HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-18, Page 6•' iHOMMeV, AVOMIT 1f1,1010
It Played an Important Part In a
Love Affair.
Kietweerit, 1910, by Anaeiriese Urea' Asso-
M the breaking oat of our war with ,
the Japanese: I bad beau somewhat sur ,
Vrisee at the devotion of a young lieu
ew►sea la►. tlw-.aratlr wbn..eaemefl I9
conakier me the object of a grand pas -
won. ]le was several years younger ,
'than 1 and extremely boyish. We Rus-
sians are a fair halted race, but Paul
}evinele'a hair was almost white -
not withage, fur be was but nineteen
veers old. -Ills eyes were a llgbt blue
and lite compk'zlou milk and rose. ,
suitable fur a glee Aro beard had yet
I well remember the day Paul called
upon me to say that Itis regiment was
mouthing' tee my yteMg soldier knee•
A few days before the eo.piraUun ul
TWA i period a card was seat up re axe
bearing the name of Paul NeviuskJ.
teas 1 glad or sur?
1 don't knew. 1 only know that
burned down states. There bttrod the
young whiter, his cheeks. which bad
beeu round. uow hollow, his complezlea
a pale yellow. his egos sunken in bis
bend. l wished to be taken into his
arras that toy beart might beat against
his. Out 1 controlled myself. l showed
my delight at recerring hien back from
Vie dead. but gave no indications that
It was from love. Qravienleff was a
spTdirdifr .,telt.,*. ar]d"t"w*s---b7 .eee
means ready to permit thla condition
of sentiment to Interfere witb my tak-
ing advantage of what It would bring
Thiswits Paul's story:
He had disappointed the surgeons by
recovering from his wound and far
more gntekly than coeld have been an-
✓ elpated. Ile bad tl en part In the
tteet)ncnt battles of the war fought
y the tinny with which be served and
had re•nrned a general of brigades.
covered with decorations,
1 Asked him why he had not inforqu-
ed me of his recovery. Ile replied in
a shemefaced way thee, having elegt
toe the bullet -that killed hltn, he had
c, felt that to announce that be bad not
' been killed after all would have ,put
l hire Iris ridicuious position .,chose mc.
i Ile had therefore pbt off the nunounce-
tine to time and busily had concluded
to ecmmnt'icale it to me in person. lie
hcfari th:it 1 would not think ;MTh -ye -the
less o! hit, fur tort hateeig been lethal.
While 1 could not lorbear smiling of
this absurd self abnegatitt. I entries
one tnucbed Ly lt. I toted not for -
r taking his haul., send when he
bet forward for a kids 1 could not'
help' • vibe halm one. (�
I new ad tau lovers tdfjl'eeu whom
it was o• trataLlea ane to•Jo:We' Vu
the .one Ii d.. 1rc 0 h Grevteoiett.
wh,, eiertuitt • to understand that
It wag a gree coudescew•iuu of the
• Part of his faun. v to ..ouseut to Mtn.
• hue blood with nine. ludeeii con-
te of' the oldest
skdertng that he cn
I stock in llussia flee 1 was nuble only
oo tee mothers eek, th match would
be telly advantageous to e. Ou the
other baud wit. me 1, }. r, who
WAR se LI ](.1f,11$ to bone 'me that be
apoloel ltd- for-'returnyrg :Hit: after
baying sent me ai a :Mark of de-
▪ wire.
will no, tonere KAKI' You tN 3010 Lvotlrn tht• '-iliilet that Nes sUpi e
Knaus." have.kjlleed bltfl. Never was a wO
to he tftnageortr�cl that eery day over' Called upon to. decide between such
$ Itremes,
the 7're,nasiberiau railway to Mancha and while I was undeckled, or, ratb-
rin lie told re that were it not for er, while '1 was unable to ,bort my
leaving me be would be glad to go. young; lever -by turning him away for
*ince he washed active servlce- '•i am the roan it seetued best for me to ImSr-
conaoled, bowever," he Bald. "that I ry, my position -way a delicate on'.
may have :in opportunity to gain some When the count teemed that Paul
honor to pla.-e at your feet" Nevinsky was his rival he was very
1 was moved by this, though I saw' much astonished- Paul baduo for -
no reason wby bravery should make tune• was a commoner and was In
years and appearance a were boy.
nae love berm -I was pleased that be Tbnt loch a roan should presume to
whthed re*rown fur me rather than for compete with bim for tbe favor of
biniaelf. Since be was about to leave any woman was a creat blow to Gra-
eae and I might never -see blm reedit I vlealeff's vaulty. That I sbould con- necessary to guess 11. A
had not the heart to chill him, so 1 aider Pau] at all In competition with remit 1f the hostess served the inncb-
bade hint itoodby without giving him a nobleman of his rank nod wealth ism which is oil the cam.
saydefinite knowledge with regard to somewhat diminished the coialnt's good One of the best ot these is as to1-
tqy feeling for Qin. When be lett me opinion 'of me. I believe that on this bun:
Delon- going out of the door be turned ace000t' bad be not been 010 pr ud tin
toa e'o
hleA nt sileaca-Oystesa-
Duchess of Roxburgh., a Fa-
vorite of P.w English. Queen.
o0CH Pain or ttu7tatrnctuL'
The Duehees of Rexburg/ie. who was
Omelet of . New York and the
Duchess; of Huccieuch are warm
Many dope fiends contracted
---drug habit in the cradle
Certain dangerous drugs were given to them in
theg baby days in the form of "Soothing Syrups,'
"colic cures'and "infants' friends." The harmful
effect of "soothers" containing ;opium, morphine,
chloroform, chloral, etc., cannot be too strongly
stated. Do not give baby u "soother" unless
you positively must. Then give it
friends of Queen Mary. of England..
'The story goes tbet they will aid tbe
present queen In ridding the court of
men and women, who enjoyed the fa-
vor- of klua: Edward VII., nut who
ordinarily would not be received' in
select sial . circles. . "The tree and
easy" reetebers of King lridward VIL's
court, It is said, are doomed to ssocialoblivion: and the former Miss Goelet
will rimiest in' the revision ot'the court
11et The Duchene orf Roxburghe occu- -
pies an enviable position. she vies ad-
mired by King Edward Vile. but for
several years has been a warm friend
of the woman who uow 1* queen. Sbe
and her husbaacl associated much with
the Prince and Punches of Wales, and
the four found much in common.
Though as Princess of Wales the pres-
ent (meet' seemed to care little for so-
ciety, she already bas shown a stern
mind and a thorough apprectatloo of
the social problems ahead of ller and
Das assumed with much vigor the
!management of the court eeremootee.
A Guessing Luncheon.
who want to give clever mkt -
dee - to their friends shouldtry
a gn tg luncheon. in whieb all or
many of .e dishes a
are given nn>en-
ICvery .. is given a chance to find
oat what food is before the feast
le served- .. are handed aroundsmallend small pew., ', '!:bene are a dozen
er more sentences rotten on the card.
eacheaeof which sten • for a food. Tho
owe who guesa-es the " • t of these cor-
meetly in awarded a p • - It is not
wecesy to serve the t, , • it is only
Ie would
Wel gave norm look uo oalancbul that give In to soot an }Lferint 'pe Send. -The penalty of looting back -
would have withdrawn his propose! ward-Salt.I advent ed b step, toot his handsLt for my band. - t! Yitei-etude
Mine and kissed him. An for Paul, wbeo be first learned elineaar.
That tries put uew life into 'him. tbat be bad a rival in Count Ora- , yell-noetaw diet -Beans.
With a wave of the hand he walked vienieff all bope deserted bine "i ' Futk.-Rbrbiddes to Jeers -Pork.
quickly away, apparently nut wishing would not truly love yon," be said. otion.e emblem of eeepktity-0000e-
to risk looking back at me again.
Deem by Its mother -
ahoaid I in$tst upon yrntr bestowing Sesewth--Ouivsae-
al crowu-flar
The battle of the Yale wee, wee, be- yourself on me when a position so ) htk-__Largest part of the feet-
Iieve, the first great battle of the w.= much more exalted than 1 could gale.,
At any rile, k was one of the that A you is In store for you-" •N1at .-To shrink from danger -
• weehs atter It toad been fought I could not tut contrast the Reif con -
received -h little package and a letter. fidcnce of the coarct with the modesty lvewth--t,ndk'roent.tteatlowx-i'icklea,
and rest contented. Nyal's Soothing Syrup con-
tents no opiates, It induces natural, healthy
sleep -gives immediate relief to baby, calming
the mother's tired nerves ---does not put ou soft,
flabby flesh, making the little folks easy victims
IDS childish diseases.
We- wouldn't think of recommending Nya1's
Soothing Syrup if we were not certain of its
beneficial effects.
Anything y o u
id* 41ao name
will give you
Mamma assassostssiwass
e. C. D'eJNLOP =. R. W1G1
'.stops rag a: r
Ayer'a 1:ale ',i;or-1s composed of sulphur. glycerin. tluirin, sodium
chlorid.:a,,sicum. nage. alcohel, water, and perfvm:. Not a single
injurious !woe -hent in this lint. Ask your doctor if this is not so.
ollovv m; advice. A hair food. a hair tunic. a hair ,dressing.
tnupil cbtcks falling hair- s Completely itc,:roys all dandruff.
Do s not Cokkrr ,he Hair
1 C. Avis l" si fita. t.,w-;1: ?1a,.
d: •
Thies Time
The house will need to be well equipped
with Knives, Forks, ..Spoons and Coking
Utensils. We have g
extraQod valuesl,at}ll
we' ask von to he sure to sec our stock. •
Possibly you ha"' hat up wt'itfi that tt:e.
' t0ve as long as \ oil Now, when \'OI•
have extra cooking, \',`u „need the, best
raifge,"-therefore you should get at of14t'
PANDORA - - the lunges*-iived and''hu,
ail -round range tm the Pia:-kt . -
\, a .ire offer; 11 cledrini, prit:es on %..aa't 11
and Oil toves, • !"Lilt..•
mocks, etc.
Best 650 ft. Deering Twine at1)C per tb.
Nowell hardware Cc.
1111 le 1 I'1 `, ..` Rl'\' tt.\1:11\\' \1.1
yr 'AT
• •
r e
l:as rare nod valve. Splendid for
Wholes e, nourishing and 0 !
• so good for "breakfast, dinner and
supper, ,
Economical. too. 152
The hamlwtiting oo both Indktated of the IitUe general. Nevertheless i Aeseutk-Tailor's toot (loose.
that thc'y'hod been addrtsaed by the was not so affected by this difference I q _(guy of tbe "sublime
same person. 1 opened the tetter first efeween the two nice as by the fact nares"-Tvrtry
It was from the surgeon of the rem- that the one considered himself ton 'ole atst_ Owe M Noah's soas-
haeot to which nay youthful lover was Kot„i for one, while the other cared Baia
attached It read: - unly for tbe !moors be had won that veiurtnenth- _
or the Yalu distinguished himself. In •
Lieutenant Paul Nevinssky' at the battle by might lay them at my feet t ne-
One evening my two lovers happen -
charge the Japanese ore was et' deadly
tent ell the of6•-ere of his regiment who
had not Wen picked off were drt,ca tack
D oto'o the storm, of bullets ,:icrpt Lieu -
ten 101
ieu-ten101 N••vinaky, who stood his ground.
awlh,d n small number of men and With
t hem lope the enemy at bay till the oth-
ers haul returned, then completed the
trha,gr, winning all Wat It wan Intended
to artolnellah. But In the moment OF
fictory he. wax .struck by a bullet and
tarried off lite !kid dangerously- wounded,
1 have atteuded Elm and extracted tbe
ball Ile will not survive. Ile has asked
me 10 send It to you, saying that since
pa- nvV lO reoetve a decoration to
nates his leaden medal.
Bo many wounded igen need nay atten-
tion that 1 fe„ 1 1 am taking time that be-
long. 10 1 hem lo' fulfill my prondew
This brief iue*$bge written by one
who was called away from his patient
to other ruultifations duties was all I
ever !Mel red from Paul. 1 bad no hope
that he lived. rind wben the retains of
the killed nod wounded came his name
was among thio dead.
I would Indeed have been hard heart-
ed if this devotion had not affected
me. 1 had admirers. but all tbt'Ir ad-
iteration termed trifling beside that of
this young area wlio faced death that
be might send me a medal and' had
tnstend only had time to send inn tbe
bullet that het killed him. But I
kefit my leaden decoration to myself.
No other knew of it or that the man
11 had struck loved roe, For -11H1-1
Intend --lint others; ahoukf know of 1t,
especially those men who were honor.
Ing me with their devoittou and -their
offers of marriage. 1 bad before me
• (leper, and 1 did not propose that it
should -bt• hligtued by the blue eyed,
beardless be-, who had beret' killed by,
the Japanese 1 '
Vitro Count Oravletdeff, • oobis of
• two \rank, offered himself 1 would
bare accepted him at om-e but for two
reasons. First. I did not wtsb his
to think I was overanxious for him;
aerond, 1 wished to complete a year of
ed to call upon me at the same boar.
As soon as the count saw the general
his brow darkened. 1 introduced
them. The count bowed stiffly. The
general returned the salute with more
Woman's w..4ew-
Teethes Correct Speech.
A woman of culture steal travel has
mode a glorious sntrens teaotllug cor-
rect speech, says the Delineator. 1t }s
surprising bow much incorrect speech
amiability than might have beeo es there IA amour oar edocataeel people.
parted under the circnmataoces. The ' .may Ming to peovtncMtlisn, incorrect
count's forttearatcc with me for keep- proonnetatlons, wrong ase of words
lug him so long In doubt bloke flown"-; and nntnmtleal intonations. The smelt -
"I cannot eensent." be sifld baugbtl- ernrr holds to the soft rless tit ter anee
Every ounce of Kellogg's carries strength and vitality. No food
is better than good corn and Kellogg s is the best corn, rolled into
tender flakes and cooked to a nut brown turn. •
T=N' 1
PAC Gs--
ly. "to be placed 10 rtvatry with one eK hie "mammy” days, the middle went
wbo, though br has distinguished him- ' erner flattens all his vowels, and the
the 9rM of battle, t.ninfl s to ppttoninn throws his is HnmplMetj
an entirety difcrt'nt .9u -_s from my ,oat of joint. This woman undertook
own 1 helve offered yea my bent and to correct inch errors and teach a pure,
baud. It remains for you to deride perfect Enitlhtti speech to a hew young
u -be--the wife 01 women. Sbe became so mecca:ate that
I uohle,or the wifeof a commoner.- take was compoiled to start a shoot
-If /general Nevtnsky can bestow upon correct English, 'which has grown to
.yon what 1 em able to. bestow I w111 , mot proportion,. This pnrtlenlariy
restge you for yom own good. If not. ' promising field is open in every town
let hint cease to come between you
Right .11$40.V y •1 n '-
chant r
chanty te, get i•e„itt a '•i
Slues ai Y ren, a 1 •
ovine.- tint ps.lb y t• t •
e 11 all awe. 1.. .11.
e.o+en and ,-Jury ee, ihu,;
nest•. The tolera'e e!
*aft tnnwr el y It•a w.• at •.
we•iting new a1 prices t.•
,•",i ,g,tickly
Hundreds undredt. of pairs of
O -X -F -O -R -D -S
Vrn'•. wson, •O - Hod
G. M. Elliott
•f he;Syuare, Cpoderith,
and me."
',Count." 1 said, 'R - will no longer
keep you In ignorance of my decision- ,
I fully appreciate the substantial hon-
ors you are able •to bcetc'w upon me.'
(leveret Nerinnky bas already made
me one gift whlrb i hold In greater
eatiseu than the wealth 1 would share ,
with you' an your countess. 'rbpt gift
bye won, Being called upon to choose
between you. l choose him who gave
me this
Catching hold of a small gold chain
about my neck, 1 drew from under my
bodice that which was nttached to it-
s !redo' bullet
The roust stood for a moment Paton
label that a bit of metal should over
Saltine* his estates: that the little gen
oral abonid have won me with 0 hal
let. But he knew that my decision
was againvt him end in Fater of thr
- itlert of the hall of lead ile with
drew haaghtlly, and the moment tete
door was closed behind him my accept
.d suitor kwdt at' my feet.
in America.
Mit Tea For the Neeveus.
Met Bee many virtues and a few
vices, says the New Orleans; Picayune.
Well washed, the leaver polled from
We stems, eltghtiy mashed and boiling
water poured over there renulte a
"mint tea" that Is a s"veretgn remedy
for nervous' nu well ale etontarh trete
bevy Served in a thin glans with
cracked ice noel a Mlle %neer In it, It
e.oIe and (airy the sy'+ttaern peieraiiy.-.
In preparing the mint tea the howl to
kept closely rove•reel until the eontrwrw
aro cool, then strained. peered into a
, Mottle that can he Homely corked and
set nn lee. When wanted lee shoats be
pounded very fine and a Rifle sugar
added If liken Some prefer the tea
To Restore Feathers.
1•.•nther. tt1at heve grown grimy
may M- given s bath to akvitvil, atter
which they ehouM he .,haken over Meat
at Si tee e.e enn wall dry.
Canadian National Exhibition
AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 121k, 1910
Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Sbow,
Exhibits by all the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit.
Motel M}htay Camp
Tattoo every night.
Everything new in attractions.
in/ifd* Firmed Umbels.
hIncline of Kellogg's will-boAbesams as the one before— _� i. BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AIRSHIPwlt6-toot ome-fisvor, and Yourila:stela at its finest. We Wim,ter AU twtMATCS FOR n write Manager, D RATER
oASO EXCURSIONS. tlsall, Toront„
to get the first package into your hands. Quality will do it again.J.y
i� b -43s right
Here's a it collapsible ('.t -cart- that's
right from ton to re because it's built right here
in Cltn:ula. t. an turd as bed or seat- -has a
rerclipinv. hack adl,•table to four positions.
Hood, Itndv and dash f Leatherette--tuhnlar steel
otl'fle AND CLOSED with Olga handle-, nickel -plated r\a ('to -cart made to endure.
'V61wrT' A mighty handy cart fog\you and comfy for baby.
Gendron Manufacturing Co.. Ltd.
Toronto . Ontario - sen
a'O ra~
Job Printing
You can get
none better
than; the
kind 'i'he
Signal Job
i.)e partment
urns out.
Uhl by moat first class
dtoloret. Wrisa to tea of
raw ester iwe,sw't
essay rata,
Estimates h eerfully fur-
nished on • •plication.