HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-4, Page 44 '!'111.1411•\%, 1'i1E SIGNAL: GOD1;nI('II t)NTARif) District News SI . HELD ti _ I KING'SURIU GE 1'•'r•o„ '111. It. t•\.I1 t l Sltl\Ii':l(. \ II: So, 1 %l: •It. 1111 Ltt n' 1!., 1•.•11 0 1' 41 4 71T1T,-tc'. t „f 11 r tet1 it 4 ,11 .lest! yui 1. , . I., 1leuellt cit.1 r% Itllt' -444'1 + h. ,.r .Ir YIP. 1.1.111g fat '111 t.1'• Iwoplr.rle.ln ' ,tar .1.4 14.1uu:41 -44,444.e. w` 1, •I.r'1t l .,4,2 I.,_ 1,•r,t dl -'4114: wI, not !4454'• ..'I.' .un ft...•l, a• the .4ine iette414 quit 11'• 441. 'tit otherawWe - ,.n+nil. let 1411.• ,'1'd•• t:-'04411'' 4 u r hl. wu. flus 11.44 1- 44..11 and 111.l. „ 4dug io all re.l..'t., out pt1•r• right; our tel 140- to all. Vo'; uttlre llhoaeg 4)(1'1'.1 iI„• -aro-1 wa • of l'41.111 1,1110'11101.49. 4...(11'41,.•re. b r I..r.'*ti. l\'eduesd..y, :111gtirt l' ell All the and %;h 1st . •• ..i' i,:.11c•• iu• %it.•.1. the Lade. .114 et. t 1!%•141 1vil: any v,• -Impel MI the .J ;rot 111, - t�nti ., 7.v. .. ,�l.h'k. iyr� in 's o I,.. 6 . pi a4i.irit will K the, 11,1. It 45'1111'11 will he psi th'ig4t^d • :it by 'Id• boy. 14141 Kit I-. EAST WAWANOSH %to sow%. PORT ALBERT. •1'eesii.%v. Aug. 2111. 144(1 t Iell'.-. The 11i..os liertu' and t,i4/.1e ('Abel'!!. 114 l idler lett, spent sui1- a..%'in this burg Aliso Jean Dune t in• trustee,. 44,('urti4• -rhutil hat• bar ,has returned t'1' Texans on 1a ...mewed Alias Lizzie 1Cutheifetd. of 4t.. visit .. tint ("unningbaul has left 44.',•ti. at *salmi og 4o'31.' 11e1' an1111111.. fel Toronto ;after 4I.iting`w•ith his A 'number of belittle. are ,'til':Iu ted nth the f,r,,, h••Iongiug In'4V111:'.IuIiIi atoll on 1 he 1'1(11 eotiee.sio11. They are bus% 1,ulhog flan. 1.11/ell eruP1!.y, •,1 '1.' till. .Net•t,h 1.1111.11'l'rlrpbitur Co. ate now putting on the Will es'and 11181,01'm; lh'• phNnrs *114110 the• 1441.1* concession. The 44.1- iowiu0. fernier. ;u1' getting; the tel.- ! .. in : H. Irwin, It. ...MPH: S. Jlc- geau-tits• fur * while ... . Mie. Me - IO. -got and 11 r. MI'Jfur.hy, of Kin- r'tul. seelit Sunday at the home (If John Quaid Mea, A.-Schaefet and children. of 1\•ineliaui, ale visiting with i\.'kIjy.ii• In this locality N tet. Bithetlll•tnd his mel ate busy putting a cement wall -under the .14145! Mrs. Campbell and Mts. ('r twford, of l) In, 4nnon, called on triesuis kik this ueighlunhoddt last irtrnee, It Mcl(urnrv. :1. 14obin.o^• week. pao It ,bin -on. .I. Menne:.nd .\It. lrloulto.. L.EBURN. • Te t: -t %%. Aug. 3uJ. -:Vt>TP - .4. 4'y Freemen, ,(1 'Vi"ol• '. ,• tin ..bor4 ISO 1111'. And stock, it 1p•1 Rte's l 1N,k '.• 1 ge Jlela•.Nl :and sister. th-- I I , -t ••n, sandhi). iti •.u1'.1111(1,. 11'-- I. .•terlinv.,..f Bayfield, i. •..Mini; hen .•o,i'lt \In.. A. Si riling. ' I, :ung Miss COI.. of I"u (et': 11111• •"Ind 1y ;It the 110,44.' •.f E. Shaw. •Maggie Burnam i- here on . c, -u 1., Iter literati. the \hisses 1_,,, totis..atrr ;111•.. -111!1.11 11,•rt'm- mate • tflt•ed' hole to .trio -t :Irnetu1 stein \iiNs.. Rust'. ,,.t.•ginatf.111. are 'pending :a lurU igh' r' Jahn tlioklatec'1r. Mrs. 1V.' 4'. .i1 Walt *tut- two-.-lol.hen, of \1''I !It 14;41,0... l e4 tu'firtl 011 NI ondsy aft... :1: .taw Iwo month. with Mr. S:eta•art. pat. 1'o '•11.•11414 Mt ...R. Null .1,l. ■' • DUNGANNON. 12 A.'NE TON, I)ENTI»T, Lt'l'K- u Now.. At hnnteeverr.d.ty d*ys. New7eeuv►y for ertniIngs .•ih1•+ontea 4I1.1reltea than w•'. (!uwu a' 1 l,rtrlg _ r•„ 1111111 1111W plate. (non b1'. t{..blr K.N. 1ou1:811.10way.h:oeti:r 1►rn b bu'tei.duan' 44, th.• denial otll •• -. m , 1 -iverer1-4'-itrta.r.'fer•.-1.14114 1Or''hie far the cot lent. NOTICE -THE LOCAL AGENCY .0 4141114.64114011 far The `lice (4 r • lee I'n.t ottlre Kook add wW.loeery `,tore wI,,',e wee. 55,14 1 a re,eired for ,,bsertp'.nu-..til c,•:• Wile t l joh wort. aa.'}, recent:, will he Neem fol amount. raid fw 411. Tis.. -4).%t. Aug. _'til Ali.- if. Poll.', i.1 (ii Jrricll, Is visit• rug ',tend. herr.' '1'. \1'. Little was a.callel in uur %A- la,a..'4..n gay of this week. Mrs. 11'. Sturdy. •of Lucknow. %•r- ite.! at E. U.•Dufr'.. last week. Mrs.. '•1eNaltj', .of !rude! ich. is visit.- .. ing friends herr fora few days. . • Miss Ada Speed. of n,lrrieh, ,arid a•vi.it to her horny Isere Friday even - Niles. Fernbau(. who w:1'. Visiting elf .1V. Sp 4)tll'l*. .tI'I 11 t*" 10 Tun111.1 last week. HOLYROUD. 'I'resu.av, Arte. _ud. 1'Ht. 11'1':1'11. -\Ir. and \!r-. .I. 11Aekeit reU rival home on Sat- . tied trip out Mr. and Mts. Alex. Nixon. 111 n":tr BiytTh, *111'14 Satttrdihy and `1111411av at' \Vii. tinrkitt's, of tide place . \Ir. and 11r.: T. ('ere -on spent a tow drys last 'week 44it11 '1.•la- irv., near Porte, a Hill and attended the wedding of \Ir. 4.',.wnn s niece. . Moet of the till s ha ye their 1411 wheat rut and are now bl1sy rut - I ing oats J1,'. and Mt.. Hart1.4,1n, ft near hitirxrdi44r, spent S tai 04 the hem.- of the latter. parents, lis. and Mee. Piece.,.. During the els.,'rir.t'min which passed over thio Trinity ,•u Month. a Jetller Hiker's 1. mw• 451!1 .t t tick. l'on-id.'l•Ithte dam- age \va: dont, but -foltnnately the 1101/roe (till nut take tire, A born w'as 1111'^4 nn 4144' 4th the 'ante day. ST. AUGUSTINE.. • . Tt•I:snA%', Aug. - - 1 .4•� • Ire -\ lulls N s vele ►bei•Id visited �vis' r her 'sitter tit d 111'1 lieu• Brophy. but week the lslleisers. O'Connor, at Donnybrook. Mrs.' Duncan 11cUunal(t and daughter. Miss Donelds. o: statues• t •will are visiting. (44 Win. MoAb 11.41'1''1. Mr. and Mi.- Henderson. of Neil- atlre, are viatine at their IInCICO. Hobert l4rndet son's. 1V, McClure and famih' return114 lest'I'hersday limn their visit to :Sea - .fort h and Beninille,'. Tu..•I:.y of ihie week being civic holiday, quite a numlwt•, spent the lay at the reunion in LuckItow. -Nilson McLean and son. of Winnie leg. visited at John Mrt.ean's .hast week. W(ison returned last Saint; dad-. leaving his son to visit *t his, grendtather s for a few Werke. .lohu liei,'y and daughters. Airs. 44'. D. Pierre -and Mies Effie Berry, of Mexico. N. 'V.: N'. G. Wilson, or Yhor•tsville, 1\, Y.; and Walter Berry, of Iuger*otl, • are visitors :d B. .I. l; raov ford's. AUBURN. N ens esti.%V. Aug. 3rd, .1. J. •Rob,-rtson visited • Huron 4, Wilds lest Sunday-. • - A.. Asquith has improved his house with ., coat tit paint. young and -family yasited Kipinen Iliend, fur x few drays laid week. - r.o. io.mpma n.• of Kincardine. i'. • -Lt ing \1. T. Itiddell..but there lutist hr stone rit$,t" xttta'rtt m, 1tutee•i mut, 41441'41. -:41'1'4441' trier, ji .Yaw( t%f th'. yilfeltr. 11'%4111- barn burned Aiming the storm Ar F1ye Ht•Nunt u' Votive -Quite .5 number of inemlwrs were....out at the 11tle rangy fast elaturday.,lait not very high Retiring was made on *ceoltnt of its being the first shoot at the .500 - yard range. Following ate the scores of tete different members at aN) yards out o4 It possible. :at points : Joseph Brophy ' David Titelslo. • ............ .... :ll David N1cAllister 24' Joseph Flynn..- 27' Nelson \tkes Rev. Father Laurendeau 22 Gus Kinuhpn•r' 1111_ Joe Kimaban 12 John Kinahen III '4Vno. Kinahan 12 11'14. Sylibe 21 George Jefferson Irl %Ven. Thninpson . ... • IN Frank ThnnipRln - 7 Bert Thompson. .... ... t.... 10 1', rah Tholup.on 'it .huhu Hoyle 11 1% -in. Boyle...... .... , (4 Bernard Brophy ...:..... .... ... 41 luthrose Hruphy k K Michael Cummins 1:4 1Vtn. Leddy17 Oswald Pollard.., ...... - .. 13 'Phomas Fordo III Willie :Noise° . H •r' 4 �OR AUGUSTBUSINESS!�IIEART1I is a symploia of 1<,.1,.. , O..ease, A %a'tll-1 nu d,N•t,r ha\ .:gid. '' 1 411'5.•1 -ye`an4e*4,)'Usl-7nort.•In r•.• t .r,nrcI4511111 a rase til I.. an 4I..,rt lltM1ea•e ,. ail the kidney, 1.1'41,1 Butt. •' ¶'he Rides, ,,,•,firing w Lich wa♦ first 'n. ,market, mo.' vu.a.'•• .I 1-41" lieart I)inea.e .4.114 Klallaey Trouhlr., -ant .t Widely (ehilatCJ (t Dodd's Kidney Pills BLYTH.. _Tresoav, Aug. 2:id. • BOWLING 111 ,THr: libL'•e:N.-Three rinks. of the Brussels Ialwlerei were tyre last 'Tuesday and defeated three rinks of the Blyth bowlers. the ,total M , It es )nit:g ;u Tu l(4. - Thiel is the Hrr•t wat • t the Blyth bowlers have had this ear and they will likely do better next time. • Peesi1NA4• AND (4L+N}:N.11..-Rev \t; • H. [unbar, of Hllwesviltr, occupied Trinity church pulpit on Sunday Re i..'V. l'esreey. B A., of L..^des- how.'. occupied the pulpit of tit. An• drew's chl,ach on Sunday evening xnil also addressed the Y. P. S. 4.'. E. meet• ing after the service. He read it letter front the miss' ' -u-y whole the En- deavor ,ylsvrty has. to the. m i.sion flelde of the iVeet, .A. C.t-r and Sensations That Have Startled Spec daughter. Ur, aux 114•.•. F. t'ar't'. Mr. tafers at "The Great Shoot." sod Mrs. N:. Betide:. Mr, and Jnr. !tobrlt 1Vigiitman and M4'. and J14s. Nearly „very Rl.i.•y :n.s•tlug !i:►. 1': Hobert Simla visited with tl'itvlds in ' own peculiar, distinguishing tea(ur. \yrafield Friday of last week though, at the w,inl.•nt of 'writing, it Their %Isla a good attendance at the is nut possible to .ac what will This will he our Clear-up Month of all Summer Fabrics Great Redik-tions. This will he a real-summer'ctea arenot looking t•'t' profits -our object is hi -sell. This 14,34 '99141 [tit carry anything...past the season. ZI %COr -.er-r '411 n'l:•'tC' ++413" Frtrr',,,' of every kind. We. intend to clear out everything at ring sate, no platter if we cannot get cast. W. -E-1:et'ything nlu-0t.be- cleared_out,. at _sonde price. You may expect big barga-ins. «re will make Bedford Cord Suitings. 11111 I I l 1 i tiinghams. 'thorn t went y 45io. - . 111 to 'LS 1 .r 1 rgea. 1, I.,, only . L Lawn Waists. Four pe .',•. '.t !t 11 ;11!. *' 1'•14. old rose, \1 • :o. ,,'ing 144 clear out omit. whpl. :;1,•y, t•"•11. 'flu 411.4! .111, r regular 2.2line , ••. 1141. .t ite•(t 1` tnY• 1 .1 e* 4.1'111':1 iss al 1111• cnlln►a'i11g 1111 IlFtriulla:: 111 �. 1 4,./C , 11141.411 tot ' 710 'Linen Suitings. 1'411'.• '.. •te-. 1.• -;ii . pini.. 41.1.11. 1 114 1 :otiP :oil. ' I:• -I . ..lit t ::, , u,'w only '1.114'.' .Incl wLit. tiL•u1 h•, 15c Indian Head. ala I••tt. ol.l rose, hclio. • ,,.1'h .a,'eudg.4 $1.31 for 1..111.,. 99c x1,511 feu 11.10 $1.711 4'.I.' $1 .25 42,25 fur .. . . . $1.75 $2,441 You $1.35 x•2.�r) tut . ..... ....... $1.75 x'2.7:1 for t..:,. . $1.95 'I'be:.. waist. wrrr 1411 111x11,' f',,.41 swot. 110.1 • 58.114' Int' 1111. of t h4' IN•.t f:letorie,; to • Corsets. \t,. ewers. 1). 11 :\- l'..rn.•ts in :111 the 11.•„ 114Yeeto1•1' l.ugth*. 111 4410t.' 11/1.1 UN' an.; White t'i're.!! -ran.: ria', $11 1J. $l 541 .u.,, $2 WE Ni. corset better• 411;114.1), A Ask for E. T t'ol,•.t..No. 148 fur Q5 IM4• and Nu. '211► fele 111 ... .. 0 Flannelettes. ' .\ very large stork just in fpr eet'ly fill I.lught le•f.111• the bare 1"4*' th 441'1..., 35 inches wide. great'. value tit •11k•. 54' 1.2je. 11 1111. %1N111t :MMI yank of J111.1, ENDS, _ to I" 111'!45 it. 44 41451'. 1445:1-t• 11414/Wthr SLIM, ,1144410y 11.1,1 Inv the yat'.t. %V,'1a•Ilthem 111111'11 all 1.1111. 1141'11Y•t 01 a Al 1111/1 Wille. Prints. the 1►ouhinion. and were 4(11451 '441111*' at • Thi. i.'w•hcly the I,•.I N;ngli.h • 1: ;1111,;h..n,- our 1•rgularpt•ilws. NOW 114.114.1111., 4!).) 114'4• at 1e is sold for 1'244. t'.'iois . I 1: , 1..11, always take Hist pia. •• in print.. ' 11•.. than .nutltrr,-+,1n•ir.. 101•Ivar. Nut ran get 'a g.ssI .11,1118 pt.Int 11.'1''• „1,C -1._1'114441- ea r•viel iA1'1•. J. H. OOLBORNE iMEN BISLEY 'BOMBSHELLS. 27 t last Thui•vtvy 1l(.{},r emttandinr-fetlttt Risley. Last year's lime nor without it sen- sation: but in the . Me• i,I the 49117 meitig.there, were ,cveraLelrcum- statices which made It the mo;it ,tnn- .ational on :record it was remark- *hke for the, antazingly high-twnderd of the scoring, dui'. in a large• meas- ure, to (ho introduction of the new pullet. Rut it watt 444111 shore remarkable for the highly :+enaati1unal 411111411 to the chief event -the King s Prow. Ar. mprer Padgett was proelatfird -the winner. and carried on the ' roulders of his comrades But directly after - want: an objection wa.: rai..ed When \snorer Padgett missed at 1,44444) yards he claimed it was owing to a bad eartndge. He was, therefore. allow. - ed another shot' in plane of it. Now, one of the rules 7( the Na- tional Rifle Association reads "No allowance will be made under any etr- eumstnnces . for is. defective rifle or eortridge.. except that in ease of 't miss -fire, due to a defective cart- ridge. a second eartrldge may he al- lowed." The muncil had no alterrutive but to sustain the objection. and to award' the prise to Lieut. ,W. C. .lddison, I the lucky Australian, who was the next nearest aempetttur. the ate,•+ wrrr w. II tilted *lid el.we... J. G11.'11110',yr:inagrr.or the Bank ,, t I H4(111i1Gtu het e. %vhn bas been 'pendia$,! three _week. hulidayti at Montreal, 'formai. "end-'or•t- -)over. retiedeNt home Saturday. .and reports having had A t enjoyable trip. Mr. 1 vatt'4whti %vas telieVing herr during Mr. larrinie's absence. returned to the hexad r.lfce at Hemiiton ,on Monde%. Although the weather Maki (.ren veru catchy tar hoyinv and hen-rel- ing the fall wheat t of the tailor/. ATO through here nowbut sole of the poorharine1'4* who gut hailed out in poor 'last week will have nothing left to harvest,. The hail stores did a ' great deal of dauulge ilh this.proepei- oris township The young 'ladies who were holidaying et Grand Bend last week mut tied horse on a*tutdav i after t4 most enjoyable Owe. although the %veather was not of the hest Mrs. J. Coombe, who had hewn visit- ing at Port Arthur fur the past few,I works, rrt'urned home Monday. . , . A. McKenzie. who has been t hrnugh the West in the interests of the Do - home Lightning Rod Co.. returned Inst week utter to very success. ful trip.. .. Mr. and Mrs. 1V. dellats, of Tolman, visited the forw*r s pet • ents here this week Mts. D. Sino- i ere visited relatives in town last Week. The C. I'. K. • did not have DUNLOP. '1'rIcsr)AY, Adg. 2nd. We are glad to see Mts. Hillary Horton out again after her long ill - nese. Arthur Williams has had 'his house done over with a coat of cement, which will likely make' it very ware next winter. Mrs. Applei• and Miss, Alice Cum- mings. of Chicago. are spending their wnmupr vacation at their, mother's home in T)ltnrop. The berry yt season. which prtiutieed so tint Iy at Arid. has turned out to be 11 moderately good one after a11. prob- ably owing to the I*u' rains. A -(.ARK Binns-Ohgervant people who happen to be out About night1a11 have had the chance of hearing the notes .It the quail. or "Bob White, - ing tight 'away. - The (iudet ich Rural 'Telephone has been installing relephon*s in the r illuK%- conTinui Then' Ilse Co Uat law *ti Eamon next week. THE HAIter:HT. Hat%eRt is general in this. neighborhood. F,dl wheat is '•tit : the ~ample and yield are not what was expected a few weeks ago. Batley appears to he a gond crop. Oats are ripening vete nn.•venly', but are filling well. i'e*N s,'.m to have taken a kind of blight or mildew and 'ere not the crop expected a temple of weeks ago. 01:N1(o%t.. Several here delivered kor.e. to Mr. Wallis, of Clittt.ln, the earlier part o4 this week. He pur- chased them a short time ago, before the drop in the market Our new village school teacher woe in the vin- _I. lR+vjoyar,l'e lige last weak T•ie- Ws rented ! 4er herr, se the old .rulers say. for nearly thirty years. TU&N gvvL.-- he Vert• 11 ems% ere hail, h passed -ewer -(.hie eeetio did not do any very serim,8 damage. Pseepting pet Wipe tenting the corn leaves into stripe and knocking over a silo or bio For this sI. ought to he thankful• as the dwellers in the east- ern part of Colborne were not so for- tunate. seyelal of them having lost their entire crop. Strttrttlste PARTY. - Mr, and Mrs. Clutton were token )IV Nurprise on the evening of Monday Zest, by the inva- sion of a party of young people who en 111P prepared to have a good time. The evening was spent in garnet; of various kind. and after partaking of refreshments the party 'broke tip et a late hour• all agreeing that they had et Job Printiug You can grct I - better . 1 than the, kind "1' h e - - -Signal Joh' Department ( turns enough cattle cars at the station her.. I Rut otlwer* .xperien.ed PseewlinRly 4 or all the stock to he %hipl�. *' a hard Three at Rtaley that year Take , hipper from Helgrave hell to diive i lbw teas of Armorer-derReant Law- I vv.) cars of cattle home again .. !lt110p. 141 tlse !1441 yaroia gt to (1 tr. and Mrs. A. Bahrein and .on %i.- tafe m.isloetare n, put ,tintlI4*,pi41145nn Led Mr. Baintlal's sister in Boder cit 1 the wtooR tames, T1. woo., who ast'week.,,. Quite anutuler of the' kr" nr►tfting aboet the Risley cam - boys are at present engaged in pulling I petitions this mar seem the reeult of ax in the rountl'y, when., the Hing- rank ca .!.acnes Aa a matter of f s t J 1 H ham Flax Co. has a lit of land Jas. Cott visited Brussel', and (San - brook on Sunday ' W. Leith. of Stratford, visited at his house bei.• Mondey 1V. Stein. '04 Niagal'% Fall., Is at ,present visiting friends- in town .. ..B. Potts, who lived bore tit t twenty -right years ago. being header of the hand. but who is now in 1144roit, passed through herr Tue..lay with his tsmily in his auto. nn h1- way to the Lucknnw ('aledoni 4n gauges. house. This looks like housekeeping. Meitner,. PIa1t)ttv:as, The ware') of Berry -picking is the order of eiviliratinrt /till got.. on. The 0. N•. the day. rhe berries are .earce this 14. E. H. Co. are slowly 11!14 surely Reason• working their way north and theta,ge l'gnsoNal..-Jahn Ladd is nn the!' steam Pnfpne goes by each (ley with nick list at prevent. He had an attack ;its load of gravel or 8tee1 rails and tire. of rheumatic fe%•ea about a %ear a n l mut%h to the diecomfnrt of timid per and has ■ever rerovertd from the "1'f^" driving reader h"awl.. "vel far, "RMt.. At pre5P4t (tarawa• fates aro: however, there' have hien nnhit alit ies, enteita,ned on ,u•rn,nt of his condi- "^ly,an add sheep n1' too i*'ing kille.i tion .. ...1 o h n Wagner and John le* yet. One can now take the train Knox are both on the .ick list: Roth . from MenPwrtung .U►ti0n out to the bave passed the allotted threeseore I confines of Lrehurn, and hack 1'ag.in if and ten; .till we hnlx them to PPP thelgo minded. Pn.ahly by next fail we around again George Ynhmghhtt 11.47. he able to' get AM far am 1'o, t Al it in Toronto with a rat Toad of cattle this week . .. Rev. Mr. Frlaset is ss-' Almost every patent medicine petted 10 preach in the Presbyterian known grecs to make op the stork 4NI church here nest Hahb*th. '' tied by E. R. Wigle, deuggi.4. .Where to true. At this time of the year•paople are naturally discussing in their winds the goestiou, where shall we buy nur goods? As our *newer to th4a!topnr- tarlit problem we refer thew to the ed. %'etaising column of this issue. In 0.41• (1311111W will' its. f0111111 pro.lam -.1 lona tr s1I the n incip,tt business place. 1 11_.1 fart, however. mistakes of flu; sort are difficult to avoid Rot to T•aw- 'wn1eP it meant root only the payment of a fine. but also the forfeiture of the vahio of the shot Rut for this one fatal misfortune, he would, un- doubtedly, have run net t.h.• winner The advantage of .deny training In rifle -shooting vies never totter Illus. trated than by the phenomenal achievement... of Mr Martin i oyd at the 4997 Itisley He won 44,4- Wimble- don (Sip at !JOB Tants. and at the game time made the highest .wore on record to that date. In the Match Rifle Aggregate, he also figured SP- mnd, and waw the second Highest snorer in the Sewttish Eight, while his nurse appear.( in nearly every other prize list the *hooting for which was with the match rifle. I Yet. for tlnrteen successive years he __lit.'.-.,,. . .absent item. Risley,., and who dors not. Adiverti-o, it you want nice, freeh, clean goods at reasonable priers. Find a roan who does tl,•t sd- %•ertlNe-tttrdr yen wilt find a man'vhn as rusty and . i1d-4ssTi,nn as goods which he is u'y ing,to eef. Unfortunately the 'collector'" hill* are never counterfeit. You don't find anybody kicking fn rapid transit to heaven. P.stimates cheerfully fur- nished on .application.. throughout that tittle /111.4 not r handled a rifle' Rut he is a veteran shot. having made his first Appear- ance *t. the National Rifle A.-:.►1•ta- 44.4(1'8 meetingt.mot nt thirty-four years- Thrren years ago there wit very rnand onnn., and leap /1111111.401g,*Cr4Pg .01 colnci.k•nrea in the 1lexandra competition. There were two 'ompe- 1' tit.lr. squadded together In this Nam - ' of almatt tdentieal surname. It's awfully hard 44 r a roan t.. keep ()The, nanwed Tbdd, belonged to the his fool streek under cover. • end! Liverpool. while the other. named A burglar doesn't mind making.bad 4)04414. was a member of the 2nd TRIm- breeks if he isn't caught in the met. • fries. To carry the coincidence 44411 Diamonds bought on the instalment further, each nude a wore of twenty - plan are always the et conepic 1111'. from at to same range, with the same Many a twin never realizes le w ntdarka, .111..4 for *bot me., ti lie is tint!! he gets !morn, 1 ,,, d Th" cl(ma1nc .'onditwaw ions under which his w,fe 1,•11.• 1 , the King's Prise shot for at the 11n'' meM,1eg calmed it to beer met -J' } tnx►wn as the "hwrreeane" final: while the vent 1R44 was one •tt the wnrxt in the whet.. htatory of to Nit - timid Rll4e \awer%alenn merAreit' To one eomp*tator the * 4r•Ten414 wens par- ticularly unkind Just as 110 was in the art of pulling the trigger the 4544141 blew a marking -beard down linen hut. The humor 'of this Irnesperted hapnentoR appealed rneee to the specs t lbstw Waw to 4.4* eslverky competi- tor, wire was aiming at aeww4hiwg mews tangible than anousewtent SUNBURN. BLISTERS. SUR E F EET. wa " C 1:11 r +' I. + w :em - 'zil ill 1'3 ti k YAPry man 11Na a tutu.,: Is fore him. but too often hie pest iwhlnd him !acts es 8 hendiesp. A woman's hien of Nn intelligent men !e one who can tell whether or roc h •r hat is nn .h•aight. 1 BIDER TWINE Fat mei this is the ph.'••' to get your Twine. The tight goods :ft the right prices. We are selling Deering Pure Manila Binder Twine at '.',,C Ca8h. Or 14,4 paw allle October let. 4441 fret gum. - mitred. These priers fog the month of July only. Deering Mowers, Binde•s. Rakes, etc.. and all. Farm implements. Cal. and let 4'11 has., a 'a..4' your new He.ggy J. J. Moser Hamilton St., (.4)DEKI('H. 1 Hugh Ro... s 'Ad stand; turret about err -Imar- TI, wriee or any household provisions, the god housewife deiragds that. they router nave two si1urlitiaa tey roust Fie clean and they must be fresh. 1► Clean and Fresh Groceries . constitute our stock in trade. It is our aim always to keep goods of the best: quality on hand for our many customers. Give us a trial order. We will be pleased to serve yon. Sturdy & Co. On the Square, 4.o,lerirh. SEIOE = SLIAPE THAT STAN S If shoes -differ at • )int any particular P( shape. Shape-jetaining quality depends lup- '. n good Lasting, or tete way• the leather is stretched . down :trtltlnd'the last, and time Liven for the shape to become permanent. Invictus Shoes are never rushed at any stage, and prove themselves by re- taining shape until worn out. WM. SHARMAN 4',onel' Iia,( "gleet an,1 "..10.11,' 1,111,1'. t1 l' If you have a neighbor who doesn't take The Signal, tell him that he can get it for the remainder of the year for 4oc. This will he doing a good turn for us and for your neighbor. $7.00 No. 2 A Fol'tinZ Pocket Brownie Here is a new member of the Brownie family, which gives a picture of that highly popular size ---21 x 4'/ --in a folding Pocket Camera, at the extremely moderate price of ;7.00. The•2 -A folding Pocket Brownie toads in daylight with kodak film cartridges, has pocket automatic shutter, meniscus achro- matic lens, automatic focusing lock, revers- ible finder for horizontal and vertical views, two tripod sockets, and is in every respect a well -made and well -finished little Camera. We lave other Bma)a/es from $1.00 10 $12.00. R. R. SALLOWS