HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-8, Page 6111 'Tu'"'. 1EMgyftaf A, 1010 •
III. -How the R. f. D. Tele-
phone -Trolley and
Roads Are Moderniz-
1tRt i p g
fpr the Farm.
0. V. GlFGe1Y1N
topeyrl.rht, 1910, by Arn.rlcan Press Asao-
telephone linty 4fe eonDected with the THE MARKETS.
1 e. ntrsl ewitcnboard 1n town. au that I
a toll call will gt't any One lu the coon•.•} WinniAes OMtnna.
11 or in the state. Market and welftb. ,' Wheat- (k teb.r $1.,13'., Deco/riser ref%
er rv•f'nrrs, are\ gent out Over the. rural Oata--ta•tuber S7rac, D..fiI1t14•r .".7',,, Mr;
lines at certain hours each day If the Iasi,..
market is especially good the ffhaser Toronto Grain Mar4.t
can call up the local buyer and coo.
trees his hogs et Once. or If he prefers A% brat. gown', 4•x,.44/ u 93
( he can call up the railway freight ot• 1. e`
1.r and arrange to have a stock car parts. bus h. I w ss
ready for him the neat morning. 111 lee.aa. buah.l e
I ea14 141004
totalnnro :a 0 4t
attlee tbe
prreHce et rorn..,n ',grey 110 ab
changing work" at tnraahing tjme 1a t ;r rt,nrar Ixtrs. ln. e et
still followed. This used to ner,'tlttitate { Sul t
1 u,I.'' slurs hdr a _O
a day's work uottfytng tbe neighbera. it sheer, iJ•twua•r Ib. roll0
-17tnd-thew frequently 1t all bad to beLuttcr, ,creamery a.aell •.•0"4
-F`ees vew i 0 3)
0 lL
TIll: farm It uthe
r the s
tare d, 101x•17 place place that it used
to be or ,.teat ,,any people
spew to think it lasyeL Farm -
lag under .modern conditions la a busi-
neas and In most canes'is coming to
be run 111 n tee:mess waj. The first
step-in the mod•-rnizing of the•fatw
came with the Introduction of the ro-
ral free delivery to 1897. Put in at first
as a kart of experiment, a (ouctwRiun
to the insistent demauds of the na-
tional -grange and other farmers' or-
genlaatl•,iIs, it spread rapidly and soon
bo ams indi?p'naable. 1t was a potent
tactor to waking up the formers. One
of the first and greatest results was
that the daily {.aper for the tarns waft
mode a poesibitity.
Before the advent
delivery the farmer
Ofa rural free
whin kept within
TMS TY.LIlrnu1XR WAR tutting
WNIQ.1W *,•
a week of the markets was do
As it result he usually wail sgcd to
o sell.
at hie
strike al, the slumps in the
when be had stock or grain
,With a market papier dolly
gate each morning he could
prices of farm produce close) and
take advantage of a rising ar►et
This one factor alone hag paid thio cost
OL (be rural tree delivery many {\times
The market reports were n
only part of the paper that
the farmer. Ile uo longer got his
a week old, .but bad it served n
most as hot as 1f be bad Iliad in t
This daily contact with the things
were happening in the world b
saki him up, rubbed'off the duet
gave him a slew interest In life.
The' shiftless farmer who went
town two or three times a week. on
'pretense of "getting the mall." only
waste half a day or w. earn Ume a
mnybn come home "boozed up" 1n tb
bargain, Was deprived of his cz
and fell luto the habit.ot spending b
extra thee fixing .up about tilt! -,place.
The farmer wbo had been enteerlerts-
fag before became more enterprising
and had more time to put his ides*
Into practice.
Along with file E. F. D. came better
roads, and wbee' the farmer did go to
town he could make the trip In mord
lean time then he did before. ilia del-
l; papers find magazines made him as
web Informed as any of the business
men of tee town. The days of the
"hayseed" were numbered.
Alongwith the IL l•', I). came a
great Increase in the eircuiatiou of
the ngricuitural papers. The old type
of papers edited by men wbo bad seen
little of farming except ftotn a ear
window came to an end about this
titin, ,rod their places were taken by
done over again ou account of a break -
dawn to the machine or bad weather. 1, •, 1r4(.0%1
Now the notifying Is all dove in a few '' ' > • "'°b11, dowel
tnonte'nte by pinata).
esu Many weenie:d s prompt tele-
pboie• call has brought the nearest'
d,0•tor to the bedside of a sick child
M110 wtutd slut have lived Until a trip
could be made to town for tbe doctor...
This Is one of the reasons that a tele•
pboue is seldom taken oat after it bus
mice been put in. In a hundred, minor
ways the telephone has beeome'necew.
'airy to the farm folk. Ofteo'afl4r the
farmer has left fur town his wvife'will
think of something mile wants biro to
get All she bas to do is to call up the
store where he dries his trading and
leave a message for him- when the
youug folk, want to give a party the
teteptlutu,-will quickly bring in every
one In the neighborhood. A stray
horse le soon Ioenteo3 and hrougbt back
hums lu weather too had for the mail
carrier to get throngh Important let-
ters can be received over the tele-
(me,othtr step Is necessary to enable
the farmer to make the greatest use of
the Meal free delivery• and the tele•
{.hone. It is the parcels post Local
merchants have objected to n parcels
pew on the ground that It would favor
rhe mall order ileums ret -their expense.
This ran be overcome by giving a low-
er rate to packages that go over a rural
route only. A Wu•eels post of this kind
11110 been recommended by -the post-
uinster genernl. Ile figures that It
would prove profitable for thegovern-
ment. turning the poste' deficit into a
surplus. With a cheap percent post In
operation on tile" free rural delivery
routes the connection of tbe farmer
with the town will -he complete. Fie
cal order parcels 'from town and have
them delivered at Ida door a few boars
Inter. Things which lie cannot get in
his local town he can procure from a
'mall order hoose In two or three days.
-The• fnriners are nutted to demanding
this eonvenlenre, end it Is bound to
eome before long.
The final step in the emancipation
of the fernier wns taken when the trol-
ley line and the automobile came Into
general use. The trolley has rnektnt
1a children. It
better schooling for h
has brought theaters. lectures and bet-
ter churches within reach of the farm-
er's family. hest of ell. the enm{etl-
tion with the cities has hrougbt about
a much needed awakening of the corn -
papers ..opted by mean who had grown
up nu Ih, ..oil and who had never got
very far »wily from IL These pa-
pers taught the farmers the value of
Metter methods. 7'hey taught what
these methods were find Trow ' they
•Pee.nel-bee-sppfied. -Above all. they In-
spired the farmers to do the Lest they
knew how. 1., respect their cfVllig and
to put it on a heathens basis.
Atone with the It F. D. came the
telephone. Some of the first lines were
11111' nen• than -cheap instruments
corrlswtisi to n bathed wire fence. Trot
they served the purpose. Then follow-
ed linea pnt rep nn wlllbw lodes ant
fin.tliy Modern • licus..14 substantially
built :mel as efficient as money eor)d-
buy. An antnrnatic device to prevent
any tine listening except the parties
talking 1s In use in softie localities.
]�1nat communities prefer the party
line. however, Peril s,. Of its aortal
featnre.t. often after *miner Orr
stormy winter evening Some one Will
pat In n general call and furntall Solite
instrnmeutel motile for'the benefit nt
every ane on the line. Then some one
.Ine will sing a Song, Some one will
run aft a few mnek'al rectlyds on a
phonograph, and nn otherwise lonely
evening 1 will be peened pleasantly.
ImmMlnlely after dinner is generally
cascade/1 to be the "women folks"'
boar et the phone. They will stand
and shit often n dnvon of them at a
dine, anti the proverbial lonelltresa Of
farm life to entirely forgotten.
The principal nee of the totephooe 1s
fey hnutneSs. The modern farmer re -
/kit tuna Ids tsk b ne a* much an
tbe bubo' Ali Mast rt Se
Union Stock Yards.
TI IRttt' h ( Sept. b.,- Receipts' o'
live ,keel ,t: ibu inion Stock-Yardr
.were -1114 eet.,'lids consisting of 19k1
cattle. 16 lows, feh4 sheep and lambs
1S. coivek and 1- horn•-. .
Ksperterr .ea,; not.. 1...60 t.• P:Q, 20'
glee,/ heifo ... $.31 to %.le, 1,114, $4.a
W $1.r.1. -
'file been h•nrlr«re .,-:.tale= wore 711. b
rg ,eo 4'01higlwi, owing to many beet
.•rg of fattener* weuglttst teeing, ti010;1111 to
expert. prime pl.ke.1 leets of Lul,•hrr- 00.14
at (11 1.. fife_:. lue.ds Of g,gx1. $:•,t• 2.. 9. L'S44
hied . • Si..t: to f io, coml.., $4.3, t.
1 �,.w.. 22 to
Stookers and Feeders
Peg (setter, or Y..•kerw ,0 ..,1c. pr105
we '*' 1111 train.. -..o, 111.1 firth.
Milkers and• Springer.
• A ?hooted numb••, dol. wan offered. •l'i.
market (01 maker.. alol aprwgera sal
..r) strong air: ri 14., at 114) to it
Veal Calves.
Marb't a niradr. rAmiet. at 16:S0 a a
per ew•t. •
Sheep and Lambs.
tihwp nm .. k t was sarong. 1 we. •
Ilght weight. 14.14, to $4.r.. ewe* Iaeao7
14 to $4.41. rung, ei to are per cwt. 'ties
lamb market w:ae e:.«) at X..7f. to ill:."'' Per
.-wt., tri.1x11,••• prise .in1) (.me Rad fee
seie:tnt 114a. -
'there were sols 1. o.'I•n eft roto. Mot
,1.ak•r4 report pre.......: \:.d, at 91 for trs
1...1 :,nil sat... -ed, p.1 Iis.&i Lo drovers
ler hero-. feu. b titre. at. ' ounlry p,artls.
• Montreal Live Stock.
MONTHI':,tI.. geol. i.-(St•'s,al.)-At tn.
Meutrew rrtoek 1'.tr.4. we•2t 01141 nn.rIvet
receipts 1:1nt week wen.. :4F:. eat*,• fir:
ahocj, an.' L,nd.n, .IH. sena:. awl 71Jl ,ss *.
Th.• wont) stun morning iuuouneed 10.1::
...arta,. 1144 ahem Mali hunts, leo hogs ark
.!er • -risterte. a 1.•.411-. tag.. the •.nt,erat *011
plan, of '•alts,• (tat have conn. forwan
during the pant ten otayo. of shall ,
largo peree,stag.' are (roan the nnrthweat
the 14114• or tie• market has ran:tined re
rtrarkably at..uly, :till knee% show 1t•
Important rh.tnge as ..wn;«aeel w1tl. thaw
of, a reek ago which Int, la• attribute*
to the Ittrgm er0:nvtac ilk the deatntn.t fr n
kw•al boy' -r. on account of tbe mutt
hea.ier cotieumpttr... 'rh.re has ales Men
:t hatter Jeuougl (non /Woods hovers :1111
ne.Yral earl,nt.Ic were bought for atop
nwetlt to Quebec awl Ottawa, and a tee
email lob. were plek.aI ftp for .export ac
.•iwnt. • -(`hon- • !tis ra mad at Cc to war
inial at 6440 to Melte, fairly g,frl at• -:.c n
3411 falr at 4e-:. to two' and eonunof a
4,•. to 4*.- per 11.. Ther" were a goof
IIIar1Y .Yew• whteh brought from 347.• rt
fie tart. I1.., Ito u. ,paOlts Hulls for • an -
Ohm purpose.. wad at rt.:1 per .•wt. ,lwtnt
to Inerearied ro-.•ipte. hog prim% were Yr
per cwt. luw,•r. a...ronip red with a went
ago. The 'Mia tel -frown nuek.r. wag g0414
with 0U.0" of Sok ttol late at 95.X1. weigh•.
try schools and the cnlmtry ehurcbes. • •11 ..ff. 'ere :tont.• deslver- wore toad.
The trolleyisogreat convenience In "" '.g.i utr made kers week at $9.q
t.Y.M!'. w. -r.• .iffy n/l :N'„nlllA orf �nlg`ra
taking produee to market Moat of .sere. :.red the somewhat 'Muted dr
The .e
the cars will stop nt any farmhouse mesial,crop of Iambi; this year :•
or elosflroeda to lick u a coo of m15h larger tbwl a year ago '1'r:dl.
1 p w•t.a ..klw at 5%' to t;. per It. Hh en . Al
cream, a crate of chickens or n pee- rewioaa are limited, :tad eek* or I.I.:k1.
hone were made at 4c to 4t4,, and sulk
at 04. to no- per 111. Th• demand fol
�Y.•`•`+ei, eoottnuea *weed at trent $$ to $a
T01011 .
At the (`anacli:tn. Pacific Ave abort
market reecho*, last Week were 3411 ,at
tlr her .export uw-o,int. and IIs rattle. 141161
wheel. and bwrtlfe, Ptle large and , calves
ttffer4T520 this nlorntna ,'uiuli,rte.1 of ala
curtly, «4..tteep and pmts, 1:5, hose was
7011 (esteem.
Bast Buffalo Cattle "•--1-•,t.
NAST itePrA14', Sept. 6.-IUttf.-Itc
r.e•1pn.Y 4445 h.itd fairly settee, prime
• at -'r5.. 11.3 to $7,17,, butcher%. a. to W►.'*
loan. $3.J' to tra.1. ,Week rusher,. al.'R. -it
tN. ahlpptfg. XVI. at r: neoism, ilea
tr.; tti.:r.,. wr'C. , V, a.I%t, sR„e*ora (00
fe,1.•rs, 14If .Nt t. o.
Ven.30-31e4.404n 1391 thud. atllve' aat
rowdy. 16.5r to $1476.
IHrg44-Itn+ipl-- 41110 I10a41. acOV' and len
to ILr Matter. heavy. 211.16 to $111.31. 1,5(11(01
$1010 to $01.10: F orks:rm. $9.70 to f10.10,41:
tam. l,. :9.25. 1.0014%. $s.4e to 515.,5,
siert t.. $7.7. ,ba.rt•-.. r:, 'to flu.
)meso :0141 lamer,--It.1retp a lb.esn rood.
-ar-lfvr. w,•tbery ctiuty. .tber"•.. 5k pr S'(
brieer: Lando.. a. 10 wit., yrrarttnlei.. 56.3
111 *1.50; ...ether.. 84.77. U. 16. elm. 00.1, la
$4.4t,•aloe•p, 11.1x.»i, 2::0 to *CO.
senger. Troller lines are n great lac-
ao-for to hastening `the 'bark to tbe
land" movement .The farmer who
lives near a trolley line has no desire
to go to town becuttse he has all the
tOnrcnieoces of both town nod coun-
127. .
"Wherever ft trolley ilne putleture a
city the crowded popul ion spreads out
into Lilo country: at el -et the city pec-
ple mote Into the country only to have
a pleasanter piece to live while still
carrying otetheir business In the city:
Once in the country few of thele ever"
the'c1(anitl'. Most of them say
at they would not go back to tie
y *olive under any cossideratlon.
'tint the trolley linea nre doing for
more thickly settled dlstrlcte, good
automobiles and driving horses
doing for those communities which
are toot yet densely enough populated
support n trolley line. The good
rmd movement started with the ad -
TllOt't.RT 0115150 /..1:V.11/12.1.11110 T116 "SAAR
TO 1)40 LANlo" laOVOMahT. •
Not a Drop of Alcohol
What is a "tonic"? A medicine that increases the strength
or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"?
A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to
healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"?
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from
alcohol. Ask your own doctor all about it. Never take a
medicine doctors cannot endorse. 7.7`�e�Zon,e11 _Ott
Without daily action of the bowels poisonous products must be absorbed. Then you have
impure blood, Mhousnas, headache. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills for constipation.
III,/,,...,. aw•.w•..•. ,...,......,\.y\
is the most
you can buy.
will mike a cup
fragrant, nutritious
flavor that is characteristic of Cowan's.
W etonomieai that
Half a taspoonful
of cocoa - rich,
-with the delicious
.Nevi York Live Stock.
NI.TW V( itis:. Snot. 6.-tin•v11►-- tta.eaplr
41700. ewers stow. general sake 161 to sic
lower: ' cant nomad. nt..r•%, 24.50 to $71
ls.lisa, an to :l.'.{.' 140w41. 39431 to KZ,
dnwwd hod.' Stedty. at 04- to LIW. Lle-
,rr-p,w.l ato1 11,1141071 rattly' mark M.. itt1-
chr.ng,.1. imports Mile. esaytg9- 1t.r•et41t1
42.11 venie steady ; - leutrtrmincee. r.- lower'
western steady. 11; buttermilks owl grnw-
..t� urhadd. Ve.tl0, 13 t.. 111. ,11111 aw
thrnwouta F1J0 to 1.50; gnawer.:.h,t hut-
to,nIke. a1 1.. $...:Ar, w%M5rlf,. 6.2. no 5a,
.lrevew•1 e0lvea steady, city dreo•.•d 00010,
10w1- .: tie--eciatary'-archwed'_lite.
• downed gra. 'T'! Mal hlttt,•rtltllks. M tt
11 -,s•. 45..-;' awl lam tit.- .•Ips' 11,714
rto.•p many i..tl'.: 4r.• to re* lows; l.•'v'
..r -s: crus u00010.:4.:cp. 12.75 to 54:4. 111445,
52:14' t. 1101 lambs. 1.; to t7.3'' one car,
; ;27%. 0100', 'a. 111.0,-ItiVe14,u 404.
Market 425,1., at P.IO, to 210.
Dr. Gordon C. Hewitt, Dominion En.'
tomologist says, referring to the inlantiie death rate
from intestinal diseases and diarthma spread by the -house
fly, he believes that the so -caned harmless fly is yearly caus-
the•death ,of thousands of infants, as well as spreading
thegerms of typhoid fever.
are the only thing that will rid your house of _hese dangerous
vent of the 11. F. rl, 'While country
roads In many place* are far from lie
ing ideal an cet. still the length of
tittle when they are not fnirly pnssable
teas been reduced toe ruinimutf Most
of the main mode nre web graded, and
ninny etery fnrmer has a road dray
with wbtrh to i es'r'the reed adpng bW
fares %hooch. 'Graveled mads Are toe-„
coming common. and maead,tnlsei
and oiled rands nre tieing extended
Into the r'1155(r7.
All these mndetn improvements have
added notch to the profits nt farming.
They hare added more to its plenntlroa.
They have given to the farmer the ad-
vantages of the city withowt taking
away any M the advantages of lbs
farm. They here made the faro the
Meat place to Iles.
1Oc a package
At all grocers
If shoes dicier at
any particular point
it is in keepi-ng their
;Tia ep .
Shape - retaining
t{utility depends up-
on "good lasting, or
the way the -leather
is - stretched down
around the List, and
time7,-given :for the
shape to become
/nvictus Shoes
are ':never rushed at
any stage, and prove
themselves by re-
taining shape until
worn out.
Miner East Street a ,.1 ',I.,.'se• (4iii€1t -1!
Amateur Photo Supplies
Wc.' arry ever.'thisg, in Photo NuF.I.lies-h5bu«. F III,
Packs, Plates, Developers, Tuning and Fixing Puwd• ,
Also a nice line of,
-the best in the world. Once tried. rawer. treed. •1'i y 1't
and be convinced. -
J. Butland, Druggist
The Square, Ooderich.
The Kellogg factory is
as clean as your own
spotless kitchen. The
Kellogg way is a thor
ough way, from the first
motion to the last. Just
as dirt is intolerable in
your home, so it is at the
modern Kellogg works.
Besides this, Kellogg's
has nothing added for
appearance. Nothing is
spared to make Kel-
logg's the food of quality
and strength. Puts vim
in your body, and keeps
it there.
14The Sweetheart
of the Corn"
/flue- x• -1,4
Beck From Arctic.
ilrfsh 1 NI., .., t oj4. ft. Two polar
is :ten, tee walrus. six 'musk ox calves.
and ft great variety of birds are
among til:• living trophies brought
hack from the lar north by Harry
Whitney 'rite New Haven. Conn . and
I'nul J. Rainey of New York. the
Wealthy •part+then who arrived here
Sunday nig it after a summer's hunt-
p,p,g h.yntd Abe Arctic circlees.
Charged With the Crime.
\11x. Alta.. Sept Ft. --Th• rttgtteHtt to
inquire into, the (tenth of fleeter Mur
ray contractor. vete. Sea nppar.•ntly
kill.si by Clarke W4wids. it laborer,
here .n W,-.lneewlnv last. brought in e
verdict yesterday mormiespi achargingc
Wossic with the crime. The prelithin
5557 lNeanng of Woods will be held at
�tlotller netxl Rledtleelay morning.
' Mrs. Parley Buried. -V
(Kbtwa. Sept. a The funeral of
Mr- George 11 P.'riey. wile of the
ehtef Ceineel•vatrve whip, who died
-,nhienly in lenstiandkirk piaoe yea
to der. . R. L. 1 un the Opponitesan
1.•a1/Mr, fagots tap' ).
80011011 for
the funeral.- .r•
it's ail rig"::
l l i r 6ENP20N llapaihle (:o -cart , that's
r 1,t ft5 ,1 1,'!, to tire because it's built right here
in Canada. t' -11:4...t
reclining hack adjustable to four positions
Hood, body and dash of leatherette ---tubular steel
handles, nickel -plated ---a Gi)-cart made to endure.
A mighty handy cartfor you and comfy for baby.
Gendron Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
t .A sailor had just eh.twn a 1,aiy 0414:
l the ship. In thanking hail she 6a61
••1 0111 444 sorry tr. neitt.tty 1110 I,ilea tba
tjp-4 ate forbidden uu ys ' ship:
•• mr.'am, ' replied the -Our.
"01) were tipple* in the liatden. e1
Tom{Dy *who bits brought abut •t
into the drawing -robin, - Ont
Martha. kick this bucket Auut
Martha-.'"Wby on earth shi Id I de
that. Toiumy :''. 'Pommy . ' lb, loft
to phage pa. He said ue give ten
pounds any day to see y ' 1 10,5 the
bu :ket."'
Toronto - Ontario
Sold by most first -elms
dealers. Write to us if
your dealer doesn't
carry them.
Pupil -heli Anr, .-.. ),
f: 1•ables traders thr,u)tl, i', the
World to .1 ire•• '-
with English luau ut.trturete'and
dealers in each class of good..
Ike -ides being a complete „m•
'uncial guide to London 111111 li0
-uhurbs. the Directory contains
11t40 of export merchant• with
the goods they ihip.•and tbe
colonial and fereign marketsthey
supply': eteamehip lines mutte-
ed under the ports towhish they
sail. ab,l indieflting.Ule approa•
hate sailings: Provincial trade
notices et leading Manufacture
ere, Merchants, etc.. in the pen
clpal provincial towns and in-
duetrtal centres of the i'nited
A copy of the current ediil'
will be forwarded, freight
nn re.•eipt. Of postal or/ldc__100.
Dealers seekingstein les fait
advertise their to card. for
Xis or larger. adver
from £3.
The London Director; Co.
I imide/.
2s Abchulcb Lane, London. F..0
12.41 .• e
w'1•itt l"•
'muff• `
.14 i
hf b;wb
1 ,kyt.
,til D1i
at til
old a.'
aunt. '•
with •>'
-' An Or
h, l
11111 ,1
I1 h.
Pte -I
het 2
t 11.•11
I he 1
fir. :
tow• 1
'•1 iy,
1t.'' 411
,- ins
M r'.
tie g
Think of the most delicate --the mall drliciotte-tie
most unique delicacy you ever even h••prd for, and
ou'll end it in this wonderiul new creation':
Me('ervitick'l K1ite Finger+. The richest
sad mom deligh(Jully,fisvered (banana)
- the most artistic and fare Mating
design (elegantly a*5b .eleli). Noticing
smiler ever before pr.du.ed.
ftervrii with ler Cream or Fruit
they afford a rare treat heretofore
awkoped for. 28