HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-21, Page 4rr..-:7% "r•t,ry 'm lW ,},pewrg rAf74':"'Ft vvl • 4 THURSDAY,Jut.. 21, 1910. tr , t � iy7, .`J. 3 r:(ells THE SIGNAL' GODERICH ONTARIO District News LOTHIAN. s-UCKNOW. Mol.iAY. July, llttli. • M 4MIIi.xsslt ATIU. •.- nag re.uha tit the• exit ions of the 5.' ,I)jIl),I ('444.,., '. .*l itt of Aiusit• uI this. .,'i11t1' ale *1111Un111•ed I1.1"rrii.diate jriaun, b.• 'a, It. Hamby. Junior no. filet -els honors, M. MCA ur- r,au. (41. 11 )'.. W. (.40(1..11.--- •- , BEftM1LLf R• *tense. July I'ith.• '•1 vurlAo6 Rveth ru,s. A very pleasant evening wile spent et the home oto%1t. and Airs. Wet. Million yet Perko% evening last, it (wing the ec• c:..ioo of the uiarripge revert ion t0 Air. ,uieT?ll•. Sidney C. Love. Arming the many guests in the gathering u •nil ,• b ids., f re weer • friends of the l Miss France Nilli,in, from '1'iatswater, \\ I(meter. Bfutaels, Walton and (i.aleri.h. A iottntiftil •dinner was Net which toasts were pro- p*'.!¢_ he Hey, Wm. Bengt. of Hen, W IIIPI, (fete. 4'. R. Jones, in (itrdericb. Hunter, and J. N. Kernighsit, ling *Ilene a� �sr••,`{.Ie id this set'lion. Ite,•vt• '•f Colhurn.•. Thr Homeroom His funeral w•a• to London on Thurs. hue-Anta teeter -rat heep.vkt- - .day morning. The trerviees, conducted an which the bl it1 ,end grmiie were by Bev. Mr. 1►uheiev • ul lien.alI, wets held. The la id.'e gown ware drab. of 4atr.lr4vcatteniied__Ife_ letrie trpvrl to is.,' blur with a pale blur hat. Mr. mourn his hiss his widow ,end two :•Irl :tfrs:1.'11". will )15' 51-1-h *w' to sem'-. Edward. a voting bueinr.s 111'11 lrIelnie aft •r August. 5't at ,heir resta- rt( Loudon. mei Frank. who has ee,n,"-tiCto•erzkAgil, :avenue. (ii.4rrich• - • PORT ALBERT. • W'h:n\lsltsv. July •21hh. !_5s.>uWe AND Guise.-- Mr. and She. Its. Mhearlown, 'oI the cis eider•. ,own, towns Sunday at the h41ulr,uf Nethlirl- i,•.I 4'uw.ingham ...Mrs. John Quaid is spending .enq it week with # ire -de is \Vioghaul .....Mr. and ilia. \Vat. *;5,(1(14:, vitiated e.th Sir. and Mr+. W. .'..ter 1154 Sunday_ last Alta,. E. L• yiugt un i, n.' .on, 0' 1 i.slerivh. err the gn8.t a' ul ,1111•' . 141111181'4 plot her. • Mrs. Miss I3r..wu • floe F:rt a" HMIIiJay. ot l:u,lyri,•l,, is visiting with Mrs, Joie. Ila''1Ira „t pt assent. ' Widen sp.ty, June 20th. Ui-. E. (:iliums. of Mt. ,14aeph's hate pital. 1,'itatiwh). is Inoue attending to her 4 rothet Ed., wIto is rob iniproviuM a. ta.l :tt hi. ninny . IIlet;J. would • wish: To, onto, .544.11, :a few days vivitill)( nt 1'. It. M 'Ni' '.. Ah.. `tnyrte.. of New sok., is OW .'(beet of her nephew. 1'. It. MtIay. • Aliyees Ada and Dollene MacKenzie and. their friend Mi.. Robinson spent a week camping at P • 4 (:lark. Miss Kate McKay left for London 'Tuesday. KIPPEN . 1'estisv, 1 T July Intit. ,. D►:A rl( 4P It. E. ('I,K(lt.. Last Tues- day the late R. F. Clegg, who for about twenty•five yeti'. w'an %tati.in agent here. delta. tett this life. He was - the-•rtioet obliging taken in the erecter of the (i. T. R. Me wal+ held in high esteem by the travel - ANNOUNCEMENTS. •'1i'iglr's Stomach and liver Pills 1nNk. sluggish liver* active. :ell pills ('a 1'h.• Weekly (:dobe and The Signal tin naw tiulwa•rilwre) Ga' the remainder 01 this year for 111 cents. '1'h.. W. 1'. T. U. meets in thelletiip- pranre- Heli- --(be :t,utl_yttd 171tn th Mondays of ra.•h th at 3 o'clock. Pei fumes, toilet wMttre. talcum powdery+, a well-uesurted stock al E. R. Wigh•'., drug store: suecrrul' to James N• Gumbo tiros.' old stand. 'Bus orders weft receive pt pt attention. Open day end night. Pleini(51. F. S Y. M. Ds vie. CHURCH NOTES, All the melnireta of the Ladies Eur: aka Bible class are requested to bse' wee- ent at the regular meeting to be held on Monday evening. .luly '3i, at. Si o'clock in the church parlor, to make arrangements for the Chien picnic. Miss Turner. who is to go as a mis- sionary to China this autumn, has vet- kindly eoosented to address the young ladies next Sunday Morning at lit,o'clock in the vestry of North street Methodist church. All young ladies be welcomed. oman's eakness A woman's reproductive or,;ans are in the moot to - tense and conunuous sym- pathy with. her kidney*. The slightest disorderinthe ki.tegys brims about a corresponding disease -M the reprodurtke oe'Kana. D,.J.ts Kidney Pails, b) re- storing the kidneys to their pe. tete condition, prevent :,.J cure those tearful di+- • orders peculiar to women. PaM young girls. worn-out • mothers. buttering wives sett women entering upoe • tee Change of Liter your best friend is • . Dodd's kidney Pills pletrd two years of his cuuree in the Medical School, London. Fe It.o\A9. \..and Mr -s. Hoe t . d 1 pleasant week of N.WnlMrkr , spent a plexsa i v..4411 the ruusins Hf 1inis•rt M.u41141111.s family A...11411W% J. 53. I)inwlale and J H. Petth spent a I.w day:. last 'r . t e wr.•G WILL' h 1 uJa near Hirt. anti in - Exeter•.. Mrs. >1,rrj-on it v' "'- tinned trout Assn,•,..a(tei attending the f •rel .of het' cmi.in. Afr M'snri. i11u, rfry 41'.' I gegrr. who wit dhows,• al near Ells Lake: W. are plea-elI 14 note that Misses Seilio M'-(•trg.n•+rud Maggie Mrl5i. w•.tr.uceaostill in 1111•., ,'xanlin,at ion al Ibt Nomad Scbesd. _ ,1tiw i;Meliie a eug4g.,lt in 1 h. Part line 481001 in t{ay for the ensuing y ear. at COLBORNE. '1's.+-4uts...luls Iikh. .buret*.... '- Mr. anal. Mem. John M••srr, nt Ikea::, veer. the guess 4f the f4rtnet'e sister, Mr.. \Vu1, Dural. on Sunday. Mrs. Chris. Halo; of ('relitnu, is visiting with her parent., this week Rev. A. I), (.lsehle•r end terniiy. 'Of %,.rich, :ue visiting with 1rienda nn the Maitland for a feof days, . J. C. Mtothers was the guest of Herman Maedel 0,e M lay., ....The farmers are making gond use of the fine weather to gather in the balance of the hay carp this week. Saone have started to cut, fall wheat. which appears to be an exeellent rrup this year..,::. We understand that the material for the tnunieipal tele _ phone line "bars been ordered aid is Mite Cram Dickers. of Stretford. 4 the t astet_fdlo' Aluw Veneer. expected rents -true li: in wttrtt q : tinrouu Kai-. of Toronto. i. tlsitb,g wiQ he -commenced in the near future. het r,.a;n,5 sus. Mew Sturdy Mews Itt•:r'ug 1?KAwk'uitlis Dk.tTH.- The .nd item. vit. received Mere hast week..,. the • feel 1.f that. Bessie 1,'lawl•oal. 4t .VewpIwo. Manitnlut, wt,n w•it. in.1.urtly killed by *n acci- dent • while tiding 4. in nut hili. She. 1'rliwfo,.1 ci.itr,t heir• about four sesta ago ,inti i•h8 wnti the love of all who &eel the pteesnre• of meeting her. We extend lunch syarpethy to her sot rowing t.•lativr.22. as this ie the s.•'ond Isereavement, within twilit he. - PERSONAL MENTION 110-• .\ut(u-tin• hdr lest %seek um •t trip to H4ii1•'g• . \M.. Alberta Yate. is home from Chlaago os . holiday veldt. .1. %rthur i-utherlsnd, of Torolito, was to tura over Sunday. - 11.-- Grace •luhnslun. of St rat font. is.-la•nd- inghulid:,y^1n town. AUBURN. IF TOL' WANT A LAWN WAIST our price. are marked away down. AI -o hoot. and •Loss and tut, at reduced price-. \t-. T. RiDDEnl.. WVnNrat►Av, July 20th. Temple Clerk has taken a position with W. T. Riddell Miss Helen Phillips has returneil from visiting \Vinghatn and White- church friends, Mts. ' Fred I leustedt and family. trona Manitoba. are visiting at (leo. D.nstedt's. - Thei'riung Estate shipped lumber this week. . Mrs. W. T. Riddell left for Alberta lain Saturday- to visit her patents for a few weeks. • Alex. Young. of %%Ingham, was in our village on Sunday. H. Roberton, jr., ban added another a hearer and muggy to the Auburn livery. The poles are scattered on the way to Westfipld for the (inderit•b Rural • Telephone Co: The line Is to to hull at otter. DUNGANNON. t A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK - elf. NOW. -At home.%erydayexcept Thurs- days. New remedy for ex trar14ng teeth *Morena forms, fret ter then gat. crown and bridge work, etc. Aluminum plate, Inon-brenkable.t N. A. -You can alwaa hat a your work much better done in the dental palm --more time . bet•er #br114He• for doing the work. more amts. tort "hie (DV the oat lent. MOTiCF.-THE LO('Al. AGENCY .11�� Iu Dungannon for The ::inial is at the Poet- otere Hoak and Stationery Store where carter. twill received for nh.crlption•., ad yerllsinit idd job weirk. end rt'cetpte wilt -ire given for amount.. mild for the WWII' • Jttgl�Zl'/ News NOTFs.--Mrs. Moulding, ac- companied by her sinter, Miss Mabel Thompson. returned to her home Mount Foaest Nisi week -�� L. 44. Pahoer, of The -News, tee rite(' from his trip to Ohio last w ...:,.Mise Bellamy, of Chicago, is visit' at her honer this week. Mre. (iren and two children. of Tiverton. are visitors at the Mallough House this week Will Sproul and J. Walkom were at Siltutiller fishing on Tnesda) . They don't r•ePert whet luck they had..... Mrr, Polley' and eon, of Ooderich, visited at Mrs. J; Ryan's over Standby.. ..Mise Brown. of Port Albert, is a ':door• Mt James Curwin's this week Hwy. L. Bart- lett and family are spending it few weeks at fort Albert. Mrs. H. 8, Sturdy and WWI). of Milwaukee, are the guests of Mrs. KMeet Duff. • at James di n's this week.......Miss Winnie Daley left for Galt lest Friday before returning 6 bet hni4' ih 1441• forth Mies 'Alice Shephard has returned to her home near I3enmi:ler atter spending a couple of meets with ter uncle. W. H. McClure.. D. Mole and famils, of Rochester, N. Y., arae visiting et W. Mole's this week. Wm. Mole and fondly and 1). Mole end family dente to Southamp ton for Sunday with their sister . Our old friend Donald McNevin is vis. iting friends in (Inderieh thin week. We are sorry to hear that Hugh Glenn is very ill at present. We hope to hear of his recovery anon .Mrs. Ellis Mtntb.rs, ot Toronto, is Visiting at Thomism Mothers' this week. ..Miss as Pointer and Mims Fletcher. of Toronto. are tweets at Dr. Case's. The sermon them* at t 1p is church *et v'Mes Or 14 /Sunday are : Morning -"The Estimate of Greet netts .the Emphasis in Life :v evening -- 'The Stafeguards ot Modem Life." The pastor, Rev. 1'. H. Janes, will preti h, at doth i.erv'iers. ttriglt;interesting hour ; everybody welcome. ti n 0 lies. W. W. tlaldart. f 1•ult u e ie a t n Knox AL1.. oetJy, 1 th pulpit f 6u .hureh on .' Lay hast andreache.I t w o interesting sermons. 'lite' rev - erend gentleman is at. (i,Mlrrirh boy of 's. .s are Trot 54u1 wI his Id frit n t a prowl. (. t the• announetnlent• that'. tie is to preach in his old h, • church alt,ty. artist . ,1 large e4.l1glegi(4414. • The sleet serviee at Knox (hutch last Sunday eventing l; wn(thy of spa coal men' -inn. Mrs. .1. S. Morris. of W'aupua. Wis.. and Jas. F. Thomson each rendered at solo wit l good effect, and the by tun, "Consider the Lilies," Waal well rendered by a.uinteltr. eon- risting_ of Misses Nairn. \Vetter and Me Lett nen i,nd Mess* 15. Pow and Dots. d. -at Sunday limy. W. H. Taylor. nt Varna, occupier the pulpit of North street :Methodist church. Dr. Dougall was preaching anniversary bermolls ill Brucetlrld. This coining Sunday he will be iq his own pulpit. The subject for the morning service will be "See- ing the Invisible ;" for the evening ser- vice. "Conscieni'e - What It Is and How Educated." All visitors will he cos dirtily welcomed. Next Sunday at the Men's Sunday Club of North street Methodist church. which menta in -the iiarlor of the Church. every Sunday morning at 541 o'clock. Dr. Domed! will eprak on the ruhject,"Wherein the Roman Catholic Faith Differs horn Protestantism:' Thin address, the Doctor says. will not tlr uas-ue uncharitable e ttrcisa. tri14 ad attempt to place side by side the differing features of the twi4 faiths. M, .,,.1 Mr.. Nm. lilakc he1e Merle 011 a .t -,t 41. their daughter at tt,r•sns111., sa.k. MI... (lire Turner will 'be 3 home te her frirr,dr.;,t Trafalgar .dt_ern.onTuesday. Jul) )51.. MI-. Griffith.. lady stiperintendent of Ale. - and'.. Hospital, le-rpc h,g holidays 'at Lon- don. , 'Mr. Meal M'rr. Noble Smith. of Wh,ntpeg. are *kiting Mr.. Smith'. t'arect.. Mr. and Mrs.. 44. Mel.aren. The Mi.-.. Ma) and Flneen.1• Walker. of - 4 (,rt i'rrr'. ...re the gu..t s of 1 heir ..,mode.-, the Mn-.'. Felwurrl.. '.44.-.. ye -la ata! Gertrude H)d,'. of Handl. ton, are r i.iti,g their taut. (1 I.. Tena (Vntstia, Aloof r.'.d -teem. Mr, 5,4. Igen and M I...lean and baby were 1hrK1tut'-.sof Mr.. Jame- Macon n.,re. of $ea. Ra'tlr. 144=1 Thumbs). totration! Ilescon : Mrs. Hayter and eon Wal- trr len today to spend a few week. with friends In Itoderteb. Piper MacDonald. from winghanm. wa. the gist.' of his brother. John MacDonald. (Hou es. -ler 'Feet ace. fhie week- Mi..e, rime and Verne Marlbnalr, of Wing ham were the guest. of their cousin. Hark! Macdonald. this. week. Hairy Craig, who hold. a petition in the Matta -hall field detarnnent *tore of Chicago. I- home for it few holiday.. Mr.. A. M. Shephard nod the Misers Shep hard. accomtilled rd by Mir,. Allan. trained tour -e, have re ,'red from Toronto. Mi.,.Jr...kind Edna Fletcher, of !instal, - ton, and Met. Josie Pointer. of Pembroke, are whining their aunt. Mr'.. I1. J. Morn.. E. W. Hanna. of the .tae' of 14:$011 Itldle) college. St. c atharlac.. w.. is town for a week. , eating at the hum,' of Mr.. II. I4.,)d. Mr-. (VA. Smell, of 5o1L"-.', Montana, and whtlrtwlt. I,f tbnthnc-rjwnt-Snn-. d+y at 51.•ne.r4 ung Perk-, the g1111411 of Wolter H. 'He rnem,. Mr. end Mr.. Jame. Savage and daughter. -Ratty: from 17etr.H. wore-rhs4lma-tae (.reawr+ uncle, John Maclionald, lilouoeeter Terrace. 44,4 week. Mr. and Mrs. H Stoddart nett ion, whet had been vl•itore at Air. Stoddart'a perentwl home on I:a•t street, left on Tuesday on their return to Morden. Man.- --- . Mrs, .1. S. Sinclair and granddaughter, ,'lfn Lire tail Mr.. ('ha.. Seeger, west street. Mr.. flee 1 Medd w111 retrive on Monday and Tuellay. August tat and 2nd, from 3 o'clock tin 5. Afterwards she will restive on the er.l and third Wednesday of every month. • Judge Wlddlfleld, county niudge of -the county of trey. and 11. A. (feasor, police fragt.t rate of (Owen hound, were In town over Tu.r.day night. They were on their way up the lake with a recto. Pnwk :feunderl•. of Toronto. ha. been t 5-11 ing .0 the old home. Mr. Sounder,. le a rleter %omit( hn..ne.s man and hold. n good pselton in the head office+, of the wr.ecen 5'anada .'lour Mills O. at Tornado. W. T. mai-14m Omilh. of 4'hlea ro, ane here on their annual saiRimer belt to the old home. South trer•t. N'. T. N aerompnedr.f by srl. 1411 tnd )hearremsotpahner, n58.1 no..wnHewr.rOef :n.111411/7.. nCAMat(oo rich. Mr. bud Mq`. S. Mere., of Wp auwt. N i.. w1.1-1° here on *.port tilt to Mr. Mnrrl.'.fstrr., Mr.. M. 4'. hn`trade Swan-.hw Mr. Morel. 1. a former re-idrnt of Iiolerich wsl_keened the d carriage -making here.' tic is now a pro. penin.. arriagr manufacture 1 hl. adopted ell '. r. And Mrr. Morel..rein to their • hr. H. 0. Maekid, of Calgary, war In n toter Sunda). The Meter Is a feriae? (lode's, .lek by, w sen of the eats lout. Mr..Maokld . He left 14ederirh (*elft one years age and a. grown up with the Wee., occupying new the Important position ofchief surgeon for the Calgary di%halon etf the('. 1'. It He found a nwwber of hi. old Mend. in Oede,lch, who gate him a hearty greeting. Rev. I', A. nsa• rector ns. St. Cyprtan's church. Toronto. gone 1,. Venronver to tree the cosseonuoo .en,,un Of the new The reverend gentlemen wore , hum. in their college dart which fart is .,gniecant of the moment Mend.htp whleh Axl -r_ hetwe.n then,. Ras.' Mr Ile1'enr er ha. retai'e. In town and hoe 'kited here on wveral Oooa.lon.. Several member. d the family et Mrr. M. Cox, $4t Pat Met'.•,reef. aroperttelpatlnte Ina family reunion at the old home thl. week. rho.. peasant are - w', M roe..4 Hapld I'Ity. South I' Wrote . Mr. w.t.h anti dauuirt(h ter. of gotten. North Datota . Mr. end Mr.. Amo- U 1 ox and daughter, M I'hleaRq Ill.. Albert 14 tees. M H.nghron, MUM., and Mr. and Mr.. G M. I es., of Manch...ter, Cat(lamd. tree 1 he Bedford Livery, South Street - Gundry Bros. OId btand..- Rubtrer-tired coaches with white matched teams for weddings. Black trams for funerals. Our single traps and horses are. the hast that. money cats buy. Open day and night. 'Phone 51. F. k T. M. :)AVIS. NURSES GRADUATE. Iaterestiag.Exercises in Connection with Alexandra Hospital. A 'splendid audience gathered in Oddfellows' tall on Tuewlay , evening to witness the raduat' exercises in connection witty the Alexandra 'hos- pital school for nurses. Ilia Worship Mnyut -Cameron presided, and with him on the platforop were Him Honor Judge Holt, president of the hospital Ileatd, Dr. Taylor. and the two grad- uating nurser -Mise Lily May Levy, of 'Carlow. and Mier Helen Taylor Swyu. of Hensen. Three young lathe. torus the first graduating class of the Alexandra hospital school for nurses, and the (H'casion wee of particular In- terest for this reaso54. Members of the Order of Daughters of the Empire. those guardian angels of the hospital, and Mies (iriffitha, the lady superin- tende'nt.of the'haepital. occupied seats near the platform. Thr procesdinggee-were opened with prayer by Rev. James Hautilten.• - The chairman made* brief adders*: in which he expressed his pleasure in participating in the exercises of the evenieg, especially so on this (ltcasion as one. of the gr5Juatea was the 4tanghter of old and esteemed friends of his, Mr.' and Mrs. John Levo, of Sher' that this was the fleet event of the kind in'Oodericb, Hie Worship con- gratulated those chiefly- concerned up- on the emcees. of their efforts for the eetahttahidg of a hospital in this town. He recalled the long period of prelim- inary work whieb led to the founding of the hospital, and paid a tribute to Mrs. Macdonald, then regent of the Daughters of the Empire, for her in- defatigable labors, which with the a�e- slot ance of her co-workers bad been largely instrumental in the establish- ing of the hospital. Three things, Hie W or.hip said, had within recent years tendt•d greatly to the alleviation of physical suffering. One of these was the improvement in sanitation : an- other wile the advance in the science of surgery, and the third wan the skill and devotion of the treined'nur'ses. He congratulated Miss Levy and Miss itw .n the completion _of -their course, and wished them abundant UUCCeas in the noble work to which ! were devoting themselves. M1si Keturah Brown sang the solo, "Hecanse," y sweetly• the ace - paniment be r 5 player: by A. Hoy Adorns. Judge Holt, who nett spoke. took it as it gratifying sign of interest in the hospital and its work that so good an audience had turned nut. He gave a brief statement. of the history of the hospital and to this connection spoke with warm Appreciation of the seif sacrificing and effective labors of the Daughters 41 the Empire which had been of inch great Resistance to the hoard of tnutee•s in the carrying on of the work. While the hospital build- ing was nut at all perfect, the internal management of the institution by the M that city, Rs., A. itel'encter. lady superintehdegl. Aliss(irtffiths,was all that could ore desired. and her wilt 1.. had. received the special coiuueudatiuu of th • t'tnvincial inspector of heap: • tats. Him Honor took the opportunity to thank the people -'of -the t.+wn fur the -way in whicb they had stood by the hospital, which without their gen- erous support could not he maintained. He spok.eot the g.ei}d qualities of the nurses • w hu were completing th.tt• three year course orf t•aining. and r u all . tthe nod wising I s Assured them of K floc their future career. -- His Honor then prrsrnte.' a diplomat mud medal to each of the graduate.. Ahs. Hays for the I t.ulghters of the Empire piesentad each of the gratin. otos with it sut•gical ease: Two har111• fume bouquets a14') were preeceti•tf to each of the young ladies. Mire Levy then gave the s•1dedictiey address, in the coot se wi-i.-I she ex- pres,rd the gratitude 4f the nutses for the nurses' hniue which had been pro- vided separate from the hospital. end also thanked flit Daughters of. the Empire, the lady s. iperintendeht and the physicians of the town for .thele assistance and kindnesses. Miss Swan added a stew {fords of • thanks. Dr. Taylor tbrn•lu+dr some brief but suitehle rematks preliteioary to the presentation, in nehalf of the medical Confession of the town, of an address t4 the graduates, acentu anied by a hypo dertnic case for each of them. This -concluded the pr.wceedings. Earlier in the day the graduates were the tecipienta of fountain pins prraented by the Florence Nightingale Chapter, the junior branch of the D. O. h. .}�x,< '' ;F,Kt '• o �'._ t4 ^�,,,krY x. 'r 4r't <.�yu 'gr,yt� �� ���'r Aly, Ji. .i, ! s.,.,,� -_- _ -•3.. �'..?. .. i .. _ u.. u . e,...f'i^i i •m': s .f . r.,dr .. ., , t ,. JULY BARGAINS Another Icit of July R'rgains this week that will save you interesting k'.t Friday, Saturday and .next Monday. HOSIERY One hundt•eri and fifty pairs tun cotton Hose, .ties e1, Y!r t( wntl-44A-Ret% value tee #k m .tele 'aunties', and fast color. We gut this• lot front a will rt a price that allows us to let thew go at two pairs fur 280 Never had such a snap in cotton Hone. - Another lot of eight' pairs of childt'en's lace tan /lose, sizes 411 to 11. value J'l)c to '.''ic. We are clearing the. -int up at • 15o Yoti never saw such value 'in black cotton Stocking. or our last lot, from a mill sites tie 9, el ' and 10, seamless and fart black. Two pair ter,. .. 25o . 4 GINGHAMS About flee hundred yards of Scotch Gingham., regular 15c. On Friday, Saturday and Monday you can buy any It them for mat.. ...........' 1110 JABOTS - - We just dropped on a few dozens of ,taboo.. regular 25c amities', and we are going to .til them at the smolt price of .......:.•,....:.....15 and 18o 1'his.is surely * bargain for num.'s.' goods. DRESS MUSLiNS A few ends here'4455, Ibc and :etc value, for just 10o. Not many now left. (set money. SUITINGS Every piece of 1. urn and Leto n SuitiOg., 'limit four hundred ands, in all the new shades Just one-quarter off re 'ul1f Wets. This -ten cleaTotny?. up price. hut they must go Freda' , Saturday and Monday next. GLOVES .Proposition Nu. L Here is the biggest Glove proposition we ever offered. A two -button silk etW, i, create, pink, sky. tan. fswn. Alice, green. chamois. 1110Me, black and white. '1'bis is the .. 1 of Glover we eve ad t r b and all for the greatest ns. email price, of ....... 250 GLOVES Proposition No. -Silk' lisle. a great Glove, .two-hut.ton length. Amides hello, green. Ali.•.. rose, tan, white, black. navy. We ask for this L., only. ,........ ............ ... iib GLOVES Propositlou No.:3. A two -button„ tipped put, silk Glove, exceptional value: colors hello, ten. grey, chamois, rose. black. Any pair in the 14t ter.... __ • ,,800 GLOVES Proposition No. 1. --Long Move, hhu•k, 'an and white,and the perces s frome 1 u Q , lot t. k00 1s re Glove opportunity. • A g � oc o} Pa rtunity. J. H. COLBORNE 11111111111111111111) -� 1111111111111111 0 GM 111111111=111 anNIMIID 1 Smile! f leve leen spending a month in the City of Hrotberl. Love -Philadel- phia. Among other curiosities there. 1 noticed a Lady had. advertised e school where rhe teaches -the art of smiling." (food school. Some folk. I know ought to go there. It. pays to smile. A drummer told. nye recently that he was in a mighty teed humor. Things had gone wrong. and he wee disgruntled. it seemed that every- body was in a similar mood, and as he went from store to store nobody wanted anything in bis line. He re- turned to the hotel and ordered the porter to ser that hie trunks got 1? on the train next morning. Then he be- gun to think. His house . had good customers in that town. and would to disappointed at receiving no orders. He' had touter try' again. So be countermanded bis. baggage order, roar in the morning. put en a binding face; and placed *3,000 worth of or- ders in a couple of hours. Plumbing HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING ROOFING METAL WORK Etc., Etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 156. Massey=Harris Agency A foil line of Fat m Slachiurty Hinders. Monera, ItAke,. Hay ► r• Loader., Manere tilt ,tide' e, • Crealn eel aerate' -. etc., (:ray and Mount Forest Buggies. 55e have also the Standard, Wire Fence Company's G o o d s and the Brantford Wind .Mills. Agency for the Mason & Riscli Piano. Call and see me before p,irches- ing anything in line's, Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST.. GODERICH ammeemewearegmeterour BINDER TWINE Farmer,, this is the piece to get your Twine. The . right goods et the right prices. We are selling Deering Pure Manila Binder Twine • - *t 90 cash. or Ore payable • October 1st. 6.') feet guar- anteed. These prices fot tbemonth 4.1 July only'. • Deering Mowers, Binders. Rakes, etc., and all ars, Implements. Amateur Photo Supplies We ram everything in Photo' Su1.pliea--I'ilnn•. Film Pa-ks, Plxtes, l evrlopers, Toning and Fixing I'ow,lrrs, ate. Arm a nice line of CAMERAS THE FAMOUS BUTCHER CAMERAS --the hest iu the woo Id. 5 Mee ttne'J. always anted. Try one mud be convinced, r F. J. Butland, Druggist The Square, Goderich. Call ant tern have a talc abort your new Buggy. J. J. Moser Hamilton St.. (GUI/E1U('H. (Hugh Roses old 'tandl NOW iS THE TIME TO BUN SHIRT WAISTS A SALE BEGINS TODAY. COME AND SEE. ALSO SKIRTS SPECIALLY PRICED. Lwdies' Voile Skirt. at lees than coat of the material alone. Panacea Skirts at *2.0:4 s3.1k1 and µ.Ab. See these at cut down SPECIAL VALUES in Aummer Underwear. Hose and Gloves. NEW THINGS in Belts and Neckwear. err. BARGAINS in Whitewear and 1-ndeiskirts. VISIT OUR OHINA BASEMENTS. JOHN STEAD Ladies' Wear, Fine and chins. Hamilton Street. GOLD MEDAL Binder Twine 65o feet. Per pound . IOc Waterproof hay Fork Rope I'er pound I5c Brown's Auto Spray for spraying trees,'shrubs, vines, poultry houses anti stables. CaII and see it work. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE • Fred Hunt's Hardware Store THE TiME FOR • JruneWedd 1 ngs i., now past, hut 1 and still in the Furniture. business and would like to furnish the •' homes of those lately married, or any person wishing- to get the best there is in Furniture would do well to come here and examine my stock before purchasing. i have the latest thing in Hammocks -a "kHammoc4i Couch." C.all and see it. Geo. Johnston Funeral Director and Embalmer.