The Signal, 1910-7-21, Page 8TOE SmSAL:
Dr. Kendall's
Lay tlut./•.cd tit/dfnf.
wyyrigat, Mt, by . W. Hoare.
I lt1
It W11d.lAMA, Manager (kNh•rich };1y.netl.
Books Az
palmier lriee4' by 1,
t cry lslpulati mat Mat.
Iti•l;ulnly sold retail
.1 111.411 ,tilt $i,34.
1,41 pt i„•
The tilgnal d••.ir•.• to..."cupie+
44 env of it. nailer. e.t the yeut, heli
and 11*1.-• and will .pay for any .such
that air ;.11•••••11'..41 :.t thin .45.'1'. •
The (i. '1'.14. management ann(itinCes
the ,. ppoi ntsuent of 1 11. Pot ter, assist-
ant ('reign freight .t.{1•nt ,/t Toronto,
AM 411)'{1.11111,11 fu•Ight ;/ge111 in (Hat's of
1lie set tit ory of !Natrona,. Saadi., alae
1114' %Vest, tut the Grand Titirik Pacific,
with 0111. t :0 1:.1111 .rat• a %ft. pig ter
11 a 4,'l Hier (.•1•'.'• I,'h 141,%', a nephew.
Cot. It. 14, Mi liyuglit. now of Strat-
's.11, full cloth him)
utg, '1.11.-:'l'bc 111.
44.4. '1'11e Sky 1'11'11,
1'111• Al'}i' froul.(i6,0
lorry. 'flee I'rrspee
11.1', I;)aak lhii ..
li b's.g;U'1') Me 11 01t
Paper -bound Books 15c
\ -pL 111101 .luck 111
English, ant am by
popular authors
1 nlis+ . Ttwr'v6 , sets
Al#t.,t .111•• I trial
jilh, to w•lecl. (Inns.
ha it „ Old 11r • Ip,sr ata always i11 $-*foam.
1Vhen A 111914 ,11,... things he navel t
11111114 Weir 11. tali Amon. theist. •
An Oculist c.n 4111 northing fur* -mot
who it Windt., his own interests,
The Colonial Book Store
liFtt}t(:1: I'oieTISIt, Prop.
Quality Store
We carry a full line of the
hest Pickle,. that can he proem -Eel
Sweet .Mixed, :Spiced (gherkins,
Meld/kid, Whstee Onions, e•te.
hive them it trial.
We quote New I'utatoee this+
week et, per peck - 40c
1'. ebb ()talked Ila al; p e r
;lett►txl 35c
(Tyles Iiteeiktasl and dark
ll•con, per round, $litwd... 26c
-one of the nicest id. cowling
drinks. made trout ora gee,
gust antred pure and wholesome.
Add water W suit taste. Pec
Issues 25c
"Turner's" Lime Juke, her
bottle. .............. .. 300
Green Pena, lfeete, Cucumbers,
roil/P0114:8, Carlota, (labbage,
Watermelons. err•.
-Th-rrityrrn 43 --
J. 0 OPd�Y & SON
Till 1.1 AIHN(:
Funeral Directorsar
- - and Embalmers_`
Orders carefully attended to
1t all hours, night or day.
*Varieties Best German Colored
7lle Weekly (Iio1M and The BratmET
Ito new snbscrihcra) for the remainder
.d.this year far (11 rend:.
+(food reliable Watchers,
i Swim made, deter Ps-
IrapemeI1ts, e n 11 ell e
' )
dial+,, stein wine( and
ait•tn net. These It r e
Watcher, not clock s,
being made by the (beat
Hahne watch - makers.
We guarantee 1 hese
Wed -hes for one year,
he 1.a1n1P 1 yy
t es our high-
grade Watches. tire
Ale display i n u ire
We shall be closed Wednt
.iternonns during July a
Post Cards
1 i IIS\l'K (ah 1:111)I?K1('111
Thomson's Music
and Stationery Store
Four for 5c
1'pl.trai Park 411d 1'teat. Hyri M'
11. T. It. Station
lel Huron's Shore
St. O,'ot e'e Itectoiy
(}rain F:le%Atar,
K*entng sit Harbor
Collegiate 1n84,1.ute
t 1Ma•Fl.hiaa -.
A Country (toad
` iAahthnn,P
Fleet of Unlin Vessels
Malt la rid ltivet Htfdse "`-^^"
. 1'. R. Station .
- ( anent t• fewa_.fiodenteh • .
C. 1'. It. peltas
Valley of Maitland
.Hlyrr and flarbar
w'e.ltatn 4 s, eia Flour 311111
Monnet Hotel
On the Maitland lilt et
The Sig Meadow.
flatten. I'ark
St. (amrar'.,4• hnrch
St. refer'* It. C.4hureh
Knox !h,•-byt.•rlan t'hnnwr
On the lake
3 Long Panoramic Views
(lettere! \'few of It%rbor, :e1 In;Tn•,
Central Park argil Court 1
n o r Honore
PI.Oto Stamp tlOOk$ 6c
11 Photo Stamp, of (loderlch'
20 Varieties
!Motor, ('0.1 caul Views,. printed
In black and w bile.
10 cards for be
Socenen(r Sfalr1Mery
Latest Songs, Manche.(
and 9'!rx)-afe.
f'w" .T WIN nex•U."-Ant-
that lir. Sydney Deaner
bad been a medical prat,
t h inner la the .NV of
Sew York, amt he had
"'lea wttwd 10 Per coat of
ilia eapeuses, wbleb were ver
lie was a tIsf tat Ypariuitst,t but 411a
awnings thus far had owe iron, hie
ono three until eat from the thr.ata
of 'his patients. Ile bad supported
!tinned since his youth and 104(1 paid
fur au 'expensive ,pp'teesiuual educa-
tion Ly sibling. • I tette heard rood
judges say that Deane might have tak-
es. rank among the few' loaf te0ors
of the tine and have made tnoney by
the bushel, but be disliked singing for
payawl be..r1yr•lallvti fervently, fa-
nnlleally, dislike) notoriety, anything
whatever that e,e1dd 1.' called arlver-
tialyr_ Ile-lutW s1uug ,'4s1e11v Ihctiun•ti
eJ,oirs situ. vera select eoneert(e end
hail tnervelottelyt s0rr.wleal .lu emreal-
lee it+ fact than-bat*fie-one-of the
fae.%•nrite ahlldren of Af•}'llo.
t'}Inn bis rv•tnrn from 1:ermany be
went to his native town of Eddington.
In 4'osne etieut. where he remained
throe• year. He tot it few patient*,
but hew ialary not lever in a Ilea• Hares)
church• choir ebnatituted more than
half 11141 income.
The Kendalls were among the few
people In 1:.Mtngtot who. had any
net ey-. but theynever diad 'throat tram -
',es. • These. teemed to wear among
the 1 r only Elan Kendra I was called
h1• pr Meet sir! in the to n. and she
t4.81.6 '1110 heirt•ss also. 'l'o 1x v court to
wan perhaps the only wo ally wise
•1'•s, that Fydnes'Deane 'di Ijn hie
•tire.• %sura' residence -in Ed ngton.
but Elsa Kendall grew .freers el bteen
twentycrue. i•CCinr ile•ane u est
11:111) eseefit 'tor: her - own brief ab -
Hewes from the towel. and she ne er
new 111e nature of his sentiments
weird her.
In 11m early days she
n,. loge with him. Then K
•"end. adoring only his voice
1st she (*4111, to Ile -pine him just a lit -
1 le
it•Ile an k weak men, finlen' in his devo
tion to the prof.rietiev nod Incapal,e of 1
dealing .with the world. 'ltelentleely
she forced Deane into the battle. 11
was her energy that iirnpell d him In-
to the larger field. When be wast one
*he missed him vary much and sheet
some tears.
In New fork Deane made acme very -
nice ;acquaintances among the doctors,
bei, got no patients.
Deane's stork of money began 411 rain
low. Ills vole was earning him math -
Mg except the adtniration of 11114 neigh-
bors and of the wayfarers who paused
.outside his 'windows, but he felf''that
.the day was at hand when he 14111141
sing for hire Title thought was a
thorn in his flesh, and there was an-
other that was even sharper. Ile had
neglected one of Elsa's nowt urgent
admonitions. Worse, he was deceiving
tier about It. "Look up my uncle, Dr.
Kendall, the very first thing." she had
said to him. "He will help yon."
Doane had "looked him 'up." u the
phrase 1s understood in New York
and bed not bees attt1sfied with the re-
To pot It mildly, Dr. Kendall was a
man who did not avoid notoriety. Iiia
name was constantly before the pub-
lic. Interviews with Dr. Kendall if
cat from- the dally mei, and pasted
end to end would reacb to the planet
Neptune and tle in a double bowknot
So said • aoctor whom Deane ventured
to Interrogate upon the subject, and r
added: '
"Kendal/ is la good standing, of
course, and he's an able- main. prob-
ably one of the best men on the throat
that we have, but be advertises him.
self out of as reason 11e has a grail
cied herself
as his
dud at
Porte" treat things o► hw-S w4
pretty girl. too, and of good famiq.
Goias Wiuthrup was Iter tame, bat abs
mlal.t nuioUtute sumrt1hug with a Nm
x1101 10441111 w4t•o b.,P made her debut
It, gritted opera. , Seppobiug that we
succeed in pnttlpg her voice to rights
await.",be added. -It's in bad . shay
jyat sow." -
lAt this point n card was brought es
Pr. Kendall, who gays orders that the-
. aaltor should be admitted. Deaneries
ka.�t le ia. bpi g,etakah ebe'eked him'
"1 wtlut to esdl you re tooaultatkss
art this care." oe said. "YOtET see a
ww*/krtul throat In a rather odd condi-
It was an lnvltaUoo that could not
declined. Leave sigottied his ucqui-
esiceDee and glanced towanl rite deur.
'J u his surprise there centered a man
of alaou' thirty. a JItanant.looking- fel-
low, nicely dreasseu and with au air of
eOltivatiou Dr. Kendall Ito roil ulw,l
him at Case u Mr. Itichar/1a, "whose
writing,; 'on mnstc and kindred topica
are read by everybody." In recogni-
tion of this praise ltichards glances at
Deane, with a smile, and said, •'1'rn a
"I have Called Dr. Deane iu consult*
ae of M i*a Wlsthetp."
said K*:alali. and he gave Nine's ad-;
dress, . v bide , Richard, jotted down. °
"Ifirlifirreengnized authority on dis-
eases of the vocal ebor(Is and la widely
know -both here and :thread as the
anther of"- And he rattled off with
perfect uc oracy the titles of a half
stamen of Deane's contributions to met
loll publications.
•I)eaue nbperved. with alarm, that
Richards was writing shorthand In ais
neteheok. '
"Now, as to this case of Miss Win-
throp." continued Kendall. "it Is a
natter of considerable public Interest.
and 1 buve her permission to slwak
Iredy. She has stuttered an almost to-
tal loos of voice. This Is the condi-
• Ile procccded to describe In popular
language a condition of cungeaUou and
paresis of the •larynx_ with spasm of
the broucdtinl tube." ile took a leaf
from 'DeWitt' notebook and drew a
diagram.. Nothing that he said In-
dleate•d to Deane's inetri,ctel mind that
-there was -anything' ' unusual In the
ease. except the failure of treatment
to relieve it, but it was all so entertain-
ingly expressed and with such a
hearty, fatherly sympathy for the
koung woman in her affliction that
l�eaue Could not deny its merit as a
good atury..
At the cloee of the narrative Miss
Winthrop and her patron arrived:
Mas Winthrop was a quiet mannered,
pretty girl, with dark. •dreamy eyes
and a singularly white akin, subject to
peeullarly rapid and beautiful play of
color In ac`tronl with her emotions. She,
was obviously consumed by anxiety us
to ber vowe, and her eyes filled with
tears when she trine to speak of it
Her ''Interview" was furnished by
]hue : yh-ewtree. and it was a gem of
sparkling cleverness.
When Richards had gone Dr. Ken-
dall devoted hlmsetf to his patient
With Deane as hie colleague, but the
younger physieiau speedily perceived a
shifting of the responsibility to his
own shoulders. The puzzle of the ease
lay in the ranee et the trouble. Its
history disclosed no reason for the
affliction. Mesa Winthrop was in per -
feet health except for the local coo-
ditioa. which st•etned to be the result
of some matin) enctuintment Deane
was expected to solve this riddle. Ile
was Coat spew his metal.
"Well. my young friend." said Ken-
dall when the patient and her patron
had departed. "what do yon think of
the ease?"
"I have seen a precisely similar con-
dition," he replied, "resulting from ex-
treme personal susceptibility to the
perfume of certain dowers - in that
`•Ase, white plans. The only thing that
bothers me Is that Mise Winthrop de-
nies hating been subjected to any
suet) lnssence- And a singer of Mme.
8ylveetre's experience mast be well
aware of the danger of perfumes. in
a Pape of this kind she'd suspect low-
er) inntnntly if any were about In
fact kilae Winthrop says that Mme.
llyfvestr'e seised her at once about It:
hat up to that time, singularly retoogh,
Maas Winthrop had never heard that
odors were dangerous. At leaat she
bad never paid any attsutlon to the
"And >•Oo edaiaalr-iira-llpOM>.
"Miss Winthrop dope net impress
me as perfectly frank." responded
Iteane. "If I could believe that.tbere
WAS a secret romance, that awn*
suitor not favored by Mme. Sylvestre
had sent flowers on the sly to Yens
Winthrop. I'd feel that 1 was on safe
ground Pie wens sent as a love taken
are pressed against the face: their
perfume la inhaled deeply. That would
account for the severity tad persist -
ince •of-ttlle case."
T':endall rose and took Deane's hared
wrarnty Still hotdiag it. he led imam
a einem, which be opened. Upon n
shelf was a cnbtral i,asteboard box
Kendall IK ted the cover and disclosed
a withered beetroot of violets.
"i'here's the little j„ket." he sail
"Mme fjyt%estre's maid got it for me
day before yesterday. Vrne Rylves
tre dla'nn't I: now aovildhe nlr.tit it.
'118(4 W inthrnp known that 1 have
Owes -Minos. Mit of retiree she
w •.n111n'f t. • I1 you In NI ole V *. I ve etre's
pre•enre. 'The awcrnt suitor is n little
F'ren, hnrxn WM. was 00 fee ate•mor
with them corning over ile went
Meek yesterday, ran happy to my. i
hope you'll elmpe rile for mottos •
.a7.Psry of this. tar. Deane. f had a
/mrloaity to see pea wort on It Yoo're
alt right."
"lint yea told Mr. Rlehoras that els
ase. was VIM y .ti amen "
"'Thais all right." leaghst giudo&
"1'I» saving the valsts flat antras
Is Yuur
Done in
Town ?
Walter H. Harrison
Jewellht and 4'piirian.
1 4n the ft,lru.r,•. (i1slPrio;h,
Thomson's (Music and
Stationery Store
11°rat .`liar nf'Neln:trr (lntcii. h
'Poe Tommie lett tat the caw/ o' N./ vres...h c
hvetiee amongg eingatet. and -eta a two
pee and 1e1'tueresa, and they yell 1144
name from morning tfll night"
This was the last porton to the world
that Iteane c:Irevt to know• but he war ,
under houda to call
Or. Kendall wads on. or Mose wise
lately healthy oxen whoop Mere I•re's
e11e a In a means of panita14cn1 str • •a
ly built Ind 1ul.ltlg the sir of One 41{
Iles nits. it out of door.. lie greara
Twine cor.11ally, srwlke sfle•.•tk1Mie)
of 1;11n sande mine wisp, otwet'rvatlotw
„n general melee and Ansllly ealm
dowel to "shop talk.'
It simpered that h4, was expecting
t hall from a very Intereettne pntlea t o
ynnnz woman whnO' achl.crrtn•nt1
mleht 641 tarn.'s trouip.t in the nell.
tutors ilh4' wt,• a Mlle of time
artveetre the swims 111M111a won ar
11 Damask Table Cloths and Napkins
IIwith nearly five hundred "Makers' Remnants" of "Towelling in lengths l
of two to seven yards to go on sale Saturday, July 23rd
Sr1TL'RDAY morning we start to sell a shipment of tine bleached- Damask
Table Cloths and Napkins, all "makers' seconds," and five hundred ends of
crash and huckaback Towelling, lengths two to seven yards, all "makers.
remnants." These linens are branded "seconds" because of some little flan
or imperfection in weaving. It may be that a thread has broken in the loom or a
black or brown one has been woven in -with the pure white. In nine cases out of
ten the slight imperfection will not interfere with the wearing qualities of the
cloths, although it is enough to prevent their being sold as perfect. Because of
- these flaws and imperfections we are able to sellyou high-grade damask 'cloths
and napkins at about half what you usually pay.
These "seconds" came to from one of the ,leading linen manufacturers
of Great Britain, one whose -name is a guarantee of quality throughout the linen
trade the world over. We do not exaggerate in the slightest when we, say that
this is one of'the best, if not the best, shipment of linens we have ever offered
since we opened our doors in Goderich. The opportunity is an exceptional one.
The quality of every cloth is beyond ,question. The designs will appeal to all .
lovers of beautiful table linen: Prices-areenough below -'the real -value to make: hie
saying very apparent. -u,. .t ;
„ The assortment is exceptionally good, there being many patterns in practically
all the popular sizes, either for long or round tables. The sooner you come and
look these beautiful cloths over,, the better variety you have to select from:..
The Towelling Ends
They are remnants from the .same manufacturer. The lengths run from two
to seven or eight yards; and every kind of Towelling he makes is represented.
An exceedingly good chance to lay, in a supply of Towelling at a saving price.
The Sale of Ladies'
Wash Suits
,, The .July sale of wash '
-will continue all this week. We
! positively cannot duplicate these
1 prices and offer the same goods
again. It is your chatter to get
a summer suit at a very little
price. 1wr' are selling
,regular $ 5.00 Suits for $3.35
regular $8605 ort tor or $476
0• regular 810.00 Suits for 8886
! Nearing the End of the Millinery Season
Any Trimmed fiat for $2.65
We are getting vary Clear the end of the Millinery. season•
When the end does come, we want it U, find ua with a showroom
absolutely free of hate. This is why we make these extraordinary
inducements for big business Saturday and next, week, and give you
your chance to buy
ti any Trimmed flat in 'the showroom for 32.65
No matter what it in worth 1-•, what, the .•riginal price, we will
{ reserve none whatever. You 1 an take your chime- of the lot if you
}1. C0111e 8atut•day rot•
two dollars and sixty-five cents.
:marc nNflAti