HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-9-1, Page 2----2-:- rii i it 41, , ' WIrrrts»rriett f-t4+►t--
THE' SIGN...tL: (,t)l i tileti `•'I CT.TtT__ _:__ .
tont:III ite.1 tali?...
}l.sft A 1. leltt?;rl\al Co. l.iuiitsd
Telephone ('aUiNo. 3 p.
Teem fes_ r+ tc :
• s aswe o n e
_... Lb, periaunuht•{n *draftee.
ap}Ieetlis, S.ae : ltlo, t t1ie, :tic,•
fn idled Slates iubier(bers, 11,50 a-re:41
441'1ct1y in arttn+rel.
MnpwrribersiwIo fall t0 receive TIM Sid% t+.
-eir,larly by' to .11 Will confer a favor by
;uaualr,g u•of the foot at as tarty a date it -
When R ebonite of n.fdrv,:I+levies 1 bath tine
- and the new address -hound be incl....
Aevertnma Rants:
1.,,S01.1 anti other similar adcertl•otucnt Vic
'• pet nue Cor nest insertion and le per lute fur
sash, sut ,e +ueut insertion. ' Measured by a
>Orq:,akllt•.t'.ale. twelve lines to an inch. •
)sn-ins.' Girth. of six• lines ane under, $ ,,er
Advertisement- of Lost.. Foi.nd, Strayed, Sit -
wit ion. Vacant, t3it.uation4 Wanted. house+fpr
!bale or to /tent. Farm. for `tale pr to !terata
., • Article. for Sale.. etc., nit, exceeding eight
line., 'tie each insertion :;{l for t,r.t month. Nrr.
• for each .utr+eQuent (hemp. Larger advettire•
meat, to protofftt.luti.
rur;.epnoemeni.. in orlinary reading type ten
re'- nor line. No notice Ir:. than 'SC. -
Any special notice. the of i••.•r of which Is the
t:•t•.utinry ta•nent of any irdi>ublal Or a.arn•i-
atlon, to b• crooqd (lewd an advertiwmeot td
---hecharged +ai•.cordinxly. - _. -.---- _--
arae: for display end poutran: advertise -
emirs will he given on application.
Addre•- ,R .•ornmtinir.,, lam 10
, If 1'"41.Xd 1. PRINTING I'V.• Limited
(ua,etch. Ont
--1- -- -
(i/111ERI('H. TAC)tunAY. :"l1 T. 1.1914.
dC e
the t •,
The muddle in1.
, tio nal
affairs of the Province, A condition for
whirb the Whitney Government is re-
sponsible. is the subject "f a afro ng
article ie The Mount P'gteat Confeier,
ate. Our contemporary t:nvs
Rif ,lain. WItitnev himself is
primarily and piprdonally respnnpihle
for this state of affairs. The autocrat
of the Administration appointed Mr.
Fyne es his Minister of Education• a
than who had little practical avid -aril -l-
ance with our aplchool syet 'm. Mt.
t'olquhou11. * journalist with no prac-
tical experience of educational *Mire,
was -made Ilepaty ?(Heister. Dr.
Beath, with ne practical knowledge of i
rural ronditiona. was made Superin-
tendent of PJducvtinn. The whimsi
and fsnriee of Sir James 1Vhitney in i t
,•durati'mnl affairs wen• given full
play and have failed at important,
point,. when l.eted,
"The abrupt abolition of the model
-rhowalro Wax the most glazing blander e
made by' the flepertment. If a half. t
or (sed a third. of the number had a
ubeen (continued and made more efft-
dent, extending the term toy a month a
••r eo and making the exxminatinne a
little more strict and 1'etwining for a e
time, at leant, the t'hird-elasn grade of t
teachers, the Province would have
been much tatter off educationally t
than it is et preia'nt. The wlpply of 1
teachers would tint have been so re.
f r)u:awe aL.wt the Ilud;..l; ,•t ..;tit :+-• the protective taut( will n')t he guided
million 1 o I l'.4 r. In ., Coo 4•J1011../it
stroog.iy,x It hl^h ua- I+.•itiq,cl,itir.vl.
The flail and I•:u.pit,• ha, atonal so
r.s f L• witk it; sloria•'- •4 what i-
Tewin_ dome al tltta%;t Ihat ite4idently
Ihitik;iutt'tking will-)(./-,l.,wn with it.
1t a
I br a
Ifi 1 when the luau cugncll
t.11'111..1t.11'111..1 lo4Aasessor Catuphrl) fur' >:uid
regarding' the. taxation reform
ptop, e,aI. A ti ,aneli.br. tla'nrafly
en (ugh. want. l,+ wake I4 ' work us
easy as,possil le- by taxing everything•
id eight. anti, 111ureo era he 4baso'1
cant to lie put to the trouble which a
change -rot the method of taxation
would involve,
The Montreal Witnee> i is eeletarating
the 9ifttet6 anniversary of its• •Tally
edition. 11.is to the credit ed Canada
that k p:yxir.of the ttta►up of The 1Vit•
ties. bias attained to 'such long lire in
this country. As am exponent of high
ptinciplea which %snarly do net eon].
mend touch financial support ---:and
tt nlse wsitape tint.+ }mite lWitnessoam
supe t if it .is to ....let --The Witness
ha- fottsld it - (( say to stebilit sr and
prnitpt•t'it c : anti- ha-. brew -+(m ..
atreiugth to the fer,'e.s of 4(0041. Lung
may The %Vitnte.. flourish
Sir Jame, %Vllitney, who is in Great
Britain. is repotted as having green
nIT this sapietit remark : "1 hope that
1 ion wrc'pg to ecpt•ensing t he fear
that the(,. :are people in Britain. whose
first ohje•ct is 41 Maintain free trade,
nEmpire."qt the Empire." it would have
s,auideti utile AP well. and would have
been lust as sensible. it Sir James' had
said that (her.• of e people, in Britain
and elsewhere. whose first object '''ie.
not to tuaiutafain the Elupire. hut toad-
vance their own 'roonnI interests. Icy
the adv••t•ey of pt•irteetion.
electric railway proposition is
before the city oft Guelph; and The
by .. utas •ho has thr(.wu Ills lata-`,
turitt principles to the winds and 1
shouts for Midi protection. The Lib
errata of ('emelt hast' tits tee for -a war
who toadies to tht;t
•uodutet•p`t t'+Ti-yi-ti
of Great Bt•itaiu a- the (califs to 7'lr
New- did in ;Toe tieht atg.tinst the
L1,/pl4iXnrKe Midget.
fterattt-xaysthatthe fuuposed
scheme is"a part of a veep jaree net -
,Work' of radial lines which will ulti-
nately cover the whole Western Pen-
nsula.,reaching from Lake Ontario tot
Lake Huron and from Lake Erie to
he Gean•gisn Hay." This may be a
way of stating that the construction
.f electric railways in this territory
leas ,just begun, and that it will he
ontinued until every part of the terri-
ory is served. This is probabty true,
nd while some people have been
keptieil about the electric, railway
n which this town i, especially inter -
aced, the Ontario West `More, it may
to realized within k very few years
hat we ►era not at all too ambitious
n giving this rail'vny a start.
(Need end liuliteti that (host• without
env regular qualifleaiions would have
'to be extensively employed --the per -
Mit system is s wt,•tehod stihstitute
for the model whoa system. The op-
•nnrtnnity would stilt have lain open
for the pour of our towns and tot the
hi-ightest of our country youth . to en-
ter the tesehing profession. Trustees
of Mu al schools would -not 'heave been
'reduced to deepen. hecauee 4,1 the ia1-'
pnssihility of getting legally qualified
teitehere 4hes. would not have been
ft reed towhee- their sehonle. as P
Of them have Mein fnrrc'd to do, and as
mote end more of therm will have' to
dorm the future' unloose the Govern-
ment turns tight-a)stut-'rice nn (hie
matter. And if the Government
won't. 1h.• OI+>I ,sitic.n should /mike
the 1•••entNbliahinrnt of too Niel schools
a main plank in its platform. That
alone. in our opinion, . should turn the
erode in the next Provincial election."
It is unfortunate when education be-
come. at. i$Ptte in party warfare : hut
the R hitney Governtnent haw shown
so wilful t,nd arbitrary a ',pmt in its
educational policy, in spite of advice
and warning and renematrenre from
all pert/. of the Province, that it luoka
as if the-tcirnit►g nut of • the Govern-
ment and its muddlers were the only
method left of certifying the present
Now heel thr. -youngsters Ring,
"Happy School Days I" -
Are gnu getting ready for Huron's
Greatest Fair Septemhes'. 11►, ;int and
Wilfrid Laurier continues bis
tour of the West and is having the
time of his life.
The Weekly Sun advocates (he per-
manent enforcement of the dog -
muzzling order. Evidently The Sun
would make this a flog -gone country.
The whole question of giving the 0.
W. S. Railway running rights over n
large number of the town's streets
should he submitted to a vote of the
The recent drowning at the harbor
Maenad not be lightly pissed over by
the town council. Something Mundt!
he done to help prevent Much occur-
rences in the future.
*he tax rate in Oodencch is quite
high enough, thank you; bolt it ie a
few notches lower than the rates
with which the ratepayers of some of
the neighboring towns will have to
wrestle when the tax -bills are due this
The Toronto Mail ecnd Empire the
other day published aialse story front
Their has Is'en n good cl.'n4 'of di •
ru'St alt anent the Nieklt• Act' re•gulet-
Mg the weights of hreaul. With the
detail, of the measure ee are not
but so tsar as the intention
Wlas in establish a standard weight, so
that t he !entitle Might 1:nnw•' how-
11nlch .head they weir getting to at
leaf. public sent iumeut moist 1st heartily
in tomo)• 1.f it, There .hotla ire no
undue inlerfertesee with the baker's
business. but the estncblishing of :u
standard weight titles nett come within
this nhjt•otion. StaUtdt),ls of weight
or n teisai •s are established in tunny
of trade forth,• protection of the
Io114111'. %,lith the `•t1p111art1 weight,
fixed, t11.• linkers are free to Vary their•
s41 that no injustice• i+ d,iru•
1111.111. The 1rt 111:1' need ts•Visrnn in
regard to sortie of 11, 14.61114: but in
its main line-' it appears to he all
The Pembroke Standard announces
that it has j ' d the ranks .,f those
new'spepel•s which make it it rude not
to publish "annatrur poetry;,' f' Per-
sons ..ftp,) w't-it, t'P/•,e," it., a...ells,
" when -not -1n a trental condition. to
jt►s11}•-4aitia loan work," Probably fen people
lin',. any idea of the nnnda•r• of p, 'et if.
.effusions the avernge m•Wenn ser esl'1-
1414 Pee+civ44 lunula -141 Ilia aµrtreas. 1
dislikes to tell the' writer that leis
yersrs are punk and that if he pub-
lished (hent people would only hough
at than : tan he shel'ers himself Is')41nd
n rule tett to publish anything Wf the
kind. Anyw,iy. there is so 1111,),
good 4)44fry in the world that it is
ho1111y worth. %hilt. adding toff unless
the 14 Int ribot ion he Wt extraeflhnalta'
Merit. Se • p1•ople. of course, write
verse for their own amuseMPnt -1a
very innocent diversion so long as the
writer keeps his plrusuty' to hitaelf.
The editor of The Toronto News
seell1H to have some notion that he
has been deserted by the Liheral
party and that he is the only remain-
ing exponent of the prineiplee which
Li)eralism used to represent. One is
reminded of the old lady wbo was a
Mpet•tator of the march of a regiment
in which her son had enlisted. Catch.
ing sight of hint in the parade, she
proudly exclaimed. "There's nl}-
Johnny ! They're all out of step but
him !" Liberals who believe in civil
o'er:nee reform, in the abs Inion of the
spoil* system, in Governmental (won-
omy, will not follow the leadership of
a man who condones a contemptu•
nus disregard of these principles is
bis vuppnrt of the Whitney Govetni-
ment. Literals who are opposed to
.- i t.
11 (al u
1 h h kmord 'r rt Ii
t f t
the I1tikn' of Sutlet•Iaud's large
lags ,+f lalul in Cankeda, d
again.l any int-11r/thietiOfl of the• ten.
aory'.stein in this country, 11 nay.:
""IVe wa4+t ijr Canada only men who
Will srttto or the laud a:nd reap the
jii,<itltw Or their industry-- the-merlvaw;
It WI u1i1 lie a add .Lev for our 1•t,(tut ry
Were n•P to pernmit the intrtuluction of
ihat ay -tern prevail.ng ill the British
Isle-. whish bite pm the average ten -
tire ni._ condition tot "tenni-alnvrry. A'
feta generations ago thousands of ten-
ants on the Duke of Sutherlanll's
Oates in Seotlatld,were ruthlessly ea-
p{Ilei tonna thein little hou►ee. the
u ser, desiring to use the land for
the _pi pxlse of caattleoraising. 'These
stitl•dy ; eople. luckily for themselves•
found t h it wit to Canada; and they
now y .
n nukekit n
nk 'wrong the. most pro -
o ''no citizen-.
The tu(-,ttu W our (int a -'ttttent shonldt
Is•, as the w't - say. '1Ind matte the
land for the f ' plc." .
I•'ortunateli-•li moult •-v4,4.4,ltut-eerie:-
of 1an•Ilord.isen • but
a.wri to pi event
It has been lilt
ted', proh'st t
the time 14 tike n
such an evil Is b.f.,
tralttcrd. The • It
Nature's Wants A : 'Few.
Moll. (Tela wit1, little. wore hi.
Nat ore L. (rugal. and her wants a few
Tho -e hew want, answered bring '.tol'er1 dr
Rol f .o1. c:VAI4Ithelar..1ves new .I•I,. hes.
Farley-..nd,pride 'eek thine 'at ra„t r
WVhleIi relish nor to retnon nor to •ens.
tVhen .rffei' or unthatikfulue.. destroy
In nature's narrow sphere, our solid toys,
Itt fancy'. airy tend of 1101-e and -bow.
Where nougat 11441. dream, Oil real pre:a..ut
Like cars in air prlplp-. 1,1'1411,44,4 we -1'
tel joy- too this to keep the Idyl alive.
Everybody Rests but the Editor.
These are the day, when seemingly
everyho,dy lout the editor takes a holi-
How Extremes -Meet.
Luudu+, Adtcrt,-.r. .
Mr. F. Il, Monk, M. P., complains
that se- 1Vilfrid'Lltm•ier and his Gov•
erntuent are animated by "a • stupid
and serene royalty," and bete ayed the
hitthright of- Canadian people by
creating a Canadian navy. Further
writ we are told that Laurier is die -
loyal and betrayed the Empire by
creating 14 Canadian, navy instead of
handing the money to the Adwitalty.
The enemies of Laurier are agreed in
theireuruitt-, not in their arguments.
The Fall Fair.
vernier- ,tdto•ate.
What do the fall faire mean to you
and to yutlr fancily :• A place to have
ti holidaj•, a trona., to ser friends nut
often seen, and to meet new ones. to•
hear the band* and to see the races
Good. But not so good it at the sarue
time'you and your nuttily do not get
an inepilattion be better things on
your fnrgi, N suggestion ,for new nu-
provements, to (make the iconte work
easier, more quickly, thiole tratisfaetor-
ily done, lessons hoton1•d for the bet-
terment of }•our etnek and your hirha,
Advantages and Disadvantages.
Hamilton Herald,
The itinera.•v system bast its advan-
tages, 4'p eel:111y to new and undevel-
oped et tintries and in a pt•itniti'e
'rate: hilt sorrel' it is -tut the ideal
system. That p:ast.r)• i' hest qualitltvl
to 'naini-t.-r to the spiritual need. of
tcs•k ss -It,. is'nnt14 intimately a, -
.Ilcaiterrl with his flock n' indici,l i:d•
the lamas a, well 1i>4 the sheep : and
/04 inte(((r ran1(It•e >44;•%11•P 4V1114111rh 1,
%hollh-:,11.fagioty alum to. is oblii(wf
to b'il'e just.! 1-1,•11 4>>':i14., 1N'1Cutl 10
know 111. prince• well. -
No More Collisions.
N tenet-t,s-, :sentinel - I1.,
tt is said that the problem of eeta,L
fishing wireless telephone cotumuaica-
tion with a moving train has been
solved so far as to bring it into the
reahtn of ,•nrn►nercial practicability.
64'e /mei ceased to woudet• at any.
seen that such an invention would be
of Blest importan-e. ft would help
bt remove nne of the terrors of rail-
way trowel, the head -ori collision.
he -']ti -on collision usually occurs
when sllniebody forgets or misreads
an order. The mistake is often dis-
covered when the train 'bas left the
station, and then it is too late. With
the "railophone" in operation -the sta-
tion •'ould always keep in touch with
the train.
Improvement Discouraged.
Kincardine Reporter.
Speaking about taxing improve-
ments. A resident on Quten street
boot year fixed his house up. brick ven-
eered it, did a little painting and made
it look next and tidy. The assessor
p"peed !along this summer and told
him it made :a great improvement. in
fact, co great was it that he raised the
assessinent 1001). That. tame citizen
was going to put in modern conveni•
enres and make a few more improve-
ments. Now be says he can't afford
to do it. - Can you blame him Put it
little more•tax on the land and less on
the improvements and then see how
much more beautifel the town will
become. As it now is N luau hetes to
paint ilia home for fear his taws will
be liteited. It's not the assessor's
fount, (tet posted on this question
and assist the tax aefortn assneiation
in their endeavor to have a better
mode of assessment adopted.
The Canadian Nurse,
Ottawa (Vireo.
The Canadian nurse may he found
everywhere throughout t Kis continent
1n the eastern cities of the States may
he found hundreds ,If thein. In the
great Belles -vet Ho.plt:,I in New York
the majority of nurses err Canadian.
In Boston the nate coudiUons pre( ail,
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Gardiner, aloin' -" I' have been a
,great sufferer foto) organic trpublt•tt
olid,, sa•vt're ft. Male
ivealu►ess. '1')> e
doctoritaid 1 would
have to go to the
hospital for an
operation, but " 1
could not bear to
think of it.. 1 de-
tlitied .to try Lyydia
l'ittkham's `'eg-
a ble l'empncud
til sanative %Yash
and was 'ti
r l7 st after three
mouth,' use of theu,."Ibbs, la, As
WTrstt Ait:t. R. -I'. B. N s. 14. -Box 39,
Gar'll:ver, Me.
No- woman ahonld subunit to a amgl
ail oleration, w'!ilt•ll may (mean death,
until tlho has giv+'u 1_y''l.i.> f•:: Pinklaaut's
e. (.able
Compomod. matte exclusive-
ly from routs and herbs, It lair trial.
'I'hii famous imedicine tar women
has for thirty years proved to .be the
i. :t link in l'Aaa(Ja's greatest
• • • l l e ! es
hounded during the pest
tafentv'.nix years. Thi,; 11/14114
is the largest ttutnets .of
,young people in ('anode, and
it hd treely admitted (That its
graduates get the iwst pnni-
There i., a reason
write for it. A dipluuna from
.tilt (. Wont -tend Edn1'atot's'
Association of l'pinadi► is a
,passport Lo success- ._
Volt luau Study partly at
home and tlnish at the
Enter any day. '
Fall TermOpenS
.4 ' ,POT 10.4 a•: • [ ..
mots( valuable Cootie and renewer of.4 Fall Term from Aug. 29th.
1..,'L GI
1lt+• t'->I:ale o g',tt.ism.. tf,uneu ream.
lag in almost every .'ity and tui rt in
the United mates Isla. willing testi-
moony to mor
l rt 1)! virtue
E. 1 utkham's VPIp`table Compxrusitl.
It cares -fmale ills, and creates radi-
ant, .buoyant female health. If yeti
to ill, for your own sake aa,well as
those yon, love, give it :a trial.
Mr*. Pinkhatn, at L'ntt. Mass.,
invites all sick women to write
her tor advice. Her advice Is free,
and always helpful.
Business & Shorthand
Resident (snit Mali Courses
J. W W'natar•elt J. 1 Wiater•elr, Jr.. C.A.,
Principal. Via-Pnec.pat
Mit Wilt- in hospital.', bu
1111rsing• The hest • public.
that' t'amnia can have is the
.)arse. 411,r,ad. yore than alit
"tiler agen.•y. sloe advertises he
e'On11lr•s It) at w'ala' that .whew i.t'
ibly- appeal -to, ajl with wham
point... in tomb. %Ville •'the Ain
can girl " abroad in known by her w,
mud vivni•ity and 'enterpt-ix.-. "-Ili,
l :utadifin girl "'has already won large
fame :N one win in.' ,re•a'tlr•e• tlle:4li.
ce)mirtt't, ttreugth :uud th,t•'f.nurh ilial
, The 1st gest !alai .left practical
t rowing school iu'Western-Ontari. •.
There is co•titter in the U./►uteite,
• Our minnows a►•e•thultough land pea - -
t Teal. our teach"rd at•e - experience,
:end we assist graitur►,ee* to positions
ft hire thtee'departulefits:-
Commercial . Shorthand
_W_tits at once fur _•N!rtree cRta-
D. A. 1N./.AC-ILAn, - -
Elliott Business College
its-tud,•nt. It Gaining that
carr ie. with it the stamp of "$i,ipefrior-
ity." %Vrite to -day for largo catalogue.
ill fit'i5. :.•
t' agent
fan:Wie n
est any
e 11'
Mrs. Sellers, of Morrie Township, Com-
mits Suicide.
%%Ingham, -August 27. -%urs. Seller s,
the wite of ,I. L. Sellers, a prosper(tys
farmer. who lives on the third line of
yurri•. rommitted suicide, this morn-
ing in' hanging herself in one of the
apple trees which surround the hotter.
MVP. Sellers -had heeu-in pour Ice:e)th
for"some weeks. This morning, it is
thought, about :i o'clock Phe got op
our of bed and left the house..
Her husband. on awakening ablaut 4
o'clock, noised her. and, instituting a
search, found her Iitelea! body hang-
ing from a linen of an apple tree.
•'1'Ha "-VAN.ttttAN illA(iA'I,(NB.--Tee
leading net -kir in The Canadian Maga-
zine for September ie entitled "Napo-
leon's Burial and Exhumation." It
takes the form of some reminiscences
"oTn kentientarrwiw waatortriwattiott
Helena and who witnessed both cere-
monies. and is edited by Doctor A. 11.
r. l'olquhotm, Deputy Minister of
Education for Ontario. The article is
well illustrated. Another welt illus-
trated contribution is "Karn( o n,
the City of Loyalists," by Emil' P.
-Weaver. Another of those interest-
ing histories of some of our famous
mining --camps is told by Herold
Sands in a well illustrated article en-
titled "Bonaazus of the Slocan,'r
Ernest Mctiaffev-contributes an enter•
twining account of "The Red Men of
Vancouver island." The stories to
this ibatte are also of a high order.
Tratups never deliberately go to, the
When a man gays he wants to have
a private talk with you it means that
he hots an axe to grind and he wants
you to turn the grindstone.
The Athletic World.
The August number of "The Ath-
letic World," a new name for "Out-
door Canada" magazine. has just been
received at thin office. Since this
publication was taken over by W. .4.
Taylor, Limited. Woodstock, Ont.,
each issue has shown a marked im-
provement "ter iia predecessor. ito
change of policy to that of a national
athletic periodical is this month car-
ried strut both in name and nature.
Besides the change of title the size has
been h,rrttaaed and the content. aug-
mented. .fudging h}- the August
number, full its it is of good, up-to-
date reading pertaining to "things
athretic. a con.picuntu place i. assured
"The Athletic World' among the
leading Canadian malaise! puWice-
• 1 t 2..,
Exhibition of
ew Dress bonds and Coatiugs
we 44,4400F0444t2 !ar 'p +:lhtplUettt of nate Ewe,
Dress Goods, Suitings and Coatings, Cheviot::,
Eales Worsted Suitings, Broadcloths and West of
England Berges, in Blacks and in all the lcadin
colors for fall and winter we:tr.
New Black French Dress Materials
Corkscrew, Roxanas,Mignonettes, EstraUa Serges ' and
Worsteds. _Prices . , . 60c, 75c. $1.00 ,,,,til*1.25
Hosiery •
Hritish Cawhmere Hosiery, direct (rout lookers. in ser
famous Ribbed Linea an,) Plain for holies and chilt'ren, -
`}i.,ia1 sale hitt' dozen,1 'dire' Philo U•wiit 1 p
i ere Huse, floes(
~.axon;' yarn, double erne and howl, linen eplic.'d sole, full-
fashioned. Regular price, •30ea pair; t w o day.'
.ale, .•
.,man pairs fair $1.00
Floor 011 Cloths
'2 --3 yards wide, -f rit-ht ge n..at id patterns, spacial per
square yaard - i.... • . •
Table Linen*
tipe,•ial Pale of oyer:MO Teton, Cloths in 2x25, 2x:1; 2x3
yards., at ... ..... I)XE-THIRD t -''DER REOULAtt VAI,( 1
Berlin, OnI.
^ •C_ti / anada.
.xar o t./ge Foon,le•1 ..a..
l.ccrporar.J 1;- A:t a: Ptraarnent, tea.
R•e+4de,Nat Rehoo: far Ross and Young Mea
p4,,,r .,, ..4.... 1 , tit:•-st hyi,,...c,
r-murem•rts••e nese Gymna-
ri•rm, 3•. • "wd, ' t+o4>Sr i atna. 3 yetung
1•: "a.4.- • - Oast. ruins .e conraes in R:._
Q..... eery medai,ate. -
R11. A 1. C , eel',loom
f Central
Business College
Located in Toronto, offers best
inducements for young men
' and women who wish toquali-
f v -prompt( - _ {ex--tlrai-ere r e cl
positions in business office',
at fair salaries. -
\t'. H. $HAW, Principal
L1 -..,,,.and (4p„..1,1 Ste
atmm,..... eslsttsstssi
Constipation is the
root of rnany forms of
sickness and of an
endless amount of
human misery.
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills,
thoroughly tested by
over fifty years of use,
have been proved a
safe and certain cure
for constipation and
all kindred troubles.
Try them.
2Sc. a boa.
your Clothing Problem .
is to select the clothes which meet
witiryour-idi s--iri•-regard to -fabric,
style and. tailoring.
So many men of taste prefer the
othes made by ,us. -
It i\to ;your benefit to try them.
See our New 1n WooNgsi
Martin Bns.
Ready for -the Flies and Bugs.
'This to the %extern of the year when the di'ease.hceerlint:
housefly arrives to infect your home. .end by Ina onceal+inw
buzzing make your lite generally miserable, We :ars !wally 1,•
s'ist, run in lidding VOW .elf of this pest. We h tee the hest
FLY PUISO,4 IN 00 AND 10o PADS, and another sone
thing in TANGLEFOOT.
ARE THE YOTA'r9 t3UGS BUSY i 1f the proem fuel
th►erltetnw to deprive you of your supply of potatoes, try o...
I'aria lirreti It !neons sudden death to the hugs.
6 Give us a call. We will be pleated to serve you.•
1.. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist,
South Side Square, Goderkh.
ummer Footwear
A real money - sa*ieg
opportunity for the people
Ovtr,fifteen hundred pairs of Summer Low S •e9
in the big`sale cannot fail to give ample shoe for
every man, woman or child. Styles that are 'trictly
new this season,
if you miss this sale you miss th
bargains your money ever had t
exchange places with.
. /
best Shot
chance to
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square, Ooderich.