HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-1, Page 8• a TIliolsto v. SPI.TRIISFR 4,11”" . THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE flAV) INST.AI.1 FI) IN THEIR VAULT A NEST OF SAFETY DEPOSIT BO IF YOU HAV IF ANY TITLE DEEDS. MORTBAGES. INSURANCE POLICIES, OR OTHER VALUABLES THRY SHOULD HE. LODGED IN ONE OF THESE BOXES FOR FURTHER VSFORMATI9111 APPLY TO R N. WILLIAMS, !tlatetger Goderieh Branch it I'm/Haven't a Friend Buy a Kodak 114 11t. go oil your if14ne41.4014 without a Kodak. The No. H. P. (. $17.50 V&1) midUable. We carry' lifl other styles. All inst. itetems fos•. Send ns y • lilies 1.•4/4•V11.,1' anti print. SAI. LOWS Cmiier Montreal Stu,t aui 'sola -e iiewhemsesissosssesesssestesews."."oswtos ,44014.9%.,%/s/%49•40%.""..W.".., Quality Store Coffee The butle of our special blend of altfee it:taste/Wily increasing. This ie one of the best :Weer- isemente have. Try ti wimple pound and he satisfied Per 'found 40c Tea If yam are particular aimed. your Tea, tve can please yon. Om Mende are selected because of their strength and Bator and give entirt• xfitisfaction. Old Canadian White Cheese We are rutting stone 1,44114.0i.i11) fine (lieese at present.. :',.t pound ....... .......... 1 8c A full assortment of home - fir ownFruits and Vegetablem for- ' satnedey. Your telephdne isrdela care ,illy and promptly filled.. Choice Better and Fresh Eggs ti. R. LONG -- 'PHONE 41 New School Books recently euthorized by the Edo cation*/ ,Depai•tinent of the On-- terio-Go-vet Namur, Pricer greatly reduved. .untarne P a. Arithmetic- . Inc Grammar .4 10c Composst,on 15c Speller h5c. History ol Canada H, .. f England 15. mipt.ene .20c Book Keep ng Geography , .65c Blank Crewing Book. NO. _ • • Sc. Cops Book. Firs N.M. bers each .. 2c Readers same as last term. All books sold at. publiehere'" priers, and note specially out pricee are strictly eagle A full stock of Collegiate In- stitute 41111 Sopa rift e techool Text Hooka. • Headquarters. for Scribblers. Eire' ei.t. 1,/k14, Leatl -fake. Faviser1,.1•;le. ' Tbe greatest v Mut. fel- your Money in this section- of the. country. The Colonial Book Store GEORGE PORTER, Prop. PHONE 100. Goderich Peaches Plums Pears Apples are now coming in -not freely and orders should be placed early. The better Var- ieties of Plums are very scarce- and Duchess Apples will he off the market iti about another week. The prices are not high for any of the above fruits when the scarcity of the crop is coneidelsel. Labor Day Monday Kindly place ordei for your gr. eery and provision needs early Saturday. We want to give our cugtomers (he very hest **tyke possible. EVERYTHING FRESH AND GOOD Jno. W. Yanatter Opera House Block • isi.• !It) Kingston Street • 4 September Weddings NOW IS THE TIME Silverware as gifts WO have ill nut stock a mope eomplet.• and up -to -dime line of Tea Sete, Netad SPT Veil., 144 14 Dishes and nionerous other ehoice stiffs ROGERS Ole PLATEWARg We hay •• test received e roniplete line of K hive- and For ks, s(W)n1, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Pie Knives end Sugar Shelli in the latest design... CLOCKS AS WEDDING GIFTS The idea of a eltwk is naturally astioriated with the inner life I In. bootie, Thera is P thing intimate or familiar about it which ineker41 a imitable medium for expressing the warmth of your if fection to the In ide and groom. Our stock is Ito varied that you may he fully satisfied in your selection. Walter H. Harrison metier and Optician On the Square 1 PIA" • 401:NAL: (;ODERINI ONTARIO. - CHURCH NOTES. 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS . I • Tho PreshvterY (O.:Hurt-us will meet at Brueetield nt,Tile*IdaY.. . Rev. tieurge E. Rose. B. 11., of Char- lottetown, P. F. 1..' will ocein.y. the pulpit of Kum; church twat Sunday. The pastor, Rev. C. R. Joule., will gaseouse hill work next Sunday at the Rambo church se. vacee. -The 1,...u's 444.81 . ' 4.. of the wonting, rvice. Foe the iwiletlt of illoNV frietivin in this district. the following posts! 0 1- dreeees are published: Miss Auntie) Swami, Litva .lo Ciakko, sifizentam Japan : Miss Sybil Caortict., %w800, Japan. Mail must leave here a week le•fore steamer mania from Varmoriv7. Next etetemor leave,* . V. anceovir ott September 2'3. • Young Permhes Day and the •',IX home" which follows -it are becoming red-letter events in the mill tad history of Nort stnea Methodist chui.c.h. I hese are announeed for the t bird Sunday of September. the lith. and the. Mouday • next aLer. Arrange - menus are itulv being made.- Furthei• announcements will follow. ' Rev. F. L Ferewell. B. A.,tvatio•tiate general -te-retery of Sunday schools and young people's work'in the Nletb- (AM' Church of Canada, is to oscopy the ptilpit of North street '.Methodist 41111114A Ilex? Sunday. morning mid evening. Mr. Farewell Is n 'man selected from all i'anadian 3Iet h. idiom, lie is a. y oling man Tilipired- with a vision and his addresses next Sunday will touch the most vital and p,..!..t.- 1..1 interests of ehurets life'and ehtfreir. work. It is his first visit to thaleri.-h. An Epworth League institute (01'i the Leagues of No th ,ind- Victoria forret etitir(!hes of to n and the Hee, miller end Bethel ..hurehes will be held i41 NOrt4 street cbtireh tomorrow i Friday .. There will he- t vv. eessiona, iii the afternoon et 1:311 aud io the evening at 1i o'clock. The program for the afternoon includes a discuseloo of the Ruble. t, "Koine Henent lain of a., Succeeelful Prayer Meeting Service, introduced hy Mita Make. a talk on committee work. Oat...timed by A. M. Itobeettem. and .t -1:,,,iird Tanie Con- Terenee" led by Rev. C. 1.. Farewell: of T01'01114/. In the evening Rev. Dr. I /mitten will givo an address on "Evangelism." end Mr. Far'essell :deo will ,idresit the meeting. There will also beilitiIiriidarprotirrium. .-. PERSONAL MENTION 1.,r, • L, E 1/alicr, • .;:3ed from -his trip 10 the We.t. ' Mr.. McKim is v.i.i•.ing Miss MO MowiY. Toronto. the, les. Mack -tune. ct t "hiettgo. is home on vabation trtp. Mig. ramps Illoeli-tone is spending a fort- night in Toronto. , Mr ahrtMrs. H. J. 'Horton. of Steelton. are visiting friend. In tow:,. .'1i' 1.1,14!, •• from ilnk i.,; t.ro 0'10 1111,41 :41/141/!1,44. Mr, and Mr-. .11..Fartow return home :oday 41414.4 41 six week." to Cohourg and • Tor. onto. - Mr. and Mrs. Tho-. 1.... ,••••••ist I al Me.1.11141- 444. I.. Mrs. 4)! 4) N1 1. ,4141. Jersey. visited reletivet :Jowl) this ‘,.:etrk.....nd Mrs. C. J. Wolfe 4.4 4..0 children of New 1Viru4lain Thrift! t. Schafer left no ll'ed nesday for Goderich. where he low *vented • situation. 14. .4. Phelan left todny fee -White River after ..ktendtriff ten daywith kis t'arirdr us !triter] ma road. ' Mrs. John It. Illorrisot, and son, of London, have returned lionw atter misiting Mrs. J. A. 14umball. Miss Florence Graham ief: on Tuesday on her return to New I'm k after spending a /few week. at home. Mime Nellie Sullivan, ot Ritig.hridge. 'has been tM• guest of Mi.. Mary Yotsaa. the past two weeks. • W. l'rldham returned Tuesday night from a, trip to New York; Philadelphie and other Eastern cities. Miss Aleta Long: of London. who had been vlsitieg Mrs Sallow-, Smite street, returned home on Wednesday. . , Ct.' es while ).'I bier .1 le l'io it Cure. • Sold by E. R. The Canadian P vele.. will roil. two more farm laborer*. excursions to the !iforthwest, August It and September 6. Pare Side, swift, -- Wilson'. Head. ache Powders. Sold bv E. R. NVigle. n ? What's Om• niattei with the elettric light. eervice of this town 4 asked a mono'. the other' eveuing •-We pointed out that we believeat this town had one of the best plants; in Ontario. It WAS certainly it dark night and the street lights weir not' burning. We tried to explain that the almanac said It WAS a umoutight night. end that the commissioners did not allow theistreet lamps on even if the moon didn't put 1180 appearance as schiduled. We can't understand people wanting a. light on a moonlight night even 41the moon is not Miming. Of course Abe streets, ale a little dark and hard- to eavigate under the eirt•iimstauees, but visitors wbo are not acquainted with the town will have no difficulty in en- gaging guides.lion t think the com- mission art going. to break their rulee. If the alumnae- .aye it'e moonlight that goes, and anyone out that night will have to tame lirs ehaiices in the dark. Ninety-nine otit.of a hundred people who read the above will think it re- fine to the town sot Gesteriels. but_ it was published in a JCiucardine paper last week as a chuunent upon condi- tions. there. ' BACK AI OTTAWA. Hon. Wm. Pugsley• Talks of His Vied To Lake Ports. • seamos.e......atsesitemoseamoWeiesessesiaws• Masserliarris Agency A fall line of Mat•hinery Bind.•rs. "Mowe'rs. Rakes, Hav --Iniatherv.---Manstsee- --hipeeeeleta, C1'141411 separatoi•s. etc., (.ray and Foyeet, • Buggies. • - L- W e have also the Standard Wire Fenct: -CcimPany's G ood s • and the Brantford Wind Mills. Agency for the Mason & Risch Piano. Call and bee we before purchas- ing anything in uIy lines. Good Drivers and Work Horse.y for sole. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST GODERICH I - 1 Lest You Forget THIS is just a reminder to readers of The still in the. Furniture. business and that any person wishing to get the 'best there is 'in Furniture would; do well to come here and examine my stock 'before purchasing. Geo. Johnston Funeral Director and E balmet. tdey returned today after an alisence IIIIIIIIIIIIIII GOINES11111, IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIONININIRIND • Ottawe, Aug. :1 I.• -Hon. Willisan Pim- OII of several weeks spent ollyte,.. _t_:_,,iimsh.g.rehiatti lake* and Cvvaie anadian rways. in- specting the shipping facilities of 4he Vari011ti ports. Since.j visited and carefully inspected twenty ports in Western Ontario. having tra- velled 1,300 wiles to do sit. His travel- ling was done in the Government steamer Speredy. This was -Hon.'..Dr. Pugsley's firs; visit to this part of Canada, and he Nustes that he was most favorably im- pressed with the enterprise and an-,bi- Hon of the Tarirms-ttyer-titt; and -A -be -4 plans 'hey are making to share in the -carrying busineas. 'of Canada. ,, • • - ----- Fresh BO -HA ,•i spices iint received izts•:0.R.. 'Wig.., oiccessOr to lame ‘ilns . .. , The Kincardine End. The Kincardine seporter of last week said : .The Ontai io West Shote Electric Railway Co. last week unload- ed about ten cars of steel rails at the Grand Trunk stet itai herr. The work was under the supervision of Mr. Peter MacEwan. Mr. 11 1 4. MacEwan was here and made arrangements with Mr. Tolnile to unload the rails on th.• salt block property. Each car bad. about thirty tons of rain/. which -will be teamed from her4 when track -laying • comineoces. The deeds are being Made out for the _land on which options • I were becured, and ;ust as soon au these are in shape Mr., Machwise will pay over the purchase money. The com- pany are preparing to fame the tight of way, which will he begun at once when one or two ocher matters of right of way are completed. Mr. M ac - Ewan made abet with ••Billy" Graham, of Pine River. that the•rails will he laid this fill. If the,' are not "Billy" will sport a new hat at the expense of the secret:oaf of the Nest Shore toad. Mayor Malcolm also promised to buy Mr. Moyes a box of good cigars if the road was into Kincardine thie veer. and if it is not Mr. Miles will buy Mr. :1141COMI box of cigars. Thing e are looking lip and SS 440110 as harvest is over no one need be idle who wants work on the railway. At least that's what, the officials say. Mrs. Percy Cornell and two child,".,, have re- turned to their h in Toronto after -Pending the summer in tostn Winghant Advance : • t fists P. Reynold. ie In Toronto this -week. preparatory to returning to Gotlerich for the falFsexson. 1'100011 NI' 21.'-47(4liert ha McRae. who is now Mt.' ing tit! 11(.14411y-4, is spending week ail), mw. -r,' 1, Miss. Josie M.44141 ,LO41 144.,returned 1 • (ml Friday .1f11.1 -.pending %seek with friends 144 4411111415.114111.41. 4tfld 114511.41. • E. J. Foley, tow student of fhisioode Hall; Tor -onto. hes been spenditor n few t ay. at the home of Geo. Rergitt. litlgIn avenue. Mies Nettie Cowan tett- this.- morning en a vlidt to Toronto and Hatiiitton. At the latter city she will be the Guest of Mrs. 1'. T. /Wt. Mr. and 31n.. J. tt". Firth left this ween for PetertioNi. where Mr. Firth takes a position on the atatt of the' l'eterboro ...'ollegiate insti Mite. Mn. P. N. 1...wonnt and denghter. of Winn} ' Peit. are vi44iC4ng r-. Lamont'. parents, Mr. and Mrs. tVm. Andrews. Maple Lane Farm, Hume - .. . '..7 Mr.. 11. W. 1iri.1 ...oil Mlle dee Mer. of 4,110,0,41yg„ • . - s 1 ., eid's old lionWhFre.-the . . . -. ••- -, 'It. Farrow. Mr.. Fred shepherd. with her little daugh ter . WIniiitred. ha. returned from Presto» after a two week- visit. to hit. stater, Mrs. Bender leftttstnis, - ----,--- • mr. aria Mrs. Tlitii.,•7 liaisatdr. ante daughter Vein,* have reliirtnlelOtheir home in London, atter spending a month with MN Enwards' parent,. and other relative., -. Mts. W. A. illetrkh left on Sat lirclity 114441. 144* Reabik.-. RI the-Isikes; for Port Arthm. twitiv,,....., where he Int 44 spending six or eight. weeks with her, sister.. K R. fs. trtgarv. Ki11,411111111. RE% 411)1)) . ...,4'. A. Meleotti.on, bar ri.tee. hits returned franc . 4./hArio,.., a 41o4.,• hr. n4.0. Liking treat meet 1 iatitsi. He . ;141:k,.,.,,,r,„.4iigi.,,3 i. able to 0140 1)41,4.0 his °4.1I Mr.. IL, W. Nfilelyen. of Portland..Gregon. formerly 311s. Lowe., l'olltu. who had beer, ...pendingtwo months with her parents Goderiehleft last week to meet her husband at. Peeve*. Colorado. John 0011114. at tr.' ft. 44111.. • Loin lVirirti peg. alld MN. -S;olleo left thi- eee•Miw to at tend the Toronto Exhibit loti. x4 l',1, :., titan they. were the guests of their r - • • xl . Jam, Marlyn, hisses .t-rrtt.- eitraon News Ina. ' \I - \ \ i.. i •.i. r ; .. . mid her mothl,r. MI , s, • .. .. • , . , ,-,0»,g Li ticeitirieli last. week. a I, » Mr.. ."...rter 4,11, 414141•1141114,144). ;ch.- exs able to return home, hoe ever, mid hi. now 4111104 rerove.red, Herr, 11111im.. who has been clerk in the Jas. Wilson drug aloreler the past four yeers, ler this morning he moo°. *here he will at lend the Goterto eichanl of Pharmacy during the coming team. Harry : mato frlends to i deserve. hi hi. chosen exilina. town *444 join In wishing hill. the .11ene••• he c W. Gomm. of 141,• Sherlinpr fhtrk. re tinned i hi, week frail hi- holiday.. and J. WI Jackson. who an, temporarily ruling as teller.' has been teso.ferred 10 44,.' l'oronto ofllre Mr Jack/ton had Nen entilier1011 with the Ooderieh oat, Inc ..eventl year. mill 41'.. 44a114'. dimpoel. . Noel T(41. him veig popular 'nth tars 1111Mmn. attic Bonk Ills Ooderirth friends ie.!, him the brat of good fortune. Wither Saunders 1. home from Northern no twin. where he has been engaged in ...it's) work on the Netlenal TelineoontidentAl ;twit . He brought with him very .iih.lant1.1 es blenes nI Ow Nonwhilities et the northern reentry, in t he .hap.- of some handsome large potatoes and a fnonder radish *bleb were grown there this tmnimer Waiter found Me 441, 44. the North pry agreeable. hot will not return of .,, he Intend* to take a 0041408 144. the cahoot of l•recticel Science, Toe oate. For Lake Huron Trade. The Exeter Times says: A matter deep interest ti. Mistersq wen and others all over Western Ontai io is contained in the anrsouncement made by the Hon. Mr. Pugsley at Port El- gin last week that the Government had under consideration the proposal gransidize a line of lake steamers to run *Meg the east shore of Lake Huron. ceiling at all points where there were harbors. It is not the idea to make this a permanent subsidy, hut to con- tinue it until such time as the growth of the coast trade world warrant aline being continued unaided. Nearly every year there is talk of a steamer line along this shore. which has *long turiengterermsmiseaset-euraaet lousiness towns. Moreo4 er. there 11440 some excellent harbors and a continually growing tourist trade. Starting from Sarnia there may ix- mentioned Port Frank, Grand Bend, Goderich. Kincardine. Port Elgin and Southamp- ton, all of which would be greatly bete entted by a stelatner line. All there plaitter are holiday resorts of Western Ontario as well as sources of trade. Plumbing HEATING ELECTRIC. WIRING ROOFING IMETAI- WORK Etc., Etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. A._ W. R. Pinder 'Phone 1:6. ISPECIAL OFFER THE SIGNAl.. from now to Janu= • ary 1st, 1912, to new .subscribers 111111111111111111111 $1.0 011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 !if First Showing of ew Fall Suits and Coats\ TheY will be all ready Saturda);. The ( most comprehensive assortment or stylish, man -tailored outer garments for women- we have laid before the ladies -of Goderich. The best styles of several of the leading Canadian and German mak- ers have a place on our racks. Garments that have a style and individuality that appeal to critical buyers. Of the best, no two alike. Well worth seeing even if you are not thinking of buying so early. MI ready now in our big upstair show- room where there is plenty of room to examine -in comfort. We will be pleased indeed to have you come and see them Saturday or any day you find it con- venient. Last Call for Wash Suits Six or seven 11t1 y, Utast). Tailored Wash Snits, inside from Rept) and Indian Hefei. Plain white. plain 1)11)4' kid stripes. ;N.. need to say what the. regular price.. were, but 4.' 40 can take any one of thee.. Stouislay ((It $245 The Sale of Saniple tlose The speciel 'stn. of 000 pairs travelltaa' sample easintiere Hose stiii•tetlan with a run Inet 544 04- (18)' and will motions for I one week. This is be- yond preet. the hest lot if King& Hose we ever offet•ed and it will pay you t.0 lay in it imp - ply for the coming Winter. ,Eery.pnir im sell- ing 84 (41' 11110:le le -Kuhn. price.. ..›..................-.. as,- ---,v.-a,- -----........ \sy I 1 Ready with New Millinery Nem Fall Milliner y is being opened up to ery day and We are ready for early Inisineife, The date of our forme! opening will he en- -., nouneed in a week or two, but in the 'Meantime if you waist a Fall Hat we ran ' show you the new Fall styles at any C •• .....--,--...........-4,-..-,......-„,„-„,„,,,,,-"......-.........4. .....___,. ,. 4.1 • / A Big Clearance of Lace at 2 Yards for Sc Saturday 'Horning will have rood y a tx 1.1. fill of 1...a4es arta I tosertiorite at (lir. I'I')' little prier of g wards for or. These are the last 4.1111" if lintel tirlif.n from inn. regular stock that sold filen tric to Inc per *'aril. We want 1.. kr a len, sweep and Si:third:ay mfearing pie gc them all on sale at one price. 2 yard. for These are days of great buying opportunities in White Cotton Underwe'ar Lott( of people arc buying their nest sum- • ''i. ironer e Underwear now. They. know • A that they ftri. saving money Allying at prices the host of the stock is going for s thee.- days. You can do it too if 7011 11(1 1114 (nit off Notting too 10,n0(. 84`e the special display of assorted garments at 1 33c, 59c, 79c, $1.29 and $1.59 1 \-. ...,i , ill find many and 111111113. A getillihn bargain at 1'8111 price. 1 k........-.04-..---........-. a • .e....-..... -...___...--e•-•"--- i....a... ._ 1,1 11 • ihe clan itstialiv" loing1 twisting for want -.1.n specie) ad 4...1 lifetime let 4441 EAft -;'-'1=11411011I AVEY 414,, YVAP 1.gefi 44 y • M. .4'' convenietrly a , . Oi.en a Stiving paid at highest time. W. L. 11011TO. NOT Ct. 004 al Change o menta mull be Monday noon .41 ,SSue o Sarn s. AI1:.urir(Knineepia j meet :ill Trai Particular at ,41s 1 'Ph,,,,t. Nn. 44,--440,--•• - 1 (I RIAS ,.' • ,f)rrat.it I.1 '4 ‘Vii 40 . and. expel-lent...4i resehines p - will he twig .1„ well yawl's r work -room-. 'Nod wage.. ' Li *Ill you tt: TILE S1'A1t Rnr LUMBER AH.kindg stock at th next to K Fectory, orders 4111 New B Shingles • hest on the "JAS. N Teams paid. Te rehalf wagons. Apply CAN UM LTD., Goderi TE HRA At TnOlur tkirOltP1, '14. 14* T() To We hay villages sof 'A1 High SAVI en del •