HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 1=nor --ONE PRINTING bow.' end gentlemen'etmillna cods. business °yds. Invite - etc.; printed et IHR AI( AL in the very latent sl)J. NeW- typi- ana e %tax y ether facility tor turning vitit neat joo: tIX THIRD itt Only Forty Cents. -r....... New rubscribers may have _....t____ • . The Signal u-iiTed te their address for the retuantlet ef this year for 40c. „Hfit 4Dedtitlih:.)v .,ittilitini:CritIlttluotii, at:wit, offet • 'ARILLSANADA : JULY ft .19h THR SIGNAL PRINTING cll., Ltd, Pipauguisas. FINANCIAL Capitel, Rest and Undivided Profits, t5,800.000 Total Assets over 1414.4011tik* A SA.VINps ACCOUNT In.LPS Opening a Savinge Account in the Union Bank makes it OF CAN& eier to save. You get int.. KaTA GUSH KO DO) _ the habit of depositing. mete - - or lege regtiliudy, tinitul Menet, that,would otherwise quickly bile away. At the o nd of I los year. WI to • out credit --and y1111 heye waicely missed the deposits. A eisvinesi keetsant'in the l»iii Rank terve which you ought to orov'tle lagainet Itoesihle sicktaree or linsaiclalverites.- - , W. L HORTON, Manager fietlerieh Branch. NOTtCE TO ADVERTISERS iapy of change or running advertise. ments must be left at this office .by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of stir.. week. STAR -COLE LI NE STII. HURON IFOR tIKTHURO.fltTttulT. TIIL 'lei arid Y itt e.initin tab!. ‘311.1.3.3 NI'L 'E. locAl Agent. '• A. R. LIEF_ I /entre/ Manaaer. • Dc!roit. Mich. Leave- tioderteh SAULT "TI':. NI Attie:. MPH.. 1 Mort b Chennet *turgidity Hay. ITtesday as t# p. us. . r - --F-t-CNITIER-A-NfrI-S14 1 Mai nS_ _. - --- . 1 AU kinds of rough luarr in .sock at the New Lumber Yard. - neet to Kensington Furniture Factory. upPoone (i.T.R. track. Order- filled at short notice. N. Brunsairk ('edai Shingles Larkin,'"" , htiind-tbr Nut on the ses-rket.' . JAS. I)E.AN & CO. , ''PlineF. Nu. 22.%. . ,o NNTANTEI). Carpenters to war the new elevator for t tWestern Canada Flour Mills Co. Apply CA. NADIAN STEWART CO., LTD., Goderich. .>"--------............-...-......--....-...-4 • DETROIT &CL EVELAND I1ATIO1LC. -‚ FOR--MACKINAC ISLAND_ $3.5ifone Way. 116.(Ni round Dip. FOR DETROIT oemervinyeriesnr-paas--- OAF Otie way. 116.50 round trip. IIWW11•111.. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA HIIAD Ololk10111 TORONTo aerleollUIWD CAPITAL • $1.01.1"" INcORPORATZD eP4A loth ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RRCEIVR DEPOI411 To accommodate the Farmers. ent Dave opened Branches in the vgbefdo of DUNGANNON; - AUBURN, VARNA and BANTIELD. We solicit ;he Patronage of the Penatitn. ROLM NOTRA (it'Itrrgit if 4600 current rate of intereet paid in our SAVINI4R HANK DEPART- MENT deposita of 1111.011 and upward/1. GODERICH BRANCH, A. O. GAM FILE. Manager BOARDING-HOUSE. OltCH A RD•CO'TTAGIE. I I comfortable boarding holes, ha* been dimmed for the •ummer, and anyone wi.hing accommodation I. invited to apply to the un - ,o., large rooms, well lighted : all modern convenience. la the house. Meal. given when ordered. blinds from 12..0 to 1 o clock ; dinner from it o Wet Mits. 11. M EKON, corner Essex and quchec street, 1i7tui LOST OR FOUND. - leOST. - AT -THE DOCK • OR ON klartior 'hill. a Moot .4 key.. Fitelet ea -s• lease 14 SIGN • SITUATION; VACANT; IV' tittetlfelt‘' KNITTERS toitNiit"atte.Highta.11,1:trIL. ° ds1-31 TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. Na pi, A.bliele :duties re emonenee after stuarster holidays. Apply, dating maitre and expertenee. 14i F1(ANI."18 SCOTT. 4it..sec.. Lanes. sal.it AUCTION SALES. , • A l*CTION SALE. • • -__ I tun illetter:itby Order Wade. Lion idator. to offer far at auction the remaing in *irate of the intern Thresher ampany. Lire hod. The sale wit: be held on the torrnonce of fatonAspeny.at t listen. tint . tin MONDAY, AETIL`ST ATH. lent at 1 oielock nom. Tie aerate Ea •tet dii.po..ed of consist princi- pally of -Monarch eeparator.. windstacker.. erne ratter* and portabie engine+. Tone. shall be orb at tin* of .ale or t hirty and -hay satisfactorily secured. With .even per cent. interait. Thi. ail. will otter eteeptional oroportunitie+ to three farmers who deastW to .ectsre for their own private use threahine fulcra., at popular price, TIEDMA:, GUNDItY, neck/neer. iloderich. Ont. FOR SALE OR TO RENT H01114E TO RENT. -ON STANLEY street, containing nine room. • within a ...Ty short distance of the Square. ,Apply awe. door. • oral HOUSE 'FO RENT, WITH ALL 11 modern oonvenieneek. centrally located. Hent reasonable. J. B. HAWKINS. Stt Bt. Patrick'..t. net. ited VOR, SALE. --LOTS 23. 24 ANI) le on cedar drew.. tIoderich. containing three-fittlis of an acre. There arc on these Iota oneatoty frame home:. newly painted, a email *table end a good orchard. 4. property for a retired farmer. Terms and con dItions will be furm.hed on appheation to the nederegned. M. 6. EAMERoN, Barrister. Hamilton Amt. Goderieb. • LIOR SALE. -FIVE ACRES. %VEST r kid:. Boyeeld road. between Britannia road and Bennett atreet ; good portion of this land suitable for market garden. small fnitts. ete. May 'ell In two part. of two And otoe.half mita eridt. For price and term. write H. A. JORDAN, ITS Windsor Ave„ Wind.or, Ont, rWN PROPERTFOR SALE._ 1' House and lot. known liet the S 'ant. Mae. roger property on Anginas Wive. Goderich ; hernae 141 room*. hot water heating and modern con% enienens. with one lot on Trafalgar arret. Will be told jointly ur separately. oUse and lot on Napier street, it rooms. eood residence district. Cottage at Saltforti with 3 agree of orchard- winter apples. l'neee prevent.. can be had at nseetnable Price'. Amer to J. L. K1LLORAN Berrister. sq.. tioderl h WESTERN LANE* FOR MALE. - Ite aerea with VI iseilieln house with 'phone In, Price ird,1100 ncludielr crop. land A rich loatn. 320 acres at $13 per acre, broken and fenced. Tots le a 'map, as land ia Ening up every year. lea acres; with good building+, do acres broken; price ein per sere, good ton.)lty and ptionovin_ MAW- AY/ of those can be nought In easy term*, .7:- ,Id; TRWEILEY Yorkton Sank . HOUSE FOR SALE. - A TWO - 1.1 STORY brick house. with seven motes as Bruce street. Partteultue can be had ;by sidling at SIGNAL Office. 33-tt PUBLIC NOTICE. Wednesday, August 3rd, is Civic Holiday of the Town of Ooderich, under the provisional of Bylaw No. 21 of 1003. All citi Pane are requested to gov- ern themselves accordingly. M. 0. CAMERON. L. L. KNOX. Mayor. Town (;lerk. GUNDRYS Livery, Cah and 'Bus Stables THE RED BARN South Street, tioderich All our Rift are New. 'Buses meet all rains and Steamers Parte-tear attention given to (tall. from private remalencea. 'Phone No. O. -A-a GODERICel MARKETS. Fail wheat, per bush THUNDAY July :Mb. 06-114 to 01 WI Sprittersheat. per book.. . .. W3 to 1 fon Rye. per bu.h RUIttivheat, perbum 0 tie to 0 7,1, Onpv.t.e.. op,errhitoti..11.. .... . °(41 t ft 4) :114 0 -3 10 heleerleYniirgbu'hton . 4: 413tata ''.3 flour. tamer. percwt ' !'11: i-ul; " 9133 perIfti Flour. patent, per owl • 1 10 to 3 011 niir"torile. ,I*Oar""t pin V ell to ti 00 Id 00 to 23 In .13}1V1°°dtYt.e7,t'efpetr°rmillbrd . 1.4 id to 13 4$4 (NEIC.4clitst:P4tioeteitivoto.srr:t. rtp.wdsros.ifffewis .hf. .. 1 . . . 4441 .(44:0" 14:4 12: i,' Cheese, pe .1b 0 Id te 4 18 0 hi ta a la 0 into 0 14 rattle, enlist ) to gout'. lie, e,"• ' : 0" :,',111 S gen, per ewt Msg., 0 t'ILO ot oko 1 le to 4 Hu "HriLlileo.a per. peretotb - Shoe;, .kin- 7 ral to a au „......7-_,,...,.,.................„: 1 '111 tote • 1 III Turkey. ..., 11 te 1 TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS. ,Its next 'Wednesday. .% tartlet :iol. with lie the ett lc III litlay tit 94 lae11441. t. 'ark. ItJJ firt• eeree,potitlente kindly to •A•nit ih t hews impluets to•et week not later than Tuesdity. .t tent bill 4,. thir• %%ill he nowt. aprrt•e- iiittel ity 1 he pithligheek. THE BOWLING. TOURNAMENT.. • - - Programs 'Issued for the Big Event ols the Gederi' Creep. The program of the eighth annual toortaasfient of the lioderich lawn howling club has been ?Wiled. The to tenement will be held on the given NV.st of teed c mencing on Tues- day. Aliguet eth. The following is the progeent ILA Arranged :- Trophy match, eigh n ends. open to any foie' players of • ICillne elisb First -prize-eau, /4.41 wahogany parlor Wiles second prize -rime brass jardiniries. Association mach. ftft n end y. open to rieke defeated in the trophy inateb. except the winn of the second prize. Fleet prize four elec- ttic table lamps, mission 6 hat; *re, (Ind prize -'four tearving tete. Coneoletion match, Chir ende, open to rinks not winding • •Zee in ropht 9r esseciation COnli lition. First prize-- hour rattan r o king chairs : seconn prize -four sit &etch doublet,, thirteen mutt, to any two players -or Ilia lime Fired prize tart quiertered oak eel r- ettee. early Englieh 'With; Deco id priee--two brans flower hiasketio. Singlem. fifteen point.... open to First prize one brass dinner gong: second prize-ome Mutton punch bowl. The tournament committee consists of F. J. Butlatiti, .1. Kidd, .1. A. Rum• bell, Dr. A. C. Hunter and C. A. Nairn. and the following gentlemen have been appointed pint : J,. H. Hoover. Clinton ; .1. (*. Sen. forth Dr. Bureett. %Nebel' : D. Holmes, Winghitin ; W. Allin, Luck - now ; Rev. D. W. Collins, Exeter. EFFECTS OF THE STRIKE. Eight drain Poets Closed. Toronto News. , The Monition in which the grain, trade is placed owing to the Grand Trunk strike is that of all the grain port. on the upper lakes only two - Owen Sound and Goderich, which -have ('. P. R. connection -ere new open. The following pie* are clotted: Depot Herbor. Midland. Meaford, Con lingwood. Point Edward, Walkerville, Port Colborne and Port Huron. While a reporter from The News was in the office of line of the leading Western gram dealers this moreing 41 telegram was reteived from an intend Weeterit Ontario miller. "Send wheat via Owen Sound iir Goderich„" was the nteese tee. "Fortunately that ism.) has C. P. R. connection'." said - the 41�U **But we are unable to supply our custom - ere who have convections other than ttn the (frand Trunk." .4tetier__Connection with Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont.. .7e 3r='11. ping departments of amilton whole- tude and manufacturing eoncerns are ito badly tied up es* result of the ins- itseitt_ the_ (trend Trunk to handle freight that whelestilersitierroa'nufae- titeere intend taking eteps they week to get the C. P. R. to build the Hamilton & Guelph Railway, which would give, direct connection to Ouelptellodeeich, Waterloo and other 'pnints in that district. Shippers have bad to depend entire- ly upon the Grand Trunk In the past to handle freight to these petite, and they believe that if the U. P. R. built the road they would get better service and meted in future arty possibility tif a tie-up such as they are now confronted with. Yesterday H. T. Timmerman. C. P. R. commissioner of induttriee. Wan here, and the proposition was placed before him by prominent men. to Wald or 'phone ()veers for your g need!! enrly Seturday. .1. IV. VANATTIDt. Opera House Block. COLBORNE VISITED BY TERRIBLE STORM YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Many Farmers Lots Entire Crops Hailstenes of Monstrous Size Cover the Groton: InchDeep- Thousands of Dollars of Damage Done in Twenty Minutes. A ter 14.444,,ifie ita!lefd trot. suchA ae the te dirtrict. Vteited etaitivierder 1146"0 1111 "114 potterliwy ante Mien and lett havoc11) it• pab.field. of grain •,,.i.. fee itenteremieFeeselitt ground Or rut right off tete; Meet* above the g,ortmet-- ..took wee tivtatkhed tint 'end the grains epithet out in 114. : hen.. darks and *tak- e,'" limning- *het .wete killed, and innstmes Klee pour. 4,1 Own in house* endt-ares were bielieti. The storm etnille loom th• littered and cent- illielleed 1*44 weir* nt deptruction in the tiergbie re.mel tof Zion ehtitu•h, on the nth- itnoekieo pis -.!n44 ion 10 t h e eouthes.t in * atilt three tir four miles wide. Hail fell in greet quantities #41 the, isle*, hot wit bin this *trip the fleet; action Vow vet reeves*. TI-' deem -lateen ettrotnermeil at'sheet!. 2:13 eelnek end lasted about twenty tee One fel nee !tad Tb.' Signal he loin eletvat iti that twenty minute.. minty Other termer* conItl dupli- cete the seine ..elory. • Thee %I it Own and A. Rnhert.Ann. ted itc.t. it light .4 tow stmis.. the etettl .111.'.t hail 1 hitt y iteres 41 Wheat betoken cortipletely do% n. On the -1th renteesital the &Make was Vary Sneers?. itrillt M, -laity. %mem ship e .... tieiff411, tradThe-Silina4 bad not a Ishtar left 'deleting 'to his two forms. Oat,. barley. peas., all went denyti. and the betels 'were cut off the - wheat lying in the etooks. forty pane. tif glae.e ie hie . Were hrekeit. All Slyer t lo. Tine/. the • iee Wits.lying six invites deep. One chunk he measured wits t 40, and three-quar- ter ificheee Ellett. Was a Very eting Wind. aifil the bail 4'31111. droWti with *mat -force. (Inc of his ern.* Wus stiniteal and yv dente fill if it 1.4' 41)141 recover. --Iteeve K et/in/Mtn was out in the itwfd--ettf Id, -.p 244)13 was very !sally, lend Iiy the ha . heed was col and hi. Imlay bruised. Jottites Long ales. had Itinlirnitl badly vitt, altIl it Won' many others sho wt•re caught flehle luta iiiipleaeant, Sievetral te ..... s wets. frightened and ran atvoty. Ezen Fisher tout filar nttrAPA sos Fens binder and when the had twine they ran into the bush, smitehing the tet pieces.' 'Writ. Oke'Luther Aileen, A r 1 h ti t Stratighan's and other ' tea tap we or less damage. " Oil the 40) eencession and on the 2tit1 coneeesiont from Bethel t•hurch the river the terms lyre pretty nell eleated of any standing crops. -Among those who .itffered heavy loes ere Itiehard 314/ere, Wm. Alen. jr., Fred. 3Ingfeed. John Mclarty, ' F I'll » k Naegle..litlitt McClure. Value& Good, Arnold - Harris, Albert Geed, .1. N. Kernigheu. W i.i. WHOM 01111 - *OM Halliday, Martin Nliig- null, Arthur Feegan. with othem whine- iiiiiies ned Iti Annie J11114'.0 this trees were .stripped of thee listiveit. The tope of iteinglee gtowing jo the fields were rut eleati off. Jelin Triplets mom *ere int eleatti 'a few inches filen the geoutel. The hail lanteked eff the rail fence-.. and internal) wtill he saW fence', that lispkr,I ass it they were made of new rails. Severed peieple Melte - -A the 1 pm 'of iee that fell. and the surements 4,1 four, eve end is mebee 11 eh...tinder- Tieite--ente, Jacob Elle/thy. bid emu test to‘titidth;tmlg.•t 1esigiie nfIltume 110NRY TO WAIF itIONEY TO LOAM -ON F1RMT- Be Ono farm seentity. et very low rate.' of Iinterest. I make my eon valuations. Apply to t'. W. MeDON %OK Carlow I'M 10241 YUDLIC NOTICE IkT01101I10 FA itAIEW4 AND 001.H. 1.11 ERE. We are rising a lonomotive along the ?Ake Shore Road for nenatraralon purnnene. nem era and others are hereby wowing, 10 watch thelr hones, HURON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. seism. was rues path. sold 'and easy the Amin e g. ,He 111 Iia.' to re-mhin 1.• hie IMMO?. Mal den of his crop and had it tit- Trunk Niteerle hail 41ti• eetere Id of i•orn tiff SI fe%% inches it we 'retina His inanities had the •)pe rtrt-•eleten off. On the side of him ho next the /dorm he says there wait a piece of 'these left two inches wide. .luite Fisher had fifty-itineletties 14 glass Inetken. Hugh Hill had fert? pews breken. At Paul Masidel it twerity-two rumen in the himme and. forty in the etahle were broken. Peobithly nobody in the diettict ever mow anything like it twines., and it et to lw hopel that such a ster) will never vieit, the locality nr. the lose to the farmers la very metiotim. . e„yen. Ivan also dentri.y. picnic pe ant to rent or kell free(' Tri frehle anti little iniptiotenent mart( DoING BusINEss • it. R. J. giving ...Ingle fine rate. Nor filthy holiday. ' Buy pour titikets front F. F.. LAWI'. t 113..1441.4. tigent. • The Nee .4 dike of. Ineal howler* wino ; went to Ceti lit•t Thutiebtv te plait la friendly ensue with the "fatty -hun- t ters" of that town report a good time. 'Although they were beeten by -well. never mind the timer. , • The 'etigar *wet cren Iluvon 3)14.10. 4'..',. he exeeptietially 'mutt this 1 ear. Repreeettet•ivee ot the Donee- •Slient 0'. • 11 • to 0 ,nen ADO their 'w. tta. . I iThis ivy u tar meet MK of the both I sit' branch of the Women's Institute will ao. at ter.o.eldnf,elloutt7:15Hall on ,,,,,,,vz,.ki. A go..t. attendance to rt.- . Mies filudys MoNevin, of flown. who eraduated - hist term from the•Ntirinal Sequel to,t Sot -allot -4. bits teen engaged 1 us an aseettatit teacher in the Zurich . pulite, Seliteil. She will commence her ditties after the mitleinitmer Itelideye. The hely whin lest week atiyertieed for ht"t lest •peetateles hasI theist ee. attired I. kses, hy 4. perein whe heil $eep t be lee) t iseinent in '*1,4* 11g11141. eigied me,. are leint nodally finding Jest atirotnicel,es...ttre Mg houses, filling tattoos %Vhile the apple erop in ties county wi II he it prl•it raw 11 affair this year, it is eeported that Moiety/ill toe it good yield of ware While they are a delirious • fruit, ' the peat -. boweyer, , :tome begin to take the place of apples 115 SAdeoir.i.hle crop. 'The iii, T. Rand 1. P. It. are giving. *14.' it.tuti sperita rittek• foir-tIodeetele. civic hiolitlisy. .%sigiist .3.43. Retiatti. t ii•kal A alt single fate will lie weird giv- ing 111) -•t lie aftrrnoi.n. Gains. A ugust, ged intil di leant. A vitalist 3411. anal .r1. - turning A egoist 4th. . FIRST SHIPMENT FROM CODERItj MUNICIPAL FREIGHT SHEDS. This Port Now in 'Lino for Package Freight Business Western 4,1;1- r10 Manufacturers Should Note his New and Convenient Route - eland eines teeseners Will CaI •Regidsrl Jo. , .,;•- i be td III Ileli Itie Iowa (relight sheds at the In I IOU . the pi °petty -of the .'t ti @rich tine the .oill sbetts owns,. ry 4 -113illii which paeketoi freight litoiihrei is eon- dueted (41 *14.' CrOOt• lakes. are emu. I lasted and reedy for Itte•itiese - -: Mereover, tbev are doing imsinese. The eleede hare been lett-eil he (9 *4141 'Sturdy and the thea-goociw-err peer fiirough woe.. .1 ?Shipment ti Win- nipeg by the liikerl Rigs C.•.. which Wait t.yaen to FOrt Wiliam on the steamer Rosedale pf !ht• 101,40,1 LOies, leavinir on Tneeday 4 .f this tee.oe (h* Frittev iest I_ A. W. f)idierty. general tt elite manager of the fnidnd Lines. Wile in toiro and tompeeteol the freight shede and expreetwil bittevelt it. being highly pleamett with them. *441.11 As to t bets. 0,, . ,t1Itit .1 itti 14tie.4 and their conveitienee 1 o the . ..... Lterei Al 11.)ell. The :vicelike tet•iff tii to' es ell )rged by the Inland Lines. is pie Mee - that it afford.. a territory of 4 ratline of sevetity-tive miles'‘over which 1 he Patent chanted by tither trensportation line., 'sty be encieet.ftilly tort. • Th. hummacouci.. *ha im.th.,-..l mei, tot tOWn 41441 41.0 of the siirromuling 'towns *mild 4.1 well . td , mite /het lemlerich Is a port of cell of the itteeto- ere Of the Inleuti Lines and to have their good- irons any eastern point ehippett to Goole? ivh via Inland Lime., M r. - D-ob Pet y -has • ratan -hoed that 1-latte the tittle being one ot the company'e vessele will call- here weekly. Al the businese requires it more %Presets mill come thie way. A shipment of about oile hundred tone of freight will be sent up the hikes on et verse! which ie expected to call today. The Uoty Begin.. Works Co.. the Ilioderkila Organ Co. anti the Goderich Wbeel Rigs are melting the principal shipue•nts ' MAY HAVE CROSSING . lEtence enunty. se -thee that eysenty.iix are catnpingete. Camp finiaboioish and Okee having a fine time. ••Selible Fella' he say-, "is u long distance from Goderich, and knowing this we Pappreciate the size of old Lake Huron." The garden perty at Jehn Schwenia. Be fi.e ,-.'td. last Thueviday night. under the auepices of Zion church, was well iattended, and thone present had .78 3(014 tittle. Rev. Dr. r‘letld, the dew pastor of Zion Airth.• watt present, tend the Heinicke orcheetra gave a uregrusi which was much age „ B. ('. Munnings holds the record thee yede• bar the quick -i•onostetion of teasers feu occupancy. The residence ot Grahern Elgin *venue and the Iwo houseeon St. Pat iek's Street, properties of Dr.-Maetlin and 01 31-.3J' are: pietist!. The plumbing system haelaren In Mr. Graham's residence this week. There was geed attendance at the garden party given Ire the' littliee Nt„ Geerge'e church en Tusedity even- ing on the " Is of gswold Carey, the Cresweet. spleittliti program was furnished by the 33rd Regiment band. The Inept/et at wisitth surveltiert. iee, 411.111.11 and other -tefrosliments were en sale did Wood. lousiness, and altogether the evening was Yowl 41 great surer., • There are nee guests at present at J. Gottin'e bearding house At ,' the north end of Victoria street. The leUen ertival ' is .)oho McCosh. of NVinghain, who is serving a sentence of twenty-one days on a charge ot Ma- 4atilt. A Hangarbion Jew was sent up from Heneell a short time itgo to he taken cone ed. He is it* pe,constant. istate of stupor and appearn to be growing weaker every day. Green.* Nebratka Indian basehell tesati played_in ahnoin every big city in the country front Lincoln to the At lentie cealt. These great genu- ine Indies' expert.., wile are .'manzeged by Guy W. flreeti. Lincoln, Nebr., have appeared with pent 'merest, LA Omelet, Chicege. New York,. C'incin- nati, Rt. LeutsvIlle, -11Wytters, Calm' htte. Indian 'poi*, Toledo, Be I - timer e, %temple,. Philadelphia and other plioree. They will play the Goderich besebell trtsfo at the Agricul- tural Park on l'iieetley. August 2nd, adifeseetoelierhaeleesewaiewanspesew-___ Yesterday Afternoon am a party in 14 hand-WilgOn nO•rn 01) their way to Meneset ting f'ark to attend th.• 'thine tif the 041tifellowisiand Rebekah Lodges at that resort, they Were• ttnfiryttillatn enottolt to lie taught in the stt nen whith buret 'spun thie wet ion if the (*may lap eitifilerily. The ind seam no violent that the top 1 t e +eats of the hotriii-w,gron were bl wn off, with the tweet that the wee teas of the rig wet... thrown mit. The orate ran away and collided with a rig riven by J. H! Simpson, who With it g Mtn tine!" with a had of ml eggs. %Ir. elimppones rig Nulty damaged anti the egg. Fortunately, A • of the wits injured, twyond re- ed eliaking tip and st king by the rain. LOCAL TOPICS Ife BRIEF. . ...ttnne• 44.14 eoltimmt, he bekt medium. tit A little Prier. 1. veer °Mitt tontorete with n lieth4.1 men-mt. for (lie everting. of ?mower And t tir.t days, of smitten ? F. J. etritlhant ha. a ilekt .u3a.tlift.4 the right ireful. ('alt and (minion. tire divkied *n the 411ke erif,(11011, hut there I. ilfr dIvi.lort 74 Ophitort set the detement that Wilmer Smith, FAA a rect, ban the wet attraetive ArleoU(se nf picture.. *et gond., wererrnirs, etc., in Onsterich. 14,,elmer v1.1tore wtll find mem,things of -p.' hot errat at thie "tore. Ci vie holnday next Wed needity. Hayfield fair will be beld September 270i and Zit h Bile year. Mi.'. NI am ie Fonter Mut been engaged as teacher in S. S. No. 8, Colltorne. The 33rd Regiment band is engaged for the Helpmeet fall fair. It will he good /attraction. H. Hale arrived home from Toronto on Friday night. He is still very eiVing .1 1 ;Wit 1)4 eeertieffe. .ti or! Mat entity. Ittly ....nil. to \Ir anti Mrs. iewrge stainer., NOTT. lit linderich, it Saturday. Jody ad, Rev Heninnaln 'Cott l'h. Aged t0 year, mid IS moot h. AUCTION $ALE.S. • San ROA V, Jill) :111.-1.1 r.',4 anti km -ale of honwoheld fernIttore W. flettwo, at, rekidence. turner Hayfield and itritonreia roads. Everything to le schl, t14 Mr. Brown I, eaving town, (ion. 13. 114*e14eT , am -theme? MoNDAV. Angu*t nth.. Auction .ale of the retnalning aatettia-of t be Clinton T her . on the prernisse at Ilinton. at 1 leek p. m T t• v, auctmrser A new stock of fruit jar ringe just received by E. R. Wigle, tiniggint, surceseer to Jets. Wileon. Ceunett-Witt Allow Track Across Hai- - bor Street on Certain Conditions. At Adjourned sie•cial meettne el' the "oven council lest TM/entity even- Ing, at which the Mayo', Deputy Reeve M impinge and Councillors Leithwaite, Wallace, Martin and Vari- eties. were present. if was finally de- cided to give the C. P. R. tbe 'Privi- lege of 'eying a switch aeries Harbor street to the site of the Western Can - • Flour Mills Co,,. new elevator. The railway agreen that a flagman will precede every train shunted over the amusing to warn the public, and the council Mihail that cars shell not he allowed to UMW on, the crossing. The permission for the csOesing is for eight months otily. • ' • • - Thie is a matter which. has heen he- roic the council fni• • time. .0n May 'eh h , R. J. NI eitaw. *men - /twee of the Western Citiettl* Flom Mills Co., asked that , the C. P. R. be allcwed to extend it. switch from the railtvey freight shots vette. Harbor 'street, in order that material for the consti uction of the Big Mill'. new elevator might be more eiinveni- , ently delivered. The «,.upcji gave pernmesion and atm meted the 'while winks committee to enter Into an agreement ;with thetrailway company to Make allowance in crate of acci- dents.. At the Meeting of the council on June :idth the local sgent '.1 114.' C. P." K. presented the plop of the pi opoteel ' crossing and switch, which wow sent to the public works committee for ap- proval. When it vias agn 1-i--fit--ty teet fo the council, on July 13th, it wan rev- nded that clausal be inserted in the agreement to the effect that calm must not in any event stand on Har- bor street coming and that the rait: wa the crossing t II give ample NH eu cient werning to the public of the ap- proach of any cite, engine er tt•ain. These reco ...... end ations were adopted by the ecttrnett•And- the *greement was forwarded to tbe proper state iritiee. On. July 24)th J. °borne, general superintendent of the Ontario division. of the 0. P. ft., wrote a letter in which ohtectlen was taken to the clause which stated that the crowing tenet be erten at all times for traffic end also to the clause which asked tor the ' maintenance of a titan at the t•roeming to warn the math, of the approach of any train. Mr. °borne eonsidered that it flagman preceding &my train a,e-oss the street aas suf- ficent. . At the special meeting un 'Wedneve day evening of last week the council was willing to make the proposed amendment- 1,-. t h ei lart.suentioned clause, hut wee invade to understend why, it. was not poesible MI the rail- way rompany to ferry seat that prove.- icto which card for a clear emitting at eil Gomm The suggeraitin was tnnde in 3tr. Menne.; letter that the clause he changed .to allow tbe leaving of earn on the croesing not knitter than five mititin•s. In. order th*t every- thing might he made clear to the councillors 4441 (4(3 journment SV44.4 made until Thursday evening. when .1. S. Robins/al, local agent of the 1. P. R., Wan present and explained that, an the track was to be n temporary one, they did not want to take any engine &crone the atreet, but they would shunt the elite over and when any care were to he taken back on to their own prop - vette it tat 47 reach thome uu the Big mat itiseperty Item, own • side 14 the street Wolild be used. It would take at Astant five impute... Mr. Robineon stated, from the time the cere were Aurae 4 acrose and the coupling was made until the crowing %VA* clear again. -This, he .aid. might .oecur two or t hive tistrto H. atty. It. wee moved, by councillor Martin. bee/Hided hy•Deput y Reeve 11 unningo. Bea the council approve ot the agree- ment as amended ity the ehangiug pi the Second chola. to. have atiegmen pie,eefe soy ttajo the et, rig : Wat it tin. t *tinnei11,•r %Veneer motted,in amend- ment that. the railway company he allowed the perio.1 of five iniuutea re - .31)441(0(3 to Make the es I but got e moan) war theft Ward carried. PERSONAL MENTION weber. brown spent manday is TO:onto. --e.-6eK44tgessa4eestra43ng* vsaaten in Yd . 140.45. Mier Olive McPhee le away On A holiday trip to Detroit. . :dee C. Gibbon. 1. spetsding VACWS0(1 in Vert .Huron. )1r.. .1. H. MiAion is ‘i-ititie -mint ive. at 1.1.-eferti. Mio•h. • Noi-a 0410111y' 1- away an a via: 14 11411.1-.11 thereto. Mei Katie Iteane, of litueserither. vidtioat friend. le ArlOtiel ich. „ Moe Dicke andfondly. of ChAili.ifo. istv At Mil (Arehart' I. tawe. %",.".e' molten eild wan, et Winsilpee. I•ented opeatives to town ea Peaturaity. • Mi.:S. Mary Ferguson le lime to Duluth. Wi... to vise:her MN. Comecon. Harold Miedel left eas Monday for coning woof. %suet.. he hse taken • gentian. Betchel. V. 4.. of Elmira.. and 'laugh - tet on vi -4,d. to town Ity.tt week. . Me•••• tome Harry i. the 1;410.4 of her &nada, the Mika.., Kitt,. fot the holiday -time. . M .11k(1 s.- ..AN .JA'''. Of Tomato. are the gue.lk of 7. tCaptillno Jame.' Crelpitit. _ R. B. -Steak left this week on hie return to Si. Louts after spendlog his holiday. 14, tawn.., • Me-. J. K. shennon and deugliter are 14O1 Jrp.4e*.'r! and Mre. . L. FA 'A. tut tkeirmatt hi:, ling her, M. F.ilhat. Miring t week. - Miss Dorothy Shaw. of Winn vi•AiLloa bet rieter. Me. W. 4. Muir. ori street. Mr.. A. J. Paltridge and ughter. Ntergaret. are i leitAng at Nor *',4041 4)14 nteneY MI • Mass fhetwie l'rles. of donne -villa wit. renewing Oki aantiaan'arleo. in tows last reeve. Mr. and Mee."' R. Stott W' ebildree, %Vitt Moog, arlyirtaititert at Edward steaugeee'.. Bev. R. W. Dickle. of Montreal. i+ spending bolidAys with his busiest at Ment-wtung Park_ k:vaa AIIm. formerly of ifoderieb. is no,. witathis Northers, Crown Bank at rsekatoou, Sess.. Miss Sheoly, of Montreal, 42. 13» guekt Of the 'shales. Niaelhanakl, -Ounttonald. Wellington etreet• Mre. Jiden MeSween, of !Stagers Fail., i. a holiday with Mr. anti Ilre• Wm. • entice. Mrs.Jack Aleatinder Mee Carrie Cook,. of F . Fut t the guest of her Oster. Mrs fttackairt Mike Kate Watton Irak returned from a two - Month» vt4t tit her brother, charies Wanton, New York. , W. Chtrk. 311.- Bette tent Niastor War are % toe la" Winded. lean/tit and Toledo. Mr, i)o... Mohr. of Detroit, vidtine her pateri1.,344. and:Mrs. Angus ate ...sod. at 1.11ott cekter "Terrace. Mr and Mrs Robert McLaren and Mts... Susie. of Port Huronare visiting Mr.. Geld- . thorpe. Bruce -treat. M. B. pack owiled from Montreal on Thur. day lea for a holiday v..it to hi. old home in leetrekter. England. Mr-. T. Egetter 'and her little ..on Master Dmisid MacEwan Rgener. are venting at Mrs. Keene,' old hoitte here. .lean and Anna Lawman. daughters of Capt. .4141. and Mi.. lewetuot e home trots Detroit for a holiday yid'. Mle:"Morris left for imuieville. Keitteeky, en lueeday, bonne called there by the Klemm of her 01 -ter. Mrs. Strachen, I. Reid, of shell:turn Pato. More,. !tient Sunda), In town with ht. brother. A. ROW 01 the mink of COilltliefee staff. 32r, and Mee. Centelon left fade; for their home at Vancouver other egendins emend weeks With their friends hero. ' Mr. and Mrs. John'R. Bowttle. of ertratford. visited under the iiarental reef. "Ivy Bow Farm." Boyneld road. over sundey. L. K. Blanchard ha+ gone to couisawesd after 'pending it few day. in town. Hisechitre is in town for th. preamt. • Mr . W. 44, haVI•son lett Ott alunday for Win - Meta. where este will Lemont for A hISIO Whim pwreeding to her tetne at nwiltatoria. thunt, Mr-. H. M. Martin and two chit/hes. of Ottews, are visiting at Mrs. Ntarthes old home. the residence of .1. c. Mclnto,h, Weet street, er. tot. Rote -woe was in town tar day. p.ot week, his hoist, (lug stea,...a froquoi-,. being at tifveland to have it taw redder need. Mrs. William Tew-ley, of cleveland. whit OM the Rued of Mr,. A. I avidaon. 'ethernet etreet. Pod weekreturned home on the ateant- er Huron last week. 44 Muriel, of intuit. 'Kea tanietty; -vidt et - the h of her parent.. Mr. and J. l'eT:',"Ls.to N'10e..finu-nt":nd t. SIdeughter, of Na.h- trWa 'retina and Slew creenfarr. of Vnteklin. Teen.: megrims*. et the home ut jsPFI`Pjbi ..);"'wr. oedri."ytie*treehoini% e from 'Jew York Nor two weene holiday., Mr. Tweedy i, travelling in Ohio. with New YorkPity ns he. heardonAl - ter.% and le making thing. go well. Mr. and Mrs.,Flerry KeenAti. who had been visiting at the 'home of Mrs. Keenan'. father. W. .1. Ranmey. VietOtiA street, returned on Friday to their home in Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stre(tOri, 01lirti-Akei., vent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.. John lowain, Victoria street. Mr. StreUnn returned home on Tuesday and Mr.. Stratton I., extending her viMilts. -. D. McIver, of Winnipeg, Arintniee* the engagement of her daughter. Mi.. ylyo oe Howell. to H. Rieherford. eitstom., broker of Winnipee. The marriege takes place very quietly the 111!'er part of Atignet. Mr-.. W. S. of Belmont. with her 1. vei thin toir.)wjheir,r,.• re4r,...gd um..tol 42)11. 14.‘It.g:611adalt:h.%. **)41;111(4.oho 1ndhi.tl ii %rnitIM7.•.et and their amt. Ma -ter f teen. of g Mime were in Limn wa Print%) en their awy to vi.it friend. in edt. rlekt. 31r. Joh h•ton 42. one nt the lending milk .,hoe tteieherso of the 4.1'ret Harm Diode. areTalrliige. Fl Steeeei arrived in town Oa Friday loot from Detroit on a smut to her par en:rs, Mr, and Mr*. Win. Morrie!. Lehi, was ee rennin/lied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maedel and t heir Intl/teen Howard and Mee Dan. of Detroit who are elating Mr. and Mr.. W9,‚ M). M"dr' and Mrs. Frederic, 1. Mabee were here thl. week on it vi.it to Dr. Mabee. The gentle. Men Are brother. Mr. Mabee, wbo has been engaged In reseereh work at Harvard tiniest- nt e for the part( four years, leave.. in September for chem. where he win he the enthtwor of chenteare and Moven". In the Rapt ia 1 ollege Shanghai Mr.. Mabee will accompany hint to China.