HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 7THE SI(aNAJ: GODS It'1I N'1'Alt1t)
471'4042 44-44.
The News of the District.
444443,146.44436404466464645+65;464t4 ' rl - a 404+466*',�?�'II"+45°t1d= , y44/64 °'V" 'V" •1e,/
%VkuvFsu.tV„July th. •I
Rev. Jove F CI Low•
F TUiceDAY, Juty3ltTi
ph Elliott. of l:aadrrii•ri, %VAldrs ton
A 111401.11 It/WORM -1'be following
odi,;d1l 1, fr The ltiplry ExPlets. condchurchted oarthe services
Len St!
ltrv'I Andrew's
Exeter will' 1»• of interest to reader, of The
1,,Blit fd 'tine Aste'li)yt • • " 1uy� Ftt'il Wwll. r"••suAy ••4 y." -se_ (Yat :LifrhrIA1 �-
it,)j'.s, troch •• of S. S. No. 1 Huron, jr •preach, next Sah(ea1 h. L;btotcrl
Again in the ldad with the rxcrllrut 1)M.tTif's flanvesT.--I►rath Iia teen hnl •.,.,i '"'
reword of having rent six Catlditlatrs bury in our neighborhood. ldnlovtjlg I Luckuuw
for the entrance examination. hive four f our midst in ahuht a ween. Seaforth
ant (,f'rix passed, and out of the twelve A week ago !4tbi,lth the death tar-, ltiplry
Sept. 15, 10
Sept. 19, 20, 21
slept. Ito, ws
.brut •Jif„,1
... Sept.
..Sept. 21. _l
Sept. ':'. 23
Sept. '' 24
`.Sept.:. a
Sept. 27,
.tiept, 27. 3s
Sept. 27. 2s
Sept. 20, :41
tirpt. :et, :tl
OeL 3, 4
•Blyth . .. Oct. 4, •-•
Tette Water. , • .... . Oct. 5, 6
1Sruseels. .. • . , ..Oct..tt. 7
Dungabnou....,. , Oct. d, 7
• nlB all ,shard.• from the tug usht p.
ill, ft.,. has lis.• 1u hie es edit lir IN
I, , 1,1.1v our of .he- suu,l sn '-earful
:,tad , •• ..istt-lit tea. here in the . ounty
,a Hrner, end diet year he was offered
»alar)• of 1$ 4 :t, hal h • ,va» 1.uuurahle
1.0 ,eta."on• .v.l \ .., e1. M r.
•tr:�•• vi..;l . l al ' ... 'raise Ile
Is .wh„ p»este' a1 Ripley. r'eprr-
Juhn Vhiddun, by • urunv years •' I r
Y (1werstuu .
eurred of Win. J. %Vhidd..n, sou of ' t•tt \lacy
!la H lu
S.(TURDAY, July :Meat;
I Aruw Ltt'A1Jt.-.-The harvest it rip •
ruing very fest. All thb.wbeet in ibis
locality is already standing in the
, took. The uatr are turning rapidly.
.Mier Wyatt of L&llldon, and
)Ibbs Tiblei.,1If %Vingham, spent Man•
day last with irieudw at l.ucknew wild
la,l,•,, Mi:st•'I'ibbs returned home on
Monday while Mire Wyatt sp nt the
work with friends et Lanes 31r. front his trip to the ►'e -t, t h.•.jtr• VI did not bre Ht to rluulgr it.
wad \It•...I, F. Andrew, of 1u H.
Ree, r A. Lawson hal the n.idortune to fall s,va -Ire' went to Mrnrbrtung, wfulr
were the guests of Mee. %%'.'H• l �eno brui+r hie hip the otht:l. day', other` howled lot the green at h
h{ch41p.4laid 111111 off dots. last as it web ehowesy :ail day it waw
mere It in our village. Thr young 1 WinKh4.4
tuna 11»•er i11 fur e411ue tittle, but
II ITirtull. ,
his death was very sudden at the la+t•
hie fattier being ahsrnt at the church 1 Atwood
service at the time. The *eine day. 1
Thos. Hex:olm, of I.odericb township.
who had been inj,►red in a ranaw•ay
.accidentthe day before. rucruu.lad h,
his injuries. On Thursday evening
Mr. Motley, for some nine y'ear's a lee-
ident of Hayfield, passed away inter a
few day'. illness. ,lad un Monday
evening Mills Kate Gairdner 'atom dies],
after uieny month. of rutferhtg.
The sympathy of the vottut)uniry garb
out to the tlereavell t.tw,.
\loci,%'*. Italy 2.1th.
William (.wide» has returnedhome•
of. 1141Lt1.a Y. -CI% o' I,ol-
1(luy„ watch N.., onsweveef last Thurs-
day. • al icer turn nut very�wrll. In
the tint place. on ace t of the Ili. T.
K. •trike ter• pl.,jrrted rxcurs{un 40
Kiueal.hne wa ..r.atwe'I elL a4(ler(1
u.•auv wvre di.xptuintru. Huwrye,
»• 1.6 hub ilea• list been prod.iu4rd
' Liverpool Whsat, utures ose
.an• day Inst work 1r -w. %'%. •I.
Lane spent Inst week the guest of Mrs.
A. M.. Treleaven. of Ripley.... \las
ter Oliver White, of Str'atfortl. it t be
guest o1 his .surtit,' Mrs. W. P. Reed.
\Ir. Sp,ttun, of %Vinghatu• and
Charles Altore -of Belfast. were t.uey
al this . vicinity last week o4»-r)riug
l.upils for the coming term of the
\Vingha111 Business College' ... The
berry !,Meters mound here have pro.ved
failure this year •We m:s, Seeing
the busy housewife and children
trudging .homeward, very tired, yet
with 'e wwiling (see and ovetfl•rwing
-,rail. t
• TCKHU4Y, July :eine.-
' nave Olwllsney is able to 4'r around
,gain erel Joe ib on she airlift.. -
A. A. 1Nayl..r vieitcd his friend A.
V.'hackleton. of Crrwr, un Monday.
A. V. Shackleton. Jot Crrwr,, bias
been engaged as>teaf•het• for s. S. No.
7 at •1 salary of $500. his donee cont.
mewing August loth.
The brickwork on the Donnybrook•
church was completed a week ago and
the exterior of the church now pre,
`lents a tine apoewrance. Considerable
work hail tai ie. dune in the int' for
yet and it will likely he neetthe first
.4September before the church %till
• he re-(1pened.
.1„hn Naylor. of Elgin. Man.. Is via-
iting his leant friends in this town -
..hip. This iahis first visit to ositario
.in.». with his patents. be moved to
Manitoba twenty-three • year. ago.
Be .s greatly taken up with this
country and intends 10 stay to/ a con.
sideralde period. , •
31r and Mrs. Jcseph Holt and Aon»,
b;t/an. \lurray and ,Lark. have left for
a two months' tout of Europe,. '
%les. %V. H. McKay and daughter,
miss Harri••r. wi, ' have spent the
part nine,' months in SeritI,(n,l, re.
turnl h l ,-t wrrk.
A i,a ;"anis of l•r4seleill was taayed
her. un Friday last. hetween I.u'koow
arta K'neardine. in t h e Lakeside
irxgur smirk. Thr 12 0,' trawl won
by the wore of 7 to 6.
%ie. Edith F'reemar . who we. a
tenilidete et the r.••-rnt junior
musical exanlitiatinns in the Lrm.jon
('onaervdtory of M•Isie. hes pa -..•.1
the a SIM nit, ion with honer.. . •
Tree°a... tidy It►th.
"Me 4. \sine Cayce( IL. --.A meeting of
the township council held Giclay; all
the ni.entwe' prevent. Accounts pail:
Aw!in ('hu • K
tch raa•rlliK. $ ht1.
James Jones. inspecting. fat: 1' red.
Iturectnuaki, shovelling snow and di+e-
- 1044 rend, $3tki;
H. 4
. Pus
he%r%." 1 1
ninK grader daye, $111-1 •
\Ic%Vhinney,teucieg culvert. L. R.,
ire John Treble, grdaeelling. $32.48:
John Treble, straight.'n6tg 113ad.
$24.544: George Bran, gravelling. $:?4.70;
Thos. Mitchell, 'inspectingg s3.2.5;
George Bran, fencing at Harts, 185.2-5:
Jelin Breen, "gravel, 45 luadi', 84.511 ;
W. W. Fisher, gravel and boy attend-
ing gate, 310: John Jenkins. inspect-
ing, *1.511: Joseph. Carter, gravelling.
102.41*: John Barker. cleaning out
gravel pit., 37 ; Charles %Yellers, team
us grader one des). $3.7t) ; James
Adams, trimming 1 -e«s; cutting grass
anddrewing brush, Vet: James Breen.
tram on grader. $3.5l1 : James Green,
drawing gravel, 116: Frank Young.
team on grader, 113,541; Frank Young,
running grader anti mil, $2 Uf, ; Bert
Minkel!, gravelling. $:44.14,1; %V m. Long.
inepectiug, ahlce days, *1.50: Richard
6lid4o1, fillip washout and repair-
ing bridge, 112 : Fletcher (ifildert,
,drawing dank stud repairing bridge,
$1.5(): ?dark :Mugford, filling et
Hart's, $11.5e: • William long. filling
r,ISIL 14 i1; (;tremor Walters. tram on
el'. one des, 33.51); Proudfont,
wit yrs)- plea...int. • -
t11.U1 1..4 L,•4.-' 41FF14 Ens
(it .aid %Vartilro I'ol'td'-t•.ne in-
,(alle,l• tt,- (.11,.aa ;fig officer, of the
local L • 1. It. F. I arge i:..l t u••sday
even:1.;; : .I I'. (i.. (i. E. .Ideals«gait :
N. 4. do-.''ttt; V. (i., John I'ttts;
Ii. ,1. 11,%.\ Robinson ;
uwaauter, U. Flu(aty: 11.15.
\. i, . s \Ir%ittie; 1.. K. N. 1... hro.
White : 11 al '4 . John Wet.dn : 1.. '
s., F 11,- Phrt son : -warden. 111114'!"
e.*al . t• , 1': te.u•diner: 1t. i". V. ti.,
1 I ••' tae .: L. S. V. ti ..1. 4..u'rel t
'\' I »gley I. (i . 11. Rubio
tut ;•Iain. J. Weymouth... The
lodge ,, it, a flourishing ...'nt.dit4..n and
1» t\4'1 .114g ti,wartie the one 1111 0 4 14 4 d
owlet.•.c- y i' h edict onevery, night.
Miss Florence M..'Klnnon. of lurk-' I'h:lt-o''d hen (:e:NKRAL.-A few
now. who spent three years {n •se, •'t the „�.,j,_ :adiea•uf t..wn aFC -prud-
Mirhael's hu»pital. Toronto, e. ,, int? .. o l.. vacation at (brand Bend.
in training, has . graduated ' with they wen, dawn inMr..-Bi'ewn'a auto
honors. She was presented with a la+l ti LIl(It.v..... -One of the Worst
gold medalby I)r. goof', a ;imminent ; worms Of the otoisOtl el ruck beteSllll-
surgeon of Toronto Miss MecKinnon , day evening. ?(tour dau(age was dl)ne
hie the -Het of it 10.4 po+:tion in in this ylruuty. -only tires In town be.
Montreal. ing l.rokel. The f*rtnet•s are now
• getting teeiuueh rain for the harvest.
Bt•eiNPe. I'iiAlet/Ls. -There have 1 Toe Clinton ha,elwall tear, dsuve.
'wen several titninrb+ changec in thorn 1thrr,ugh het« to play' ,the. %Vineham
Within the eat few wrrks, l•, ; Irani Lot I': ;41.,v. 1'n. (Nott, bey -
Grundy, Who ramie herr from the : won; a.,l-•.,.: . . Mr. Matthews, the
West and eommenee•d business a ;sloe huge It near l ulourg who
short time ego in the stand formerly 1ht 4014 many apples in this distri t
ea•cupiwlhy his father, the late F. (i. I.V.I.V.sear, w.•- twit. *Kala last. week,
Grundy, he. removed to Edmonton. blit 10e find, yrs y few apples in this
He purposes commencing hn»ineis sem... ,14'in district thi. ye.. ....I. yuits, Mr.
that eke. ...W. .1. Powell ha- di ,and AN.. .1 •+, Cott and dAu)thtere
(»tae,1 of his•grocery huaness to Frank .p1-ot:Ther-day with fiiend0 at.Y'rah-
Tats•, of grand Valley .. Hutton „rnnk • %irs• Jahn :Wilford and
Bros.. butchers, have pureheeed the Mn.. Jae. Nesbitt -Simnel in ,Clinton
business conducted by %V, HefTernri. last' week On .aleeunt •of the
This leaves Litcknow with only one strike on the G. T. R. ,t4.c.. P. j:. i.
hatcher shop, reeving •faits a hays,•.' fn the freight
Till.: Rra:Sio'.-in a few days the department. On Satnrduy five ears
grest reunion of Ltreknow's lrld boy,
of cAtt)« were :hipped 71uur herr and
and girls will stir our villain. aei 1t ht. the Doherty organ pointy of Clinton'
riot been stirred Tor many years. At t.- aul.-1 a cwt load of uianos here amt
present ev.ryhtxly is busy ire -prepares- . shipped theta out %Vert. Then, the.
r 0f Alms.
thew w11
l,r six ears
wr k he 1
tions for the visitors who err comeeeng. -Itis led Yid ('. P. H. from herr .
from all (tarts of the continent t0 e«r shipped
Tim -
old arene.i, meet old friends and. enjoy 1%'r are sorry. to report that A. Tun-
oltl a41ociatinns generally.. The hit:- 1 nes, who has been on the sick list for
gest day of all is tate Tnraday. Aug- 1114'w week,'. is not, ifulnnving as we"
list god, when the. Caledonian genies I N»' his friends would like.. .. \Its
fief which Lucknow filmed to be famines ,'IDr. I Stewart. who psis -been vi -it ns
will he revived and *great gathering bele for the p wet titre weeks, returned
• w
1. v
of xthl.•trs will be •herr to carry out ; to her hew 111 ('upas, Men.. n . TU
the elaborate prograiu arranged for; of this week His- M. Living*t• tae.
the day. ' 1 who has been the head milliner in a
Large eetablh•holent in theblev. i+ at
HOW IT LOOKS TO AN OUTSIDER 1 rresent spending her holidays ai her
sr, Chicago Higher -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
3sdn,7. P' steno tr; •3'urellk
Liverpool wheat futures rlo•r11 to -Aar
4441 to Id lo ear than yesterday corn 144
July wheat at Cbl.ago chimed lvac high-
er: July corn 3':r higher, and July oala
'be higher.
Winnipeg Options.
July wheat at IVinnipelt closed Vic Inw•
er. July oats !4c.,lnwrr
Wheat -July $1.1r8y, October (..her 11 :*%. D.
camber', ciao:%.
Oats -July iliac, October 434 e.
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat fall, boob 31 13 to 8....
Wheat. real bu.h.... .._, 113 .."
. bush 180
Buckwheat. DMaf-.y„ aK
' Harley, 11bushed 0 448 ....
Pees, bushel, 0 71 ,...
Oat., bushel 0 50 ....
• Toronto Dairy Market.
Cheese. Per Ib. . •1 12
Butte?, •,-parator, dalrlr,, Ib. 0 21
Mutter, store lets " 0 18
Putter. creamery, Ib. rote0 24
Butter, creamery. solids ..:0 L"
F»Raa. new -laid 010
Honer extracted 01ote
Henev. . websdown t35
0 I
New York Dairy Market.
NEW Y(41tK.' Jul..� 2. -Butter, 'seedy
o tion, Receipts. 611R. t}eamery Ape-
elals, :trod"'
?A%e extra,. 27. ' t0 :•Re,
Ir.ltu firrt. _4r to !;e: atalte dairy, roma
mon to (meet _.• to l.': peewits, Arwood
to soe.•Ial. '*r to 151ye western •factory,
Th- In :5'f•..•;•�western Imitation crearro ry,
:4e .to
Cheew•--I'..urer: re.-elpta. 17T: state,
whole, intik ape.dals. 1's• to lk; dn. fancy.
Myr, do., average prime. 14c to Tl', -- dot
fair to good. I_ • to 17'4.•: do.. common,
to tism- sk ms, full to spe•lal, 24.4
to 12%'. -
I'2lrga_-`ttta,dy; rK•elnta, 14,276: state,
Petlnsylvanls and nearby henner41, white,
Las to 32e: do.. gathered white. :5.• to .'9r•;
W... 1.nnery•• brown, '� • to Me: du., gath•
erect, brown, _e to :5r: fresh gathered,
extra first. 22'.• to •V..•: .40., Jet., Ilk to
.18 ; ,k,, se•onds, 10a• to. 17e.
Hors Active and Higher at New York
and Buffalo.
Union Stock .Yards. A neagnjficently equipped solid vrs-
Tt)t;ONTO. .l u1y .--Thr•rr atr-e Chide train. on -el sworn near c.u-
Ift_ rlcrlr•;at1» of htr ' -Geek 'at the. and coacher de !gee.
t'nion Stock Yards, conal -ting of 34110 it, •titmirlttueut. in a 0la»s by itself.
cattle. 491 hogs, fill sheep and BS Three wain+ every week day.
ome here - 'Mr. and Mr.. F. Mc:
Caughey ..pent Sunday in Chatm.
A Trip Through Huron County by'wnI ,, A. Siena, who h,ul his heed is _
Oxford Man. jural while wos king at snob machin
e m....e hie ,y„rk. test
Awriter for Thr Woodstockstock Sen- rt y, is naw ») Ir t o
view was in Huron
unty re- ti.
eentlyeand this is how heldescrat
describes in the Bank of Hamilton h, who ham e,. for l'
what he saw : pant few mentIi', received word to g•.
A trip taken last week by a Srn-to the head office at. Hsi-,.ilton, su 1•-f
tinel-Review reporter through the I ler there Tuesday ,,f ,this week. 3i.
county of Huron revrwl#ed a 0plendidt Rohinerm. who has Won in Wingheor
arra of rich agricultural lands with j for ,a while. tuner+ hack here .... . %V.
great capabilities for crier production. 1 Hetfron, of 1•urk•n'o. visited at hi-
e% barge portion of Huron -county was mother's it. 1 ovn last I'hnryipy
travelled over, somewhere between):\Ir'. law•rett and daughter spent.
forty end tifty miles being covered by `(,today 111 Clnrtnti ..Ida. 4_utt,
drivittg. Moat of the roads through spent a few c iv a of the past week in
this tine section of country are gravel- 1 Tonmto• sorry e
excellent condition for drly t that Thnn• J.m.'», who has Ivan on the
.71111:. iudfooli ieaigne-
lion as solicitor for the township was
received and filed. A letter from
Proudf„ot, Hays & Blair. re accident
fu '(Via. Neiman -o - f Goderiek and
party travelling with his automobile
through the township,' was read. No
action was taken in the matter: By-
law No, 4, 11110, to borrow $500 for cur-
I'est expenses, was passed. Bylaw No.
•, 11)1*, al,pointing D. W. Fore. C.
F•. of 1eaturth, engineer for the town-
ship, was passed. Bylaw to amend by -
'lay Ne. I11, 111113, was taken up. The
_council considering the failure to die -
Pew of the debentures was due ' to an
• esight of the township solicitor in
ring the bylaw and, also on re -
legal advice, the clerk was
to write Col. McDcniald
ceip t
that j
let] .fou to
( uiry heir made it wail sick list. 1..1 milteta while. It ltt.tnot ,} $ rtett Iota wee. at s10. 50 10
fiiund t t -- lip..., .40.^. Weighed
off cars.
NI I win, an small meats an active trade was dose
,,,; . r
'I'111'n.uAY, .Iul_Y :7+, l$1U 7
is the only emulsion imi-
tated. The reason is plain-
it's the best. Insist upon
having Scott's -it's the
world's standard flesh a and
strength builder.
The "Ro til Edward"- COO pletes the
rietul to Qurhe,• ul
5 days, 23 hours, 31 rninutcs
The.. ew triple --etre to• `„tae -t• -tai-
firs oftCanadian Northern +'a+"2+iW-
Liwited. "Royal Edward"and • Royal
George" sail fortnightly, lwt%ten
trip from l�
18ntrtal. Quebec aid Bristol
Apply Local Mse*rushi)t-Agent.
H. 1'. I'outlier. 4:eneral A5;esli, 1
100(0 -
The centre of the Muskoka di»trig
reached direct by the L.*k•• • Shore
Line.- B•atsldystatium+u l:. -la Pat
and Lake Joseph.
The Lake Shore Express
Trains 3&4,
Europe 'ran,hiyu I.,ug nt for Biel. a
(`... :174 Loudon exporters. 12% lbs. Pack
average weight. at 4640 t.. 8675, sad the
average wire, of 86.66 per twit.: also 36t
Liverpool exporters, 127o lin. each, al
3C a%erage pr)re. and at a range of 81
to $6.46 per cert.
PIeIM but-h.•ros boll at 86.36 to t16.'A'
loads ..f co,, 16.75.t. 86 medlurfi, 11.3;
to fa.7n. .ommoo, sir, 1., E: rows, 83.20
to M.O.
Milkers and Springers.
There was a gond demand for
and 'Trinket'. of good quality.
ranged from 84s to 1154' each.
Veal Calves: -
Itarerpts light, and many more would
have found ready sale. Pelee. ranged
from }: to 17.51), and two clilvea brought
$8 per cwt
8 Wim. 10 a.m. 5.15 p.m.
Providing the emnfortenie was to 1
visit •831.aeerroi, 1ivu•rnw Lake. Mus-
koka Lakes, Pars v wend Geer 'vista Hay
the Magnetew-m Como, y, Pickerel
and French Rivers. -
Ti(ket officer corner King and Tor-
oronto streets and l'nion Station, Tot --
-ar$Mep and Lambs.
Receipts were moderate. sheep sold at FOUR TRAINS FROM, TORONTO
about :toady priests. aad lam be were
about :.A• per cwt. lower. Lambe sold at
117.60 to 88.10 per cwt.. sad .'sheep from
83.14) fee rams to 14 26 for ewes.
Selena. feel and watered at the mar-
ket, were reported at - t.00 to WI, aad
1111.35 to 18.40 to drovers, f.o.b. cars at
lr • points.
Montreal Liv Stock.
MONTREAL, JWy'25.-(Bpe'-tal.)-At Use
Montreal Stock_ Yard; Wert Fad Market
offeringswere- 700 rattle. 810 sheepand
lambs and 30 calves. Butialles of cattle
were ample to fill all requirements. Choice
Rte.'s sold at 4ic", good at 6'4c tn, tike:
fairly good at 50(ic to tic; fair at W,c to
• tad Imo• at 4 to 5.» per ata
btyc•, a con Ode
There was a gdoit demand for sheep and
lambs. Sales of yearling ehe.p were
orad. at 31,4e to 3%e per Ib., and spring
Iambs at from $3.30 to 46.86 each. 1 alve.
niet with • ready sale st from 88 to 1511
At the Canadian Pacific live Block mar-
ket. receipts for last week were 2841 cat-
tle for export aeeoum. and 1880 rattle,
tan sheep and 1•mba, Uzi hogs avid 1.0
,ale... tor localI consumption. tion while tke
supply to -day consisted of 1e0, cattle, Mil
.Deter, and Tames, 575 hogs and .50 calves.
• showed no material dhaege from •
week ago. Sales of choice steers were
Mad, at lair; good at q4c to'.Mic fairly
good at pier to k: fair at 144c to 51,5c•
,•omenou at 4%c to Sc. and carloads of
northwest ranch cattle elite/fed hands at
V., per Ib. There were some very choice
cows offered. which brought 5%.», and
the Ureter graded mold et from that down
to 4r per Ib. The trade in butts was fair
at ,.rakers ranging front 3c to be per Ib.
Hog prices scored • further advance of
1a. N, :A,• per cwt. The demand from
kers for Rupplles wag keen. and this
alga .A to strengthen rlkuttloa. Sales
the roads was not due to any county .'1 1* ry covninety•two years. 'who .at
real system of construction.
hat the different mond. one time resided here for a few years.
yearling Rhe.,. e
mold et..M • to tiler per Ib.,
and .pring Iambs Ar s3;5Q to 15.16 each,
while calves brought from -83.50 to $11
each. •
i[ appears t
cipalities earey'__S)n their own road I passed :runty en Sunday after a short _ilAt
building by statute labor anZ riy j5) -Bins nt-surdas nie 4ef Frere-deuRhttrr- Buns,. east,. Mer
j \Irn. Dvxter, to the north of tS5(•v91-
letting,, and they certainly deserve
credit for the excellent condition in I I .Re. The retno
a:s were hurried in the
which them' roads are kept. 1 Kinhurn ermrret 3' Ma'tet' Bert
In this section of et -tunny there is * Cntt, ,•f G.rlerit•h• who is visiting hi -
great shortage this year of apples.. in uncle herr. ret d.•i•ed' a beautiful 001(1
fact very few are to he found, but the
field crops .,f hay, grain and roots are
iplendid. The fanners had just
nicely commenced haying, the crop
being a heavy and satisfactory (Inc.
Fell wheat was ripening rapidly and
will he a very abundant yield. Many
Hello of Line grain will average over
forty bushels to the acre. 9'h.' barley
tin steps are taken by rate- crop and the oat crop are also gran able a number
Payers of th township to quash the Fields of barley appeared sus if they (core tieing �'L
',scioneQ fin bushels to the from here intend taking in the ha+r-
li-es,althrnex f 11 sasses
t were and nota appeared 1f ht's two; Nebraska Ind anm pies the
in the Preshyt-Tian church Sunday
evening. He ha.; a ta'dntifnl voice and
with training it ought W ensue.• a
bright future for the boy The
juvenile ha."tiall team is the only
team here this year which having
any lack in winning games. Monday
afternoon they played a game at the
union school house of Mullett and
3Vsaweno4h end were successful. the
hyla the. a wdI Ae' would yield over t9 wa.steia at Clinton next 1londay.
The ), r o ow r. meetinn are a. c i
slaw and a eementgwith the would run over sixty bushels to the when the
lop hhote Railwa Co., re the Dun- acre. IL, was a grand sight looking team of that town. On Tuesday a
P erroesinR, was Sub on - over the rolling rountry to .ee stretch- great many from here are going up to
the I *ledeni'an games ar. L1icknow.
Monday of this week' one of the
t res to
o id
yr it
better Clinton t 1
of butter here to be shipped VIA C. P.
R. This is one time that the 1'. P. R.
has been an advantage to this vicin-
ity . Rev. Mr. Mintier. of Sum-
merhill, occupied the pulpit in the
Episcopal church last Sabbath
During the aheenre of Mies Fanny
Mason. of the pottotfice Staff. Mt.
Munro, of Auburn, is taking her place.
%V. Uavidw,n, county clerk of
Perth, residing in I neti ell. in visit
ing his daughter, Mre. Fair.
Inset. Hays { m44ted by Pt d
Blair. Tb'. hylaw was
read a first and second tiand the
L On .'vinR
rte el
h a nt of the electorR uirrd
y fault., The clerk *as instructed
t., write l'rnnditot, Hays & Blatt., to
that effect ; the election to take pia ens
within Aix weeks and the Hallway
company to hear all expenses in con-
nection with the same. The council
adjourned to meet the second Tuesday
Anoint!. F. W. MCDONA(111, Clerk.
Tel n0AT, July 2fith.
The truateet of ti S. No. 4 have en-
gaged W. R. Stothers, of Mafeking, to
*h. charge of the school after the
r holidays•
ing away out in the distance !MC
magnificent fields of waving grain.
The root crop is also excellent.
TAL.n as a whole the yield of grain
and hey throughout Huron ^minty
will he greatly in Martince of thatin
the county of Oxford, although the
county of Oxford at the present time
'pre.ents a large acreage of wheat
winch will produce an abundant yield.
Thitownship of West Oxford particu-
larly shows many fields of fall wheat,
which 1,111 average thirty, forty or
even more bushels to the acre. The
'plendkl rains of the part week ler ten
day. have been of incalculable value
to the growing crop. throughout the
whole of Ontario.
An oculist can do nothing for a man
wVlo is blind to his own interests.
EA/3T B1'- fairly July J. and terra to
epiplq• Ma;" silly vaY
Se lower; pone sneers. 87 40 to 17.M. ship-
ping.:1Z to $7.::5; haulers. p. an s7: bets.
sea, N to 44M; caws, 82.4► to 45.60; bulls,
14,3•, to 1X..60; stocker. and feet0..rs, N t0
84. ti; stock heifers. $3.26 to 84.75. fresh
rows •t.4 springers, good demand slid
steady. IV to es.
Reps--RcrelPta. ROM head; fairly arUve
Yid Pc to 10r higher. heavy. MM to 4915
sassd, 4915 10 VI 30, vorken; O.N 40 41s
nes. 90
M86wioto 110. rouiths, M.75. dottiest, 75. to :r.7. M
iltwop and haa00A-Reeelpts, Mk head;
•Klee. wether*, 15e: lambs, 25c. higher;
otters. .feeds.; lambs, 45.40 to 47.75. year-
lings. 16.73 to 40.33: weth.rt, $4.75 In 8540;
ewe., 04 to $4.50; sheep, mixes], It to 34.76.
New York Live Stock.
9.40 A m. 12.15 p.m
6.4.5 r.m. 10 10 p
`3a'a Sleeper uiried Frrday'5
10./0ptrn Winnipeg Express. 1
Special train from Toronto f.00 p., m.
sailing days. .
:\.rent, Godericti; Ont.
Or write H. L. Thompson, 15. P
rifi;' "WAY
TRIM ssi
Vacation Trips
Round Trip Tourist Tickets on Sale
at Low Rates.
N447W YORK. July 26 -Beeves-Revel,.
1�, ]M�. k t „•e_ -*.,4" . ,+» 'pec
ne 87.0, crags, 16.44 l0 46.70: hung, $41117.:
48: rows. 02.40 to 36.26; dreamed beef. weak,
at 1k to 1254r for 'Wive sides, Tema beef,.
8, to is'.
4'alvfO-Iterelp4a, 4)41; market lower;
yawls. • 8R le 810.75; ai few eho(,l lots, 811:
eu11A, D: to T. Rrwsaer. anA hutt0'rnIIka,
84 is to 1650, roars.. western», 41; city
dre,.eti, voids, steady, at l3ye: to 16c;
deemed buttermilks, lie to 13c, country
dressed rave•, 10c to (4e
/there :and lombie-Re.eipts, 9271;" sheep,
firm, Iambs, higher; sheep, 13 le 84.60:
bustle. 17 to 88.68.
Hogt-- Fier etpu, 4M8; m•rk.1 higher;
prlrfM heavy to Matra. light taste hogs.
M.6m to fin.
Chica(te Live Stock.
('FretAt7(4, July ZZ.-Cattlo-Receipt.
11es0. market OuII; mostly 10.: lower.
beeves, KM to 1* 48; 'Poxes neves. law 4.,
ow. western steers, 36 to 41.78; ■torkere
aad feather. N.N to $a.s; dwa and het!
gas, 4103 to M.58: salvor, 467: to ss 76
Hogs--Recelpua, 31,413); market ler: t• 13.
1awe. item SIM to 89 4.1. mimed. 3816
Sailings o : ssenger
1 10111
Sarnia tel Snc. Port 'Art
aim Duluth,8. 44. " Mat•or.i&' eve
Mond. y, a, S: "Heinr,ni." Wed.
nesday and S. 8. '-Hurecie" fiat•
Ilyday at 3.90 p.m., the Wedne'day
and !Saturday »ter»n.er• going
through to Duluth.
st ahem,. trot, ('ogingwr owl 1.30
,• , end Owen Sound 11.:p 1 p m..
s. S. "Mojeatie" revery Mnn4lay,
6, !t • • Mi. land" Wedn.tday.
"(i• : nM•iC' Set tittle for satin.
Mark'neeIs and-an,l Georgian Bay
Poi .
M,lilin's•f,on1 Pen et tang 3.15 p n.,
to Parry Bound and way ports
daily except Sunday.
Information it em ltailway'1'icket
Anent'', or item the Company' st
Sarnia or ('ollingwood.
4:. T. R. Agent., (*Merida.
Of71ce helm 'LSI a.m. to 9 p.m.
Or address .1. D. MCDONALD, D.
P. A., 0. T. R., Toronto.
Children's Clothing
_.111 Our stuck tall hjIdren's
Clothing; the .`orfolk .Inti
the danbk--breftst-et-I 44V • -
with the knickerbocker "
trousers are fa.%trites.� Wl."
also aVi 1 a 111es 11)
all th-e different shade's. We
are selling any style I10W ilk
crit prices.
We have in I,', k a tull •
line of
Kantkrack Collars
and Cuffs
,,`re have :111 extra 04,1s1
line of
Men's Canvas Hats,
regularl's .t)ld at 73c, which
We will clear at 500.
McLean Bros.
MON i till MA(iA7_INE
eogtairae 0.ae oomplete'oopyr.gt.ted r1o%el fn etcr;
besides a halt-0damp napi'a1 .hors tortes. plea-ing poetry
readable. articles. and the jolly best humor -section yes ever
ww. 1vety month you will rind a group of terse and deists
article. of ab-orbtug intete.t. . '. . . .
*p1::1A1» FF:ATU!RF;
93,.REAT ,1iMPLETE NUVEI.++.. 4; ARTICLE:.4l'.u1'Rpl'BLII'su'Ili 441.-
Pe. PAGE.. 01` NEW HUMOR... Z?
2000 Pages Yearly of Fiction, Fact and Fun •'
z5c per copy
East Washington Square PHILADELPHIA, PA
p WHAT 117 AS
-T R
EIBinder Twine?
We handle Gild Edge Brantford Twine. 65o feet,
We Gilt Brantford Twine. 65o feet,
at 9!eC per ib., cash, or- 10c, payable Oct. 1st.
McCormick International Harvester Co. 650 feet,
at 9.',c per_ lb., Cash, tar -10c, payable Oct. tst.
Silver' Leaf Brantford Twine i5o feet, at,
per 1b....__ 8c
in 1 anadinn and Amertran snakes.
• our stock %%A» never more complete.
We have Gasoline end Coal Oil StoveO. Itefrigerater". Mo,'een
Doors and Windows. Hammock., Lawn Uhaire, lawn Mower's
and Garden hoer from Sc to 15c per foot.
Are you going to do any painting:' If so, do not rivet look
the fact that Sherwin•Williatri4--Paint. Rtes farther and I*•,r+
longer than any other Paint on the iffarket. -
Have you ever used
for cleaning your silver anti gold ? No Hibbing or. scr'ttbhinp;
required: Yon can dean all ynot'ltvetriffthe TIM* it would take
to clean a few pieces in the old way. Price, 2:"r! per pitokag..
4 fre.h cox of
jest in. Th.• National ,e acknowledge) to he the hr.t Portland
Cement. en the Canadian Market. Do not forget that we 6an111r
the National, when yeti require some.
Stere 'Phos. 22 CHAS. C . LEE 11
House 'Phone 112