HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-18, Page 51,,A)CAL TOPICS. king Overt:re• - le iiodei'14 b thou Co, commence.' '''herr has lawn an :average or told einen'fv,1.t into, e for llday 4 wee".night patient. pelt 1111 in the the hu:pi1•tl during the wed to emi.akr urdrt•h, The Mee. ttuy, of town. wee :urtuittrd fo -+a'-'udri--- chock i. tilled-- which he hospital this week. elle is rrpurt- at�• liulrMen are ,sa 111,.1 one hunJr,•tlSatintir'. re- Thue.Ipleuckgin health. - st •. the well-known lit�bileii l^,t s etomiug hi well I army veteran; is a p:rti,i•nt at the hor- 1s ilii prtypt•rts are good ter the peal and is t•',{tit•led Lo !te doing well. that p An '',operation w•w: pertormed on a uatient from Attlee it ou , \lunday ut ger Laundry Changes Hands. this week, which promisee ee 1w'len- ie el ' rsullb. h 1 1 Ilttts • .rl the l ;0(iet rflcla oJl [11I tltt�.,iidtiete,d by I)• It• Dogs Must Still Be Muzzled. • ,„,,,II y,ut dot . _t. wt, d.,y.gtyj R i1, 'I"lralher4 rho e. 1Hieuet' a re ae. I e n No 144 i- the new pruprirp,rr en twin, 1 ,.Dina here fru,ti reported by [lir &tilhorittrs at Ottawa to he 141111011 stamped out, but the reg- ulations reitutring the muzzling of dogs are still in flier mud umnuzzled canine. • are still iu danger of destruction. On fiatut4lav evening Chief Pustlethweite shut one just' u the Square, and the same rfruiva Mir. \\'arreu. of Detroit. who is'a visitor at Mrs. George Coxa; watt bitten un the ankle by -w tatrrler, inflicting a nasty flesh wound. 1'he animal""was killed and its head sent *way on Monday to 'Daewoo) to he stemmed, but uta late hour this afterneen iio •report had been meeked. It ii not expected that the report will Drove unfavorable, as the°dug did not show any symptoms of ie•ing afflicted with rubies. Hareor Notes. The .tre'uer Ketuinistiqui a is ex- pected ..arty next week with a full cargo) ,d grain for the eleyatnr. [Her c,i nartty-ivleftws*ieretirhrrsf . recd. ' The p::ckage freighter• ;11idlanti queen e: to *rive- thin afternoon. There e. ,I�tite •a large ttwount of freight ea:utiug het t rrivel.te be .enc up the Iakte. 4 Thr.t.,•auler Scottish Hero arrived iii poi[ last Sfitilydity and unloaded a1isloo iou1hel,., ( wheal alit Hix at the H tial -Bates. ,n4.141r1• -one Asir and the other hailing Ieuru ,route. 'Ilt. Ito -e. who has totem unite iu .Istule'y Intoneps ter the pest ti you., will t eer u well•earued rest err decudtug x• to his future bu.i- chop Fallon Did Not Come. I'he tod,sfic;►tipti Nerve es of cr. tet- hutch. which w he held 1 Bishop Fallon, [did uottad to tt ktc age tete Hithap wee meow t„ be le. 11 4• u„t known *t. yet what but it le he w111 he able ti, e i 'y pro,-el,I be sow a( wll►.0 beet ew- 1. The •ititeriur . churehe itch has l.reII rr•-.Ir,-orateda,ine the cent fit •• pre -ruts nn itnl(,11It 1 - ,u un'• rash of Miss Eva Turnbull.) bleed. 1•tdrtt n'p*"t'-atill be fritY of Ieet'ling of the de:i(li -if ,nh Eva ,\ Turnbull, Pets -Mt. ou Tues- Hansen lte 1 \' „oto to 'I'be'SignaL•ft•ow her a1'. 4 nNltri, 11 E. Turnbull, f [)euott. ,altitltir the Imfor , and hint- death waw ;eget is tete (let h urrntirel • lo) shock hem en open - inn. Mi. -.Turnbull was Single' rt1 •.n I,r 10.11 -tiff as a eomplritot• a few elr%ale. aril lett 2- tole bushels of u•ked u, a wheat et the iiia \till She chewed on THF SION'AI, (AThE LICA '•T UR) • Sunset last night. The Mayor reports pulite/ tl a meat tWO months and the , a� having had a splendid time, and expects. Iwoult 11114 been tonal **tiptoe.: or y. M,, greet thing', to be dune at t,odrt•ich I Joleston hies nrr4plled for 1)*t•ut- ie ', hat.iar within a cotnl'-natively bbert Cattail' and the 1. cited plater. over. He -ay• the bauiuet was a sec• I The crew of the Midnight. train nt; etas in every Way *ltd the *peaking ` the 11. T. H. had a specie! Inn tut ter .,i,,., a t�i• t.werage. Ile we. 'tee night last week' tt'iya 1w►sseugel s 1' emetine a seat at thegttr,th'14(111 11uug l:oderic•h awaited the netiv.i •'of 1114' with Mr. \\'..1. hell, the )resident of Irgular freta ut H the finely') Hoard of Trade, and they were beth u.il&d ou for a few remarks. Mr. Mudd rt .Iles that the foundations are home laid at G4(t'rieit fol• an- othri tuba Leger gt:,iu eke:[ e• - Chan they haul• at pee.eut, and If the int- pruy,•lueute to the h:uhot• are cent - ',trete as promi,wd by Hoti. Wm. Pug.ley, 'tTiuintel •of Public Work••. there will for several wore of thew built. It is proposed to 10 deepen the e vessel will hat bot thgt th • lutgra sal. be . 1,• to et in and ,tut of (.oderieh hat i n wi uu a taw. A!I these iutlueyeutente to the fatilitie. at lioderich will. 1 comer help Guelph, for the more grain that ea handled there the mere trains will pace over the Guelph Junction Rail- way, and be be of much Ileneflt to the The ActingMayor was much pleaded with his visit, endis famlllar than ever with the conditions of ttit de in the country. Guelph Herald 'August 13) : Mr. \\'..1. Bell. pl•esident of the Guelph Board of Trade, hake returned 'from a *hurt vacation spent at ,Gode- r'irlf.. To a 'Herald roan this meriting hones 1)teees"•d his conviction that there Welt hig things in ,torr lot the -de. velopmeta of (roderic•b a* a shipping' point. Front a private c-onversation with the ('abinet•Me:esters who were in (:0(141 ich thi, week he is satisfied Drat Holl. Ml. Purley will seek• to tarry out the plans ou Hee, for the drvetopement of the harbor ficilitiest, These Interne a tosr ft: additio., to he neethwest breakwater and a l.5t111 ft. extension ot the "southwest one. In Mr. Hell', opinion these are'urgei'n)` needed. not alone tor the convenience ot shippers. but as. well to &meet fn lusting, the harlarene of refuge. In case .1 a .eyrre storm vessels are now afraid to put in'aud titeenly bate place iw to cross over to the Arneries.n side. . Mr. Bell wa. treat• the -Gip of the new grain elevator. and' thinks it a splendid pi.•ct. of worj tuanship, with e(':ucely any vihratiuu. notwithstand- ing it* height., As president of the Guelph Board of Trade. Mr. Bell was interested in Deno sign, id the de. vsloptuent of Geed Heb.' in which Guelph. with it- 1., .1. R., is naturally concern,•d. A third , main . elevator.. this one with two million-husbels catarity. is to by er.•c'teal,.,aecerding til a rutltor. Outside capitalist- have their. eyes on a rite. it. to rotated. end sotuethieg de finite will iw heard-hottly. The pro- je".t wee mehtioneti by J.- W. Moyes, -ofwho i- uttdento ad to he in. ;orrespohdence with the parties in tereeted. One now elevator i• under construed, •n at percent. olmerville, 1,111 their weir Was almost ill Vain. a* _the •' men failed to see the signal, to The long -distant... telephone l Me. ;gilt into too lulls. the travellers were to wed inte'et4Wll •out 1:311 a.m. The (oderich (h gen Co. has gone to some teeth', iI Ie and rxpeule in beautify - ine the factory ,.urretmctintrs with )lit 11* told vines, and the result 11:41, hewn the atileeet, of many compliment - at ' au rrularkr by ytlit m t1 the t. 411* errotted • at reuse person or lel son• pe to tL• en, have so lit[ a ci)n,ulei:trien for such things as to tear •loW1i .ou1e of the vines. If this is .he work of a child. he should Dome under the hand of parental admenitlnn : if an eider person is responsible. he should be if city. CIl wore &shame+' of himself. It is to be hope that no further notice ..f the matter will he necessary. .CHURCH NOTES. .Ree. A. B. Meldrum. Da D.. " 01 Cleveland. will conduct service% next S:,bbath in Knox church. A joint picnic of the adult Bible Mewl and the \Vomen's Missionary So. dirty of North street Methodist church w,. held yesterday at Black''* Poiut. The regular meeting of the lt►.i:e-' Eureka Bible class of •Victoria •etteet elethodiet churcl•will be held oxo Mon- day evening. Aug.\ret • 'Ems. et u', lock, hi the church parlor. -Nest Sunday ', rooming-a,ba-subject (.1 Dr. Dougal'sermon .at North rt••ret Metholiat church will be •Thr 'iywpathy of Je1u1." in the evening, F.1,6'16441 will be •Goth Gentlemen. Courteous u.uers. (toed mesio. In view of the non-aeeeptanve 4,f the call extended by the congregation 'of Inch to Rev. P. le Sinclair. tspt)rch. Toronto. it wa- de- .ngregationel',wreting of last 'tight L0 arrange for tatter ministers before made. 1'11 1•104t. Avuu.'r 1,1, 1010 ; d If );.0 aecd,hocs C /' M- 1. can save s o m e ' STORE alone% here. DEPARTMENTAL: ,•a r• :,R' and L4trrrl) w' marital Moudny: with the r••w:endrr of Ger n•afrr;,,rt in. )ri.I1. Theecargo for feint 1•awwrd. el; lei iJ•..it l►rtt•oit• Cep!. A. L:,w•,uott's :ailing y 'chit, the ,apt ndry's Condition. North i'wr, artiveil kick on Thursday Lei eel. 1 h doctut'n in attegdauc" isetfrout its armee" cruise lip the lake. to, pt. \\'. N. (sundry f 1 it Toby' -ay war the .1 northerly.. ry ;.,amputate the leg which point t.mehtd this ,s ear. ['apt. Law• n gtyiug him so intiehif °rouse' Nem, Capt. -Donley and Jc lin Laweou. .,pwlwtin„ war 1 who made the trip, repart h:iconk' had M th err. -The condition of the set ex49.-ik nt liner. et has have improved very newIs Bowling Tournament Concluded. ublr it the dihra-rd lin.b date, pts a ebl Thr bowl tug touruamrnt on the \Vest 1t1'ret graell mat' concluded on leriJny. The roe -elation tuatch• was won by I). Hnlm,•t rink front \Vinghiim. with i:eurtire',t.canton. rink to -cowl,. The 11n,,1 game in the doubles way 14e - a the ('a L hon a 141,4 111.1 its, and „ 1ir1.11 "•IN_nlallr. ' ha asti.•u-h tot -net a Hitt •b.-' will be pde,asr,1 t0 .Ir '.1..1111 his wrel ei•e:quite Machelt Scores over 'Clinton. nettles h..sebal l • teem once-. ore fast b:: g4 • at \ilitchell4w with thenen i tiling111 R: cl th•J loan on Monday' ha,t, they wrrr Beaten ho the score of 11-9. Paikrt. in the 1Nu for Mitch 11. did mold work for Doer innings. especially in the • aeamd, when he struck out three men in huc'•rs.ton. Aftrt that b.w.- kenad and McIntyre took his puce and pitched the remainder of the tti,4.r in good If y le. 9',.-kes . the Linton pitcher, `wit. row)• for the Mitchell hugs. 1, totnt of fifteen hits. IDtuding Otter triplee and rea•et•el t*,.-l.►gIjPT ,-Iwing secured by theist. The Robert Park Memorial Medal. 'Idhoed wheti a struck t.' . His r military 01491) of ivied welting e patient. - II that the tenable. x - The que•tien :t. to who should re - lees the Relent Lark memorial modal, offered for emnewlitiun oolong enhance rendidate.. wag rrfened Lu \'ictal Lauriston. of Chatham. the depot of the medal, for adjudlcittion saki after emend consideration be de- cided that Agnew Mat Donald waw en - wed t.. the medal. He expressed. warm .gq•frrintiun of the excellent wok dmie ey Mamie DoWn, who ob. tend -,rend place. and the work of Wilfrid !Jamey,. wpO passed the en - t1.01.5 .•uttninst ion from the junior 1w1111 chew., elm, eves eunsidetel par- ticularly worthy of mention. tweet) J. H. Tigert s:,.1 Roht. Mel.rao. of God, ich. and J. Taylor and \V. H. Ts) les, of Clinein. The Goderich teen t•.uk fit.t piece. lo) the singles \V. B. Taylor. of Clinton. too& fine. and D. ('. ' Roe••. of lirrewels. scene. The final Ic.nw wes taken by Toclur by (atilt. Mr. R.N.s tui, ing left for ho e. • Th re -arrangement of the ground' give,. iter screatimod*hioo for a totunun t than wen hereto fere aveilal:r- Th now club house to v decided imp The meet -pm t)i t'' 140 1411 4±! of their rinks ter appreciated by tit instead of making u crack rinks to rapture .*went. Iswanehipdibpleted by in the a,rangrmPnt e tournament Wap visiting clubs. two OT t 'tree e prizes the experience,' players -mei\distributrat ala.nng Ilse new mike whir+ ompwtett. In spite of chi-, two of the rincipal prizes were . n;ltured hy local ri k•. The 14. R. T. Co. - - Pc.ttri•.- 1. repr.rte.l in the work of tc'sitturtien of the telephone system hi he nlw•t.1Led by the (ioderic•h Runt Telephone Cu. Auburn is ..t present the ;Irotre of ol.eratione. The line perviously operated by the Bell Tele- phone Co. Istween Auburn and Blyth I!mow owned and controlled by the I. IC T. Company, and some condec• tion. have elready been made feint) thin line. north of Auburn construc- tion is proceeding aetivrly, the line mending ., mile pr eo beyond the Ne.ttield turner. The ecercit)' of lahnr make• progress slow, but 'the territory Is heingcovered as rapidly ..s A Counterfeit. Alarm. There was rnnsiderahle alarm about town . this 'week on account of the prevalence of twenty -live cent pieces which were alleged to be counterfeit. That he crown on what ie known as aka of the .rciir urnf,rence the cr a on the sovereigti s head. and t e fait that the coins looked new; helped along , he counterfeit keen. The refattve poettkrm of efownsimitered tie is pec -Mise to -Hie entire 'true of the -pew (tanadiau mint. \Vith the silver' minted in Britain, that in the older coins. the en.wn on the• tail side is next the reverse point of the circumference. The Methodist General Conferen 'I'hr(it•ner,tll'nuferenneotthe Meth' 41.4 deem hh*scenlrnenced its quadren- nial Irlertitl¢ et Vietnrie. B. C. Among the matters of inr)sit toner upon which action 1. to 1w taken by the---Cohfer- rncr ie the elect but of I he genet al officers of the ehut4h. There hole been same speculerinn as 10 whether Rev. Or. Carman *Mete re-elected as general pastedhie eevrinty•nte Ven h anniver-- Paty. It is not unlikely that an &sole- Cant may bre appointed to relieve him of a portion of hie resp ensihtltties. An ,ppointtnrr"t will hevetn he made to the petition of general missionary secretary to enecesMion to the late Rev. tn. Suttee-len& The question the pressmen had a c of church union will he up for the. Intd thrhle1i t o eAugust eetped 5 h I toe injury, eratiun. and the questions f ogY- 1 P nd'church discipline rained in connrc- rand Mr. Guest says hey are having a tion with Rev. Oesrge .1*,•k•ou's posi- tion in the church will,ttuloubt.•dl'. be given an airing- Other questions to be dineusard ate : The time limit of the mini -try, ministetp siderite. re- statement of rule1, the improvement of the class meeting. consolidation of The Christian Guardian and The Wesleyan, the admineinn,nf women the rof the church, tion• toOenetal Conferences. r Contracts for Aux Sauble-Bri LOCAL TOPIC IN BRIEF. 1. thi. hot onotato for roe. It wont twat Iota an4,the man of widom i• looking ahead ai ord as dering He ad ttt*l- , h• t roost.:. perfeccast-at1 ., right price 1 A good many people thought yes- terdey" 'Wednesday) was the hottest Mkt of the season. Attrill-, Point ha. developed into a very popular camping ground. several -parties from town having pitched their tents civet there. The first loads of wheat an of bar- ley received at A. J. Cooper's ware- house were ihrooght in this week. by John Newcombe. ,,,f tiodericb' town- ship. The grain is considered a fair Yuppie. Knox c et ('beets ceded at a Knee chute tt.e hearing anther call i Mrs. Arthur Clement, of Orel .Park. Toronto, wbo sang an delightfully Ivo Sunday evening et North .freer. Methodist church. will slog thele vein nexteSundlcy moraine.. _Io) the evening Miss Ma'1 l kCanter. f T •\root°. will sing.: Milk, Carter ascr het of repute. Hiving such bingers as. the., with Ili for a time is one of the prl' lieges Comae' ich eo jobs as a tourist t0 *•E'._.. --. ..- . The evening envier at North -trent Methodiet church last Sunday was ut a �epeclal character. i'hete w is :a song motion and the audience w:o.delighted by a well•rendeted solo le Mut. Arthur Clement. of Toronto. instead e( :1 set mon Dr. Dougall evoke art the life of Fanny Crosby and reht.d how "each verse of the hymn."just as I all►," cause to 1w written The die...•utwe was a mist interesting One. 'ewe able sermons were delivered in Kn••x church Islet Sundae Thr pul- tit waft (wet ted in the w,tnine try ilea v \l• . (wetted This 'store closes at 5 30 p m• in August as in July. except Saturday‘. No half holidays. R SOME SPECIALS.- NOW F line. hundred and fifty ladies' white NV:Lists, matte from- fine materials, clearing- in three Tots - 55C, 98C, 51.39. • Flowers Flowers, clearing each, 0111) Shoes Men's Shirts IOc Extra, %aluc ip Shoes the \«'k Fifty, men's Work Shirts, all sizes, "Clearing s+enty pairs ladle. p f 9Oc to start, while . they gist, 29c Oxfords at each ....... ......_:......_.... . Ten 'pairs white cansas lex- 29c . � Men's Trousers fords at .. -.. - Our st2i.k in the Shoe department Tli i t -lour pairs men's •I'rous- 93c now campletc. Chu. A. Wells. Hayfield road. bat, had considerable ,been -s in the culti- yetion of gladiolus flow seed. By hridizing he has produced r- num- of beautiful llecimene, of good n colo'. Patterson. :i young lad of • was sentenced by .ledge week to twenty-four hours eu lashes. fora serious 4414* Pe \Wroxet Doyle las in jail an offence eget et a little ¢irk. The .fudge hopes t t the etiministration of the leen will '0145 a deterrent to similar crimen. H. R. Guest, forme y of G..iericb, who is with the Lauri,,• 1•trty in the Weld as the reptrsentsti of The To- ronto News, writes The • nal that in the nate'y McMillen -Vivian. A very quiet but {demount evewas celebrated early- yesterday ' ening, when Miss Wilhelmina Latah" Vhian. daughter of Mn. Vivian. West street. became the bride of 4*rrdenon McMil- lan• The ceremony was performed at B eel°,k in 4t. Geor 's church, which watt tastefully d rated with golden glow Mr the occ ion. Rev. M. Turn- bull perform the ceremony. The Wide weed ' ewe bt wvelliese-volt M olive ren and was given away be hey, brother -in -haw, Frank It Liman; of Kalamazoo, Mich., while A. I,l,eMime played the wedding >"•th. Only the immediate relatives were Prt'sent. Following the tieing of tot' nuptial knot, the happy enuple left on the 7 o'clock C. P. R. train for a I wedding trip to Torrmtn and other Pointe. The wedding presents received Were useful and valuable and he- ipoke the popularity of the bride. the bride's many friends in town will min in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Millan beet wishes for a happv future. c e. ' A joint Meeting of com • tree of the Middlesex. Lambton tut H croft •a was 1) din the coact muse, o e -*ffftitittlf- - 11th inst.. for the timbre of arranging for the constru on of a bridge over the Aux o *three , at the point olf counties. Those ;e. ton o p sent ittdtltesex were D. S• Camp • I. Warden ; John McFarlane, Reev of Nissouri, and Chase Talbot. ty engineer; from L.*nlhtand ► ate McLean, Reeve of Forest. H. A. Speerman, Reeve of Hoeanquet • from Huron : Dr. Irwin. Warden: M. Geiger. Reeve of Hensen, chairman of the road and bridge committee of of Huron county : H. H. Hill. Ree Huilett: R. McKay, Reeve of Tucker - smith ; S. Medd, Reeve of West \Vaw&nnsh ; N. A. Taylor, Roe ve Morrie. and t). Patterson. county en- gineer. it wee decided that tach of the three counties bear e equal are tenders in the cost of the bridge, d\ytether. were. uJ,e ted ►m lure.-st 1tL K MI, and the Hamilton Bridge Co., o the superstructure. et $1,11)46. f4weitser of Stephen was appointed inspector. or, if he does not act, Reeve Speerman of -Bossu net. The engin• •'ddlesex and Huron and the fine time. An Baste bloomed - spring. Augu lily which. braving its pr mei time in the s hloesomed forth 1Kain in 4. is s floral curiosity in the p(r44,resriun of Mrs. Wilmer Smith. As ee rule the Easter' lily blooms only once. and ft one to he in Hower twice in one season is an almost unheard-of tbing, no florists say. Mrs. Robert Kerr. of C•4gsw.41. N.D., writing to renew her stance iptiun to The Signal, says : ••We alway k wait for Monday morning to get your' paper: don't knnW what we wettld beer done as..it is. like a letter eget y- Wtejt•"-T"Mr,. Kerr add, - West is all tight. but for climate Ontario suite rue test." ' .)+ubart. B. A.. '.4 Lis- t.,wrl, wbo epotre with witch accep- tan.e. In the evening -tbe congrega- tio.l had the plea -nee of hearing Rev. Dr.. Meldrum. of l'leveland, who is almas a special termite with the pe..l'le of Antra church. and, indewt. woh the townspeoplegenerally. At Old Orchard l'ottage: Mise Although the flatlet. of his appearance inn Helen Uoll, Kenton. Ohio : Miss Mt was short, a arra Iarg- cnngr• vitrile Morde•atte oiid,,Cleveli od : Mr's. an w.t-. ptetwot, 110a' the teren1 s poi mo%lit4 - ogre*nee corn' Miss e [,rung. Toronto: Rev. D. W. mauled the deepest attention. lute, and Mrs. Urquhart, Listowel : Mr. and erg in the set vire was entranced by tie. 'Mn, Hibbard,' Afit.e `Jl. If. Hibhnr d. ap,••-*rincr ut the choir tor the tint Mre. Thompr..o. Mn. Murphy and time in black ¢nwhs. The uniform garb I Miss (:race Howell. rill of Detroit. seemal very fitting to the place of wore At Menesetung Park. ship. and the change appears to meet The following have registered at wets approval among the rocs her esetun Part : Mr and Alis W K titin. It will not lw out pl place were Men B M ,.mark upon .the the shoirind .wu'k r Farrand. Detroit: Thos. Montgomery. vent :h ?f r. Hunter. the choirwaytrr, is (leo'-ge Young, Niagara Falls ; Miss 'themeThe memtetahip of the Choir AMcDonald, Detroit : (4eorge he• been increased to nearly fort). I Smith. \cDonar: Mese E Jt awl well -directed training is showing Smith. : Mr and Mr. H K I Elliott,Entine, wood results. At the evening service Mn S Ehetline. Detroit ; Mr .end Mrs 4 da F. T. Egener. of Brantford. Avera Casey ands ,rbildren, Regina ; on . un y Toronto; i s fernier gave member cit Knox church Mr and elle Aspden and son. T choir, gave an • excellent solo rrrdrr- Mn F 5 B,ournes, Seattle: Conrad J irk of the hymn "Abide with Me." 1 Henze. Detroit : Nine wit ' 1% Anthony The last tw Sundays t he pul pit of the and Miss Lulu M Anthony; Wvan- ita:ltist Churcu has been filled by Mt. ' dotte. Mich.: Mrs K M Gardner, New E. 'est Farmer. B..A . of Toronto. I Yorlc.- Ott Sundry morning 'eel Mr. Ferner News from Attrell's Point. directed the attention.of his congrega- lypr. and Mrs. H. O. Sturdy, Mise ti••n to 0 suhj,'ct that ie not enter -,'.aura and Master Burton are camp- qqurotlt mentioned in the pulpit tl, • it1g at Qat point for two suruwrr• deplorable condition of *octet) 0,a ant) Mn. If. he tri ns and Miss ttp:4rk,'d by the esietenee aide by ,tier Mary. of town. and, the elisses Seulte. of extreme poa-erty and extreme , of \Vinnipeg, :.re.. camping at cola, Rompers - L Child's Rompers, clearing{ 9c ive cases choice Lemons, -an Inti rise.. � Saturday, per dozef P 20c . Pillow Covers only Three dozen white Pillow- % Sweet Valencia Oranges, per2 5 C Ir Covers, clearing each IVC tlt,ietr Millinery A nice s,h \t ng left yet of Summer Millinery. .all clearing now at almost .IL.r; own price. ,tearing, per pair... Lem -ons T 11 Sugar Redpath's Sugar, in sec k,, 1x•,1 quality. Special cash 5.25 •k..._..-_ sat • ue at vel per, Farm Produce Prices are a Little Firmer Zoe n.)w for. choice Rutter in -crocks or tubs, per pound.. 'We are offering • dozen..-. Fresh Eggs, per18c _ _ _ .- ... Spring Chickens_ wanted, per pound -_.. . _.. .. . . • 140 CAMERON'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE Gee 11111111111111.111 1111111111111111111111 MINI TelE SUMMER RESORTS. Old Orchard Cottage. The golden rod window at \Vilm e Smith's. Art Wore. Etat street, le 1• pretty t•ntnpliment to our United Stater visitors, who look upon the golden rod :,s their motional floral emblem 'nue)) 1.4 we regard the Walde ledss tbe Canadian emblem. 711* golden Tod is very tastefully arranged with pictures and' picture -trainee. white and gold tieing the cbief colors throughout i GODERICH ' 1111111111111•10 SID Rea. Dr. Meldr , o' Cleveland.'IHigh Finance. entertained a party at the Poi ' "Wh:at are you doing, hale bay 1 Th t a*ked the curious stranger as he passed the suburban garden. "i'm catching potato bugs," re- sponded the yomgeter with the paper lax. "Pe gives mea penny 41 dozen for all I catch." "Ah, and yob are ' too tender- hearted to kill them. What" are -you- going to do with them 1" -Give them to Billy Jones next door the lendin '> to sell to his la." • to his credit. The ether members of And what. will he do with thein the part) were forced to content them - after his pe has seen and paid for selves with the relating of catcbes omto them Y" at former occasions •i ••011. he'll Nlip thew back to e and At Hotel Sunset. i I'll sell them to my pa tomorrow." Mondaya rip was made front town in two autos. The gentle art of angling is such a favorite sport with the guests at Point Farm that a party of fourteen hied away nn Wednesday to •• greener pas- tures." The Black Hole, near Hen - miller. was the spot selected. Mr. Dohruian proved his ability as a champion en.narer of the tinnytritw, h I d f five bass being placed riches -with the difference that.. ill- Hollow for the Bummer. stead of leaving it to be cuneidered a Mr.Hollow and the. Shipman; and Master a 'sortDivine of nattiest u. he ,to ore . Harry ate still occupying their camp• that wapenaa11%tt he eutl eand; Dr. Miahee and R. E. L. Fletcher are that it was a matter of catlwaa &t 11 still at Cerra Roost.. effect and that the remedy Skip ver Walton and party visited hand.Thoughlittle he 4,44.tetiithat Com- 1 Beyfleld in he launch Dorotb)" one partitively little of ,r'e'al ne. ualita". y I ( day 'his week. • Gudrrich; he ave facts &n At -Painvirsrat.. The following are registered at Hotel Sunset : John McLaren, Hamilton ; Miss A M Brown, Tiverton ; John 1 A Hunt, London ; W 0 Barley, Hamil- ton ; D E Rudd. Guelph ; J G Deigh- ton, Niagara Falls: Mr and Mrs H H Langton, John Langton, Mea H M Hill, Mies F Daltoin, an of Toronto ; Mrs J S Robertson, 4t. Thomas ; 4 B Hedges. Arlington. N. H. ; elite Hedger., Circleville. U. ; Mrs E J Mona- han. Detroit; MisePt Ada and Eleanor Salhotte, Ecorse ; J 0 1)iokiuson, De- troit ; J H Baird, Toronto ; Mr and Mrs J 14 Moore, Mies Mabel Donovan, banning. Mich.: Mr, and Mee \V 1. Carpenter, Miss Lela Carplenter, Rolls L Carpenter. Detroit ; Fred Davis, I.nnsing, Mich..; Mrs George Plan - melon. Chicago; Mrs R 13 Hodge, Chicago ; Mise Rutherford. Toronto Car- ter, H twonto ; 0 Cincinnati Millar, \1L.ondon ; ter, 'Cotonto ; Mr and Mn P M Millman and chit- dren, London ; W L Hunter, Kalama- zoo. Mich. ; Mrs Harding, Detroit, Mich. ; Mies °Weirs')}, Detroit; Mrs J A Stay, Mies UelleMayy, Detroit; John Curry. Mfr and Mee John 13 t3eiydtPr`l d Rochford, all of Windsor; Mr and Mrs R J Bulkley, Cleveland, O. ; Aries Pow, Helena, Mont.; Francis W • Mur- phy. Miss A McWilliams, Detroit. A number ot the guests at Hotel Sunset accepted yesterday afternoon an invitation extended hy Geo. Leith- waite, of Maple Leaf Farm on tbe 11 lit rood, to inspect the.lersey herd whi^h supplies the hotel with cream. (iundry's bye was chartered to con- vey the party to and 'from the farm and a picnic was held there which was much enjoyed by a11. There still he a hig hay -ride party 'this evening. A number of the guests ha♦'�ignified their intention of join- ing in ` a tun. \n event: which created much inter - 51.1 and amu ternent Was a "shadow dance" held at the '-Hotel Sunset o0 Ttim'edsy *venin* About Caren• five young men and wonted -took part, all dressed in white cotton sheet* and pillowcase. and disguised by ma'` Before the second ia.t dance of the; evening the mealy' were removed. A great number of spectators witnessed the dance. 'the weekly dance at Hotel 4uns.•t next Friday evening will be in charge of the Menesetung Canoe C1oh ex usual. Admissioh by invitation only, Hamilton merchants ate being hit hard hy the craze ot the citizens to go to Toronto department*l stores to buy goods. One Hamilton merchant has tried to put a stop to that by guar- anteeing d tdays of at 1making t a purchase. pro- ducesday duces evidence that the same clan, of «o oda u ■ulg t�pvwbere *lee for less money the difference have to In pita.ubt thatthe refunded• merch&nte of other towns o could offer er ut a similar guarantee losing a cent by it.-Orillia Packet. TM' automatic light switchiis *nit^• - eel's chairman of the 1.ambton Committee I minus Invention ot (HeOtge are to be iat. the commence• ! g Ston. the tendon O It is an ar- rangement of the driving of plies. of two clock., the 'thermst 11 h are &d.eleted to l eihle )slily it was i other PP acre• a following hive regieteted et the United in theles de ten In the Th (-oiled Stater. he said,, ten million 1 Point ;a,4u during thew eek Mies n nut of eightyrillin in a atMisses want. In New Yoff City in, eqr Adams an Janes, Detroit : elite A I. fourteen per cont. oronto : of the people 1 a at ndl' IMr a Andrewl\lrldtvn4 Rev Cleve - evicted le e- o te-seventh of the population) we Mr. .1 14 Moons, Lane - their • Mr and theired from their homes owing to I land,: h.: Mise Mabel. Donovan. New their inability to pay tbe rent. In � H l urkne and Charles the mew city ten ler rent. of the bur- York: ht's were at pllhlIc expense. Along Avid' these were flautitiug :and ine0- lent riches. or weal h so immense as le * burden to its p•,.eess.4: • prayer, "Give me 'Attire poverty} nor f fiches,' had not heeu auswere.d ; in- deed, in the nineteen renturies of 1'ht ieterldom conditions in this respect had grown much worse. The in.idi- ens sin of CAVPtOUbnenw Weal in part re- eponsible : but enure- .o Waw the art - tem which allowed some men to hold the land to work on : which produced on the one side unrmplevment and its attendant want. and on the ether aide gave the opportunity, through the ownership of land, of securing riches without work. The law, he declared, should allow no man to hold a foot of land unused while other )nen needed it, and the great, problem of the twentieth century wnhid he to deal ing. Cortins. Ru• Oak, Mich. ; Mr and Mrs W L Car ter. Mise Lela Car- penter. Ru4I,t L (itch„ter. Fred Hex, ell of Lansing. - ter. Chicago. The (ioderi.h branch of the \Vtexten s institute held their annual picnieeet, Point F*rm on Titerklay, afternoon. About foaty thlenlbeis were present. Tea wee served to th5 gathering and a nio.t delightfnl time wee silent. A jolly crowd. nuutbetifig about Kt - drove over front Meneeetung m on had tee et the Point Farm. The trip was me ie in h w wagon 8,141 the experi- ence i was very mtteh et4 joyed Y A .hurt informel dance w.es engaged in }'..fort •he return trip was nla.le. A bridge and flee hundred `Natty was giver by the gaents of the Point Fn.m nn• evening Ivo week. Mre.W• Boli. of Guelph, was the winner of the bridge prize end Mete Margaret An• thnrv. of Detroit. won the five hun- dred prize. Guelph's weir Guelph Herald returned 1i1:. Acting weight,' wbirh then on the electro ion from Goderich, where he went to at- I to which the elevens are set. Thr apo 'limo we neither poverty nor riches,' Mayor Rudd rehtrned this morning , lights and then them oft at any time i with ot hChlw ,qin wtetrd. , that the prover, tend the banquet held at the Hotel 1 piratus has had a very thorough test g h' Interest. There'. no o,,mfort to a -token where Hine are buzzing around. Keep your hone free from Hits. E. R. Wloes, druggist. sella sticky Hy paper and Wil- son's il- son s Hy pads. CUT PRICES TFtR w• ,IC 0) Summer Garments - marked to clear out et gre.40 reduced prices. This gives you •4 great opportunity to save mune.,. Come ;end look through. a WASH DRESSES, WBITEWEAR, WAISTS, SKIRTS. A great variety of choice, 11149)41(1 ing the newe*t styles of the season. • TrxNOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS New diieigne. Are ofee you many bargains in excellent grade Nottingham Curtains at. t, less than wholesale prices I --yard longCurtain. at....Oa e3 -yard Tong:Curtains at ksc 31 -yard long Curtains at 8Ac 31 -yard long Curtains at -. ..$1.110 31 -yard long Curte'ne at.. 11.10 :311 -yard long Cln•tains at... -$1.50 :111 -yard long Curtitine at.. .$1.9ir 3l -yard long Curtains at..- $2.50 2I -yard long Curtains at :;i, and Nie per pair. 'John Stead 1•stlits Weer, furs, (lhin•a, etc. llwnsilton atroot. 1`\ i