HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-21, Page 1BINE NMIN1'' ,,ili,•.' Mlni gentlemen's calling catINI•iUI'MM Cards. 411 vita dam• t IIUII�. �.11.1'tliMr.. eta. •prlui d a t THE -SIGNAL in tar very Latest vtyle.• New type and 'iv ery other facility ter turning out Nor wog` �� `I+-�eith your .) 'lest lob. MIjSI'. THIKU rwt-Ne. $ Only Forty Cents. New subeeviliere ' May have The Signal mailed to their address for the remainder of this Send in your twits...Option non and get the fulj ot this Capital, Relit and Undivided , ;Moths tb,tilill,c00 Total Averts liver 1114-1,000Alo EVERY SERVICE A I RANK CO RENDER Hiteifiess Man. 1111111 or tor- t)? CA NAM poialion. ntieltind Ilium, or 4 KeTAIILletiel) DIM Municipality. we are pis•pareil NeteS4w other Nesnitiabl.. l'apyr 416444 1.4.41 411' taken (441' 14111VetI1411. I 1144114.V 1 ritipmait fed by Draft. lilleatil .0oler 111' Teleigraph ,,,, (.„1,1,. „I' imereot paid on Savings 'ilepoeitss. $1.00 44 • NOTICE TO ADVER1ISERS :ivy of change o• running &overtime - men ts must be left at this office by Monday noon fo, ensure insertien .ssur of same week. , North Chinnel. (Wormier. Ho). Townley : p. Friday et adnight. It LICK. lienefol Manager. ' lietrolt. Mich. LOST` OR FOUND. • TAULF34, double *new, in e ca.e„wr.h the. where between Ica, reet and the boathow.e. on the river. the finder will he .uitably re wordiel upon lea, mg them at Tip; .4144NAL GOOERICH MARKETS. Teelliattar. July lips, per bn.li 0 40 to Hui wheat. per butaki 0 15 to rley, per Set totting.. pet eon 0 to strip to Flour, tinnily. pet ewt • 3 25 to nu to 23 00 to 13 00 to Butter, per lb ' 0 10 to tit 15 te tattle, ordin'y trikund, per col.' to Hotta NO41411 IO Hide., per evrt to Sheep .ittit- 401141/ '111C4ch. 12 Hour. patent, ter tato. arch. pet too f;lwrt.. Per ton wood. pee card ' 01 411 1110 411111 0 01 0 3s 7.1 to 50 2ii On 3 25 3 141 V On 131.1 11 tf1 14 10 11 IX o 1 Of s 73 sou 4 do 4, I On tin • -AUCTION SALES. 31..sper, Augu-t nth. AuetIon role el the ..Ibleg 4.410 of the (llama nricr. co.. Trio, C. .net Unmet - NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS -July 21st. • Page Canadian 'National Exhibition- J. a Orr. Vacation Trip.- 1.. F. Lowience 7 RAW. t Geo: Porter Staneal tape: Aerip.an h hen ., 2. comfortable boarding-hou.e h.e. beep opened for the .untiner, and anyone wiehing accommodation 4. invited to atdd to the 44o- moderia convenience. in. the home. -Meal- gisen when ordered. 'Lunch (met 13 'it '4 I 1 1' %MICRON. corner I...ex and 1Juebee .t 31 ONEY TO LOAN. -ON OIRST- cies farni.evurity, at very low rate. of interest. I make my sown veluotiotie. Apply to W. Mull/ON AG H. Carlow P.O. Pytt PUBLIC NOTICE ' ji Daunt be paid before Ai4rtia1_1.1P5o, NOTICE TO FA Eitri AND OYU- sr- and others are berrhy worned Watch 1 All kinds of rough lumber in stock at the New Lumber Yard. next to Kensington Fiernitue e Fa. tory. opposite Ift.T.R. teark. .,0rders filled at short notice. New Brie nawirk Cedar '1 Shinglea -Larkin" Nand- the i hero ou the inst but. JAS. DEAN & CO. iCarpenters tO Work on the new elevator for the Western Canada , -Flour ,Mills Co, Apply CA - NAVIGATION' CO.. mmiN, AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE. • to offer for .ale at auction the remainine Hint The sale will he held on the prerni..r. of the company at I Anton. flot. on StoND.a.y. STH. The tweet. to 1* di.powed of ron•lat .trao cutter. and portab.. engine.. be ca. h at time of ,ale Of thirty worn per cent. Intere.t. to this...former. who de.fre to .ecure for their men private une threehing out f.t. at' powder THOM A GUN If It Y. .4 uctioneer. .c.-11 tioderich. Ont. FO* SALE. 1 ASOLINE LAUNCH FOR HALE vi • The menet °fern for sale a gasoline. bersepovrer engine. all In firnt-ciam Dominion ; cheap end on reasonable terms of payment: FOR MAOKINAO ISLAND Fridays. 4.30 a.m. • IMMO round trip. FOR DETROIT Satusdays, 2.30 p.m. goo one Way. lig.so r,....... 1 STERLING BANK OF CANADA linsnOrpien or DoMINION PARLIAMENT To accommodate the Farmers lie have opened Branches in the rilbotes of DUNGANNON, VARNA and WP 111011eit the i'atronage of the at tat Mantel 11111431Hltelltlt Highest current rate of interest paid in nor SAVINGS HANK DEPART os deposit* of 111 .00 and unwar4R• GODERICH BRANCH, A n ()AMBLE. Monster FO SALE OR TO RENT LET.-DIJRINO JULY AND 1 !mane. a well furnished Imam of ten room. with all oonvenitioess and bugs airy ground.. Apply JAS. VATICH, Wert street. OUSE TO RENT. -ON STANLEY 11. dreet. containing nilie none; within • eery ehort distance of the Bemire. Arty Met door. 1.10U8E TO RENf, WITH ALL 11 modern conventonces. centrally located. pox SALE.-1AYIN 23, 24 AND 2.5 .1: on fader .treet. Oederich. containing one-etory frame hone... newly penile?, is .table and • good orchard. A .uitable property for a retired farmer. Term. and con- dition. will be hieninhorl on application to the 10011, SALE.-F1VE ACRES. WEST nide Hayfield road. between Brit/mute roAd and !tempo ntreet ; good portion of thin land ',liftable for market garden. dnall fruits. etc. May in t wp port. of two and one half acres. each. For price and term. write H. A. JORDAN. 173 Windeor Ave., Windeor. r orest,noderIch. the property of edAte of late F. Sineetli. There tit on thi. lot a large frame how* with modern improvement.. at pre.ent occupied by Mr. Millar. Term+ and condition. will he furninhed on applicAtion to the undetstigned. • moochers tor Mounter. bendell & Wester" ritowN PROPERTY FOR SALE, - 14041110 and lot. known a4 the apt. Mac - house 10 room.. hot wider heating And modern convenience., with one lot on Trafalgar 4r.vt. win he dein 'chitty or eeprirately. Home and lot on Napier .treet. P room., flood rondence 'Mete**. cottaireat Saltford with 3 acres of orchard. winter apple.. fame properties can be had at reanonable Kiosk apety to J. L. KILIAMAN Barnoter. WESTERN LANDS FOR MALE. - an acres with X some In crop ; frame nom* with 'phone in. Priee 121,1110 Including crop. lend is rieh loam. VO acme at {18 Per ^cm broken and fenced. Thin in a woe. Of land gotno up every year 1110 acre. with good buflorlIngs,110 scree broken ; price tos per acre. gond lonolity end phone in home. Any or these con he honght In eeer tonna J. if. CANADA : jULY 1910 8IUNAL.PRINTINO CO.. Ltd PUI11.1.knee. THE TOWN COUNCIL. street III the wharf had been 'COW been titling. The walk front Harbor THE G. T. It STRIKE 'e structed and a wavy laid the same _____ length es the walk. Another matter NO CHANGE IN. CATE OF CIVIC ' which lie advioed should lie done was , the widening of the roadway in front HOLIDAY. : of the electric light anti pumping 01..41- • tion. The road at thid point ja onis . , •. I 19 feet wide and io continually being Councillors in Favor of Reform in As. narrowed down by the none. If de sessment-Mortars for the *Square i**11 "re built iit feet long the roa Councillor Hawkins Proposes a 1 Municipal Nurseey for Trees. I there is gravel there, it Height he . • !built at a cost of *ilk Councillor'. Reeve Reid and Councillors Vaunt- I Hawkius and %remoter moved that at the regular meeting ..1 the • town I heve it chine at once. It was ed ' .; 1 council lest Eriday evening in time to:in loprialinent that it be left with , . hear the Illintltoo tetid by the 4•Ierk. 1 thr public work', committee to decide. _, , ,,, ' _ . _ .... ., ,, U"Uncill."I' Martin:, who le chelfhlen "11 I Tni. W4.1 carried. On 'notion of• FOUR THOUSAND MEN OUT FUR. HIGHER WAGES. Freight Service Tied Up, but Passen- ger Trains Are Kept Moving -Mpth ' Sides Confident An Attempt to Wreck Train at Brucefield. the public' worits committee, . woo ali. t: ..... wilt, I.: Wallace. sieconded 1,teiriiesn, PorNtbeittiatittinGwhiciaon i:„.01wmeencttionirn sent for a short time snaking artange- Conneillor l'ar•onti, the ea -t of laying with dpiug..luir hi the wee, for the ...elk will he irrunediatelv ad been prowess hat the relpiert of the Berlin niunici- ment ta investigate as to' the obaei vane.. of the assessment w be -ffled. Ntrike* The exude of the st 'like was a deen•ind anti that the account of Willis t:hip- ninn. 1... $3,10 raid. There. by the men that the teratiti Trunk pAy evening. Deputy HeeVe .. i .. kne ittr Nome time, hut these were broken and l'utaticillia0 Parson. itninfritiikins off on iltintlay afternoon. About bete come in later. 1 thoUsatid 111411 are inv-6TW tee -the Collector Cempetell sent in ta state- ment respecting the. ke ypient of the lett yr e as swot 11.1 airs 114144111,,V,Oanoiit -The MieYor read had revised It mu as, clergy - filthy condition ot Harbor Perk on the osty the !mien Stind.. ',eluvial ex. year. MP reverend gentleman testy*. a the neetutimudattost 'for excursionictc tit Rim poria-iina the! e nen. no mote convenience, as.; he la -t tithe hey woo1.1 rim their Cn.nteur nut J. Antgituiceinidit-- E. 11. g'.. Trafalgar drew.. -on IFrank Poughoo. MARRIED. July ith. at the re-adenee of the Mittel father. 25.. filoueeeter etruet. Mi... Lulu Havren. ebbed daughter of Itowen. topewi. P. Rundle. It S.. of Schenectady, Tue.dak. July 544. by Rel. H. Mellon,. It. A.. MAOPI lIpore444.4. elder daughter of editor of The e• elland Telegraph. on. uf 1 IlL.1.1 Mary. hetes cel daughter of Mr. day. J.nly 17rh. Thom*. Herrnon. aged 11: yeas-. eamotith- ant 7 day.. • SITUATIONS VACANT. . the standard wages paid by pnie.t, roil was it;lopted About Those Mortars. . ern port. of the continent. The The cemetery and perk.. committee- ("sled sobstantiel Melees-, reported' that fifty feet of two.inch of ahunCIS per eent. ell e44114141, -.4.444.C. tout that .1: C., Shea:sloe/et had heels given' the eoritrart of •4urnishing resent yllye 4IMW 10441111 for the perk at to the reitie• ere Wore .05) .rtint on. bait the donne whieh chiefly thew the 41: placed in 54001510f' at the court house quietly preparing for i tee itrend two on the rant side *MI wo tbt:. Trunk has tor . time been:wrong- west gide. • ing to get' additional men o fu. nixie Councillor Martin moved tlint the erewo, and also to take all mete avail- Tj was report he conaidered clause Thy ekuie. able :rani their other services end excursion, to: this .point. sal .go,,abaca. hack pot thenteio the trig:tie-an far 4V4 neer.- 11r011011 out in the timeimsion that. no He frowned thi• perroe ,own a4a,, named box Tear to HM11+41 Park, which .dee was atv [Witty. The comp/my has also closed shops till over the aystein. throwing Monet the excurdion moil it arrived Proved of by Untencillor Wellace. It Alsrl the untidy condition of the park "rah ageeed that whatever was to le. A huge number of men out of work, ale,. he. h.- • , fart that done with thrill would have to be done It. id ask' this step has been taken leo as there nee al:Other exeletsion lowly quickly. it, in their present position to allow •the management to conceit - town 11,, day pe,„,ej„„..• The, wat. they were a menace to people opting trate all their l'Pe1011re4-4 And rvh,rti.d t„ the ,...144,44.4.y and through the peek at night. 1 wad Money on the running _of the trains parka connoittek' to. snake *flange- Mentioned that a plasm toting thrtmgh fire the preaent. 'neon) for the comfort .4 the recur- the pai•k after dark on a hiryi•lit was Since the strike (-omnivore,' t h e sionists. Councillor Vanatter advised 'bible to coine into collision with one freight !service of the I :rand Trunk ha* Ono the parkti eoin • j„,. rhould ree attf them. The :Mayor questioned the been oraiticwily tied up, but passonget. that a cup be placed at he fount.eln tight of any cyelist OSP the walk, trains have been kept rtioning in lately Harbor Park. to whirb the eheir,neen fmt se nearly all of the coon- good order. The officers of the coin - 'of that ...... uitte replied that • &trend y eillots are iiicYcle riders the idea of pany 14.11e that the -freight service will preventing such a. practice could he attended to in is few dap.. Both thus cope had twee' Owed there and h‘rdty be expected te meet with their rides appear 'to be quite confident of ell hail disappeared. However. he the outcome of the struggle. ticelly the figure 'earned by the 4•0141- riliation board which recently heitid the case, OfI41 tclut idIfereti to concede the otendard wage by 191:i, hut i.•lelentel absolutely prevented ; he matiagentent *I'lles strike hail been in prospect tor e tine ant) high video had been -Nrie0iFtfii-•Ifiii.lied for the yews . The Local End. . would find one .theiv when they • attired. At Ocolerich the 0. T..it. ic handling candon to H len. Park. Councillors No Changs in Civic" Holiday. Martin and %Vellece voted for the no freight al *11 since the 'strike emu; A letter front the seeretel', of the ..... tiovi end it;,- was opposed by Reeve train serywit on Tueielay war stone - what disorganized, but since hen trains have been gloving pvetty regu- larly. The train arriving here at 7.05 p. en. wee eancelled yestet•day. Very few paesengere, however, are leaving' evidently afraid that the trains may not carry them through to their des- ight mituation is not at lilt and other busineae placea have the C. P. R. connection over which they can obtain their supplier and make ship - Londe° Train in Danger. Lue•know Obi Boys' and 0141 Gills' Re- Reid, Deptift IteeVe Munninge and union again asiCell that the eouncil arrow,. Hawkina abd chenee the date of the Goderich eivic thwaite. Venal ter, who holiday to Tuesday, August.. '41)(1. in hoe been aWay An.1 *H. not very well ;yet thnt Ootiet•ich citizen's.% might informed on the subject. asked to. be ve * better oppm•timity of attend- excused frodevoting. The report Woe Mat the Caledonian games on the big adopted. day of the Luck now reunion. Deputy The water and light, and harbor Reeve Munnings had given notice at. committee reco ...... ended that it water the butt meeting .4 the council that be trough be attached to the roof of the would make 44 motion to rescind the new waiting -room and height ehed at bylaw nanting the Hrot Weilneedity in the dock, we requested hy Major Wto 1 I OS I Eft . K SITTERS August RS the annital civir holidiy for Lamh of the Department of Public RUINER k Limited. Welleeleyi Ont. Ina ITIEACHER WANTED FOR S. 8. X No. Is. A.hfield :dude. raeOMMOICe after ...primer holiday.. Apply. dating nolai7 and experience. to CR.ANClet SCOTT. JR_ sea. 101-11 SMART !,30,0ZIWANTED TO LEARN ANTED.s-THERE IS AN ex, ellent opening at The Signal °Mee for a bright. indtedriou. boy tone who hoe peened the eutrance preferredi to learn the WWI* trade. Journey/non wage. to Canada today a. high sr II27 for a Sa-koar week, with strong demand for 'dented workmen. Apply at THE eltiNAL °Moe. 91EACHER WANTED. --FOR 8. S. .1 No. a Colborne i duties ta commence Outwit rah. 11.0. Addrene ipp17. stating salary and experience. to JoH24 TEACHER WA-NTED.-FOR S. S. after arld.unimer owatiou. Apply to t.. B. 31 orne -A- OttNERAL_SER- TA NT sr onee. No washiso-lthe. L. 111E4CHER WANTED FOR M. fa. eatery, to I- 'AUL 31 AEDEL. Beceetery. Hew milker, Ont. 4,2EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED (Or fillittilifing Coal tor the Dominion /Mild - day, Allgood 18. nen, for the nupply of Cod for the tablle hronghout the Dominion. cmnblned -itecHication rind form of tender can he obtained ori Application at thin °Moe Per.on. tendering Ave notified hat tendere *ill not be con.idered nirule on the printed form. ...replied, and derted will% their actual 'tenet ure.. each tender mod tsi aceompanied hy en , to the order of the flonottrable the !Conner of ' Public %%ark.. equal to ten per amt. DO p.n.) of the amount of the tender. which will be for- feited if the pernon t.nderine dentine to enter Into A contrast when called upon to do .0, or , fail to complete the work contracted for. If I the tender he not Accepted the oheque will be • The Demo tment dem not hind Medi ta accept tn. lowent ony tender. fry order. R. C. 1 1FAROCHERS. A ed.. Secretary UOUIFIE FOR HALE. - A TWO -1 1 /ttoww. July a, 'opt DOppat merit of Puldle /Irk.. 1.1 EIT0RY brick hones. wit& seven Naos. Newell:mere will not he mid ter thin iellver- ao Benne ntroet Portieekwe IWO Ds had by dement lf they Maar,. it without authority Whoa at Sf01411. Office. 33-tf from the Dentrtment 07 tioderich, but sui the majority of the Wink,. Adopted. • retincillors held th*t those who Councillor Hawkins reported that .1. wished to go to 1.ucknow on that dey Hummel! hied offered to construct would go whether or not there was a cement carriages for the mortar .giens boliJay no gallon was taken. • at a cost of $5.511 per ruhie yard.. This would mean that each carriage omelet Mr. Holland•rAsks for Rebate. - cost about 81 1. Mr. Hummel, wonted 'street, asked that he it- repaid the ',Wu of which he paid on a sewer laid on his street shine years mgr. It became snd Mr. Roll/it'd W11.4 unable to ure the ardent ot pluenhing in his house. In 19110 the loeml ini• provemerit sewer was laid, towards which he pays hitt %here Reid towards the construction of which he signed the petition on being infermed that he would he repaid the Plan wItIch be paid for the first *ewer. The -mattsir was referred to the public works.cona- Clinton, July 1111..- An attempt WM, nnede teat evening to wreek the li. T. R. northbound train at Betwe- en extra. $10 for plat•ing the fr1111. In field,, near Clinton. A railroad tie pogition end Councillor Hawkino eon- was placed acrods the track. hut was aidered that everything could lw dene discovered and removed just befote for about $00. On ..... tion of Council- the train came along. lor Parsons the emitter was left with . the parks c ..... mince %title power to • , C. P. R. OBJECTS. ' e question of arranging for a, Thinks the Council Is Trying to Bind lease of the height tubed and deterenin- It Too Closely. ing the otorage• late to. be charged There was a special meeting of the was left with the chairman of the bar- town council lado night, at which all bor committee tn meet Mr. Doherty the member.; were predent except of the Inland Lines. end obtain mort -Councillors Pardons and :Hawkine. information from him when be should The agreement rempecting the switch be here this week. which the C. P. R. purposes laying Fix Tax Reform. -. across Harbor street to the Rig Mill, in order that material nugldt 'W J. A: Fowler, C. E . and 0. F. Blair Councillor Hawkins, the alderman conveniently delivered. has been dub. sent letters to the council ealling iits (4 man Peotteemee i'6414, mede '4 witted to toe railway company and tention to the new petitions 110"/ peppoaa thet the rowel 0 Id start 4 hats been redierned to the council he - being circulated by the Tax Reform „aajt,,juraei. of shad.- trios and in cause the company claims that it is League. making the loatislature to thid way have sufficient trees of its impossible to execute tbe agreement. *mend the Aasestiment Act so NS 10 own every erring to treneplant on the Objection is taken to t -he fourth clause, and incomes at a lower rate than land husine" 488esminen" ir4146.4117• "ThWeitlin"ntuttel.111:87:11Kref7111-erredrarelaill"to the; [n.iitr6teee . '-h-itar14-Vilgr1"1"1111"11"IPt most he kept open for traffic. parks cummuttee f.,1. onisiderntion, ;This. the company claims, im irupcs. values. They belieyed that, ouch ta Another to ttter, which was -.rut tit ' Pible, as all trains would necessarily measure would be in-tho- intereet _Dr tbe optimal committee. wee the quits- aye to loop end blookade this teak_ this manicipality. The iteakwity of doll tut to whether an addition to OfW the council suserted themselves lot 44f E. N. Lewis' catteges was built . on on the road when 'twitching was being being heartily in favor of- the idea and done. The railway proposen that the on ion of Posineillor Hewkins it, the town's property .te not.' Sth'ne. "f claw.. he changed to allow the leaving the councillor. were'inclined to think was referred to the special committee of cork on the cramming not Ion er ..now 41 Any SLIPUP. had been taken to - of $2,1:43.00 is to he levied upon the enema at the nearket. Councillor intro ove- municipality for general couoty pier.' vanajtki. who is chairmen of tbet finance committee. for the %Vest he had inetructed the R. G. Heynolds:".peersittent of the committee to look after the matter, Otxlelich Mllelrod Sociell• we"to`awk• but if nothing heel been done be ing that the yearly grant nf $300 to wool.' call the committee together at the Society he poised. This idea *AO OD • Rent to the fine/ice committee. T ..• rouneil then *dint', teed. A letter frdro Robert Hell, of gee_ forth, enclosing copied of the inven- E•rvi' hottephok medicine cabinet tories of the American Road Machine should cont.tio 44 1,44.1 of seidlitz pow- tonight at 7:30. tbe matter will again recelVe attention. and someone to Co.'s plant, was Hied. Public Works Report. di cis. r al I, . t hvve i iitri......hd,.,,n;iggtiid‘rAy; keitnicdevesimult Ittlyp represent the railway' w HI he on band to present its aide ofrthe emu.. In the report whirl, the politic jam" Wit."' Now that the Square is oiled, the works committee presented. it MLR It isn't difficult for a Man to see Iris watering cart will be able to give 'tet - recommended that the agreement gob- onloit7 in a W011311111 with an obese ler attention to the *Ole atresets. and Mitted to the C. P. R.. rcipect ing the hank account: ' Mith this in mind Deputy Reeve extenaion of the .:witeh arrow. Harbor f The ladies of St. Oeorge's church: Munningo awked that Victoria street street. be emended. by innerting 0 purpose boldiog a garden party on the be watered as far north as the jail. clause to the effect. that cars most not beautiful grounds of Oewald Carey, This is a street on which there is In any event penncl on Harbor dtreet the Crescent, on Townley evening,' coneiderable traffic into town from rooming and that the railway com- July 211t1s. Tea will be served from 6 the country and for this reeson it twiny will agree to give Ample end to 7 o'clock. There will let a work should be kept in good condition. sufficient werning to the public of the table, ice cream end refre.hmentm, Cknincillor Martin Rusted that the approach of any ear, engine or train. novoltiee and other .4ttrartione during prewence of dust, in such large funeral The report was adopted. the evening. Music will he furnished Om on this otreet would mean the Councillor Martin &eked permission Ly an orrheatre. All will be made wel- constant use of the watering; cart. to give a shoe t oral report of Nome I come. Admiitabin to the grounds, 10 He mentioned that the street'. which other work which tbe committee bad 1 cents ; Admission and tee, 25 (vote. i lire swept do not need so much mitten than five minutes. which SOMft t e councillora claimed wee its right, at - culling( to law, but the Mayor was in- clined to think thet much a ruling would be in came". where the railway had a right to cross a street. It wa. intimated in the letter that the coon - cif. plan of acti-in *54 considered by the railway a bad policy, that of wish- ing to enforce reguletion which would have a tendency to repte•ict the rompany's buidnese with the town's industries. 15. was deeided tri take no action, but, as the c ...... cil meets again eye.. oiwn in the new tiations with the C. P. IL the 'Antler of that street crossing itt the harbor. In .fact, we douht if it is•noceshary to give the rail-. • way any atich vrivilege at all: even temporarily. !loth rtsilways will be jockeying right along now for the beat panto. le they can get at the harbor, and th council's businees is to see t hat the pit idle Intermits are safeetlairded. If there Is any doubt ay to' what should be done. the publie. and not the rail- way*. should get the benefit of the doeiht. The C. P. R. will ot -courae argue that it iePr viding for imbostries in which the town is inter - I. hasely-argo-- mentg• but perha;po bit shopworn. The -council hat. ft -better one when it points ont the necessity of preventing the railway cot:wanks front jgobbling rhe whole WiL14•1•Iront. There is tusked for is allowed to he plaweal it _will remain, a. menace to life end a ont 111'141 /11111.11114,Y. Cam and. the Nlayor istaggiened that lie town boy 411 rweeper like the ono which.was 1144,11 when the Square wad 141141. No objection was, r.tised to the kits, but as no sine knew the eost of a sweeper the' ntatter LOOS lett over till it later (bite. Elfoi•ts will he made to protect the Square and have all the .treete leading from it watered -for -at - least one block. Some hydrant*, on Victewis street 444'44 O1111W111.0 require pitching mit .tartd the attentitui tit the W.ItIor 74101 ligeht coneetiseion will be called teethe cfsesic„„ ilitilin of the hydrant', generally. ' • GUELPH IS INTEREiTED. Will Benefit from Harbor lesprofements at This Port. . The Guelph Herald of Saturday last said : ance Chairtnau-Rudd. in the capacity, of Acting Mayor, had to perforie up - morning vies to accept an invitAtion to Oislericli for the evening of the iith Augugt, when the town eouncil of tioderich ro tender a banquet to the Hon. Wm. Pugsley. Minister of Pub- is to investigate conditiono with re- spect to the harbor and to look into the trodest from that town for the - det•petung of the harbor and the en- latagentent of the wharf This is a matter in which Guelph is intereeted 4144 notch as Ooderich, said the Acting Mayor, who added. "We have it from the manager tbe elevator company tioderich that, if the needed im- provements to the harbor at Code' ich were carried out, there would be a great deal of Western wheat handled there. It would mean, he tells me, that at least. nine big wheat trains a dsy would pass over the Cuelph Junc- tion Railway from Guelph to (lode - rich during the wheat season. The revenue to the city• Id Ouelph from its Junction line would he very mater- ially increased." THE CROPS. A Bumper Yield at Hay -other Grain Crops Good-Apotes Will Be Scarce. From piesent appearance', all cereal and Held . crops will be heavy this sea - eon in the towneleipe adjacent t o Goderich. The refreshing showers of the Inuit two weeks have greatly for- warded the growing period, and indi- cation, ere that tbe harvest of 1910 will he • record one for the county of The hay cutting at this time of-wril- ing is well under way and the crop Is said to he the heaviest for many years, @speed:11y with- clover in the hew - Fall whent also be very heevy and is fast. ripening for harvest. In portions of Goderich township the bervesting of this grain had already commenced, end it will be general next week. better ; they promise very heavy Considerable acreage has b n planted Witls- in the vicinity of Brucefielt and some parts of Ooderich township. This county natty yet rival the older sec- tion'. of Easex and Kent am a bean - growing diatrict. _.Considerable acreage is now planted Tifeeirie clover, or alfalfa, the firot cutting of which it, now in the barns, and the Fields are looking green agein and will soon he ready for a second crop. Corn did not look well at first, hut has progreased wonderfolly. There were complaints that the seed vitae had and in many crows it had t4, be planted second time, whirh gives the held% a patchy appearance. elution. it failure, And contrary to ex- peetation« after he rionerkable show- ing of bloosoms on the Orem in early spring there will he the lighteet apvio Nam known here for misty years. In enemy ineteneee the whiter varieties will hardly he sufficient for home ,•on momption on 40r1144 -of the farmm, and the only varieties teat have anything like a good 'Mowing Aff. few of the eerlier kinde. The cold weather and 44PV111P ?MON during the month of May are answerahle, for the Where of the appleo. Apparently they seemed to *et well, but dropped off when shoot the eiZe of email eherriea from the fact that the pollen wee not car- ried to the bloweame and ma a conse- quence they were not fertilised.