra Ho -petal. . ......... 1
(lira %Vented Mrs. J. M. Field I
Ready for I'PII nslne.s -J. H. ( Colborne''
1441 Wanted Mr.. C. E.. Itobinslil, .......... I
Hrand Rlea,.-up'4ale-Howell Hardware (1„ 4
Cottage to Rent rapt. M' -i .1 „ . 1
styllah shite Hodgen. Ren. ,
Tower (t*nadlan Oiled ('loth ng Co., 4
Tenders for Brrstkwater 1)eeertnsiet of
Public Weeks .........
Oaten! Servant wanted ---Mlle B.,t.Doyln 1
Agatha%smM-W.Beydnne, effete, ' .
°dieeter Wanted Toweshte M .,shlleld
it('ItKitTsrl\. In Colborne. on Friday. ,4.p
te,nher 1101. Jane Man -nn, wife of Tho..
Rntwetwnn, .44.1 a yearn.
8H41'HAIt! 1n Urdnrleh, nn Tneeda,. "•-p
Camber nth. }:miry An., Middleton. rte
loved wife of ( Opt .1. M..Lephard.
V AIGIICL}:. In Underfelt. nn Tneeday. Rep
tomher nth, M,.hsl \a*ge!s. daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. J. I. Naegete, eyed 1a years,
1 I month+ anti 11 Aar..
Dr. Mabeespent euuday and Labor Any pt
l:ulalnetue. fin the St. Lawrence [fiver.,
:Miss Tone %1'&A -on le t isiting In Toronto. the
guest of her abaci. 'Miss Maud Watson.
Mita 'Aiwa Law -on trturned to Detroit off
Saturday after sp.•udinx a mouth at home..
N. 1). Morrlah, ut Sault Ste. Marie. :Mich..
was a vizier with re(attve.. 1n town th.. week.
Alias RLI* .: uuuingh+uu. of llrue.el,, i.
spnw31og a few day. Minn her c•uu-in.
Ails Emtu* Campbell .haw returned borne
afte..rvl;ct of so%iron wtwas mita friends e,
Miss Angluafa McLeod. who is teaching
school near Exrtri. wa- home tot the 1.a4.,
Day holiday. • •
11 . Prondfoot.11. 1'. 1'. and family ha,e rr
turned Minix aft,: then- month..try on the
Manu curet, • '�
'Mi•., Robertson returned to Wludiot ou
'Monday atter ,444eu41114‘ the rummer holiday.
at hr. uulne herr. , - -
. Mew Kut., of lunatic. i. visions her datleb
ter. At .4. .4.. Ruvr..o t, dan1114 ..IG.KutitlwI -
trlp tu.the (oast. ---
Master fitment- Mauee. who had .bleu i 1-,-
(tetra, 111. t111Ge, U 4...4 ..slat) C, hire retui`ned .0
huwc m 11144,0,:.t':
- 111re Ida Cornw..L:ha. returned to Hanliltut!
Arlo Y.Wu .Wass- )�-1l
wan the Allow.:. naw
-uu, N elln.tly st r c•c t. s
314-- .Je0ule Irbbttt leaves on Sammie)
morning for 1L. -A how. , Miller! she Will leaf A'
p.witiu., at Alva • 4 401(14, •e
Mb.. Edith \\1t)!1.. returned On Monday
hie r buhuay :• !,, tu,.t.xet.lr. Grand net,
°ne,/pd 041.01taunts.
The llk'w4'Sawi-. who have been 44.*ittnt4
here fur some tutu.*, lett aur their tutu! u1
hung lluIr.,tty utorit ass.
%ass Strang It•r�la.( i wrlltay for Gstrlisby,
Where -n! 4,0T43- n
leaehHa of the hl.ti. `silted.
'Miss Jen, Law -un rrturhed Saturday froze. a
*ell n 04.41. l0 414 J1110 hurl Hamilton and lett
1 u..Hlay uu ber.n:u. if to Urt,0,1. '
}'led 1'releate!' wbu -ailed on the steamer
PA!1l1 the pant nuttier. limit Col &Kelt in tuna
.,n the.lranwr H Au, la,: Saturday.
Judge I1oyIe..r euuIIMniiei by hi. daughter.
alis. / beetle" 1. 4,. Ountre.l tai, week 'in at•
tend/dam at tell 1.nella[ML1C �whslrev.
Miss Grace 8.r..'g left un Monday fu,
uraltgevtlle to re -Uwe her giO4ition as tlea1hre
:he.l °desist., In -tit Lite iii that town: • -
rom now --to anu.
1st, 1912, 1912, to new subscribers $ 1
:.;,M.�1r.••:3:r1"'4'r G.'.gE@t';/Y7.' �,r-•rl:1.y,YYT '1'f,,.�,-�.. 't'r-'N•rrrk '>f"k'i,•..• *T ,•' C a-
AMP .1111mILMIMI•11.
IIStylish rlan=tailoredSuitsl1
Mr. and Hr.. 1. 1. Leckie and their 'soy.
Master Monteithh..ve retuned eons A three
weeks' %boll rO-Puaa...41, ?tort Elgin .,. 1 tut
Mine Lawrence. of I.caw.114t,at. 31r. u:141 Mr--
}:l.,ley, ut Loude,i,oru. aid .LLr.: Litmp.0c11..1
were, line[. ut Rev. Dr. two Aar•.
Meda 1a-4 *bet.
6.01 S. Kaign..' ! Mt.' Cleuten.. Mich., who
boo ter" .a{, .44. anal Mr-. flavin dent.
t,,uuec , ...runeii.e. i'4.t MCMK. lC:ached .Y II.o
Amotorail Wren 01. M rine-, lay.
Thom week trswrl4 huwb,eu, who ba- -been
Ju F. J. Nu4laod - dl hot -:ole w.-e4en.l year
Esti for '1'otoutu. *her° he purpose. attcudutg
the Ontario College of Ph4rwac,,.
Miss 7 1': hyard returned this week to
lluelpb. where -he urs a position a- teacher in
oneof :he -amnis sbe-Wiwi accon u.inled..-
far b,.,....• by iia. ..I1Cel 111 .411.11. Atall.,u
a.-4. l, .1 relger. of et. 4.yplub-church.
I Olu1t0. ha. *1(14)44ed 110111 a wu1.t1a
1 t.1, Le the Pa .:1e L'can andi. -p 1,414,41 aro.•
-,n w, a 4:0 b4. yrrout.. .alt. and 31r-.
.a1,. .u,•1 Mr-, • Mar -ball L'. ,Gurdon. of 1'1..
to.... 11. 1...ary •vHIt1LK- Mr. I,urduu- -Iwfr1
Mn t,. kg. Newton. They have not. p1.u:ca
their younxe.t owe 111 school at WGNd.tnei 14101
Intend taking lint 4)14 a ouutrytri,l before re
turning house.
Mr. and Mr. Robert' Cochran. of Toronto,
A:,.wu:lce the ehga1elnenr ut their dun/clue:.
)01.....,•1 ,0 :e wart. -to Edwin ft E. (:arrow.
..1 H',.,.•. , •' teal spoof the duos'. Alt Ju.
1... l,arruw air. 4,.. Darrow, of Wrote.% fu,
...cr., of 440801ien. the inert -sage *111 War
LnAcu 4h iktoticr. -
Amwtg thu L.bur flay visitors in town We-
}:. A. Inert) Junustin. who had not ween u.
(,041e1100 for unser twenty year.. he 1- no.
tueeh401Ca1 ru..n*ger ut foie Marton
JIr. Johnston wa- areaUy'.urpftsed .144(1
p4.ased with rue £,rugs,. wade 4r. the 44,1w44
ethos be left 1t.
• C. Schmidt. who he. been clerk in the
Central drug store for the peat year. left on
Wednesday fur a sburt hoedsp, at his thine) at
Milvertoo. after which be will go W Welland.
where he haw a •opted a s4dttur pu.ltton• In a
drug store there. Cou. par. many 41-40d. in
town who wu1 Join to w(dhtng hist .success in
hi, new location
M14.n Constangqaa ieTonzel returned on Frl-
y after a delightful trip of one month down
t . 8t. Lawrence. After pasa+Ing through the
Th. sand islands. running the minds to
Mon . - 1 and taking In the sights .54 Old
she proceeded to leave &mire where
•ted ata with relatives In that charming
summer .rt. Oa the return trip she had the
opDportunit of seeing the extensive prcp*r:t
Done beltr e for the reception of the dig-
nitarlew of the *tholie church at the Kocher
Qeanith4Jd et 34 mareelu r e nle•rnt *era.
and ()vette,'
Elliott Business College
(rives its-rudrnts x gaining that
carries with ,t the•sttlllp of •'Snperio,-
ity." Write to -day for tante' Atalogu.•.
Etc., Etc.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155.
We are making a special showing this' season .;
man -tailored Suits at the•* popular price of Srj.c,'.
These shits are:made.. from stylish tweeds, liagwlal
serges, dr.Venetians and _come )n all the popular .and
fashionable shades. The coats are lined. with good -
quality mercerized sateens. The.canvasa_sewings-:illi
findings are of the•best. They are cut in several very
fashionable styles aged -are altogether by long -odds -the
best suits we- have ever beets able to show. at these
prices. A splendid assortment All ready now for ea11v .r
buyers. We will be glad to show them at any time.
Better Suits $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00-
30.00 Elegant Dress Fabrics and Costume Cloths
'I'hert is no better word to describe the
dress materials and suit.ings '.rc have just opened up.
Thev• are. extremely handsome ,and of the '• most
have, btit one suit or dress length of a pattern. :111
the- season's hest shadings and the new rough. •.n.l
diagonal weaves. Assortments are lar1. a enitugh I.
give you ample variety to select from, -
Dressmaking D partment Re -opens Monday
Miss Coutts will have returned front her vacation •
and be ready tb receive customers in ate dressmaking
department on the . morning -of Monday, ••September) l
Dome Fastener,
Dozen for 5c
1.:1:4-a, quality lk)ru•-
esters, sizer 11; 1 and :. (.
or whits. Special feu 514
14,11.' a'l.'zeh fir .
Big Doings in Little Things for Saturday.'
- • Here are some Very tempting prices for the each -day -wanted little thilip'
Every price is a, sayr'ing-and the quality of‘very article beyond question.,
3 Papers 5c Pins for Sc hooks and Eyes . 6
Two hundred pine in ea' h •
paper, asserted sizer: ,trent;.
!mints. (moral enough t1 sell
at 5c w rwtper•. For Sat- e
ur•d*y a papers for.,.
Safety Pins, 2 Cards
for Sc ;•
Five hundred cards Safety
Pin.. protected point•-, oar
dozen on a -card, three sizes '
assorted. Sold at :,(• every-
where. For this sale 5
2 cords for
10c Safety Pins 4c
(''nor hundred cards 4..',.t
quality nickel -plated Sal lv
Fins, font -mitts, solid -i,1•. tw
a card. sold at 1y and 10• n
rani. For this sale site- A c
cis) per carde}
Cards for 5c
Stands J spring Hooke
and Eyes. Nuck tar white.
extivl quality. Requiter It for
.w•. Fair this. male special 5e
d carts for •
Toilet Pins 2 Papers
for 5c '
' Bright or dull finish, Week
and white, escorted sizes in
a papier, standard 5cgdality.
For this pale 2 petters 5
Lace Pins 3 Cards for
1Oc ,
Proud --headed Lure P 1,..,
Whiff, block, hlun u, green.
Regulon• „er a rirrli',.r
this Pale a elinin 1Oc
Sc hair Pins 2 Boxes Shoe Laces '1
for -
for 5c'
Thirty six inches long.
1 ole. _ su•ra•*s 1QD$tet r-uwIgegx-ellr
Pins, NI pins i0 p tax, as put up in Bundle* nfone
witted sizes and kinds. AI.J. 1
1810 packages invisible Heir
Pine, 100 pins in rash paper.
Regular 3c. Special for 5e
this male, 2 boxes for
7 \ -
2 Unparalleled Lace Bargains
S0c Allovers for 2.lc - 6c to I5c Laces for 3cwith the rush
Even though it maybe a little late in the season, these Laces should go
they are the best lace
bargains that ever went over our counters. just in this week. Fresh out i
of the boxes. Bought in England at a fraction of their real value. De- .�
cidcdly worth buying now even it ydu put them away until next season.
doze0, ut�per bundle. 1C
A (Inc, quality, full 45 -
inches, for lady's wear. Spe-
cial. 4'Worth' a hundlf, 514
at pet- bundle
Pearl Buttons 3 Dozen
for 2Sc
'three hundred dozen
Pearl! 13uttnne. elle clear
pearil rerot red r11ea. awn
and four hole. ' Worth 1:,
per dozen. Special a 25c
' diizen for
Two or four -hole, 4sta ted
sites, clear, white weal. An •
Sc button if sold in the reg.!.
ler way.
special • 25c
dozen for.
-Tape, 3 Rolls for 1.014
Eitglish white tape, int
up in rolls, amsorted size..
eiel for pale rolls 10e-,
for t.
4 Cards Mending
Wool 5c •
ExtrA quality Wool Mend•
lull elm, soft finish.
black and color*. Spe-
hallo black Wool Mending.
readier 5c per hnll. 81w -
belle for
The Lace at 3c Allover Lace 21c
Writhed* and blindest& of yard, rotten. 1 •
and Parl, shades. Suitable for triniming
underwear. ledirs' and eltildrens' dreamer.
2 tn incite, wide. Dozens -of patterns to
select from. Reguiler values ac to 15c. All ,
at one price Seturday morning trod
1 that price per yen! only
Tbeee allover,' come in white or eerti
'bedew 1 hey are IS inchem wide, designs
that are imitable for tritntningm or waists.
Regular valet. is easily .511e. The lot to
sell eonamenring settictlay at Pel 21c