HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-25, Page 2S TH1'u.Itt, Atmore'', 25, (9(4)
,Ars ' ...•l�ilirri
Gl11ERP'n. cost ,.dins
To;notions 1'.114 No.
Tames or tivalacr,ut.on :
1 • oiaiim 4111d v:nn.f.
nw, )) : three Wonthe,:.k'.
,.'.d Kt.: e1. 4ub4c1ib m. {L9, a yees
llutvu•eltiern who fail to ro•.00lax 14)1).11
este tsrly ter mai will confer it favor 3 W-.
ustnting ua ' of the (act.st as twit' I
warn Is a h..r,te of wtdre.+.I he demised. l.otb the
cud rho new t.ddro•.+hold ba given.
Adverbana Rata :
',rKal11.-4 .' 'a•r dmslsr advert t'emant.,I lAr
• Zine for nn In.ertdrl sad le yes tins for
1141-11 +vl..r,11,r41110)1111W. M.i.01/.i by •
4,1)„y %roil., , 4:•.' v:,dve4m.41 le 44111e•h:
4s',-iue-- c4rd. of .it linos and uudvr, Iii ,.cr
Ardvert;..ewe:.ce of I.oa'. routed, Strayed, 'Kit •
,: r nose. 4'..c.%1):. i11e••ions %Visite,,, tlnimnir01 '
1. 4l • .N to P.rnr, 1,114,.4 for +4sle or to Hent,
A r'4
to: 44.441, etc.. not ate...ding eilfht
. b new, hr ,..eh inset -tire, :tat for first month. Mae
for a ,rh .1lb,n)tmat month. Limier advertiw•
In 1)i moot t;1111.
.ni.u4uncomrer,. tt. oi4i .ary resdinctipe tea
c.••,', 1,. ;till.- 'rr.rtm te•l,t Vaasa,
•. 1)t tee, .1.1010....1 of which i+ 1 h
•- ntMy +.-414 of .,ny it) rel., al or aaa44d-
, au. 4e.1r.• .444006444 as • I •cl!i-4iltent
to channel .•rcurdllIilr.
Rolfe- tot. di•ptsy and ' -.nt r,'' o4Vert.in•-
•IvoIe will Ise +vel, 114, apt' err,
7'1l-IriN!d, tett:'. rtszU • • I.hn4lod
1„u' •4 14 111e'14411At .AI4,1-.T4...1919.
11.1114-s' If is 1; . con
p4••t ''l_ ; :nal 1Ise- .wt. 8414 11(.1 , enter, y
t,•+tin 1.4'.5 '.Ile/-Iililiut; wit (4a 1.•dnr.l
of log ori,1p, '1'1111•, ;4 4:Aruts•r of 11111
k'rnler, s "r'• it led hit lee.: the lag lutil-
.t,•rnl. :11411 1.4'..' .11 (U• rr) r+•port frit
th,•I, .•4..114, a,4rk: hal taking the
o out e. bud it'. 1.6.411;1. a.. a tt-hr,14' i1
-'T) i:-Te••T i1Tn,tt),•r go'..{ 14..4 for i ir-
Pe\..,.r, ' u.•WheatI•n..f.
('4.4Wheat .al( rteragt ' went y'•fl'l'
hll.h'•Is t o t h„ 94.1..r.' w h1.i1t i, going
senile. The ,t) I%', I..), will ie. 111,411•
-pi-tet4ful tlean itt IIle lass! 1hiee. years
We how-•4er, ,that the krt'riel
warner Ise .41 phusq. orad (84.,4v41 4 41 in
tfle114.-4 tMoroi'1her pasts; brit-:w'ho
ever 4,.•! i'.' .a.4 `.1101 .oteeIlellt 11.11
al, .0 •, that of 11.-414.4) and the
year inset
ltar'ley will ny.rawe theit '11148
hnsh4'l.--matey fields going( fifty bosh
civ t,. the acre. 44. • of it has beenholeed, seed it. yua)Ity +11141 '1,4)88 :,8e
yet 181%• pr1)44411. it will 1,4,a• n Mare
rh:411 1nr'rn44,• crop, 4.1 ant ►'ole,
Oats will plan out, about forty' hush -
els to the aril., Whirl) to prove a
good thing for luau end least, It will
be hsr,estel in faire diem. ()whew.t.4 1 be li4)) at raw 1/1/6/re h:, 48,•11S011/14.
Peas are the fwe'm•.t of our field
cl•opw, and will yield only ,.lend
10411 (11.1(11.14114••Nhe1111 :fere. They' were
loose with a louswhi.h at4'oke'.)
the tin'.,
Hay %511 1111 514488,4 i ,8111 aim t1['eN•-
4111ar0er loll, per aCI'P which i. al WINO
improvement totem the' p444lur'l .1 re.
rent years. (1 w'3. %811 sat ell in 11101
•'I(.P'. 441111 •:hl dee 1»"4)'114er .IS aNw1117Yf
for the %inter. The splendid '4)1144-.
HIM n)id•ut4)urr twtahrI•'N i. a Iso:1
hppw•ful augur} 1114;1 lily stoil will
s .
Maar :1 g,d Nhow to enter 141)4 44,8
through the winter in the stable in
„nfnrtab)e run.lit' ,
• Potatoes promise a good yield, And
110 early 1.d ha, leen complained nf,
Turnips are sn
sot dnitig ' well a,
grew cr. K meld 111..1., bun, rnatngrto -are-•
thriving, noel will 1i1.'1. bit an ;extra
good Tori).•
Th. "heel ,inewltaek to our ngriceil-
!ural__.siUmtion is ,he fart that the
apple crop, w(ich in lburnn ie an hit-
-portant ir>:utw)a)t(t1D-llae_-U11! .with_tt11
off year. It -1w a long time w(nrr 410
pr.•islly 1 he to marketable winter
44!iet18.. ('lulu. ore a tenable yield,
bunot tip) In Ihe• A4 Prase. Prat's are
better in pro)li-4, but tarn R grow) yield
either. Kit it is too) ;much to elect
)Nath 1-14•141 and orchard to be doing
tht'r ts•.l :,t the same time.
(Intauiu with its mixed )'y'sli•msof
farming is going to hr 511 s'nlure r -
fortable position than the Not•thwet.
Province. this year. and judging by
what we read and hear our own coun-
ty will etPrage' I 'mom; the test in
thio Poet Mee. Wher,fore let no Hurl
The Seaforth )Paws talk* of the
Maitland River power project AA if it
were a (ilderich scheroP, It says that
'Mitchell and Meaforth have dit'ap-
tentited (itderich very fiftieth by not
taking up their pet seherne," This, it w
scents to es, is a very peculiar aji Of
looking at the proposition. le discuss-
ing the lly'dr)-1•.lectric l'nmmieulion'44
•w proposition the people of Meaforth did
not consider whether they would
pleas. or disappoint the people of Niag-
ara. (io,lerich d&tea not men the Mait-
land Rit 4'r power and has nothing
but a friendly interest in the Maitland
River Power Co. It is not prop *r..d
tell Reerate the power in (ioderleh,
but At a point between. (:oderlch and
Clinton. sod also at or near Wingham,
If a few Gederleh min have especially
lhterestled th*'i aelt et in the proposed
Ip4(•luiue•;11l.• their fure,ighl t..1 i.11
trrprizt shoell.t h. stiirferi for ....lumen
dal il,rl, 1.••t '1'11,, News 4(1•1 1148 (;.4444•
trial._ bee ...a of its 'unmet, anti 4114.1
i.trik at 11 .,t 1191 .111,
'11141 lhltar•.o /„n'rmt4r-11.' uld4'tiuok
Io .Apply 1A ater p 8ce•r at .1114(, 4.444',
1, in' 1111.11 41111;1111 of 1h^ Llrt that as
(Not, of the I'4 '41o,e .11o,11.1 .1111'14'4
Lu• .4. 011.,411;8 ill Ile• I..•uetil, of cle•ap
pow ••1, 1;044'111)44••144 engineer?, yt'r'
self throtighour the ('884ince to lo-
cate the I,oilli, ni which,, power 1'1111141
1.,• • •t :411'..Illt.•4t"411,144' 4.•4 el.lp epi.
Pot it 1,.ig0•pe14 ..f the- 1'rod''.•,• Niag•,
la1•a 11ow,•1 w:41, 1.1.1• n141;11',nd.•Il. And
0114.4111' of th.t) 411.441, 4 dr4eloptmehh.
at vitt 1o1).11th..la,inl8w1re.t,ggestd
by the 4 iliverntitent 4'i gin.•.•... In
Iheit r1•Iklrt on plc• ?.lake (bora. 1
(.rulgi:uu flay eli.l riot t he )8'614•.•1• Slips
.ply for the town.'..1 4.o.1.•.i.'h. Clin-
ton, S('rfoiIt, '61,'18•44and 11'inharm
w14. itldir:4t.4 1441 ).1'.wur4bi•• :t 144it'4ul-
t:14(4ous .4.444'44 4 14114 •t lir Maitland
I{ive'. t '. •
Now. if the 1.114 rlthitte 11', power
r,.,li.'4 . for the l..•n.•Nt of the whole
l'i.“, 1 and 4 • f•1)' the lwneflt of
111,I1 .1.11, 1.1f 111,• VI, /V11114.11'1 the -di
ail% mita • • .,f 11th.••' part.. why '1.4es
,nal lb. t;.4.-4'•., ,•111 4II I4IV p44,wrr in
1he,meth,.,1 whir, it, engineer,'hm.1b-
%%Tv should Soatorth be i,.k'441 to
pay Ata 1S''4 (► p. V ,4.11 (wwrer 4'911 hr
41uppli.•.1 for $(44 tier h. p.-.14.,.: s Why
hhluld in her titan. in phi, elf -,Het be
iilacevl :.t ..etaililt' disetlyaCadge 't
{,'not tie'. 4 (4V1•4 ument ;is fully re=
•1),)11.411., .for flee, dt.tl'ihution of
4Llitl.uni 'roman. as for 1 he distribution
,44 \4Ng:l ea power
Here are. w ,we -t hen:' for which
ere should like to hat,• straight nn,-
wers froo
u) :trot .gi.t• for the (;vert.-
, ii r. p re, rt.pvelirr. -.
- rahid ea ;tickle, 10 whirl) tion. Dr. in the trade of the mete and N'um.•n
-peurdry. alp lo,,14'r 4.(.Pnhli,••11'or•k tat who hlivaavll.char44ev) their 11111 i4.,
the 1►,nuimiun, hu. 114.011wubjrrlrti by well as to do credit tatt enoaehw
,I'I'he .'1',8runtu Newt. anti :mime whet
reH4•ct h • on the vomit v.
•')he• '('o .1
r,,4 1 New14
. , w•1- 1 MI•. 4 i
n,t.L•y 1'nr n
c,ulu4•t4ng a
what it tron
:r 11111e .(wending r:nu(wlig) in 1� ew-
tern (h)Iar1,1 ` 11 speak. of ••t lei, 10W
rn4•Ih.NI .1 winning '4414•..,•' and'
4e -
031v, 4lr,4 :.n 111111;8.1 man "would
score.sore. t,1 a(4)41',.i to 1h.• mereettat•y in-
.tinrt, of (oral r• itits.'
"•Sur,•Iv " it .,y !'in the twentieth
e.•40114y the Oft:ana timer tit
should aloud 1f1 41. W4444441 system of
drafting 4'.4 im4.4,'. t.. 111441 the party 1
exigencies itt •(01110(111 -Constituencies. •
The dot h •. 4., lit when public
e .
weak.hou1.1 no.) miler he unitertaken I
4'r pt• attisi',1 r• crept upon the expert {
Steil disinterested advice of efficient i
(lover • et engineers free from peat -l
4.4,44) p,ra4lre•••
What evidenee has The New. of the '
,rrufiwls tiren -nret-wee.rst-4.+-4•14.-vw It ssi
:411y depressing etfeet on his 41r11guiu.
11'u,(erau1ent and cheerful 011i14.601k.".
. int reit! Wit nes.. al HOW -
toughly iuJt•fx'n.ieut,l •1111 , cru 1
1.114'. 14118 't ark In the &)pp...4141Ur1
criticisms, of the Minister of Marine
411,1 fisheries. 11 says th:1t „41t•.
Brotivti • is the first Mitliatt•t• for a 1oSIg
time who ha. 1),a itatt 41 phi, 1)epar1-
111e nl a the interest. of coullnerr • and
the 4'ilittry:" .:lint further. that
•'Fitter. MI'. Nv,.,h'111' 44114' (4) • po,%Yr 14
very •rJAen Department has leen
cleansed null works for the benefit .if
navigation liave .drown teal 91111
1.0s1)1t 41
QuN� Tncidele Recalled,
Prow Ottawa Citizen.
The e.rape of the two murderers
from the Hamilton aavIoul reran. on
Tie Seetfe1•tle News 14111)1161. 14 111:1)
w•h•i was. heard to ....ek if the fir/der/eh
people ever expe•rtavt to get power
f • t hat tw4ri' tittle .1 ream a herr
the suekets 11411lheib hacks hurot la..t
4uuuu4'. That i+all 1.44(141 (ora joke :
but JLrrruding-tn-the eYn/414-4'4'B of the
I)Ilt41tit Hy'jrv-la.•.-(11'• ("'iIllaiN.l)11
that. .119411 11LI141'_.rtreit ul i- capable ..f
hup(►Iyin4 the pow •1• needed fur the
Puler -tries of S.•..fortlit )tit'•h.11, Chet -
too ata1 (i*sl.rich. If Thr News has
so little faith lie the r4ev •114atiou,
of the Hydro El'rtrit- a' s.inn,
isn't it a little risky for the people le 'iif
Sa•.lforth to undertake it large habil
ity on the eetint,at4•N,4 the some
tit isaioD
To the qun.stiun, Why i. it the
449)85 4 ' school, open after 4 he '.um-
tner• h4;lidays **Artier ,haul 1h•• tow 11
seh,44.pa The 1t 1-.1 tole{ 11.•rnl4f 511).
11144 the fullOwillg ails%,•.:
Thrtw is our .4r.lmg reaN48n -why
the 1.11.111 seh444.1 shunhl get under way
'r at•1y in the fall. NIX ._- thnt the 'very
young sehulat',• may get a dw•enta4rt
in their work before the e41111 weather
prohibits atiendane*. Anyone who
hos haat-tttr-.'wfwcione .►f-dseatJting-i1)
t 811114411•'sl•h,N.1 knows bow funk par -
'tits ))take that institution it nursehw-
for the little N4Ik4 who are itd.•light-
fnl nuisance armed h during the
busy sea$nn. it is :Melly)+ . several
weeks, before the wee toddler. ran
pos,itey get preiperly starteel on the
high road to are academie esil}.•Irtiun
au{d the early part of the fall tern) of-
fer, the hard -worked irlstrortur a
eha»rp to -break in' the juvenile. be-
fore the older scholar:. c track in.
large teres. The aatt'ndar,t•r in
•prat wined' is not w. regular a• in the
•ity and hence the veh)dar, are really
to longer tier the teacher'. tuition,
4lthnu4(h school opens a - few weeks
sooner. The time is nom. tut) long
when there are soleirtu1•ils a, 11,8)64'))
'Ia4w'e in an 11nm•:a1vt rnuotry schowol,
1)r the {trot ,8f teaaeher, to s4ti.fuetut•-
ly coyer the term's work. The extra
t;ew days' instruction %oeCt do :any
tarns that we ran ser."
use of any improper influence in eon,
'tertian with tie proposed 1•x0811.;•
Herts in 11',s'err ()Merl..? (:441•rich
i4 ot).uf the principal points 4tsi(ed
by 11r. Pugsley itt his tour, and Con.
w•rvlativ.i• and i,ilteral alike will tell
Thr Nes'. that .8 far at least tis this
t0wn.is von8orltp0 it does not -know
what it is 8:111.inw :etsnit w'hlu • it
48, 4. l•.o the-'1i11i.t.. of u'iirg public
works 4N halt, for ,•.ten•.. Literals
:11114 ('1885411854,14414*.' lo,ited without
Ihou4htof part) (4Jit4.•- in the wel-
/setteebo the .Ministe•r,'.44151 not even
the phial 44:'4,:41 11114.)'of The News, if
he had been here, *milli h;lt'r• been
ably 111 take exception to a Noel that
'rah tit terthI by the 1.44.411 (s•ep(4'
or by (44" (11144ster 1:•;1)84- ,'f hipart
on the ground that :my pa-itie•1)1
pressure w•a- (wing employed or any
patty a4ti'attaage Wtisi twang s*Tggt'.t('et
hi the 1111.4 ref44,tr N1ey. It w14.• from
beginning t4' end ie thoroughly non-
partisan n(Tair. At the banquet lit
the evening ,44)4 of the niost hearty,
sol to Nay u,t.11.,',•, ,_nppl4IIdel, of
the spec -in•- made by the Minister.
was the ('lrlwer8a(itr tnemler for the
(1odprieh halt'IN, phi. wnnr ge•nUenl,n
will 11111 the Ara (1 ,'Lein eretlit for it
and 11.48 it for Ili- .448 ft a44) anta441' with
the -electors.
The Nett*. apparent lj failtl-t1) under••
stand Ihat. the head of a great spend-
ing drlwtt•tmeor'4 the 4484'. ernment
may find i1 advisable. in the publi.' in-
terest. to visit the (stint. :.t which it
is proposed that public "4pwlIdilnres
should he mode, and at the Naeliire erf
his own tiny! inept:tint himself thor-
oughly with the condition, with
which his drgw44'tmerit hits (y deal.
The News may hate reason to hate
Mr. lhlg41tey. but in •halderin44 hits as
it does for thethoron44(4 and cons,'i,n-
tiuus discharge of his duty in 84mee •-
fion with prillar.rt petnlie Worts
it net ends disph,o. a hit (re and
ignorant ..partisanship hot it- in -
silts thecommuniti'•. which 4415' Mg-
ing these works tole) the attention of
the Minister, in the belief that (hey
are frit the general ad%nntogre 4 t ht•
tato nt ry.
(tor summer ti.ito's 41hou111 not
hasten away too .04 14) September is
frerpoently the finest month of the
year in li0wter$,-h-atway's barring
lnt•ety .tune.
The Mltehell Recorder publishes
large portion of 1',.e Signal's report of
Hon. ilr. Pugsley speech et the
public reception to the Minister in
tiodprid), and remarks that "the
Doth Count for Much
Woodstock s'•ne mei-I(.- 441%.
A l'4utt•ngNrrary tells of a lune w'hee
diel ill Teet•u11U, recently- in ).44•..ed ',8f
:+j),1MH)shate, 111 Unbo14 wining 44.1•k.
And Vet his total estate was appraised
at only $1:111. Of this Ott its in cash
and the balance repn•esemted one Aare
4)) a how ling (dub. T114' 2)4.419) mining
shares were rallies( at nothing. Thi+;
does not mean, of e'urse, that :a11 min-
ing shaves are w ort Meta : it dies
mean that the purchase of training
stock is not Always I. certain Way tef
becoming ; soddenly and pernrat.tIfly
rich. But, nu 144111(44. neatly per.,ple
have already made this discovery for
them+elves •
Our Prospects Look Good:
1:zeter Advocate.
Hon. Wm. Pugsley, .liuiste•tw' of
('u44(4e (forks, and ilon. )1nrk,•,zie
King. tfini.ter of Ia11sn;(...yiaited the
enmity town em (1'•w{14'.,1ay of lest
week, no./ ireoteet.vi 1 i1)• hayloft .14441
et, her peilde4' walk., wheel addresses of
weir • tarry l•3114•(1e'41 to thrill :11141
11)4• ,1ini4ters replier! in -waren terms
r.gardin44 ale' oat urn t•iwaolt' and pro-
44rr41sivenrs. of 1.,, 4er•ieh and it:.
people. ((rn1e•rd,•h /Nr the (448.1-
of the l.4I•ger tow n.. that .111.1• 44841144
uitLJ' lalt�_ years. ft 4s a•Ilnirabh-
1it)atPe( ))4l L'rlke tinro11 Alli .foul(
!44414'1 n -fie.,. 1t. 11. 1s• 411 the
4'W yra4r..
Organization for Farmers.
Farm and !Airy.
- There are smut- thing* that w't' 4141n
Trni n (mein flie farmer.. of t 11e ('mitt',(,
States, (bnr,8f therm i. hew to organ,
ire, In 4h4'1444(44'tot \'N' fork alone,
on September Ileo) !84 tell formers
worn et'
MeinI' of Ott Grange. Thos
towed 4 net Mail] i)) utrmler.•hip (or
e year of (),leg. Hy Jam enry 1, 1011,
the m.rnbl•rship had inerrf't'tl 1e, 44,-
54*1. ')'herr were i:M$ (irHnge' in the
Sta4', '('hr newt for a oitnibleorganiza-
t!on among the farmer. ,4 Ontario is
shown by the feet that in the (►
ion Heoose of Conlnem- the . 1'rot inrr
111 (Marro; the w,4.,t thickly popu-
1ates1 {'sat in.e in the IS•iiii ,8n,j Is
Irpr'e1cnted by only`six faellierN,
Keep Up the Record.
Itrutn•t• J'set.
44114-4411 ....ev1ty" is w',')) in the lend in
the quantity and gt•41ity of its Seals
and dn11 tern who NII positions of
honor ant re•s1wIu41ihilit 411 l'annda
and the ('luted States. A compil4-
tion of their names would pon.in-
tereating {hfnrmalk ill Anti the heir 11mu1
tter %%Mild (41,14*' a surpri.r (o many.
No matter what Npher• of lite ton
torn ton line onion Bill generally Iw•
there.' and not :a ,:tit -ender either.
Tie•y fusty ire found in the pulpit, pro-
feswi•s 411 colleges, te'aeher, in schools,
in law, medicine, joternlli,m, pwditie..,
481.14 am) 41 1rnce14, wearing the King's
unilotne,hp Ni.t places in 'gri1',dt)tr,
*maw ',the Judges of ,.ler highest
ciente. in athlletics, and any place else
where rugged. cli.ar•hra11ed. elean.
han(e•1, big hearted . and prngrevelve
people'. are needed, Their farts
should slake .an impn•ie on the young
pe•pl• of Hn,n count), w) that
isles hmAden they will he
ready 1.) tenter the own floors with
bright prospects of worthily- follow tog
connection with that institution 40411P
year. ago. There ,'414i.le.t in that etll-
bitboo' burg al bank r1»t k who had a
teary fine tenor wore in the process (8f
development : And it was his habit to
take long walks in the country during
which, on lonely roads. Hi• woold test
his voice by emit'ing. shoot,. pitched
in variuns keyed. It to happened then,
as now. that inmates frequently -
escaped from the asylum, which is si►-
uatelt on the top of the mountain, and
usually, after wandering abnnt the
eneentry for a time, would he eiteurlvt
and returned to the asylum. On the
edge of the mountain, a mile or -so
from the asylum. was the residence of
a sturdy old Scotch lady. and on the
mountain side aelnw the house ran a
road somewhat like the Invbr's walk
along the face of Parliament Hill.
This fine summer afternoon the old
lady was in the ¢.14,1811 when she
beard arrange !Hite• on rhe path he -
low. and lucking throng, the hedge
observed A man te-intetng atone with
his coat over b)• 'arra, the while he
emitted at inte1•vela_ _strange fie eama •
and 1irerire. Thn'tgh the old lady
way alone at the time. she did not hew -
(441(e a moment, hot Proceeding IO the
este invitee{ rhe ytwtng man, as the
afternoon was hot, *IP come un (I• the
house and have it Maws of cold milk.
HP eraprnIdrd wish'alacrity, and was
led into the drawing room. After
*Web the old lady denaried to get the'
milk, rather carefully rinsing, the
door. Some time elapsed: and, las hi:,
hn4t•ek, did not app1ar, he tot np an4
tried the door, only to And it Irseked,
whereupon he rornmen-rd to knock
and Anally to pound, while the old -
Indy/waved outside and exhorted him
to be patient. S -.nn thole was A 1
t•amn of running feet, the door was
swiftly embarked. and the ynuow man
found himself nnion4d by two asylum
guards. Thinking h. was an eara)aetl
lunatic. the old lady had Inrked him up
and telephoned to the Asylum. When ,
the guards brought hitt) nit from the
duaki_derths of the drawing -room
the mistake woo at once epp aiwnt.
and the young tenor wet* released. belt
the story leaked out. and he had to
get tr•apeferred to a branch in s dis-
tant city.
Windsor Recent.
At its meeting 1111 Monday the coun-
cil decided to juin the great army of
m)1u1Ici(NLl, personal and other [tete- 1
tiunerr that again will seek the. ••fiNrt'
of the throne.' nt Toronto next steodon 4
of the 1.egislattire aln1 ask f )r such nit
amendment of the 1,srn.nlrnt, act 441
trill rase the 1 len yVw
4111 ;til Vrell(4
and lay it note 4)11 1411( cHines. 1
Such an amendment wue1144 -gi\,• g
iton)4f-buitditlg 8 ' fa swelled impetus.
while this would ,again vastly IIICI'Pilw I
11)4.r and at' late as down kinds of 1
Vatteouyer began Name yelps ago to
reduce` taxation 4411 44(8(51'.+yemPnt..
and this year these sire wholl', ex-
empt. the single fax system in it,
a1•ity iteing 4pu•
plied to assess nt.
'('he result has been a Inlilding boom of -
14rge ditllensirnls 14)4(1 that rib- i.
,glrrw'ing by leaps and I,Aunds. 1411
with Ielm,8ntien, which has made a
partial applit•,tion of the principle,
end !luny other places in -the great
N ent;
in Matkatt•I,ew4u Province the (clan
is to exempt 4t11prot•eIuentw 1)u Tatou
land., and this to Ione. Olt the allure-
ments that began arid. continues the
exsrdus Noor the strath of the hound -
1 country that (hars not {{erlalizr'
pi ogress (0451., to the heat Hy -taxes'
maty like the promised land. rued it is.
()Mario will .war) juin the forward
movement -that 4s, when the ju•e•jle-
dice+ of her attittle .rn Premier is
broken down, a4 it will fie by repeated
44Nw14ult$. -
('Hain of high-44raue cullewes
founded during the post
twenty-sixrrar5• 'i'his chain
is the {x444041 tra,,,t-s 0t
young people in Canada and
it is freely adruittrtl that its
graduate. get the he.t posi-
tions. There is it reason
write for it. A diploma from
the I. •sial Fducatoas'
AssOri:4tinn of Canada Is a
passport to success.
You may study partly at
home and "Nnloh at the
Enter any day.
Fall Term Opens' August
0E0 SPOT TON, Promos,.
Fall Term from Aug, 29th.
The largest and hest practical
traireilw Fenslul in \t'r,tern Ontario,
There is no better in Mr D ' ' n•
Our courses are thorough and mac -
deal. our teachers are experiePced
and we assist grsduate4 tie position.;
We have three delru•twrote
Commercial __-Sborthend
Write at once fo 'roe o6t• cata-
logue• . ,
1). A. McL.'. C11LAN,
Berlin, Ont.
Founded .are.
incorporated Sy Act or Puliareat, 'sea.
Residential School for Boys and Yount M.O.
Coarws : Business, High Scheel, Scie.c.,
New b,k14ngs "quipped wm, lsteet Urinal'. r►m
gnir..nt• - pm.ate r,m.,, in. new
tin•w, Swim ming Fool, Shower SAW. Raanio9
T, ark, Aud,t•nom.
Proknors wade pott•erad.ati coarse* In IRn-
rope. R.te..err ueed•e1t•.
Address -
ACV. 8.1- il88Cr1, C.A.. PN.S., sets.eaar
The Fall Term
Begins August
in the Centra) Basineas CrrNrgr
of T vnnto anti its I.ranrhrs.
Are yon planning to enter then r
Hate you seen other young
people around you riot• from rine
pnsitioo CO smother? There's a
reason. ThProorcut-rd a !mein....
education Hrat. Our now cata-
logue is just unit. Writ.- t1 ,
•H, Shaw, Principal, :Ws Yong,
Street, Tomato.
11111111MMItsw 4WIMIM
WWw waw 1
Business & Shorthand
Resident and mail Courses
Ceiafas.s. Fear
J. W. W.stiswet1. 1. W. w.rse.•li. Jr.. C -A„
Pnisds.L V'1•..t'4isai.al.
Elliott Business College
is unquestionably first-elass in all
depa.tnefl5.• Write today for our
Iwod.nme P444alr,gYee
Let us ,aye your order
t.)l1r . . . . . . .
New Summer Suit
The Tailor. Walt
The destruction of the house ay 6 a public duty.
Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying
on a crusade against hitn.
fi ttfthv ori ;Fn and habts, ind the fact that his body
is generally laden with disease -producing• erms, makes him
one of the greatest enemies of the humat>,race.
1 f the houseki-e))ers of Canada will ust
August Sale of Rugs
144,44.141 patterns and beeeitifiel colors, sueh it a 3, 3 x
yards: furan t• twice 11:1.49) to dta.00. Iteduee(j to
*22.00 and
111114,14 40 *12.50 and $17.50
4.x x {4
keit 4„
56.50 and ;9.00
A handsome r+h4)N•ing of all pat's wood Uelaines and ('bellies, in
neat patterns, dols, •peat's and Paisley patterns; reg-
ular value 5112. special. per yard........... • 35c
fancy twbnt)-seven-inch Dress Silks in 411 colors. New
beautiful Japan ttlanand II
fncteem 5.1c aoOc, for, per yd. 39 C
Towels, Tattle Cloths and Napktils. Special clearing line. 44,
• every size, at .).) per cent. under regular value.
FLOOR LINOLEUMS, three and four yards wide, clearing
.1 1, per t std . 40c
FLOOR OILCLOTHS. one. one and'nne-fourth, one and on,•
Ilattt, two y'utd, wide. at, per y'ar'd.......,.....,,. 25c
Your Clothing Problem
is to select -the clothes which meet
with your ideas in regard to fabric,
style and tailoring. .
So many men of tam! prefer the
clothes made by us.
It is 'to your benefit to try them.
See our Nett, Fall Woollens.
Martin Bros.
Ready for the Flies and Bugs
This is the seaatln of the 4 PAr when the disease -breeding
housefly arrives to infect your home and by its unceasing
buzzing make your life Ite1erelly miserable. (VP are ready t:,
4seist you in ridding yourself of this teat, We have the te•.l
PLY j'01S0e1 IN 5o AND 1011 PADS, and another sure
thing in TANGLEFOOT.
ARE THE POTATO BUGS BUSY? 1f the potato bug
threatens t4e deprive you of your supply of t4.tator., try
Paris Iirwrn. it meting sudden death to the hugs.
Give us a call. We will be pleased to serve you.
H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist,
South Side Square, - -- Goderich.
A real money - saving
opportunity for the prfple
Over fifteen hundred pairs of Summer Low Shoes
in the big sale cannot fail to give ample choice for
every man, woman or child. Styles that are strictly
new this season.
if you miss this sale you miss the best Shoe
bargains your money ever had the chance to
exchange places with.
Downing & MacVicar
$siatently, this peril would be tremendously reduced.
North Side of Square, Ooderich.
Jl 1.. &B
'ICG Z Ctt
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