The Signal, 1910-8-4, Page 8lu r. -net, .\t,.1-, 1 1111,1 s� r THE'SIGNAL: GODERICIIONTARIO THE CANADIAN BANK '£_.,.:.:; • OF COMMERCE. liA.1.J .IHSTA' 1 Fri _IN TH' IK VAULT A INF.ST T OF SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES IF YOU HAVE! ANY TITLE DEEDS. MORTGAGES. INSURANCE POLICIES, OR OTHER VALUABLES THI•:Y SHOULD HE LODGED IN ONM OF THESE BOXES _�! FOR FORTNER INFORMATION APPLY TO li \1'fILIAM•S, :'1ii:age' (.tele ich .ham h "�1 "MUCH OBLIGED. BUT---" Positions Which Hass Eisen Dkclirr ad With Thanks -and Without} Lord tt<•henPr's relu>al of the post of Cumlllandrr•itr('hrrf .of the Mediterranean comes as reminder of other men who hay'. &ebbed to accfyt great Jostti(enb. •S.,w. of Ihrm 'MiffI 1 j' have probably set ul. re-concW- flitch o i 1jbroken. Lerd J.►mel! i m HPrelord tor rnausnos. Milady Copyright �1A1_f Books PRLCE 1'11• following/ Copyright Hookah/tee been r,.d,4re.l in p1 lea trn11111•'-'-. t 11:,'•. F1111 cloth hirelings. •'TI.r Firing 12i111•.' Iy 1'hanib'l 1'11e Ilangtei Matt. by ('ha111 . eels. ••The Al to fiout Hr."ln4y,... 1•> Mel'ot••ileon.' f. Craw- "1'hc 1:a.ly of ltnr,le. y ford "'flee 11••Ioved VIgalsend." 1,y isock4. •� h Marie '.41 oat's 11o1N1 'M:t1,,' y (tette lir (-71'Hex lieit+•h, "The if a h t er. Y etc.,,. Pte• • HA1,1'H (IIN`►lt'S fi(►(14'. AT 51k•. *e at , ri iron--tilenga 1 h l'i , I . 11 1 "•Phe. Deet.., The Colonial Book Store 11.:011t.E rt PHONE 100. (lode' h. ....... �- esYSY�� • 1 Confidence• :•., the h Jeweller 1 1 tfHI:11 n bu) tea (Alto �4" • need 1.. lint.. confidence that you arc not tieing wild len in- ferior :,,tisle lit the price charged for first class good.. %NI• make a rule to AI.t1'Al F, represent g'.INls us they reelly •arc, and charge at 'trice as low consistent Yon need hat •• i, frnr I,nt- that 'poi new lib g fall - value for `51111 HOMO. w11411 yon p1n•e lase 11411•. V. a are now Nhlwingt a' ho ler and letter assortment lir..n .•ter We shall' be closed Wednesday afternoons in August as in July. Walter H. Harrison Jeweller and Optician. On the Square Goderich. 1 �m N _ ___ _ . \ Poverty may be a ' bleeds] _ •but every marl is willing to,t'Urn his . •ate Of blessing over to the other fellow • FATTENING HOGS WITHOUT CORN A farmer of hal.• evperience alit riliret'ran .D. i"1"i' to tie of some -help to' othere,'Na). '•I or years I have rear farm jetnhrrlq-farmers-biHet+n" and everything from -which 1 could would hope to learn soua.`I t7iu;; that u be ''f help. 0111 now' tory glad that 1 did "u, as It war.: ery necessary for me ro tyon.oiI l' this year In every war, e•sloicially w fend. "I had little steal. to feed and lest in feed it on. 1 hail no e•urn and there v., iery little 'for bole in the country, whi• h made the question 'of getting mV row hogs In eedition for meat n urn serious one. Figuring,. ns all of the Journals and bulletins do. ten bushels of corn fyr eae11 100. pound' •d pork. It timed require the purchase of .h?ty I,u4ht_I+ of c.rn for 100 pounds coin oh each hoe "'Phis would nn .111 the spending of Seto to 410. I did not pace this money. neither did I l,a'. • a way of ge ting-lt. lent I mute. 11•d to get foyrtr,eu anttuue- j:ilf bushels of emit/from a nelghboz 1 fed this eorn to forty chickens and -iv hopes. Fite of the bogs were hot + weighing aaboul fifty pounds e•:111, - Alurig with this euro 1 fed • _ 1 beets. w item. rldi.he,.. •arr•o'., Melanie. and aeraps Trow ,:stilt, dishwater, a small quantity • .1opp stuff and wheat bran. "When the cora was all used the -ow hard put ou about 12:1 pound'' and .:.licit shote about fifty pouuds. The -'111 total of this increase In *eight wi never 1* ro en. r is -the only U1 fl 44he' hat refused W Iurd Gladstone offered him the Great. deal ' in 1886{{ but Bir Henry Jame+, 441 he !then w'aa. disapproved of she Grind Old Man's policy, and -declined. NI. *tare•e4 i'rec.,�f. 1414 pre,' h 11,,v r DT. Randall Davidson was offered the Archbishopric of Canterbury On Obit. who .•lyinh". phove all mile: mei. the death e,1 Lr. Beneou. and. modest. lly excused himself, It war not until beears aft. :surds that le •'on tinted to come 1 . :,d of th. ('h,,rch of Eng- land. ''t • 3st tee n;,,: in 1r,^eat tinier hay• 1efu+e,l to 1.. •i'rinn,Alin• slimness of figure ins the es-rt1tul asters of 1 T•. •.l:d 11. 1-"4 µ1n n1)is- raeb .,.•::e=re d Qu 1,t 1 r ,, 1 tiered gaud Ab+ul'ef enough ft h, boli ••.: that dressmakers St/4/1114411 116"1 Ie,: Illi P....." -i 11 T , T••• '.'. Edrl to dictate 'our silhouette so ern.. It • (rranv Ile 1113 Ili f' •k'' •,f i Devou,hir, then M,o ,... , 1 -Hart- starve themselves In order te ethat tho'r woniep who strive to 1,..! LAgton fashionable before all th}pgs 1.11 11 /night 4t eu�poa.•d .11,•.1 th4 Lord b.e•3 Th.• Lieutenancy, of Ireland w• ,.l.f he a mandate of the modiste 'to her shoe- dazzling euapgh odic• 1. .,,tract any be thin. According to at. Pre.,,,t , atat4+utan 41111., w1.. 1 1.1 nl John the modish Freucbwomar rt, p:re•-• •' Russel oft ,ed ,t to 1. 1 ,lntrrstvn, tounder"rand women. exercises the rights of his compretimisioo je ire grtent adrtlonitfun flus tare -1 Ie.•ture. are Upon ' the tendeu,-y f the Mo. - among the foolish daugbrcrs to s•"t. immos SPECIAL OFFER Itot'h rite *Ole: \ ,lerluied. ' .-ia-Jlter'lly and •Cher uw a free e, 4 ' I ata" tkc lin.•d will.,. •.r t.:apt, un starving herself lh the midstot -!•',•1. the 4peii v•xpr.s,o ! gr .uitel•'that it ty. She sits at fele, only r.• ,- was iN r. t1 1t1s i11Fc n:t With a fPw vegetate}e1; pod t, 14, :. Eve .1 Th•• OTST p), mud-- erIze -nI wlneelnss stand Untottchwf be•id, h• • , \-ie.•roy of Loden ha- 1...,n- refu,;ed- In ISM the fatee•)111 G(vernmeut m empty plat., turas,,, . , utter - is a reectioe op the spirit, :.,lid ,I.,ea it to FI 1d-'/tar,hal-thea General wit of the vk'tini She diminishesdiminishes,,.•' -81r Henri ornia11 For 1, few (lays it was taken for t n.ntwl' that adipose tissue (.erhlips. bet shehe would Fu out t, lien,... Mut a great talnh' annihilates both her ..o% 4. did of "'"r1".!'."1'"'"; miss 4voketl IIaOM and the gayety of hr. o,. •. •o ).y the• al intnlrnt ,.:�'! finally it O pariititls, Henry' _:.c. , up No*. Lord Byron would have to, - Cols!, n r. fi:..' 4 the othe. of Prosi- 1. en'-hantedso- live in no age when et,. dent - of the board of Trade and a1 men as far as possible ache:a) ii:.! -•lit 1n tiii l- .,lilIle t wh.0 11.14.4) w1 r•• without nourishment- lie .lee, per•.,,-e<f op' bila b'.' th. grime Mihi+• I. seeing n wane') canoe end 111:1411• In•• t.•r. ill, es wag ':i11ui(1 t.1".1 11 he, ae- 1. possession of a tine, healthy :p pi ir, c•..j -d ` he nlitht be ace arid of 'bell - one of his first grfevnnee. : ,,asst Reeking; Tu. l.ingard the td. the t Catholic biaudian wov .l :.+tide the Lady ei roti,' who had a robust otter -of a crad 11141 - r.d. Lat. b'clw'e Meted-u 4411(1 no affe proles' rim he wad+ unwilling t, '., •fir.' This in. dated upon taking prole* ,,our(' : dejwr.dence mens A .little later on 1 vroa4, •l' • It is not g4hcrally ►.n(wn that ed to anybody having auyt1ih4 to .•1,t George, Washington ,iowd' have beta ' -Ife-he•ty.trt' ile'Jtattetia tp tinnier y„ kin/: of America had he liked. After the apparent purpose or actin, ii!., Ow Briti,,j, 1,4d i.".'n driven out of M. ['Vet -wit asserts modern women o. the Ntitt•s. /tie American Congress -to dull the eujoymcnt of the 1 tr.•at+'d t.fp army which. had won of the company: At Samre-uel ltugvr; Tarries• independence very laity. cd r^n e u , iaajae•rated house Byre,u asked to have for hi- th()Qiatr, tb.•aynnm14diWtedwer:•fling lir a Awn dingier merely soda water' 111 .t moronarcrhcly. and mWaei• iliklen•paratk:ie ng. nai dry Melina.' It so happened (for th„ fpoaiming a1k'u'n Were wine'bihbtug daysi that ueitlo•t But he said'(:No." of the poet's regnire•uecuts was fists At least one great •Eniai.hman..haa coming, FO be made his meal off p4 been superior to e- dukedom. After tatoes crushed down ou bf,a plate :ties the late Marquis of Salisbury laid '%' e s down e for the last tiros.. tju44n drenched with vinegar.• But Hopes asked Byron'" t. must intimate frier,.: t'ictoTia was anxious • mark het 1 offic "How long will Byron-Oatlike ti, , aPpr.eiati(•n of his servlcr- by rais- at dinner parties''" nod the reply • ing him- te. the highest rank of the 1 peerage Rut the straw hurry -leaves the tke one 44W1151. ",lust as long n e•'. and the lite, of "Your Grate" did you 441a4(4 any notice of It.' 84411 the not fa,cmat planation was added that a solid bee' steak either preceded or f.illowerl the ostentatious refusal •of proper food a• table. •Not so with some of the wo men today, who. in the effort to ac eommndate their niitural human 'shale and normal proportIon1'\ to the last. logsble "sheath" gown anti the "tube' coat, really do deny their systems a properdegree and variety of food. _ A 144844- PULANIN'IIINA anw. .teas nbn11t 316 pounds at an . actual -net of 111141411. figuring everything 1 fed at the open, market price. - .,lite is the reveres of an expert - ow... 1 find once before. Some years age 1 fed corn 1111(1 cigar 'water entirely. If the corn then fed had been sold at 111e mat ket prlee and pork bought with I M• money r ec•eit ed t he money would hate paid for about twice as much port. as we had when wr 1111ed our bogs. This wab at 11 time when corn ?oat from 30 to 40 cent* a busbel and It cost about 3 cents, to feed hogs. The; weather was very unfavorable also. "I have learned that a few vegeta-, bees are relished by hogs as well as by human beings, and they also aid digestion. I have fed pumpkins a•/ squashes along with corn. Squashes art the better feed for hogs. but they are not as valuable as sugar !wetly, ear- .rot9_and. LArenip'. "1 have found the three latter vowels - hies ets- tries the easier proeluee.f- that is, can grown more abundantly un Impro- els , laud, and It requires fairly good soll (.r the raisin;; of squashes and pumpklk)s. In pest years- i have pre- pared .n ‘Iew hilly, making them rich with manure land planting the Seed front jet. 1 ' •Eine 1. when the div season c t, t tcntere•d these time niter sunset and had good results. As this experiment proved successful with ole 1 1h1411µ111 It !might prove 'o to • - - Tbey have a peen1iar way of "gel - ting at" their enemies in Ireland In the Gorey diatri"t Police inspector O'Neil recently found one of his favorite orors lying dela! In a field with a few bullets in its head A couple of months ago the inspector buried another cow, which was thought to have died a natural death. The other day he received an anony• mous communication suggesting that if the carcase of the former cow was disinterred: the cause of d.'eth might he found in her body. VIstnallestneeWUNIONINOWPTeest Quality- Store 1 In our buying quality is al w .--•-Y•t►u xn depend on first=claw, goods and you will be more Abaft satisfied with our prices. Gap Coffee Liquid ('offer that needs stele boiling water idled 'to make a op of, good coffee. Jute the thing for picnics. Per bottle . sac Cooked Ham Our *twat -cured cooked Hato is delicious. Tty s pound. 1'41 d ' ... . ......36c t/r'fntr=las ..+�.� vie.. . Fine. mild flavored sugar - cured Hama). Per pound .250 Peanut Halter for sand- wiches. Per Mitt 1e 10o k 20c A complete assortment of fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Anturdny. Special rtgduetlona•in all lines of Chinaware during the rnilnth of august. -: Choice Ratter and Fresh Egg• ti. R. LONG PHONE 1f1 ' Reefing the Hair. In this day of false hair it 1* wee to have it well reefed to the hes.! u' unpleasant exposure may follow. 'k'lil- h treat mauaged by lying the huts Ihriuly before attempting to arrange it Any woman who has attempted this 'Sittig with ordinary string will o - come some of the novelties now to bought fur this purpose. One con veuieht arrangement Is a • piece of wrapped wire about four. Inches long One end is pointed and the other forms a loop, through which the p oiet 1s pushed when the hair has leen wrap ped several times. Even more easily managed Is a Io.q of silk braid or elastic about two Inches luug. There is a small button at one end• over which the elastic is snipped ' after being wound Awn* amend the balr. For light hair these fasteners can Tee Busy+•to Wait. Prof. T,e.<oek of McGill, to illna- trate Gohlwin Smith's fund of energy, which t ee'med to be ah«Mutely untir- in1t tells this; story. "One day when he was over eighty years of age I met him in one of the new skyscraper buildings of' Toronto, ,,beat to start upstairs. 'Won't you take the elevator, Dr. emlthr T asked. " 'i haven't tins to wait far it,' was his reply." Learned Late In Life. It is rwvor ton lair to learn An oc- toRlonarian laborer who was mmpli• relented by the 1n�tge at the [loft no inty Court on the neatness with whoch he had made out an wernunt, stated tial his daughter had taught him to read and write the Ceti* -3 alive btatea- man His 44.Ltu nal rival. Mr. Glad- e1nne. refused to be an earl. Thema,, Carlyle ehook his head when Lord Beaconsfield pressed him t4. heroin( a Knight Brand - Crofts of the Bull: He preferred ie. remain plain "Tam." ir To The Signal i 1 1 January Ist, 19111 0 1 t ' ONLY 25 CENTS' To new Subscribers MEI OM SIMI al11100111/1111110 OEM 101111/111/1110 MI) Feminine Raffles. Thieving for fun ib rather an, un- usual pastime for young wolnee. In Edinburgh two smart young ladies pleaded guilty the other day to fifty- - eiRht different charges of theft, The articles . were taken iron. different shops in Fdinbergh and Glasgow. The accursed had visited shops and stakedstakedto wee goods' ostensibly for the purpose of purchasing them, but whilele the shop assistant's attention was di- verted the thefts had been commit" fed No attempt had been made to dtap,oee of the goods It was stated on behalf of the prisoners that the thefts had been committed more from 1 a spirit of mischief than criminal in- tent. The magistrate described the case as an extraordinary one and sentenced each of the accused to two menthe' krnprisonment. An Irish Miser. The story of a fairly rich pauper Comes from Downpatrick. County Down, where all old woman named Rose Smith was removed to the work- house lespital. Kh. was in receipt be bought In browns and tans ao tha1 of outdoor relief, an< there is less danger of their showing very poor. When searched $321. was An added advantage of such arrange• found secreted among her clothes. On ments is that they can 1* bought b) 1 the Polleeounst of wealth war leant. ning the house, a aur - the hoz of card, so there >a no taw t1 ran ng and tied up in rags, notes, hunt for a shoestring or ribbon tha: isaki and silver to the total value, heft beeh-inB131- Bleaching the Nails. if one uses her hand. nuu•h Ili horlvework or lo writing 1t is 11111110: '.44,14 to keep the finger nods a clear evhtte No among of onlinnry iMrnh bine with n nailbrush will be enough 1 bleach mast bel lined. There are several good null bleO"he- thnt are snfe.to use. bet for au enter ;near' rubbing the flow of the finger. In half a lemon will do the work al most as well. .4 solution of peroxide of hydrogen Itsive of the $.12b. fornd on her parson• of about $1.900 was dlseover- ed. Moth-eaten garments were found fit four boxes. and about a stone of tea and half a cwtof sugar, was dire covered in potato bags. Irish Village at Fair. The "Emerald late" iA represented at the Japan -British Exhibition, pres- ently being held 111 London, by a pia turesque Irish village. There are son* scores of pretty colleens from the South and Southwest of Ireland, and they agreeably demonstrate the pretty qualities of the Irish maidens serves well. Dilute perotlde with one I in .song and dance Many .rich goods half water and apply under nulls with. and :•induct, aro on view. 11411 the vil- cottou on an orange wood stick. Allow lag., promise t, be n groat =access. It to remain a few minutes. then wash A Perpetual Charity. well with soap and water. If there are dark stain around Ito Mr. Henniker Heaurn, M.P . has ar- ranged to celebrate his twenty-fkHb not tench n covered orange w000 Rlh•I, year ar a member of Parliament for C1111 tie dipped Into the powdered time' Canterbury. a position from which he Ire and rubbed over the flesh, wry.- h. is 11""!1'to retire, 4 mntinuing his suliserip it n of 1125 annually for should first bave been well moislenwl Christmas dinner* for the poor chits then of ('nute•rbury for ever. 01, to A Bracelet Hint. Yee the e.o•d, of tee eked. "While the Now- that women are again stearin: world 1,1-!- nr the law allows." bracelet". a word of warning as h their size may prove useful. wYouthful Brides. not wear a bracelet that la t.. ' itritnn Ferry in Glatnoryan'hire tight. It effects the circulation an.` claims to hold the record for javenilty Will make the none red. alio the hand in marriage. QYite recently a man of forHnon )' Oars married a woman of and arm. Often ■ manna frequent mekee the mistake of wearing a 1.an l - then t, hlrteen. and .,New a Sn1th gee of childhood long; after her ern 11f iwent eix leas married • wife of t..•lv.i. �i14 4441141. nn her hnneymone has Reelen too stout for It A bfwrele,short. frock and traveled at hnH e Positi ve Clearance -II of Summer Stocks 1 Th1 1.'e will be hard at it all month until 'every dollar's worth finds new owners. The store must be absolutely bare of summer goods when the season is over. Tllat is a guarantee of fresh, nett, stocks, free front left -over., for you 11X1 season. Actual values didn't count for much When we made the prices that will prevail here while we are at this midsummer clearance. SPECIAL FUR EXHIBITION We open•our midsummer exhibition of fine Furs Saturday, August 601,. in spacious upstairs showroom. There will be more Furs and better Furs than we have ever been able to show you. By special arrangements some of the leading manufacturing furriers have sent us several thousand dollars' worth o high-class furs for this midsummer display. Many are sample garment's of excIusivt: eat. - if you have any thought of Fur buying the coming season, the are satisfied it will be to your _advantage to look this collection over. Whether you have or notes we cordially invitetyou to come and see what2is.beyond question -the- ftetE coiiretion of Furs ever brought to Goderich. No need,to feel under any obligation ,to' buy. The Furs will be here and we•want you to see them. Come any time 'rid -field it convenient. t ugll our IA Big Lawn Special 1I Wash Suits $3.38 ' 6'ir,• hundred yards extra i, Eight only 11 a n e1 s v in e fine India Linen Lawn. Part Wash quits, tailored coat of a his onrcheeedireet frnni England. Thi eeo1 111,11 (4)141- and skirt. white• blue, chann- hies. Re /lar 3114 to 31)c 1 values. Very fine and pagne and heliotrope, cut in hPer. Suitable [or any our- this season's newest And beet pose you can use a fine Lawn 1; styles, well - made, stylieh for. When this lot is gone I garments. Worth neerly 1 '' double. Your choice of we can get no more at any- thing neat' • the price. On sale Saturday morning 1 ' the eight only o- at, per peril ,I�'� .38 Waists and IlreMes Bdf-price Less than 1w.rtty altogether high-grade Waists and Weah Dresses. The Int of a big clear- ing lot of samples. Regular selling price would be *2.:10 to 111.2.1N1. This week we Rive you your ch.,ice at fron, *1.'26 to 11144.ta►, or in other words for Exactly Half-price 111 O1. IMFC*tdltt3 • 111 a me - that le text large robs on the tort"' fare -which may have Morn a eonsid- • ' folate end m■) bruise them. , oration.