HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-14, Page 8ryq y•
rT `LS '. ,'i'A. ;, . a kie7ti K.
d0ttrs retort t 'yK..,•
'i ii to t'lv, JULY H. 19101
.,.... hMa
COMMERCE t"0',' � Mew Maud hut.+.rrurn. of Toronto. OFt Vi, I fortwu month. hplldry:.
. \. ; .. Frank S. Hick, of Turouu., b. hen or a v".11
_. _---,'a:.,rs Nhirbrotner.tl�h.kttQlC_.___
(AVM,] ire IN THEIR VAU- L• T A NUT' OF Mir. Mwyel Two, of Mew Tork i, Were un a
parental n
ilia to the p are
J. L. Mi,rdoch is here frau, %xalaudrr, r•.v.k.. Have ensues Keough to Forget Coca -
ou • visit. •
end'Mta. Book. dr ],.route are .i. tour. ily That Vau Have TINT.
our* . u• Thr'jt'tillr art of being 11614. to ba' filly
t it home
Th4p. Klliott renewed -old test
town tor r ler dry. this week. an1110
DEPOSIT.. B ,A` --
Mon Archer. of When twuud, visiting --her
parent.* >1 r. and ht r,. A. S. ChrY.lal.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur ('artie. of Toronto. are
-vlrttnnr*c t.. w -.e r tttA'Wt s lyre.
Mi.. Kathleen A. Oullivwn. of I hienro. is tlik
gue.t of her sitter, Mr.. K. J. Phelan, town.
Is one time a good many of us teed tc
cultivate. says Until Cameron.
To i.e able mice ID awhile to-b.-aWJ
_out elebusetely wftq or etndlowel>'
aau� c� thus, but thoroughly, bejTl�lly
cblldlsbly slily -sod to be able to stand
off and Isegb to yoereclt•eeradewally
are two ealoable abilities.
It is bad:
to take themselves and their duties too
lightly'. but It seems to me that It is
almost as, bad for them to take tbew-
selves too seriuualy.
1 heard a very clever and financially
esiceeswful young bacbelur setting tortb
his requirements for a wife the other
As n share In this loaebeior's ureal
ticket wouM prnhebly mean for the
.sharer the, ..deur et meals that (stege.
with oyster's. have ice eoureea meatier
'ed through the middle and cud Lp with
n cut.gfaes finger bowl, 1 fancy be 1•
the sort of person whose requiremel!-
m..t work. mny he Interesting to. my femtniot
it S. W I1.1.1 A MS., Manager (Joderich liraurh.
�) 4 iYourtiOlsonStraight
Lock K. Co., Lon-
don, -England, lith-
ographed . p a p e ,.
. , $:tCIL
Over one / hinittttietl
titles to heli& f11r111.
M pirptilar authors,
such as Lotlis'l�i'iic ,
Guy !toothily, Gun-
ter. ctc r etc.
The Colonial Book Store
Telephone JW.
(' t Donee itquere. (iuderieh.
Mt. 11. Newton and Mien- Ivy Newton were
among thu'ruronto vi,itun in 'town thi. week.
Mt. it. Jnl.eha.oI Ii . turued uaewrtrrm a Turnor
to her io.re
Mie+ Ruby Itobiuou, reamer at Nile, by
.petdlt.g a portion of the vacation at Tupper -
Cecil Farre, boos from Kenunt uu a Klalt to
hit parents. Mr. and hire. Jar: -Farr. Met
anter. ,
Mr.. Jo.. C. Gritllul,g,. returned atter a two
week. vl.lt with fl ti d. iu )tamillun Mad '
Dundee. •
Mb. Moiety. who bad ben the truest of Mrs. 1
McKie' tor a few any.. returned to 1'orouto On
Mrs. Whitehead. ofTuruuto, vi,n.•d at die
home of W. R. ttuberteeo for a few day- the
Now Abt)ut Yot ,Head?
If that is on straight you wt -come to
Oda Printing. Office for yours. ln-
sitations. Programa. Stationery, very.
thing in the way of exquisite printing
for social uses -business uses.. too: if
the yours man means bueineaa-slot
pant hawing cards.
A. Motherwell. r.. u/ Ula.gur �,utlrud, .rea
�ar the tures Mr. red . Jo-. , . writhe "1 don't ask for benoty," be saki
rltannlrrwd.. an vet-li,uslt ...h•Uertual trump. Rul
M. H'. Huaell wst in llrttoit 1a•t 14...14tor,bay what 1 do tntlst newt lux w ire Is that
'��ba n,.41e Ntnr ural• tamar she shall know bow to be "Ir once 11
bile:! abort, that she droll bat'.
F. C..,B. College
uiittg e -
Mr. and MN. P. J. Sullivan. of Stratford. are r money.1 keMrdly don't wadi
vi.iting theft dwurhter. Mr. 1t. J. Phelan.
reify r tie
�ol M. an � n a O u .
Mlsioaese t . v . Maotat4, r es table . to forget or
duklreu 7+ v +, , i �(>r':--e�trtttf�--b�l��-�e,�
of I
n+. John rialkald, � raaionelly that the hull au!'."
Stewart and dsuubrer. MI., Helen, God sense 1. a lite thing to bate
w.l.., at ,..,unit •• Mr. 'tewarte
hat the people 'who are stmek so ful'
onto, a
C. / V to Vet 1 era
at f Madeline
t forget that ,nsenat
ud hest NadeHne Net.eehlwn of Tor- ' of it that they a(.
%toting at the tame of Mr. and MK ', so has tis place ln-:ifc are waking ,'
• . '' •` hug mistake.
Mr.. H tall, ut .order *tan.. and her -
ttt•phew.. y Matz of WJpttita+IL• are n►lttna • A 11111. rewwMi4.P new *1141 then
relative. m town ata vuemit). •� la re11pI.J by -the TOR Or erten
MI.s June , of l'rlKary. wa- ere
bat': W pa. noel.. woo ` e.• that It is the "beet of wen'
Mur N a,hii • n F..•t ,U'erl. " . yMl alp.
n fora new runs the quotation. pointing out. n-
k the gu • of her twu.ln
. Itobinsoui of t.ewlurtln. her re
who know enough to a state;,. yeti
ter .peodlnK a few day. with senfM. The second raters falter the)
NI: Ken. I1gl,l a,enur.
ro•y Cornell and two chit ren 1 ire •tbeve 11, while. as s- 'natter of fact
ad.u'»'((a: ••a' s3.:,•,ss5tatw ::4^t" pct'rrfa ri=ri k ••••/-1:raa;a wr5tdliAl • F,'.;
T. E. DURN'N AND TME I that in many cases the tracker thuaksl lbs Biblical Ides of (ieNt.' MI seats
HUBLI,: SCHCOL INSPECTON. it worth while to provide tree accuw• are free and non -churchgoing pew,
I wodatIon for the inspector and, his are invited.
ru the latter of Tbr tt>rinal. bore,. 1 claim that an inspector lin aeeOlrnt Of the meeting held in
�-• should roe ilarticula► nor to he ander , North street Methodist church last
DhAH IntR,--Iu your report of
the arty obligation io a teatchrr while iu llolulav evening, the !mellow' b'ilrrkM
Business & Shorthand
We carry is toll ,tine of the
Imo Pickle., that durst be mooned
Sweet Mixed,8 icedOherkiva.
Muatmd, Whi Oniuur, etc.
Give thele a tri I. :•
We quote New Potatoes this
week'. 4.r Peeck
et;h Cooked -Ham , p er
Choice Bleak -fast and Back
Brenn, per pound, sliced 250
-one of the nicest of cooling
drink': mouse from 'orange.,
guaranteed pure and wholesome.
Add water to suit trete. Per
bottle 2150
“Turner's" Lime :Juice, 4.r
tattle 300
0seen Peas. Beets, Cucumber.,
Ten.ttee•s, (..arri.fi t.abblyte,
Watermelons. etc.
Resident and Mail Courses.
Catalogue. Free
I W Westervelt, J. W. . Westerrlelr.l3 r a.
Principal 1'
turned home,
her friend Mu.-
Mr. and�irs.
..,d MI.. Item% utlserland. ut luront are I they aren't up to'lt •
ts ,
My to the .rnar+ rine.. The man or woman!. _Mho doesu i -
M', >!r•. -awu.i t'urtau. t n„w how to be Filly misers one of for
e wait .\1 n. Thouu► •
t.icgeet recreative forces 1tl• ibe world.
b-ut oil ow t.anier
b-utnenat F:ngadwr. ,.int ern who 1R {tet'pe•tOnJly holdluc
' himself just no 1n order to Maintain
spending elmter 'with then relaU.r• hare •
. NonalOme la a quiet doctor to,.
_)in•. W'ul.,ter w Ild uddrnly toNlai
toe the pi.t week o
ul bet daughtera*-1
M,-. Janne- Huge
Hawke.• left }tram) et
m. lg,iat't' (" vn.11 thei
NI I,.
Mi-.•,:.Mu•yahiidtute mil Marone Vrrrau•.-
1 Rh of Hanover vestte, '.I,•. Carrell. HAITI-. i fits dignity -Is apt to become meutal!a
y s ems
prucerdirigw uf.tiie county ur� it it alt.. r1101110111 14 ..t hi, disc . will
t ttible Mess of Victoria street .Meth.kdiat
tow e g Mope cn uKrrK lib are nv to 7.).
ut fhe
>urpq•ie of the letter referred to. I nor that thin ie the proF,er stand to "senega of the class.
At the January ruriliuu I .bargrdlb-Tteke, particularly wk when we Are
Court lioderich, No, epeetos 'l'uw with pntcuring ezteo- aware that each inspector has been i. O, F„
sons of certificate," on teachers i0 a drawing one dollar and a half per
attended divine rerviee at 81.. (corge'r '
manner cuntrat y t6 t he Act, and vele I ,,,.hoed each year for expenses over andgelchurch last Sunday mornioK loaf
i rt
a qt per annum for trevellmp expellees,
renting, postage and stationery•
among you for your valuable of the crumbs which till from the rir�
1 am. utao'e table. He lauded the scheme
`•. Vour obedient servant.
of benevolent urgaeizetion, such as
T. E. Dt xNtrt, the Foresters, that of having the mere
C URON NOTES. bens make provision for their families
who had not already dune so, way
their lune resriAo' you statedthat u 1 1 now ut' i...I eetols who wt not. elotreti postponed their meeting 1
tg alit
regard to the letter of T. E. Uurnin nor hila in �,ur+uirt)dft tlhi'ir dutirrn�- 11 will Ito held on Monday seaming
they reported no action taken. 1 wish } nett at 5 o'clock. Amy ladies it I
alk known Usti. n h the PEI the chars 1 too at rongly of the otnn• ' t ati i Ij I to
the same In uyr h1 lasire velar Simco the end
report o t at sessaun you r atett rust o i nit cI.Or om 1.&
the couneiJ decided that my
war without toundatiun and that i
their opinion the lnii ctor simply
complied with the reg�ations. At -
niched to any letter in Julie war a
communication from the Education
Department which in toy opinion. •
was pudtive proof that Inspector Tom
Ma Out cowp'y with tlt.� ,rxu:at.uur:
Attat•hew 10 this letter Also were stat;- etre. W. W.
listened to an iutereetinge der,oun
bull. The reverend gentleman drew ,e '
lesson from the parable",f Lives and
Lewitt, speaking more particularlt•
in ease of a math. Every man present,
todd`rt• of Fulton. urged to identity birnaelf with ease
'neut. IFOIU 1.441 peu.Cl).0 o •• I. flu., willoccu ,t o ul t of Knox
and G. M. S. which bore out for 1 p pl curl► oaltauizrtrou. Uuaing the court..
charge of partiality. In my , 101' .011 church next Sonde of the rector's remarks utterance was
the evidence went to show that in• ' The sermon topie.? at the jlaptiet Riven to a ,few wide thoughts on the
speetor Tom in both cases made rtuti•tchurch services nest Sunday, are : subject. He believed that every limn
uteuts to-th` council -which were not, Morning -•'Hurry, thud` Worry. or a uugbt to bequeath something to the
in Keeledunce with the facts. i.Preseet-day Vice." Evening-`Y.otLe chur.:b. '1',., often gifts to the chu'tch
It is puasibie teat. ked the council; Great Search for Man." The pastor, were the crumbs wbich fell from the`
leen half the attention to this mut- i Rev. t H. Jones,' Will preach at both table. The rector also expressed
amazewetit at the action of the town
ta.b and the cxunty oTHut•.n •
in granting such a miserable ilittdiioo
to Walde the support of .nth o; prrti.e.
worthy object as Alex:tndratlospital
one oft a noblest an stinstitutions
w r appee to public suppnrt. Hos'.
tee that, they gala I,O_tha. hantlult .1tL, awake*. !•:ver�•body welcome.
the Bedford. tbr. result might b ter A note from Rev. A. E. Jones, of Bel
been different. ---•(mons, fps. d--'7C'Ufjuiiti: arr Tits(�, Signal
I would draw thwsttention u1 itTur, stares that they have a beautiful par-
ed 11 h m hoof `
hi. new charite and be is enjoying the
readers. ...racially o1 the ramie school,
son .and two aphrOdul churches. at
trustees. t.. Inspeet..r Total a 1•t'ports 10 i +►K h bl d best
trustees. Wben visiting a e t,nol he
h'otu 1 bl'
wi prutsai►Ty dear nue fury, well. In work };realty' - pit+ir;itr tt»id, abe,ald tett tie de w11,t
hit report he will po'ahly say the ;The -ervi, es in V,e(onia'stret't Meth- ant on the crumb, of nee.
spelling it out up to the etandnrd. 1 odirt church next Sunday will heat 11 - - -r---- - \
would ask you. ready', ie that a re oieloci. in the .horning and 7 o'clock Thr, wnrld has a miania for layering
liable. report.. k it mit to the t,.:cber P in the evening. The {rotator. tt4.v. fh'. those whom he -dune -favors.
'bit fair to the pupils whop, he (lid' Medd, will prvviech, "Tb.' l'hange1ees Some people -,ire .et extravagant
not her al.ell ' ' } Christ" will be the morning .subject thttti they seem to talk Iner.11y for the
%not 1,. inat :.r ., t in i , t-0. t r•.• it. and in the evening the theme will be purp..tr of wasting word,.
ilio, .troeL lwt'rurk, rA uu.g huiu. ton tSat• `,•�mta'•b Scum keeping lo the nue yu
urday • • altIOn and lose his mental suppleness:
A. M. Robert -on and .1 W. Firth. of the i
l:ulleKtate In.t:(ut-e .not. 1. Kure to Toronto ' Oult as the physical abandon o1
ieeKoluiue,.aper.at the 11.1 timid. ut 1 1u- 1 laughter relaxes the muscles of the
I face, so the mental abandon of a good
a yl
Mn. 1 U. Wont.. ul To to, and • t.• tJlaltby fit of s(]llne*a relaxes the mutt
K dlurwn, of `et pe,,d.. si.trrw of L. Killorar'. ores i.f the mind.
of tuwu, are .pend,ng a week t the Park I
House. I Do you take yourself too seriously?
Mw• Jerrie ahauurn, of TI -•yore. tea.1... ' •Don't just read that ovei mechanic.
Mid .p r..• :\li, a :Sha man, of Herrin are .. t
t'un• humus of their •leer. W'. C- I ally. but answer it. Ito you, now?
t \'wuoou 4.r, sad yon don't and area t paste
her two Master. w
u,gx - +
1'ndh+.n,. And do you know how to be *Illy.
Mee. 111n, J. 1. T,i ,,bull. o I 1 f tb
lay M t Frank and tial r are
311 Varieties test German Colored
Post Cards
Thomson's Music
and Stationery Stare
The Weekly (;hale anti The yignnl
- - (t0 neW silt trrttterm for the remainder
of this year.f n.IPI cents.
1 -141. 2 Er -
Good relleble Watcher,,
Swim. made, leter r*-
capements, e n n m et 1
dials, :,tees wind and
stem set. These a r e
W ttichss._uut-cl u tike._
being made by the hest.
Swim watch - waken.
We guarantee these
Watches Inc one year.
the came al, our high-
grade Watches. Hee •
the display.._i H. u u r
We shall be closed Wednesday
afternoons during July a n d
Walter H. Harrison
Jeweller and (Iptieian.
On the Myrna,. (i,ilerich.
Tu; nbuiI the hlWay. with Dr. w s. wnd Nn. an len ni hrdy ge why don't who does and/earn' dud
Turnbull. \ .
Wm. Campbell a..1. Tor. to
thi. wee
meet his novhe
nt of
°reign. Stale .l.ritictilluro whop_ who
plowing through the city.
Mr. and Mot. Joseph Heide came up frorti
Tonne on Ure excur.lon lest riatunlar. Mr..
II+rle tenmlumK here fur a vtrn with her
mut her. Mr..,dneyd. y��
1'. J. Await,. havinK tethed from the peal -
tion of postmaster at Kiug� ridge, hen taxes
up residence in Uoderich. Ire and hi. faintly ,
are oceupyinU,the Hcl.regua hoax, Angleeea
.I reet. \
W . Dore, Mat\ operator and ticket clerk at
the (fraud Trunk .txtton, accompanied by. Mrs.
Dore. I, away o, a nol$t.y trip. The duet of '
Toronto. Hutthloand tllhic.ytoill be visited.
W. Craig. of Ursula. 1 relieving blur.,
Mr. and Mr.. Ilalsei Park and Miss Mar-
guerite I'a-k have left for their new home at
:iu•atfont. where Mr. Park ie engaging in.bwl-
now. Many friend, .n G derich are worry 10
WOO goat chirp..., but wish them -we Lest
of (attune W their now location.
na. d
1te.. ft. T. Kilpatrick aa,l M r-. Kilpatrick.. of
)crown City. Mich.. arrtved in town on Tue.-
•dar on their way loMr. itdpM.+tck'• old home iu
A.Laeld, where they purpose spending bdt-
Ing a did LIMO on the haeme y toe cwt. mak
for 5c
-Y'entrat t•mrk mad 1'onrt Hooter -
O. T. R. , ler �-
n Huron'. 5001.• --stet. Orono'''. Weiner -------
(strain Elevator.
K. ening at Harbor
Collegiate I,,,tit.'de
11*s F'Lhing
A country Road
I'uiul Farm Hotel
Lighthouse -
rine of (strain 1`e.44r-_ _
Maitland River Bridge
l . P. It. Station
- -Ormond View of (ioderieh- /harbor- -
Cit. -R. ArTetti, - __ . _ ---
Valley of Maitland
'River and Harbor
N'oatetrn Canada Floor At1)1M Co.
Ni,nset Ffdtrl
)lenmlller •
On the Maitland Hirer
-The Rha Meadow.
Harbor Perk •,
t••1, (ieorlrri s (:Mitch
St. flier's H. ('. Church
K not Presbyterian Cbmrlt
On the Lake
3 Long Panoramic Views
(tenernl t'Iew of Harbor, 12 litchi..
('ent.rat Park and Court House
Jab at Salvationist, Helped to Defeat
Labor Lawyer• O'Donoghue.
N does not pay for politicians. • t.i
speak carelessly, andit certainly be-
hooves the man seeking the pnpnlar
frauehise to Meat the Snivel' Army
with respect. lir. J. 0.-O'I)oi oghue,
the barrister who ran for South To
runt* on the labor ticket with the
1LIhw l suasnizg io at bit, beck. *aye
that lie wade this discovery w
went down to defeat :,enure Mr. A.
Claude- Maalonell, M.F.. at the• lsst
Federal elections. Two or three yearA
one or two so-called socialists.
vest. ere merely mideonteMs with
no form , rated economic vkws of any
kin•l, got into trouble with the retiree
by insisting 00 adttreaaing public
meetings at street cornere and retua-
Photo Stamp books be
t, Photo Stamp. of lioderich for :,•
20 Varieties -
1',etore Poet I •aid Views.• petaled
In Mark and white.
10 cards for 6c
$Mitten& Sfahnnrry
Latest Song.., Marches
and 1% -etEps
Thomson's Music and
Stationery Store
West Hide eflesennte, (ioderieh.
Mrs •T. F. Ileal r rural ,maL' earner
the Burbank district in Calif,nibi.
ose over ber tweuty-five intro 'route
.n automobUe which isbe bought
w tL her own earnings.
Mr- NIargaret i). Lyons bas beruap
It•irlted matron of the SLite Schou,
For the Blind it Rattail Rouge. La..
by (;i,vernor Saunders. Mrs. Lon'
,ham served as matron In the Maus
Held female college and in the Dixie
•seed; tny, besides filling a similar poet
to 11. • Protestant Orphan asylum to
• Sew Orleans.
84.: na Lagerl.'f. the Swedish writer
to t, .nm the Xot,el prize in literature
was warded this year, will' devote a
part •.f the money to the purchase of
a home on the >tarbacka estate, whet',
she .,as burp. The house which she
will nay war baUt by her grandfather
and through reverses fell into the
bands of strangers, from whom she
will buy 1L
Mrs. 'Maya Lockwood has written to
President Taft asking his opinion of
her plan to devote the Nobel peace
prize find, wbleb two years ago was
awarded to Mr. Roosevelt, to aiding
the striking shirt weist girls in New
'fork and Philadelphia. Mr. Roose-
velt turned the money over to a ems.
mitten on industrial peace, and liras_
Lockwood is trying to Interest this
committee In the shirt waist makers.
waw -tom
An Unparalleled Chance to Buy a
WASH SUIT is Yours on Saturday
This, has not been as gObd .! season
for Wash Suits as the ma utacttlr-
er• Anticipated. The cols, back-
ward spring kept sales doWo all
over the country. As a conse-
quence, they have now more on
hand than they .want or 'should .
have at this season and are ready to
clear the surplus at hig,,reductions.
That means cheap W Suits for
people . who want the , • Last
'week we were offered • Clearing
lot''at little' over the all -price
mark. Saturday_we will -Lit two
dozen handsome Suits- on sale 'at
prices (lecidedly saving. .' 11 are
this season's best styles welt
tailored and perfect in every way.
The cold weather of Apri and
N1av makes it possible for to
give you these bargains
\ s
ilfjr ��11
S1 �r
rupteef by the men in uniform. They
were arrested and were defended by
Mr.- (t L)Onogleuw. who is cottnael for
whew -they
gat into trouble. In the Police Court.
in combatting the allegation that
these orators were a public- nuisance
to ,those doing Weiner'. in the vicin-
ity. of their meetings. he remarked
that they were no more of a nniseet.*
than the Salvation, Army with ,t. out-
door serviree. of words ko that effect.
The remark watt made oft hand with
-no desire to offend the -rehg s cern-
VictinoM 0( anyone,,. hut with a view
to helping his limit... An eveni,lg
paper. however. being short of a tab-
ject took it up editorially. and ad-
ministered a mitigation to Mr.
O'lionogtiue for speaking die:respects
fully about the Army
The episode Ina apparently forgot-
ten by the tines that the ele'rt,on. of
1101 belt& on and Mr l) l►otw.ghto.
found himself a ,'arxtelate. making w
house-to-bouss canvass in South. To-
,ionto. is which tete electorate ie al-
most without exception poor. Then
bs found that the casual remarks
thoughtlessly made in the Poh; e
(teurt had proven veritable drneon's
teeth and had rouged up a hew( of
enemies. He sneo®asred the store
that he was an seamy of the Salva-
tion Army on all sidss, and manv of
the poorer classes 0 his constituents
were outraged at Use idea.
"1 attribute else theme wee
d r more
than anything
jority asainat ma," saad lir. O'1,0.1,
•e114110 re0o11►y
Decoration For Tabl. Center.
A pretty idea M to nee a huge satin
Station rose as a centerpiece for the
twicbeon or dinner table. Prom the
Wash Suits at $3.35 1'' Wash Suits $4.75 -
These snit, are made ffom
fine quality ' English Kepp,
Ladies' new TWash••Suit •. trimmedwith pearl buttons
tailored garment-, plain 1and -ti a{,pings. The style
white, plain bice or fancy is one- -.4 the best shown this
stripes, well made, good season. We have them in
styles and very serviceable. • chanmpagne, sky blue or
Regular value up to $5IM): plain white. 416. 75 would be
a moderate price for them.
Saturday morning eight or • Saturday morning seven or
Knill at, per $3.35 eight o to sell at, $4.75
tenter of this large roee ere arranged
a few ?rondo of aeparagus fern. and
mate, etnime the cireumfereuce of Om
What tho Doctor Did.
4.I1.4rat-e Libyan has a little :laugh
ter tt h.. lunin't been well recently 'rhe
other tray • physician wii• (Ailed to
the Ullyett Milne te see her. He ex-
amined the WU with the nld of a
siethescoom When her father came
Lotto), had saki
"Nothin'." replier' the little girt
"Moat did he dor asked Mr. Trb
nia hire telephoning me all even.'
'ems Meath's reply.
c Muslim; anti Suitings 23c
-A-tableful -of --good things at
each price for you to pick from
Saturday. If you appreci
real genuine bargain, come and
. look them over. On the 1* table -
are Scotch Ginghams,__Muslios„
terns suitableNfor waists, dresses
_ or_ __chil5iren's garments. On the
23E ,ita6le you 41i41---find-
Suitings, Muslins fine Scotch
Zephyrs in all t'he fashionable
colorings and dozens of good
patterns. Regular price up to 45c
the yard:
At I
Mind! ed yarde fancy Wash Materials
fast colors, regular value up to Ihc. i
Choice Saturday morning. per yard. .. 1 12C
At 23c
Four hundred yards Wash Dress Goods -
linen suitings in pinks, blues, mauves. gray
groenm, handsome deeigna in fine French
*line nnti some Petra good Scotch ginghamus
and Zetiny s. A lean -up of lines thet sold
tip to 4tic. Choice of a tAbleful Saturday #113
Very Handsome
Suits x6.55
We hese jest a b 1111 1.
half -a dozen of this line,
Ade from the hest quelity
ported Engli,.h H e p p.
ndeomely trimmed with
insertion, pearl buttons.
t rut in one of t h
's best design., white
Into. Settirdaylnnrnintr
you can bray Leese han,I- one
at, e a c h $6.85
This Week in the
Milliner), Department
,24 Untrimmed . Shapes at 25c
Mack Dress Hats at $2.65,
worth $4.50
department him to offer for Saturday. They
g0a4 en ring us. &busy day.
There. are stiff enieugh of those underbought
ahapes to keep up the sale of the children'.
lad We' trii&Tri Hats at, El .9S. wort h 113.50, -
Values in town, and wouldn't he if we hadn't
bought the shapes at a fraction or the regular
'palm% We emphasize specialk this week the
Untrimmed Shapes 25c
- Twenty-four untrimmed Shapes, mostly
dark colorings. every one new this season.
Regular SIM 112.00. Choice Saturday 25c
iiiimws at 25e, !And Black liar.
Black Dress Hats $2.65
Fifteen only ladies' Blnek MORA HAIR, rOMW
shApeik, all of them trimmed with chiffon,
flowers. ornaments and wings. Very hen&
some and stylish Hats they are. Regular
*4.50 value. Saturday inocning. $2.65