HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-18, Page 4w
•I'Kt•KKu.w', to.t'.rI. 1310
—District News
The Dongantsmi News last 'reek th
foot bone. AiiikostTne can 1,1,
thit. McAllister a stall.
iol,o.1841 to 111411
daai: anti Rose Met'..! thy
11..1 and il the line weatli.o
are the tansy
medicine that
w dl curt 11w-
tit Dc iyfitnoll dnil ,h11111 •••, ..11 vi•itillA Ilo. ...to. DodJ's Kidney
•,,, i' itutisii,/, iit st Atigneitto• . II i'i•Iii tuo Me medicine that does
..! • A -Iset t lett this week for 1 he %Vest , care
ei c bete he rowans, attending . Normal. •
Wpoxrattaty, Aug, 17th. •-•
, ' I . a - t Sabbath. He was accompanied is Dodd's Kidney Pile.
t 'ii,irsis Mill , Gill:1;1i. 2', ttr. - ilV• V • I : Joint Doerr. who had the tukfortone gists.
ami mt,. Hayden. :fd i ;ode' lett, spent , 1,, get his harn burned by lightning
...tintlay in this berg • ...fie:age Lane, 1 aiseit t wo ago, ia busy prelim -
of lanes. called Ott friends in third ing relatild t Ids fall.
Nits. H. Nlorris anal chiliher. 1111 !•14.1t- This %eel. Will finish newt of tir• BAYFIE.L.D.
Mete transient Visit,o ...in nis ting.
- writ einneter and it list [no Weeks rtatt....- tt„,titig
ret 111 Iasi to Wing.hoin att spending welt: M.. 1 ',hill.. im,1 a 4 , 11 .
.411. At lo‘lidAVilig 111.18. of the evergreens for a ran with him
s. -ter e 1111-1 11108
"It'takee care arid thought," saki a
their fattier watch my weight, and if l
threaten to grow a trifle stout Were le
uneasiness, and 1 am advieed anxious-
ly not to take chocolate or too mods
thosert. and there is great relief in the
faintly when L return to my original
thinnests. It sounds aboard, but when
a mere little woman keeps the Mane
happy with a few gywrta tuxi Wee
ways mill it cbeap at the paten.
Don't tell any one for the world, but
the bor-that tie way she alludes
to her sou and betr---has a half mile
course laid out down at our place tn
the country. and nothing Messes Min
hotter thau to get me out there back
NCI:slim-rows, of fatale! ich. oral Cter• Ilay• 1% e have old one teacher now.
. hp nee., ten,•11/./.. Mi.. N."-lor. ht., for a trip o St. Ignace and the Soo.
Mime li."narlotte Sterling lett rin Sat..
near Guelph.
thritts ottloths with 1..1,, s ,.. Isere, t11....1.1( in the IN eslivteriati elitii•ell
Rev. Mr. Argo and family, of Ir.11,1,
Ilr110 811001 the 11 •t week ol'twoo here,
1st! .111 Moo lay for he IOW..
Mts. lloyd anti Ntiat Eva Boyd. wle,
:',Liatiat-, A 1-1 ,-11laige was shocked last tiealay Chatham, who ;lie :41111.1n1eling , 1/1
/ it iled The !Sign
i••-iiient Otis
simpsoti. She was
:.gh, lief.rtid, anti care
• '1: ... Temple (.. lio k , which atil event village awl neikthriot ii.unl, iwnewing
.. -1 ''' ' h'I'l 1'14 S'it'll'd3Y whieh lived days ai his home ,irs the' Front road
/ 1...,1,114.11; the youngest datightei 1,1 the late fitisitles• for hint/seq. in 1•Vitinipieg ais a
to ,, oin,,oh, 'n • .... Nieleilson. A1.0111 t•'11 Ye (I'm 'grain broker and is d/ting a splendid
.• ,, .11e wda united to her liairtniee itti innu„es,
-with her violent, when t lir Yew' 0. ''141' .
1:01"1111041 1. Pex"t:ruitir4 il I,.. in his sieul lire.
ducted in the Prosbyteriitn church
welconit. to nii who can make it con-
venient trY at tend three services. .•
treater her toislei , DOW he Only
io.g niembet of the Mindy. Joseph
Titter( Leine half•turw her. Ifer
rfAtightera. Mr4. .1. W. Chapman, of
Defiant*. Ohio, and het son, John Ho
areie with her when the end came.
Th.. funeral took. place to Dungannon
eenwtery. Rev. T. 0 looting
set vire at the house and Het . Mr.
Cox at the grave..
11114112.1 were plated beside those.ol her
lote fano.: the Union cemetery on
ti teeth irionme.
Nesw remedy or extrac nit
rtuo,bei ter than gm% Crown and bridge work.
et . Altionnutu loon breal.eble.) the week . Mrs. Andrew MCKay
11.-Youtien alway. hat e_your work much early evening rain threatened. and no One Wily to Shampoo.
bet! r done to the dental oMee-rnore time doubt many were thus deterred from .1 tid son John are visiting friende here.
ritititial garden party tattier the
ati•pieeli of the Anglican ehureh wait_
liekt hat evening on the rectory
pretty and animated scene. In the
your flesh off quicker than you can get
rid of it any other wily. and it ieaves
you feeling as if you could set the bay
011 Om"
"Tbat's the way a WOM111.1 ought to
feel." said an older woman, whose deep
blue gown set off a face of rose red
and white and brilliant keen gray eyes
made the glance wander sifter her.
"When I was out In the country peo-
ple used to w...adef at Me. and they
said, 'She goes about like a young OW
1 asked, 'Row should I go about?' I
felt Iteht end perfeetly easy in mo-
tion, while thetr women went about
staid, moping, artificial. because they
thought they must do so. 1 got in and
ota of a carriage without help, 'while
one of their women had to have three
mt.* C011)11 to offer a hand. and then
she reit out with a puff as 11 sbe were
going to pieces. ‘When a woman has
Lance lungs, as weVve, she to tighter
and gets around ea. lee, Just as birds
do with the air cells In their bones, or
they are wadded with flesh about the
bile and chest with poking about their
IMIseekeeping and breathing fumes of
se moue c ti
' and moving tiowiy when tbey go about
I 111:1„,tt;::•tat what -pt ice. W k• 871 t t "Will SAW('
111i .
Save a Dollar or Two by Buying Now 11
aml broken loft Of many kinds itt ROL ..... ter Illerelielliive. There
t• BIGUER BARGAINS th.,11 yen' would believe fur the price. itend twet c word nittl route
14,1' tatlite 01 1 hp bat gaol s.
REMNANTS in „„,i Linen Suitings, Prints. (Heehaws'. Muslim,. Dress iloode__,„
and Meek. Any ot t belie ends front ono and gule-half yards to four tir rive yeti!,
Joni the in iee is ..bunt otie-helf what they were wild for.
ettes. heavy weight. groat valet. •
iAnother Int, 34 _to 35 inches. extra ea
011 lot
Summer Underweitr to idiom cosit price. We don't intend
to carry.ato them. goods over. They :mist lie sold, nt.
day utormng at sale Arita*. Thete will be big itargaies
at our lag reductional :
142 25 tor
We Inside port has.• •,1
BLACK SILKS . ineh - wide Neck silk
quality we never sew befm‘e. whieh enable* us t,.
, offer values rarely met with at dile, SLIM,
904.3 r values in Cotton Stoeltitur. Have you had an,
$1 .1 0 of our two pairs seauall•-•. fast color. sizes h4, li, 11
$1 .35
J. H. COLE30
NittN 1'11 AND 1
glimmer of our prices Seel., ryinfto
le reir.bo 11r. taut prier 1:
'silicamine meat net Port Aliwrt lour.
Milne) lir,141, and postal wtre. the
Ade 1- feat h,ng ia Hemlock
t'ity aehool Mrs. Mort end son
Nieteati, . Mc !wan and Kenneth
Cam phell tioderieb • the 1:1•4 of
Nett+ facilities fordoing the work. !nom cow- attending. hut in spite of this there ' Miss Kelly. of Teeswater. visited
1.1 with treating falling hair baa Dowd her•ister. Mrs. Ed. (iilmore „The
the lenient.
KIPPEN. Mess sharnpoo• that are eardly-ternrof-the threshing machine is again
'AJOTI‘CE.-THE LOCAL AG ea int $711. The linton Citizens'
I.1 in Ilan bon' for The Signat i•• at' the Post, 97.". Mrs.
• specialist wbo has had enema
KNVINK.410AY, Aug. 17th. Wm. Johnetone. Lucknow, is spend -
eiders will te received for subscriptions, id rendered good mimic,. the refreshment
ver,i•tug *od job work, and reeeiut• will be and fen:I-work booths did a thriving '
elven for amount. hold for the name triisiness, and t verybody npiwared
Treenail-. Aug. Ifith:
own hair.
Make a tarring lather of rioapeuds by•
petting a cake of pure white snap tn •
p/tcber that holds • couple of quarts.
Haller haxzeturtied tri Italtiniore lifter LOCHALSH. • Pour a pint or boiling water over the
her visit ar Mr*, Ryan's Ben. and soap and shake natil • thielt hither le
Mosnav, Aug. 15th. 1 tensed. vats the alma ta reeayeett
Howard Clue lilt Tutsiday fot• Cal-
gary, where they'avill attend Normal Earae 7-Eilgae Robb arrived tootle, Let the mirtere cool to blood beat
Saved prepat atom to Leeching aftet I oit fr lir und 1,111-. tiat it who wet amid ta, aaa
New Year's . Miss- Augustine has lit -need his dore- as ("nub' t al a mesa at time ower the scalp,
reseitned her position at No. -1 school. ',the Lolialsh erhool Miss Miaie
Ciilhorne M1'8. N. Whyard is ' Robb e:tirie boate 14-1 week from it robbing It wtth die tips of the tint
trsonth's visit.. to friends in Mount For- ' gem'
spending A few days at‘laraforth
Misses -Plunkett tetnzed to their lest and litnevele_,,.. Neil McKenzie, Mien MILIg• 16 weil cleansted pear the
house at Auburn brat wee • aftcr •of the 12- h vouression. attended the reert of liet mixture over Use Wag bah',
lug at R. McKenzie's Miss bin (intuit Lodge. of the I. 0. 0. F. held at - washing it ready doers from the roots
Whyattl spent a few days., in . Toronto laid week. to which he had twwara tam matt.
rich tido week with her sister. Mrs. H. been eppointed •ts 1111P of the delegates Risme with warn., water. ming a
Turner. ....Our se.hool re -opened on front the Lucknow Lodge.... .The aad axes, it tia await "
Monday with W..1. Moffatt ari Misses Margaret :old Mary McKay.
.wbn had formed a part of the Detroit 1"110ud° resnaim either on (scalp or
contingent whieh ettended the Luck- . /owe bail% Port Mir and oPr‘Y
110111 Old 1405,... Reunion, are nt present eepecialty at tides of head and at nape
visiting at the parental hotne of peck.
Miss M.ft_ry J. Finlay -son. who recently Rave several smooth toweis made
arrived home front 'Bisbee, Arizona. ver7 hot and dry the hair with them
where site hart been supirintendent of mien orarty fisaohed seporej4 "yr
hospitel at that place, is letiving to -
v for Detroit. leder strands, thread with fingers et
ONENXINSTITt-Tg. Th. monthly e°11111 1° ream" tangle.' then draw all-
BlirtillY a foto of their younger chil-
dren ale •1 111111/ 111.0 linlY's parents.
Mt and Mtio:ls eon. whil • ME. Bain
' hy ie et tending the General "Conifer-
' ' Mete* 111111, lilt TOrM141, 0110111 14.t
week with theii :mot. Mt s. J. it Dine-
dale:e entity Iriends will he aorry 111
hear that his health hie. not been im-
p' (WOW lately. HP Ili atiffering front
' ..lalinst oil and win Coed have returned
f rum ft three week.' vt•it with friends ilt
North Huron, Perth mini "Vaterloor
. onto. ate visiting their cousins in the
hone. of Robt. Morrison- . lnir vis.
,, Lean to Fillmore, Sask. : Mrs. Walter
Melleeth to Kenton, Man ...rut Mr4.
Logort to Moises Jaw, Sask. Mts.
Traanai, Aug. !Atli.
end Mint Marjory Leaaa. of Taronto,
are visiting at the home of J. R.
Itotherford .. H. McDonald is le-
' turning t o British Columbia, after
spending a few weeks t&the old home
.' Mrs'. C. Durnin, during the last meek:*
Lilian Clark and Mite Elizabeth Miller
Monday John Miller. of the Brink
Commetee, Dresden. has returned
to his &diet; after spending a VOI1p14
111 week• visiting his mother hero.
old-timers" roncert and sociel in rola
tiection with Calvin chureh was a pro-
nounced auccese in every respect. A
bountiful supper was rterved in Mrs.
Miller'it orchard. -of ter whielt the
rhorch Wan filled to overflowing by
the audience that gatheted for the
program of t he evening, several
selections were rendered by -
the choir of old boys and girls tinder
the mtusterly direction of NV. H. Mc -
Croat ie, a former precentor in'the roll -
were "ft tew quavere in their voice,"
it Was abundantly demonsttated that
t het 1, must have been /termite of song
in the St. Helens (-buret] in days gone
livered by Rev. Jameri %loon, an old
hoy who is now minister of Dover-
eourt Moat church. Toronto, and who
arted es chairman. to the great de -
Rutherford, of Dungannon Mrs Lock -
ng time an honored elder of the con
mien; Reeve John Joynt and R.
feature of the reunion was
enee of Mrs. Leask, of Tile
pal and ;Mira Cowles, Of Orono.•
fetuily, of SL Marys. %%ere end
Cann. hist week The sad neves f
the death of Mex. Temple Clerk. o
Auburn twho wee a resident of our
village foi a number of Feats). rraehed
bete 'I'itemday morning. Mr. Clerk
has the sinrerest to•tuptithy of the vil-
lage Rev. M. V. It. Pentland and -
the pi
twenty -threw y ears as the first regit-
lady :ordained miniater of the tit.
Helens and asearciateal stations, which
was *Imo hia first and only peatoral
ine 'welcome from tbe congregation as
«he *termed forward to arty a few
worth relative to the eaperiencee of
the minister and his family in the
pioneer stage of the church's history.
accompinied by her sons. Rev. John number
and James Carrie. and Mrs. John Car- proceedin
vleited at Mrs. Mallough's on Son- read her re
day . Rev,. J. Cattle occupied the poi- t ion held in
pit of St. Pees church Sunday morn- lone. to whic
Tun LATE M 188 111 A IAA/Unit . -Ref. read n paper giv
~nee W68 made 111 The Signal last teeming.. e
week to the death of Mitui Martha. meeting wee inters`persed with some
'n Redaction hy
of hinted.
re at the
t on the
!dist+ Sala Ma/ Lean, of Chicago. is in
Hatris. of Chicago. spent 8, week the
giteta of Miss A. MacKenzie.
MONDAY, Aug. 13th.
NrriErto-W. Pohell. the new pow --
Mantel and storekeeper. late .if Loci: -
non: has arrived and taken charge of
the hominess. Mr. and Mis.• Horney
Mr. Homey will t* busy this fall with
the threehing. He bad •the first job
with his new thretthiug outfit last
1'. Alnert. accompanied. hy his son
Ito:leo-on, at -rived on Saturday to
Miller halt gone to Detroit, to visit
lwe brother there The true -
pea Of 8. S. No. 3 beve engaged Miss
Meanie Foster. of Goderich. is the
I eat ht r. succeeding Mine Frmset, who
wilt teach in the Goderieh public
Itemilton, anti George Tit.ling. of
%Inure]. are visiting at Alex.
held boa Tuesday' itt the resi- 12 gr7. mat *Be siary• Young's'.
Mrs. F. McDonald. &goodly , Tbis itilterinibit does Da believe la
were present. Dut•ing road water rinsing, which most lades
w Mrs. Murdoch McKenzie dreamers feel 1,111 prevent cold The
wt of a W0113411.8 COI1VP11- , bot water ittaah awe of a atom mot
the coy of Guelph last prevents bar/Maness. She also 'weans
g recipes for Wad lobos drilla&
knew pat't of the
•urred on Saturday, August -flth.
the home of beesister. „Mrs. Alfred A.
l'hompstin. at fitsinsleigh. Alberta.
Her death watt a peaceful close tit a
breve tarn gle with disease* and weal-
Mallough was born on the old Mal -
lough homestead near Dungannon on
Nlarch 2nd, 1870. She received her
education in Lucknovf public school
and- Kineardint• high school. For
Olive years she had charge of the
school at Paramount, roofing herself
Among her most sincere friends mid
reknit -era were the boys and girle who
had loved her as their teacher. No
one could have acquaintance with
Martha Mallough without feeling the
winsomenees of her religious life.
Though always of a thoughtful dis-
position she attributed the defloite
consecration of her life to Christ to
influences of rt ramp meeting held
many yearn ago at Nile. For many
years before her death her constitu-
tion had been weakened by a linger-
ing dime/tee which medical skill was
unable either to diagooet definitely or
to cure. She never apperireti able to
rally since her mother's desth about
fifteen months ago. It wart hoped
that a summer ta- the West, might
prove an exhilarating tonie and under
the rare of her sister. Nurse Mallough,
the trip west was made in the month
of .1une. Peritonitis tilevelopedahortly
after het arrivel at bet iditter's bonito
and *Bet a few weeks' futile strunle
the tired spirit entered into rest. The
remains were brought to Goderich,
whence they were conveyed on Fri. the melee, surface.. g .
day lima to the tinnily plot in Dungan- e weo;r1101,51Thre rm. .ill.tr.kt,red, Dor flit Finy 1,111111111111 the thumb and foredease et tin
non cemetery. The pallbesrem were srt se too.att; !rain. subieets ade finding a home market
.1. Walken», 14..1. Young. A. B. Pent- circulars. free. 1
r . food ts • illboilsol 09101111511 flied from neressity palmniss
bug .1111 viewwwlY v.. . 111t I for their work. and are no longer °b-
land, N.• Whyard, tames Sproul Sold by drug/lints, British and United States publish-
• KNKY to.. Toledo. O. that la wake tater era ebrwmg,.
and Robt. Boners. Take lidureirsailit Me tee cemettestiee
Mitts Annie M. McDonit
was well received. The
of the Institute will take p
home tlf Mrs. Albert Becke
tem er.
Cut non Norms. -Rev. Donal
Letal. of Skye, SCOtland. preach
the Free Presbyterian church he
last Sunday Rev. C. M. Ruther
ford. of Dungannon, preached in the
Amhfielt1 Pi eshyterian church last Sun-
day evening. The pastt•t• ot this con-
grega tit In. Rev. J. S. Hardie, with Mrs.
Hardie end fatuity, ix at present ala -
tient on month's vacation. Mr. 'ben apply estrum wrung from very
Hardie and family are aummering by bat „bur h, Kiley the born
the shore of Lake Hurnh at Oliphant, where workhurn ami a liats,,,mahe
Bruce county - The new barn or tie,. Noma.
which is being erected by Dan Mc- e'''sZi atuatha taken to•yprotee.
Use Mooh Cold Cream
Atter erposeue to the nun do set
bathe the face at once. Rub in a
soothing cold cream. letting It remain
at rerun tudf se hoer. Wash olf with
Mater as hot as elan be endured. Se-
to bed that night rub la
Mere mid cream. letting it nay in De-
e asorabig. whom tt bag be washed
ef with seapeede sad dashed with
eald water oe woo. a lift t• close the
Where it is implisibIe to este grails
Owl rettiewin Wee wipe ell sail
sae Dort a/ brew to three of latter.
Innen on the Presbyterian manse
grounds is almost completed. and will
form a valliableauljunct to the manse
propert y.
The trouble with the man' who
knows nothing is thathe ia always the
butt to find it out.
Deafness Cannot Pe Cured
ity loral applleet so, they (tannin reach the
diseased port*I,of the esti._ Thar% Is *Mr 9,es
way to cure disarm."... and tbat ta by conalito-
bona' remedies Deafness, is caused hymn le-
ftward condition of the =wows uning of the
Film/whims Tube. When thl. tube 1. inflamed il.herf" twin- ulibulubmilbir• is entitled "Nation or Empire."
ing. and when 11 i•entln•ly rhwed doable.« l• when vexed thed *res. ewe nwilFils• The aecond of Dr. Leacock's en-
) no have s rumbling /wound or Imperfect hear
the result. and nines. the Inflammation can he wad ewe tbe habit bi Webers& /••• titled "Men Who Have Shaved Me."
taken ow and thi- Tithe testmed tn ito normal farrows appear. esertle. tbe 'end pill he printed in Tot•onto liattir-
whlrh i• nothlny but an Inflamed ronditIon of Nem wretch ibe skim eweettely
beeiggy er eb• brew. To reeler. rime , day Night on August 27th. Through
eondition hearing will be danrorert fore, or •
elm. maw. mit of ten are calwed b, (.111tArth:
don. Deters going ea any low expo-
altiois on land 'or water reb glycerin
late the face, thee powder thickly
Silalles beerier.
eyes Menith.
there good heatth and spit* sie
amweitested by the eittarnem mid alert -
neat et the eyes. eo every derange-
ment et the bodily feectiene leaves to
The man who ronsiders himself orte
in a thousand naturally resort's the
other tits9 as mere Ciphers.
Many a woman who has no Rens*, of
hone,' takes' a joke in the form of a
nouncement made reeently Toronto
sia4aatti_riur„..day7ight that that j urnel had
arra riged for the publicatit of a series
nf articles by Dr. Step en Leacock
U8 that
more serves to re
Canadian writers are ow receiving
deserved recognition t home as well
as *broad. Di Mar airs 'published
volumes, such as " ways in Feline,.
and "Essays in Pu tanism." to nanii
only too of the any, have now a
(Crete of readers ith in Canada rind
in England whic the most optimistic
would baldly rive predicted at the
time of public ion The Work of Dr.
Leacock, who ts the author of "Liter-
ary Lapses," volume which has riet
the wot Id s iling, is of a less serious
diameter han that of Doctor Mac-
phitil. s optimistic humor sounds
the n aod the reader laughs in
innged4or by Toronto Saturday Night.
alre lye in number and will altern-
ate f om week to week. For instance,
on ugust Oth appeared an article by
Dr larphail, entitled "Canada's Loyal -
t and on the following week Dr.
glow to Make a Million elpilars." ap-
peared. The third article di the ser-
ies, appearing the week of August
20th in by Dr. Macphail. and
11'0111 1.illioges 1..1.1111
t world, which I
enabled tri sell at al
We: have also
teachers and am
elven at our
painting. H1
e. well known ita-th'e best poi retain in
rinse of twtter customs duties we are
tit the sante price as the h inferior
installed one of the improve.) REVELA
R FIRING CHINA. end do thing te,
sons in China Painting
. teacher in oils. water colors and china
atrartged to tont his ponds.
Mile L. Grant. of Clintnn, hat, rlit4•4 h.see every
ThIlrbd4y, 410:i p.m. and 7 to 111 p.n.. for china painting.
See 011
art wor
fine display of ART NEEDLEWORK. FREE
'Jett W.I. of materials on hand for all kind. oil'
Also Pictures:Frames. Mouldings, Art Novelt ten.
Smith' s Art Store
tomb joiirnitla 1118 Toronto Seturday
e Signal to end of 19 10, 25 cents
Here is a new member of the Brownie
family, wbich gives a picture of that highly
Camera, at the extremely moderate price of
The 2 A folding Pocket Brownie loads
In daylight withiceidairfihn cartridges, bits -
pocket autcmatic shutter, meniscus achro-
matic lens, automatic focusing lock, revers-
ible finder for horizontal and vertical views,
two tripod sockets, and is in every respect a
well -made and well -finished little Camera.
We have other 19roeunies from $1.00 to $12.00.