HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-8, Page 3A THE "SIGNAL (t) ERIt'1I. QNTARio Tlll'KsuAY, Sk:rrKMttk:K R 19111 a ii1341'd i'"'AN &BST Price 25 ts. C IIhRJS IINIMENTC0.1 UNITED - MO H, t.S• TIIE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE I1EWARE U'ti' IMITA- t'IONH. ..0 i..l,t. u",l THE \IEKITrt ()b 1ilN RI)'S LINIMENI )OK'$INI)ING MAGAZINES, ,PERIODICALS and' LIBRARIES bound or repaired. 11 1.1-:'1-l'EILINO on LEATHER ROODS *1.:.- promptly atlrodr.f 10 on leaving .1 THE :SIUN AL. Godenrh. A. R. TAY L.OR. 5n K 1TF.lRI. UREIC FRED E. COOK. TEACHER OF Pismo playing. Theory. Hammer end ierpniut: 1'upils prepated for osamtse• of Toronto Conservatory of Muria. Apply ammo . Mu•le Store, Roderick. Monday., 3,00.1n rr4ldence of Mr. Alex. Marken 'tatuio 'tcert. liudenrh, et udio et V. M rooms. nrkr\4tatd:4.d Loan 1'o.'.. ulnae L -lire!. - I\11. ORGAN. 14IN(:IN0. BAH- Mos.Y" I-ot'NTItKPI lISir. Ell'. m H" Hunter,. F. T. '. M.1Tor.,. priocioal d•t.. k ' eine-ret . nt Mu -M: orlfanlat 4 ,•h..IM. it.'.deelsh • theanilner London er I of ory tit Mark. 81 vr.dul iw.peration ..• 111101.ti0Ue• Ta' n_y four ...woe.... ew.,.ry Is I.-ttlpselalc •htnY fur grwdu- 1..linli,maaon, .e piens and tank. 411. • , w ill r all at any eddre•ee- left at Thum CIVIL ENGINEERING ,t'IrHAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL. and Hydraulic Kngioeer, Ontario land ei Qr t. r ]Iel.rsn Mork. Uoderlear corner •real = ('vet. Telephone 137. MEDICAL t. W. F, ((ALI J►\\ . M. B. • d ••••nl• n.-.,, dor' 1 -•t liodrrie y oMl r. Telephone1 LEGAL L. KILLORAN, HARRI.rf11R. solicitor. notary. etc. Mowry to lead at est rates. ('lees -North 5'r -rt. liodericb It signal lMloss. Is eod ertb .datnrday Monday-. _ O. CAMERON. K. C.. BAARIO- T►:It. solicitor. notary public. U oew- btlt9t Street. Uodertch, hard dear teen ur' ikul'1►FOOT. HAYS k BLAIR tarn: er., .Bettors, notaries public pi.. . in the MarltOne /Attie, rte. Ot11re. podstd carr, nett door l'. A. Keen, + mror•ery. Prl 4 fund,•tolend at Icwr-t rate. of interest ,P t-UF(1UT. K. C. K. 1. HA YS. U. F 11. `HAI:LEMQARROW, L.L.B..BAR- klyTkH, attorney., a/elicitor, etc., (iitido- •h. Money to lend at lowest cal... O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER • -ali.'tror. comnua.lot'• . notary public Hamilton street. Uoderlcb Out.. INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. icK-LLOP MUTUAL FIRR IN - 1 e C H A N C iC PR. -Fars aril Iodated i.:.,ro:,eny insured. - °arvr• -J. R. Mclean, PhW.. Heeforth P.O : r l unnol: , Vie,- Prem.. ' OOderieh P. 0 Una. , na. L Nat., 8eo..Tree... I+raforth P. O. Iluertor. -\4 w. (-homey. h ; John tens..., Winthrop; George 1M1e, 1leafn112,: Ma liennewe•h. Brodhatten : James Keane, kechwond ; John Watt. Matlock ; Maloolp, IcBw ri, Hrueefleld. A/rt.t• .I. W. Ye., Holme -villa; FL Smith. hillock :.res. Cummings. - Kornio d. ills : It. twirl).sealer: th. Polley holder. eau pp 07 rover • stems .n1 n a, Chat/oar their he pear cards Cotte 'roar, Kinveto5 atraet Ooderlcb. 464)) i1'f') PRiVATE FUNDH TO loan. Apply to M. R. CAM- P:kn.. *1.rnster, Hamilton street Ilodetich. 'v. K. ROBERTSON, • INAI;RAxeg AGENT. "RP Irmo, xnls Britirb,Canfalaa and 5`• 1 9r-IgRAf/le MID 1.M1'ulraaa'I4011I , ' ITr : The Ocean Accident and Guarantee 'ortoiso- th4-401,r.aas'Txa11aion, Limited. of .on' London. Nog. U.8. 'Melo) and (ivaranteet'ompany. . Oflke a e.si.encs, northeast comer of Vic ".I!t 11 Lav1d's streets. Phone lit IORICW. CRAiGiE, LIFE, FiRE r.r and areldent insurance. Agent for leading -Iota; and «tort, companies. Insurance in all .r afire Ird on twee plans and at lowest now. add, t. since, corner West Street and egnaee w OIIim.ri W:R CAIUIE, Ut oerioh, On MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER E KKLLY ' OUDERiC'H, oT. t.st'Elt OF MARRi♦OK LiCENSES. 1 , LANE, IABUER OF MARRI- -104: uermaaa Oederteh. Ont. SHAVING PARLOR RE11FORD BLOCK BARBERSHOP- • --Thio well-known and popular stand bffer. Its patrons the best . servh'. in shaving IWirrlalt ne• eta, rte. Ll4dlee' shampooing a Time py nOnly skilled hands employed ,'t Rt/I:nItt11MICR. 1 will be appreciated. H. H. prietor. ,reWd of the S.i$trkt '1'ribrur, •The ' Wlna-"fTrtl '1x1111'. father"?Tt 1 • '' way• distil/guf-h la•twrrl1 yl a r e "N.., Louie Jeffrey. of Zurich. 1141 rota dwelling int bat village s,Mts. 1.111.1 Sirmon, for $9(e1. ' Mies Jessie McArthur, 11 mush es- teemed resident of Hensel!, is dead at the age of sixty years. 1 SThe voters lint tier the township of 'l'urkereIuilh was misted up het week told bas :04t41 number of 7115 voters township on Tiosent) August 'G•inl, was it native of I.ilnailiiskire, I':ultl•.1141, 41111 W1uI luirn there sevent y nice yea,. always. If either of tis' gels 111.. trouble he whaekr ii Loth 111 luakt 1.1111. ego, Ile loomed the ha1Lm•n,ekiu, - u•ade and in 111;,11 he wits Inas 1 ir.l to .\I ins ttebrrca MIIlit 11. 141' 1"•• (hCe04ed him fourteen year-. Th -s. 1 nailed fur Uau'ad,t shortly anti their t • She 'rhe 1111411 1 1114.1 y t,l•n 144. •11nll a little lower than tiro angels.' tie ..11diru1YuliyyltIi- 'Flri•s I .nn 0111 y k•irr., 14 htth. lower Chau liar .1 them !" 11rmot t,ct. Marriage and settled Ile Nees 114111 • 4urg. where the deceased worked at arena 1. w Pltmetn el"re Htenley tuwnsbip, died last week at then came to llru.mell. locality, Wtiete her hover in Hensel' at the ripe age of the drrr.wrd lived until the five of eighty-nine yr,u's• hie 'death. Ile is survived by it (wmily Willie. the lisle eonof Mr. stud Mot. of three sons and four daughters. H. A. Bell. of Clinton, fell from x Wedding fence the other day and fractured our g at SeafotW. of hie arum in two place., near the %V lding hells rang merrily in Se elbiow• . Miss Mabel Turner, of Rrli•eeeld, bah takentba'g. of the typewriting and (stenography department of the Walkerton Business. College. Mb.' commenced her duties lest week,' Timmer Henry, father' of Ci.odtaet..r Henry, of Winghaln, died tin Sunday evening. August 'lint. at his 04111 house in that fown. The remains were takers to Bright for interment. • Harry Sperry. who was with W. Pickard k Son, of seefortb, now of Calgary. for soaur,years, has at•crpti d the district agency (4,1. the county of Oxford for the London Life Intimancee Co. Two bonier. belonging to Wiu. Wheatley, neat' Chinon, were stand- ing in a Held the other day during an elects lexl storm. One of thele war et ruck by lightning. and killed {n- stantly. Janet 'Walker Barron dirt) et the home of her brother, W. J. BAN 011, McKillop townabip, 00 Tuesday, Aug- urs :11101. She watt tlity-five year. of age and lout heslen it, . poor health for some tittle. Dr. ('hieholtn, . M. 1'.ir h:as1, Huron, and Mr..' Chisholm announce' the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Mite Albs, to Dr. W. Biles CnIIi- snn.. of Lindsay. The wal•riage will take place during September. Frederick Howard, of Seaforth, di -d in Woodstock and the reamins-were brought to staforl h for interment tale weep. He was fifty-three years of age. and •be-stdrr bis aged titer lie leaves a sten to mourn his loom. , ' , Freeman, of Clinton. implied -his ninetieth . ,Ltrtlukay-_ tin_bunds iinda s . '1+th' ult. Hr has lost his sight and his hewing- is not good, but dais territory d ill remains clear. Mr. Freeman has been a resident of Clinton .ince 00.1. The town of %Vinghug' expecte to entertain Hon. It. L. Borden. Iralel of the Ilppaoeitirn party in the House of Comwonr, on Tuesday, September 11th. A t'lnmittee is busy at present arranging for meetings to he held on that day. A very sad event at Seafortb 1111 Turmday, August 39th, was the demise of Helena .1. -I►urkin. wits of Louie Devereux. The decreer(' war only thirty•flve years of age and was mar- ried to her betrayed Kurland about two years ago. Anson Wallace, of London, who wee struck by an auto/nohilwhile riding hit bicycle ou the streets of the Forest Lily three weeks ago. died a week, leer. He was well known in Clint it by the old residents, having lived t ere thirty yeare ago. Whit on &Visit to friends at Mont- rose, li y county. lest !week, Mts. 1)tev.i I E. Cameron. of 111 us4ele, was thin/ out of a buggy. She was ✓ endered a conscious (tom it wound in her head both bonen war.• broken in bar left le just above the ankle. t11RCHITECTURE Chas. How an 1s visiting; his old home in 1'1511 n. it is time years, since he left his ative town and the greater part o this time has lawn .pent in Mouth Africa. w which country be intend& to return shortly to look after his there. .lames Earl. of Us einem interee.ta roe township. who lost three catt)er` by what war said to be the poison route, suffered the Iosa of another roar last week. Mr. Earl 'reckoned the `beast to he worth about $75. Tbe stolpach of the nniural bas been sent to To analyzed. A quiet wedding was solelr)nized at tbe horse of Mrs. John Omahas. Kin- cardine, on Wednesday worn ng of last week, when Miss Alter (irgUes was united to Wm. i'rire, har•rieter, of Toronto. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. H. A. Wright, Duly immediate relish V1.1 of the contracting parties being present. ARTRURJ. BA J• BARCLAY, MEDAL 1-1FiT n0yal tgstltat- Rrltlsh Architect.. tehr - Palate House. (oderich. Plans, de tMM public tM1Aeatlena prepared for rehaden.es and halldingn. Orreltemlrnee in AUCTiONEERiNO THOMAS OUNDRY, LIVRAT(xlx and general anethwieer. (Here. on South 'whentrs"- where he will he (mind at all times *eery not oR i ng 00100. , lms rwaeeneaM5 and *•lime e/On saUsfaotloe. oto to be forth on '1tt.sday morning, Angus• 311Cb, Whet, Miss Lowe K.hor, annals,-, ter -of Mr.. 1Lo•guretr Keht.e. we- unifed in the holy M,ndsof matr•innwly • 10 ,1ohn W ikon - Mc W pliant.. 1•f nr• unit. The celeluoac w4.. pet formed. at•u n stuck in Mr. 'Janie.' church by. Rev. Father (:utrozen. Mrs. 'Frank Ikon eux played Mendelssuha'o_ wrd- dingruarcham the p}arty altered the church and Jahn McCenu and MIs Margaret McCann, of Toledo.. nrp•he•w' and niece of the bride, (wird the parts of groomsman and brdrrula,d respec- tively. • Winghatn Loses as Old Resident. After an illness of- eevetul month., Michael Walker. a, smell re.pect1I resident .•t W,uggham, flied un Sun- day. -August 2stb. l4. -wa. born -tit Ireland in Ilct;. end et the mgr ot nine- teen he wa0 uhitrd in marriage to hi. 1111W 1w•ref t poet net . Shortly atter- wards they emigrated' to (. ,,4du Residing in tarry township for it short time, they removed to Past Wawa - nosh it, IXit{. lse.idre lis widow Mr. Wtdker is survived by a family cif eight mons and one d40ght.r. about ten years ago Mr. and, Mrs. SSalker retired trout teeming and lrinuved, Wingbitm. They celebrated their golden wedding on .fitly nth, lien, on, which ocea- oIi ell their family were present, •tawal/les 1billy three errand. "hildren andone great-granolghild. Mr. Cowie- '•\\'ill coy ir;i 4o1u, at hat I Will e,1:1t1 .. ry.rlling. ouuny. hat yout9nluiP like 115 Alms brit, 11 you count unexpected 't. The Hretf tetur in a 1.ef411 life is niwdlenee to the laws nt mit-Mt and sof find. The w11rld has n.. place in 1t tole . *lawless nun. %Vbut we, all liberty iii rea'ly a form of tthrd;eno.r u. law. SOCIETY WOMEN'S HAIR. A Simple Treatment that Will Make it Truly Fascinating -E. R. Wigle • Guarantees It. .Nowaddys every up.t41-dote Woman I hem rat tent hart. • Whitt 4 fo.•liah vselthur a wrte:U1 would Ire if slyy to the, opp ortunit y to odd to henalle'aetions. Veit in Canada today there are hundt'etle of thousatd ot women with harsh. faded, cher'acterlems heir wh,. do nut make any attempt to improve it. In i'aris newt women bake. Iw•auti ful hair.. ag'd in Canada all 'wouleu who tier i'arisinn Mage have hit/iron/- and i t,on-attd luxuriant hair. And any WOWan ('elude/ of 1br Sig- nal can have atu•a,tive and lu4.tmrh hair in a few day. time by using thi- great hair rrjnvenat ir, Parisian Sage. E. It. \Vigil sells a large 'bottle f.•1 510centmand he guarantees it to len i'h dandruff. step' falling hjtir and itching scalp in two .werke 1r 114(,1)141 bark. Parisian Sege in an ideal hair tonic. not sticky "r greasy. • CENSUS CF MORTALITY, DISABIL- ,.- 4TY AND COMPENSATION. • The date of the next, Crnsue fur reality, doetbility and rnlupenwt- tion is Ist June nt next year, which 1• the salur 110 the date for populating'. It is a'tecord for oar Veal, slid goer the infurolatiou tug'cerniug all per - e ons to whom the schedule :elates for the'year counting to the hour of raid- , night of 31st May. hill. •'e Nonni description of every per son who has died in'the year. or out - feted disability by accident sir sick - netts and has receive) (wnsat' • therefor is required in the schedule, and for more td.V id.ntihca reterence ie made to his, family or household in the first schedule. The name sod pax of reiih per.on. Arid whether single. married, wid- owed, divorced or legally .eparided. together with the month of birth, the year of birth, the age at last birthday" end the counts y or place of ' hip are required under personal deerrlption. Rim or her racial or- tribal origin. re- Iigion and plofessiotl. occupation or trade. will also he recorded under for general heading of personal dt•ecrip- tion, whether the reference it to pet. eons wbo have died -within the year oI Allan Reid, sun of William Reid.'- f ' pso'eoos who have been disabled Heaforth, met with a painful accident itbin the year by Occident or mirk- onw day last week. He fell from the n.iss• and to persons who have su41- tu4►a1I• t ' fi:G in ljyr station yard 0011e1. Ines of time and earnings and and, ii is s fboliRht, strum 'lt3s`>fi:dii"fe- A141" -M-1.11-.1=-1. against a rail. A doctor. upon exam- u( li 1.r time. - ining his head, found that the scalp Von c. the beading of mortality , had been torn away from the skull, ree0111.. will be entered showing t he For Sole exposing the bone. 'It was necessary death in the ,tenet. year,by to put - several stitches theor 1•.411514 of death as de - wound. y the Bertillon Des .11ellit f death 'f 't ed -. Welt. 111 It wmtherwtltean' the- i oe4- r;l on•dinary thing in nota are :+ Be. ('.1101 she goes frr.ly poi• tri puce, she ceu..rps the line, .he glee tet Iwd a wcehei woman- Aid Kat+ ..p fine linen. -wee), wa. the lmsrto at achoot this iiftereenil.'rutunly`?" risked the fund parent. ••Had a readinit on the De- strue.s' of ' Tyree," re.p'wnlyd then yn,lok-'sr. •H1u, Aliso file arwi= deter, I Kindly 01,1 (lent-"t%'rll, Inv tilde 11111,1. wh,.t wn,dd you like to be when 4'1111 jpnw IIp l+ Littl-'l 11 "1'd like 10 be tenter e1,1 ;tent l-nlan like • you. with nothin- to do but Welk AromoJ and ask imps. "Vow u...,l to ray tbar boy' of your.. wouldn't ttn.lmint to anything; bt'caut1 111 Wits' a poet.': "1 w.i Ihllstaken. 110 .,.:skew .11 1104- .living 1;ruing up nam.-- Im• fancy drinks ..t .tales (0111,- lain•.''-\t'i,shiu•gtoniter. • 1'11" v1,+tress-Bi idgrl ..1 t oh- ie^t to yo/o• having n new Is•an evert( nitiill. 'The Cook Thin hi,v loather .,.•.I ! :1111«111-'ni%et' "1n11r .. L'.. in w'a11rr he'. race:led whit 1 have t' .erve lulu! -Cleveland !wade/. • Nervous Prostration For Three Years "Dr. Mlle Restorative Nety- ine cured me of a period of j nervous prostration of over three 4 years duration, and the Anti- '1 Pain Pills are as necessary tQ u$ as the ' roq ot onr 7tonse. They have been household rem- edies with us for many years." ' WM. J. LOUGHRAN, 1214 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Penna. 1. Much sickness is•due to nerv- ous trouble% headache. diz- ziness, epilepsy and insanity are nervous troubles. Then there is a' large -class of .disorders which arise from a weakness of ' the. nerves of an organ or part, ;s -weak lungs. heart, stomach, kidney. bladder,. eyes, . -etc. • Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous • disorders. Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerve~, and assists the nerve cells to gener- ate nerve force. Price *1.00 at your druggist. He should •upplY you. 11 he hoes not, send price M ue. we forward prepaid. DR. MILEll MEDICAL CO., Toronto, e 11 crueler at'5 f•y.•t'Ii• get ttw, see .1e t- ' able tiarn,joy. life. 1 Two Minute Talks About ANDOkA 1IANGE for Coal or Wood month the di scribed b titre. the plac away from tuldt•e4N of th Di.ahi)I $t -a► to t4•ridelnt id' these heeds re+l the nature of lo by accident in the ea•, cause. of the accident, weeks of dieahllity due to sickness or accident. nd bent of salary. or °User earnings• cs, F by sickness Or aefe'ident. • Allowance or compen tion made ttt employees is recorded 'oder three heads : 1. The volmntery allowance whieh may be made to en 'oyer by employer for lost. time thio qh sick- ness or accident daring the ear. 2. 1'ompensetion in the year y em- ployer milder stator, for ;11 lives if life by accident,'and (21 for in hjr aer- ridee t. which. im required .. 111.• Provinces of the 1Jomininu. 3. ( o- nsation by insurance fol. (I) Io++ ref iIe mod (2) for sickness or injury. \ The Comedian Flax Mille ('o., with mills at Clinton. Moorefield, Dresden. Wallacehurg and Alyinston, report that they have found nil tumble in securing laborers to harvest their fax during the past season. Indians from the reserves in tbe southern part of the Province have been available and have proved very efficient work- ers. The company estimates that it costs about $H per acre to pull tbeir crop of flax. Clinton Waterworks System. Tbe Clinton waterworks system wan inspected last week by Willis Chip- man. of Toronto, and he is repwirted to have been well satisfied with the' plant in general. One hundred and twenty-five ratepayers have had water connections rnetelled in Limit• houses( and over twenty-fhte applica- tions more beve been received. Fire in Wingham Bakeshop. A Are In M. Beckwith's hakeshop in Winpiham the other day was the cause of some excitement. The grates of the even furnacelbroke and allowed the fire 10 fall and roll out over the floors: The fire Soon spread and it re' quire(' the assistance of the tire brim , Bade to extinguish it. A fnneiderahle amount. of flour and provisions was damaged by the smoke and water. Death of Robert Bell. Morns. The bite Robert. Bell. whoa• death in Nnrri r e, ea 1 1 Occurred ole, and the name awl attending physician. I c pensee inn relate sickness, and finder l • s will he tettered of N or IIIJUI y Caused' Curate let Sunday school) -,"Now, children, ' well close with hymn 6R9. 'Little drops of water.' Nnw, do pot a little more spirit into i1)" "Do you think that our Joe's inven- tions will work r asked Mee. come. "i hope so." answered her husband : "i know wall that Joe won't." "We're always careful about these rnntigunns diseases." said Mrs. Lap sling.When Johnny had got well f the measles we bon bt some cul took place at him home so g 4 rt THE .Pandora Range is for those who desire to make a permanent investment. The high quality of the materials -and the superior method of construction assure long life. The Body -of the Pandora is very heavy. The Rods and Bolts are on the outside where they cannot burn or rust out. Thee Expansion Rings cf the cooking section provide ample allowance for extreme expansion -and contraction and eliminate the possi- bility of the metal crac;:log. The Cooking ,Top is Burnished which toug;lens the surface of the 'metal and increases .its 'strength. WClar, 011 ;Cement is used between the' ;o:nts. Unlike cheap. ordinary cement. it will not dry out and. need replacing. Thi Nickelling will not tarnish and is many times more durable than the single coat ,of nickel ,on ordinary ranges. . - .The Semi -Steel Firo Box Linings , are twenty' per cent. heavier than cast or gray iron iinin s. Sulphur fumes. so destructive .to cast iron. cannot penetrate the. hard. smooth as glass surface of Semi -Steel. The Grates have 'Three Faces, which' alio ws.the wear to be distributed .on.. three. sides, -insuring triple durability. If you want a range, of guaranteed quality get the Pandora. It's buiitto_ give you lasting service. M'C1ary's Stands for Guaranteed Quality; Ioada&, Taranto,: Maritsa!, WtaniMl V1a 001411- SI. J.An. N.B.. Haaitlan, Calgary 73 Phone 56 D. MALAR CR Phone 56 First Showing of the New Fall Coats HE New Coats have a•ri4.1(- They :ire, unit 14.il,11141 the hest ran' we have tills 't e• p viten fr eustuutrt ...mil cordially invite a visit to • r Mantle reel oil'. Of many of our, higher- ppt•iced ('eats t tiers is only ooe of ea•'b style. F very g.tett4.-nt abawn Roto tit Lh.r'tEert to the Lest is 'confined solely to ourselree. Every garment will be found perfect in lit 41141 finish. The prices will be very moderate' 11.1 eii -t1 high -claim garments. • FAIRSEX GARMENTS' -1o. our department for children's ' and uu0seoi Cuatm will hr found the hest-as.orted stork ii, this part of the country. W1, will feature F..tir•sex filaments. ,which embody . the hest tlirit is made 111 11*idern s gal enema. • NEW FALL SUITING'S and COA1INOS We have passed into (stock our' fir t •dqliver y of stinting,. and Coatings for the eoiniffg-seaatH1. which iue:lud.e 11111 heneweet and must up-to-date materials. McCall's Patterns and Publications.: Atmn's Gloves. Perrin 's Gloves. • _L PsbpeMillar's Scotch Store'Phone 1turtin Jenour faints 7h BEST PAkINTS ON THE MARKET-' • e hers -ypp, res of all Clearing Sale in Ice:Boxes, Oil Stoves Hammocks. and Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, - (iet our prices on Pumps. EVERYTHING IN HARDWAR Fred Hunt's Cheap Hardware Store HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH 11 BUTLAND, Agent 111 1141 III ye 111111 n1•Iler or y.,411: The Howell Hardware Co.. Limited Severe attacks ot rheum a::;;:;i responsible for cases of organ1 ': trouble. At - any - rate It is foolail''tu "t grin and hear it.." Cir RHEUMATIC REMEDY would likely cure your case. it hag r!, ; beneficial in all fortis of .fled:im tic l.; -- muscular, infl.lnirnatory and trouty. A bi,; bottle costs onlyil.00. Ming you buy adds dm name 'kir'• rt,.. wi:i give yo': entire' satisfaction. Sold ata guaranteed by P. J. BUTLAND. S. E. HiCK, H.C. DUNLOP, E. R. WIGLE, GODERICH 22411 New Summer Suit ' Brise MATERIAL. LAVIT `TYLES r.• t[al DUNLOP r : rail) Wit J. BROPBEY & SON OODERIOH THECLEADIN(i Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to it all hours. night or day. isompumemmimmommi GEC. JOHNSTON EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Fi 1011m a and Under taklna wart•rton. syr.,.ide+.lour.• I:rster.cn Merit rill, At re-uleote, "t1 '.5'•:: I i .. • WESTERN' FAIR LONDON, CANADA Sept. 9th to - I7th. , 1910 $25,000.00 IN PRIZES AND. ATTRACTIONS OPEN TO Alai. 1. .The Great Lave Stock El;►Ibit'ku Speed Events , Dog Show Athletic Day Everyt•Day Cat Show ray MUSIC B$ THE gest HIGHLAPDEK$ AND yth FUSILIERS ATT %MTIONS • DON'T - FIREWORKS Bu ter Than Ever_ MISS 1Ti Each Night REDUCED RATES OVER ALL ROADS Visit London's Exhibition 1'. ire 1.1.ts. En: ry Forms• end all Information from W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary Y 3:7114:.