HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-21, Page 2• oNT vein. KJ_ BLISHICD--HVB4t-V-LIILUILIU..t_17 Tito', "Is:NAL PRINTING CO. Wailed T rots of -lisibacesetien $1.40. pet annum in Rev Kam. .ttictly in ad vnures. Suiescriben. who fall to reseive Tint 4'100. wighlftrly by mall will confer 00 favor by .s.• %Veen change of widow. to dwarfs& both the and the new liddre.l.hosild be given. AIveet1"--iling Rat** beale. twelve lines Iona inch. . Hostas.. cards of Nix liner and under. 55 per Adverthiementa of Lost, Found. Strayed. Sit. Sale 'or 'to Itent. Fariu. for Sale 00 50 heel, Articles. for. Sale, rte., not exceeding eight line.. tic each Imes ion :SI for lint month. WC for each sub.equent month. Larger advertise - went, in proportion. . oent. pea line. No noi sod t ban 23c. Any -special notice. the objra•t 4.f.• hich 1. the THE SION A 1, Pltil.NTUNtl it, Limited (11)111011(4H. viienstiAy. JCI.V two. EDITORIAt., NOTES. • I town with the Eslisention Depart- • .3111.411 11 gnat 414441 il,s lit. lot Holm., Oldie:onion that volitinal 'how iii•t .41.41141: .111411. %Vv.% el...11410 hint heartily. Promised th at the il,elson's fin nti.y would be fatilfi wit hoot dela .1141 path. on daises RAW, Irately' tine. ones worrkbawsid, • Hardt) reached wixt Joy mid livid by .t raining :Inge: !ilk.. • • 'Them their .1sower of gold would IFairy golds upon issb Just a Little -Off ycri're not sick, but you've no appetite for your meals. You don't feel much like wOrk either. Stomach not acting properly. That's all. Now what you want is a big - bottle of S, MI, If ti• 1011141.441 !he 1111t loin: .• Ibts41 elevcr. if /be parer. t hcis were. anything like t 1 i..144 11 hi. geograishy -Lialite eight ioititictivrtz..isal lbw.. heat belt. Arcti .ttiti...i.reiiitnif::11 of Brit ish '.1 '4/11111411V 1 Ili! 11411 Oral 141(14'11( *1 Norwitby -NMI -Rwedria W it II thine 11 Italy. and tclt %thy they -differ in ninny 2-e.pe•d • ilegree leligt II; Ind the Ileyfree 1.f tat it nay sloe. 1*011 will regret you did no attend one‘ of Catiada's High - at 1.111e. fre.ls hut hot Net the bud. thnt wad to be. Thme .1111 %lay and fair to .er. 111 their languor isn't, their love, -Rosamund SlarrlottATat.on. • t Ent - FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Can Put en Ares. • owlet The cost tot' as coed.... of Midi tic, ion ti French Ab $1.41110. 1}1:11111111641 giVell 0.4 ell. oppor- t to stork tip. atril nit profe.siom n higlies plane. Au istonisted, X.411 • riaar_The Bait Bolt! wit'r • t•ountry linnet for workers: It n ant. them on • farm awl isi the -bow Cole.% it get.- theist from the Itriti.li 1.1e. it will not he "0101. 111 hail/lie the el • of business -110 st be made to produce more. The emand icor tilt .1 fosel.t 11 111.14. of the supply. Hann - begin Ns till the Wititueutto them. lion ft .4 .1. aults the nen comer ! '411- • il most -rally itilinitted. of the 1111.1e•intleles bons. blicifires n ant the, romp. mail st •• unworthy of o 1111- 011e -1111i14411 Nei% ere 411111.1.1 going tli atty ille-holvie low it's like (lint, al au& Wit If •falling out lof *he t he vs eel.. 1 he flame of the stirstsip still 15141410H. A feline hates to- fall sin, great diatnisce. ()nen S. d tits. cm hoof! a 'braking fist- is die:v.114Ni. avid- alum- " building ',Wilt. Tlie ratepayers site tit tio.gritit aid to the extent tif iiii of ArA1.0015 ate, it $.11.101 vestment iti stock, • that oil he n‘nraiga• t111•1••• K ill lift lialf VI 010. 1411•11(1(14114.WHIll 11W1111' 1141,01 Null raising. room. insult st 11111' IliStriets /sf Allstate. is in factor orders ish hen 1.0 nth ill!esit. want atty .F.ansopeatt 554 fLif grants to help The motley te-i tion taken fi-oni 5. mit n fair test its t is• first "slam% .1n41. .144 111.11y, it is Iwit barotony i•hildrets still 'do hi *i• .luvre its 'statist ' sr the maitre t• of the rect. from Babbitt to %%mem which will o ion di on 51 to post e.rit y WHY inat i4011 1•114114•1%. tte• Bee? 'rise (report - -meld of Edectition is making the thing a state seena. probably ?tomb* violence to the eitstii at the hands 'it( angry parents. . etiitor of The Wi peg F1.1.1. 141.(94$ in being spoken of 11% possible lastrier cabinet material. If t rliN Mitt tit thing keep* 1.11 '11 1.0111(elr, more than meeting/$(1 rising h-nstaters. tis 1114sio Spectator. Of mitre. thi. meet, that they not lie fir.t-raters..- lionnneut and Monk nor vaitipitign- ing in guidon. ligainst the Canadian . Mr. MI nik is 1 111. leader sof the French 'ontiet•vat it e. (of gitelsev4 and Mr. liourtosia win forittet•ly 14 1114411114.0 Parliament. They hate both isf the regulisr parties tin the any policy 1011 1141 impOrfatit quenttmi was adopted the people should have had All Opp irttanity Itl/prt•Ssi ng T111• onlnrin (4ncrr11u11•ut. rcit.tly turn hark 'line in it. h11tit can give n putty grwdl i t of. it. In its deter1111ep111i keep down the. supply of Aetna,' teat e.r• it 111)1111 herd, th1. 11111410 •1•111Nd., m1 thin, to pre%rot the ocrrcr••wding o the nor I school.. it 1111111•• further rest riot loan. 'nod 1rg1►Int ion-. One naii•e 14111 .1.1•1114$11 to IN• urr,•.-ary iu the attempt to keep the -talent. 1•tick, , 1111 this ha., been taken by the nhidaiale plucking of candidate.- .for entriftwe to high w•h,Not.. The chain awH►• to Ile 1' plrtr, e.14•i'14 th.tt 1141 et. 111 it tl11rt• le Ineer.q l% to pro- hibit 111ertaiu proportion of children frr•In ping to .ch Nd :It all. Thi. 11N• pro►'i111r1 fin, him -ever. by 111 system. under which some cannot tits - 141 The wheat,n-ill-teC ditaitsict 114•1111• *.f %%Trill 1. 4.111. .15 the tio% misfit -1s in AA Welt 4. 1 1401/1111..1111t to. the illtt•te.t lorings more 1111tory 40 01111110 the" vonsuoun, 1$ efeC 1144111:11.'041 the pre \ • ell. Ira. Ilk to °Whin tena•hers mid the 'tithing] t lie !meths!' Isa% e to, Kir Wi tom( SellIN•ling.. No wonder soippot•ter \if the (hatpin (foyer mt. whesi there wip. .4.1111111.11 displayed in the menitgement Sir Wilfrid Laurier at Bran Was met by the' /oepresentative.. the Drain. Growers' „14.4 1( jar Of M14111 101114. W1140 p1/14.49 before him A Mistake Might Be Serious. .1 -••Ray,-- said- Bait titan. as tre• mewl couple of nice bass t.o the house tio. t hilted Hail 111311. -1'1111 see.. fan going el' lint of town or the ilav. and - you ....tilt salt 111.1,Litl Allitiller error like t lint on %mit [sort J41141 11e1.1. ily. Sri* • One Day of Rest. better friend than the lierd's Itay- %%his fornin lyi worked .e% en tiny. 41 attained it- rod by mural *mitosis atitl 411.111:r. IO legislation and legal 44 1111. reatlily than other.. to mot ement. So bong as the..%Ilisinee &votes it. ot- tention to preserving the Sahli:4th for Clinton Welland Winghain Walkerton ingestive Tonic This remedy may not be • • so useful to a Chronic Dys- peptic, but if you are " just a little off "-a little start. at once on VONIC.----We-know the formula and can confi- dently recommend it. Now is a good titue to enter. Our graduates receive frions $1410 to WOO per aotium. Coursee Mit different writo.ter particular.. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE organic:Watt grow in piner and In - What fa the Reason ? ‘1.10c at tliat the couritt•y schools open lifter the •111111liel• rad - 51.0 thats the city self4ols? .This year file C. try WiltiOIS toilet' 4011 111014 1:1t11. herr weeks fiction. the city child •Ittetiotit I, relon to.• to 'the studies of Ni Ito s•tistinis for many - heal 1 1111y 1W:1*M 31irell for the It 1*.1 not he that the educationist ne• eds th .• extra time i : for ex- perience tows fled the ••• i try 004'11401- iN (111i1 110 0115411 05 the 441 4111•141 Chilli. 01 he 4411,4. hand. .it seems in • the %pry ve 'dine ill the harvest 1 11114-• when the hint .1. needs the assistance of his boys um than lit any time in the. 't•ist.. It 41, i1,1 appear more reti- Open Wail a few A% 94.s after the tinie tint the eit y !, learning reAtined operations.. Their i• v toe 0 good reit- silo!) for • this cu.tioni. it it is difficult One Secret of Su Toronto GloIN. win rime nom entire madam d ee ' Reid and gmersateed by awe 1111;(11t to be ample. T r 11.1,441. I repeat. Ittte the mutter it, their own handl,. Ilv libei-al grants on the bassi. Id thO• .alary !son% the Government has ;him; it. shiny. A ciictilar ha. het 11 i.voini to public irdhool inspectors 101 .1.1•1•014141re nit 11 widen they ran iecomitueu4 to the De - How's This ? we otter osse hundred _loilar. reward tor nosy We. the under.itnnl. have known F. J. (*henry for the 1.t.t fifteen stqlre. and beliete him perfectly honorable in all business. ono. - melon. and Assaiscially nte to caul' out any obligation- inside br hi- Mixt. WAT.ItiNli;Kl•N 31 Toledo. 0. Hnr. -itssert• Cure 5- taken internally. 11,4•1• ingdirectly upon. the blood ..nd mucoin .us - fore. of the .y.tem. Tr-omotii .etst free. POcip 75 pent. per bottle. said by sil.druggists. Tutu. FLAW. Fiends. Md. r.or...r..tip at ion. • FALL TERM OPENS AUOUST 29th. Elliott BusinessCollege TORONTO. ONT. is timoteationably that-elass in all department.. Write today for our handsome catidogue ammo SUMMER TERM into Pah Term for .tudente in ;s11 department. of the Central ollege of Toronto the lasge-t. most induentieJ Younti wide 11114 piecing ChM in good pwition.. Caublogue fere, Eliter any time. Write Voi.ire St.. Toronto. F. C. B. College "Ply with pleaded the youth. "Wheel. the use 10 snows/reit the old machine y twfure we had got a thousand feet high. ' A FARMER'S OPINION. Mr. Gamble Finds a New Lease of Life in Dodd s Kidney Pills. • known end highly -reartected fat met living two miles frren Isere, has given to the ptitolie his 1•441POI14 for his faith in Doffd's Kidney Pill. ar a remedy for kidney disease. , "I could net got along without Dodd's Kidney Mlle." /qty. Mr. rheum/abseil. linntiage. weak hack and urinary troubles, Atter using -.ix boxes of Dodd /. Kidney Pills. I find nil toy elle* and twins gone.' D•whi'm Kidney Pills., nre the friend of the old folks. I bey untke them feel young again. tieing of the great dime mental @torte. You will not find tht•m etting up in their summer advt.' tisin Oti The contrnry. they appear to ke special efforts to attract and hold It- ronage in the mummer. And noti •t$ this. too : it is tint always stimine goods they concentrate their effotts upon Yoe will find in their an. nouniemento tatough the sum. 14 111•14111 way thiit the farmer •gt.t. protin•tive tsiriff. Air five trade with yery lit tle of it. It mays : _ ..ji by h .Great Beanie and AN. reciprocal t rade • ing es id id altogether in the Orr, Next was request that the Govern - points very near the r line. These products are exportn to Eng- if:exported to the unit A1111'111'411 ricett less import duty." ;,,The tariff nue driwited. While in favor tof he dismal) take. f few el elevators Mt A 1111111 Utility, 111 he Anset•ican rot, atilt ovirse'esdit it sand (item - rettiseis to .1a. one isort• of the nother, there will elwey. action, and a tariff vi•hieh ii the mitny to give to the flOt Ile permanent. There has en interesting dluerussikin of the •st' in The Farmer's Advocate, nsl we republish In The Menai thie week an able contribution by Thomas Mt -Manse. of Hullett, who hat given much thought tu the milbject and who case from the /dewily/Int ot the fernier and the general cone ttttt er. t WW1 /44144orater1 in this case also. For the live stock intere*ta t•equest W10. presented for the e.tabliehment of alwittoirs and a Government system for the earrying on of a chilled expqrt trade. Stilt another reque.t was that the Yoram-, on -the Do iii i i l- ion 'Railer/1y Commission created by the death of Thotnaw Greenway be fitted by. tire appointment 44 Aadrew Graham. of Pomeroy. Sir Wilfrid and hie colleague. accompenying him promimed to take this lerge order into their consideration. The Premier ad• mitted that the pre.enf tariff era. not a finality and stated that the Govern- ment wax ready to •••tend it* provi. Mon* for freer trade "when the condi- The Conaervativis member tsf Par. thins reqtaire it.- He promised legie- !welly known Ira "Bill Mtaple..." took Bement in regard to elevator., hut on • leading port the reeept ion to Pik! the question of Government-owned Wilfrid leerier *thee the Premier ' abattoir* he frarikly listed that he el/sited him coon( itiiency the other (lay, j wait not • ronvert to the lens pru- ne incident ie so unusual as to have salted. The Minktee Ptailwar'e round very often at•ticless that are not resulted until the winter time. Why ? Because they believe in the aeons method of holding. the pet- ronage of the public. namely, public - It does not follow that beceuse it ie 811111111fil people do not want to buy stoves. or heavy clothing, Of' hooks. tools. desks, tablets. furniture and a it:impend and one staple.. They wsurt-th•enr-and--they ,avant them -all. the time. • The Scarcity of Teachers. The t.ilobe quotes an intet-vit.w with Hon. Dr. !lyric. Minister of lidsicathm. in which he states his opinion that the ',resent ecarcity of teachers will pt•ob- Ably continue for another yew at ditions in large measure to the move- ment of Ontario teacher. to the NVest. "I have investigated the subject as far ea it is possible to do, eo and stm great- ly impressed hy the heevy drain to tbe West," said the Ministet. "Salariet ve higher there and we ate losing both experienced teachers and the view graduates of our training school*. The condition is serious and I cannot urge too etrongly upon schbol hoards the neeessity of raising /salaries atilt higher if we are to keep qualified teachers in the Provittre. Both the westward movement and industrial occupations are Attracting tenchers away from the profession and it rest. with Khoo! boards to &pelt- e remedy. The Province is perbhicing enough teechers if they earn he in• (hired to remain. This year e have ;panted LOBO new certificetes. This rate of supply, if kept up for a year or oileg Berlin. Ont. e Reel nal School fee Berk and Your( M•n. Vac Audi Pr mem ad* pest-gradeate cows,. in En - Business St Shorthand Resident and.•Mail :Courses Catalogues Free. Fall Term front An . 29th. CENTRAL W. ACHESON cf SON - SPECIAL LINEN' SALE July clearing sale of Table Cloths, Napkins and Towels contains many splendid bargains. Some cloths are slightly soiled and crushed, some are imperfect, but of a rich double damask, and the best of pure Irish flax. AB * discount of 26 to 60 „ under regular value. UNDERWEAR. JULY SALE PRICES Women's fine cotton Lisle Vests, finely finished, no aleevea or short •leevits. sises :,,t2 to 3h, lit two tor 25c Men.* double thread real French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, m134 to 41, at, per garment 26o, 40o And 50o DRESS ClOODS FMK h .01 theta+ N'ioi!es, 42 inches nide. beautiful even weave. in twu shades of utay, fawn end chagtpagne ; triplet %.shie I/0c. special price, iser yard 50c FLOOR RUGS AND LINOLEUMS 0-,nornifor From our large stock we continue • our sale of Rugs and Lineleums. Oikiothe. I, I II and•2 feeds Wide. at, per ywrd... 25c patterns; regulat $12.00 quality, fur 49.00 straeseanobouievenowaevevevesevomewnieviewtwaevowbourbeveneetae Summer 11111411111411.1.11. piloarni Footwear WITH tbe warm weather- comes the desire for something to keep the feet cool and comfottaMe. The 2oulemt nuannerVootwear you cam wear ie a dainty Gibson Tie or Pump. To proctored'« most up -to date styles in white or brown canvas, gun metal. chocolate kid, tan and ail other leathers at the lowest minable prices, come to us and see what we have to Tenais, Lacrosse and Bowling Shoes now in stock QUEEN QUALIT1 .1 OWNTS FOR WALK OVER SHOEN 0.014. It MN Downing MacVicar The hugest and hest practical tceining richmil Western Ontario. There no better in the Dominion. Our courses err thorough end prac- tical. our texchera are experienced and we assist graduate,. to positiona. etave three departments: - Commercial 7*-=z1Ir Shorthand Telegraphy Waite at once for our free rate- logue. D. A. McLactit.ax, Let 114 ha e your order or your New Susser_Sait EMT MATERIAL , LATEST STYLES -PINE TAILORINft DUNLOP The Tailor. West st House Flies are hatched in manure and revel in filth. Scientists have discovered that they are largdy responsible for the spread of Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Infantile Dis- eases of the Bowels, etc. Every packet'ef WILSON'S FLY PADS SW kin mare flies than 3oo sheets of sticky ppm Amateur Photo Supplies Vire tarry everything in Photo Supplies -Films, Film Packs. Plate-. Ileveloperss, Toning and f• ming Fowdets, etc. Also &nice line of CAMERAS THE FAMOUS BUTCHER CAMERAS -t he limit in t hi. wm Id. ince tried. always used. Tt y one and be convinced. The Square, Goderich. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Is your Printing done in Town ? Ready for the Flies and Bugs This is the sesarm of the year when the• disease -breeding h. stineR% flfTiVPII to infect ymw home end by its unreaaing buzzing make your life generally miserable. We are ready to assist you in rhirling yourself of this pest. We have the hest Ft I 1111111 g Pi nOTI SAONt LiENFooelar AND 10o PADS. and another sure ARE THE POTATO BUGS BUSY ? if the potato hog thi eatene to deprive you of yonr aupply of potatoes, try Our Paris Green It manna midden death to the bugs. Give us a call. We will be pleased to serve you. H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square, Goderich.