HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-8-4, Page 22 Tie lo -II
"4. 4
gee • it hie tiliesett the rt/int Ole .
,k1111)111111I,tplle y, Spasms,
their dotinittonv %ye an still tie, mail.% hostel, er.. lir , the trs •
graph e bat 4. viol til th.... , .1 tho
St. itus' Dance
-icy- eget 4.1" """ "ea 11111111',1 All...11.M 1..111 11 11111'01 .•
; sunereu for many years
•Neo-,.....ielee. elope,* conetitien oof Ifee • ' • •fili""if l'tottoocsee room what !tome • !Resole call.
oomettieneo SUP.. inlet chatigeattly. mfit-k v•
41* 4- -1444..iite,l-__1110 44J4. 41
PI:BUSHED I...VERY ililt:ItStraiY • • • • . •
need : ••11•CO-F4.111., ale. tile thing.. Lw Bowling for All. epilepsy. Dr. M aye', ReStCerar
Pet h mthiett Itsitetie ddiafilletl.. -111.,• sr.., 1,M1,1011 Ad 4011 /A./ ' 1 I VC Niervine cured me, :old yoti
o , i . ,. t i . o eedeseee---ters-rete...e.ese_aeei_ _Can_ i Maeli n how 1 bitnli fill 1 an
4 ie.,,,atui...,t. ll -I- kovilin.: in. iiiihii'• 1 M. I.
'Lai, and . 1.m pahlie gleen... Tii,....• i • COIdwItter; - Mich: ,L,
1 4 411 ' "My daughter tvas ett reel
minas Hi t• ,iWIledi 1110 kept ll ei /1 - i1411 1
tlleil• i •44 ll 1,i \s 1,, •-il. 1.44 1,. 444444 lie WI .I • .
rented !) 11111 r...1.11.1.ikl.r. 41.1... •111411 t..!4., 3ffi•I" WI I ' Nervine, after ' having been
.t.,a•iie fte.riine ..t t ii, tt orkiii,4 .t ,ti ti fits for fly
ail...-. Iii tit, .•••,•iiiiiit 10.411. 310 .111 l'E
ie.ii.i.%.. TER Nle.\ 17 LEY,
e...11.i -be roniiiiii if..4t 111 . Springfield. 'Alass.
t',.11.eia 1.. in .....,.4i,lie1. The wen mei 'Tor -a year my little boy had
- . :..i is...1 14.0111, ill t Ile ••••1 iiiiii lel' spasms etrery time he got a little
bees e 1 ,-, throne the indoor heeling
loo, int 11 • i ,,e1 1.11e 1114111. 1111ii 11 1111111v 41, ,..C.01(1. Since taking 1)r. eNI ileS:
TM' 01;1%TING Ail. Limited
Tolophone (tall No. Vt. •
Terms of flubeerionok:
• tttttttttt af1411111.4.„
4/1 :
4. idled State- ,...uteatt Ilt.to a peat
Ord.* in ad% alive'
ttioltsaerittenl who fail to receive THU S11,1NAI
• regularly hy mail will confer•for or by 414.
II U'. of 11te f.iet. at et. t trly a date a-
and t be new adder's...tumid tie given. I met by .(.w hing • Wind
111 ,a. cipitt,..iti• lei 114.• A men
may 14, and when the
• neeessit N-
is to' t hat extent. !towelled. Hot '
1414- 1, 111111•11. W Het range of
meaning I hair "in -ceases y.' A Mao
riotii have the ilseceseal ie.. 01 life and
vet b.. Vt. jI I4". e. tr..
When a change of addfe-,i-dc*Iit.A.hothli e 41th it "41 .1""C"`"Her :114 t t'dlitto .e
Advereilking Hat** : . "neer-ea, lei" i plied. To spent; .,,f•
teeat elet ether llr ichteili.emosita,.1,ie f,,„ „,1 *11,1 ..1,,,hi,,,„ ..0 , ,,,,,,, ,,t_lv,
per lino for Mott itt...e....0 tor and ,lit ..per lint,: to ., 1, ....,...,. sr i,.. g.1;:.'.1.01..: " t '"." ...t it
norh ..ite.equeta r... 1:ti.,. loim. iii:o4 1 y -.1 t ,r. , , y 10 „I a..
Oritiireil eoile. teelte low. 10 4444 11114.13. tile, 4t1.1' "111'..e--.tt itt•.t. ‘Vit hAnt Tint
• •Ilmines.raniaM ,.ittc line- and under. $3 pm
reef. .
. 'Advert i-etinuif:, at had. Found. 141 40404. 811,
.1!station. Vidtatit. Sillli..t1014. \VPIlled, Home,- for
Palo or UZI Heuer Forne4 for Sile 04 40 Relit.
Articles for bale. etc., tor exceedii.ot .eight•
- . ltne-. •-..• earti'in.ert ion ;$1 for first month. Soe
- tor each wIlliPie.tUelll 11101141/, -Longer adv.tn 11.144-
n(' in proportion.
is..tianitiremente Pi ordinary -reading 1 ype I/311
rent- Pe/ 41 ,14'. 1'..•11 1101 ICC lea., 4141;./ 45),
• Au). sp.si.1-0..iii.i.theotriecr of which i- the
fibetthiaty beatelit 04, 4114 iudividicti or iuwOci-
alert; tO tie considered so advertisement Ed
be Chapped areontine11• . .. • •
- - /tate,: -for dfasslay and cotttr:te• /give
react. will he gitt,en on application:.
Addn.ss coomiunicattoo- to
THE SPINAL Pitt \ TIM: co.. Limited
Tine's 0 10,1 Yeeeii e 11'1111141y NMI
will riot .0 r again
- -
1111411beri. of the ci tttttt y
ell silo heetjelweri. shoe Plt to
Recount by their colleague- last iweek.
N11 fool!. 011.111 he toliiiii itil 411V Co1111-
• 1
eillOr for (dosing. .tftet inspection. 40
Vitt** it" 1. AVM' Of it • i; for tlhe con-
sumptive sapit t Mut w loch he conaid-
eyed ipastiita.14(. ei ell 1)111111 ouch
-KeTt ainprov4.1 -f-y,lbe Provincial
inspector :•Iniit 141 11111 Anil Cl,lte
-to purchase a site it Mel' hie' not- been
ItN ho• 00111100. *Weil htili lint
- 1 - •-• - beets appieseel try the Provineial
oueeee•e• Teel:sieve. ecousT efte. epector hut wheel we. onwried y 1
. • mengteot of the I•4 BIM r`il 4441
EPITORiat., NOTES. •110111.1 lit yr demanded woe,
• - • • explanation. It is to he hoped th*t
' The lasmil garden pasty is /I thille••1•• tile (.4/11111,i1 W/11 1•••••• 11.9 11/11, tittnecea,
ling affair. eta that Stanley township %aril% in *oleo:title e site :Ind establish-
" 10811 hi• Other Iii commit ted ipieft lie-send:1r Mut he -3/111.• we
suicide afoot intending moo ter& it at ale thing should' nhout in a
proper w . A mottoes thlitt; that nay
together toe' eerioesly.
be said in *1.1-. vomit...troll is that. if
The hailstorm which did so mdcli any 11.0.,111..1,
ElUttliige in rolhoine 41141 H1111141
tout id?. tioppti• 4 It t;0414.1 :tie
ShiP1' 1114 we0k, giv" 41S an idea of anxious to li.i i• t located
utweniiintees of fronting in the. Nye'. in the tieiglitmelio,,,d this town. he
tens tert-ifories. where such etoruoi oire is xi ssoy mkt 41.4.a.
inter* ft•eopireit. then bete- One much cell,* tliet'le itni 4.131;1e1 hone
storm lifeti"`" is i'114 .""e 04' the pi -menet v such institoition.
many for the man who has SP,14i,n s -but there a .44141 1111 •14te I. tierhapti
•croirdest Toyed. • one might say a superstit• s, ()Nee -
At 40
Vier will mane. you ilideem_
Attend one of •(.rIl,de High•
liusiiirew ColleWent cri
• • i • Ism ling. Nervine he 'has_ never. had one
ille/1, 1.v !Alti-
;I! ,41“, }treat i•XIIN•11,1.. N.11
1,,I,11;•2„ 114•11, t • het 1+4' 1111t -
e .44 1,44 i11111•1, W(.14.14111..1411
I1111-4. .1. aids 111 1II, fight ;4g4410.(
of 'these sp,astrts.
/ • Rochester, Ind.
"My daughter covIdn't talk Or
walk from St. k tuts' dance.
wen.11114 1111,-.. • Seven. .bottles. of Dr. Mt es
• Mrs J. C. Patterson Dead. Ner' vine entirely cured her."
• Ethel, Ind.
'Until my son l'.:114 30 years
old he had fits right along. %%re
gave hitt' seven bottles of Dr.
_ Restorative Nervine. He
h-arl-a -AI since he began
on the, fifth bottle."
„Ottawa. July 2e. -The eat
red at a restureer reAtut near Ottawa.'
iset night eor Kathat•itte Downtime'
Ellerreeeelie .4 I 100. J. C. Patterson.'
et -Lieut nt•I itivernot t 1 anitolie.
Mits. Pet t soon had 1.1(e1, er
from 11.•.i.4 t t•ettitle sin 1-114114*,...
she WPM ale latightet of , t late
Me jot. jolter I...meet. Elliott. eollector
of cols, at 144-itioleor. She leaves a
Image family of sons and daughters,.
The funeral takes Once privately
Ileri• I'll Friday.
o A Board of Education.
In. this Grend Trunk Railway (UM thot to ii which lee= to be eecleon
with. The plain duty et the! commie.
culty. the eteolicis m sure hetet. %limy
cOlitteiti to raileet a. proper site--itt
induetiies ehroughout the cOneitry ere
the fit* pi 4C0 /41111"allle for the "tiff.') -
hamperettl bt the partial **pension
srs oho are to reeefve treatment
of freight trettie, anti With that is he
thole.. in the r.......tol,place coriveni-
pro.pect of highei !errs' for the public
,ently sitivited lot Reeiiokand kw
to pay to make lip for the increase in
the 11141111. 4414)140', te set. nothing offire tw1=e1 tormeriemetg -end. haying Pro-
tected the site and secured -ap-
dengesso and incionvenieneee of trav-
elling while the areike is mein on.
Premier Whitney Ppert4a of • "Conte get theine itution in writ -king order.
cementing attention on the public
whoa' eotirse of study aft an end in
iteelf." If this means. flint the idea ie
to he fostered that all the average boy
or gel needs in the way of schooling
is a public schbod cotter* efr. Whitney
is placing ft verc low standard before
the people -Ontario. It is all right
to aee that the public echnool course
shall he It thotoagh as pewit:de. hut
to give the ideoi Gott bey -or gild far
"finished" on 144144 141)1 the pollee. school
is preposterous. tercour se 11.1tiviit !mini
children, especitilly. boys. think they
have hed enceigh schooling w114444 they
pier. the entrance examinatien ; it ie
in after yeere that the t their
mistake and wish their, parents lutd
pent theareon in the high echoed.
Walkerton Telescope iliscueses
ft titles:ton-it hicb oircesioonalle illI4444d
In this, town. Geolerictire in the semi.
(10441411114as %ValLertori in 'leaving two)
Exhort)) The telei.i 411)>'-.0.4Vb. :
Walk esitor. like levet ,,vrns of its eifte.
*lite Pie...es-roll with two .seli,o,d-
itaytie, die 4 d the high the
1)1 her fog ti• ..t1. The latter':
441i riot!' ivi- lolly While tIte ((tenter is.
what 'Wright be (-tiled *11 honor:ivy
twody. toleittlwre 4(144 not elected
but at.e 11.1•111311110111 1. file s•strioele Conn:
ed.. 'Ind homed,. tie Hil the toorositioon. In
nioit of 4144. toselta 111C1ay. P 111114411
schn(ll Board woi.k of 1114. two,
TIris beard et pollication• is elseted frY
provided the PI ovinciiil inepeetor, to
. . proceed'ioo ris go eetible to
'The re %slower account% 01 (1444 eerie
of Dr. Crippen teed like a proe*r
kind of fiction -the "detective story."
This ire the filet time. ih real life,
that wieelesm telegraphy has eon* in-
- to great piominenre as. en eel to the
•• detective force in the pursuit of a sup-
. posed crioaittal: it had already been
- • te----ifederyette brit* etortewriters. ft
was RilliineE weird t.. reed that while
the unsuspecting fugitives were on a
steamer in mid -urea') toeople faith
aides of the Atlantic wore by means- of
the Wili•leas telegroiph kept rem-
ittent knowledge of this appeteence
Outside of tide stwrial interest the
Me.j 4 11 Il1ea11.44111/ilit1 14110.
Watdoma, Wis.
Price SI 00 at your druggist. HI shouid
supply you tf he does not. Bead ernes
to us, we forward prepaid.
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville W Ingham
Clinton Walkerton
Now is a good tints to enter.
Our graduates receive from
&MU to $15ik per 40110111.
Mail Courses in 1151 ditferent
Write for particular.,. •
GEO SPOTTOPI. Pr,oc.pai.
Saturday Bargains
On sale bright and emir Settioley morning 144444441,441 10-111lired •
•, earth* Air Dress )1litelir.r, 12"te and 15e ittiality. 'Vette 8
Ito' •io t .
Elliott Business College
trade that Alley individotelly, and TORONTO, ONT.
mediate! v rtituuntinicsite directly wit is unquestionably first-eles. in all
both pet ties utging that. thet recom- lepartment.. %Veer tod tow out •
;pence r VtleW llealltiatiottoi.looking 1 1 Sidsome catalogue
to lit settlement. Thie - municipelitt
•keivise. Ale.. send.eopy (41
..: Toronto.'"
11..1 ward its eo ttttt 11111 icat ion to the ;
P,1441.I Cotner(
reply :
. express. I believe, t
teeliog 01 .1.1.is nitinion
hay tint 1 he -difticult
444--and---its etupeiy
to reach them eleie aftetnoott. inuomensll
,Fo teen Calls!'
,n to, Muin•ter ot habot .
seesnit .ihre folrAwing
ellen I i
twee -a -V.
the 1 ottepeyet a of t he town and stifle Mum ir
are • n. a honorer y Ilielillier.. Thet are "'eller' without debt,- en t t newel -
Guild here
responsible to the people fee the iorcn•k at i"Ii8 With that end in i'-'41*
recomtueu 'ed. The pi ineiple ref arbi- I,
dome. Such .a board of education
tratioon. now largely. adopted 1141 na- 1.
tions. shoeldi not be tineceeptehleeto
wootild he 411 011440Vt011ell On 1 he tires -
4.4 t. PyPtP1I) a tui at the amine t itue svnuld 1
companies oto individual.. • M. 0. CAR -
I ease scour ot the tout teen good guen
ItHici, Mayor 01 lioderich.- . -t, •
the hoards. who might he induced
Tbe foilewing tneasage tiro= for-,
to enter_munieips1 politicos and take ,i
hand 14iib goeet nment oritik 11)4- 11. warodeitiry the Psesidelot of the Oode- '
, rich Gould of nide: 1
in rig 110111, 4.44;4 4;1
.14113 IP h. tdi .11.• the
chance. we se for Mac •
inyt competent 4014 044
peOple in - 'office
position.. Si i• i 1. (rt
ha4.4.414.4414 ttof Mft
material. If 'you wastiilt)'03\
good training and a
...Mary when ready attend
our achoot -Central Ho-
boes, l'olleste.
W. If. Shaw, Principal
Fres ustatoaus wailed OD
• requert. •
Tee Registry Office. • "Believing intet nits of the Province
require settlement of the('rand Trunk
The following infonnottion isi trainmen's. etrike. we respectfully sug- ,
gleanki from the relent of the In- gest that both parties reentemence f ,
topecter ot Registry Oftlees for the negotiations, looking to A 9;et•cly get -
itr Igoe, whieh Inioi kite been *trued. Dement, and thins pi.erentitig heavy
otel reunite'. of •inetrunients tee- loss to merebants. and manufacture! s
. C. B. College
*ten. • the Province for the yeer through tionenoreitig tof freight. A. ie. LONOON ON T ARil,
If Huren is • tr31•4 171.7 being fin kill -Pane of eft,- Gemist.e, President uf Godes ich Board
Nee over the s nor lees. The fees
I_. ign agai Arno ;111,Pil .10 .0183:5, being an 'bo-
ttle SViwit . cannot erre*. of $22.21 i over the previous
too meeilily.
'1 41l MA -.bate in the
t Ale "whit plague."
I. proceeded %%Mt
Being of Fairies Ro\bliiin- an Orchard, the sum ut eiereaseelece. In Huron
' yea'. Denim the year there were 11.--
Selit mortgage. registered. renreeenting
we air the FM:le, 4(44(44(4 4404 ..i.lir, there were .r....rtgegee registerd.
Of diuien-ion. tiot gigetitic. . `-re
presentine el.52ei144e. It Huron
Though the moonshine mostly kep eus - t here wet.. 3,7311 instrumento' nog*.
ege 4.11 ee.hm.d. N.', ind Wei, 0
-. , N. tered. the fees far %Cobh+ amounted to
51.1441. In Perth there werero, o
&eel t•t -
A04en .444.45- 1444 oluoy- .,w.'.-ter.itmounting to $1 1.
:staler. 1.4...e.. much coutPle!er. -
till 2511. (rt Prete a'so there weer :1:41414wage.- registered. -
Stolen MO:. Are nice in chapels.
-,roten. -'02en te• i our .tpole-. - •
- The To-romeceietaro -1401434
---"Wo-riordicalTt rumor From u ----that
tbelntprenloni*I Rellwav in trete. 'told
to tins ate individuriN, arid just 844 0(44.14
it is shown that politic opinion over•
whehni ngl t opposed to eriy such trims -
fel and that whet is really demired
tin extension of the Intercelonial
w*y from Montreal to Georgian Ray.
Mr. Willipon McKenzie mays that he
wants the Interroltrniel. This is evi-
donee of his husinems oreetteness. He
know* /4. good thing when 1444 114.4.14 it.
The Government, it is to he hoped. is
equally setae, and will not mfterifice
the public intereet, to arty nothing of
its own political fortunes. in order to
win a smile (room Mr. Markenele."
notrutnent regiFter141 and the fees rol-
1 led amOtinted f..$3.)4711. In Hereon the
*um of 51 1146 Was paid to the county :
%yen' to bed the world :al) bobbitM. the n . income' of the registrar Wu'.
Tlit•11- therime for or. herd robbing .
82.4114 ;JI:P. istriOunt Paid tlie deputy
en the fruit 44ere scorce worth peeling WAN $41111supl t he expenses of the of-
Were it not for -tenting. -tenting,
flee $1195. IA North Perth 5252 were
Leigh Hunt.
paid le the (orient y. the net income of
_ _ the tiegietnie • $2.249: the amount
FROM OUR CONTEMPORAR/ES. I peel the deptit Reel. rind the ex-
pense, of the oft1 t,1701. In South
Perth there wee no ing 'mid to the,
Not Sour, Are They?
emote steocure..
It 4)414* !treat Itakeis ti•el
twit t• st. Diana the 1114 bread Act.
tits Qualifications.
ler ehrtete• iteretot.
Gen. litaltato /I pareen's
14 11414'. 111•1. 111311 :11111 41 UINTA. all of
!vete •teee to •matrentr Wad !HMI.
But We Don't.
v VI 1'1441 1144•/..
I '.110111/4 1.411-1.:* third mining the tool-
ilritifsing tuitions oof the wowlol. If Vi -e
11111. t 1111 -it .411 tell
1 111.1 i• no 1'(':1'.'M I• -1111111111 not
ilt 1 ./111 I higher rooting.
HOW Welt 1 d It Wor
t% nodstoek seennerwsereire
Boit supposing then. wee /1. 1. 1/111
eery erbitratioon hoe, Ii.' (mild it le
enforeeed ? Supposing fnur lIrHVe
-C11-tilittS11110 torn. devilled ittf *loft
spit 1. of the ilWitt'il tut iestbitratlitil
laintil held bye ill• law too he binding.
what then ?
Still -Some Use for the Men.
(it teSs rrels Pres-.
Th.• cable hrings word of another
great star:age, t dolt tonst rot
I sonnlitti. England : lost it does rod
ate 1 lint he henry homier. vs els.
carried by 1)1(.11. as Wad anit ttttttt nsi by
the promoters. It is a good thing
that mere man is still of s • 11.1. 111
t tlt•
Canada Is a Big Country.
Montreal 44azerte.
'I'10• W1,1 10. 0 11.de of Cori-
nth, torsier *hose 4.1,414 la the We'd does
not 4) ''''".i bring dimwit to the
Dominion at large. 'As it brippens.
the crop. grain hay in the East
are unusually ablmilant. and promise
easily to offset tiny prorphesied Alert
:Age hi the West. It is well to Iwo proud
of the Went. One vannot, in fact, be
(otherwise. Hat the 'West is far from
being he whet.. of 'anitola ! The East
is meowed of 111111111•11111 1•X11/4 14.1.411 and
it.errase isf weelth the ears roll on.
retinte : the net income at the regis-
trar we. *0016; the ileteirty registrer
was paid $5111.
An Interesting Old Docurteent.
•Sestottit Expcwitor : While 'elesr-
ing out a drawer.in The Expositoe of -
tier tt day or two ego an interesti
end ivacienl_doeittnent. was uneerth
This '.41114444. immination paper n-ornin-
rating Sir Itichitrol'Vertwright. "as P
candidate at the election now aloout
I* held of io member to repreeent the
Electoral District of South Huron in
the Howie of Common*. of 4 enacts."
The dectituent had been prepared by
Loftus E. Dancey. was dated the 12th
day ,of [te('4'nte-v. lee:, or twenty --
of Trade. '
Suicide at Zurkh.
Zurich, Out., July At -Samuel John-
stun, of the 1114)1421,114 line. Stanley
towtortliP. eommitted eilieide hist
night by taking a dos* of carholie *c4.1
He had attended garden party kt
Varna in the ...ironing. On returning
hotne he went out into a Heir] on bas
own ferns and took his life. He bad
been in prier health for a seer or more.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
HY local applirat nth, le they cannot reach 0,14diseased portion of Me car.' There is onls one
way (0 (1110 deaf lige, and tb.st is b) con:4111r
tIonal remedies. Denfoisee is caused by an id.
flamyd condition of the mucous 'Bohol of the
Eustachian Tnbc. When this tube 4, inflamed
you have *rumbling sound CP, imperfect hear
ling, and when it 1. entirely cloreil deafness is
the 14.411. 14114 links. the inflommat ion can be
taken mit. end ube restored its 1,ortnal
condition hearing will be desttikted foreser
Mies cases mu of ter. are caused laY catarrh.
which is nothrle but PP inflamed condition of
the mueoussurfacee.
Sre will give 'inc Hundred frotlare fee an1
care of deefne- ionised by Catarrh, that ean-
not lw cured Ity Hall'- Catarrh otre, 'end fOr
rift:tilers. free.
. E. J. 'HENEV & CO:. Toledo. 0.
Sold by druggiets. 75c.
lake Hall's Family Pill. for 000.4 114441014
Business & Shorthan
W hitewear
Ladies' Shirt Witham. embroidered and plain linen. Very
handsome. well-tuade and all the hest styles. All
4 -
$1.00.Warets for SOo
twee to Vero %Valet* for $1.00
ir2 25 to $3.011 Waists for. $1 .50
Dress Silks
Twenty seven inehes wide. (Ai)ey Jepan tomtit -mitered wash
Silkoo in a large range 111 1.111144.44: regular 50c andolfeae.,
1111 n1. tier yard %/Ufa-
. Ladies' Knitted Coats. and Sweaters
A very !well:on* range showing of, Knitted Coats. new
American styles in all the leading colors. at very mod-
etate prices. Ranging. each .$1.50 tr. $4.00
Inspect ion Invited.
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Free
.1. %V. J W. %Veen., eh. .1r.
• Vice.Principal.
We agree heartily with the libove,
(wept thal wit -relieve Goietich would
he a better western terminus than any
Georgian Ray port. However, we
need not quarrel over that just now :
when the Intercolontat gets an fee as
Toronto tiodertch will put in her
A contemporary *aka. "%Vhen is 44
necessery net a nereseity. nr when in ft
neceerlity not a neceesftry?" The leach-
ers of our mehool de 3 t aught hat
cessary" expreseed 14 need that was 14)1'
140(4,144 and uncoondotional whereas
"neeetaity" expressed a leas absolute
requirement, ow a thing less mictmdi-
tionidlt neer...tat • Nature demends
"necessaries": but the line between
"neresmities" and "luxuries" is not an
shosolutely rigid IVH .
the following pinto., the Ointeit being
given in the order in which they air-
mennn the document : D. D. Wileon.
McLean. Wtn. 0. Reid. John M.
Nase-er...-Weu. 19-Eray., J. &10 -rt',
A. Armitage. A. M. Campbell, Wil-
liam Smith, H. L. Vercoe. W. Han-
over, Chem. Lowrie, James C. Laidlaw,
W. W. Hoff macre M. R. Counter.
James Weir, Robert Winter, William
Roberteote Robert Jamiesem,
Wilmot'. Robert Lumsden, A. Young.
liporge Ewing. Charles Wagon, Wil -
limn Campbell. John Fairley, John
McIntyre, James Scott. RobertLftid-
leer, Archibald Scott. Of tbeee
thirtydwo who eigned this document
twenty-eeven yetis* ago only ten are
now reredents of Seaforth and the
greater number of the remainder have
deputed this life. All were then
prominent business toed professional
men 01 (1444 town. This is an index of
the gren an
parativelf few yearwork in a nen-
Telegram% Forwarded by Mayor and
Board of Trade President.
On Thursday lain Moine Geary of
Toronto towarded tele rams to the
beetle of varlet* munic tolities in On-
- A Non-partisan Appointment. Lark) and also to presidents of boards
Victoria Time-. of trade in the Province, risking for
The mppoint 'tient of Hon. Jas. 0. their en operation in an Attempt to lie-
Pettereon to inowleratelly lucrative rare a settlement of the strike on the
position hy Sir Wilfrid leiterier's Gov- O. T. 11., end melting that the coon!.
ernment was a "cowrie* act. , Mr. municate with both parties immediate'
Prittereon has filleol the twedtions of ly. The telegram eent was as :
Minister in Courser% Alive Govern- "Believing interests of Provinces re -
a8 Ottewe snot Lieutenant-0os - quire osettlernent of Grand Trunk
Times. armor of Manitoba, and *still a member trainmen a %hike, we respectfully mug
We do not know where The Them' of lhe Conseil c party. Mt charge gest to municipalities rod boards of
Fall Term from Aug. 29th.
The largest sind heal, practical
training .411001 111 Western Ontario..
There 14 )40 better in the Dominion.
Uur courses are thorough and tonic-
tieal. our teachere are experience*
and we &seed graduate'. too poeitions.
e have three departments :-
Commercial Shorthand
Telegraphy ' •
Witte at once for our free ca.t.t-
logue. _
D. A.eMcLeett LA N,
i„., BY
Martin Bros.
. .
Past Maters of the Tailoring Trade.
Ready for the Ftp and Bugs
Thes is the Revlon of the year when the isease-breeaing
hoolieefly arrives to intect your home end toy its unceasing
temente mike your life getierallt iniserairle. Ws are ready to
oreeist you in ridding yourself of this p.'st. We heve the hest
FLY PUISOA IN So AND 10o PADS. and ants er 1.11(44
thing is TANGLEFOOT.
ARE THE POTATO BUGS BUSY? If the potato 1441
thteatens to deprive you lig your supply of potatoes. try ''
Pens Green It ninon@ eudden death to the bugle
Give ns a call. We will be pleased to seri* you.
H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist,
Sodth Side Square, Goduri, I)
eetweses.4ArTr:.:. soaeranowsNaSAAWAitA/WA0A0WWW
Let us have your eorder\
Berlin. Ont.
Pooneed •
orporated by Act oi Pirflansent, dna.
Residential School for goys and Yo..sa Me&
Course.' Busuiess, High School, Sciesce Arts.
Vies. buildings equipped with latest hpounie
requirements private rooms, fine oa*
•.,m, Swimming Pool, Shower Baths. Roaming
m It, Auditorium.
Professors nude post -graduate courses in P.it-
lotte. Rase. sen modoral./.
- 7
111511. 14.,.. ZINGER. G.N.. PlitgesSitgat
New Summer Suit
, DUN- P
West st
Tbe Tailor,
• Tree tbes the: are' now el e our kirchen and Ming room were probably
feasting on teette :es 14? 41'4$ less than 7 kei, and as a
single fly often carries mar y Ctore‘eirels of disease germs Atta, tee to its hairy
body, it is the daty of ceery loo.e.ektrocper toassiet ie ekeerminating this
A real money - saving
opportunity for the people
Over fifteen hundred pairs of Summer Low Shoes
in the'big sale cannot fail to give ample choice for
every man, woman or child. Styles that are strictly
new this season.
Kill flit, in such immense opine airs as cannot be aperoached by any other
Ay killer.
rain tirts-gde---yrot-miss-
bargains your money ever had the chance
exchange places with.
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square. Goderich.