HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-4, Page 5LOCAL -TOPICS.: FOtIlter Geeierich Lady Married. judge -m;(1 Mre. Johnston. Sault Ste. sees, ,.roam met the lnarriegt of Mrs. Joheetone' sister, Matilda Kit•ki,attick (;ralaiuu, to the Hon. Mr. Justice+ Uttt(n>. 1hllvsuu ('t1%, Yukon territory, , Tuft' rS(i+ M1'W. l)ug+w is veil known t u 1tL(rrNl+'11,'h ; rhe ie-+►, is ghtrr of the eat-, Th•eman Gotha/it. Death of Joseph Horton. 1 town rester- ; , den and I'att•ol-6.,,1,14 Me dollen( were b1 chatty.. .1feer i rent et 1'e(,faun Kougvie s, where the hum. Were kiml- ice• to -vetted toaf ut.ateliy-; yt_ telt be bole . en stretch (covet li g the w14144. ist4iu4• its Veru hoUls and K 94art.•r: exelustve ret the tent. 'teutw were pitched and the camp set in erde,', atter which r game of (molten eros eu iuymel. A camp fir,. On11111. the Iwm acb eopleted the derv's out• de• et the ridden . rat Horten• which txmut•re t yesterday atoruEI)t ou u butt running out of Cbirage, teeth was the result of a stroke of apoplexy. The remains err twin* brought to (materiel' and the funeral will be bold .Saturday afterate ,IL Auburn'dnd 81yth Lin ed. Thr t.lephure line ,burn alto /Myth. whicb.h*s d and ,Oersted t.y the Bell Cotn- may, ha.. been pal the bode' lett Rural Te1ep luny. Limited. Thin line new „nes antler construction a the subscrilwr. ,mf .toe ru eesee torment ten. Progress vulvae ill utl1' marts of the which the roil maul intrude t • A Good Report. Line Purchased. between A4 been own. Telephone rebated b} added to the ,n will gay messy :+ is being territory u cover. Ur. Field has lei -rived from 11,ljor Ammon, of [.0041011, the . feIluwtng el=t) gietitving report upon ebe l)ude- r,rb Collegiate testieule cadet come as a rr-uk-ut ting .'cent Annual inspec- tion.; Loudon. tent.. Jute sem. To P•tr.eicd r'uHetgi»+e 1i Banat. ' c:odetich. Set, 1 :.414 directed to inforn, you that thio repute of the annual limpet.. 11„U of yuan• cadet curer is 'considered 'h) tb, Adjutant -(.neral 44141 4actorc and le i orupliw.nt yon upon the in tetlst iu wu,ketry end proficiency o lee seeps.11 extended under drill. 1 1• t ,'. pleasant to'ubeevvs the good repel i .IN'u the cadet officers. 1. het• t lir 1, set t,1 ler, sit'. your obedient set i toe 1.. W. `I4. -.sox, Major, D. S. A. M. U. No,,i. Corte Hoeday. Ow holiday yeslerdat proved to iwas N.putal a day RA ever. for the toll ,! nutn'Ler of pienice. Several pic• ow404tiea theme to outside points. echii•e o4.her, took possession of liar - hot Pmts. There was a good attend. f hrare frame a hn•h they -cell r8 slate. e The school for' the Blind is maintained 1 ]I by ytythe 4 tntaftio ioyernmermt 46a 4.441 (41 ll mailer rap*TVieimn of the{lwieter ofEdtt e - riot 1, and the principal will promptly an*wee any letter titinr4tiit•y concern- ing the school and its work. Harbor Notes Last Friday warning G.pt. Alex. took i. hype 'he Bavtiel1. Mom I arrangements were Mail(s to fil4Cy- e game ie Irate -ball .11 Friday uvith J11'r Smith's less at Bayfield,,• • The Ing end lare Luenjoyings hre all lling in rplendidl . with camp -lite. Mt. E. P..Ot.wert. of Um. dim, a divinity student, arrived Mon- day evening. anti ham ,•herge of this tierotion.81 work. H • taken well with the boy.. How the Blind Head and Write. w ti P at ii re of t ti tr ar tare 111 aha rte fig to Accompanying hie anneal hetet, in hieh 'he ask. the readers of The lgnal to tend, him the name• ant, - Nest office addr.as. uta any Wye or ight alo.defw•t4444 Oust st thwn to e eenn,)L * e. tpo l he publir .rhumis with adt•antelgt•, Iheave! Gardiner, of the (bailee. In- itutiun' for the F;due/itiol, of the lind, et Brantford• send- us a card n which lie has print.,). without ink. to Inner•, toed by the baited in their ceding. Three letter, are ...imposed 'o j1U144'Ietontal 4•'W44, and', he c4. 16iutingeil l. one of points that have been nun• ive4l to represent 'the vatiou, Itter- y. nutlte•rai and inimical 4-haiecters mo,t ingenious. Point letters saw uch easiest to read with the /tenets, n line letter,, mud bliud children „u le.u'n to read end write• word1. tires and monk utgue, chi -writing tug dome with 'steel stylus alld THI;.' l ;NrAI, l.f3i)FlIIt'n f 1,�r,. i Ilio CHURCH NOTES. t'`'' +' :eeceplably ' Knot chutch tact lurid fy evening. hr. LI,.ti-ve towel,' will tie octt-44yiltate, It. tthe pulpit Knox church next Sunda)', . t-' ort+r etre,_-Llrl{tt • next eutidey .nut ring the quarterly services will he held : at 10 o'clock the lovo•f«a.4. and w teettutony etting. lalttc'ing the ye4ulur service the reception . t"&A.w• luetuh -r*, followed l)y the a.44.I&ment: of tate •lead-' a ftp, per. Tb. .,Kolar meeting ,.f tb. tattlie -Methodist church will he held Mouda evening. August `(1b. iu the churc Peeler, et M o'clock. As this will.be the. 1484.1 W4rtiiig}t b.f,,re' the clans I,ic• uic 411 for W4.wttel'n 1414 rt.tuert4d- i Ile p►wsenit. - ai (1 Ned Ilt.. Sibbtt. Mil, Mibbil, Mite, .� wh+1 and Is,.1e1 1)ntel-*4:. '1,es F. H. 41.10 41110.111111111. 41011111.10. . ' 61.111111= 0 Olin 11111111111110110 ailliallil 411111McLean. Mite, H. C',, AtctA'tU, Mer.. E. Met near I l:,-..•Aalerait. �1Litt c• Mary and 'felon Marquis, Mier %Vitt P. A. Fez, all of 1Jeaptfntd : Mrs. A W. Welker. Miss T. 'Walker. Mi-- Muriarie Walker, Antis Willi ,. Jack Atealkev',. Mr. and Mr's. W. J. Belle Pyy_�ek11. 'flee. (4. E. (ii Mite :lora Griffin. fair'. G. i11u. lett- of !' Guelph: Rev. J. Th L4-(iear, '*Ire. f lees:ear. Miss Lela 1r 1:,•444.. Misr+' 14,104 last:ear, Ltn44ine, Mich.. Mr.. 1V. W. ' smith. Battle Crrrk. Mich.: ',Mrs. I.: Huwilton. 1%'atlt too, lima : Miss A. , M. I►ouglaes, L. K. 1tuggles.. Mrs. J. ,' C. Roy. Masa M. C. Swell. W. 1V. e { . M. 31, ltotwlliun, 311ss E. , M, Kobel ton, d ('ens Peek. 31r. and Mrs. J, A. (iron- get, Misr Promos leer. Margaret E. Anthony-. 11ts.. t1'. Fairbairn, Miss M. U- Fairbairn, Mr. and 314s. Jo/mein-ie. 'Nylon/AY, A 141444. 4, 1410 5 CAMERON'S" BIG MIDSUMMERTSALFJ-� The Victori1'e1rkt. Methodists. s hurn held their /moiety ,luarterly ,tea at the home tit Mr,.. J. Steaag. Faun.'ttreet, ,rt Menday ,evening, August let, Alt,•t net was served the;o.tol', Ker. Dr. Iledd, w4. eppuinted 'hairiaan and grave a shunt -address. This was followed by a live/yam 'which was .both interesting and profitable. The Heirs icke oteheetl'ii futaiehed rtlu4ic, Rev. J. 11'. Aikins,, ,Secretary of temperance and ,morel reform. will preach iu the Vittoria Greet Metho- diet church next 4uuduy mnrni,lu at II o'clesek. Love=tenet et io o•clo. k : Sunday ,,loot and Bible study :at 3 reek/eke- The p:'etor, Rev. Dr. Mtntu, will preach in the evening :at ; o'clock, Sttl'ijt'ct : "1'b•• Manifeetcri Heartache Ofl:,i(1" The saclanl.nt.orthe-Lotdes- Supper will be atitninistered after thist, melee. #'trttorn in tuwil are earth- ally invi+.•d to three set•i'toes, Alt are i welcome ; -.eats late tree, Rtcellent areangenents have been ad« t' the pulpit committee- of the aptieCrhurch feet the, itielith o' Aest- t. dnt•iter thesabbence of -the pastor, 4) tan. Jubn threaten. jr ,alio( Oetruit; Maw, (i, Harris. :Hiss H, Burris, W. f E. Elliot and wife. Mrs. 'IcVerlen4, lila, McFarlane. all i'4 London ; Mr. and Atte. F. C. Mabee, Cambridge. Mann, : Mts. Frank H. Joyce •and chiidt'en, 1Valkervill.: Pauline E. Thompson, M. Mille•, Miss i..' 11'augh, all 'It `tratford; J. A• ('Ntnercen and wife. i4. E. Scntt. Reg. leiidharu, nit of IiVinnipeg. • rill If of Rata, C. H. Jones, on Iris vacation in /unreal, On "outstay. August 7th til Itch, J11. Ernest Fartuer, B. A., re of the lecturers of ',Master Urti- r.i'ty. and -on et 1r,ef. J. H. Farmer race et the picnic tat Attr ill m Point -tiw3uuday re: hQtt1_0_1'ifteeti 4fk.',4 3f.(h0J4st church. • iiatnett -woe e,,tsgeel in and. although the mitt Nuel windstorm about a o'clock in- tetered somewhat. everyone reports aa enjoyable outing. Rimm married the r4..*o "ver at 1::s4 and all were beaen to teem by .+:alar p. in. Thr baseball game tit the Agr'ieultural Park i►t- Pastel a fele er..wd. which dispet.ed suddenly. %then th.• threatening tip- ieeemee 01 the clouds near the doer of the genie prticiiie.d the sp 4-'4.*toiri at good iv.ttin4. LrWv111) s:eiling multi, the North Pier, cleared form tbis'p..rt .tui it. an• i up the lake. 'Phe crew this ! y • _teams lauusellti--atut Jtlhtt_l.Awese:__ �atst emit rol.4.4rt. int Capt. Al*'*. Lawson.n, he c The etealner Dunils., of the Inland Liner, were herr •Pride.. and leaded I tee t)U t A V t sixty ttuim"tit' parltngr freight fur No Fort 11GUi»w. 'I'h.• D,.t c Engine Works sue Co. and the hen.ington Furnjt ire Cie eson creole the priceefeel elimment.. hR1e 1'he steamer .I. H. Gilchrist teem wri anchored 4)11 herr last Frith•motto mT ye who 1'01.'1011 1Y visited (,eder:ch. will be thepreacher. On August '_let: *nd1 :d+th Mr. Chan 1.4- 11,. of London, , On* . who is well Loner's to the 1 church tedae e.1.'ellenf preacher, wilt fill the pulpit. The peopl'r :rt tending Noel) itieett" Mrth,Nii-t church next bund:, y even in' will have the optpuctanl i c y o. seeing and axing the Rev. A F. Aikens, the -new elite tsecreter y of temperance :end teltea's: ZTi uta Tike -4.e 1 hula ntreent, was molter iu Amherst. VA Heotia. ft ie to rids place 14.4 his canes: that Men. -Hemilton Wigle.. •indaW of Mre. tree. 1:ox, of town. !gamble -gout front Wit:nipeg. ' A terin Thet.uN1Jian rays of eft. Ft A Stormy Summer. Thisseason proruisea to be rem.ln- het,l N. the stormy saner,., The Ia.t few weeks thund.rrwrtne have been very frequent, and a number of then) here hewn uncommonly severe. Ther et 11'wines/Ny.0f teat week was by fen. the worst of the lot, hut during the I.a,.t week there have been further dist 111'hanmee wore or less revere. Yesterday afternoon a violent stores of wind and rain swept a portion of Cnl►aao.-Townt.hii,: threatening soy Brain tb»t wee still standing. • There was veri tittle rain in town, but about 3 o cal.: Abe lightning struck Andrew Wiltiamw,u'tt house on Trafalgar *trete. passing down the chimney t.. the range in tifa• kiteben, which danced about under the shuck. Mr. %Villiatu- ein Was stunned for a few minute.. but quickly ree•overed. We hear that Me mem Yesterday wean Pert violent at My held. Miss Grate U;ckson Appointed. At the 'muter meeting of the (:ode. .143 public ticht>nl hoard on Mu'day erecting. it was decided to accept the 'Pmlir4t i„n of ills. (i race 1►ickb.'n t o art a. Ltndr,Rarten director. Miss Dickson is a Goderich girl who Ilea 1'een'teacbiug at Stratford. it also was decided that applicat.ione ter care- taker of the new school he willed for, septic -mita to state ,salary. A. Bar. ''lay Lbs':ttehitect, lep,nt.ed as to the emitter* un the new sehnol building end the following pregress certiSeetes were p*'sr'de---E' e..--.-L-e, til: C. J. HarPe M.il4: Gederi,h Planing Mills Co., I�ene: 0. A. Reid. elder: U. Mune rte. 44, An account of Fred Hunt for el and JicErren•a account for coal '4 for E& 3,(14 also were ordered tube paid. fl. J. Han per's tenders for feel, h.'nea u=i44and for electric light fittings et 1 ,2, -were accepted. Tendert will 4se called for desks for the new for the levelling Averts ecbo,,l grounds. Relief for Entrdnce Candidates. leim nnoaneed that in view of the large Pregw•.rtinn of candidates for the ',Weiner "xaminatii,os who failed to make the required number mf marks to gat them through this year, on account "t the *netted '• trickiness" of some of the question,, the -Minister of Educa- tion of ()ntario Gane authorized h.,arde of elemint•rs throughout the Province grent PI'eaent )4Ar. pass etandlttg to eir diecretion. ewrr4the d mites who have made lees than forts per clot. le any one subject, but who bnvve made sixty per cent. of the eggre- Rtte quirks. Thele a high standing mule by a candidate in one or more etlhjer.tw at the examinations will he sabletved to c"mpensate for a standing '-'--other subject, provided enole in any sends.. of ded that the total sixty marks obtained by him is Per rent or Over. it w s the reeminetion in arithmetic which this ler .was regarded as being composted lg y of eateh uestions, and which "rgetnumml r ofcandidatethe fts. ThenDe- • tementet tulle will, we understand, h` elTie t in the 'Use of f nderi�R thorn "� amitlatet, let, a good proportion of passed the examination in the erdinet•y way. Y. M. `. A. Camp at Iron Springs. thre Monday morning, in spite of the Scouts Atehin4 rain. a number of Boy onat entitles. ht ed to slk miled from the town. °p the take shore. Scout -master Hay- whiletIeaitt Shephard , 4.* famit}, petite The pfr,i'sure yacht Aide, ie iu port on ire return fi on';i thhing expedition to,31c(.ergot ', Bev, it is bound for Iletruit. The eteatuer .f, H. Shrigk.. *trivet!. thle nlnl'ning with n cargo of coal for the town. _ "!be w•4Atety w:dl of the. Weiler room of the Big Mill i. being extended :ma- w/aid to Ulrike femme for another boiler to be installed shortly. The .ace t atom' is completed for the fou'dation 4.f Lhr engine room for the Big 11ill'sn.ty elevator, The concrete work ha. been com- menced tenths. Big Mill',: new elevator and the Elm atm ('.weans'. annex. The bt4:uuer H. N. Jex arrived from. Sandusky on Asn 4.d:y with Ca 4• load ,oAl for the'. Big Mill. The eteetuer Turret Court arrive.) Monday with* cargo of el3,ta4e Mahe of It heat for the Elevator Company, The schooner. Koltage waw here th week with a lurid of slabs for McEwa 131ns. _ PERSONAL MENTION 44. , Alt.-, left la,d Fri•4,,y'.., .4 hip 4.. Van- ( T ,,, ., i- „oir:ug friend. N It. 4.r,,r.4. a4ytuwtr. ,f N •.,. . i. ,, t,.;.,.,• .,t 11), 1st 1., Mi.a JfoniiTaijfrrai, o(T:itir- ' MI.,.. Nairn. k: 1., s,a•+t . t• a..tt2 '.r t h �;.1. �, n� tl ,� •,Iltit _are Mi-• J dui+tu+,. nue.. 1,:• ..j. •, , I...' Friday. •„• ,.e. , , a -Ft. L. N eu .•v le41 uI M.. , Irt•-•rhe-y1.+t. :M.- Mau a114.4lr.hur,in m_hur.l 1 >le none,. Mt - Mines. Havlll. of Nero 0 guest of Ms .l'. A. Nairn. Mr- J. L. Ai` ken. of o• e. • v4-i:ing her ern J, w}+s An ken. 0,1h F-n4k 4.i •,-1 1 .r k L. ).. N"G, oy 1.'4. , _ 141 +., chi of bo.4 tit .. K. 1:.Obettsou,bl1rr61,-, n'-uarford. wain tuttn u.. 4.,444.••01) Mond:,t. tine Uu,.Jpt Merr.1& • ,ler,:' Kiil;tey I..pQ1it- ii,ir i esu 1 -este.' holiday. in 1:0 ierich .li-. Pearl A. Fatquhar.on. of Hurret°. N. C.: 4.♦ 4rinn,t het cottage, D. M. Aitken. Ali•- -T. T. rain. d 44.h..I,, - . 444.. F- the Yee••: „f'L,-r enn.+n. T.T. 1,. _i.4, tt I. we'k, .4.0.4!.4 t of 4'llu.tter a 4f b hi w • i,d u4wv:, l.,t.•tt h,• :) other. IWt U:. '41 .t•1. 14x, earn I t - ,' 1,�N- M tCc44/ •.'4 .i.tvr, Aar 14. e. F, play Imo? rTr;f .ti-'4Trtp-t4.-the 41 .111 ).u, -Pita( r,., Ir elrwit.Ma.ter 4-4'141( .r SMT) Latrle - o1.1 Ut..n".end ?1F-- Lily Bosd, of Toronto, are pe'.dh,4-holiday. at the hm oe ur their mother, ire. N. 80)-d. i entre Lethbridge. Grua! i -t ..f Knox church. t/Nit. 4- .pendli t• a few de'. - • town with hi. o:d h irnds here. 0.•...4, t . Wit,• a,rt. Mr-. - ' ruin their , 4410 , 11 41,41. of 11e1r,:(, • • ,•.reg - lhtar 1.4. 11. t„N 1.. T e . Kht, Ln,, tVr','' tote, 011 W hh1-'11 a v4,4f b, 411, t . .i, Wngl.t. Aikens- "He►sa me.$gnetic animal- It).:t pleasant and nblespeaker. His •uidl'e*..4 delighted en.4 inspired. 'Without :ant -apparent effort he kept the attention of,hie bea:'ei s through- r out his address.'et THE SUMM$R RESORTS.' A` Mote! Sunset. ., rhe following - ata - registered o t of Hotel Sunset : No: timet P Kiel, h Mise Elizabeth 1' Rice. Det:oi3 : lir and Mom" le H Baird. Hugh B,,4,.1 ;'; ;.'I.rd)..o ho ha. tier) .ler the wcathei. •';natrfu •1 4 it .w nttac,. ,.•.•, Net !' i ,1(4444 h:.4 Iw stet' awls}. • 3 . It I W. ilI. McMordie. of London. A former .tudeot t iodeemp t'ollewbo, tn.tttute. te the guars of ercousin. Mr.. T. T. Leckie. i' 1 . I'neldhMt, �. 1' . M. 1'.t'., alit( 111- l: 't) ft .e„ 1j� Munda, fur t'ro,at . \4G;:. Ma e. where ,.•: a F41 -1...10 ansa mow 4r id Aman -t. Uc."y.• Ise, ki•11 left for I 'hic.,Ku int 1L411441N terla.1„,.HeextNN;t-4r,.enq..g, in bu-inav- w„rur (4,11,1 tri 11 F.x u,:-io or Indiana. Toronto: Mt. He:rt Bet -need. aft. and Mrs E H Bingho ut. Mimeo 11ariou, ('lura and Margaret Bilrlthnm. 31autter Aar.. f/uckhare. of Chien**. arrived Tuwiday ht wt the .teenier Huron, and will spend • wrrk. with hot brother: l;. Newton. Merritt- Bingh,m. alis- Anna Tucker Mien l� Eder»: d., all of Detroit t Mr I few 'kit • e% and Mrs Hereching, Cleveland • Dr of and MtBray. s Tor„oto ; Mrs Candler, i Detroit : Mrs Johes-Bateman: Masters on John and Bob Jgnea-B:,tentan, Mexico•; Is Mitt (i 11 8,eedin, Miss F Brreedin, .13/endued : Mrs li It C:'rson r10d- son, is Munvo. Louisiana : Mr end Mrs -Ed- ti win i+ Bell,. Mater Brooke Bell. Tonodto : the Misses Pitkin Mies James, Mrs l." J Sleek. Mf.. ft ering. ,ton. Detroit : Mrs J if Shepherd. Miss Shepherd. Windsor : M: s Euyma D ht Taylor', Recbeeter, N Y : Mise Ionto• LO(AL TOPICS iN (RiEF, The.ummer 14 going and you really oug to get get flue fen Joe of thaw nobby light ate. ever. F,.1, Prldham 4' turning out for hl. pat - eon.. Laloot .tyle,,perfect tit. A vi.it to Oofertc41 4. incomplete' *about a call at Wilmer smith', Art Store, 4',,.., .trees, e here art good..-ouven4r., and a greet variety of fancy article* can be had et price.' to .ult all. ('apt. C..1..4. Cunningham Dunlap, of the loth .fit. (iathar•inee Regiment. foru,4.rls wino tint of the :i;44 d Buenos, hes 'been transferred to the reserve of officers. • E. R, 1Vigle, suceeseor to Jam, '1111 - min, carries* complete stork of citric and tartaric tackle, these essential in- grtdients in the proper making of lemon and drangeade. A union Sundae school excursion will he run from Mitchell to (Codericb On Monday next. Permission to use Harbor Park has been asked for, and the request has been granted. severe injuriesies t i7ait° retained of nis hour a ou 1Vedne.dey of loot week, is slightly improved. but is still in a semi-conscious condition. Port Elgin 'Times: The't'e..t Shorn electric line is making goad progress tram Goderich to Kincardine. Reei- dente in this district are looking for- ward to the time when the line will lw extended connecting all this section ..long the lake. The junior band was not nut on !Monday evening of this week, but next week will play on the Sgoare on Monday evening and at the Motel Sunset on 'Wednesday- evening. As Mr. Jot)ea is out of town at present Frank Smith has taken the poeltion of bandmast er. Now is the time to plan for an ex- hibit at the Goderich Industrial Ex- hibition- The farmer Who helm reed sample of live meek ..r field product. the woman who can make putter. or hake, or do fancywork, the merchant or manufacturer who wishes to make an effective dimples, of his wares -all Are reminded that the exhibition date* are only mix weeks eft, and that it is time to think and plan for a good es - MVO. Eat+ one ams - do his _ part . in making the fah fair a success. PURCHARRn FTJRNITIIne RININeR.. -I have purchased the furniture lami- nae* of George Beckett and am ins - pared to handle all grades of fnrni- tnre and to do any work in the re -fin- ishing line. Soliciting your patron- ' em Yours to scree, fife/MOMtL4ON. t..% tltaon ;nut >li-. . .••.. :aid NM -.A. la.wra•„cc.nt lwwtaiugtottn. tire ••ne.r+uf,lterr 1/r. alai, Mold. Vittoria tett, • Mr. .iud Jia, Arthur 0, Clement andchfld, of Toronto, are attending their holiday. at the home of 141r. fitments father, Rev. B. 1, lenient. Sit..... Helen and ttraee St rng lett „! F11 '4':4. oh u 11.41 to Iter F'.1 1(4 15)+4,4 M 4.• Helen Strang 1144Y 14114(. au -. co,t,-,l r.., in *tic ('uet.t a Itic.. Mi.-v.11:1M.aint Maud 4J4-..,- 4. ..f Nevi- York. and Mi.. I.nbe•l..of Htrweklyh. N: Y,. are4'6.41' ing their thocnt...11r.and Mtn, Uts.rge Itiswclt, the p,w•t„n4'., Wet 11. Met 'tenth, of Tile' TorottU. )star, i. , hen4`11�re t He hw-ill w(un1 to mTnna., via J1ila:4411.4 .anti ('h1cag„: • Mt.. Millar lett on Ts•"lay, ,r, • trip a. AT,4-koi..t. Fenn then' .M• eilh o to Montreal 1.• na•et her .F.1er• JI,.• Louie. * teu 4• returning 1ru!n her 11.11 Co S(„j(.u,d, oir-.It'. 1),1'oa hnd ,l , e'111er, of Lealningt+s,,; n, h,•m on it t i.it 114 lir-, l'ox - parent,.. Mr. .yr., E, Ik,wnir.:. rhes ,-she 4.a the -a•.,u,e,'•'it y Of y4. I,i,..,•-, Friday +n„rning. • 71i... Rose Hamar. 4r:.dim.te nurse of St. Jo eph'r hn.p4tal. Loudon. 1. •..pending a few week vacati.er, at the name of her parent.., 3,1r. :toad Mr.; George t'. Hargitt. Elgin avenue. -• tnnteUrumlaett 4. home from Toronto Jtesea to her reet111 They went ro klrktulu t4>4, k to 41014 darn un4mmett a .titer• Mr thy- Taylor. Highleuii Park, Mich ; .i1 Mrs 11'illard F fucker. Mies Caroline 'sec Piu'ker. James Nal:. Miss Caroline' M Bat•nar'd. Gen Seymour. all of Dell oir ; Mr and Mrs 1' Ft ed Aspden, !Rasters Allan and ,Cohn Aspden. Toronto : John Bray, Hamilton : Mr and Mrs H R Fuller, Miss 'Fuller; [Detroit ; Mrs Hasaings, iMaster Murray Hast- ings, Mount- Morris, N C : Mr atm M r. Hillger and tws,children. Detroit : 111iw. 11 II Hill, Toronto ; Rog °R- hone Arthur D Maguire. Detroit : Mr and Mrs F E Van Du.en, %tate1- ttt Harold and MVI. Helen 1"an Duseti. oua Toronto : John '1' 13emeinont'. FM Be; - Aim nerd, Mrs 1V () Ford, Mrs Robert Zri .chrew. Mr and Mrs H F Baldwin, • M 14,. E B Nall, Mise ('ulverwell. Miss ;,r, Arkell, Detroit ; Mrs Vanderville uittt Mertitt, Mis. Hughes, Toronto : Mr .te and Mrs Wm AltPhillips, 31r and Mrs tt.t H H l►tgnew, Retold W McPhillips, ` 11 I Wright, 1V (1 us. tercillr. r ae'd•Mr-. J. E. .intima',,, of Clexeland r1-ltingat the tad).. former ho,,,e at Iksn ere Tlley_are 444Wonlp*n4edhy \1F..1;race war, whho Eau, ,col tasking an extenued t 144th her sister in *'Jeremiad. b.._Coutrt._avlt° e, in charge of Hodges+ Hsu.•' drriwmakiug.,Tepa,t-mrot left MAI fay otoitllton a vett to her site et Lincoln. sidetatne 11 right. Ont : li F Ball, Londori. Eng : Mrs C E Tait, St'i'homae. A weekly dance is given at Hotel /sunset under a he auspi*es oLCheeli nryw Mi.. afarg�Ceret McMurchy, of Detroit, anti Mh. Je.-.e Sicbturch), of New York. are yh.it- ing their parent. here for.evera) week.- Th e rr4ted by st4»rner Huron trona Detroit, where Js a.4e--t4th her sister 10r a 1th beton: aiming ome, esetung Canoe ,'lute 'rhe Blackstone 4.,a orchestra played for the ,lance on Fri- T. dilye:-ening last tend the evening was F,.. s n6uch enjoyed. Hip) A delightful bridge part; was given 'ha' one evening last week 1y Dr. and Mrs. Bray, of Toronto. There were four tables. The prizes were won by Mrs. .!ones -Bateman and Dr. Hunter. ,r (41 4afreme111 14 ,nuuluhre,f n/ Mi.. 4'Inr,. oungo»t 0.o,ghr(v' of Mr.. (7oa. t1udun, of .y. to J. Ernr••at H„t»•rr.on. of Witlk4Hun, vaed' .a'ren'as of the Y. M.l'. A, of llru, •c .•sant,, Ti,.. n,Nrrb.ge will take place about. the m141111c of Augu-t. and l.. 011eTurnr left MetI-' leaving one Frid r we f%V Toronto She will t 4.tt her brother at 11-innipeg and her do- h•Mt 1Vauchope, $a.k., before 4.t000414irtg to Oast to rake oossa4(e'tor I 'bit.* In October. wax accompanied on her *eaten trip by +sail for Japansn in September. 'Thebil utthreee es are graduates of the De..cohe.* Home In oto and wilt,sliest, 40 miw.ionery work in mental countries ureoUonot. einc.rdlne Reporter : 7.11. jjlo�.,. Reston and Mi.. Ada K..twll, Brantford, Mt.. Mayme tali. Toronto. arrived here on the Huron Isar. week. They took the trip horn Huffhlo von i►atrult. j 4�ter. The) _are with their minter, Mr.. R. 14 - Clement.. Mr. lta.tatl tm metier, of a+ Brantford',, next mayor. He served In the council there for four years seed it one of t h, town'- *Mott civic lettiplaton Hi. bland, are now uryNng him to run this year. If he what! .o ,Iac4de he will 4.0 .doubt wire, M he Is very to etl'lIA 1. Last ntght'ltnother bridge party of j the four tables had for host and hostess she Mr and Mee Edwin Bell. of Toronto. • Nett The prize -winners were Mi. Aspd.'n lads ,and Miss G. M Breedin. Toro the St Old Orchard Cottage : Mrs i 0 Beatty and family, Birmingham, Ala ; Mea Dr Dickie and /sad�lf , Chatham Mom ; MJ f3 RM Rankin, the Misses Rankin and Master Robert Rankin. Chatham ; Mrs J C Dunlop. Chatham : Miss Tee Doll, Kenton, Ohio ; Mins ti Howell, Detroit, Mich. AJ Pdint Farm, The following have been guests at t 'The Point Fran during the sant three .....A weeks of .4114.': Helen Rothwell, I 6111p1Francis Ebersole. Met Me('reatb, H, I V. Johnston, Mom. H. V. Johnston, Paul V. Johnston, Fred. Mdd.aughlin, Alice Bothwell, Austin Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. re Lily Mclkingl Mtge Graham, .1. T. Colline, Mr. and A Mr*. F. J. Flishop. J. D. Sinclair, M. let Is Baird and wife, ell of Toronto; Mr. by ANNOUNCEMENTS well'aseorted etoek (tf veterinary die. wNl ft«Tiiti.444 at Wigl.•a dant. store, elteceset t• to J -.s. 11,- ileum A ton of butter wastrel tide week. IA .•note trete. K,rgw 17 cent. ' per 4oten at OAMRR0)t'e, II the wnrid int',., meet, l,.mlee- ' melt minims eerie ranlest in stock h'. ft. Wight druggist. of,;tll''ummcr stnt'ks',tnd'4easonable'goodtir- lucky -_.Ire -thea( who' e now for there will be big things doing in, the way of price cutting and clearilig out of summer got)tk;• Men's Collars ,Men', Lineth Collar sale :till on and going at the same price, Regular value laic. Midsummer sale, each'-., Sc Embroideries Two' hundred and fifty • yards Embroidery and Inser- tions, regular value•, 7e. lac and I:ac• Mid- 3C. 5C4 7C ,•inane. `ale, ,This Store .Closes Mef�'s dose I Home rr at 5.30 Pe m. tuMr'- s silk 41.Ie ho• rfy rood . t.:4i.:. and 11(1 ud b!k•. • Midsuenr,ler 141.., lee }.' very 'day except, '1 or 3 exit Int. SOc II t. Saturdays during Ladies' Shoes August, as i31 July. .� I Fifty stein. 1i 44.x' SW/Vetter. r. one table at one price -Slats in t his lot there ate box calf, tine 1lungolit kid and an odd pair n l f patents.. Sikes from 1, ;3 to tie The regular velure --would ton front i2ed4 to >6a. pV ile they K - $x'95 pe pair._` Ladies' Hose Now_fur ano rte nig clean-up I.adjes' fancy and silk lisle n, H , d e. 1lidsuwmer 5"`" C ' , White Waists Parasols • Here ae'e•the lots Men's Boots 1IV44 dozen ladies' summer • Twenty pairs Rueter lime and natural handles. Reguliu n4.00 foe.... $1.98 Regtitar 3.414 for... 1.48 Regular 2.1;11 for .98 Underwear Para.O 1., with pert. silk time I( "e'en dozen usenet balbrig• lean and merino Underwear, regulat value 'Sic to 511c 19C Mid•ucuturr Kale 1 Let 1 --One hundred and toren• ' ty-flue 1Vant., regular value • • $1.00. Clearing price 59c I Waist., regular valtiti *1.34) and *1.73.' Clearing 980 pFioa wet ice. hot 3 -Seventy - Nee 1Vai.ts, I� regular value $2,4414 and Sewn. i Clearing 1rice $1.39 II L•',r 2 - One hundred and tiff, ton malt Biotite, per e1C .V pair, 4.1)' .. - , ... 1, 6 0 Boys' 'Pants i 1 sixty tether Of latya' Pante, in cotton. tweed, casewrre and blue cetyls. Quite a, number in blootyer style.. Ail vibe., "clearing in one lot at one Price, per pair 39c Visit- Our Grocery Hepartment _ in the cilo1 basement. Fresh:eggs choice butter; Kincardine bacon and alt -lines of choicest groceries. Farmers' produce' taken as cash. N. C. CAMERON • THE DEPARTMENTAL STORE GODERJCN •-eimisisisissa Plumbing HEATING ELECTRIC WiRING ROOFING METAL WORK Etc.. Etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. W. u R. Pinder 'Phone 135. Massey=Karri- Agency A full lin. of Farm Machinery Binders, Mower,, Hakes, Hay Loader•%, Manure Spreader's, Cheam Srperator4, etc., Gray and lltount Forest Buggies. We hay a Also the Standard Vire F e n c (' Company's G ood s and the Brantford %Vind Mills. Agency for the M ,qon & Risch Piano. ('a11 and see One before purchas- e his any thing en my linen. Raul pekoes mrd Wort[ Horst, for sole. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODERiCH i Women's Summer Wear at tialf=Price and Less our regular tiemi•Anntmal Hale is new in full swing. Entire et ock of the season's smartest styles; in - WOMEN'S SUITS SKIRTS AND WAISTS Hummer Underwear, Hose, Wbitewear, Corsets, (;loves Golf 1 Jack- ets, Coats, Parasols, Petticoats, Kimonos. Wra i ho t,, Laces, Cotuhe, Hair (Coale, Leather Goode, Fancy Y pelt a etc. Everything must go )tow, regan4less of cost. .Come and see. e Extra special betgains in Black Voile' and Panama Skirts, Lace. Nm.1»41 Mu -l_- Wands. .- Hasement Store Bargains In China and -Glassware. JOHN STEAD We.tr. Fitt 11 Slte,t SMITH'S ART STORE e 11151. received invoice uf another shipment of FUR DECORATING, from Limoges Prance, well knewn as the best porcelain in the world, which because of better customs duties we are -enabled to sell at about the same price as the much inferior American plot:Oahe We have also in:mtalled one of the improved REVELA- TION KILNS FOR FIRING CHINA, end 419 mug for teachers and amateurs. Lessons in China Piinting given at our studio by qualified teachers. Mr. Geo. F. Hargitt, artist. teacher. in one, water colors and china painting. Mount arranged to suit his paints. 3liss L. Grant, of Clinton. brie /1. class here every Thursday, 2 to 5 pen. and 7 to 10 per.. for china painting. See oitr fine display of ART NEEDLEWORK. FREE INSTRUCTION given eve" Wedneetlay, 2 to 5p.m., in art A complete line of matet•itile on bend for all kin& of tart work. Also Pictures, Fratnes, Mouldings, Art. Novelties. endless variety. Smith' s Art Store East St., Goderich. t