HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 44 Tait " ;.1: drt.v 2S. blurt
District News
•F• �, 1 . • 1' 21,'
mote l 11,•1
S t,ir • 1' ri*t'-.4
Mr. l 1I.tou, . t • 1. . • •r.;
WT./ [ett)d..foh+-C,oi-1,4.:.•� ‘A•
Kits 'N1' .pr •,.1 sl.: i .. • ,.
at She',i
fartm41 Hobert Tr44144aven. 114•' stocklei � vs►
f W1114•11 u e d 21.1 f t 'l'1 1 t i
o w 11. Inr.t'a , .r n Ir 4111 gI•a
straw ten. 1 (elf 44 il„ h4•. II, hugtlr. `
lupi Htw l`Nt 1f -f;. .1, Crawford i % tr•derIp*that Geek 'Watt rd tate gold tocirer�%t
pre,rn1.411 by The Sigrril :a. the .ecutd >1L1�•'rN L \s.. .. .
prixent theVos++44.' Wale League about
4t 141iut FA'ut lest month. It i, .nit• are .imp.• kidney disorders. The kidneys
,,lite• engraved fib 1 will Is',,a•ba'td.nwe'.1ifter the blood of all 'that ahoutdn't be
t lr „ I. enir f 1 the occasion. thele. 1 he b;o..1 I.,.,ses through the kid•
i.%Ti 'ion, •hmi wrr,N: • The. •neyreveryb+rwernu,utea. If the kidneys
.1 'rot Ur cause of
J,s.+rder can reinain in the sewn t.on
t,a.,trr than that tune. Therefore if your
bpiood a out of order uur kidneys /nitro •
t.ul..•d in thltir work. They are in need of
,•'op.!,ti:,n %Irertgthelting or doctoring.
tZ•ie d,rb:!nn %II:.lo all three, the firing
.and mu.4 tmttared blood medicine there
lilt'. Er. - '•:I .'tti•r. „f ('lit,t.a1, .i• ,ni tl..'a(ir I;L•u kl. iv h•1.e death
i'.ed• hi• brntltl•1, .tlhrtt \Vi.e. i.+.t •••i. I,1,. ;after :a bona illtir.... wit..
week, • ..Thutta. til;+,. t, and 'Anil I, u,•1,1 • , Uwtgapilot, n ,art v leu T'tle.-
nf Auburn. pent Sum'," with L„y;,I i ,1 ,y :u. ! wale attended by .a t •tg. »pat -
"friend atom, McPhee h..+ ,•4 I,.v , f ympalthrfi. t,•lativrs and
gaged with .honer t.rer•i' tui Iuointt1 ft wad.. 1'h.• pinhenr r, w'etto Gtr..
and hat VIAL Mr. (treed_ i• to 141 run• I .1et)ijtstr111, J atics Johnston,ISa�mutel
gratulnterl on ,.twitting •,u e h tall. Inhn•t4,h, • David ,fobuet,ll): K . J.
.asistxAr r . , . The ,tuuu last Si!hda> ` filar* :toil Newton Black. The
de -
did cWtpidetalele .riniag, to our dein- ceastil was a d;.ughtet let John Block,
ity. .john I'•ittou'+ .i10 iwa4 ut.•t of Ashl.ld, and besides her father
turned. •Haler hiolthers cud live sisters .ua•t•ive
-• The brother% ate Robert, ef'1lltrtury
GUDERICH TOWNSHIP. M 114: W. John, of A.Nt .Id, and
Sy,�uAt, .1 111
'Slab. N.ewtur., rot' Wingba u, ;and the ..toter+
Mr.. Thos, Smylie. of Dungannon :
IN. art. t: :El., • :144 thete.ult of •tr.. J.'Smitb, of SVingbanl:
what .I',Ieotte4 ,i firs. :t-lrtht'9cri *at ism', of 4t'bi'eih+u c6: SFr,
dent XV. II. I. Atli ha" leen uplthle to ScArtf, let Hartney. Man., and 'dr-
_ r-
-take -Ifs to the lube• of t11r foto' lin' Smut,'. of Branjforti.
the twist 1 41 t utght- aid it lor,k- .. it /batt rtTrl'w.-Et1..lnit•..t�•u, of Clin-
t he night Ia• iuraprcttateJ for %inn'. t ,n, .punt • Venda, . herr with his
time yet. He is x141, t,4 vino ah,iut, t il. r, John no ilu tub.. T.
i n rt•trhr-,. laat a ri'iPIIr to that rc- Bechtel and daughter �I.0 i:an, of EI-
tent- l= -Irot .thtr t.,.hrwue "4"'l+t•ira, it ever ng :rt .fsnlr�
tarot. To 411 energetic utanIike,Mrr lance'.:.>,'l /snail' of Pais
Le41ili Tlt� '>nfurrr,tidlrt►• +� tt tJ+« br Y•
4,1..01 - :..., t ,,: flea -ant. try, :u 4• 'pending i -tett~ %1l "(. a
Ma110tjt lI Hous'. W. McChirr:Ind
HOLYROUD. •family lee spending t he ,week with
friends at Upnnliller'tnd S'.afo'th
i't 1 •uvt,,lel% slab. .1,'Mr)unlmin returned trout the West
uN LlottrNINti, }lurk L'a,t w.•ek . bol 14'.:'nu(.' has
t••tt for Nit.:mil ter.. 44:0 led '4". ti in .► \‘',fknw'r ante
Ywit•?er tn' lie 1 1 -rt of their little boy. in, t he, niece /f • .',1' • PPIa Ryan. witn;
Durinu 4 i:. I•" I ll' , s t o r III which , we ltndest;tnil. put to r. attending the
pwa..wl ,w•I 1444 t'i,tbd)'on 'Phut. jv 111.9111•.5 rutl'.ge ;n.%%ingh,4m -
eyellipK 02.i.4.I work the Lite 1•.1 w:a 11►tvitlg ,u the -tatting i :r' blanch of
itaaUtt_t• killed by ;iphtnirtg; ,Tile, the 'tetlirg'Rtrlk' .t Kinrnil, torr
f (410111: ,lea V9hudty ,wA. 1 atgely at 'bink 1e..tires .nn'hit Clef k hut'.44411
t 1.,111ed, • t III I position I. b'itrg (Heil I y Mr.
Ktri'•yt 7i:- `dr. and Mi... .Llan', Stt-trlath.it,of Alt/inn` . The.pulpit
) hill• ,u" n l Mt Augu.t 1114', -hrr.t I of t11e Methodist •h rl cls w.., ably
$u oft, y• w t i h 'their daughter. .ors. ! tilled by Rev. It. .1, Kitpatriek, 01
W in. lion 'silt, of this place .The Brown ('icy. Mich.; hast 'Sunday even.
far niers in thi- Vicinity have uwet u4, ing. r Stix, it, .% vi. tt'h4.ard, of
the tate wheat tout and regi 41 novo toy; t%ilei ph. i. .1a•1r/tlttg bel' vl t•at at
gond .'r, q) .. Small fruit i. vrt't' her hon... herr . it Reid ret limed
scat ce rn these 4aut'.. and Apples *Lill this week Ir hi. trice to the Sear.
will 1ie .caret. .1. 'Pur ci.. and +is... • .. . t\'.. 4ind.•f•t and that H u g h
tr[ ci+iced in '1're ter ole sundae' Olein is getting along :4. well as
;paras- a(c ..)►qd--Jlta.._T. ,,Ceti.on could bl'xpw4rd stn.:. the operation
•spent utidavwith tMelot tet'.pal enta,Ilastweek. Mr,. ar 'Muton,
Mr. :and Mrs .Vh'll„n, tear lir'rvie,: in visiting Mr1. Ryan this week
Pearl Dolma,. tit Ethel. is .1.01111., Mien I.. Connell, of Clinton. i, visiting
ing the holid,.y. with her :mitt. Mt. airs Elva,funin/ran.
E .k.•kett. BM.Aw1.,11'�_Hu.s:,. -'the wedding of
9 corium Itunganttou girl, whose
ST. AUGUSTINE l tt lends horn wish her many hippy
vent., is thus recorded by The Kincur-
c •• Tt•r:1411AV..11114 _14th Ilio Reporter : 41n.it'edn.solay morn-
list1EM',+.-Mr. end Mrs. Fellow, f ing, .luly :4lkh, -Dunce Dowum," (he
Gale/telt spent Sunder' at Geo'ge hon.• of Mr. and Mrs. John Hite*,
Bro phy's ...Mr. Grad Mrs, McKeon, war the scene of :, pretty_ wedding
of Hamilton. are visiting et Mr. Alex• when their daughter. Maude Lillian,
Binder's, on the tith concession !tor. w•as unit.d in the bounds of holy wed -
and Mrs. John Kin/than. of Ottawa, .lock to Mr. 1Villiant. Y. Beamish, of
are visiting the former'. parents on Castor. Alberta. 7'h. ceremony- Was
the t)thconcession ... Mrs, Porter is perfmnted Ly the R. W. L. ceremony -
visiting at John Chimney's .. B. A.. of Del:twerp, brother, of the
Arch. Martin and Ambrose Brophy bride. The wedding march was
returned home flow the Nest last `played by Miss ilJlie Hiles as the bride
week. Both ars looking hale and leaning ori the alai 4,f her .father en•
h.uty . Mi-, Maud Dell, of ('hip- tered the drawing room. she wore a
pews, i. vinitiig her ft lend Mi.s Jose- handsome costume of ivory mrs.alin'.
phine MrAlliater. .. Arthur Hitch- silk. with embroidered ehilfon and
schwerler. of .Bnfialo, called lin friends pearl winning, Mi4.. Pearl Hiles
in tine yir•lnitv'Iast week ..... ,..1rs. acted as bridesmaid and wore a Ire-
Sarl.s, let Auburn. ,old Mrs. Van- coming costume of Tuscan silk. The
atone of Toronto. visited at Wm. groom was supiported by his brother.
Thompw't's last week .:.... Haying ie '(1r. Esmond Beamish, of Owen Sound.
neatly over and rotting wheat and %SHite the happy couple were signing
',alley i, the utile' of the day now. the register Mr.. F. 1V. Teuaplin,
The wheat crop i., light, but hatl.'y is 'Sister of the bride, rung ata appropri•
good. tare bridal .hymn. The bride- is opt) of
Styoonio MArtII. -'-Titre was quite Kincardine's fairest daughters and all
w Targe turnout of members. at the will join in wishing her every prosper,
rifle rangeda.,t Saturday. There we. civ in her home in :Castor. Alberta,
a shooting match letween sides she is a metnher of the Methodist
ehtw„r, by Thomas !Addy and David church and has always taken an
McAllister, the latt.t'a side winning active part in the Sunday school
by ,12 points. Fbllowing aur the where she taught, the Epworth
score. 11111de by each nide at _Ma) yards, League and the choir. In the latter
nut of ,I post►dr :ti pints. she has dobe moat, Int the solo work
Ipa1.A atcAlti-der. Yi,lr, and her exeellent rider will he ggreatly
Point.' missed; The grienu. Mr.- W. F.
,�' Beani,l.h, is a young newspaper titan.
1.," of The Advance at Castor. Allperta,
711 where he in well thought of and rnlalt-
_I ;rig a name for himself in that new
Western country.
David McA'lliste,
Chatter, Robinson
toeeph 'trophy
Wm. St nibs
GUS L'dd4
l'{d. Robinson
Oswald Pollard
Gus Kin,Ihan
Bernard Brophc
George Naylor
W Stoll ,_
Tom Foran
Miebael i,eddy
Samuel Thompson
.lose Einaban
'1)1)111... Leddy s.ii1
, Thoma. lw•ddy
Rey. i''ather Latirend,'au
Tom 11,unfo,d
David Tisdale
George .1 efne'rson
Joe Flynn
Bert Troon psora
Nelson Nokes
Amhr,hre I;roph.
Wm. t.etldv
Frank Thrptttpson
I 11;
f- - -1g
T. ItiDDILF.i,s MHOS UocN-
tcr ie the atlractlon this week,
W BwNI»uPA V. J1117 :�,7tb.
R1tt1.4.. -A. C. Jackson is r'.huild•
inti his .table, placing the forwent
building un n cement foundation
Mr. and Mrs. McKay. 'of (loderich,
'orient the latter part of hist week yin
iting at the home of Mrs, Munro
The home of Wm. John Dobie, of the
second concession of Ease Wawanosh,I
was brightened by the arrival of a
daughter last week ..binge at the
-_ .._
�F"pg1T swim.
(triah Thompson
Following are the score., made by
other members prevent who were not
in the match :
Harry Rrllann .
Lorne Merimgeour
Milton Naylor
Wm. Thompson
aft. Now. At homoereryday'reset ler.
dart. New remedy tor *ttt.res'innteethleor)mo
fermi, better then gat. (*town and bridge week.
ate. Alam,nnm poet'.. anon hreekabll
K. It. -Yon dao "'twee. has n Tour work math
Iretaer doer in the dental ot11'oe-more tin's
boner (unitise foo doing the work, more rem
fort.$,te fur the oatlent
in Dungannon for"Tbe Signet t., M tin Pao
oe largk *Tut stationery Afore where
ardor• cal lid rer•eived for enMrriplion., ad
verm.nrr and WA work. wnd receipt. will he
Given for amounts said for the some
Wrn*eabyv, ,inh '.!'7th.
Ursa( H•n,r,*Y.-Tu'.vday, Aufrilet
2nd. hat been plod/domed eivic hnitday
for 1)lingahunn. A number cnnt'.m
plate spending the day at inroknow
Wheat hap reached' the dollar mark
again Quite a quantity of all kinds
of groin is coming in at pt•eseut...
Haying it pretty well through in this
neighborhood. On the whole it is a
good crop. Harv.•st has /darted. The
(*11 whl'at .Is not the crop expected
from appearances. There 1. plenty of
straw, but it in hwdly broken down and
the grain on the whole is of a pour
quality ' John Arthur spent the
last couple of weeks visiting friends at
the ".Owl, •'
DxATtf ok Mani. WILSON. -Another
break has been made in the ranks of
the earlier pioneers of the 7th conces-
sion of WPM Wwwwnosh. The refer-
enee is to Nebel* Shearer, wife of
Joseph Wilson, who passed away On
July 13th. Deceata•,I - was Morn
in On - parish of Lochmahen. Dumfries -
/1 s; 'e. Scotland. righty -sit Years ago.
She and her ;partner in life lett her
native Tend flfty•nine years ago, ar
riving in the State of New York.
,After a three years' residence there
they came to I)uu,fties township, then
mAvett to North Kanthope, and fifty
years ago last October' came to this
township, where the dec..,.ed had
since resided. She was oat••ful and
industrious, while not forgetting the
went• of others, and nomelbtu.• spent
this greater part of the night attend-
ing to the n'ot'ch of those *}soot her,
after performing her own household
duties. Brought up a Pr'.sh,teriaf,
her youthful mind wag deeplywith tnatllhd
4 to
iiown. OAT&. - We were shown w (nd t *4 nthe �r fellow -man, t truth.
our andt the
Sample of slat straw grown on the sanctity of the Mahhatb. During her'
tvholr life she embraced ever4 oppor-
tunity of storing her tnind with useful
knowledge. At the end ..he surfeited
from no patt&Cular disease. but motif.
1ika the ti16..1 child after a bong end
toilsome joruspry she fell asleep. She
v a -cell -111- her aged partner in life.
tout eons 11:,41 one daughter., Her
Youngest ,daughter. Mrs. Robert Mc•
Allister, predeceased 'her. two seats
ago. The coax are John. on Colborne
township ; Joseph. of Detroit : Wil-
liam. ,at home, and James. pastor of
tiovet• •t Pi esbyteriaq chutrh. To-
4,4nt,4, The surviving d*U liter is Mrs.
Wil. McAllister. of Vest Vavdagq.b.
'I'll.• re , ' s
let a n were interred
In n
ton cemetery. bornee to their' last tort•
a ling place by b.•t• four sous,
(Freon *lot tier cot te,mondent.111
.1-Thet'e will hex baseball
snatch 41444'. on Saturday next between
• Belglave and Auburn, Game ratted
at :r o'clock. ('oute :and shoW the lwov,•
that you take some' interest in their
M('NlIAV I ENIN(.'S STlllt)t.-A st-
ere thunder aud wind storm rtrtlek
this section last Sunday evening. and
considerelde damage was done. Amos
+II and W. ('. Robertson • had their-
silos blown over. Lightning killed
two cattle belonging to (i. H. Ball
that were par.tgring at Si. Scott's.
considerable damage was dont to
growing crops, and trees were blown
down in some of the orchards. • .
Nr:ty$ NUTE.4.-The Goderich Kura
Telephone C'o. h+,t.. commenced eon-
structioo work herr. Several tneu
ate at work . "... John Jackson, from
the Steeling Hank at Goie'ich. isman-
agingthe hank here while Mr. (low-
born is holidaying Mr. Andrews,
of Blyth, has moved to the farm he
put•etfased from A. Robson, \t•e.tfleld,
kno�rp as the Radcliffe (atm . Mr
Tates. nt Gnderich, is visiting John
Pierce Misr Fox. of White -
chords, is visiting her (Ourin, Mise
Philips. this wrek Mr. Nicholls,
from Cobourg, has taken a position in
the Sterling Bank.. las. Campbell,
of Londeshotri. was in the village last
Monday on hurinesa Geo. Den-
str41t is ret busy doing work in the
country. He is a hustler.., ...Alex.
Oslutldestmt and A. Wilkinson and
their families visited at Geo. Dawson's
on Sunday.... Miss Mann leaves
this w.rk for her old hurne to enjoy a
month's holidays ....Geo. Crawford
and John Logan have engaged with
(.eo. Beadle to thresh this season.
Auburn people are still aide to
travel. -The• villains is fortunate in
having the C, P. R. connection.... , , ,
Geo. Beadle has received his new
threshing outfit. Everythinjt�i., of the
best and latest.
Ce r
Aug. 3rd
from GODEHICH to all station.
in t'arl:141:,. r•a+t of Port Art bur,
..x1.1 1 0 Del roll :cid Rutfalo,
P.M. trains Aug. 2nd : and all
traitor Aug.:ird. Return limit
Aug„ 1t h.
T,,•ket .:,led informal ion from
JOS. h ll)1), Agent.
Etc., Etc.
cleaning up the July Business
Our Clearing Sale will be held on
the 30th, and Monday,
August the 1st
This will be the sale of the season
At This Store
We have selected many extra values in desirable goods that we can afford to price EXTRA' -.LOW. The
quantities are'iimited-but there will he ample choice. The following are some•ttriking examples:
Linen Muitiugs; Poplin Sttit-
iJags, Pique Si,itings, inn large
range of colors,. regular price
of thin lit Mc. tial'. prier 190
Dress Muslins
About two hundred yptits
that were I5c an.1 21.h•, stood
colors and fast, an% of them
now • . • leo
Voile Dress Muslins
Five pieces only in this lot,
-inn., stripe and fancy pat-
terns, sontethiut: very new, en -
blenched ground, coil' weave.
very oressy, regular ptiee'JDw,
Sal' price 14o
Flannelettes- -
-Large shipment just-tn.-We
will over extra value during
the sale at - 10o
1-otrr choice of 'lisl pieces of
the 11RhST BItAND. 33
inches wide. dart: And light
colour. every piece guaranrertl
fast and Rood wearers, Your
choice. salt' day* just I tc-regu-
tarl2le, Every piece a goal
pattern. Don't futgvt that sale
Klee is..
Proposition No. I. -Here is
that biggest Glove proposition
we ever offered. A two button
silkette, in create, pink. sky,
tau, fawn. Alice, green,
chamois, moss, black a n d
white. /his is the greatest lot
of Gloves we ever had, and all
for the mall prtewnt---- 22c
Gloves '
Proposition No. t_. -_Silk lisle.
' agreat Glove. t wo-bu 1 ton
- length, shades bola., -green,
Alice, rose, tan, white. black,
navy, tt'e ask for thin lot
only ' 130o
Proposition No. 3.-A two.
buttoned, tipped purr ..ilk
Glove, exceptional value; cob,
ors helio, tan grey, ' cttttruui.,
rote, bl.u•k.. Any pair in the
lot for .43o
The shove are just ernne of the offerings for tMe'(iREAT SALE. Nearly everything
reductions on many thinin the strife willoIa. ar. R.t,Rliw it
save higiuoney by- buying he on Saturday and Monday. .,noon• t good* will be on sale, .,Don't [ijil Gr tome. it 13nt w11nt
Ptopositiun No. 4. -Long
Gloves, black. tan and white.
and the juice it Sao
(iinghams }j
,'lhout fire hundred yards • r0Siq'j'
of tb'. best Scotch Ginghams,
a++rsa-s+tt/ hast--ala)lotw. tarrfati>e --- The Hosiery part of this
emod!- full width. regular price wale viii -Fie . I' greatest we
13c. J Sale pt ice 1 * o have yet had. Parry pair re-
• S duced, both cotton and cash -
Underwear mere. Our stock is large and
mist are reduced and will he if
Every 1 iid.rwear artic:e in priers will do it. Ask for blur
the sture will be at Itargain bleek-and tan cotton. 2 pair.
Ih14• pricer un rhes.• t Mu stile for 25c
White Lawn Waists Collars and Jabots
Fenty•I1iue lawn tt"Gist., go \Yr necurt•It 11 lot of lace and 1
on woe Saturday st S a, au, 'whrnidi 444' ttfn)tnrrl l'ollary
et the rot/owing '.duction, and .jabot.. regular 25C malt r..
him i-egulxr i'-ires: *IMO tor at a .price 1414? ,uluwr ler t..
$1.2.1 for 01.110. $I.59 for offer them at I.)' an,t 1144 each
A1.2.'), $2.01 for $1,511 and $25o or t'ollilr and J a t+ „ t 1 • ,
for 42,4141 Long .bears•. ,and only ....
this season'. slake,. .
This fit a big .nap.
J. H.
goods YOU cdn
Women's Summer Wear
at Half=Price and Less
t u It r•egula4' .Seri-.-'(r•nual .site ,non to
stock of the season's swat test ,rale. in
Sumpter Underwear. Hose, \t-hiteweer, Corsets, Gloves, Golf Jack-
ets. Coats, Parasols, Petticoats, Kimonos. Wrwppets, Ribbons.
Laces, Conilis, Ilair Good., Leather Goodo, Fancy Novelties, etc.
Everything must go now, regardless of cost. Come and see.
• Extra special bargains in Black Vole and Panama Skirts. Late,
Net and Muslin Waists,
Nottingham Lite. Curtains et money -saying prices.
Efjlaenent store Bargains in Chinn and lilassware.
Ladies' Wear, Furs and China. H*.,. It••1 .tit rcrf.
Sept. 9th to I7th I9I0
The Great Live Stock Exhibition
Speed Events D.o g Show
Every Day Cat Show
AtIsletie Day
Eye;MISS IT ' Rath Night
t► don a Exhibition
Better Than
'.sit Lon
I's L. -t., limey long. „„1 .;I ••.h..na1km
W. J. REiD, President A M. HUNT, Secretary
The Signal JDepartment makes
fine Commercial rinting : Busi
- Circulars, - Pritee - s, etc., etc. - • Tel
when you want anythi girt this line.
a specialty of
Hess Stationery,
No. ;g
Estimates cheerfully furnished,
W. R. Pinder
i'hnoe 155.
When in doubt as
to where t.) buy your -
Groceries, go to
where you get the
best and freshest of
and anything f o r
table use may be
obtained at the1 w-
est prices, quality
Sturdy & Co.
On the %year.•. tirp,iwrich,
Farmers. this is the place
to get your Twine. The
right goods at the right
price'.. We are selling
Deering Pure Manila
Binder Twine
ra• sic cash. or Ai'c payable
October lot. hill feet guar-
anteed. These prices for
the month of July only,
Deering Mowers, Hinders, Rakes,
etc., and all Farm Implements.
Cali and let us have a talk about
your new Buggy.
J. J. Moser
Hatnilt.,u Si., (101)P:ft!I ,
1llugh Rome's old stand
Farniturn and Codert.kine wereroom.
w'en •cdn &leer,. U,.der:cb
•pitovq : etoresr
tiealdence 1•(
Night ',el..' At reel/tem., 33 W
If shoes 'differ at
any particular point
it is in keeping their
Shape - retaining
quality depends up
on good lasting, ar
the way the le er
is stretched /down
around the last, and
time given. fort
shape to become
permanent. -
IInvictus Shoes
are never rushed at
any stage, and prove
themselves by re-
taining shape until
Horn out.
C•ooet haat Street wad Setu.ate (1ODERiCH