HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 81-
13 IOWA Y, J u I.tt'tJl. 1910
HAVI* INSTAELE:D-IN THEt1R-vm"-L- - A •#tK:T--blr
IF' •YOII 1-1A0.'F ANY
I{ 4. t\'I1,1,1A1>,S, Manager !ioderich }Sram'h.
1'0 .IIINr Nooks •,1
lAopool. 1 prices Ly ,
\.1'y 11 1111.41 cult II• ,
Regatta! ly sold rel.,''
.i1 $I IKI and $1.'_1-,
•911•11, 11111 1 1,1
illg. 'Title• The I1.,.
lot. The Sky 1'11.41.
The Man 11011i 6101,
g.u•ry, The 1'roslec
11.1', HIPI k I{'N'k.
(ilengiirty S 11n11
paper-bovad Books 15c
\ spd1,ndid 'vera 1. .,1
English Herrin I.r
1No)adlu :oathlrs
...111. Trail.. .•t'
1N,ut 11111• hun'Ireti
ell - t.. .•I.ct from.
The Colonial Book Store
The \b'e.kly (,InbN• and The Signal
Ito'n"w Ridoaerilwral for the remainder
of this year for 1111 cents.
Good reliable 'Watches.
Swiss made, Meer ,•s- I'
ea)wmenu., e Ia in e I
• dials. stela win ' and
totem wet. Th a r e
Watches, not c 1 n • k P,
(wing made hy the feat
Swiss' watch - makelp'e.
We guarantee' t h rim
\Vxl hos for one )rat\
the same as our high-'
grade Watchea. See
the display in .our
(iitr•n'.' Net iamkA 1c liana,. owned
hy Gay W. (,r •en Lincoln. relit'., d.•
not ploy any -electric ight" 1.x11. du ,
not publish take record and do not
fake 1 1 fool the. 1»•.,ple in any way.
Anyone who. khat*. til' teazel will tell
you this. They are the greatest Indi-
an team in the -world. and will play
the (italerieh h*eel.all team at the Ag-
ricultural talk. (ioderich. on Tura -
day, August 2nd, at --'.:ell ,'clunk slim p.
Make Your Cooking Easy.
With ('lark's tueste already. .re-
parekl and cheaper than httehet's
meat. why should a woman. toil and
broil over a hot stove in the summer
time ? !'lark's Pork and Beane are too
good. so nrnarishing and so palatable
that they can be used often at an
economy of time; lab'.Ir and fuel --Just
• try them.
I1►Tt►TicEi o�ALI heACCOuU�uaNT`3•4 DU,K
\\ 18 enedl J. 11. WHITTI • Kiutall.
M'. and MrN. Jp.. Merrett and children. Who
•tt ,• pareMr..nts. f1'.
had been visiting liQ keId left
and ares. John awtkeld. left on Hatuday for
London', Mr. Nieto-OA'. old home city. to visit
then relative, there, before returning te their
horse at Winnipeg. Mr. Merrett hold. are
iten..lMr p.oitton in the Winnipeg office of The
Farmer'•. advocate.
Alex. Luttrell, of iiowmanvtllr, wa4 in tO t
window. 1 week \1-tnnR lies mother, Mn. Luttr
1 and 111.. -iter, Mr1.. 1i,igh Dunlop, We -t (street.
- - - - 1 ay, 1. an old (ilxterlch boy, having lived here
We shall be closed Wednesdayo'r forty year• ago. He Ntxrurt uI bu.lnewi In
1'lnton, then rat Nrantford and Kinrsrd
afternoons during July a n d tmne..and t%nallylocated,at rtowm.tuvtlle where
he ha•• hewn tor the hist twelve rears 1fe note.
August. ( great change+ in till. town and think.. t:ode
t4Fh 1•' the prettie-t town 11. Ontario.
lewell.l and I)pUcawn I
Walter arrtson WEAK BODIES.
•On Ihr Slpuar,. (ioderich. Kidney Disease Causes Half the Com-
I mon Aches and Ills of Godench
I....._.._ I People.
Am one weak link weakens a chain,
_Iso weak idneys weaken the whole.
Maty and ten the final breaking
down. -
Oveerwotk, strains. colds and other
causes the kidneys, and when
their Bvtty i, loosened the whole
Fat --neje,
poison circulated in the blood.
Aches *tad pains and languor and
urinary ills come, and there is an ever-
inereaang tendency' towards diabetes
and fatal 111ight's dIpeatoe. There --is
no real help for the 'sufferer except
kidney help.
Booth's Kidney Pills t directly on
the kMileya and cone ever • kidney III.
Mrs. .14(00 Falet•y. of Pacific
Ave.. Winnipeg, Man.. says
-After suffering( dreadfu y with
rhe wnmisfit in my right hip d ter-
rihle pains across any (Sack for ars, 1
am 11111111 that! pleased t0 as that
Booth's Kidney pills have cure•.
'The rheumatic pains in My hip
MO %ever.' that 1 could not he on iby
right hip at All and could hardly mole
in lwd. My hack was so weak and pain
foil that, aftermooning over 1 could
not, (straighten up for some momenta.
hull _would attempt to do so i
uul scarcely hear .the pains treat
would shoot all through me. 1 had
tried all kind. of remedies for this
trouble. without finding ' relief.
Booth's. Kidney Pills have done their
work well in any case. and 1 shall
alaaya have A game! word of praise for
them.' For sale in Aoderteh by E.N.
Sold by dealers. Price 50 cents.
The R. 1'. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie,
Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
Quality Store
to our buying quality is al-
w,ya first ct:nstdeTation. You
,"an depend on Hrat-class goods
and you will he more than
at',tied wit.b our prices.
Camp Coffee
Liquid (',offer that need.'
only boiling water added to
make a crop of good coffee.
.lust the thing for picnics. Per
Cooked Ham
Our sugar 111 e11 rI•okrd 111 Per is dell -Oa -us. Try a reared' r
1hn111d. . .... ..
Fine, mild flavored sugar -
cured Bacon. Per po 1..280
Peanut Butter for sand-
wiches. Por bottle 1O0 & 20o
A complete assortment of
fresh Fruit.a and Vegetables for
S Sal reductions in all lines
f 'hinatcatr during the month
of August.
Choice But ter anal Fresh h:gg-
tf. R. LONG
'''HONE. 4t
Annti a
targaii _ 0
-.),,--~- -- went of the Summer 5e�so �-- 1-ef<e is a
Hosiery Worth The Great Economy _Curtain Bargain
\\'e art. taking Barg -
Saturday, July sin Days to clear Olio '
Monday & Tuesday, ) August Ist re 2nd I tlirtylrt,tin.,,,k 1
)ave gat he aero together
Si pairs of 11111• good1
. i
14(41• l'urtiinm. , Hego-
-tor .priers are from
,$4.0E to $4.25 11' pair.
They are lines that
'tteoul) lune ',lie. Ittw
it•Aimee pxil•. 111 .1 goat
ternit•ft. Sat a r .1 3 y
, 11111111ing 14 t• gather 1111
together 444141 gide 1111
oil .144!1... .C.1
.1 anypaironly JP I
li ,?-%.-a../e......--I.J1,..A..-e.-.^ Ade.
Coming for 1
Hose 19c
Tw u • inimired pales
Ladies' and children's
, ot.ton Hose, black 3114 i
111'.color•', A ,lean -op
.•1 the .attire stuck.
with ;i lot Olt '4611ipl s.
Regular 'tole t1 :A*.' a
hair. Allgathered to-,
gethel, 111 one tabu. THREE DAYS that mark the cl;nvtx of the summer selling season,
ti ""1 .•I, ni 11"1("/Yt�'k i Three days when we will be willing to lose sight of profit to clear
`` :Ea. �. 1 .. !111 Mk- r p L-. out
all odd tots. broken lines and surplus summer'merchandise.
Children's Socks 1Oc We have not prepared for this big .con y hen tm ki in any the if 1'i prices for
11,11. p11ndle•d pairs Way. There has been no quibbling or haggling g p
hildrr❑ s black, whirr y'
xml crllerfeil sie,kr a to There has been do thought of profit or even cost in many gases, It s
- ,iZI'., !linin or tal'ry: Tsitnnh' been aquestion of putting a price on every dollars worth of s ti(m�r,
!ling a-certait}t'v before the store closes .
bit Bargain
t.. will make the si
whufe t.am.• inn tfi -goods-tlta�
th. irk 111 y ,t 11' r'OC August 211.. Make it a p.
hnice.l»1 pair_ Days. We promise to mak
•nt to get hereatleast one of these
it worth your while,
Apron Lawn 23c
(4,1 • n'1'tailf. whtte.>prun LANA. to1kt•.1
Is„.lel , 'fri111u1(41'Wilh etubtr•idt•ry iu-. ' 2
,•,lar :�► .. E1•r Hatgain 1►ays 1" 3•(
Cotton Skirting Sc '
1.. 1..1. • .1tto11 Skirting. Fa -t
-pl.•nditl stammer undt•r-kirt.s.
I t1'; ..
r .rgain Days,. 1311. 8c
Cushion Topa 25c
Thirty -rite Tapestry C,,114/1IT*l l4. !half at
1 :' 1. ,:, mole wt. Worth
A t 25c
!N ,:ial-poi. r. �\'urth .tmae• uuoney.
$1.25 Quilts, 95c
n „lay:. Heavy White hott•pcolltlotpuiltlt, 1'
F:n lish make. ttixtti inches. Hewitt, 95e
For Bargain liars. each I
The Last Call for Millinery
Reynol leaves for her holt ay; the
Ist of .august.. A e wtust have the shy vroom
• empty when she le- v'es: • That is the ason
and the only res w n for- such a who! : ale
clearance as this• •
Any Trimmed Hat9 .41'Hat. kit.
Probihly t.tce not \ to ' or thirty 11
'dark:, whit*. and 11,11. \I this .eia 1)Ii • ;hap,. .4 lid
*6' lin good .IS .: Stith gm tenial:. \1'e simply
will not Tut 1111• away. so' to 1113 '•snre_selling before Mi.•
Reynold-. goes: offer you'ffetfut TOtin•-•-nt•iri. ay/irk' td .
11' I hat. 'satin -day 111111 ' g 1 L t1i1' 31r..urlea 95c
ly low price of only.
Raincoats $3.75
Where (stye ;jut,' alailit. half Nil e'i•d t qualityese C)Ktain-
,.lts. They are made f K
ett.,posit sly shower proof, SINN' -eat-1611• +tyle;'
for 1.111101 weather Bargain II .1 ' ' $3.75
each •• J
Some Emdroidery, Bargains
\Ve will 'sell OMM1111'71M)''arils Olt' caulbric F:nl-
hioi,lrry and Insertion. assorted width.',
4dwrlb') 1distinct 1»�1a pattern,
p1111 1t 1/ 114 111:iece U list.
5C, ‘,./3. a
hit•tpeci al pricer. :11111 17r, `, r�1
on t11ts hot ,11'1•....
QId-ves. 29c
rgty lair,. 141111,•: Kill 41111i lisle Cilia...-. hlark
or while. The hast pairs lift fi' iuulf a-tlirz.l.
line+. \II sires 111 the lot. but not Of , vet•yl
, kind. 1{egulal :+l'. Ilavgxin pay, per
Clearance of Fine EmbrntderY.: 23c
\ littl: 111' one hundred )'dein.. of hi •
udiel. 1"1,11,roidpry and Insertion. Thew •t
-last •l.'1.1th=-Remo--vaeionoa patteur_t.hat_
sol at :Illy to 1'1'•,1 yard. AV,• gathered theist�C
tog. ter 111 one table for Bargain !lays
,.nd g. .• \wry our ehuier. at ier yard .
_-_ ---
A Wool Carpet at 30c An Axministcr Rug $21.1111
Two 1111!' .\xui islet 1{,.g 34.1 ids $�� M
Thi= is a .3,I , ,Sul wearing Carper. one pattern • Ifr•awy,thick..1•F.•e r. Very kiwi la'.
only. Hruulst•lne florid design. (solid tad tilling.
woven do cot tuli, warp. Colne, fa.'. pry50c_Ladies white hems'tehed 14.4nd'•r hie,,, t,ou•y
edges. very tine quality. t•gnin 1).t\ leeu11. n t..i 2Sc
alga ial ilio gip isi I lay% at Ilei' yi11Yl..... ...
-------- _
!I Remarkable Wash Good Bargains
I.At 10c a yard
'ohmshundred yawls w'n.•h 1►r,••e.Goods, 'inghatas. i
$e;hyt•s• NI o•lino. etc. Cheeks. stripes and fancy .si
Regular 1.11• to 211, .4 y'Ord. I locating S:11ar1� day natty 1
ing at per war,! .
Fine Wash Goods 17c
This i. a clearing lot .d about :dot 4.1' Ilii) yanks, Iliad
up -of Snit i11 . 4I islius, Gingham's, ,etc. Dozens of plat -
terns. .\Il the fashiosnahle coloring-. I{egular :NN' 17c
Lto 111•. Clearing Saturday rorning ai per yard...
Clearing White h;te Cotton Underwear ►
'r,xlchit,a. Croup. Coughs and Colds, or
'nos b..ck. Sold and ettaraebe/ i)►
E. R. Wilhite., north side of Square,
Gowns 59c
n. 1111(411' 110111
1),high-grade English l utttit, rut
,1ulrileltimatd Saturday nreg tneckand59
Dravbers 33c
Twenty -tour {pairs white cotton IA•awers. miule froail.,
gots! quality English cotton. Frill Olio tucking and Swiss
eruhroide'y. _ A decided special,' for Bargain Days
per 31(0
White Skirts $9c
Skirt, naui. 11'11111 cambric finished English cotton.
Ito -inch frill of thee' rows of lace insertion andlni lel' C
\ splendid skirt at a little price,Bargain89
Il.ty. ,.
A Better Skirt $1.58
I.li •s�,
cott..u. Cut
lilt 1., ,•rnl.rr
\\'. hat'. gathered t ogot h-
er a1. nit 1:W) re•iunaut s. if wash
Ur•ss 6.481s, such as \I nalin.:
(iingtjanla, Zephyrs. etr..and
black an,lc.olo ed w'w.1.lhe•ss
G'ee's. These are the short
lengths left fhat1 the s*ast)'s
selling in IN,tli department..
The cotton dorsi/ gaNrm ends
rout ',front two -and -a -half to
seven yards. The w1e11 dress
gaNls from one-1Uu1ga-half to
five parole. If there is au .1111
of any lot you can u9sl• you
can buy them at a 'Traction
f its real \314'e, if you come
here Bargain Days.
The TowellingEnds
Table Napkins S 1.18
n o Towelling
Half -Bleached ` t,.•,h I t f
'Con dozen oat l � ,tine hlr:►1.14 e•ItilN. • 11x'1' of that Trig lot of
Table Damask 37c l Tldtle Napkin- size .'I)x'J)
inoho•s. Extif quality and nutkrtei 1 1{nos aclvertjmerl
s roll
This makiw a N p 1 . n d i. rl haat work. Lengths rade English , loth for inrlinary liar. It \w' fight•. ' R*gnlu• $1.61) - to 1st tau tii tight yards. -1111
kirts err. nnul folate a high-grade . II
will bleRill quickly and st,u•41 y11,7;,, \ 14 tg'ain nx y Baling at decidedly... saving
very f ill, weuus double WWII. Frill of wide
no end of haul Wear. ire 1)eciul /1 t' p r' e 8
idtrc, floral designs. Special 37e ,1411.••11 eD prices.
itfor Bargain Days... • J _ _-� ---
5 Yards Crash Trimming Laces and
II Bleached Table Towelling 25c insertions Half -Price
Linen 82c \ Uabl.f01 of tt' K Laces and In -:1
Sixty end: Crush To\\• I tions, widths ran fronl'mr•iand•a-half to foul
Extra *ii k,y 4 t sae h e d inches. .311 high -.Inns Kn'ids. Short length -
Dplendi 141 Gringrkieh IinK, ltiinthrswide. real Ian•
wide. Splendid wearing oath' 11«1'. a.1' Ill a ill.dtyil\ .mash. and broken lots. Regu14u 3)1,11,4. 8,1111 :tow• t o
Nice. neat ormigns, Regular
In :ryttarl rnda unh•, For. $1 .10 tl yard. Bargain nays ynnr ehoit'•• Price
$1.16. For Hawaii! Qom] I;algain Days at P25C 1 Exactly Half -
Ihlya,'lllnttetttsperyd (7Lc mai
One Quarter Off the
Price of Fancy Parasols
Twelve e1' fifteen new fancy embroidered
amyl 41111011.11 parasol.. No two alike. Vel'y1
choir* WHO,. All new and up-to-date. R't'Knn
at $1.611 to $4.00. Fur Bargain I)a's, y
el '• fletLess than Regular
exactly One -Quarter Price.
Underpriced' I
.k hig shipment of 11
nnderpriePd L0,.. JL11 '
and NAinsn k.. j n at
came in frau England
in tion• for this hig
bargain event. They
go on sale Saturday l)
moultingat. prices that
will MAwe you Itloney.
Lawns at l lc
t.Five hundred ):outs '
Victoria 1.11:Wtle a n d
l English rilinsonka. An
yr t•xrrwliug1y'gnstil 4411.11- ( bI a a m p I c
ity for general live.I not and muslin
Worth a instil d' ul 1 enthral i}1 . r r 41
Imoney.nure oney. Sat• 1� \\'sista No two
urday morning..... C alike Ezra. t-
Extra Fine some garment..
Nainsook 20c Regular prices
were• $3.I1t) to
*7 i,
•1'wo hnn,li.,.,1 � an,- < 1, F,,r nr-
I.f thi" etcl'iltionnill 4 .gait! Days you
fine l{ngli-h Main_"•.k. take vow. choire
vi .11, aid.. )N'4Iutitul1 At $L611 t,, ,)CLW
opuility. .\ 1411•uoln 1 ,1'r 1n 'rt h r r
I I.ly Special ei 2Qe ) w1.idi f11i'
per yard only . V asset" Half
.��-/L.,�..---4111 Price
Black Peau de Soi
Silk 980
One end t111ly.
heavy English
Peat' d* sot Milk.
guarantee{ not
tot cut. Beauti-
ful finish:- No
letter silk to
wear c mai b e
had. Very
s)eeial fur Bar-
gain Jaye, �e
20 £''ample Waists
at Half -Price
Save on These Dress Goods
We areoing to sell a lot of Dress Goods
on Sale Days. These prices are low enough
to make it worth your while buying for next
Fall. .
Fancy Lustres 15c
One hundred And fifteen yards fancy !Andres. (1,111.
colorinqua! t Ks Saturday morning thfigures. p
Nith ia.ltsell at Regular 15c
A Table full of Dress (foods 49c
On this table you will find the last em114 of dozens of
our better quality' Dee. (if / NIA . Mark Anil colored
,� Ma-
terials that. add at Tae to $1.10) pet' yard. Plain 'r fai y
'Saar., lHeroin Days Cnnr choice 1.1 th;s lot 49C
only ....... .... ..
At 79C
Fift•.n Suif:nu, rums t1i' t ' •.���'1��'~
all the fashi,nable ruloringa. Regular valves $118 to
$1.:41 per vomit.
few Desna 0001111 this seatoon. QC
Cleating hams in lhlys at let yard, .... J
A Black Venetian 77c
(141e only, black V.tlaia11 Cloth. guaranteed all wool.
Ili inches w'1dP..:\ 11101lal' $1.2i'pttality. Bargain 77C�
perDay., pey1114. '
Wash Suits $3 38 1 ( - -,-Y''' -----,1
I'wr'y.' "Iv. 1200 Towels.
hand s o m t'
Wash K 11 i 1 Two for 25c
14.7171:(71r7-r.a A:1 _ - �._,
rind skirts: Twace.11,Indred
White, h I 11 r .' 4Inek-,a-I Nick and crops'
champagne soul- Towels, size 10 x :31'
howrwhitt' with owl
hr this 4s : rill- INnrlrl•N, h,•nlmrd rii t''
in this (s•ar/1n1't Imported ted direct front {
newest and beatthe ntak,•r. \North 11
.1wiss NV a I.I this price wholesal'
nulde, s t y l i at . anywhere in Canada.
Special for Barg- g It r.ru e a t s sin Maya. 2 for... 25cJ
\Vnrtltlla.arly• ` _ . i•
dulibl*. Fur
Bargain D a y 1' v.v__^.-n. 1
theta lve'.o•old fs > Wash Dresses
Dnly. 44x11(3111
♦NTashwdverrasoso, white_
and colors, part of a '
c1$noeofhigh-Kr'atl' a
samParple ltnrulrnts, All
i new this moment. Some
very handsome es ill 11
the hit. Regulaonr $S1' '
to $01.01 Choice, corn i
men.ing Saturday ... •
Exactly Half Price
Colored Sateen.
.3wo ehaL-
only. fine qual-
ity ,,,lured
Sateen. suitable
cushinit top • ,
Pte. Special 14,r
Bargain 1111' -.
per yard :...1 Oa - _•-a- it.