HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-25, Page 5.i
THE S1(:NAL GOI)FItI('11 overRR)
Tocesotte, A, 1010 !
in:mamma ammo ammo 10011011= ammo= gralolow fiernolir
Seeger s 1.11111 on West store a ., tip-
Hosit,tal Benefit rooted and it now leaning uigaiust Ute
..1. ,. 1i ,,pt (slurs of lhr I.y, l'h••pfor taros on Hiss outsade of • the walk.
. �,. vi ;( W' lex,jai 'realm. 1 n .• for
t Le lu'n,'lit "t Alexandra In.sluu.l on N'uwetuttr other tt•a•ra sillier wars d(-
.1,,,,..,i,,v evening wort, August 31th. newest of limb* .or blown dewu ,.:,11.
Tile emu t• pri.rreds wilt go to th'. hob. Pletely. A good wan) chimneys also
l,d.1 lords. Besides two gnat pies were bl•,wt, down. Held T ih • loot'
tff,•, the•,. will be all extra ptogl*Iu on $warts' liv,•r►' barn wail Iiftr,I ,,t•rt.
„t ❑n,sir vor;,l uud instt •tal. On to the other halt. A fall .:Iu,u,ury
kiw+-+i•P 1'N. IA'[ everybody go. on Achuu block was Woe
ours,the 1.0 a.hiural; a later bole in the root
Har ur Notes.
• mor ifluo,`1: ihti tiff ali the Ma'am ,.
The steamer 11. N. it's is herr with the
tabling of the apartment. ul H.
a cargo of coal for the Rig Mill.
on Morels! lter with arcargovof 111,1P C Theerts is c theJob.
among the citi-
bush,•Ir of wheat for the Hig MW. zees of the . incourpletr manors in
• q•be steamier KsDdeistiquie wall which .the exprtiwent of oiling the
here on Tuesday with a full carpool( streets has been carried- out. It ie,
1300) hurtlei. of whewtfor't generally
uwtt tl►etat th �e ling i f
• tor. the *riled result in lc ing dow'ti the
Considerable -hay. ill I3Iyt RY1)i Ir'l date and it watt untlerst'iod that the
in on thee. P. R- from Nlythl}t►d sennad would have the side sheets
ton and will be Ment up the lakes ver lea,liuRlto. the Square ads., oiird. Ito
packsRs+ freight on its wqy to the that dust horn those rtt•-el+. would
Weed. u• .1 he blown to the Mquare x041 s(+
Goderich and Mitchell Tied. mollify the Baal affects of the nil.
The Pettit and Huron League game This, however, has not been done. and
,.f baseball played nt Clinton on Mon. on a windy dao the ,lust nuisance is
,lay revisited in n victory for Mitchell almost a. had as ever. A thing half -
by the one-sided scOre of 13 to 3. Me- done is not done at all, ani) the eoun-
lutytebad the Uliutou hitters nt his cit should get another tank of oil and
• tuetcy all the way through the gave. romp,ete the job.
wbdlr •hr Mitchell pla)rrr _ 1)1.1104 Hobertson--Huston.
Tasker vet t' hard. eeprrtally itt Ilia 1►n Wednesday, August 17th, the
'• last rwu innings. Tile Mitchell nine ulat, nags ta.k place of bliss flat* E.
'Huston, -daogbter of Mr•: i'heriee
Huston. Itipirv. -Unt., to J. Ernest
ltnlwrt•4114. of Walkerton, sue of J1r.
acid Mrs. John Rolterteon. Auburn► at
the' Lome of the ,slide. Rev. .t. C.
1'-•n,•soot, Kincardine. officiated.
,re now -tiro few -Mat place moth bode -
,u•1+ and t he gime that will decide the
t4r w,1. be played in Mitchell on Libor
Itay. •
jhe Godericlt Industrial.
' . The date's .,1the(ioder'ich I'Auto ttal lira bids war given uwny by her
hathihition-September !t!, 31':tbd 31 I„'aheti Alfred Hualun. and wore n
pietty 11.('41. id soft cream silk ent-
er entered voile. The hourr was dee-
orntr.l with * profusion of !fink and
wait.• t1 swats, a ba.ae' .,t. which was
err ied by the Mower IOC Miss Mars
forte 1.yon, of iwri,drsl*0.i, in pate
Wile.. Att. r dejruner Mr. and Mrs.
Kohertso4,lett lot southern 4)nt;.rio,
t he going -away dress bring privy blur,
with touch of gold and tuscan hat.
They wiU reside in Walkeiton, whet.'
they will "1)r ..t home otter October
let: Sprue 'of tbo-r present flour a
distance were . Mr. and Mrs. John
Robes bum. Ht weed Haslet Gem.. Au-
burn : Charles . Robertson. Welton
'Mt*, .t. :Moth*nrrey. Artbsw.-Moho.
net'. Tot onto : Miss Uma Huston.
Port William : Mr. and Mt•s. George
Territ. VVinghans. end Mr. and Mrs.
t. .1 Henderson. Lncko...w. • The
litany frirnde of the groom HD :ode -
dell and vicinity will juin in extend-
ing ronReelnlal1ons and best wisher w
Mr and Mrs. Roberto.
- are drawing newt mud the dtrectuta
Ota uiak'ing pr•)gt.•ms iti their prepar,.-
hnn. for the everts. The trace events
puauiee t•• be espr.'iallo g 1.'d tl,l.• 1 Val'
at d i0rlude a farmers'• trot tor
pare, 2:1ta trot of hats. an "Isar
race rind a green ince. The home.
turn, all. MI.•ady' 104kiOg forward
to these eventsland exciting contests,
may be expert's& A change has iwen.
10411" in the poultry lint this; year. the
'miser bring given tot- single .birds in-
stead .•t hairs. As this IDraste a , orl-
sidetableuaddition to- the prize lint.
well') -444(0 will lw cnneslKtgdtngly
\ inlet (steil Peraour desiring palm
toot oil i..L.r.nati n regwrding t.br fair
should add, est. the secretstry.-Andrew
hr,i'tet. (hater ich.
Spec.a( Service to Toronto Exhibition.
-For l:ndericb people who attend Ile,
4..gadlanNtttioail Exhibition at
„'lomato theo\tirand Trunk 1Gtilwe).
with its four tf'atins w day each way. le
the load to take. - in sdditioh to the
,:,u,t excellent service: a special Hain
will leave Ooderich 'at it o clock on
th•• moldings of August 31. septeui• __ _
her t, a, 0 end x. On August :41, Grp , : e-.,mmer.ea uw
n hi piatr. at�d . a.itio.
teniher 1. Sand $ a specie rate of R'2.- wh.• „,•h to take home a.ou+en,r or two will
Y-. to Tornio( and return i. given. net., Iargrato weltassorted .t.r•k at Wilmer
1)n id het days frim Augustto )hep- ernuh- Art store. £*1.t •tarn. Including -otne
temlwr Ilk. inl:luaive. the rate is Stals1, ate' to W found nowhere else in town.
All tickets good for ret.arf (1D ut be -
tore Tnesdst. September 13th. Buy
your tickets from the town ticket
agent. F. F. Lawrence, •who will re-
fund the price of eny tickets ainueed.
Mt. l;awrence will he pleased to give
any further informati .d to intending
travellers. Office bouts 11 a. m. to
;1;:,) p. m. 2t
Mr. G. E. Molt's Appointment.
The CalgaryUptimiet lays: ',Mr.
(i. F. Holt, Mus. Bac.. M.A., of the
University of Toronto, has here 4iD-
prnnted pr ofessol of the organ in the
Calgary Conservator v of *tele. Mr.
Holt is a member of the Council of
,Canadian Guild of Organists. of whirr
his Excellencythe Governoenersl
is patron, anr(iDr. Albert Ham, of hit.
Jame; '('athedral, Toronto, is presi-
dent. Mt. Holt's choral services et
the Calgary t'athedral Church of the
Redeemer are -earning much favorable
comment' The beautiful Anthea,
sung to ,Mond*)- evening. •tial i., a
!Spirit' 4tert.dale Bennett), war re-
marked the twist evidence of Inn-
,icisnly tr ining that has tern heard
for some ti a in the city. the effect of
the hnyr ices leieg lutrticulerly
good." Mr. olt, who is the son of
.lodge Holt, of Ooderich. is one of the
matters in cls es and modern lan-
guages of the V6 stern Caoada College
1.t Calvary. \\
In Goderich Fifty -f=ears Ago.
To have been to erich when the
court house Square was barren of its
bow luxnriantgrnwthof trees, and in-
stead of the stately old court house
* leg house stood on the site of the
present home of the county officials,
is the gist of a 'story told to '. repre-
sentative of The Hignel yesterday. R.
McLeod, of Dallas, Texas. who is here
on visit to his daughter. Mrs. .1. B.
Hawkins. .Kt. Patrick's street. first
ttellek Goderich in the fall of 1955. He
with a petty of about n do .en walked
tanto Port fit Finley to the place that was
then known as Haugeen, now palled
8smthsmptnn. They teethed God" -
rich in the evening and spent the
night in 'Slab Town" and proceeded
(to their wiry the next morning to
their de.tination, the whole trip
occupying between four rand Ave dept.
Mr. McLeod returned and spent the
winter here, and in the spring of 1908
he heft Guderich and did not return un-
til eight years ago. He was also here
three . tar, ago on a visit. Consider-
able 141 his time has been spent in
southern Teem. He notes many
t'hsngee in his visits from time to time
sod behove., that Ooderich is one of
the Prettiest towns that he bas ever
A Stormy Time:
This weep ialteeping up the record
of the st,,rmy summer. The storm
01 Monday morning, while it did no
Partiruler damage in town, resulted
to several fires in the surrounding
townships. The severe storm this
afterfinn l did considerable damage
shout town. Buildings were deprived
of their roofs, chimneys were blown
over, trees were uprooted and fences
flattened. At the harbor the tower
built by the 0*nadi*n Stewart Co. to
he used ie connection with the laying
M the rOtterete on the Big Mill 'Inv -
Not was blown over sand one laborer
home -hut will be ablewas injured slight). He was taken NOT1e4TOFARMR.Ra.--(9Ap p'1. Psvor-
to work tensor- its and R-tlwtt. pears ate alxwt r itdy
"le. The foes in this instance to the for shipping purposes. SVe can
root' tors will be several hundred handle any quantity
oif 80041 stock.
dssl, re. The `rens In the lower part Plek them before they get too rippee
f the town •►)toiler to have glittered JAS. Lt.oyD, wholesale dealer Oode-
the most. A large willow time on C rich.
- 7.I,e fine .election of new uiting- at F. J.
Pndhatn''-t,ould be tn..pected by risen who
want ,mne+n,na nice for MI wear. The IaU+t
*piss .' ed dew- In t*Uorihr u -rt ,n rn i,•g up
(1*- 1,.r raru,eutr turned out crow thL. ..tab
The report on the dog's head .sent to
Toronto last work showed that the
*41111.441 war .entirely tree from any
esnonce, s of rabies.
The pink sun on Tuesday ,.fternoon
was the object of much curious com-
ment. ment. The *tos .hers• watt hoz) all
.1.3r, causing ntuch .conjecture as to
the -cause.
James Chapman. the young man
front near Exeter who was convicted
on a charge of theft and e..nspiriey to
r..b. appeeted before His Honor
Judge Doyle on Monde tit thit weak
end was sentenced to four months in
By an order of the Dominion t'us-
tom• Department. ,the flag on the
poet/Mice building must flout confirm -
meet Airing the sr*son of navigation
for tlue purpose of Meting as it guide
to nes-a*ptains and others wishing to
call at the custom.' office.
Several changes have taken place in
the postotlbe st*lf, following the re-
moval from town of Mise Barr, and
the resignation of Miss Tait. Miss
Proudf,ot is now in charge of the
money order department, and Miss
Mary Scrimgeour and Mims Mabel
Macdonald are the assistant clerke.
Three rinks of incal bowlers were at
Wiogham last week taking part in
the tournament in that town. The
only prize landed was the second in
the consolation match, whish wan
won by the rink of which .I. B. Doyle
was the skip. F. J. Butlutd, Dr. Her-
ald and C. A. Nairn were the other
pl*yeri in this rink. The prize con-
sists of tour magazine stands.
An exciting game of haweh*II was
played at the Agricultural Peen -Mow
day Peening, when the Pirates and
the Y. M. C. A. team met in their.
seventh game of the season. Only
live innings were played, Mit in that
time the Y. M. . succeeded 1n
ohtttining * lead of three runs, the
game ending 8-3 in their favor.
Charlie McArthur and Ernest Prid-
ham and Malcolm McDonald and
John Muir were the hatters 4 for the
Y. -M. t'. A. and the Pir,tes respec-
of .!hoot $ 3,c)ot) tivurth of all. kinds of merchandise from t-vcr}' (1e.partmentin th( stLlr( •
f:()r six (lays
only. "hhis sale will include all our summer stocks as well as a great m to}• lines that will 1.),' wanted
i..1s well as- later This-a��illbe_a.sale_(►t �'dlu`-4I\•Ing,Such a, we have never :ttti. fliE)te(I before.
p ... t) siKtre, as on m 441\
I t will be, a sale that will .l�• Wt)u to 1)u> •ahead if �'r,ll have a dollar t
save from .so to 75 • per. cent.. Don't let this opportunity escape fou -:-don't wait until your nt'ig-hh(,r
show you the bargains they got, hut come when the doors open at to o'clock Monday- morning, Aug
29th. Don't_forget to bring 'our, pocketbook along, tur•you will 'certainly need. it. ThiS sale starts
MONDAY , August 29th,, at t o a. m., for six (laws only, including'Saturday' night following.
15 ladies' ‘!'ash Suits, pink, white,
tan and blue, regular $5.5o to $ i 2.0.'.
All in one I,tt -- sale 'price, p
per suit. - - $2e98
75 ladies' white Waists, regular value • 1
up to $3.00. Sale price, eh 1-';^
each - - . - - 9
65,. lathe.' Waists, regular ,9
$1.00. Sale price_ - - ` - J7
15 ladies white Underskirts, regular
value, up to S2.00. Sale price 98C
each - - - - • 7
4.5t�_vatas_�luslin. In a great- variety
of patterns, regular 45 and 18c. IOC
Sale price, per yard . -• -
745o yards good quality Flannelette,
in good` patterns, regular value 3
123.C. Sale/ price, per yard - 94c
soo pairs ladies' fancy colored Hose in mercerized cotton and
silk lisle, regular 35c and 50c. Sale price, per pair,- 19C
or 3 pairs for 5oc.
Ladies' and misses' fine lisle Gloves, regular 25c and
35c value. Sale price, per pair - - . - * . - -
24 pairs ladies' silk Gloves, regular soc value. Sale
price, per pair - - - - -
25 ladies' linen ‘Wash Skirts, regular Si.;.5Sale
price, each - - - - . - - -
15 dozen •tine lawn Handkerchiefs, regular 5c each. 25c
Sidi.--gFice, 8 for - - . .-- . -, - - - J
Soo yards good Wash Prints, sold regularly:it. roc and P71
i2C. In one lot at one price. per yard -
400 yards pare linen Towelling', i$ inches wide, regul I r OQC
12C. Sale price, per yard - - - -
20 dozen fan: v pattern Damask Towels, 16)(3: inches. 1 C C
Sale price, 2 for - J
' 17 ladiesimitation leather Hand Bags, regular ; _ 39�
Sale price, each-' - • - r--- - -
48 -fancy Summer Parasois,,mostly' pure silk fops, with natural
wocid handles_, r.gul,ir prices from $2.00 to -$2.75. Sale-
ale_ 8C
price, choice - - - 9
- - - 70
400'yards fine Embroidery and Insertion, regutar•value
Sp to 8c. In one .lot -sale price, per yard
to only extra large. Marseilles Bed Spreads, reg u- (� I.6
lar -'$3.0o. - Sale price - - - - , - `Y
50 bleached linen Table Cloths,S 1
price, each -
.100 yards fine bleached TabletLinen, regular $1.00
6o x90 inches._ ail 98C
per -yard. Sale price, per yard - - - 69c
500 papers Adamatine Pins, regular 2
price, 4 papers for - - -
Black and white Cotton. Spools, all sizes.
per spool, 4c, or 3 spools for - -
for 5c. S.(le• c
- J
dale price,
15 only men's two and tit ree-
piece Suits, some all pure wool wor-
steds, mostly light grays and checks,
Sale price, per suit - 3•95
4o men's Suits, in dark shades,
all -wool worsteds, best every
suit new this ssason, regular $14.00
to $16.00. Sale price,
3 dozenomens Work Shirts, reg-
ular value soc. Sale price, 2_5
2o dozen men's and boys' four-
in-hand and bow Ties, ,regular toc,
15c and `25C values. ,Sale sc
price, each -
5 pairs men's fancy mercerized
and silk lisle Hose, regular 25c and
5oc value. Sale price, per 121C
pai r
40 boys' Suits, in two and three-
piece, .regular up to $
$5.00. Sale price, suit
15. boys' Suits, regular up to
$3.50. Clearing sale $1.98
price, per suit -
to boys' Was_h Su_its,perergu6lar9u
tsouit$2_.00. _Sale -price,
Sale price
4 dozen men's fine OutingShirts,
lars, regular 15c value. Sale. 5C
price, each -
6o only men's Harvest Hats,
regular IOC, t5c and 25c. 5C 1
Sale price, each, only - -
ALARM CLOCKS 75 Globe Alarm Clocks, good time -keepers, with
stop lever, regular if 1.0o value. Sale .
price less than half- each - - 48
per pair 98c
75 pairs wonien's
box'calf, Dongola and
patent leather Shoes.
sale price,
50 suits summer and fall Under- -
wear, regular 25c, 35c and rgt,„,
5oc. Sale price, garment
Poison fly pads and Tanglefoot
sticki papers are sold at Wigleie drug
Highest price for choice butter nod
fresh eggs. JOHN W. VAN ATTER,
Opera House block, Kingston street.
Don't forget the hospital benefit at
the Lyric Theatre on Tuesda y i•venIng.
Entire proceeds go to the hortpital
funds. Admission 10 cents.
Prof. S. L. Taube, eyesight special-
ist of Toronto, will be At his office at
126 Huron street, Toronto, during
Exhibition. Hours 10 to 2 And 8 to ft
for the reorganiention of the Goderich
Rifle Association will be held in the
court house on Trieeday evening, Aug-
ust :10th, at 8 o'clock. All in terested
are invited to attend.
to pairs children's
Sandals, regular 75c.
pair .
3oo bags- Redpath Sugar, sealed
sacks. While this lot
lasts, per too lbs. -
500 pounds fancy mixed Bis-
cuits, Cakes, including Sultana
Fruits, Lemon, Biscuits, etc., usually
sold at 12 I -2.C. Sale Price, 25c
sacks Rolled 0.its.
6 cases fresh Lemons.
Sale price, per dozen - •
cases of sweet
Qranges. Sale peice, per
6o pairs .men's Boston 'calf Shoes, regular
to bottles white Shoe Polish, regular 15c. 5C
Sale price
Butter 20c Eggs 18c Cash or Trade
hours o Monday morning for final
From Mon ay at to a.m. to Saturday at
p. m. oors will be closed for two
prepar ions. Ccme every day -----early.
10-0111111111.1111.011111.11.6.11111111.41.11111110. 1111111111111110•11111110